diff semiconginev2/thirdparty/x11/xtst.nim @ 1227:4d97cfc4888b

author sam <sam@basx.dev>
date Wed, 17 Jul 2024 23:45:43 +0700
parents 56781cc0fc7c
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/semiconginev2/thirdparty/x11/xtst.nim	Wed Jul 17 23:45:43 2024 +0700
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+import x, xlib, xinput
+  libXtst = "libXtst.so(.6|)"
+  recordName* = "RECORD"
+  recordMajorVersion* = 1
+  recordMinorVersion* = 13
+  recordLowestMajorVersion* = 1
+  recordLowestMinorVersion* = 12
+  xRecordBadContext* = 0
+  recordNumErrors* = xRecordBadContext + 1
+  recordNumEvents* = 0
+  xRecordFromServerTime* = 0x01
+  xRecordFromClientTime* = 0x02
+  xRecordFromClientSequence* = 0x04
+  xRecordCurrentClients* = 1
+  xRecordFutureClients* = 2
+  xRecordAllClients* = 3
+  XRecordFromServer* = 0
+  XRecordFromClient* = 1
+  XRecordClientStarted* = 2
+  XRecordClientDied* = 3
+  XRecordStartOfData* = 4
+  XRecordEndOfData* = 5
+  PXRecordClientSpec* = ptr XRecordClientSpec
+  XRecordClientSpec* = culong
+  PXRecordContext* = ptr XRecordContext
+  XRecordContext* = culong
+  PXRecordRange8* = ptr XRecordRange8
+  XRecordRange8* {.final.} = object
+    first*: cuchar
+    last*: cuchar
+  PXRecordRange16* = ptr XRecordRange16
+  XRecordRange16* {.final.} = object
+    first*: cushort
+    last*: cushort
+  PXRecordExtRange* = ptr XRecordExtRange
+  XRecordExtRange* {.final.} = object
+    ext_major*: XRecordRange8
+    ext_minor*: XRecordRange16
+  PXRecordRange* = ptr XRecordRange
+  XRecordRange* {.final.} = object
+    core_requests*: XRecordRange8    ##  core X requests
+    core_replies*: XRecordRange8     ##  core X replies
+    ext_requests*: XRecordExtRange   ##  extension requests
+    ext_replies*: XRecordExtRange    ##  extension replies
+    delivered_events*: XRecordRange8 ##  delivered core and ext events
+    device_events*: XRecordRange8    ##  all core and ext device events
+    errors*: XRecordRange8           ##  core X and ext errors
+    client_started*: XBool           ##  connection setup reply
+    client_died*: XBool              ##  notice of client disconnect
+  PXRecordClientInfo* = ptr XRecordClientInfo
+  XRecordClientInfo* {.final.} = object
+    client*: XRecordClientSpec
+    nranges*: culong
+    ranges*: ptr UncheckedArray[XRecordRange]
+  PXRecordState* = ptr XRecordState
+  XRecordState* {.final.} = object
+    enabled*: XBool
+    datum_flags*: cint
+    nclients*: culong
+    client_info*: ptr UncheckedArray[XRecordClientInfo]
+  PXRecordInterceptData* = ptr XRecordInterceptData
+  XRecordInterceptData* {.final.} = object
+    id_base*: XID
+    server_time*: Time
+    client_seq*: culong
+    category*: cint
+    client_swapped*: XBool
+    data*: cstring
+    data_len*: culong ##  in 4-byte units
+  XRecordInterceptProc* = proc (a1: XPointer, a2: PXRecordInterceptData)
+{.push cdecl, importc, dynlib: libXtst.}
+proc XRecordIdBaseMask*(dpy: PDisplay): XID
+proc XRecordQueryVersion*(a1: PDisplay, a2, a3: ptr cint): Status
+proc XRecordCreateContext*(a1: PDisplay,
+                          a2: cint, a3: PXRecordClientSpec,
+                          a4: cint, a5: ptr UncheckedArray[XRecordRange],
+                          a6: cint): XRecordContext
+proc XRecordAllocRange*: PXRecordRange
+proc XRecordRegisterClients*(a1: PDisplay,
+                            a2: XRecordContext,
+                            a3: cint, a4: PXRecordClientSpec,
+                            a5: cint, a6: ptr UncheckedArray[XRecordRange],
+                            a7: cint): Status
+proc XRecordUnregisterClients*(a1: PDisplay,
+                              a2: XRecordContext,
+                              a3: PXRecordClientSpec,
+                              a4: cint): Status
+proc XRecordGetContext*(a1: PDisplay,
+                       a2: XRecordContext,
+                       a3: ptr UncheckedArray[XRecordState]): Status
+proc XRecordFreeState*(a1: PXRecordState)
+proc XRecordEnableContext*(a1: PDisplay,
+                          a2: XRecordContext,
+                          a3: XRecordInterceptProc,
+                          a4: XPointer): Status
+proc XRecordEnableContextAsync*(a1: PDisplay, a2: XRecordContext,
+                               a3: XRecordInterceptProc,
+                               a4: XPointer): Status
+proc XRecordProcessReplies*(a1: PDisplay)
+proc XRecordFreeData*(a1: PXRecordInterceptData)
+proc XRecordDisableContext*(a1: PDisplay, a2: XRecordContext): Status
+proc XRecordFreeContext*(a1: PDisplay, a2: XRecordContext): Status
+proc XTestQueryExtension*(a1: PDisplay, a2, a3, a4, a5: ptr cint): XBool
+proc XTestCompareCursorWithWindow*(a1: PDisplay, a2: Window, a3: Cursor): XBool
+proc XTestCompareCurrentCursorWithWindow*(a1: PDisplay, a2: Window): XBool
+proc XTestFakeKeyEvent*(a1: PDisplay, a2: cuint, a3: XBool, a4: culong): cint
+proc XTestFakeButtonEvent*(a1: PDisplay, a2: cuint, a3: XBool, a4: culong): cint
+proc XTestFakeMotionEvent*(a1: PDisplay, a2, a3, a4: cint, a5: culong): cint
+proc XTestFakeRelativeMotionEvent*(a1: PDisplay, a2, a3: cint, a4: culong): cint
+proc XTestFakeDeviceKeyEvent*(a1: PDisplay, a2: PXDevice, a3: cuint, a4: XBool,
+                             a5: ptr cint, a6: cint, a7: culong): cint
+proc XTestFakeDeviceButtonEvent*(a1: PDisplay, a2: PXDevice, a3: cuint, a4: XBool,
+                                a5: ptr cint, a6: cint, a7: culong): cint
+proc XTestFakeProximityEvent*(a1: PDisplay, a2: PXDevice, a3: XBool, a4: ptr cint,
+                             a5: cint, a6: culong): cint
+proc XTestFakeDeviceMotionEvent*(a1: PDisplay, a2: PXDevice, a3: XBool, a4: cint,
+                                a5: ptr cint, a6: cint, a7: culong): cint
+proc XTestGrabControl*(a1: PDisplay, a2: XBool): cint
+proc XTestSetGContextOfGC*(a1: GC, a2: GContext)
+proc XTestSetVisualIDOfVisual*(a1: PVisual, a2: VisualID)
+proc XTestDiscard*(a1: PDisplay): Status