view tests/test_gltf.nim @ 1247:c15770761865

add: gltf loading test, gltf loading for materials
author sam <>
date Wed, 24 Jul 2024 23:26:34 +0700
children 317bb5a73606
line wrap: on
line source
import std/os
import std/sequtils
import std/monotimes
import std/times
import std/options
import std/random

import ../semiconginev2

proc test_gltf(time: float32) =
  var renderdata = InitRenderData()

    Material = object
      color: Vec4f
      colorTexture: int32 = -1
      metallic: float32 = -1
      roughness: float32 = -1
      metallicRoughnessTexture: int32 = -1

      normalTexture: int32 = -1
      occlusionTexture: int32 = -1
      emissive: Vec4f = NewVec4f(-1, -1, -1, -1)
      emissiveTexture: int32 = -1
    MainDescriptors = object
      material: GPUValue[Material, UniformBuffer]
    Shader = object
      position {.VertexAttribute.}: Vec3f
      color {.VertexAttribute.}: Vec4f
      uv {.VertexAttribute.}: Vec2f
      fragmentColor {.Pass.}: Vec4f
      fragmentUv {.Pass.}: Vec2f
      outColor {.ShaderOutput.}: Vec4f
      descriptors {.DescriptorSets.}: (MainDescriptors, )
      # code
      vertexCode: string = """
void main() {
  fragmentColor = color;
  fragmentUv = uv;
  gl_Position = vec4(position, 1);
      fragmentCode: string = """void main() { outColor = fragmentColor;}"""
    Mesh = object
      position: GPUArray[Vec3f, VertexBuffer]
      color: GPUArray[Vec4f, VertexBuffer]
      uv: GPUArray[Vec2f, VertexBuffer]

  let gltfMesh = LoadMeshes[Mesh, Material](
    baseColorFactor = "color",
    baseColorTexture = "colorTexture",
    metallicFactor = "metallic",
    roughnessFactor = "roughness",
    metallicRoughnessTexture = "metallicRoughnessTexture",
    normalTexture = "normalTexture",
    occlusionTexture = "occlusionTexture",
    emissiveTexture = "emissiveTexture",
    emissiveFactor = "emissive",
  var mesh = gltfMesh.meshes[0]

  var pipeline = CreatePipeline[Shader](renderPass = vulkan.swapchain.renderPass)

  var start = getMonoTime()
  while ((getMonoTime() - start).inMilliseconds().int / 1000) < time:

    WithNextFrame(framebuffer, commandbuffer):

      WithRenderPass(vulkan.swapchain.renderPass, framebuffer, commandbuffer, vulkan.swapchain.width, vulkan.swapchain.height, NewVec4f(0, 0, 0, 0)):

        WithPipeline(commandbuffer, pipeline):

          Render(commandbuffer = commandbuffer, pipeline = pipeline, mesh = mesh)

  # cleanup
  checkVkResult vkDeviceWaitIdle(vulkan.device)
when isMainModule:
  var time = 1'f32

  var renderpass = CreateDirectPresentationRenderPass(depthBuffer = true, samples = VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_4_BIT)
  SetupSwapchain(renderpass = renderpass)

  # tests a simple triangle with minimalistic shader and vertex format

  checkVkResult vkDeviceWaitIdle(vulkan.device)
  vkDestroyRenderPass(vulkan.device, renderpass.vk, nil)
