view semicongine/resources.nim @ 1432:88c3670ad251

fix: more imports
author sam <>
date Sun, 19 Jan 2025 21:35:05 +0700
parents 6f81a41603d9
line wrap: on
line source

import std/algorithm
import std/dirs
import std/json
import std/os
import std/sequtils
import std/sets
import std/streams
import std/strformat
import std/strutils
import std/tables

import ./core

type ResourceBundlingType = enum
  Dir # Directories
  Zip # Zip files
  Exe # Embeded in executable

const thebundletype =

# resource loading

func normalizeDir(dir: string): string =
  result = dir
  if result.startsWith("./"):
    result = result[2 .. ^1]
  if result.startsWith("/"):
    result = result[1 .. ^1]
  result = dir.replace('\\', '/')
  if not result.endsWith("/") and result != "":
    result = result & "/"

when thebundletype == Dir:
  proc resourceRoot(): string =

  proc packageRoot(package: string): string =

  proc loadResource_intern*(path: string, package: string): Stream =
    let realpath = package.packageRoot().joinPath(path)
    if not realpath.fileExists():
      raise newException(Exception, &"Resource {path} not found (checked {realpath})")
    newFileStream(realpath, fmRead)

  proc modList_intern(): seq[string] =
    for kind, file in walkDir(resourceRoot(), relative = true):
      if kind == pcDir:
        result.add file

  iterator walkResources_intern(dir: string, package = DEFAULT_PACKAGE): string =
    for file in walkDirRec(package.packageRoot().joinPath(dir), relative = true):
      yield file

  iterator ls_intern(
      dir: string, package: string
  ): tuple[kind: PathComponent, path: string] =
    for i in walkDir(package.packageRoot().joinPath(dir), relative = true):
      yield i

elif thebundletype == Zip:
  import ./thirdparty/zippy/zippy/ziparchives

  proc resourceRoot(): string =

  proc packageRoot(package: string): string =

  proc loadResource_intern*(path: string, package: string): Stream =
    let archive = openZipArchive(package.packageRoot() & ".zip")
      result = newStringStream(archive.extractFile(path))
    except ZippyError:
      raise newException(Exception, &"Resource {path} not found")

  proc modList_intern(): seq[string] =
    for kind, file in walkDir(resourceRoot(), relative = true):
      if kind == pcFile and file.endsWith(".zip"):
        result.add file[0 ..< ^4]

  iterator walkResources_intern(dir: string, package = DEFAULT_PACKAGE): string =
    let archive = openZipArchive(package.packageRoot() & ".zip")
    let normDir = dir.normalizeDir()
    for i in archive.walkFiles:
      if i.startsWith(normDir):
        yield i

  iterator ls_intern(
      dir: string, package: string
  ): tuple[kind: PathComponent, path: string] =
    let archive = openZipArchive(package.packageRoot() & ".zip")
    let normDir = dir.normalizeDir()
    var yielded: HashSet[string]

    for i in archive.walkFiles:
      if i.startsWith(normDir):
        let components = i[normDir.len .. ^1].split('/', maxsplit = 1)
        if components.len == 1:
          if not (components[0] in yielded):
            yield (kind: pcFile, path: components[0])
          if not (components[0] in yielded):
            yield (kind: pcDir, path: components[0])
        yielded.incl components[0]

elif thebundletype == Exe:
  const BUILD_RESOURCEROOT* {.strdefine.}: string = ""

  proc loadResources(): Table[string, Table[string, string]] {.compileTime.} =
    when BUILD_RESOURCEROOT == "":
      {.warning: "BUILD_RESOURCEROOT is empty, no resources will be packaged".}
      for kind, packageDir in walkDir(BUILD_RESOURCEROOT):
        if kind == pcDir:
          let package = packageDir.splitPath.tail
          result[package] = Table[string, string]()
          for resourcefile in walkDirRec(packageDir, relative = true):
            result[package][resourcefile.replace('\\', '/')] =

  const bundledResources = loadResources()

  proc loadResource_intern*(path: string, package: string): Stream =
    if path notin bundledResources[package]:
      raise newException(Exception, &"Resource {path} not found")
    result = newStringStream(bundledResources[package][path])

  proc loadResource_intern*(path: static string, package: static string): Stream =
      assert path in bundledResources[package], "Resource file '" & path & "' not found"
    result = newStringStream(bundledResources[package][path])

  proc modList_intern(): seq[string] =
    result = bundledResources.keys().toSeq()

  iterator walkResources_intern(dir: string, package = DEFAULT_PACKAGE): string =
    for i in bundledResources[package].keys:
      yield i

  iterator ls_intern(
      dir: string, package: string
  ): tuple[kind: PathComponent, path: string] =
    let normDir = dir.normalizeDir()
    var yielded: HashSet[string]

    for i in bundledResources[package].keys:
      if i.startsWith(normDir):
        let components = i[normDir.len .. ^1].split('/', maxsplit = 1)
        if components.len == 1:
          if not (components[0] in yielded):
            yield (kind: pcFile, path: components[0])
          if not (components[0] in yielded):
            yield (kind: pcDir, path: components[0])
        yielded.incl components[0]

proc loadResource*(path: string, package = DEFAULT_PACKAGE): Stream =
  loadResource_intern(path, package = package)

proc packages*(): seq[string] =

proc walkResources*(dir = "", package = DEFAULT_PACKAGE): seq[string] =
  for i in walkResources_intern(dir, package = package):
    if i.startsWith(dir):
      result.add i

proc list*(
    dir: string, package = DEFAULT_PACKAGE
): seq[tuple[kind: PathComponent, path: string]] =
  for i in ls_intern(dir = dir, package = package):
    result.add i