diff semiconginev2/old/panel.nim @ 1227:4d97cfc4888b

author sam <sam@basx.dev>
date Wed, 17 Jul 2024 23:45:43 +0700
parents 56781cc0fc7c
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/semiconginev2/old/panel.nim	Wed Jul 17 23:45:43 2024 +0700
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+import std/strformat
+import std/tables
+import ./core
+import ./mesh
+import ./material
+import ./vulkan/shader
+import ./events
+  # font shader
+  SHADER_ATTRIB_PREFIX = "semicon_panel_"
+  PANEL_MATERIAL_TYPE* = MaterialType(
+    name: "default-panel-material-type",
+    vertexAttributes: {POSITION_ATTRIB: Vec3F32, UV_ATTRIB: Vec2F32}.toTable,
+    instanceAttributes: {TRANSFORM_ATTRIB: Mat4F32, MATERIALINDEX_ATTRIBUTE: UInt16}.toTable,
+    attributes: {"panelTexture": TextureType, "color": Vec4F32}.toTable,
+  )
+  PANEL_SHADER* = CreateShaderConfiguration(
+    name = "panel shader",
+    inputs = [
+      Attr[Mat4](TRANSFORM_ATTRIB, memoryPerformanceHint = PreferFastWrite, perInstance = true),
+      Attr[Vec3f](POSITION_ATTRIB, memoryPerformanceHint = PreferFastWrite),
+      Attr[Vec2f](UV_ATTRIB, memoryPerformanceHint = PreferFastWrite),
+      Attr[uint16](MATERIALINDEX_ATTRIBUTE, memoryPerformanceHint = PreferFastRead, perInstance = true),
+    ],
+    intermediates = [
+      Attr[Vec2f]("uvFrag"),
+      Attr[uint16]("materialIndexOut", noInterpolation = true)
+    ],
+    outputs = [Attr[Vec4f]("color")],
+    uniforms = [Attr[Vec4f]("color", arrayCount = MAX_PANEL_MATERIALS), Attr[float32](ASPECT_RATIO_ATTRIBUTE)],
+    samplers = [Attr[Texture]("panelTexture", arrayCount = MAX_PANEL_MATERIALS)],
+    vertexCode = &"""
+  uvFrag = {UV_ATTRIB};
+  materialIndexOut = {MATERIALINDEX_ATTRIBUTE};
+  """,
+    fragmentCode = &"""color = Uniforms.color[materialIndexOut] * texture(panelTexture[materialIndexOut], uvFrag);"""
+  )
+var instanceCounter = 0
+  Panel* = object
+    texture: Texture
+    horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment = Center
+    verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment = Center
+    dirty: bool
+    mesh*: Mesh
+    # input handling
+    onMouseDown*: proc(panel: var Panel, buttons: set[MouseButton])
+    onMouseUp*: proc(panel: var Panel, buttons: set[MouseButton])
+    onMouseEnter*: proc(panel: var Panel)
+    onMouseMove*: proc(panel: var Panel)
+    onMouseLeave*: proc(panel: var Panel)
+    hasMouse*: bool
+proc `$`*(panel: Panel): string =
+  &"Panel {panel.mesh}"
+proc Refresh*(panel: var Panel) =
+  if not panel.dirty:
+    return
+  var
+    offsetX = case panel.horizontalAlignment
+      of Left: 0.5
+      of Center: 0
+      of Right: -0.5
+    offsetY = case panel.verticalAlignment
+      of Top: 0.5
+      of Center: 0
+      of Bottom: -0.5
+  panel.mesh[POSITION_ATTRIB, 0] = NewVec3f(-0.5 + offsetX, -0.5 + offsetY)
+  panel.mesh[POSITION_ATTRIB, 1] = NewVec3f(+0.5 + offsetX, -0.5 + offsetY)
+  panel.mesh[POSITION_ATTRIB, 2] = NewVec3f(+0.5 + offsetX, +0.5 + offsetY)
+  panel.mesh[POSITION_ATTRIB, 3] = NewVec3f(-0.5 + offsetX, +0.5 + offsetY)
+  panel.dirty = false
+proc InitPanel*(
+  transform = Unit4,
+  color = NewVec4f(1, 1, 1, 1),
+  texture = EMPTY_TEXTURE,
+  horizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center,
+  verticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center,
+  onMouseDown: proc(panel: var Panel, buttons: set[MouseButton]) = nil,
+  onMouseUp: proc(panel: var Panel, buttons: set[MouseButton]) = nil,
+  onMouseEnter: proc(panel: var Panel) = nil,
+  onMouseMove: proc(panel: var Panel) = nil,
+  onMouseLeave: proc(panel: var Panel) = nil,
+): Panel =
+  result = Panel(
+    texture: texture,
+    horizontalAlignment: horizontalAlignment,
+    verticalAlignment: verticalAlignment,
+    onMouseDown: onMouseDown,
+    onMouseUp: onMouseUp,
+    onMouseEnter: onMouseEnter,
+    onMouseMove: onMouseMove,
+    onMouseLeave: onMouseLeave,
+    dirty: true,
+  )
+  result.mesh = NewMesh(
+    name = &"panel-{instanceCounter}",
+    positions = newSeq[Vec3f](4),
+    indices = @[
+      [uint16(0), uint16(1), uint16(2)],
+      [uint16(2), uint16(3), uint16(0)],
+    ],
+    uvs = @[NewVec2f(0, 1), NewVec2f(1, 1), NewVec2f(1, 0), NewVec2f(0, 0)],
+    transform = transform
+  )
+  result.mesh[].RenameAttribute("position", POSITION_ATTRIB)
+  result.mesh[].RenameAttribute("uv", UV_ATTRIB)
+  result.mesh.material = InitMaterialData(
+    name = "Panel material",
+    attributes = {"panelTexture": InitDataList(@[texture]), "color": InitDataList(@[color])},
+  )
+  inc instanceCounter
+  result.Refresh()
+proc Color*(panel: Panel): Vec4f =
+  panel.mesh.material["color", 0, Vec4f]
+proc `color=`*(panel: var Panel, value: Vec4f) =
+  if value != panel.mesh.material["color", 0, Vec4f]:
+    panel.mesh.material["color", 0] = value
+proc HorizontalAlignment*(panel: Panel): HorizontalAlignment =
+  panel.horizontalAlignment
+proc `horizontalAlignment=`*(panel: var Panel, value: HorizontalAlignment) =
+  if value != panel.horizontalAlignment:
+    panel.horizontalAlignment = value
+    panel.dirty = true
+proc VerticalAlignment*(panel: Panel): VerticalAlignment =
+  panel.verticalAlignment
+proc `verticalAlignment=`*(panel: var Panel, value: VerticalAlignment) =
+  if value != panel.verticalAlignment:
+    panel.verticalAlignment = value
+    panel.dirty = true
+proc Contains*(panel: Panel, p: Vec2f, aspectRatio: float32): bool =
+  let
+    cursor = panel.mesh.transform.Inversed * p.ToVec3
+    p1 = panel.mesh[POSITION_ATTRIB, 0, Vec3f]
+    p2 = panel.mesh[POSITION_ATTRIB, 2, Vec3f]
+    left = min(p1.x, p2.x)
+    right = max(p1.x, p2.x)
+    top = min(p1.y * aspectRatio, p2.y * aspectRatio)
+    bottom = max(p1.y * aspectRatio, p2.y * aspectRatio)
+  return left <= cursor.x and cursor.x <= right and top <= cursor.y and cursor.y <= bottom