1 import std/os
2 import std/typetraits
3 import std/strformat
4 import std/strutils
5 import std/streams
7 import ./core
8 import ./resources
10 {.emit: "#define STB_IMAGE_STATIC".}
11 {.emit: "#define STB_IMAGE_IMPLEMENTATION".}
12 {.
13 emit: "#include \"" & currentSourcePath.parentDir() & "/thirdparty/stb/stb_image.h\""
14 .}
16 proc stbi_load_from_memory(
17 buffer: ptr uint8,
18 len: cint,
19 x, y: ptr cint,
20 channels_in_file: ptr cint,
21 desired_channels: cint,
22 ): ptr uint8 {.importc, nodecl.}
24 func `$`*[S, IsArray](img: ImageObject[S, IsArray]): string =
25 let pixelTypeName = S.name
26 if IsArray == false:
27 $img.width & "x" & $img.height & " " & pixelTypeName
28 else:
29 $img.width & "x" & $img.height & "[" & $img.nLayers & "] " & pixelTypeName
31 func copy*[S, T](img: ImageObject[S, T]): ImageObject[S, T] =
32 for bf, rf in fields(img, result):
33 rf = bf
35 # loads single layer image
36 proc loadImageData*[T: PixelType](
37 pngData: string | seq[uint8]
38 ): tuple[width: uint32, height: uint32, data: seq[T]] =
39 when T is Gray:
40 let nChannels = 1.cint
41 elif T is BGRA:
42 let nChannels = 4.cint
44 var w, h, c: cint
46 let data = stbi_load_from_memory(
47 buffer = cast[ptr uint8](pngData.ToCPointer),
48 len = pngData.len.cint,
49 x = addr(w),
50 y = addr(h),
51 channels_in_file = addr(c),
52 desired_channels = nChannels,
53 )
54 if data == nil:
55 raise newException(Exception, "An error occured while loading PNG file")
57 let imagesize = w * h * nChannels
58 result = (width: w.uint32, height: h.uint32, data: newSeq[T](w * h))
59 copyMem(result.data.ToCPointer, data, imagesize)
60 nativeFree(data)
62 when T is BGRA: # convert to BGRA
63 for i in 0 ..< result.data.len:
64 swap(result.data[i][0], result.data[i][2])
66 # TODO: static versions to check for existing of files during compilation
67 proc addImage*[T: PixelType](imageArray: var ImageArray[T], image: sink Image[T]) =
68 assert image.width == imageArray.width,
69 &"Image needs to have same dimension as ImageArray to be added (array has {imageArray.width}x{imageArray.height} but image has {image.width}x{image.height})"
70 assert image.height == imageArray.height,
71 &"Image needs to have same dimension as ImageArray to be added (array has {imageArray.width}x{imageArray.height} but image has {image.width}x{image.height})"
73 inc imageArray.nLayers
74 imageArray.data.add image.data
76 proc `[]`*(image: Image, x, y: uint32): auto =
77 assert x < image.width, &"{x} < {image.width} is not true"
78 assert y < image.height, &"{y} < {image.height} is not true"
80 image.data[y * image.width + x]
82 proc `[]=`*[T](image: var Image[T], x, y: uint32, value: T) =
83 assert x < image.width
84 assert y < image.height
86 image.data[y * image.width + x] = value
88 proc `[]`*(image: ImageArray, layer, x, y: uint32): auto =
89 assert layer < image.nLayers,
90 &"Tried to access image layer {layer}, but image has only {image.nLayers} layers"
91 assert x < image.width,
92 &"Tried to access pixel coordinate {(x, y)} but image has size {(image.width, image.height)}"
93 assert y < image.height,
94 &"Tried to access pixel coordinate {(x, y)} but image has size {(image.width, image.height)}"
96 image.data[layer * (image.width * image.height) + y * image.width + x]
98 proc `[]=`*[T](image: var ImageArray[T], layer, x, y: uint32, value: T) =
99 assert layer < image.nLayers,
100 &"Tried to access image layer {layer}, but image has only {image.nLayers} layers"
101 assert x < image.width,
102 &"Tried to access pixel coordinate {(x, y)} but image has size {(image.width, image.height)}"
103 assert y < image.height,
104 &"Tried to access pixel coordinate {(x, y)} but image has size {(image.width, image.height)}"
106 image.data[layer * (image.width * image.height) + y * image.width + x] = value
108 # stb_image.h has no encoding support, maybe check stb_image_write or similar
109 #
110 # proc lodepng_encode_memory(out_data: ptr cstring, outsize: ptr csize_t, image: cstring, w: cuint, h: cuint, colorType: cint, bitdepth: cuint): cuint {.importc.}
111 #
112 #[
113 proc toPNG[T: PixelType](image: Image[T]): seq[uint8] =
114 when T is Gray:
115 let pngType = 0 # hardcoded in lodepng.h
116 else:
117 let pngType = 6 # hardcoded in lodepng.h
118 var
119 pngData: cstring
120 pngSize: csize_t
121 for y in 0 ..< image.height:
122 for x in 0 ..< image.width:
123 discard
124 let ret = lodepng_encode_memory(
125 addr pngData,
126 addr pngSize,
127 cast[cstring](image.imagedata.ToCPointer),
128 cuint(image.width),
129 cuint(image.height),
130 cint(pngType),
131 8,
132 )
133 assert ret == 0, &"There was an error with generating the PNG data for image {image}, result was: {ret}"
134 result = newSeq[uint8](pngSize)
135 for i in 0 ..< pngSize:
136 result[i] = uint8(pngData[i])
137 nativeFree(pngData)
139 proc WritePNG*(image: Image, filename: string) =
140 let f = filename.open(mode = fmWrite)
141 let data = image.toPNG()
142 let written = f.writeBytes(data, 0, data.len)
143 assert written == data.len, &"There was an error while saving '{filename}': only {written} of {data.len} bytes were written"
144 f.close()
145 ]#
147 proc loadImage*[T: PixelType](
148 path: string, package = DEFAULT_PACKAGE
149 ): Image[T] {.gcsafe.} =
150 assert path.splitFile().ext.toLowerAscii == ".png",
151 "Unsupported image type: " & path.splitFile().ext.toLowerAscii
153 let (width, height, data) =
154 loadImageData[T](loadResource_intern(path, package = package).readAll())
155 result = Image[T](width: width, height: height, data: data)
157 proc loadImageArray*[T: PixelType](
158 paths: openArray[string], package = DEFAULT_PACKAGE
159 ): ImageArray[T] {.gcsafe.} =
160 assert paths.len > 0, "Image array cannot contain 0 images"
161 for path in paths:
162 assert path.splitFile().ext.toLowerAscii == ".png",
163 "Unsupported image type: " & path.splitFile().ext.toLowerAscii
165 let (width, height, data) =
166 loadImageData[T](loadResource_intern(paths[0], package = package).readAll())
167 result =
168 ImageArray[T](width: width, height: height, data: data, nLayers: paths.len.uint32)
169 for path in paths[1 .. ^1]:
170 let (w, h, data) =
171 loadImageData[T](loadResource_intern(path, package = package).readAll())
172 assert w == result.width,
173 "New image layer has dimension {(w, y)} but image has dimension {(result.width, result.height)}"
174 assert h == result.height,
175 "New image layer has dimension {(w, y)} but image has dimension {(result.width, result.height)}"
176 result.data.add data
178 proc loadImageArray*[T: PixelType](
179 path: string, tilesize: uint32, package = DEFAULT_PACKAGE
180 ): ImageArray[T] {.gcsafe.} =
181 assert path.splitFile().ext.toLowerAscii == ".png",
182 "Unsupported image type: " & path.splitFile().ext.toLowerAscii
184 let (width, height, data) =
185 loadImageData[T](loadResource_intern(path, package = package).readAll())
186 let tilesY = height div tilesize
188 result = ImageArray[T](width: tilesize, height: tilesize)
189 var tile = newSeq[T](tilesize * tilesize)
191 for ty in 0 ..< tilesY:
192 for tx in 0 ..< tilesY:
193 var hasNonTransparent = when T is BGRA: false else: true
194 let baseI = ty * tilesize * width + tx * tilesize
195 for y in 0 ..< tilesize:
196 for x in 0 ..< tilesize:
197 tile[y * tilesize + x] = data[baseI + y * width + x]
198 when T is BGRA:
199 hasNonTransparent = hasNonTransparent or tile[y * tilesize + x].a > 0
200 if hasNonTransparent:
201 result.data.add tile
202 result.nLayers.inc