diff semiconginev2/old/thirdparty/db_connector/db_sqlite.nim @ 1218:56781cc0fc7c compiletime-tests

did: renamge main package
author sam <sam@basx.dev>
date Wed, 17 Jul 2024 21:01:37 +0700
parents semicongine/old/thirdparty/db_connector/db_sqlite.nim@239adab121a3
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/semiconginev2/old/thirdparty/db_connector/db_sqlite.nim	Wed Jul 17 21:01:37 2024 +0700
@@ -0,0 +1,953 @@
+#            Nim's Runtime Library
+#        (c) Copyright 2015 Andreas Rumpf
+#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
+#    distribution, for details about the copyright.
+## .. note:: In order to use this module, run `nimble install db_connector`.
+## A higher level `SQLite`:idx: database wrapper. This interface
+## is implemented for other databases too.
+## Basic usage
+## ===========
+## The basic flow of using this module is:
+## 1. Open database connection
+## 2. Execute SQL query
+## 3. Close database connection
+## Parameter substitution
+## ----------------------
+## All `db_*` modules support the same form of parameter substitution.
+## That is, using the `?` (question mark) to signify the place where a
+## value should be placed. For example:
+##   ```Nim
+##   sql"INSERT INTO my_table (colA, colB, colC) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"
+##   ```
+## Opening a connection to a database
+## ----------------------------------
+##   ```Nim
+##   import db_connector/db_sqlite
+##   # user, password, database name can be empty.
+##   # These params are not used on db_sqlite module.
+##   let db = open("mytest.db", "", "", "")
+##   db.close()
+##   ```
+## Creating a table
+## ----------------
+##   ```Nim
+##   db.exec(sql"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS my_table")
+##   db.exec(sql"""CREATE TABLE my_table (
+##                    id   INTEGER,
+##                    name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL
+##                 )""")
+##   ```
+## Inserting data
+## --------------
+##   ```Nim
+##   db.exec(sql"INSERT INTO my_table (id, name) VALUES (0, ?)",
+##           "Jack")
+##   ```
+## Larger example
+## --------------
+##   ```Nim
+##   import db_connector/db_sqlite
+##   import std/math
+##   let db = open("mytest.db", "", "", "")
+##   db.exec(sql"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS my_table")
+##   db.exec(sql"""CREATE TABLE my_table (
+##                    id    INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
+##                    name  VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
+##                    i     INT(11),
+##                    f     DECIMAL(18, 10)
+##                 )""")
+##   db.exec(sql"BEGIN")
+##   for i in 1..1000:
+##     db.exec(sql"INSERT INTO my_table (name, i, f) VALUES (?, ?, ?)",
+##             "Item#" & $i, i, sqrt(i.float))
+##   db.exec(sql"COMMIT")
+##   for x in db.fastRows(sql"SELECT * FROM my_table"):
+##     echo x
+##   let id = db.tryInsertId(sql"""INSERT INTO my_table (name, i, f)
+##                                 VALUES (?, ?, ?)""",
+##                           "Item#1001", 1001, sqrt(1001.0))
+##   echo "Inserted item: ", db.getValue(sql"SELECT name FROM my_table WHERE id=?", id)
+##   db.close()
+##   ```
+## Storing binary data example
+##   ```nim
+##   import std/random
+##   ## Generate random float datas
+##   var orig = newSeq[float64](150)
+##   randomize()
+##   for x in orig.mitems:
+##     x = rand(1.0)/10.0
+##   let db = open("mysqlite.db", "", "", "")
+##   block: ## Create database
+##     ## Binary datas needs to be of type BLOB in SQLite
+##     let createTableStr = sql"""CREATE TABLE test(
+##       data BLOB
+##     )
+##     """
+##     db.exec(createTableStr)
+##   block: ## Insert data
+##     var id = 1
+##     ## Data needs to be converted to seq[byte] to be interpreted as binary by bindParams
+##     var dbuf = newSeq[byte](orig.len*sizeof(float64))
+##     copyMem(unsafeAddr(dbuf[0]), unsafeAddr(orig[0]), dbuf.len)
+##     ## Use prepared statement to insert binary data into database
+##     var insertStmt = db.prepare("INSERT INTO test (id, data) VALUES (?, ?)")
+##     insertStmt.bindParams(id, dbuf)
+##     let bres = db.tryExec(insertStmt)
+##     ## Check insert
+##     doAssert(bres)
+##     # Destroy statement
+##     finalize(insertStmt)
+##   block: ## Use getValue to select data
+##     var dataTest = db.getValue(sql"SELECT data FROM test WHERE id = ?", 1)
+##     ## Calculate sequence size from buffer size
+##     let seqSize = int(dataTest.len*sizeof(byte)/sizeof(float64))
+##     ## Copy binary string data in dataTest into a seq
+##     var res: seq[float64] = newSeq[float64](seqSize)
+##     copyMem(unsafeAddr(res[0]), addr(dataTest[0]), dataTest.len)
+##     ## Check datas obtained is identical
+##     doAssert res == orig
+##   db.close()
+##   ```
+## Note
+## ====
+## This module does not implement any ORM features such as mapping the types from the schema.
+## Instead, a `seq[string]` is returned for each row.
+## The reasoning is as follows:
+## 1. it's close to what many DBs offer natively (`char**`:c:)
+## 2. it hides the number of types that the DB supports
+##    (int? int64? decimal up to 10 places? geo coords?)
+## 3. it's convenient when all you do is to forward the data to somewhere else (echo, log, put the data into a new query)
+## See also
+## ========
+## * `db_odbc module <db_odbc.html>`_ for ODBC database wrapper
+## * `db_mysql module <db_mysql.html>`_ for MySQL database wrapper
+## * `db_postgres module <db_postgres.html>`_ for PostgreSQL database wrapper
+import ./sqlite3, macros
+import ./db_common
+export db_common
+import private/dbutils
+import std/private/[since]
+when defined(nimPreviewSlimSystem):
+  import std/assertions
+  DbConn* = PSqlite3  ## Encapsulates a database connection.
+  Row* = seq[string]  ## A row of a dataset. `NULL` database values will be
+                      ## converted to an empty string.
+  InstantRow* = PStmt ## A handle that can be used to get a row's column
+                      ## text on demand.
+  SqlPrepared* = distinct PStmt ## a identifier for the prepared queries
+proc bindParam*(ps: SqlPrepared, paramIdx: int, val: int32) {.since: (1, 3).}
+proc bindParam*(ps: SqlPrepared, paramIdx: int, val: int64) {.since: (1, 3).}
+proc bindParam*(ps: SqlPrepared, paramIdx: int, val: int) {.since: (1, 3).}
+proc bindParam*(ps: SqlPrepared, paramIdx: int, val: float64) {.since: (1, 3).}
+proc bindNull*(ps: SqlPrepared, paramIdx: int) {.since: (1, 3).}
+proc bindParam*(ps: SqlPrepared, paramIdx: int, val: string, copy = true) {.since: (1, 3).}
+proc bindParam*(ps: SqlPrepared, paramIdx: int,val: openArray[byte], copy = true) {.since: (1, 3).}
+proc dbError*(db: DbConn) {.noreturn.} =
+  ## Raises a `DbError` exception.
+  ##
+  ## **Examples:**
+  ##   ```Nim
+  ##   let db = open("mytest.db", "", "", "")
+  ##   if not db.tryExec(sql"SELECT * FROM not_exist_table"):
+  ##     dbError(db)
+  ##   db.close()
+  ##   ```
+  var e: ref DbError
+  new(e)
+  e.msg = $sqlite3.errmsg(db)
+  raise e
+proc dbQuote*(s: string): string =
+  ## Escapes the `'` (single quote) char to `''`.
+  ## Because single quote is used for defining `VARCHAR` in SQL.
+  runnableExamples:
+    doAssert dbQuote("'") == "''''"
+    doAssert dbQuote("A Foobar's pen.") == "'A Foobar''s pen.'"
+  result = "'"
+  for c in items(s):
+    if c == '\'': add(result, "''")
+    else: add(result, c)
+  add(result, '\'')
+proc dbFormat(formatstr: SqlQuery, args: varargs[string]): string =
+  dbFormatImpl(formatstr, dbQuote, args)
+proc prepare*(db: DbConn; q: string): SqlPrepared {.since: (1, 3).} =
+  ## Creates a new `SqlPrepared` statement.
+  if prepare_v2(db, q, q.len.cint,result.PStmt, nil) != SQLITE_OK:
+    discard finalize(result.PStmt)
+    dbError(db)
+proc tryExec*(db: DbConn, query: SqlQuery,
+              args: varargs[string, `$`]): bool {.
+              tags: [ReadDbEffect, WriteDbEffect].} =
+  ## Tries to execute the query and returns `true` if successful, `false` otherwise.
+  ##
+  ## **Examples:**
+  ##   ```Nim
+  ##   let db = open("mytest.db", "", "", "")
+  ##   if not db.tryExec(sql"SELECT * FROM my_table"):
+  ##     dbError(db)
+  ##   db.close()
+  ##   ```
+  assert(not db.isNil, "Database not connected.")
+  var q = dbFormat(query, args)
+  var stmt: sqlite3.PStmt
+  if prepare_v2(db, q.cstring, q.len.cint, stmt, nil) == SQLITE_OK:
+    let x = step(stmt)
+    if x in [SQLITE_DONE, SQLITE_ROW]:
+      result = finalize(stmt) == SQLITE_OK
+    else:
+      discard finalize(stmt)
+      result = false
+proc tryExec*(db: DbConn, stmtName: SqlPrepared): bool {.
+              tags: [ReadDbEffect, WriteDbEffect].} =
+    let x = step(stmtName.PStmt)
+    if x in [SQLITE_DONE, SQLITE_ROW]:
+      result = true
+    else:
+      discard finalize(stmtName.PStmt)
+      result = false
+proc exec*(db: DbConn, query: SqlQuery, args: varargs[string, `$`])  {.
+  tags: [ReadDbEffect, WriteDbEffect].} =
+  ## Executes the query and raises a `DbError` exception if not successful.
+  ##
+  ## **Examples:**
+  ##   ```Nim
+  ##   let db = open("mytest.db", "", "", "")
+  ##   try:
+  ##     db.exec(sql"INSERT INTO my_table (id, name) VALUES (?, ?)",
+  ##             1, "item#1")
+  ##   except:
+  ##     stderr.writeLine(getCurrentExceptionMsg())
+  ##   finally:
+  ##     db.close()
+  ##   ```
+  if not tryExec(db, query, args): dbError(db)
+macro untypedLen(args: varargs[untyped]): int =
+  newLit(args.len)
+macro bindParams*(ps: SqlPrepared, params: varargs[untyped]): untyped {.since: (1, 3).} =
+  let bindParam = bindSym("bindParam", brOpen)
+  let bindNull = bindSym("bindNull")
+  let preparedStatement = genSym()
+  result = newStmtList()
+  # Store `ps` in a temporary variable. This prevents `ps` from being evaluated every call.
+  result.add newNimNode(nnkLetSection).add(newIdentDefs(preparedStatement, newEmptyNode(), ps))
+  for idx, param in params:
+    if param.kind != nnkNilLit:
+      result.add newCall(bindParam, preparedStatement, newIntLitNode idx + 1, param)
+    else:
+      result.add newCall(bindNull, preparedStatement, newIntLitNode idx + 1)
+template exec*(db: DbConn, stmtName: SqlPrepared,
+          args: varargs[typed]): untyped =
+  when untypedLen(args) > 0:
+    if reset(stmtName.PStmt) != SQLITE_OK:
+      dbError(db)
+    if clear_bindings(stmtName.PStmt) != SQLITE_OK:
+      dbError(db)
+    stmtName.bindParams(args)
+  if not tryExec(db, stmtName): dbError(db)
+proc newRow(L: int): Row =
+  newSeq(result, L)
+  for i in 0..L-1: result[i] = ""
+proc setupQuery(db: DbConn, query: SqlQuery,
+                args: varargs[string]): PStmt =
+  assert(not db.isNil, "Database not connected.")
+  var q = dbFormat(query, args)
+  if prepare_v2(db, q.cstring, q.len.cint, result, nil) != SQLITE_OK: dbError(db)
+proc setupQuery(db: DbConn, stmtName: SqlPrepared): SqlPrepared {.since: (1, 3).} =
+  assert(not db.isNil, "Database not connected.")
+  result = stmtName
+proc setRow(stmt: PStmt, r: var Row, cols: cint) =
+  for col in 0'i32..cols-1:
+    let cb = column_bytes(stmt, col)
+    setLen(r[col], cb) # set capacity
+    if column_type(stmt, col) == SQLITE_BLOB:
+      copyMem(addr(r[col][0]), column_blob(stmt, col), cb)
+    else:
+      setLen(r[col], 0)
+      let x = column_text(stmt, col)
+      if not isNil(x): add(r[col], x)
+iterator fastRows*(db: DbConn, query: SqlQuery,
+                   args: varargs[string, `$`]): Row {.tags: [ReadDbEffect].} =
+  ## Executes the query and iterates over the result dataset.
+  ##
+  ## This is very fast, but potentially dangerous. Use this iterator only
+  ## if you require **ALL** the rows.
+  ##
+  ## **Note:** Breaking the `fastRows()` iterator during a loop will cause the
+  ## next database query to raise a `DbError` exception `unable to close due
+  ## to ...`.
+  ##
+  ## **Examples:**
+  ##
+  ##   ```Nim
+  ##   let db = open("mytest.db", "", "", "")
+  ##
+  ##   # Records of my_table:
+  ##   # | id | name     |
+  ##   # |----|----------|
+  ##   # |  1 | item#1   |
+  ##   # |  2 | item#2   |
+  ##
+  ##   for row in db.fastRows(sql"SELECT id, name FROM my_table"):
+  ##     echo row
+  ##
+  ##   # Output:
+  ##   # @["1", "item#1"]
+  ##   # @["2", "item#2"]
+  ##
+  ##   db.close()
+  ##   ```
+  var stmt = setupQuery(db, query, args)
+  var L = (column_count(stmt))
+  var result = newRow(L)
+  try:
+    while step(stmt) == SQLITE_ROW:
+      setRow(stmt, result, L)
+      yield result
+  finally:
+    if finalize(stmt) != SQLITE_OK: dbError(db)
+iterator fastRows*(db: DbConn, stmtName: SqlPrepared): Row
+                  {.tags: [ReadDbEffect,WriteDbEffect], since: (1, 3).} =
+  discard setupQuery(db, stmtName)
+  var L = (column_count(stmtName.PStmt))
+  var result = newRow(L)
+  try:
+    while step(stmtName.PStmt) == SQLITE_ROW:
+      setRow(stmtName.PStmt, result, L)
+      yield result
+  except:
+    dbError(db)
+iterator instantRows*(db: DbConn, query: SqlQuery,
+                      args: varargs[string, `$`]): InstantRow
+                      {.tags: [ReadDbEffect].} =
+  ## Similar to `fastRows iterator <#fastRows.i,DbConn,SqlQuery,varargs[string,]>`_
+  ## but returns a handle that can be used to get column text
+  ## on demand using `[]`. Returned handle is valid only within the iterator body.
+  ##
+  ## **Examples:**
+  ##
+  ##   ```Nim
+  ##    let db = open("mytest.db", "", "", "")
+  ##
+  ##    # Records of my_table:
+  ##    # | id | name     |
+  ##    # |----|----------|
+  ##    # |  1 | item#1   |
+  ##    # |  2 | item#2   |
+  ##
+  ##    for row in db.instantRows(sql"SELECT * FROM my_table"):
+  ##      echo "id:" & row[0]
+  ##      echo "name:" & row[1]
+  ##      echo "length:" & $len(row)
+  ##
+  ##    # Output:
+  ##    # id:1
+  ##    # name:item#1
+  ##    # length:2
+  ##    # id:2
+  ##    # name:item#2
+  ##    # length:2
+  ##
+  ##    db.close()
+  ##    ```
+  var stmt = setupQuery(db, query, args)
+  try:
+    while step(stmt) == SQLITE_ROW:
+      yield stmt
+  finally:
+    if finalize(stmt) != SQLITE_OK: dbError(db)
+iterator instantRows*(db: DbConn, stmtName: SqlPrepared): InstantRow
+                      {.tags: [ReadDbEffect,WriteDbEffect], since: (1, 3).} =
+  var stmt = setupQuery(db, stmtName).PStmt
+  try:
+    while step(stmt) == SQLITE_ROW:
+      yield stmt
+  except:
+    dbError(db)
+proc toTypeKind(t: var DbType; x: int32) =
+  case x
+    t.kind = dbInt
+    t.size = 8
+    t.kind = dbFloat
+    t.size = 8
+  of SQLITE_BLOB: t.kind = dbBlob
+  of SQLITE_NULL: t.kind = dbNull
+  of SQLITE_TEXT: t.kind = dbVarchar
+  else: t.kind = dbUnknown
+proc setColumns(columns: var DbColumns; x: PStmt) =
+  let L = column_count(x)
+  setLen(columns, L)
+  for i in 0'i32 ..< L:
+    columns[i].name = $column_name(x, i)
+    columns[i].typ.name = $column_decltype(x, i)
+    toTypeKind(columns[i].typ, column_type(x, i))
+    columns[i].tableName = $column_table_name(x, i)
+iterator instantRows*(db: DbConn; columns: var DbColumns; query: SqlQuery,
+                      args: varargs[string, `$`]): InstantRow
+                      {.tags: [ReadDbEffect].} =
+  ## Similar to `instantRows iterator <#instantRows.i,DbConn,SqlQuery,varargs[string,]>`_,
+  ## but sets information about columns to `columns`.
+  ##
+  ## **Examples:**
+  ##
+  ##   ```Nim
+  ##   let db = open("mytest.db", "", "", "")
+  ##
+  ##   # Records of my_table:
+  ##   # | id | name     |
+  ##   # |----|----------|
+  ##   # |  1 | item#1   |
+  ##   # |  2 | item#2   |
+  ##
+  ##   var columns: DbColumns
+  ##   for row in db.instantRows(columns, sql"SELECT * FROM my_table"):
+  ##     discard
+  ##   echo columns[0]
+  ##
+  ##   # Output:
+  ##   # (name: "id", tableName: "my_table", typ: (kind: dbNull,
+  ##   # notNull: false, name: "INTEGER", size: 0, maxReprLen: 0, precision: 0,
+  ##   # scale: 0, min: 0, max: 0, validValues: @[]), primaryKey: false,
+  ##   # foreignKey: false)
+  ##
+  ##   db.close()
+  ##   ```
+  var stmt = setupQuery(db, query, args)
+  setColumns(columns, stmt)
+  try:
+    while step(stmt) == SQLITE_ROW:
+      yield stmt
+  finally:
+    if finalize(stmt) != SQLITE_OK: dbError(db)
+proc `[]`*(row: InstantRow, col: int32): string {.inline.} =
+  ## Returns text for given column of the row.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `instantRows iterator <#instantRows.i,DbConn,SqlQuery,varargs[string,]>`_
+  ##   example code
+  $column_text(row, col)
+proc unsafeColumnAt*(row: InstantRow, index: int32): cstring {.inline.} =
+  ## Returns cstring for given column of the row.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `instantRows iterator <#instantRows.i,DbConn,SqlQuery,varargs[string,]>`_
+  ##   example code
+  column_text(row, index)
+proc len*(row: InstantRow): int32 {.inline.} =
+  ## Returns number of columns in a row.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `instantRows iterator <#instantRows.i,DbConn,SqlQuery,varargs[string,]>`_
+  ##   example code
+  column_count(row)
+proc getRow*(db: DbConn, query: SqlQuery,
+             args: varargs[string, `$`]): Row {.tags: [ReadDbEffect].} =
+  ## Retrieves a single row. If the query doesn't return any rows, this proc
+  ## will return a `Row` with empty strings for each column.
+  ##
+  ## **Examples:**
+  ##
+  ##   ```Nim
+  ##   let db = open("mytest.db", "", "", "")
+  ##
+  ##   # Records of my_table:
+  ##   # | id | name     |
+  ##   # |----|----------|
+  ##   # |  1 | item#1   |
+  ##   # |  2 | item#2   |
+  ##
+  ##   doAssert db.getRow(sql"SELECT id, name FROM my_table"
+  ##                      ) == Row(@["1", "item#1"])
+  ##   doAssert db.getRow(sql"SELECT id, name FROM my_table WHERE id = ?",
+  ##                      2) == Row(@["2", "item#2"])
+  ##
+  ##   # Returns empty.
+  ##   doAssert db.getRow(sql"INSERT INTO my_table (id, name) VALUES (?, ?)",
+  ##                      3, "item#3") == @[]
+  ##   doAssert db.getRow(sql"DELETE FROM my_table WHERE id = ?", 3) == @[]
+  ##   doAssert db.getRow(sql"UPDATE my_table SET name = 'ITEM#1' WHERE id = ?",
+  ##                      1) == @[]
+  ##   db.close()
+  ##   ```
+  var stmt = setupQuery(db, query, args)
+  var L = (column_count(stmt))
+  result = newRow(L)
+  if step(stmt) == SQLITE_ROW:
+    setRow(stmt, result, L)
+  if finalize(stmt) != SQLITE_OK: dbError(db)
+proc getAllRows*(db: DbConn, query: SqlQuery,
+                 args: varargs[string, `$`]): seq[Row] {.tags: [ReadDbEffect].} =
+  ## Executes the query and returns the whole result dataset.
+  ##
+  ## **Examples:**
+  ##
+  ##   ```Nim
+  ##   let db = open("mytest.db", "", "", "")
+  ##
+  ##   # Records of my_table:
+  ##   # | id | name     |
+  ##   # |----|----------|
+  ##   # |  1 | item#1   |
+  ##   # |  2 | item#2   |
+  ##
+  ##   doAssert db.getAllRows(sql"SELECT id, name FROM my_table") == @[Row(@["1", "item#1"]), Row(@["2", "item#2"])]
+  ##   db.close()
+  ##   ```
+  result = @[]
+  for r in fastRows(db, query, args):
+    result.add(r)
+proc getAllRows*(db: DbConn, stmtName: SqlPrepared): seq[Row]
+                {.tags: [ReadDbEffect,WriteDbEffect], since: (1, 3).} =
+  result = @[]
+  for r in fastRows(db, stmtName):
+    result.add(r)
+iterator rows*(db: DbConn, query: SqlQuery,
+               args: varargs[string, `$`]): Row {.tags: [ReadDbEffect].} =
+  ## Similar to `fastRows iterator <#fastRows.i,DbConn,SqlQuery,varargs[string,]>`_,
+  ## but slower and safe.
+  ##
+  ## **Examples:**
+  ##
+  ##   ```Nim
+  ##   let db = open("mytest.db", "", "", "")
+  ##
+  ##   # Records of my_table:
+  ##   # | id | name     |
+  ##   # |----|----------|
+  ##   # |  1 | item#1   |
+  ##   # |  2 | item#2   |
+  ##
+  ##   for row in db.rows(sql"SELECT id, name FROM my_table"):
+  ##     echo row
+  ##
+  ##   ## Output:
+  ##   ## @["1", "item#1"]
+  ##   ## @["2", "item#2"]
+  ##
+  ##   db.close()
+  ##   ```
+  for r in fastRows(db, query, args): yield r
+iterator rows*(db: DbConn, stmtName: SqlPrepared): Row
+              {.tags: [ReadDbEffect,WriteDbEffect], since: (1, 3).} =
+  for r in fastRows(db, stmtName): yield r
+proc getValue*(db: DbConn, query: SqlQuery,
+               args: varargs[string, `$`]): string {.tags: [ReadDbEffect].} =
+  ## Executes the query and returns the first column of the first row of the
+  ## result dataset. Returns `""` if the dataset contains no rows or the database
+  ## value is `NULL`.
+  ##
+  ## **Examples:**
+  ##
+  ##   ```Nim
+  ##   let db = open("mytest.db", "", "", "")
+  ##
+  ##   # Records of my_table:
+  ##   # | id | name     |
+  ##   # |----|----------|
+  ##   # |  1 | item#1   |
+  ##   # |  2 | item#2   |
+  ##
+  ##   doAssert db.getValue(sql"SELECT name FROM my_table WHERE id = ?",
+  ##                        2) == "item#2"
+  ##   doAssert db.getValue(sql"SELECT id, name FROM my_table") == "1"
+  ##   doAssert db.getValue(sql"SELECT name, id FROM my_table") == "item#1"
+  ##
+  ##   db.close()
+  ##   ```
+  var stmt = setupQuery(db, query, args)
+  if step(stmt) == SQLITE_ROW:
+    let cb = column_bytes(stmt, 0)
+    if cb == 0:
+      result = ""
+    else:
+      if column_type(stmt, 0) == SQLITE_BLOB:
+        result.setLen(cb)
+        copyMem(addr(result[0]), column_blob(stmt, 0), cb)
+      else:
+        result = newStringOfCap(cb)
+        add(result, column_text(stmt, 0))
+  else:
+    result = ""
+  if finalize(stmt) != SQLITE_OK: dbError(db)
+proc getValue*(db: DbConn,  stmtName: SqlPrepared): string
+              {.tags: [ReadDbEffect,WriteDbEffect], since: (1, 3).} =
+  var stmt = setupQuery(db, stmtName).PStmt
+  if step(stmt) == SQLITE_ROW:
+    let cb = column_bytes(stmt, 0)
+    if cb == 0:
+      result = ""
+    else:
+      if column_type(stmt, 0) == SQLITE_BLOB:
+        result.setLen(cb)
+        copyMem(addr(result[0]), column_blob(stmt, 0), cb)
+      else:
+        result = newStringOfCap(cb)
+        add(result, column_text(stmt, 0))
+  else:
+    result = ""
+proc tryInsertID*(db: DbConn, query: SqlQuery,
+                  args: varargs[string, `$`]): int64
+                  {.tags: [WriteDbEffect], raises: [DbError].} =
+  ## Executes the query (typically "INSERT") and returns the
+  ## generated ID for the row or -1 in case of an error.
+  ##
+  ## **Examples:**
+  ##
+  ##   ```Nim
+  ##   let db = open("mytest.db", "", "", "")
+  ##   db.exec(sql"CREATE TABLE my_table (id INTEGER, name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL)")
+  ##
+  ##   doAssert db.tryInsertID(sql"INSERT INTO not_exist_table (id, name) VALUES (?, ?)",
+  ##                           1, "item#1") == -1
+  ##   db.close()
+  ##   ```
+  assert(not db.isNil, "Database not connected.")
+  var q = dbFormat(query, args)
+  var stmt: sqlite3.PStmt
+  result = -1
+  if prepare_v2(db, q.cstring, q.len.cint, stmt, nil) == SQLITE_OK:
+    if step(stmt) == SQLITE_DONE:
+      result = last_insert_rowid(db)
+    if finalize(stmt) != SQLITE_OK:
+      result = -1
+  else:
+    discard finalize(stmt)
+proc insertID*(db: DbConn, query: SqlQuery,
+               args: varargs[string, `$`]): int64 {.tags: [WriteDbEffect].} =
+  ## Executes the query (typically "INSERT") and returns the
+  ## generated ID for the row.
+  ##
+  ## Raises a `DbError` exception when failed to insert row.
+  ## For Postgre this adds `RETURNING id` to the query, so it only works
+  ## if your primary key is named `id`.
+  ##
+  ## **Examples:**
+  ##
+  ##   ```Nim
+  ##   let db = open("mytest.db", "", "", "")
+  ##   db.exec(sql"CREATE TABLE my_table (id INTEGER, name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL)")
+  ##
+  ##   for i in 0..2:
+  ##     let id = db.insertID(sql"INSERT INTO my_table (id, name) VALUES (?, ?)", i, "item#" & $i)
+  ##     echo "LoopIndex = ", i, ", InsertID = ", id
+  ##
+  ##   # Output:
+  ##   # LoopIndex = 0, InsertID = 1
+  ##   # LoopIndex = 1, InsertID = 2
+  ##   # LoopIndex = 2, InsertID = 3
+  ##
+  ##   db.close()
+  ##   ```
+  result = tryInsertID(db, query, args)
+  if result < 0: dbError(db)
+proc tryInsert*(db: DbConn, query: SqlQuery, pkName: string,
+                args: varargs[string, `$`]): int64
+               {.tags: [WriteDbEffect], raises: [DbError], since: (1, 3).} =
+  ## same as tryInsertID
+  tryInsertID(db, query, args)
+proc insert*(db: DbConn, query: SqlQuery, pkName: string,
+             args: varargs[string, `$`]): int64
+            {.tags: [WriteDbEffect], since: (1, 3).} =
+  ## same as insertId
+  result = tryInsert(db, query, pkName, args)
+  if result < 0: dbError(db)
+proc execAffectedRows*(db: DbConn, query: SqlQuery,
+                       args: varargs[string, `$`]): int64 {.
+                       tags: [ReadDbEffect, WriteDbEffect].} =
+  ## Executes the query (typically "UPDATE") and returns the
+  ## number of affected rows.
+  ##
+  ## **Examples:**
+  ##
+  ##   ```Nim
+  ##   let db = open("mytest.db", "", "", "")
+  ##
+  ##   # Records of my_table:
+  ##   # | id | name     |
+  ##   # |----|----------|
+  ##   # |  1 | item#1   |
+  ##   # |  2 | item#2   |
+  ##
+  ##   doAssert db.execAffectedRows(sql"UPDATE my_table SET name = 'TEST'") == 2
+  ##
+  ##   db.close()
+  ##   ```
+  exec(db, query, args)
+  result = changes(db)
+proc execAffectedRows*(db: DbConn, stmtName: SqlPrepared): int64
+                      {.tags: [ReadDbEffect, WriteDbEffect],since: (1, 3).} =
+  exec(db, stmtName)
+  result = changes(db)
+proc close*(db: DbConn) {.tags: [DbEffect].} =
+  ## Closes the database connection.
+  ##
+  ## **Examples:**
+  ##   ```Nim
+  ##   let db = open("mytest.db", "", "", "")
+  ##   db.close()
+  ##   ```
+  if sqlite3.close(db) != SQLITE_OK: dbError(db)
+proc open*(connection, user, password, database: string): DbConn {.
+  tags: [DbEffect].} =
+  ## Opens a database connection. Raises a `DbError` exception if the connection
+  ## could not be established.
+  ##
+  ## **Note:** Only the `connection` parameter is used for `sqlite`.
+  ##
+  ## **Examples:**
+  ##   ```Nim
+  ##   try:
+  ##     let db = open("mytest.db", "", "", "")
+  ##     ## do something...
+  ##     ## db.getAllRows(sql"SELECT * FROM my_table")
+  ##     db.close()
+  ##   except:
+  ##     stderr.writeLine(getCurrentExceptionMsg())
+  ##   ```
+  var db: DbConn
+  if sqlite3.open(connection, db) == SQLITE_OK:
+    result = db
+  else:
+    dbError(db)
+proc setEncoding*(connection: DbConn, encoding: string): bool {.
+  tags: [DbEffect].} =
+  ## Sets the encoding of a database connection, returns `true` for
+  ## success, `false` for failure.
+  ##
+  ## **Note:** The encoding cannot be changed once it's been set.
+  ## According to SQLite3 documentation, any attempt to change
+  ## the encoding after the database is created will be silently
+  ## ignored.
+  exec(connection, sql"PRAGMA encoding = ?", [encoding])
+  result = connection.getValue(sql"PRAGMA encoding") == encoding
+proc finalize*(sqlPrepared:SqlPrepared) {.discardable, since: (1, 3).} =
+  discard finalize(sqlPrepared.PStmt)
+template dbBindParamError*(paramIdx: int, val: varargs[untyped]) =
+  ## Raises a `DbError` exception.
+  var e: ref DbError
+  new(e)
+  e.msg = "error binding param in position " & $paramIdx
+  raise e
+proc bindParam*(ps: SqlPrepared, paramIdx: int, val: int32) {.since: (1, 3).} =
+  ## Binds a int32  to the specified paramIndex.
+  if bind_int(ps.PStmt, paramIdx.int32, val) != SQLITE_OK:
+    dbBindParamError(paramIdx, val)
+proc bindParam*(ps: SqlPrepared, paramIdx: int, val: int64) {.since: (1, 3).} =
+  ## Binds a int64  to the specified paramIndex.
+  if bind_int64(ps.PStmt, paramIdx.int32, val) != SQLITE_OK:
+    dbBindParamError(paramIdx, val)
+proc bindParam*(ps: SqlPrepared, paramIdx: int, val: int) {.since: (1, 3).} =
+  ## Binds a int  to the specified paramIndex.
+  when sizeof(int) == 8:
+    bindParam(ps, paramIdx, val.int64)
+  else:
+    bindParam(ps, paramIdx, val.int32)
+proc bindParam*(ps: SqlPrepared, paramIdx: int, val: float64) {.since: (1, 3).} =
+  ## Binds a 64bit float to the specified paramIndex.
+  if bind_double(ps.PStmt, paramIdx.int32, val) != SQLITE_OK:
+    dbBindParamError(paramIdx, val)
+proc bindNull*(ps: SqlPrepared, paramIdx: int) {.since: (1, 3).} =
+  ## Sets the bindparam at the specified paramIndex to null
+  ## (default behaviour by sqlite).
+  if bind_null(ps.PStmt, paramIdx.int32) != SQLITE_OK:
+    dbBindParamError(paramIdx)
+proc bindParam*(ps: SqlPrepared, paramIdx: int, val: string, copy = true) {.since: (1, 3).} =
+  ## Binds a string to the specified paramIndex.
+  ## if copy is true then SQLite makes its own private copy of the data immediately
+  if bind_text(ps.PStmt, paramIdx.int32, val.cstring, val.len.int32, if copy: SQLITE_TRANSIENT else: SQLITE_STATIC) != SQLITE_OK:
+    dbBindParamError(paramIdx, val)
+proc bindParam*(ps: SqlPrepared, paramIdx: int,val: openArray[byte], copy = true) {.since: (1, 3).} =
+  ## binds a blob to the specified paramIndex.
+  ## if copy is true then SQLite makes its own private copy of the data immediately
+  let len = val.len
+  if bind_blob(ps.PStmt, paramIdx.int32, val[0].unsafeAddr, len.int32, if copy: SQLITE_TRANSIENT else: SQLITE_STATIC) != SQLITE_OK:
+    dbBindParamError(paramIdx, val)
+when not defined(testing) and isMainModule:
+  var db = open(":memory:", "", "", "")
+  exec(db, sql"create table tbl1(one varchar(10), two smallint)", [])
+  exec(db, sql"insert into tbl1 values('hello!',10)", [])
+  exec(db, sql"insert into tbl1 values('goodbye', 20)", [])
+  var p1 = db.prepare "create table tbl2(one varchar(10), two smallint)"
+  exec(db, p1)
+  finalize(p1)
+  var p2 = db.prepare "insert into tbl2 values('hello!',10)"
+  exec(db, p2)
+  finalize(p2)
+  var p3 = db.prepare "insert into tbl2 values('goodbye', 20)"
+  exec(db, p3)
+  finalize(p3)
+  #db.query("create table tbl1(one varchar(10), two smallint)")
+  #db.query("insert into tbl1 values('hello!',10)")
+  #db.query("insert into tbl1 values('goodbye', 20)")
+  for r in db.rows(sql"select * from tbl1", []):
+    echo(r[0], r[1])
+  for r in db.instantRows(sql"select * from tbl1", []):
+    echo(r[0], r[1])
+  var p4 =  db.prepare "select * from tbl2"
+  for r in db.rows(p4):
+    echo(r[0], r[1])
+  finalize(p4)
+  var i5 = 0
+  var p5 =  db.prepare "select * from tbl2"
+  for r in db.instantRows(p5):
+    inc i5
+    echo(r[0], r[1])
+  assert i5 == 2
+  finalize(p5)
+  for r in db.rows(sql"select * from tbl2", []):
+    echo(r[0], r[1])
+  for r in db.instantRows(sql"select * from tbl2", []):
+    echo(r[0], r[1])
+  var p6 = db.prepare "select * from tbl2 where one = ? "
+  p6.bindParams("goodbye")
+  var rowsP3 = 0
+  for r in db.rows(p6):
+    rowsP3 = 1
+    echo(r[0], r[1])
+  assert rowsP3 == 1
+  finalize(p6)
+  var p7 = db.prepare "select * from tbl2 where two=?"
+  p7.bindParams(20'i32)
+  when sizeof(int) == 4:
+    p7.bindParams(20)
+  var rowsP = 0
+  for r in db.rows(p7):
+    rowsP = 1
+    echo(r[0], r[1])
+  assert rowsP == 1
+  finalize(p7)
+  var p8 = db.prepare "INSERT INTO photos (ID,PHOTO) VALUES (?,?)"
+  var d = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
+  p8.bindParams(1'i32, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
+  exec(db, p8)
+  finalize(p8)
+  var p10 = db.prepare "INSERT INTO photos (ID,PHOTO) VALUES (?,?)"
+  p10.bindParams(2'i32,nil)
+  exec(db, p10)
+  exec( db, p10, 3, nil)
+  finalize(p10)
+  for r in db.rows(sql"select * from photos where ID = 1", []):
+    assert r[1].len == d.len
+    assert r[1] == d
+  var i6 = 0
+  for r in db.rows(sql"select * from photos where ID = 3", []):
+    i6 = 1
+  assert i6 == 1
+  var p9 = db.prepare("select * from photos where PHOTO is ?")
+  p9.bindParams(nil)
+  var rowsP2 = 0
+  for r in db.rows(p9):
+    rowsP2 = 1
+    echo(r[0], repr r[1])
+  assert rowsP2 == 1
+  finalize(p9)
+  db_sqlite.close(db)