Mercurial > games > semicongine
view semicongine/gltf.nim @ 1449:9f3306b2ba14
add: export blender collections as gltf hierarchies
author | sam <> |
date | Wed, 12 Mar 2025 00:09:26 +0700 |
parents | 96753bec055c |
children | f10434260b1d |
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import std/json import std/logging import std/streams import std/strutils import std/tables import std/typetraits import ./core import ./images import ./resources type # === public === GltfData*[TMesh, TMaterial] = object scenes*: seq[seq[int]] # each scene has a seq of node indices nodes*: seq[GltfNode] # each node has a seq of mesh indices meshes*: seq[GltfMesh[TMesh]] materials*: seq[TMaterial] textures*: seq[Image[BGRA]] GltfNode* = object name*: string properties*: JsonNode children*: seq[int] mesh*: int = -1 transform*: Mat4 = Unit4 GltfMesh*[TMesh] = object primitives*: seq[GltfPrimitive[TMesh]] GltfPrimitive*[TMesh] = object data*: TMesh topology*: VkPrimitiveTopology = VK_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLE_LIST material*: int MaterialAttributeNames* = object # pbr baseColorTexture*: string baseColorTextureUv*: string baseColorFactor*: string metallicRoughnessTexture*: string metallicRoughnessTextureUv*: string metallicFactor*: string roughnessFactor*: string # other normalTexture*: string normalTextureUv*: string occlusionTexture*: string occlusionTextureUv*: string emissiveTexture*: string emissiveTextureUv*: string emissiveFactor*: string MeshAttributeNames* = object POSITION*: string NORMAL*: string TANGENT*: string TEXCOORD*: seq[string] COLOR*: seq[string] JOINTS*: seq[string] WEIGHTS*: seq[string] indices*: string material*: string # === internal === glTFHeader = object magic: uint32 version: uint32 length: uint32 glTFData = object structuredContent: JsonNode binaryBufferData: seq[uint8] proc `=copy`[M](dest: var GltfPrimitive[M], source: GltfPrimitive[M]) {.error.} proc `=copy`[M](dest: var GltfMesh[M], source: GltfMesh[M]) {.error.} proc `=copy`(dest: var GltfNode, source: GltfNode) {.error.} proc `=copy`[S, T](dest: var GltfData[S, T], source: GltfData[S, T]) {.error.} proc `=copy`(dest: var glTFHeader, source: glTFHeader) {.error.} proc `=copy`(dest: var glTFData, source: glTFData) {.error.} const HEADER_MAGIC = 0x46546C67 JSON_CHUNK = 0x4E4F534A BINARY_CHUNK = 0x004E4942 SAMPLER_FILTER_MODE_MAP = { 9728: VK_FILTER_NEAREST, 9729: VK_FILTER_LINEAR, 9984: VK_FILTER_NEAREST, 9985: VK_FILTER_LINEAR, 9986: VK_FILTER_NEAREST, 9987: VK_FILTER_LINEAR, }.toTable SAMPLER_WRAP_MODE_MAP = { 33071: VK_SAMPLER_ADDRESS_MODE_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, 33648: VK_SAMPLER_ADDRESS_MODE_MIRRORED_REPEAT, 10497: VK_SAMPLER_ADDRESS_MODE_REPEAT, }.toTable PRIMITIVE_MODE_MAP = [ 0: VK_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_POINT_LIST, 1: VK_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_LINE_LIST, 2: VK_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_LINE_STRIP, # not correct, as mode 2 would be a loo, but vulkan has no concept of this 3: VK_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_LINE_STRIP, 4: VK_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLE_LIST, 5: VK_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 6: VK_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLE_FAN, ] proc getBufferViewData( bufferView: JsonNode, mainBuffer: seq[uint8], baseBufferOffset = 0 ): seq[uint8] = assert bufferView["buffer"].getInt() == 0, "Currently no external buffers supported" result = newSeq[uint8](bufferView["byteLength"].getInt()) let bufferOffset = bufferView["byteOffset"].getInt() + baseBufferOffset var dstPointer = addr result[0] if bufferView.hasKey("byteStride"): raise newException(Exception, "Unsupported feature: byteStride in buffer view") copyMem(dstPointer, addr mainBuffer[bufferOffset], result.len) proc componentTypeId(t: typedesc): int = if t is int8: return 5120 elif t is uint8: return 5121 elif t is int16: return 5122 elif t is uint16: return 5123 elif t is uint32: return 5125 elif t is float32: return 5126 proc componentTypeName(id: int): string = if id == 5120: return elif id == 5121: return elif id == 5122: return elif id == 5123: return elif id == 5125: return elif id == 5126: return proc getAccessorData[T]( root: JsonNode, accessor: JsonNode, mainBuffer: seq[uint8] ): seq[T] = if accessor.hasKey("sparse"): raise newException(Exception, "Sparce accessors are currently not supported") let componentType = accessor["componentType"].getInt() let itemType = accessor["type"].getStr() when T is TVec or T is TMat: assert componentTypeId(elementType(default(T))) == componentType, "Requested type '" & name(elementType(default(T))) & $componentTypeId(elementType(default(T))) & "' but actual type is '" & componentTypeName(componentType) & "'" else: assert componentTypeId(T) == componentType, "Requested type '" & name(T) & "' but actual type is '" & componentTypeName(componentType) & "'" when T is TVec: when len(default(T)) == 2: assert itemType == "VEC2" elif len(default(T)) == 3: assert itemType == "VEC3" elif len(default(T)) == 4: assert itemType == "VEC4" elif T is TMat: when T is Mat2: assert itemType == "MAT2" elif T is Mat3: assert itemType == "MAT3" elif T is Mat4: assert itemType == "MAT4" else: assert itemType == "SCALAR" result.setLen(accessor["count"].getInt()) let bufferView = root["bufferViews"][accessor["bufferView"].getInt()] assert bufferView["buffer"].getInt() == 0, "Currently no external buffers supported" let accessorOffset = if accessor.hasKey("byteOffset"): accessor["byteOffset"].getInt() else: 0 let bufferOffset = (if "byteOffset" in bufferView: bufferView["byteOffset"].getInt() else: 0) + accessorOffset var dstPointer = result.ToCPointer() if bufferView.hasKey("byteStride"): warn "Congratulations, you try to test a feature (loading buffer data with stride attributes) that we have no idea where it is used and how it can be tested (need a coresponding *.glb file)." # we don't support stride, have to convert stuff here... does this even work? for i in 0 ..< result.len: copyMem( dstPointer, addr(mainBuffer[bufferOffset + i * bufferView["byteStride"].getInt()]), sizeof(T), ) dstPointer = cast[typeof(dstPointer)](cast[uint](dstPointer) + sizeof(T).uint) else: copyMem(dstPointer, addr(mainBuffer[bufferOffset]), result.len * sizeof(T)) proc loadTexture( root: JsonNode, textureNode: JsonNode, mainBuffer: seq[uint8] ): Image[BGRA] = let imageIndex = textureNode["source"].getInt() if root["images"][imageIndex].hasKey("uri"): raise newException( Exception, "Unsupported feature: Cannot load images from external files" ) let bufferView = root["bufferViews"][root["images"][imageIndex]["bufferView"].getInt()] let img = loadImageData[BGRA](getBufferViewData(bufferView, mainBuffer)) result = Image[BGRA](width: img.width, height: img.height, data: if textureNode.hasKey("sampler"): let sampler = root["samplers"][textureNode["sampler"].getInt()] if sampler.hasKey("magFilter"): result.magInterpolation = SAMPLER_FILTER_MODE_MAP[sampler["magFilter"].getInt()] if sampler.hasKey("minFilter"): result.minInterpolation = SAMPLER_FILTER_MODE_MAP[sampler["minFilter"].getInt()] if sampler.hasKey("wrapS"): result.wrapU = SAMPLER_WRAP_MODE_MAP[sampler["wrapS"].getInt()] if sampler.hasKey("wrapT"): result.wrapV = SAMPLER_WRAP_MODE_MAP[sampler["wrapT"].getInt()] proc getVec4f(node: JsonNode): Vec4f = vec4(node[0].getFloat(), node[1].getFloat(), node[2].getFloat(), node[3].getFloat()) proc loadMaterial[TMaterial]( root: JsonNode, materialNode: JsonNode, mapping: static MaterialAttributeNames, mainBuffer: seq[uint8], ): TMaterial = result = TMaterial() let pbr {.hint[XDeclaredButNotUsed]: off.} = materialNode["pbrMetallicRoughness"] for name, value in fieldPairs(result): for gltfAttribute, mappedName in fieldPairs(mapping): when gltfAttribute != "" and name == mappedName: if pbr.hasKey(gltfAttribute): when gltfAttribute.endsWith("Texture"): value = typeof(value)(pbr[gltfAttribute]["index"].getInt()) elif gltfAttribute.endsWith("TextureUv"): value = typeof(pbr[gltfAttribute[0 ..< ^2]]["index"].getInt()) elif gltfAttribute in ["baseColorFactor", "emissiveFactor"]: value = pbr[gltfAttribute].getVec4f() elif gltfAttribute in ["metallicFactor", "roughnessFactor"]: value = pbr[gltfAttribute].getFloat() else: {.error: "Unsupported gltf material attribute".} proc loadPrimitive[TMesh]( root: JsonNode, primitive: JsonNode, mapping: static MeshAttributeNames, mainBuffer: seq[uint8], ): GltfPrimitive[TMesh] = = TMesh() if primitive.hasKey("mode"): result.topology = PRIMITIVE_MODE_MAP[primitive["mode"].getInt()] if primitive.hasKey("material"): result.material = primitive["material"].getInt() if primitive.hasKey("indices"): doAssert mapping.indices != "", "Mesh requires indices" for resultFieldName, resultValue in fieldPairs( for gltfAttribute, mappedName in fieldPairs(mapping): when typeof(mappedName) is seq: when resultFieldName in mappedName: var i = 0 for mappedIndexName in mappedName: if gltfAttribute != "" and resultFieldName == mappedIndexName: assert resultValue is GPUData, "Attribute " & resultFieldName & " must be of type GPUData" let gltfAttributeIndexed = gltfAttribute & "_" & $i if primitive["attributes"].hasKey(gltfAttributeIndexed): let accessor = primitive["attributes"][gltfAttributeIndexed].getInt() = getAccessorData[elementType(]( root, root["accessors"][accessor], mainBuffer ) inc i elif typeof(mappedName) is string: when resultFieldName == mappedName: assert resultValue is GPUData or gltfAttribute == "material", "Attribute " & resultFieldName & " must be of type GPUData" when gltfAttribute == "indices": if primitive.hasKey(gltfAttribute): let accessor = primitive[gltfAttribute].getInt() = getAccessorData[elementType(]( root, root["accessors"][accessor], mainBuffer ) elif gltfAttribute == "material": if primitive.hasKey(gltfAttribute): # assuming here that materials IDs are a normal field on the mesh, not GPUData resultValue = typeof(resultValue)(primitive[gltfAttribute].getInt()) else: if primitive["attributes"].hasKey(gltfAttribute): let accessor = primitive["attributes"][gltfAttribute].getInt() = getAccessorData[elementType(]( root, root["accessors"][accessor], mainBuffer ) proc loadNode(node: JsonNode): GltfNode = result = GltfNode() if "name" in node: = node["name"].getStr() if "properties" in node: = node["properties"] if "mesh" in node: result.mesh = node["mesh"].getInt() if "children" in node: for child in items(node["children"]): result.children.add child.getInt() if "matrix" in node: for i in 0 ..< node["matrix"].len: result.transform[i] = node["matrix"][i].getFloat() result.transform = result.transform.transposed() else: var (t, r, s) = (Unit4, Unit4, Unit4) if "translation" in node: t = translate( float32(node["translation"][0].getFloat()), float32(node["translation"][1].getFloat()), float32(node["translation"][2].getFloat()), ) if "rotation" in node: t = rotate( float32(node["rotation"][3].getFloat()), vec3( float32(node["rotation"][0].getFloat()), float32(node["rotation"][1].getFloat()), float32(node["rotation"][2].getFloat()), ), ) if "scale" in node: t = scale( float32(node["scale"][0].getFloat()), float32(node["scale"][1].getFloat()), float32(node["scale"][2].getFloat()), ) result.transform = t * r * s proc ReadglTF*[TMesh, TMaterial]( stream: Stream, meshAttributesMapping: static MeshAttributeNames, materialAttributesMapping: static MaterialAttributeNames, ): GltfData[TMesh, TMaterial] = var header: glTFHeader data: glTFData for name, value in fieldPairs(header): assert header.magic == HEADER_MAGIC assert header.version == 2 var chunkLength = stream.readUint32() assert stream.readUint32() == JSON_CHUNK data.structuredContent = parseJson(stream.readStr(int(chunkLength))) chunkLength = stream.readUint32() assert stream.readUint32() == BINARY_CHUNK data.binaryBufferData.setLen(chunkLength) assert stream.readData(addr data.binaryBufferData[0], int(chunkLength)) == int(chunkLength) # check that the refered buffer is the same as the binary chunk # external binary buffers are not supported assert data.structuredContent["buffers"].len == 1 assert not data.structuredContent["buffers"][0].hasKey("uri") let bufferLenDiff = int(chunkLength) - data.structuredContent["buffers"][0]["byteLength"].getInt() assert 0 <= bufferLenDiff and bufferLenDiff <= 3 # binary buffer may be aligned to 4 bytes debug "Loading mesh: ", data.structuredContent.pretty if "materials" in data.structuredContent: for materialnode in items(data.structuredContent["materials"]): result.materials.add loadMaterial[TMaterial]( data.structuredContent, materialnode, materialAttributesMapping, data.binaryBufferData, ) if "textures" in data.structuredContent: for texturenode in items(data.structuredContent["textures"]): result.textures.add loadTexture( data.structuredContent, texturenode, data.binaryBufferData ) if "meshes" in data.structuredContent: for mesh in items(data.structuredContent["meshes"]): var meshObj: GltfMesh[TMesh] for primitive in items(mesh["primitives"]): meshObj.primitives.add loadPrimitive[TMesh]( data.structuredContent, primitive, meshAttributesMapping, data.binaryBufferData, ) result.meshes.add meshObj if "nodes" in data.structuredContent: for node in items(data.structuredContent["nodes"]): result.nodes.add loadNode(node) if "scenes" in data.structuredContent: for scene in items(data.structuredContent["scenes"]): if "nodes" in scene: var nodes: seq[int] for nodeId in items(scene["nodes"]): nodes.add nodeId.getInt() result.scenes.add nodes proc loadMeshes*[TMesh, TMaterial]( path: string, meshAttributesMapping: static MeshAttributeNames, materialAttributesMapping: static MaterialAttributeNames, package = DEFAULT_PACKAGE, ): GltfData[TMesh, TMaterial] {.gcsafe.} = ReadglTF[TMesh, TMaterial]( stream = loadResource_intern(path, package = package), meshAttributesMapping = meshAttributesMapping, materialAttributesMapping = materialAttributesMapping, )