view semicongine/text.nim @ 1404:80cfa19d1e2c

did: finally get text/glyph layouting correct again, 2/4 test adapted to new glyph API
author sam <>
date Thu, 19 Dec 2024 23:32:45 +0700
parents 02d302c868d5
children aeb15aa9768c
line wrap: on
line source

import std/algorithm
import std/logging
import std/os
import std/sequtils
import std/streams
import std/strformat
import std/strutils
import std/tables
import std/unicode

import ./core
import ./resources
import ./rendering
import ./rendering/vulkan/api
import ./image
import ./contrib/algorithms/texture_packing

  NEWLINE = Rune('\n')
  SPACE = Rune(' ')

  TextAlignment* = enum

  GlyphQuad[N: static int] = object
    pos: array[N, Vec4f] # vertex offsets to glyph center: [left, bottom, right, top]
    uv: array[N, Vec4f] # [left, bottom, right, top]

  GlyphDescriptorSet*[N: static int] = object
    fontAtlas*: Image[Gray]
    glyphquads*: GPUValue[GlyphQuad[N], StorageBuffer]

  FontObj*[N: static int] = object
    advance*: Table[Rune, float32]
    kerning*: Table[(Rune, Rune), float32]
    lineAdvance*: float32
    lineHeight*: float32 # like lineAdvance - lineGap
    ascent*: float32 # from baseline to highest glyph
    descent*: float32 # from baseline to highest glyph
    descriptorSet*: DescriptorSetData[GlyphDescriptorSet[N]]
    descriptorGlyphIndex: Table[Rune, uint16]
    fallbackCharacter: Rune

  Font*[N: static int] = ref FontObj[N]

  Glyphs*[N: static int] = object
    cursor: int
    font*: Font[N]
    baseScale*: float32
    position*: GPUArray[Vec3f, VertexBufferMapped]
    color*: GPUArray[Vec4f, VertexBufferMapped]
    scale*: GPUArray[float32, VertexBufferMapped]
    glyphIndex*: GPUArray[uint16, VertexBufferMapped]

  TextRendering* = object
    aspectRatio*: float32

  GlyphShader*[N: static int] = object
    position {.InstanceAttribute.}: Vec3f
    color {.InstanceAttribute.}: Vec4f
    scale {.InstanceAttribute.}: float32
    glyphIndex {.InstanceAttribute.}: uint16
    textRendering {.PushConstant.}: TextRendering

    fragmentUv {.Pass.}: Vec2f
    fragmentColor {.PassFlat.}: Vec4f
    outColor {.ShaderOutput.}: Vec4f
    glyphData {.DescriptorSet: 0.}: GlyphDescriptorSet[N]
    vertexCode* =
const int[6] indices = int[](0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0);
const int[4] i_x = int[](0, 0, 2, 2);
const int[4] i_y = int[](1, 3, 3, 1);
const float epsilon = 0.0000001;
// const float epsilon = 0.1;

void main() {
  int vertexI = indices[gl_VertexIndex];
  vec3 pos = vec3(
    glyphquads.pos[glyphIndex][i_x[vertexI]] * scale / textRendering.aspectRatio,
    glyphquads.pos[glyphIndex][i_y[vertexI]] * scale,
    1 - (gl_InstanceIndex + 1) * epsilon // allows overlapping glyphs to make proper depth test
  vec3 offset = vec3(
    (position.x - textRendering.aspectRatio + 1) / textRendering.aspectRatio,
  gl_Position = vec4(pos + offset, 1.0);
  vec2 uv = vec2(glyphquads.uv[glyphIndex][i_x[vertexI]], glyphquads.uv[glyphIndex][i_y[vertexI]]);
  fragmentUv = uv;
  fragmentColor = color;
}  """
    fragmentCode* =
      """void main() {
    float a = texture(fontAtlas, fragmentUv).r;
    outColor = vec4(fragmentColor.rgb, fragmentColor.a * a);

proc `=copy`[N: static int](dest: var FontObj[N], source: FontObj[N]) {.error.}
proc `=copy`[N: static int](dest: var Glyphs[N], source: Glyphs[N]) {.error.}

include ./text/font

func initGlyphs*[N: static int](
    font: Font[N], count: int, baseScale = 1'f32
): Glyphs[N] =
  result.cursor = 0
  result.font = font
  result.baseScale = baseScale

iterator splitLines(text: seq[Rune]): seq[Rune] =
  var current = newSeq[Rune]()
  for c in text:
    if c == Rune('\n'):
      yield current
      current = newSeq[Rune]()
      current.add c
  yield current

proc width(font: Font, text: seq[Rune], scale: float32): float32 =
  for i in 0 ..< text.len:
    if not (i == text.len - 1 and text[i].isWhiteSpace):
      if text[i] in font.advance:
        result += font.advance[text[i]] * scale
        result += font.advance[font.fallbackCharacter] * scale
    if i < text.len - 1:
      result += font.kerning.getOrDefault((text[i], text[i + 1]), 0) * scale
  return result * 0.5 / getAspectRatio()

proc textDimension*(font: Font, text: seq[Rune], scale: float32): Vec2f =
  let nLines = text.countIt(it == Rune('\n')).float32
  let h = (nLines * font.lineAdvance * scale + font.lineHeight * scale) * 0.5
  let w = max(splitLines(text).toSeq.mapIt(width(font, it, scale)))

  return vec2(w, h)

proc add*(
    glyphs: var Glyphs,
    text: seq[Rune],
    position: Vec3f,
    alignment: TextAlignment = Left,
    anchor: Vec2f = vec2(0, 1),
    scale: float32 = 1'f32,
    color: Vec4f = vec4(1, 1, 1, 1),
) =
  ## Add text for rendering.
  ## `position` is the display position, where as `(0, 0) is top-left and (1, 1) is bottom right.
  ## The z-compontent goes from 0 (near plane) to 1 (far plane) and is usually just used for ordering layers
  ## this should be called again after aspect ratio of window changes 
  ## Anchor is the anchor to use inside the text

  assert text.len <= glyphs.position.len,
    &"Set {text.len} but Glyphs-object only supports {glyphs.position.len}"

    globalScale = scale * glyphs.baseScale
    dim = textDimension(glyphs.font, text, globalScale)
    baselineStart = vec2(0, glyphs.font.ascent * globalScale * 0.5)
    pos = position.xy - anchor * dim + baselineStart
    # lineWidths need to be converted to NDC
    lineWidths = splitLines(text).toSeq.mapIt(width(glyphs.font, it, globalScale))
    # also dimension must be in NDC
    maxWidth = dim.x

    origin = vec3(
      pos.x * getAspectRatio() * 2'f32 - 1'f32, -(pos.y * 2'f32 - 1'f32), position.z
    cursorPos = origin
    lineI = 0

  case alignment
  of Left:
    cursorPos.x = origin.x
  of Center:
    cursorPos.x = origin.x + ((maxWidth - lineWidths[lineI]) / 2)
  of Right:
    cursorPos.x = origin.x + (maxWidth - lineWidths[lineI]) * getAspectRatio() * 2

  for i in 0 ..< text.len:
    if text[i] == Rune('\n'):
      inc lineI
      case alignment
      of Left:
        cursorPos.x = origin.x
      of Center:
        cursorPos.x = origin.x + ((maxWidth - lineWidths[lineI]) / 2)
      of Right:
        cursorPos.x = origin.x + (maxWidth - lineWidths[lineI]) * getAspectRatio() * 2
      cursorPos.y = cursorPos.y - glyphs.font.lineAdvance * globalScale
      if not text[i].isWhitespace():
        glyphs.position[glyphs.cursor] = cursorPos
        glyphs.scale[glyphs.cursor] = globalScale
        glyphs.color[glyphs.cursor] = color
        if text[i] in glyphs.font.descriptorGlyphIndex:
          glyphs.glyphIndex[glyphs.cursor] = glyphs.font.descriptorGlyphIndex[text[i]]
          glyphs.glyphIndex[glyphs.cursor] =
        inc glyphs.cursor

      if text[i] in glyphs.font.advance:
        cursorPos.x = cursorPos.x + glyphs.font.advance[text[i]] * globalScale
        cursorPos.x =
          cursorPos.x + glyphs.font.advance[glyphs.font.fallbackCharacter] * globalScale

      if i < text.len - 1:
        cursorPos.x =
          cursorPos.x +
          glyphs.font.kerning.getOrDefault((text[i], text[i + 1]), 0) * globalScale

proc add*(
    glyphs: var Glyphs,
    text: string,
    position: Vec3f,
    alignment: TextAlignment = Left,
    anchor: Vec2f = vec2(0, 1),
    scale: float32 = 1'f32,
    color: Vec4f = vec4(1, 1, 1, 1),
) =
  add(glyphs, text.toRunes, position, alignment, anchor, scale, color)

proc reset*(glyphs: var Glyphs) =
  glyphs.cursor = 0

type EMPTY = object

proc renderGlyphs*(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pipeline: Pipeline, glyphs: Glyphs) =
    pushConstant = TextRendering(aspectRatio: getAspectRatio()),
    fixedVertexCount = 6,
    fixedInstanceCount = glyphs.cursor,