view src/semicongine/entity.nim @ 194:93f661a20f74

did: a bit of cleanup with the config, also add some documentation
author Sam <>
date Sun, 07 May 2023 00:23:46 +0700
parents 81dc05b46b85
children 1f8612f74fac
line wrap: on
line source

import std/strformat
import std/tables
import std/hashes
import std/typetraits

import ./math/matrix
import ./gpu_data

  Component* = ref object of RootObj
    entity*: Entity

  Scene* = object
    name*: string
    root*: Entity
    shaderGlobals*: Table[string, DataValue]
    textures*: Table[string, TextureImage]

  Entity* = ref object of RootObj
    name*: string
    transform*: Mat4 # todo: cache transform + only update VBO when transform changed
    parent*: Entity
    children*: seq[Entity]
    components*: seq[Component]

  TextureImage* = ref object of RootObj
    name*: string
    width*: uint32
    height*: uint32
    imagedata*: seq[array[4, uint8]]

func addShaderGlobal*[T](scene: var Scene, name: string, data: T) =
  var value = DataValue(thetype: getDataType[T]())
  scene.shaderGlobals[name] = value

func getShaderGlobal*[T](scene: Scene, name: string): T =

func setShaderGlobal*[T](scene: var Scene, name: string, value: T) =
  setValue[T](scene.shaderGlobals[name], value)

func addTexture*(scene: var Scene, name: string, texture: TextureImage) =
  scene.textures[name] = texture

func newScene*(name: string, root: Entity): Scene =
  Scene(name: name, root: root)

func hash*(scene: Scene): Hash =

func `==`*(a, b: Scene): bool = ==

func hash*(entity: Entity): Hash =

func hash*(component: Component): Hash =

method `$`*(entity: Entity): string {.base.} =
method `$`*(component: Component): string {.base.} =
  "Unknown Component"

proc add*(entity: Entity, child: Entity) =
  child.parent = entity
  entity.children.add child
proc add*(entity: Entity, component: Component) =
  component.entity = entity
  entity.components.add component
proc add*(entity: Entity, children: seq[Entity]) =
  for child in children:
    child.parent = entity
    entity.children.add child
proc add*(entity: Entity, components: seq[Component]) =
  for component in components:
    component.entity = entity
    entity.components.add component

func newEntity*(name: string = ""): Entity =
  result = new Entity = name
  result.transform = Unit4
  if == "": = &"Entity[{$(cast[ByteAddress](result))}]"

func newEntity*(name: string, firstChild: Entity, children: varargs[Entity]): Entity =
  result = new Entity
  result.add firstChild
  for child in children:
    result.add child = name
  result.transform = Unit4
  if == "": = &"Entity[{$(cast[ByteAddress](result))}]"

proc newEntity*(name: string, firstComponent: Component, components: varargs[Component]): Entity =
  result = new Entity = name
  result.add firstComponent
  for component in components:
    result.add component
  if == "": = &"Entity[{$(cast[ByteAddress](result))}]"
  result.transform = Unit4

func getModelTransform*(entity: Entity): Mat4 =
  result = Unit4
  var currentEntity = entity
  while currentEntity != nil:
    result = currentEntity.transform * result
    currentEntity = currentEntity.parent

iterator allComponentsOfType*[T: Component](root: Entity): var T =
  var queue = @[root]
  while queue.len > 0:
    let entity = queue.pop
    for component in entity.components.mitems:
      if component of T:
        yield T(component)
    for i in countdown(entity.children.len - 1, 0):
      queue.add entity.children[i]

func firstWithName*(root: Entity, name: string): Entity =
  var queue = @[root]
  while queue.len > 0:
    let next = queue.pop
    for child in next.children:
      if == name:
        return child
      queue.add child

func firstComponentWithName*[T: Component](root: Entity, name: string): T =
  var queue = @[root]
  while queue.len > 0:
    let next = queue.pop
    for child in next.children:
      if == name:
        for component in child.components:
          if component of T:
            return T(component)
      queue.add child

func allWithName*(root: Entity, name: string): seq[Entity] =
  var queue = @[root]
  while queue.len > 0:
    let next = queue.pop
    for child in next.children:
      if == name:
        result.add child
      queue.add child

func allComponentsWithName*[T: Component](root: Entity, name: string): seq[T] =
  var queue = @[root]
  while queue.len > 0:
    let next = queue.pop
    for child in next.children:
      if == name:
        for component in child.components:
          if component of T:
            result.add T(component)
      queue.add child

iterator allEntities*(root: Entity): Entity =
  var queue = @[root]
  while queue.len > 0:
    let next = queue.pop
    for child in next.children:
      queue.add child
    yield next