diff tests/test_mesh.nim @ 1128:ae54dbb08e53

merge into git mirror
author sam <sam@basx.dev>
date Thu, 23 May 2024 01:44:10 +0700
parents 73b572f82a1f
children 74957cbf589b
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/tests/test_mesh.nim	Mon Apr 29 02:37:42 2024 -0700
+++ b/tests/test_mesh.nim	Thu May 23 01:44:10 2024 +0700
@@ -1,14 +1,25 @@
 import std/strformat
 import semicongine
+  MeshMaterial* = MaterialType(
+    name: "colored single texture material",
+    vertexAttributes: {
+      "position": Vec3F32,
+      "texcoord_0": Vec2F32,
+    }.toTable,
+    attributes: {"baseTexture": TextureType, "color": Vec4F32}.toTable
+  )
 proc main() =
   var scenes = [
-    Scene(name: "Donut", meshes: loadMeshes("donut.glb", COLORED_SINGLE_TEXTURE_MATERIAL)[0].toSeq),
+    Scene(name: "Donut", meshes: loadMeshes("donut.glb", MeshMaterial)[0].toSeq),
   var engine = initEngine("Test meshes")
     shaderConfiguration = createShaderConfiguration(
+      name = "default shader",
       inputs = [
         attr[Vec3f]("position", memoryPerformanceHint = PreferFastRead),
         attr[uint16](MATERIALINDEX_ATTRIBUTE, memoryPerformanceHint = PreferFastRead, perInstance = true),
@@ -28,14 +39,14 @@
       samplers = [attr[Texture]("baseTexture", arrayCount = 4)],
       vertexCode = &"""
-  gl_Position =  vec4(position, 1.0) * (transform * Uniforms.view * Uniforms.projection);
+  gl_Position =  vec4(position, 1.0) * (transform * (Uniforms.view * Uniforms.projection));
   vertexColor = Uniforms.color[{MATERIALINDEX_ATTRIBUTE}];
   colorTexCoord = texcoord_0;
   materialIndexOut = {MATERIALINDEX_ATTRIBUTE};
       fragmentCode = "color = texture(baseTexture[materialIndexOut], colorTexCoord) * vertexColor;"
-  engine.initRenderer({COLORED_SINGLE_TEXTURE_MATERIAL: shaderConfiguration})
+  engine.initRenderer({MeshMaterial: shaderConfiguration})
   for scene in scenes.mitems:
     scene.addShaderGlobal("projection", Unit4F32)
@@ -48,30 +59,30 @@
     azimut = 0'f32
     currentScene = 0
-  while engine.updateInputs() == Running and not engine.keyIsDown(Escape):
-    if engine.keyWasPressed(`1`):
+  while engine.updateInputs() and not keyIsDown(Escape):
+    if keyWasPressed(`1`):
       currentScene = 0
-    elif engine.keyWasPressed(`2`):
+    elif keyWasPressed(`2`):
       currentScene = 1
-    elif engine.keyWasPressed(`3`):
+    elif keyWasPressed(`3`):
       currentScene = 2
-    elif engine.keyWasPressed(`4`):
+    elif keyWasPressed(`4`):
       currentScene = 3
-    elif engine.keyWasPressed(`5`):
+    elif keyWasPressed(`5`):
       currentScene = 4
-    elif engine.keyWasPressed(`6`):
+    elif keyWasPressed(`6`):
       currentScene = 5
-    if engine.keyWasPressed(NumberRowExtra3):
+    if keyWasPressed(NumberRowExtra3):
       size = 0.3'f32
       elevation = 0'f32
       azimut = 0'f32
     let ratio = engine.getWindow().size[0] / engine.getWindow().size[1]
-    size *= 1'f32 + engine.mouseWheel() * 0.05
-    azimut += engine.mouseMove().x / 180'f32
-    elevation -= engine.mouseMove().y / 180'f32
-    scenes[currentScene].setShaderGlobal("projection", ortho(-ratio, ratio, -1, 1, -1, 1))
+    size *= 1'f32 + mouseWheel() * 0.05
+    azimut += mouseMove().x / 180'f32
+    elevation -= mouseMove().y / 180'f32
+    scenes[currentScene].setShaderGlobal("projection", perspective(PI / 2, ratio, -0.5, 1))
        scale(size, size, size) * rotate(elevation, newVec3f(1, 0, 0)) * rotate(azimut, Yf32)