# HG changeset patch
# User Sam <sam@basx.dev>
# Date 1685440741 -25200
# Node ID 07c755e65a4a2b966dc07c0f339e09762d615d82
# Parent  dcc12ab20a919ea3c5540c2ffabd1d996428c82c
add: final font-rendering, API changes fixed

diff -r dcc12ab20a91 -r 07c755e65a4a tests/test_font.nim
--- a/tests/test_font.nim	Tue May 30 16:58:35 2023 +0700
+++ b/tests/test_font.nim	Tue May 30 16:59:01 2023 +0700
@@ -1,51 +1,67 @@
+import std/unicode
+import std/tables
 import semicongine
 proc main() =
-  var scene = newScene("main", root=newEntity("rect", rect()))
-  var font = loadFont("DejaVuSans.ttf", "myfont")
-  var img = loadImage("flag.png")
-  var textbox = newTextbox(10, 10, font, "Joni")
-  scene.root.add textbox
   var sampler = DefaultSampler()
   sampler.magnification = VK_FILTER_NEAREST
   sampler.minification = VK_FILTER_NEAREST
-  scene.addTextures("my_texture", @[
-    Texture(image: img, sampler: sampler)
-  ])
-  scene.addShaderGlobalArray("test2", @[1'f32, 2'f32])
+  var font = loadFont("DejaVuSans.ttf", color=newVec4f(1, 0.5, 0.5, 1), resolution=20)
+  var scene = newScene("main", root=newEntity("rect"))
-  var engine = initEngine("Test fonts")
+  var flag = rect()
+  flag.setInstanceData("material", @[0'u8])
+  # scene.root.add flag
+  scene.addMaterial Material(name: "material", textures: {"textures": Texture(image: loadImage("flag.png"), sampler: sampler)}.toTable)
+  var textbox = newTextbox(32, font, "".toRunes)
+  scene.addMaterial Material(name: "fontMaterial", textures: {"textures": font.fontAtlas}.toTable)
+  textbox.mesh.setInstanceData("material", @[1'u8])
+  textbox.transform = scale3d(0.1, 0.1)
+  scene.root.add textbox
     vertexInput = @[
+      attr[Mat4]("transform", memoryPerformanceHint=PreferFastRead, perInstance=true),
       attr[Vec3f]("position", memoryPerformanceHint=PreferFastRead),
       attr[Vec2f]("uv", memoryPerformanceHint=PreferFastRead),
+      attr[uint8]("material", memoryPerformanceHint=PreferFastRead, perInstance=true),
-    vertexOutput = @[attr[Vec2f]("uvout")]
-    uniforms = @[attr[float32]("test2", arrayCount=2)]
-    samplers = @[attr[Sampler2DType]("my_texture", arrayCount=1)]
+    intermediate = @[attr[Vec2f]("uvout"), attr[uint8]("materialId", noInterpolation=true)]
+    samplers = @[attr[Sampler2DType]("textures", arrayCount=2)]
+    uniforms = @[attr[Mat4]("perspective")]
     fragOutput = @[attr[Vec4f]("color")]
-    vertexCode = compileGlslShader(
+    (vertexCode, fragmentCode) = compileVertexFragmentShaderSet(
-      uniforms=uniforms,
+      intermediate=intermediate,
+      outputs=fragOutput,
-      outputs=vertexOutput,
-      main="""gl_Position = vec4(position, 1.0); uvout = uv;"""
+      uniforms=uniforms,
+      vertexCode="""gl_Position = vec4(position, 1.0) * (transform * Uniforms.perspective); uvout = uv; materialId = material;""",
+      fragmentCode="""color = texture(textures[materialId], uvout);""",
-    fragmentCode = compileGlslShader(
-      inputs=vertexOutput,
-      uniforms=uniforms,
-      samplers=samplers,
-      outputs=fragOutput,
-      main="""color = texture(my_texture[0], uvout);"""
-    )
+  var engine = initEngine("Test fonts")
   engine.setRenderer(engine.gpuDevice.simpleForwardRenderPass(vertexCode, fragmentCode))
   engine.addScene(scene, vertexInput, samplers)
+  scene.addShaderGlobal("perspective", Unit4F32)
   while engine.updateInputs() == Running and not engine.keyIsDown(Escape):
+    if engine.windowWasResized():
+      var winSize = engine.getWindow().size
+      scene.setShaderGlobal("perspective", orthoWindowAspect(winSize[1] / winSize[0]))
+    for c in [Key.A, Key.B, Key.C, Key.D, Key.E, Key.F, Key.G, Key.H, Key.I, Key.J, Key.K, Key.L, Key.M, Key.N, Key.O, Key.P, Key.Q, Key.R, Key.S, Key.T, Key.U, Key.V, Key.W, Key.X, Key.Y, Key.Z]:
+      if engine.keyWasPressed(c):
+        if engine.keyIsDown(ShiftL) or engine.keyIsDown(ShiftR):
+          textbox.text = textbox.text & ($c).toRunes
+        else:
+          textbox.text = textbox.text & ($c).toRunes[0].toLower()
+    if engine.keyWasPressed(Space):
+        textbox.text = textbox.text & " ".toRunes[0]
+    if engine.keyWasPressed(Backspace) and textbox.text.len > 0:
+          textbox.text = textbox.text[0 ..< ^1]
diff -r dcc12ab20a91 -r 07c755e65a4a tests/test_materials.nim
--- a/tests/test_materials.nim	Tue May 30 16:58:35 2023 +0700
+++ b/tests/test_materials.nim	Tue May 30 16:59:01 2023 +0700
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 import std/times
+import std/tables
 import semicongine
@@ -21,7 +22,8 @@
   var sampler = DefaultSampler()
   sampler.magnification = VK_FILTER_NEAREST
   sampler.minification = VK_FILTER_NEAREST
-  scene.addTextures("my_texture", @[Texture(image: t1, sampler: sampler), Texture(image: t2, sampler: sampler)])
+  scene.addMaterial(Material(name:"my material", textures: {"my_texture": Texture(image: t1, sampler: sampler)}.toTable))
+  scene.addMaterial(Material(name:"my material", textures: {"my_texture": Texture(image: t2, sampler: sampler)}.toTable))
   scene.addShaderGlobalArray("test2", @[0'f32, 0'f32])
   var engine = initEngine("Test materials")
@@ -55,7 +57,7 @@
   engine.setRenderer(engine.gpuDevice.simpleForwardRenderPass(vertexCode, fragmentCode))
-  engine.addScene(scene, vertexInput, samplers)
+  engine.addScene(scene, vertexInput, samplers, transformAttribute="")
   var t = cpuTime()
   while engine.updateInputs() == Running and not engine.keyIsDown(Escape):
     var d = float32(cpuTime() - t)
diff -r dcc12ab20a91 -r 07c755e65a4a tests/test_vulkan_wrapper.nim
--- a/tests/test_vulkan_wrapper.nim	Tue May 30 16:58:35 2023 +0700
+++ b/tests/test_vulkan_wrapper.nim	Tue May 30 16:59:01 2023 +0700
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+import std/tables
 import semicongine
 proc scene_different_mesh_types(): Entity =
@@ -124,14 +126,14 @@
   for scene in scenes.mitems:
     scene.addShaderGlobal("time", 0.0'f32)
     let (R, W) = ([255'u8, 0'u8, 0'u8, 255'u8], [255'u8, 255'u8, 255'u8, 255'u8])
-    scene.addTexture("my_little_texture", Texture(image: Image(width: 5, height: 5, imagedata: @[
+    scene.addMaterial(Material(name: "my_material", textures: {"my_little_texture": Texture(image: Image(width: 5, height: 5, imagedata: @[
       R, R, R, R, R,
       R, R, W, R, R,
       R, W, W, W, R,
       R, R, W, R, R,
       R, R, R, R, R,
-    ]), sampler: sampler))
-    engine.addScene(scene, vertexInput, samplers)
+    ]), sampler: sampler)}.toTable))
+    engine.addScene(scene, vertexInput, samplers, transformAttribute="")
   echo "Setup successfull, start rendering"