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view semiconginev2/old/platform/windows/window.nim @ 1223:55896320c8bf compiletime-tests
fix: references to new package not updated
author | sam <> |
date | Wed, 17 Jul 2024 21:13:54 +0700 |
parents | 56781cc0fc7c |
children |
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import std/options import ../../thirdparty/winim/winim import ../../core/vector import ../../core/buildconfig import ./virtualkey_map import ../../events type NativeWindow* = object hinstance*: HINSTANCE hwnd*: HWND g_wpPrev: WINDOWPLACEMENT # sorry, have to use module-global variable to capture windows events var currentEvents: seq[Event] template CheckWin32Result*(call: untyped) = let value = call if value == 0: raise newException(Exception, "Win32 error: " & astToStr(call) & " returned " & $value) let andCursorMask = [0xff] xorCursorMask = [0x00] invisibleCursor = CreateCursor(HINSTANCE(0), 0, 0, 1, 1, pointer(addr andCursorMask), pointer(addr xorCursorMask)) defaultCursor = LoadCursor(HINSTANCE(0), IDC_ARROW) var currentCursor = defaultCursor proc MapLeftRightKeys(key: INT, lparam: LPARAM): INT = case key of VK_SHIFT: MapVirtualKey(UINT((lParam and 0x00ff0000) shr 16), MAPVK_VSC_TO_VK_EX) of VK_CONTROL: if (lParam and 0x01000000) == 0: VK_LCONTROL else: VK_RCONTROL of VK_MENU: if (lParam and 0x01000000) == 0: VK_LMENU else: VK_RMENU else: key proc WindowHandler(hwnd: HWND, uMsg: UINT, wParam: WPARAM, lParam: LPARAM): LRESULT {.stdcall.} = case uMsg of WM_DESTROY: currentEvents.add(Event(eventType: events.EventType.Quit)) of WM_KEYDOWN, WM_SYSKEYDOWN: let key = MapLeftRightKeys(INT(wParam), lParam) currentEvents.add(Event(eventType: KeyPressed, key: KeyTypeMap.getOrDefault(key, Key.UNKNOWN))) of WM_KEYUP, WM_SYSKEYUP: let key = MapLeftRightKeys(INT(wParam), lParam) currentEvents.add(Event(eventType: KeyReleased, key: KeyTypeMap.getOrDefault(key, Key.UNKNOWN))) of WM_LBUTTONDOWN: currentEvents.add(Event(eventType: MousePressed, button: MouseButton.Mouse1)) of WM_LBUTTONUP: currentEvents.add(Event(eventType: MouseReleased, button: MouseButton.Mouse1)) of WM_MBUTTONDOWN: currentEvents.add(Event(eventType: MousePressed, button: MouseButton.Mouse2)) of WM_MBUTTONUP: currentEvents.add(Event(eventType: MouseReleased, button: MouseButton.Mouse2)) of WM_RBUTTONDOWN: currentEvents.add(Event(eventType: MousePressed, button: MouseButton.Mouse3)) of WM_RBUTTONUP: currentEvents.add(Event(eventType: MouseReleased, button: MouseButton.Mouse3)) of WM_MOUSEMOVE: currentEvents.add(Event(eventType: events.MouseMoved, x: GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), y: GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam))) of WM_MOUSEWHEEL: currentEvents.add(Event(eventType: events.MouseWheel, amount: float32(GET_WHEEL_DELTA_WPARAM(wParam)) / WHEEL_DELTA)) of WM_SIZING: currentEvents.add(Event(eventType: ResizedWindow)) of WM_SIZE: if wParam == SIZE_MINIMIZED: currentEvents.add(Event(eventType: MinimizedWindow)) elif wParam == SIZE_RESTORED: currentEvents.add(Event(eventType: RestoredWindow)) of WM_SETCURSOR: if LOWORD(lParam) == HTCLIENT: SetCursor(currentCursor) return 1 else: return DefWindowProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam) else: return DefWindowProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam) proc CreateWindow*(title: string): NativeWindow = when DEBUG: AllocConsole() discard stdin.reopen("conIN$", fmRead) discard stdout.reopen("conOUT$", fmWrite) discard stderr.reopen("conOUT$", fmWrite) result.hInstance = HINSTANCE(GetModuleHandle(nil)) var windowClassName = T"EngineWindowClass" windowName = T(title) windowClass = WNDCLASSEX( cbSize: UINT(WNDCLASSEX.sizeof), lpfnWndProc: WindowHandler, hInstance: result.hInstance, lpszClassName: windowClassName, hcursor: currentCursor, ) if(RegisterClassEx(addr(windowClass)) == 0): raise newException(Exception, "Unable to register window class") result.hwnd = CreateWindowEx( DWORD(0), windowClassName, windowName, DWORD(WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW), CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, HMENU(0), HINSTANCE(0), result.hInstance, nil ) result.g_wpPrev.length = UINT(sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT)) discard result.hwnd.ShowWindow(SW_SHOW) proc SetTitle*(window: NativeWindow, title: string) = window.hwnd.SetWindowText(T(title)) # inspired by the one and only, Raymond Chen # proc Fullscreen*(window: var NativeWindow, enable: bool) = let dwStyle: DWORD = GetWindowLong(window.hwnd, GWL_STYLE) if enable: var mi = MONITORINFO(cbSize: DWORD(sizeof(MONITORINFO))) if GetWindowPlacement(window.hwnd, addr window.g_wpPrev) and GetMonitorInfo(MonitorFromWindow(window.hwnd, MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY), addr mi): SetWindowLong(window.hwnd, GWL_STYLE, dwStyle and (not WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW)) SetWindowPos(window.hwnd, HWND_TOP, mi.rcMonitor.left,, mi.rcMonitor.right - mi.rcMonitor.left, mi.rcMonitor.bottom -, SWP_NOOWNERZORDER or SWP_FRAMECHANGED) else: SetWindowLong(window.hwnd, GWL_STYLE, dwStyle or WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW) SetWindowPlacement(window.hwnd, addr window.g_wpPrev) SetWindowPos(window.hwnd, HWND(0), 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE or SWP_NOSIZE or SWP_NOZORDER or SWP_NOOWNERZORDER or SWP_FRAMECHANGED) proc HideSystemCursor*(window: NativeWindow) = currentCursor = invisibleCursor SetCursor(currentCursor) proc ShowSystemCursor*(window: NativeWindow) = currentCursor = defaultCursor SetCursor(currentCursor) proc Destroy*(window: NativeWindow) = discard proc Size*(window: NativeWindow): (int, int) = var rect: RECT CheckWin32Result GetWindowRect(window.hwnd, addr(rect)) (int(rect.right - rect.left), int(rect.bottom - proc PendingEvents*(window: NativeWindow): seq[Event] = # empty queue currentEvents = newSeq[Event]() var msg: MSG # fill queue while PeekMessage(addr(msg), window.hwnd, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE): TranslateMessage(addr(msg)) DispatchMessage(addr(msg)) return currentEvents proc GetMousePosition*(window: NativeWindow): Option[Vec2f] = var p: POINT let res = GetCursorPos(addr(p)) if res: return some(Vec2f([float32(p.x), float32(p.y)])) return none(Vec2f)