diff examples/E03_hello_cube.nim @ 602:0d8858aa0671

did: migrate to new engine version
author Sam <sam@basx.dev>
date Sat, 22 Apr 2023 17:34:59 +0700
parents 21c276c0a968
children f41c1b78cf5b
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/examples/E03_hello_cube.nim	Sat Apr 22 17:34:42 2023 +0700
+++ b/examples/E03_hello_cube.nim	Sat Apr 22 17:34:59 2023 +0700
@@ -13,48 +13,15 @@
 import semicongine
-  # define type of vertex
-  VertexDataA = object
-    position: PositionAttribute[Vec3]
-    color: ColorAttribute[Vec3]
-  Uniforms = object
-    model: Descriptor[Mat44]
-    view: Descriptor[Mat44]
-    projection: Descriptor[Mat44]
-  pipeline: RenderPipeline[VertexDataA, Uniforms]
-  uniforms: Uniforms
-proc globalUpdate(engine: var Engine, t, dt: float32) =
-  let ratio = float32(engine.vulkan.frameSize.y) / float32(
-      engine.vulkan.frameSize.x)
-  uniforms.model.value = translate3d(0'f32, 0'f32, 10'f32) * rotate3d(t,
-      Yf32) #  * rotate3d(float32(PI), Yf32)
-  uniforms.view.value = Unit44f32
-  uniforms.projection.value = Mat44(data: [
-    ratio, 0'f32, 0'f32, 0'f32,
-    0'f32, 1'f32, 0'f32, 0'f32,
-    0'f32, 0'f32, 1'f32, 0'f32,
-    0'f32, 0'f32, 0'f32, 1'f32,
-  ])
-  uniforms.projection.value = perspective(float32(PI / 4), float32(
-      engine.vulkan.frameSize.x) / float32(
-      engine.vulkan.frameSize.y), 0.1'f32, 100'f32)
-  engine.vulkan.device.updateUniformData(pipeline, uniforms)
-  TopLeftFront = Vec3([-0.5'f32, -0.5'f32, -0.5'f32])
-  TopRightFront = Vec3([0.5'f32, -0.5'f32, -0.5'f32])
-  BottomRightFront = Vec3([0.5'f32, 0.5'f32, -0.5'f32])
-  BottomLeftFront = Vec3([-0.5'f32, 0.5'f32, -0.5'f32])
-  TopLeftBack = Vec3([0.5'f32, -0.5'f32, 0.5'f32])
-  TopRightBack = Vec3([-0.5'f32, -0.5'f32, 0.5'f32])
-  BottomRightBack = Vec3([-0.5'f32, 0.5'f32, 0.5'f32])
-  BottomLeftBack = Vec3([0.5'f32, 0.5'f32, 0.5'f32])
+  TopLeftFront = newVec3f(-0.5'f32, -0.5'f32, -0.5'f32)
+  TopRightFront = newVec3f(0.5'f32, -0.5'f32, -0.5'f32)
+  BottomRightFront = newVec3f(0.5'f32, 0.5'f32, -0.5'f32)
+  BottomLeftFront = newVec3f(-0.5'f32, 0.5'f32, -0.5'f32)
+  TopLeftBack = newVec3f(0.5'f32, -0.5'f32, 0.5'f32)
+  TopRightBack = newVec3f(-0.5'f32, -0.5'f32, 0.5'f32)
+  BottomRightBack = newVec3f(-0.5'f32, 0.5'f32, 0.5'f32)
+  BottomLeftBack = newVec3f(0.5'f32, 0.5'f32, 0.5'f32)
   cube_pos = @[
     TopLeftFront, TopRightFront, BottomRightFront, BottomLeftFront, # front
@@ -80,30 +47,60 @@
   tris.add [off + 2'u16, off + 3'u16, off + 0'u16]
 when isMainModule:
-  var myengine = igniteEngine("Hello cube")
-  # build a mesh
-  var trianglemesh = new Mesh[VertexDataA, uint16]
-  trianglemesh.indexed = true
-  trianglemesh.vertexData = VertexDataA(
-    position: PositionAttribute[Vec3](data: cube_pos),
-    color: ColorAttribute[Vec3](data: cube_color),
-  )
-  trianglemesh.indices = tris
-  var cube = newThing("cube", trianglemesh)
+  var myengine = initEngine("Hello cube")
-  # upload data, prepare shaders, etc
-  const vertexShader = generateVertexShaderCode[VertexDataA, Uniforms]("""
-  out_position = (uniforms.projection * uniforms.view * uniforms.model) * vec4(in_position, 1);
-  """)
-  const fragmentShader = generateFragmentShaderCode[VertexDataA]()
-  pipeline = setupPipeline[VertexDataA, Uniforms, uint16](
-    myengine,
-    cube,
-    vertexShader,
-    fragmentShader
-  )
-  # show something
-  myengine.run(pipeline, globalUpdate)
-  pipeline.trash()
-  myengine.trash()
+  const
+    vertexInput = @[
+      attr[Vec3f]("position", memoryLocation=VRAM),
+      attr[Vec3f]("color", memoryLocation=VRAMVisible),
+    ]
+    vertexOutput = @[attr[Vec3f]("outcolor")]
+    uniforms = @[
+      attr[Mat4]("projection"),
+      attr[Mat4]("view"),
+      attr[Mat4]("model"),
+    ]
+    fragOutput = @[attr[Vec4f]("color")]
+    vertexCode = compileGlslShader(
+      inputs=vertexInput,
+      uniforms=uniforms,
+      outputs=vertexOutput,
+      main="""outcolor = color; gl_Position = (Uniforms.projection * Uniforms.view * Uniforms.model) * vec4(position, 1);"""
+    )
+    fragmentCode = compileGlslShader(
+      inputs=vertexOutput,
+      uniforms=uniforms,
+      outputs=fragOutput,
+      main="color = vec4(outcolor, 1);"
+    )
+  myengine.setRenderer(myengine.gpuDevice.simpleForwardRenderPass(vertexCode, fragmentCode))
+  var
+    projection = initShaderGlobal("projection", Unit4f32)
+    view = initShaderGlobal("view", Unit4f32)
+    model = initShaderGlobal("model", Unit4f32)
+    cube = newEntity("cube", newMesh(positions=cube_pos, indices=tris, colors=cube_color))
+  cube.components.add projection
+  cube.components.add view
+  cube.components.add model
+  myengine.addScene(cube, vertexInput)
+  var t: float32 = cpuTime()
+  while myengine.running and not myengine.keyWasPressed(Escape):
+    myengine.updateInputs()
+    setValue[Mat4](model.value, translate3d(0'f32, 0'f32, 10'f32) * rotate3d(t, Yf32))
+    setValue[Mat4](
+      projection.value,
+      perspective(
+        float32(PI / 4),
+        float32(myengine.getWindow().size[0]) / float32(myengine.getWindow().size[0]),
+        0.1'f32,
+        100'f32
+      )
+    )
+    t = cpuTime()
+    myengine.renderScene(cube)
+  myengine.destroy()