changeset 1220:59e683c4728f compiletime-tests

del: outdated examples
author sam <>
date Wed, 17 Jul 2024 21:04:09 +0700
parents c61658d2d227
children 000befd9479f
files examples/E01_hello_triangle.nim examples/E02_squares.nim examples/E03_hello_cube.nim examples/E04_input.nim examples/E10_pong.nim
diffstat 5 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 526 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/examples/E01_hello_triangle.nim	Wed Jul 17 21:03:30 2024 +0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-import std/tables
-import ../semicongine
-# shader setup
-  shaderConfiguration = CreateShaderConfiguration(
-    name = "default shader",
-    inputs = [
-      Attr[Vec3f]("position"),
-      Attr[Vec4f]("color"),
-    ],
-    intermediates = [Attr[Vec4f]("outcolor")],
-    outputs = [Attr[Vec4f]("color")],
-    vertexCode = "gl_Position = vec4(position, 1.0); outcolor = color;",
-    fragmentCode = "color = outcolor;",
-  )
-# scene setup
-  scene = Scene(name: "scene",
-    meshes: @[NewMesh(
-      positions = [NewVec3f(-0.5, 0.5), NewVec3f(0, -0.5), NewVec3f(0.5, 0.5)],
-      colors = [NewVec4f(1, 0, 0, 1), NewVec4f(0, 1, 0, 1), NewVec4f(0, 0, 1, 1)],
-      material = VERTEX_COLORED_MATERIAL.InitMaterialData()
-    )]
-  )
-  myengine = InitEngine("Hello triangle", showFps = true)
-myengine.InitRenderer({VERTEX_COLORED_MATERIAL: shaderConfiguration}, inFlightFrames = 2)
-while myengine.UpdateInputs() and not KeyWasPressed(Escape):
-  Transform[Vec3f](scene.meshes[0][], "position", Scale(1.001, 1.001))
-  myengine.RenderScene(scene)
--- a/examples/E02_squares.nim	Wed Jul 17 21:03:30 2024 +0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-import std/sequtils
-import std/tables
-import std/random
-import ../semicongine
-when isMainModule:
-  randomize()
-  const
-    COLUMNS = 10
-    ROWS = 10
-    WIDTH = 2'f32 / COLUMNS
-    HEIGHT = 2'f32 / ROWS
-  var
-    vertices: array[COLUMNS * ROWS * 4, Vec3f]
-    colors: array[COLUMNS * ROWS * 4, Vec4f]
-    iValues: array[COLUMNS * ROWS * 4, uint32]
-    indices: array[COLUMNS * ROWS * 2, array[3, uint16]]
-  for row in 0 ..< ROWS:
-    for col in 0 ..< COLUMNS:
-      let
-        y: float32 = (row * 2 / COLUMNS) - 1
-        x: float32 = (col * 2 / ROWS) - 1
-        color = NewVec4f((x + 1) / 2, (y + 1) / 2, 0, 1)
-        squareIndex = row * COLUMNS + col
-        vertIndex = squareIndex * 4
-      vertices[vertIndex + 0] = NewVec3f(x, y)
-      vertices[vertIndex + 1] = NewVec3f(x + WIDTH, y)
-      vertices[vertIndex + 2] = NewVec3f(x + WIDTH, y + HEIGHT)
-      vertices[vertIndex + 3] = NewVec3f(x, y + HEIGHT)
-      colors[vertIndex + 0] = color
-      colors[vertIndex + 1] = color
-      colors[vertIndex + 2] = color
-      colors[vertIndex + 3] = color
-      iValues[vertIndex + 0] = uint32(squareIndex)
-      iValues[vertIndex + 1] = uint32(squareIndex)
-      iValues[vertIndex + 2] = uint32(squareIndex)
-      iValues[vertIndex + 3] = uint32(squareIndex)
-      indices[squareIndex * 2 + 0] = [uint16(vertIndex + 0), uint16(vertIndex + 1), uint16(vertIndex + 2)]
-      indices[squareIndex * 2 + 1] = [uint16(vertIndex + 2), uint16(vertIndex + 3), uint16(vertIndex + 0)]
-  const
-    shaderConfiguration = CreateShaderConfiguration(
-      name = "default shader",
-      inputs = [
-        Attr[Vec3f]("position"),
-        Attr[Vec4f]("color", memoryPerformanceHint = PreferFastWrite),
-        Attr[uint32]("index"),
-      ],
-      intermediates = [Attr[Vec4f]("outcolor")],
-      uniforms = [Attr[float32]("time")],
-      outputs = [Attr[Vec4f]("color")],
-      vertexCode = """
-float pos_weight = index / 100.0; // add some gamma correction?
-float t = sin(Uniforms.time * 0.5) * 0.5 + 0.5;
-float v = min(1, max(0, pow(pos_weight - t, 2)));
-v = pow(1 - v, 3000);
-outcolor = vec4(color.r, color.g, v * 0.5, 1);
-gl_Position = vec4(position, 1.0);
-      fragmentCode = "color = outcolor;",
-    )
-  let matDef = MaterialType(name: "default", vertexAttributes: {
-    "position": Vec3F32,
-    "color": Vec4F32,
-    "index": UInt32,
-  }.toTable)
-  var squaremesh = NewMesh(
-    positions = vertices,
-    indices = indices,
-    colors = colors,
-  )
-  squaremesh[].InitVertexAttribute("index", iValues.toSeq)
-  squaremesh.material = matDef.InitMaterialData(name = "default")
-  var myengine = InitEngine("Squares")
-  myengine.InitRenderer({matDef: shaderConfiguration})
-  var scene = Scene(name: "scene", meshes: @[squaremesh])
-  scene.AddShaderGlobal("time", 0.0'f32)
-  myengine.LoadScene(scene)
-  while myengine.UpdateInputs() and not KeyWasPressed(Escape):
-    scene.SetShaderGlobal("time", GetShaderGlobal[float32](scene, "time") + 0.0005'f)
-    myengine.RenderScene(scene)
-  myengine.Destroy()
--- a/examples/E03_hello_cube.nim	Wed Jul 17 21:03:30 2024 +0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-import std/tables
-import std/times
-import ../semicongine
-  TopLeftFront = NewVec3f(-0.5'f32, -0.5'f32, -0.5'f32)
-  TopRightFront = NewVec3f(0.5'f32, -0.5'f32, -0.5'f32)
-  BottomRightFront = NewVec3f(0.5'f32, 0.5'f32, -0.5'f32)
-  BottomLeftFront = NewVec3f(-0.5'f32, 0.5'f32, -0.5'f32)
-  TopLeftBack = NewVec3f(0.5'f32, -0.5'f32, 0.5'f32)
-  TopRightBack = NewVec3f(-0.5'f32, -0.5'f32, 0.5'f32)
-  BottomRightBack = NewVec3f(-0.5'f32, 0.5'f32, 0.5'f32)
-  BottomLeftBack = NewVec3f(0.5'f32, 0.5'f32, 0.5'f32)
-  cube_pos = @[
-    TopLeftFront, TopRightFront, BottomRightFront, BottomLeftFront,     # front
-    TopLeftBack, TopRightBack, BottomRightBack, BottomLeftBack,         # back
-    TopLeftBack, TopLeftFront, BottomLeftFront, BottomLeftBack,         # left
-    TopRightBack, TopRightFront, BottomRightFront, BottomRightBack,     # right
-    TopLeftBack, TopRightBack, TopRightFront, TopLeftFront,             # top
-    BottomLeftFront, BottomRightFront, BottomRightBack, BottomLeftBack, # bottom
-  ]
-  R = NewVec4f(1, 0, 0, 1)
-  G = NewVec4f(0, 1, 0, 1)
-  B = NewVec4f(0, 0, 1, 1)
-  cube_color = @[
-    R, R, R, R,
-    R * 0.5'f32, R * 0.5'f32, R * 0.5'f32, R * 0.5'f32,
-    G, G, G, G,
-    G * 0.5'f32, G * 0.5'f32, G * 0.5'f32, G * 0.5'f32,
-    B, B, B, B,
-    B * 0.5'f32, B * 0.5'f32, B * 0.5'f32, B * 0.5'f32,
-  ]
-  tris: seq[array[3, uint16]]
-for i in 0'u16 ..< 6'u16:
-  let off = i * 4
-  tris.add [off + 0'u16, off + 1'u16, off + 2'u16]
-  tris.add [off + 2'u16, off + 3'u16, off + 0'u16]
-when isMainModule:
-  var myengine = InitEngine("Hello cube")
-  const
-    shaderConfiguration = CreateShaderConfiguration(
-      name = "default shader",
-      inputs = [
-        Attr[Vec3f]("position"),
-        Attr[Vec4f]("color", memoryPerformanceHint = PreferFastWrite),
-      ],
-      intermediates = [Attr[Vec4f]("outcolor")],
-      uniforms = [
-        Attr[Mat4]("projection"),
-        Attr[Mat4]("view"),
-        Attr[Mat4]("model"),
-      ],
-      outputs = [Attr[Vec4f]("color")],
-      vertexCode = """
-      outcolor = color;
-      // gl_Position = vec4(position, 1) * (Uniforms.model * Uniforms.projection * Uniforms.view);
-      gl_Position = vec4(position, 1) * (Uniforms.model * Uniforms.projection * Uniforms.view);
-      """,
-      fragmentCode = "color = outcolor;",
-    )
-  var matDef = MaterialType(name: "default material", vertexAttributes: {"position": Vec3F32, "color": Vec4F32}.toTable)
-  var cube = Scene(name: "scene", meshes: @[NewMesh(positions = cube_pos, indices = tris, colors = cube_color, material = matDef.InitMaterialData(name = "default"))])
-  cube.AddShaderGlobal("projection", Unit4f32)
-  cube.AddShaderGlobal("view", Unit4f32)
-  cube.AddShaderGlobal("model", Unit4f32)
-  myengine.InitRenderer({matDef: shaderConfiguration})
-  myengine.LoadScene(cube)
-  var t: float32 = cpuTime()
-  while myengine.UpdateInputs() and not KeyWasPressed(Escape):
-    SetShaderGlobal(cube, "model", Translate(0'f32, 0'f32, 10'f32) * Rotate(t, Yf32))
-    SetShaderGlobal(cube, "projection",
-      Perspective(
-        float32(PI / 4),
-        float32(myengine.GetWindow().Size[0]) / float32(myengine.GetWindow().Size[1]),
-        0.1'f32,
-        100'f32
-      )
-    )
-    t = cpuTime()
-    myengine.RenderScene(cube)
-  myengine.Destroy()
--- a/examples/E04_input.nim	Wed Jul 17 21:03:30 2024 +0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-import std/enumerate
-import std/tables
-import std/typetraits
-import std/math
-import ../semicongine
-  arrow = @[
-    NewVec3f(-1, -1),
-    NewVec3f(1, -1),
-    NewVec3f(-0.3, -0.3),
-    NewVec3f(-0.3, -0.3),
-    NewVec3f(-1, 1),
-    NewVec3f(-1, -1),
-  ]
-  # keyboard layout, specifying rows with key widths, negative numbers are empty spaces
-  keyrows = (
-    [1.0, -0.6, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -0.1, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
-    [1.2, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.8, -0.1, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
-    [1.8, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
-    [2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
-    [2.6, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 2.8, -1.3, 1.0],
-    [1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 6, 1.5, 1.5, -1.2, 1.5, -0.1, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
-  )
-  keyDimension = 50'f32
-  keyGap = 10'f32
-  backgroundColor = NewVec4f(0.6705882352941176, 0.6078431372549019, 0.5882352941176471, 1)
-  baseColor = NewVec4f(0.9411764705882353, 0.9058823529411765, 0.8470588235294118, 1)
-  activeColor = NewVec4f(0.6509803921568628, 0.22745098039215686, 0.3137254901960784, 1)
-  arrow_colors = @[
-    baseColor * 0.9'f32,
-    baseColor * 0.9'f32,
-    baseColor * 0.9'f32,
-    baseColor * 0.8'f32,
-    baseColor * 0.8'f32,
-    baseColor * 0.8'f32,
-  ]
-  keyIndices = [
-    Escape, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12, PrintScreen,
-    ScrollLock, Pause,
-    NumberRowExtra1, `1`, `2`, `3`, `4`, `5`, `6`, `7`, `8`, `9`, `0`,
-    NumberRowExtra2, NumberRowExtra3, Backspace, Insert, Home, PageUp,
-    Tab, Q, W, Key.E, R, T, Key.Y, U, I, O, P, LetterRow1Extra1,
-    LetterRow1Extra2, Delete, End, PageDown,
-    CapsLock, A, S, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, LetterRow2Extra1, LetterRow2Extra2,
-    LetterRow2Extra3, Enter,
-    ShiftL, Key.Z, Key.X, C, V, B, N, M, LetterRow3Extra1, LetterRow3Extra2,
-    LetterRow3Extra3, ShiftR, Up,
-    CtrlL, SuperL, AltL, Space, AltR, SuperR, CtrlR, Left, Down, Right
-  ]
-# build keyboard and cursor meshes
-  scene: Scene
-  keyvertexpos: seq[Vec3f]
-  keyvertexcolor: seq[Vec4f]
-  keymeshindices: seq[array[3, uint16]]
-  rowpos = NewVec2f(0, 0)
-  i = 0'u16
-  firstRow = true
-  rowWidth = 0'f32
-for row in keyrows.fields:
-  for key in row:
-    let keySpace = float32(keyDimension * key)
-    if key > 0:
-      if keyIndices[i div 4] == Enter:
-        keyvertexpos.add NewVec3f(rowpos[0], rowpos[1] - keyDimension - keyGap)
-        keyvertexpos.add NewVec3f(rowpos[0] + keySpace, rowpos[1] - keyDimension - keyGap)
-      else:
-        keyvertexpos.add NewVec3f(rowpos[0], rowpos[1])
-        keyvertexpos.add NewVec3f(rowpos[0] + keySpace, rowpos[1])
-      keyvertexpos.add NewVec3f(rowpos[0] + keySpace, rowpos[1] + keyDimension)
-      keyvertexpos.add NewVec3f(rowpos[0], rowpos[1] + keyDimension)
-      keyvertexcolor.add [baseColor, baseColor, baseColor, baseColor]
-      keymeshindices.add [i, i + 1, i + 2]
-      keymeshindices.add [i + 2, i + 3, i]
-      rowpos[0] += keySpace + keyGap
-      i += 4
-    else:
-      rowpos[0] += -keySpace + keyGap
-  if firstRow:
-    rowWidth = rowpos[0]
-  rowpos[0] = 0
-  rowpos[1] += keyDimension + keyGap * (if firstRow: 2'f32 else: 1'f32)
-  firstRow = false
-when isMainModule:
-  var myengine = InitEngine("Input")
-  # transform the cursor a bit to make it look nice
-  let cursorscale = (
-    Scale2d(20'f32, 20'f32) *
-    Translate2d(1'f32, 1'f32) *
-    Rotate2d(-float32(PI) / 4'f32) *
-    Scale2d(0.5'f32, 1'f32) *
-    Rotate2d(float32(PI) / 4'f32)
-  )
-  var positions = arrow
-  for i in 0 ..< positions.len:
-    positions[i] = cursorscale * NewVec3f(positions[i].x, positions[i].y)
-  # define mesh objects
-  var
-    matDef = MaterialType(name: "default", vertexAttributes: {
-      "position": Vec3F32,
-      "color": Vec4F32,
-    }.toTable)
-    cursormesh = NewMesh(
-      positions = positions,
-      colors = arrow_colors,
-      material = matDef.InitMaterialData(),
-    )
-    keyboardmesh = NewMesh(
-      positions = keyvertexpos,
-      colors = keyvertexcolor,
-      indices = keymeshindices,
-      material = matDef.InitMaterialData(),
-    )
-    backgroundmesh = NewMesh(
-      positions = @[
-        NewVec3f(0'f32, 0'f32),
-        NewVec3f(1'f32, 0'f32),
-        NewVec3f(1'f32, 1'f32),
-        NewVec3f(0'f32, 1'f32),
-      ],
-      colors = @[
-        backgroundColor,
-        backgroundColor,
-        backgroundColor,
-        backgroundColor,
-      ],
-      indices = @[[0'u16, 1'u16, 2'u16], [2'u16, 3'u16, 0'u16]],
-      material = matDef.InitMaterialData(),
-    )
-  # define mesh objects
-  var keyboard_center = Translate(
-    -float32(rowWidth) / 2'f32,
-    -float32(tupleLen(keyRows) * (keyDimension + keyGap) - keyGap) / 2'f32,
-    0'f32
-  )
-  scene = Scene(name: "scene", meshes: @[backgroundmesh, keyboardmesh, cursormesh])
-  # shaders
-  const
-    shaderConfiguration = CreateShaderConfiguration(
-      name = "default shader",
-      inputs = [
-        Attr[Vec3f]("position"),
-        Attr[Vec4f]("color", memoryPerformanceHint = PreferFastWrite),
-        Attr[Mat4]("transform", memoryPerformanceHint = PreferFastWrite, perInstance = true),
-      ],
-      intermediates = [Attr[Vec4f]("outcolor")],
-      uniforms = [Attr[Mat4]("projection")],
-      outputs = [Attr[Vec4f]("color")],
-      vertexCode = """outcolor = color; gl_Position = vec4(position, 1) * (transform * Uniforms.projection);""",
-      fragmentCode = "color = outcolor;",
-    )
-  # set up rendering
-  myengine.InitRenderer({matDef: shaderConfiguration})
-  scene.AddShaderGlobal("projection", Unit4f32)
-  myengine.LoadScene(scene)
-  myengine.HideSystemCursor()
-  # mainloop
-  while myengine.UpdateInputs():
-    if WindowWasResized():
-      scene.SetShaderGlobal("projection",
-        Ortho(
-          0, float32(myengine.GetWindow().Size[0]),
-          0, float32(myengine.GetWindow().Size[1]),
-          0, 1,
-        )
-      )
-      let
-        winsize = myengine.GetWindow().Size
-        center = Translate(float32(winsize[0]) / 2'f32, float32(winsize[1]) / 2'f32, 0.1'f32)
-      keyboardmesh.transform = keyboard_center * center
-      backgroundmesh.transform = Scale(float32(winsize[0]), float32(winsize[1]), 1'f32)
-    let mousePos = Translate(MousePosition().x + 20, MousePosition().y + 20, 0'f32)
-    cursormesh.transform = mousePos
-    for (index, key) in enumerate(keyIndices):
-      if KeyWasPressed(key):
-        let baseIndex = index * 4
-        keyboardmesh["color", baseIndex + 0] = activeColor
-        keyboardmesh["color", baseIndex + 1] = activeColor
-        keyboardmesh["color", baseIndex + 2] = activeColor
-        keyboardmesh["color", baseIndex + 3] = activeColor
-      if KeyWasReleased(key):
-        let baseIndex = index * 4
-        keyboardmesh["color", baseIndex + 0] = baseColor
-        keyboardmesh["color", baseIndex + 1] = baseColor
-        keyboardmesh["color", baseIndex + 2] = baseColor
-        keyboardmesh["color", baseIndex + 3] = baseColor
-    myengine.RenderScene(scene)
-  myengine.Destroy()
--- a/examples/E10_pong.nim	Wed Jul 17 21:03:30 2024 +0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-import std/times
-import std/tables
-import ../semicongine
-  barcolor = ToRGBA("5A3F00").ToSRGB().ColorToHex()
-  barSize = 0.1'f
-  barWidth = 0.01'f
-  ballcolor = ToRGBA("B17F08").ToSRGB().ColorToHex()
-  ballSize = 0.01'f
-  ballSpeed = 60'f
-  matDef = MaterialType(name: "default", vertexAttributes: {
-    "position": Vec3F32,
-    "color": Vec4F32,
-  }.toTable)
-  level: Scene
-  ballVelocity = NewVec2f(1, 1).Normalized * ballSpeed
-when isMainModule:
-  var myengine = InitEngine("Pong")
-  var player = Rect(color = barcolor, width = barWidth, height = barSize)
-  player.material = matDef.InitMaterialData(name = "player material")
-  var ball = Circle(color = ballcolor)
-  ball.material = matDef.InitMaterialData(name = "player material")
-  level = Scene(name: "scene", meshes: @[ball, player])
-  const
-    shaderConfiguration = CreateShaderConfiguration(
-      name = "default shader",
-      inputs = [
-        Attr[Vec3f]("position"),
-        Attr[Vec4f]("color", memoryPerformanceHint = PreferFastWrite),
-        Attr[Mat4]("transform", memoryPerformanceHint = PreferFastWrite, perInstance = true),
-      ],
-      intermediates = [Attr[Vec4f]("outcolor")],
-      uniforms = [Attr[Mat4]("projection")],
-      outputs = [Attr[Vec4f]("color")],
-      vertexCode = """outcolor = color; gl_Position = vec4(position, 1) * (transform * Uniforms.projection);""",
-      fragmentCode = "color = outcolor;",
-    )
-  # set up rendering
-  myengine.InitRenderer({matDef: shaderConfiguration})
-  level.AddShaderGlobal("projection", Unit4f32)
-  myengine.LoadScene(level)
-  var
-    winsize = myengine.GetWindow().Size
-    height = float32(winsize[1]) / float32(winsize[0])
-    width = 1'f
-    currentTime = cpuTime()
-    showSystemCursor = true
-    fullscreen = false
-  while myengine.UpdateInputs() and not KeyIsDown(Escape):
-    if KeyWasPressed(C):
-      if showSystemCursor:
-        myengine.HideSystemCursor()
-      else:
-        myengine.ShowSystemCursor()
-      showSystemCursor = not showSystemCursor
-    if KeyWasPressed(F):
-      fullscreen = not fullscreen
-      myengine.Fullscreen = fullscreen
-    let dt: float32 = cpuTime() - currentTime
-    currentTime = cpuTime()
-    if WindowWasResized():
-      winsize = myengine.GetWindow().Size
-      height = float32(winsize[1]) / float32(winsize[0])
-      width = 1'f
-      SetShaderGlobal(level, "projection", Ortho(0, width, 0, height, 0, 1))
-    if KeyIsDown(Down) and (player.transform.Col(3).y + barSize/2) < height:
-      player.transform = player.transform * Translate(0'f, 1'f * dt, 0'f)
-    if KeyIsDown(Up) and (player.transform.Col(3).y - barSize/2) > 0:
-      player.transform = player.transform * Translate(0'f, -1'f * dt, 0'f)
-    # bounce level
-    if ball.transform.Col(3).x + ballSize/2 > width: ballVelocity[0] = -ballVelocity[0]
-    if ball.transform.Col(3).y - ballSize/2 <= 0: ballVelocity[1] = -ballVelocity[1]
-    if ball.transform.Col(3).y + ballSize/2 > height: ballVelocity[1] = -ballVelocity[1]
-    ball.transform = ball.transform * Translate(ballVelocity[0] * dt, ballVelocity[1] * dt, 0'f32)
-    # loose
-    if ball.transform.Col(3).x - ballSize/2 <= 0:
-      ball.transform = Scale(ballSize, ballSize, 1'f) * Translate(30'f, 30'f, 0'f)
-      ballVelocity = NewVec2f(1, 1).Normalized * ballSpeed
-    # bar
-    if ball.transform.Col(3).x - ballSize/2 <= barWidth:
-      let
-        barTop = player.transform.Col(3).y - barSize/2
-        barBottom = player.transform.Col(3).y + barSize/2
-        ballTop = ball.transform.Col(3).y - ballSize/2
-        ballBottom = ball.transform.Col(3).y + ballSize/2
-      if ballTop >= barTop and ballBottom <= barBottom:
-        ballVelocity[0] = abs(ballVelocity[0])
-    myengine.RenderScene(level)
-  myengine.Destroy()