diff semiconginev2/old/resources/image.nim @ 1227:4d97cfc4888b

author sam <sam@basx.dev>
date Wed, 17 Jul 2024 23:45:43 +0700
parents 56781cc0fc7c
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/semiconginev2/old/resources/image.nim	Wed Jul 17 23:45:43 2024 +0700
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+import std/os
+# import std/syncio
+import std/streams
+import std/bitops
+import std/strformat
+import ../core/imagetypes
+import ../core/utils
+const COMPRESSION_BI_RGB = 0'u32
+  BitmapFileHeader = object
+    magicbytes: array[2, char]
+    filesize: uint32
+    reserved1: uint16
+    reserved2: uint16
+    dataStart: uint32
+  DIBHeader = object
+    headersize: uint32
+    width: int32
+    height: int32
+    colorPlanes: uint16
+    bitsPerPixel: uint16
+    compression: uint32
+    imageDataSize: uint32                 # unused
+    resolutionX: int32                    # unused
+    resolutionY: int32                    # unused
+    nColors: uint32                       # unused
+    nImportantColors: uint32              # unused
+    bitMaskRed: uint32
+    bitMaskGreen: uint32
+    bitMaskBlue: uint32
+    bitMaskAlpha: uint32
+    colorSpace: array[4, char]            # not used yet
+    colorSpaceEndpoints: array[36, uint8] # unused
+    gammaRed: uint32                      # not used yet
+    gammaGreen: uint32                    # not used yet
+    gammaBlue: uint32                     # not used yet
+proc ReadBMP*(stream: Stream): Image[RGBAPixel] =
+  var
+    bitmapFileHeader: BitmapFileHeader
+    dibHeader: DIBHeader
+  for name, value in fieldPairs(bitmapFileHeader):
+    stream.read(value)
+  if bitmapFileHeader.magicbytes != ['B', 'M']:
+    raise newException(Exception, "Cannot open image, invalid magic bytes (is this really a BMP bitmap?)")
+  for name, value in fieldPairs(dibHeader):
+    when name in ["bitMaskRed", "bitMaskGreen", "bitMaskBlue"]:
+        stream.read(value)
+    elif name == "bitMaskAlpha":
+      if dibHeader.compression == COMPRESSION_BI_ALPHABITFIELDS:
+        stream.read(value)
+    else:
+      stream.read(value)
+    when name == "headersize":
+      if value != 124:
+        raise newException(Exception, "Cannot open image, only BITMAPV5 supported")
+    elif name == "colorPlanes":
+      assert value == 1
+    elif name == "bitsPerPixel":
+      if not (value in [24'u16, 32'u16]):
+        raise newException(Exception, "Cannot open image, only depth of 24 and 32 supported")
+    elif name == "compression":
+      if not (value in [0'u32, 3'u32]):
+        raise newException(Exception, "Cannot open image, only BI_RGB and BI_BITFIELDS are supported compressions")
+    elif name == "colorSpace":
+      swap(value[0], value[3])
+      swap(value[1], value[2])
+  stream.setPosition(int(bitmapFileHeader.dataStart))
+  var
+    padding = ((int32(dibHeader.bitsPerPixel div 8)) * dibHeader.width) mod 4
+    data = newSeq[RGBAPixel](dibHeader.width * abs(dibHeader.height))
+  if padding > 0:
+    padding = 4 - padding
+  for row in 0 ..< abs(dibHeader.height):
+    for col in 0 ..< dibHeader.width:
+      var pixel: RGBAPixel = [0'u8, 0'u8, 0'u8, 255'u8]
+      # if we got channeld bitmasks
+        var value = stream.readUint32()
+        pixel[0] = uint8((value and dibHeader.bitMaskRed) shr dibHeader.bitMaskRed.countTrailingZeroBits)
+        pixel[1] = uint8((value and dibHeader.bitMaskGreen) shr dibHeader.bitMaskGreen.countTrailingZeroBits)
+        pixel[2] = uint8((value and dibHeader.bitMaskBlue) shr dibHeader.bitMaskBlue.countTrailingZeroBits)
+        if dibHeader.compression == COMPRESSION_BI_ALPHABITFIELDS:
+          pixel[3] = uint8((value and dibHeader.bitMaskAlpha) shr dibHeader.bitMaskAlpha.countTrailingZeroBits)
+      # if we got plain RGB(A), using little endian
+      elif dibHeader.compression == COMPRESSION_BI_RGB:
+        let nChannels = int(dibHeader.bitsPerPixel) div 8
+        for i in 1 .. nChannels:
+          stream.read(pixel[nChannels - i])
+      else:
+        raise newException(Exception, "Cannot open image, only BI_RGB and BI_BITFIELDS are supported compressions")
+      # determine whether we read top-to-bottom or bottom-to-top
+      var row_mult: int = (if dibHeader.height < 0: row else: dibHeader.height - row - 1)
+      data[row_mult * dibHeader.width + col] = pixel
+    stream.setPosition(stream.getPosition() + padding)
+  result = NewImage(width = dibHeader.width.uint32, height = abs(dibHeader.height).uint32, imagedata = data)
+{.compile: currentSourcePath.parentDir() & "/lodepng.c".}
+proc lodepng_decode32(out_data: ptr cstring, w: ptr cuint, h: ptr cuint, in_data: cstring, insize: csize_t): cuint {.importc.}
+proc lodepng_encode_memory(out_data: ptr cstring, outsize: ptr csize_t, image: cstring, w: cuint, h: cuint, colorType: cint, bitdepth: cuint): cuint {.importc.}
+proc free(p: pointer) {.importc.} # for some reason the lodepng pointer can only properly be freed with the native free
+proc ReadPNG*(stream: Stream): Image[RGBAPixel] =
+  let indata = stream.readAll()
+  var w, h: cuint
+  var data: cstring
+  if lodepng_decode32(out_data = addr data, w = addr w, h = addr h, in_data = cstring(indata), insize = csize_t(indata.len)) != 0:
+    raise newException(Exception, "An error occured while loading PNG file")
+  let imagesize = w * h * 4
+  var imagedata = newSeq[RGBAPixel](w * h)
+  copyMem(addr imagedata[0], data, imagesize)
+  free(data)
+  result = NewImage(width = w, height = h, imagedata = imagedata)
+proc ToPNG*[T: Pixel](image: Image[T]): seq[uint8] =
+  when T is GrayPixel:
+    let pngType = 0 # hardcoded in lodepng.h
+  else:
+    let pngType = 6 # hardcoded in lodepng.h
+  var
+    pngData: cstring
+    pngSize: csize_t
+  for y in 0 ..< image.height:
+    for x in 0 ..< image.width:
+      discard
+  let ret = lodepng_encode_memory(
+    addr pngData,
+    addr pngSize,
+    cast[cstring](image.imagedata.ToCPointer),
+    cuint(image.width),
+    cuint(image.height),
+    cint(pngType),
+    8,
+  )
+  assert ret == 0, &"There was an error with generating the PNG data for image {image}, result was: {ret}"
+  result = newSeq[uint8](pngSize)
+  for i in 0 ..< pngSize:
+    result[i] = uint8(pngData[i])
+  free(pngData)
+proc WritePNG*[T: Pixel](image: Image[T], filename: string) =
+  let f = filename.open(mode = fmWrite)
+  let data = image.toPNG()
+  let written = f.writeBytes(data, 0, data.len)
+  assert written == data.len, &"There was an error while saving '{filename}': only {written} of {data.len} bytes were written"
+  f.close()