diff semiconginev2/old/vulkan/swapchain.nim @ 1218:56781cc0fc7c compiletime-tests

did: renamge main package
author sam <sam@basx.dev>
date Wed, 17 Jul 2024 21:01:37 +0700
parents semicongine/old/vulkan/swapchain.nim@397c681f9c0c
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/semiconginev2/old/vulkan/swapchain.nim	Wed Jul 17 21:01:37 2024 +0700
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+import std/options
+import std/strformat
+import std/logging
+import ../core
+import ./device
+import ./physicaldevice
+import ./image
+import ./framebuffer
+import ./syncing
+  Swapchain* = object
+    device*: Device
+    vk*: VkSwapchainKHR
+    dimension*: TVec2[uint32]
+    nFramebuffers*: uint32
+    currentInFlight*: int
+    currentFramebufferIndex: uint32
+    samples: VkSampleCountFlagBits
+    colorImage: VulkanImage
+    colorImageView: ImageView
+    framebufferViews*: seq[ImageView]
+    framebuffers*: seq[Framebuffer]
+    queueFinishedFence*: seq[Fence]
+    imageAvailableSemaphore*: seq[Semaphore]
+    renderFinishedSemaphore*: seq[Semaphore]
+    # required for recreation:
+    renderPass: VkRenderPass
+    surfaceFormat: VkSurfaceFormatKHR
+    inFlightFrames*: int
+    presentQueue: Queue
+    vSync: bool
+proc CreateSwapchain*(
+  device: Device,
+  renderPass: VkRenderPass,
+  surfaceFormat: VkSurfaceFormatKHR,
+  inFlightFrames: int,
+  samples: VkSampleCountFlagBits,
+  desiredFramebufferCount = 3'u32,
+  oldSwapchain = VkSwapchainKHR(0),
+  vSync = false,
+): Option[Swapchain] =
+  assert device.vk.Valid
+  assert device.physicalDevice.vk.Valid
+  assert renderPass.Valid
+  assert inFlightFrames > 0
+  var capabilities = device.physicalDevice.GetSurfaceCapabilities()
+  if capabilities.currentExtent.width == 0 or capabilities.currentExtent.height == 0:
+    return none(Swapchain)
+  var minFramebufferCount = desiredFramebufferCount
+  # following is according to vulkan specs
+  minFramebufferCount = max(minFramebufferCount, capabilities.minImageCount)
+  if capabilities.maxImageCount != 0:
+    minFramebufferCount = min(minFramebufferCount, capabilities.maxImageCount)
+  let hasTripleBuffering = VK_PRESENT_MODE_MAILBOX_KHR in device.physicalDevice.GetSurfacePresentModes()
+  var createInfo = VkSwapchainCreateInfoKHR(
+    surface: device.physicalDevice.surface,
+    minImageCount: minFramebufferCount,
+    imageFormat: surfaceFormat.format,
+    imageColorSpace: surfaceFormat.colorSpace,
+    imageExtent: capabilities.currentExtent,
+    imageArrayLayers: 1,
+    # VK_SHARING_MODE_CONCURRENT no supported currently
+    imageSharingMode: VK_SHARING_MODE_EXCLUSIVE,
+    preTransform: capabilities.currentTransform,
+    compositeAlpha: VK_COMPOSITE_ALPHA_OPAQUE_BIT_KHR, # only used for blending with other windows, can be opaque
+    presentMode: if (vSync or not hasTripleBuffering): VK_PRESENT_MODE_FIFO_KHR else: VK_PRESENT_MODE_MAILBOX_KHR,
+    clipped: true,
+    oldSwapchain: oldSwapchain,
+  )
+  var
+    swapchain = Swapchain(
+      device: device,
+      surfaceFormat: surfaceFormat,
+      dimension: TVec2[uint32]([capabilities.currentExtent.width, capabilities.currentExtent.height]),
+      inFlightFrames: inFlightFrames,
+      renderPass: renderPass,
+      vSync: vSync,
+      samples: samples,
+    )
+  if samples != VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT:
+    swapchain.colorImage = device.CreateImage(
+      width = capabilities.currentExtent.width,
+      height = capabilities.currentExtent.height,
+      depth = 4,
+      samples = samples,
+      format = surfaceFormat.format,
+    )
+    swapchain.colorImageView = swapchain.colorImage.CreateImageView()
+  if device.vk.vkCreateSwapchainKHR(addr createInfo, nil, addr swapchain.vk) == VK_SUCCESS:
+    checkVkResult device.vk.vkGetSwapchainImagesKHR(swapchain.vk, addr swapchain.nFramebuffers, nil)
+    var framebuffers = newSeq[VkImage](swapchain.nFramebuffers)
+    checkVkResult device.vk.vkGetSwapchainImagesKHR(swapchain.vk, addr swapchain.nFramebuffers, framebuffers.ToCPointer)
+    for framebuffer in framebuffers:
+      let framebufferView = VulkanImage(vk: framebuffer, format: surfaceFormat.format, device: device).CreateImageView()
+      swapchain.framebufferViews.add framebufferView
+      if samples == VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT:
+        swapchain.framebuffers.add device.CreateFramebuffer(renderPass, [framebufferView], swapchain.dimension)
+      else:
+        swapchain.framebuffers.add device.CreateFramebuffer(renderPass, [swapchain.colorImageView, framebufferView], swapchain.dimension)
+    for i in 0 ..< swapchain.inFlightFrames:
+      swapchain.queueFinishedFence.add device.CreateFence()
+      swapchain.imageAvailableSemaphore.add device.CreateSemaphore()
+      swapchain.renderFinishedSemaphore.add device.CreateSemaphore()
+    debug &"Created swapchain with: {swapchain.nFramebuffers} framebuffers, {inFlightFrames} in-flight frames, {swapchain.dimension.x}x{swapchain.dimension.y}"
+    assert device.FirstPresentationQueue().isSome, "No present queue found"
+    swapchain.presentQueue = device.FirstPresentationQueue().get
+    result = some(swapchain)
+  else:
+    result = none(Swapchain)
+proc CurrentFramebuffer*(swapchain: Swapchain): Framebuffer =
+  assert swapchain.device.vk.Valid
+  assert swapchain.vk.Valid
+  swapchain.framebuffers[swapchain.currentFramebufferIndex]
+proc AcquireNextFrame*(swapchain: var Swapchain): bool =
+  assert swapchain.device.vk.Valid
+  assert swapchain.vk.Valid
+  swapchain.queueFinishedFence[swapchain.currentInFlight].Await()
+  let nextImageResult = swapchain.device.vk.vkAcquireNextImageKHR(
+    swapchain.vk,
+    high(uint64),
+    swapchain.imageAvailableSemaphore[swapchain.currentInFlight].vk,
+    VkFence(0),
+    addr swapchain.currentFramebufferIndex,
+  )
+  swapchain.queueFinishedFence[swapchain.currentInFlight].Reset()
+  return nextImageResult == VK_SUCCESS
+proc Swap*(swapchain: var Swapchain, queue: Queue, commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer): bool =
+  assert swapchain.device.vk.Valid
+  assert swapchain.vk.Valid
+  assert queue.vk.Valid
+  var
+    waitSemaphores = [swapchain.imageAvailableSemaphore[swapchain.currentInFlight].vk]
+    submitInfo = VkSubmitInfo(
+      waitSemaphoreCount: 1,
+      pWaitSemaphores: waitSemaphores.ToCPointer,
+      pWaitDstStageMask: waitStages.ToCPointer,
+      commandBufferCount: 1,
+      pCommandBuffers: addr commandBuffer,
+      signalSemaphoreCount: 1,
+      pSignalSemaphores: addr swapchain.renderFinishedSemaphore[swapchain.currentInFlight].vk,
+    )
+  checkVkResult queue.vk.vkQueueSubmit(
+    submitCount = 1,
+    pSubmits = addr submitInfo,
+    fence = swapchain.queueFinishedFence[swapchain.currentInFlight].vk
+  )
+  var presentInfo = VkPresentInfoKHR(
+    waitSemaphoreCount: 1,
+    pWaitSemaphores: addr swapchain.renderFinishedSemaphore[swapchain.currentInFlight].vk,
+    swapchainCount: 1,
+    pSwapchains: addr swapchain.vk,
+    pImageIndices: addr swapchain.currentFramebufferIndex,
+    pResults: nil,
+  )
+  let presentResult = vkQueuePresentKHR(swapchain.presentQueue.vk, addr presentInfo)
+  if presentResult != VK_SUCCESS:
+    return false
+  return true
+proc Destroy*(swapchain: var Swapchain) =
+  assert swapchain.vk.Valid
+  for imageview in swapchain.framebufferViews.mitems:
+    assert imageview.vk.Valid
+    imageview.Destroy()
+  for framebuffer in swapchain.framebuffers.mitems:
+    assert framebuffer.vk.Valid
+    framebuffer.Destroy()
+  if swapchain.colorImage.vk.Valid:
+    swapchain.colorImage.Destroy()
+  if swapchain.colorImageView.vk.Valid:
+    swapchain.colorImageView.Destroy()
+  for i in 0 ..< swapchain.inFlightFrames:
+    assert swapchain.queueFinishedFence[i].vk.Valid
+    assert swapchain.imageAvailableSemaphore[i].vk.Valid
+    assert swapchain.renderFinishedSemaphore[i].vk.Valid
+    swapchain.queueFinishedFence[i].Destroy()
+    swapchain.imageAvailableSemaphore[i].Destroy()
+    swapchain.renderFinishedSemaphore[i].Destroy()
+  swapchain.device.vk.vkDestroySwapchainKHR(swapchain.vk, nil)
+  swapchain.vk.Reset()
+proc Recreate*(swapchain: var Swapchain): Option[Swapchain] =
+  assert swapchain.vk.Valid
+  assert swapchain.device.vk.Valid
+  result = CreateSwapchain(
+    device = swapchain.device,
+    renderPass = swapchain.renderPass,
+    surfaceFormat = swapchain.surfaceFormat,
+    desiredFramebufferCount = swapchain.nFramebuffers,
+    inFlightFrames = swapchain.inFlightFrames,
+    oldSwapchain = swapchain.vk,
+    vSync = swapchain.vSync,
+    samples = swapchain.samples,
+  )