changeset 1243:7e55fde39ca8

did: prepare for gltf importer and cleanup old engine code
author sam <>
date Mon, 22 Jul 2024 17:49:48 +0700
parents e8b3dc80e48e
children 3ef5764504ad
files semiconginev2/gltf.nim semiconginev2/old/core/audiotypes.nim semiconginev2/old/core/buildconfig.nim semiconginev2/old/core/color.nim semiconginev2/old/core/constants.nim semiconginev2/old/core/dynamic_arrays.nim semiconginev2/old/core/fonttypes.nim semiconginev2/old/core/gpu_types.nim semiconginev2/old/core/imagetypes.nim semiconginev2/old/core/matrix.nim semiconginev2/old/core/utils.nim semiconginev2/old/core/vector.nim semiconginev2/old/core/vulkanapi.nim semiconginev2/old/panel.nim semiconginev2/old/resources.nim semiconginev2/old/resources/audio.nim semiconginev2/old/resources/image.nim semiconginev2/old/resources/lodepng.c semiconginev2/old/resources/lodepng.h semiconginev2/old/resources/mesh.nim
diffstat 20 files changed, 359 insertions(+), 24502 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/semiconginev2/gltf.nim	Mon Jul 22 17:49:48 2024 +0700
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+  glTFHeader = object
+    magic: uint32
+    version: uint32
+    length: uint32
+  glTFData = object
+    structuredContent: JsonNode
+    binaryBufferData: seq[uint8]
+  JSON_CHUNK = 0x4E4F534A
+  BINARY_CHUNK = 0x004E4942
+    5120: Int8,
+    5121: UInt8,
+    5122: Int16,
+    5123: UInt16,
+    5125: UInt32,
+    5126: Float32,
+  }.toTable
+    9729: VK_FILTER_LINEAR,
+    9985: VK_FILTER_LINEAR,
+    9987: VK_FILTER_LINEAR,
+  }.toTable
+  }.toTable
+    "color": "baseColorFactor",
+    "emissiveColor": "emissiveFactor",
+    "metallic": "metallicFactor",
+    "roughness", "roughnessFactor",
+    "baseTexture": "baseColorTexture",
+    "metallicRoughnessTexture": "metallicRoughnessTexture",
+    "normalTexture": "normalTexture",
+    "occlusionTexture": "occlusionTexture",
+    "emissiveTexture": "emissiveTexture",
+  }.toTable
+proc getGPUType(accessor: JsonNode, attribute: string): DataType =
+  # TODO: no full support for all datatypes that glTF may provide
+  # semicongine/core/gpu_data should maybe generated with macros to allow for all combinations
+  let componentType = ACCESSOR_TYPE_MAP[accessor["componentType"].getInt()]
+  let theType = accessor["type"].getStr()
+  case theType
+  of "SCALAR":
+    return componentType
+  of "VEC2":
+    case componentType
+    of UInt32: return Vec2U32
+    of Float32: return Vec2F32
+    else: raise newException(Exception, &"Unsupported data type for attribute '{attribute}': {componentType} {theType}")
+  of "VEC3":
+    case componentType
+    of UInt32: return Vec3U32
+    of Float32: return Vec3F32
+    else: raise newException(Exception, &"Unsupported data type for attribute '{attribute}': {componentType} {theType}")
+  of "VEC4":
+    case componentType
+    of UInt32: return Vec4U32
+    of Float32: return Vec4F32
+    else: raise newException(Exception, &"Unsupported data type for attribute '{attribute}': {componentType} {theType}")
+  of "MAT2":
+    case componentType
+    of Float32: return Vec4F32
+    else: raise newException(Exception, &"Unsupported data type for attribute '{attribute}': {componentType} {theType}")
+  of "MAT3":
+    case componentType
+    of Float32: return Vec4F32
+    else: raise newException(Exception, &"Unsupported data type for attribute '{attribute}': {componentType} {theType}")
+  of "MAT4":
+    case componentType
+    of Float32: return Vec4F32
+    else: raise newException(Exception, &"Unsupported data type for attribute '{attribute}': {componentType} {theType}")
+proc getBufferViewData(bufferView: JsonNode, mainBuffer: seq[uint8], baseBufferOffset = 0): seq[uint8] =
+  assert bufferView["buffer"].getInt() == 0, "Currently no external buffers supported"
+  result = newSeq[uint8](bufferView["byteLength"].getInt())
+  let bufferOffset = bufferView["byteOffset"].getInt() + baseBufferOffset
+  var dstPointer = addr result[0]
+  if bufferView.hasKey("byteStride"):
+    raise newException(Exception, "Unsupported feature: byteStride in buffer view")
+  copyMem(dstPointer, addr mainBuffer[bufferOffset], result.len)
+proc getAccessorData(root: JsonNode, accessor: JsonNode, mainBuffer: seq[uint8]): DataList =
+  result = InitDataList(thetype = accessor.getGPUType("??"))
+  result.SetLen(accessor["count"].getInt())
+  let bufferView = root["bufferViews"][accessor["bufferView"].getInt()]
+  assert bufferView["buffer"].getInt() == 0, "Currently no external buffers supported"
+  if accessor.hasKey("sparse"):
+    raise newException(Exception, "Sparce accessors are currently not implemented")
+  let accessorOffset = if accessor.hasKey("byteOffset"): accessor["byteOffset"].getInt() else: 0
+  let length = bufferView["byteLength"].getInt()
+  let bufferOffset = bufferView["byteOffset"].getInt() + accessorOffset
+  var dstPointer = result.GetPointer()
+  if bufferView.hasKey("byteStride"):
+    warn "Congratulations, you try to test a feature (loading buffer data with stride attributes) that we have no idea where it is used and how it can be tested (need a coresponding *.glb file)."
+    # we don't support stride, have to convert stuff here... does this even work?
+    for i in 0 ..< int(result.len):
+      copyMem(dstPointer, addr mainBuffer[bufferOffset + i * bufferView["byteStride"].getInt()], int(result.thetype.Size))
+      dstPointer = cast[pointer](cast[uint](dstPointer) + result.thetype.Size)
+  else:
+    copyMem(dstPointer, addr mainBuffer[bufferOffset], length)
+proc loadImage(root: JsonNode, imageIndex: int, mainBuffer: seq[uint8]): Image[RGBAPixel] =
+  if root["images"][imageIndex].hasKey("uri"):
+    raise newException(Exception, "Unsupported feature: Load images from external files")
+  let bufferView = root["bufferViews"][root["images"][imageIndex]["bufferView"].getInt()]
+  let imgData = newStringStream(cast[string](getBufferViewData(bufferView, mainBuffer)))
+  let imageType = root["images"][imageIndex]["mimeType"].getStr()
+  case imageType
+  of "image/bmp":
+    result = ReadBMP(imgData)
+  of "image/png":
+    result = ReadPNG(imgData)
+  else:
+    raise newException(Exception, "Unsupported feature: Load image of type " & imageType)
+proc loadTexture(root: JsonNode, textureIndex: int, mainBuffer: seq[uint8]): Texture =
+  let textureNode = root["textures"][textureIndex]
+  result = Texture(isGrayscale: false)
+  result.colorImage = loadImage(root, textureNode["source"].getInt(), mainBuffer)
+ = root["images"][textureNode["source"].getInt()]["name"].getStr()
+  if == "":
+ = &"Texture{textureIndex}"
+  if textureNode.hasKey("sampler"):
+    let sampler = root["samplers"][textureNode["sampler"].getInt()]
+    if sampler.hasKey("magFilter"):
+      result.sampler.magnification = SAMPLER_FILTER_MODE_MAP[sampler["magFilter"].getInt()]
+    if sampler.hasKey("minFilter"):
+      result.sampler.minification = SAMPLER_FILTER_MODE_MAP[sampler["minFilter"].getInt()]
+    if sampler.hasKey("wrapS"):
+      result.sampler.wrapModeS = SAMPLER_WRAP_MODE_MAP[sampler["wrapS"].getInt()]
+    if sampler.hasKey("wrapT"):
+      result.sampler.wrapModeT = SAMPLER_WRAP_MODE_MAP[sampler["wrapS"].getInt()]
+proc loadMaterial(root: JsonNode, materialNode: JsonNode, defaultMaterial: MaterialType, mainBuffer: seq[uint8]): MaterialData =
+  let pbr = materialNode["pbrMetallicRoughness"]
+  var attributes: Table[string, DataList]
+  # color
+  if defaultMaterial.attributes.contains("color"):
+    attributes["color"] = InitDataList(thetype = Vec4F32)
+    if pbr.hasKey(GLTF_MATERIAL_MAPPING["color"]):
+      attributes["color"] = @[NewVec4f(
+        pbr[GLTF_MATERIAL_MAPPING["color"]][0].getFloat(),
+        pbr[GLTF_MATERIAL_MAPPING["color"]][1].getFloat(),
+        pbr[GLTF_MATERIAL_MAPPING["color"]][2].getFloat(),
+        pbr[GLTF_MATERIAL_MAPPING["color"]][3].getFloat(),
+      )]
+    else:
+      attributes["color"] = @[NewVec4f(1, 1, 1, 1)]
+    # pbr material values
+    for factor in ["metallic", "roughness"]:
+      if defaultMaterial.attributes.contains(factor):
+        attributes[factor] = InitDataList(thetype = Float32)
+        if pbr.hasKey(GLTF_MATERIAL_MAPPING[factor]):
+          attributes[factor] = @[float32(pbr[GLTF_MATERIAL_MAPPING[factor]].getFloat())]
+        else:
+          attributes[factor] = @[0.5'f32]
+  # pbr material textures
+  for texture in ["baseTexture", "metallicRoughnessTexture"]:
+    if defaultMaterial.attributes.contains(texture):
+      attributes[texture] = InitDataList(thetype = TextureType)
+      # attributes[texture & "Index"] = InitDataList(thetype=UInt8)
+      if pbr.hasKey(GLTF_MATERIAL_MAPPING[texture]):
+        attributes[texture] = @[loadTexture(root, pbr[GLTF_MATERIAL_MAPPING[texture]]["index"].getInt(), mainBuffer)]
+      else:
+        attributes[texture] = @[EMPTY_TEXTURE]
+  # generic material textures
+  for texture in ["normalTexture", "occlusionTexture", "emissiveTexture"]:
+    if defaultMaterial.attributes.contains(texture):
+      attributes[texture] = InitDataList(thetype = TextureType)
+      # attributes[texture & "Index"] = InitDataList(thetype=UInt8)
+      if materialNode.hasKey(GLTF_MATERIAL_MAPPING[texture]):
+        attributes[texture] = @[loadTexture(root, materialNode[texture]["index"].getInt(), mainBuffer)]
+      else:
+        attributes[texture] = @[EMPTY_TEXTURE]
+  # emissiv color
+  if defaultMaterial.attributes.contains("emissiveColor"):
+    attributes["emissiveColor"] = InitDataList(thetype = Vec3F32)
+    if materialNode.hasKey(GLTF_MATERIAL_MAPPING["emissiveColor"]):
+      attributes["emissiveColor"] = @[NewVec3f(
+        materialNode[GLTF_MATERIAL_MAPPING["emissiveColor"]][0].getFloat(),
+        materialNode[GLTF_MATERIAL_MAPPING["emissiveColor"]][1].getFloat(),
+        materialNode[GLTF_MATERIAL_MAPPING["emissiveColor"]][2].getFloat(),
+      )]
+    else:
+      attributes["emissiveColor"] = @[NewVec3f(1'f32, 1'f32, 1'f32)]
+  result = InitMaterialData(theType = defaultMaterial, name = materialNode["name"].getStr(), attributes = attributes)
+proc loadMesh(meshname: string, root: JsonNode, primitiveNode: JsonNode, materials: seq[MaterialData], mainBuffer: seq[uint8]): Mesh =
+  if primitiveNode.hasKey("mode") and primitiveNode["mode"].getInt() != 4:
+    raise newException(Exception, "Currently only TRIANGLE mode is supported for geometry mode")
+  var indexType = None
+  let indexed = primitiveNode.hasKey("indices")
+  if indexed:
+    # TODO: Tiny indices
+    var indexCount = root["accessors"][primitiveNode["indices"].getInt()]["count"].getInt()
+    if indexCount < int(high(uint16)):
+      indexType = Small
+    else:
+      indexType = Big
+  result = Mesh(
+    instanceTransforms: @[Unit4F32],
+    indexType: indexType,
+    name: meshname,
+    vertexCount: 0,
+  )
+  for attribute, accessor in primitiveNode["attributes"].pairs:
+    let data = root.getAccessorData(root["accessors"][accessor.getInt()], mainBuffer)
+    if result.vertexCount == 0:
+      result.vertexCount = data.len
+    assert data.len == result.vertexCount
+    result[].InitVertexAttribute(attribute.toLowerAscii, data)
+  if primitiveNode.hasKey("material"):
+    let materialId = primitiveNode["material"].getInt()
+    result[].material = materials[materialId]
+  else:
+    result[].material = EMPTY_MATERIAL.InitMaterialData()
+  if primitiveNode.hasKey("indices"):
+    assert result[].indexType != None
+    let data = root.getAccessorData(root["accessors"][primitiveNode["indices"].getInt()], mainBuffer)
+    var tri: seq[int]
+    case data.thetype
+      of UInt16:
+        for entry in data[uint16][]:
+          tri.add int(entry)
+          if tri.len == 3:
+            # FYI gltf uses counter-clockwise indexing
+            result[].AppendIndicesData(tri[0], tri[1], tri[2])
+            tri.setLen(0)
+      of UInt32:
+        for entry in data[uint32][]:
+          tri.add int(entry)
+          if tri.len == 3:
+            # FYI gltf uses counter-clockwise indexing
+            result[].AppendIndicesData(tri[0], tri[1], tri[2])
+            tri.setLen(0)
+      else:
+        raise newException(Exception, &"Unsupported index data type: {data.thetype}")
+  # TODO: getting from gltf to vulkan system is still messed up somehow, see other TODO
+  Transform[Vec3f](result[], "position", Scale(1, -1, 1))
+proc loadNode(root: JsonNode, node: JsonNode, materials: seq[MaterialData], mainBuffer: var seq[uint8]): MeshTree =
+  result = MeshTree()
+  # mesh
+  if node.hasKey("mesh"):
+    let mesh = root["meshes"][node["mesh"].getInt()]
+    for primitive in mesh["primitives"]:
+      result.children.add MeshTree(mesh: loadMesh(mesh["name"].getStr(), root, primitive, materials, mainBuffer))
+  # transformation
+  if node.hasKey("matrix"):
+    var mat: Mat4
+    for i in 0 ..< node["matrix"].len:
+      mat[i] = node["matrix"][i].getFloat()
+    result.transform = mat
+  else:
+    var (t, r, s) = (Unit4F32, Unit4F32, Unit4F32)
+    if node.hasKey("translation"):
+      t = Translate(
+        float32(node["translation"][0].getFloat()),
+        float32(node["translation"][1].getFloat()),
+        float32(node["translation"][2].getFloat())
+      )
+    if node.hasKey("rotation"):
+      t = Rotate(
+        float32(node["rotation"][3].getFloat()),
+        NewVec3f(
+          float32(node["rotation"][0].getFloat()),
+          float32(node["rotation"][1].getFloat()),
+          float32(node["rotation"][2].getFloat())
+        )
+      )
+    if node.hasKey("scale"):
+      t = Scale(
+        float32(node["scale"][0].getFloat()),
+        float32(node["scale"][1].getFloat()),
+        float32(node["scale"][2].getFloat())
+      )
+    result.transform = t * r * s
+  result.transform = Scale(1, -1, 1) * result.transform
+  # children
+  if node.hasKey("children"):
+    for childNode in node["children"]:
+      result.children.add loadNode(root, root["nodes"][childNode.getInt()], materials, mainBuffer)
+proc loadMeshTree(root: JsonNode, scenenode: JsonNode, materials: seq[MaterialData], mainBuffer: var seq[uint8]): MeshTree =
+  result = MeshTree()
+  for nodeId in scenenode["nodes"]:
+    result.children.add loadNode(root, root["nodes"][nodeId.getInt()], materials, mainBuffer)
+  # TODO: getting from gltf to vulkan system is still messed up somehow (i.e. not consistent for different files), see other TODO
+  # result.transform = Scale(1, -1, 1)
+  result.updateTransforms()
+proc ReadglTF*(stream: Stream, defaultMaterial: MaterialType): seq[MeshTree] =
+  var
+    header: glTFHeader
+    data: glTFData
+  for name, value in fieldPairs(header):
+  assert header.magic == 0x46546C67
+  assert header.version == 2
+  var chunkLength = stream.readUint32()
+  assert stream.readUint32() == JSON_CHUNK
+  data.structuredContent = parseJson(stream.readStr(int(chunkLength)))
+  chunkLength = stream.readUint32()
+  assert stream.readUint32() == BINARY_CHUNK
+  data.binaryBufferData.setLen(chunkLength)
+  assert stream.readData(addr data.binaryBufferData[0], int(chunkLength)) == int(chunkLength)
+  # check that the refered buffer is the same as the binary chunk
+  # external binary buffers are not supported
+  assert data.structuredContent["buffers"].len == 1
+  assert not data.structuredContent["buffers"][0].hasKey("uri")
+  let bufferLenDiff = int(chunkLength) - data.structuredContent["buffers"][0]["byteLength"].getInt()
+  assert 0 <= bufferLenDiff and bufferLenDiff <= 3 # binary buffer may be aligned to 4 bytes
+  debug "Loading mesh: ", data.structuredContent.pretty
+  var materials: seq[MaterialData]
+  for materialnode in data.structuredContent["materials"]:
+    materials.add data.structuredContent.loadMaterial(materialnode, defaultMaterial, data.binaryBufferData)
+  for scenedata in data.structuredContent["scenes"]:
+    result.add data.structuredContent.loadMeshTree(scenedata, materials, data.binaryBufferData)
--- a/semiconginev2/old/core/audiotypes.nim	Mon Jul 22 15:53:32 2024 +0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-import std/math
-# in order to generate sound files that are directly usable with the engine,
-# convert an audio file to a raw PCM signed 16 bit little endian file with 2 channels and 48kHz:
-# ffmpeg -i <infile> -f s16le -ac 2 -ar 44100 -acodec pcm_s16le <outfile>
-const AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE* = 44100
-  Level* = 0'f .. 1'f
-  Sample* = array[2, int16]
-  SoundData* = seq[Sample]
-  Sound* = ref SoundData
-proc sinewave(f: float): proc(x: float): float =
-  proc ret(x: float): float =
-    sin(x * 2 * Pi * f)
-  result = ret
-proc SineSoundData*(f: float, len: float, rate: int, amplitude = 0.5'f32): SoundData =
-  let dt = 1'f / float(rate)
-  var sine = sinewave(f)
-  for i in 0 ..< int(float(rate) * len):
-    let t = dt * float(i)
-    let value = int16(sine(t) * float(high(int16)) * amplitude)
-    result.add [value, value]
-proc NewSound*(data: SoundData): Sound =
-  result = new Sound
-  result[] = data
--- a/semiconginev2/old/core/buildconfig.nim	Mon Jul 22 15:53:32 2024 +0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-import std/strutils
-import std/logging
-import std/os
-import ./constants
-# checks required build options:
-  assert compileOption("threads"), ENGINENAME & " requires --threads=on"
-  assert defined(nimPreviewHashRef), ENGINENAME & " requires -d:nimPreviewHashRef"
-  if defined(release) or defined(windows):
-    assert compileOption("app", "gui"), ENGINENAME & " requires --app=gui for release builds and all windows builds"
-  if defined(linux):
-    assert defined(VK_USE_PLATFORM_XLIB_KHR), ENGINENAME & " requires --d:VK_USE_PLATFORM_XLIB_KHR for linux builds"
-  elif defined(windows):
-    assert defined(VK_USE_PLATFORM_WIN32_KHR), ENGINENAME & " requires --d:VK_USE_PLATFORM_WIN32_KHR for windows builds"
-  else:
-    assert false, "trying to build on unsupported platform"
-# build configuration
-# =====================
-# compile-time defines, usefull for build-dependent settings
-# can be overriden with compiler flags, e.g. -d:Foo=42 -d:Bar=false
-# pramas: {.intdefine.} {.strdefine.} {.booldefine.}
-# root of where settings files will be searched
-# must be relative (to the directory of the binary)
-const DEBUG* {.booldefine.} = not defined(release)
-const CONFIGROOT* {.strdefine.}: string = "."
-assert not isAbsolute(CONFIGROOT)
-const CONFIGEXTENSION* {.strdefine.}: string = "ini"
-# by default enable hot-reload of runtime-configuration only in debug builds
-const CONFIGHOTRELOAD* {.booldefine.}: bool = DEBUG
-# milliseconds to wait between checks for settings hotreload
-const CONFIGHOTRELOADINTERVAL* {.intdefine.}: int = 1000
-# log level
-const LOGLEVEL {.strdefine.}: string = "Warn"
-const ENGINE_LOGLEVEL* = parseEnum[Level]("lvl" & LOGLEVEL)
-# resource bundleing settings, need to be configured per project
-const PACKAGETYPE* {.strdefine.}: string = "exe" # dir, zip, exe
-  assert PACKAGETYPE in ["dir", "zip", "exe"], ENGINENAME & " requires one of -d:PACKAGETYPE=dir -d:PACKAGETYPE=zip -d:PACKAGETYPE=exe"
--- a/semiconginev2/old/core/color.nim	Mon Jul 22 15:53:32 2024 +0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-import std/math
-import std/parseutils
-import std/strformat
-import ./vector
-func ColorToHex*(color: Vec3f): string =
-  &"{int(color.r * 255):02X}{int(color.g * 255):02X}{int(color.b * 255):02X}"
-func ColorToHex*(color: Vec4f): string =
-  &"{int(color.r * 255):02X}{int(color.g * 255):02X}{int(color.b * 255):02X}{int(color.a * 255):02X}"
-func AsPixel*(color: Vec3f): array[4, uint8] =
-  [uint8(color.r * 255), uint8(color.g * 255), uint8(color.b * 255), 255'u8]
-func AsPixel*(color: Vec4f): array[4, uint8] =
-  [uint8(color.r * 255), uint8(color.g * 255), uint8(color.b * 255), uint8(color.a * 255)]
-func ToRGBA*(value: string): Vec4f =
-  assert value != ""
-  var hex = value
-  if hex[0] == '#':
-    hex = hex[1 .. ^1]
-  # when 3 or 6 -> set alpha to 1.0
-  assert hex.len == 3 or hex.len == 6 or hex.len == 4 or hex.len == 8
-  if hex.len == 3:
-    hex = hex & "f"
-  if hex.len == 4:
-    hex = hex[0] & hex[0] & hex[1] & hex[1] & hex[2] & hex[2] & hex[3] & hex[3]
-  if hex.len == 6:
-    hex = hex & "ff"
-  assert hex.len == 8
-  var r, g, b, a: uint8
-  discard parseHex(hex[0 .. 1], r)
-  discard parseHex(hex[2 .. 3], g)
-  discard parseHex(hex[4 .. 5], b)
-  discard parseHex(hex[6 .. 7], a)
-  return Vec4f([float32(r), float32(g), float32(b), float32(a)]) / 255'f
-func Linear2srgb*(value: SomeFloat): SomeFloat =
-  clamp(
-    if (value < 0.0031308): value * 12.92
-    else: pow(value, 1.0 / 2.4) * 1.055 - 0.055,
-    0,
-    1,
-  )
-func Srgb2linear*(value: SomeFloat): SomeFloat =
-  clamp(
-    if (value < 0.04045): value / 12.92
-    else: pow((value + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4),
-    0,
-    1,
-  )
-func Linear2srgb*(value: uint8): uint8 = # also covers GrayPixel
-  uint8(round(Linear2srgb(float(value) / 255.0) * 255))
-func Srgb2linear*(value: uint8): uint8 = # also covers GrayPixel
-  uint8(round(Srgb2linear(float(value) / 255.0) * 255))
-func ToSRGB*(value: Vec4f): Vec4f =
-  NewVec4f(
-    Linear2srgb(value.r),
-    Linear2srgb(value.g),
-    Linear2srgb(value.b),
-    value.a,
-  )
-func FromSRGB*(value: Vec4f): Vec4f =
-  NewVec4f(
-    Srgb2linear(value.r),
-    Srgb2linear(value.g),
-    Srgb2linear(value.b),
-    value.a,
-  )
-  Black* = ToRGBA "#000000FF"
-  Silver* = ToRGBA "#C0C0C0FF"
-  Gray* = ToRGBA "#808080FF"
-  White* = ToRGBA "#FFFFFFFF"
-  Maroon* = ToRGBA "#800000FF"
-  Red* = ToRGBA "#FF0000FF"
-  Purple* = ToRGBA "#800080FF"
-  Fuchsia* = ToRGBA "#FF00FFFF"
-  Green* = ToRGBA "#008000FF"
-  Lime* = ToRGBA "#00FF00FF"
-  Olive* = ToRGBA "#808000FF"
-  Yellow* = ToRGBA "#FFFF00FF"
-  Navy* = ToRGBA "#000080FF"
-  Blue* = ToRGBA "#0000FFFF"
-  Teal* = ToRGBA "#008080FF"
-  Aqua* = ToRGBA "#00FFFFFF"
--- a/semiconginev2/old/core/constants.nim	Mon Jul 22 15:53:32 2024 +0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-  RESOURCEROOT*: string = "resources"
-  ENGINENAME* = "semicongine"
-  ENGINEVERSION* = "0.0.1"
-  TRANSFORM_ATTRIB* = "transform"
-  ASPECT_RATIO_ATTRIBUTE* = "aspect_ratio"
--- a/semiconginev2/old/core/dynamic_arrays.nim	Mon Jul 22 15:53:32 2024 +0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,733 +0,0 @@
-import std/hashes
-import std/tables
-import std/strformat
-import ./gpu_types
-import ./vector
-import ./matrix
-import ./utils
-import ./imagetypes
-  DataList* = object
-    len*: int
-    case theType*: DataType
-    of Float32: float32: ref seq[float32]
-    of Float64: float64: ref seq[float64]
-    of Int8: int8: ref seq[int8]
-    of Int16: int16: ref seq[int16]
-    of Int32: int32: ref seq[int32]
-    of Int64: int64: ref seq[int64]
-    of UInt8: uint8: ref seq[uint8]
-    of UInt16: uint16: ref seq[uint16]
-    of UInt32: uint32: ref seq[uint32]
-    of UInt64: uint64: ref seq[uint64]
-    of Vec2I32: vec2i32: ref seq[TVec2[int32]]
-    of Vec2I64: vec2i64: ref seq[TVec2[int64]]
-    of Vec3I32: vec3i32: ref seq[TVec3[int32]]
-    of Vec3I64: vec3i64: ref seq[TVec3[int64]]
-    of Vec4I32: vec4i32: ref seq[TVec4[int32]]
-    of Vec4I64: vec4i64: ref seq[TVec4[int64]]
-    of Vec2U32: vec2u32: ref seq[TVec2[uint32]]
-    of Vec2U64: vec2u64: ref seq[TVec2[uint64]]
-    of Vec3U32: vec3u32: ref seq[TVec3[uint32]]
-    of Vec3U64: vec3u64: ref seq[TVec3[uint64]]
-    of Vec4U32: vec4u32: ref seq[TVec4[uint32]]
-    of Vec4U64: vec4u64: ref seq[TVec4[uint64]]
-    of Vec2F32: vec2f32: ref seq[TVec2[float32]]
-    of Vec2F64: vec2f64: ref seq[TVec2[float64]]
-    of Vec3F32: vec3f32: ref seq[TVec3[float32]]
-    of Vec3F64: vec3f64: ref seq[TVec3[float64]]
-    of Vec4F32: vec4f32: ref seq[TVec4[float32]]
-    of Vec4F64: vec4f64: ref seq[TVec4[float64]]
-    of Mat2F32: mat2f32: ref seq[TMat2[float32]]
-    of Mat2F64: mat2f64: ref seq[TMat2[float64]]
-    of Mat23F32: mat23f32: ref seq[TMat23[float32]]
-    of Mat23F64: mat23f64: ref seq[TMat23[float64]]
-    of Mat32F32: mat32f32: ref seq[TMat32[float32]]
-    of Mat32F64: mat32f64: ref seq[TMat32[float64]]
-    of Mat3F32: mat3f32: ref seq[TMat3[float32]]
-    of Mat3F64: mat3f64: ref seq[TMat3[float64]]
-    of Mat34F32: mat34f32: ref seq[TMat34[float32]]
-    of Mat34F64: mat34f64: ref seq[TMat34[float64]]
-    of Mat43F32: mat43f32: ref seq[TMat43[float32]]
-    of Mat43F64: mat43f64: ref seq[TMat43[float64]]
-    of Mat4F32: mat4f32: ref seq[TMat4[float32]]
-    of Mat4F64: mat4f64: ref seq[TMat4[float64]]
-    of TextureType: texture: ref seq[Texture]
-func Size*(value: DataList): uint64 =
-  value.theType.Size * value.len.uint64
-func hash*(value: DataList): Hash =
-  case value.theType
-    of Float32: hash(value.float32)
-    of Float64: hash(value.float64)
-    of Int8: hash(value.int8)
-    of Int16: hash(value.int16)
-    of Int32: hash(value.int32)
-    of Int64: hash(value.int64)
-    of UInt8: hash(value.uint8)
-    of UInt16: hash(value.uint16)
-    of UInt32: hash(value.uint32)
-    of UInt64: hash(value.uint64)
-    of Vec2I32: hash(value.vec2i32)
-    of Vec2I64: hash(value.vec2i64)
-    of Vec3I32: hash(value.vec3i32)
-    of Vec3I64: hash(value.vec3i64)
-    of Vec4I32: hash(value.vec4i32)
-    of Vec4I64: hash(value.vec4i64)
-    of Vec2U32: hash(value.vec2u32)
-    of Vec2U64: hash(value.vec2u64)
-    of Vec3U32: hash(value.vec3u32)
-    of Vec3U64: hash(value.vec3u64)
-    of Vec4U32: hash(value.vec4u32)
-    of Vec4U64: hash(value.vec4u64)
-    of Vec2F32: hash(value.vec2f32)
-    of Vec2F64: hash(value.vec2f64)
-    of Vec3F32: hash(value.vec3f32)
-    of Vec3F64: hash(value.vec3f64)
-    of Vec4F32: hash(value.vec4f32)
-    of Vec4F64: hash(value.vec4f64)
-    of Mat2F32: hash(value.mat2f32)
-    of Mat2F64: hash(value.mat2f64)
-    of Mat23F32: hash(value.mat23f32)
-    of Mat23F64: hash(value.mat23f64)
-    of Mat32F32: hash(value.mat32f32)
-    of Mat32F64: hash(value.mat32f64)
-    of Mat3F32: hash(value.mat3f32)
-    of Mat3F64: hash(value.mat3f64)
-    of Mat34F32: hash(value.mat34f32)
-    of Mat34F64: hash(value.mat34f64)
-    of Mat43F32: hash(value.mat43f32)
-    of Mat43F64: hash(value.mat43f64)
-    of Mat4F32: hash(value.mat4f32)
-    of Mat4F64: hash(value.mat4f64)
-    of TextureType: hash(value.texture)
-func `==`*(a, b: DataList): bool =
-  if a.theType != b.theType:
-    return false
-  case a.theType
-    of Float32: return a.float32 == b.float32
-    of Float64: return a.float64 == b.float64
-    of Int8: return a.int8 == b.int8
-    of Int16: return a.int16 == b.int16
-    of Int32: return a.int32 == b.int32
-    of Int64: return a.int64 == b.int64
-    of UInt8: return a.uint8 == b.uint8
-    of UInt16: return a.uint16 == b.uint16
-    of UInt32: return a.uint32 == b.uint32
-    of UInt64: return a.uint64 == b.uint64
-    of Vec2I32: return a.vec2i32 == b.vec2i32
-    of Vec2I64: return a.vec2i64 == b.vec2i64
-    of Vec3I32: return a.vec3i32 == b.vec3i32
-    of Vec3I64: return a.vec3i64 == b.vec3i64
-    of Vec4I32: return a.vec4i32 == b.vec4i32
-    of Vec4I64: return a.vec4i64 == b.vec4i64
-    of Vec2U32: return a.vec2u32 == b.vec2u32
-    of Vec2U64: return a.vec2u64 == b.vec2u64
-    of Vec3U32: return a.vec3u32 == b.vec3u32
-    of Vec3U64: return a.vec3u64 == b.vec3u64
-    of Vec4U32: return a.vec4u32 == b.vec4u32
-    of Vec4U64: return a.vec4u64 == b.vec4u64
-    of Vec2F32: return a.vec2f32 == b.vec2f32
-    of Vec2F64: return a.vec2f64 == b.vec2f64
-    of Vec3F32: return a.vec3f32 == b.vec3f32
-    of Vec3F64: return a.vec3f64 == b.vec3f64
-    of Vec4F32: return a.vec4f32 == b.vec4f32
-    of Vec4F64: return a.vec4f64 == b.vec4f64
-    of Mat2F32: return a.mat2f32 == b.mat2f32
-    of Mat2F64: return a.mat2f64 == b.mat2f64
-    of Mat23F32: return a.mat23f32 == b.mat23f32
-    of Mat23F64: return a.mat23f64 == b.mat23f64
-    of Mat32F32: return a.mat32f32 == b.mat32f32
-    of Mat32F64: return a.mat32f64 == b.mat32f64
-    of Mat3F32: return a.mat3f32 == b.mat3f32
-    of Mat3F64: return a.mat3f64 == b.mat3f64
-    of Mat34F32: return a.mat34f32 == b.mat34f32
-    of Mat34F64: return a.mat34f64 == b.mat34f64
-    of Mat43F32: return a.mat43f32 == b.mat43f32
-    of Mat43F64: return a.mat43f64 == b.mat43f64
-    of Mat4F32: return a.mat4f32 == b.mat4f32
-    of Mat4F64: return a.mat4f64 == b.mat4f64
-    of TextureType: a.texture == b.texture
-proc SetLen*(value: var DataList, len: int) =
-  value.len = len
-  case value.theType
-    of Float32: value.float32[].setLen(len)
-    of Float64: value.float64[].setLen(len)
-    of Int8: value.int8[].setLen(len)
-    of Int16: value.int16[].setLen(len)
-    of Int32: value.int32[].setLen(len)
-    of Int64: value.int64[].setLen(len)
-    of UInt8: value.uint8[].setLen(len)
-    of UInt16: value.uint16[].setLen(len)
-    of UInt32: value.uint32[].setLen(len)
-    of UInt64: value.uint64[].setLen(len)
-    of Vec2I32: value.vec2i32[].setLen(len)
-    of Vec2I64: value.vec2i64[].setLen(len)
-    of Vec3I32: value.vec3i32[].setLen(len)
-    of Vec3I64: value.vec3i64[].setLen(len)
-    of Vec4I32: value.vec4i32[].setLen(len)
-    of Vec4I64: value.vec4i64[].setLen(len)
-    of Vec2U32: value.vec2u32[].setLen(len)
-    of Vec2U64: value.vec2u64[].setLen(len)
-    of Vec3U32: value.vec3u32[].setLen(len)
-    of Vec3U64: value.vec3u64[].setLen(len)
-    of Vec4U32: value.vec4u32[].setLen(len)
-    of Vec4U64: value.vec4u64[].setLen(len)
-    of Vec2F32: value.vec2f32[].setLen(len)
-    of Vec2F64: value.vec2f64[].setLen(len)
-    of Vec3F32: value.vec3f32[].setLen(len)
-    of Vec3F64: value.vec3f64[].setLen(len)
-    of Vec4F32: value.vec4f32[].setLen(len)
-    of Vec4F64: value.vec4f64[].setLen(len)
-    of Mat2F32: value.mat2f32[].setLen(len)
-    of Mat2F64: value.mat2f64[].setLen(len)
-    of Mat23F32: value.mat23f32[].setLen(len)
-    of Mat23F64: value.mat23f64[].setLen(len)
-    of Mat32F32: value.mat32f32[].setLen(len)
-    of Mat32F64: value.mat32f64[].setLen(len)
-    of Mat3F32: value.mat3f32[].setLen(len)
-    of Mat3F64: value.mat3f64[].setLen(len)
-    of Mat34F32: value.mat34f32[].setLen(len)
-    of Mat34F64: value.mat34f64[].setLen(len)
-    of Mat43F32: value.mat43f32[].setLen(len)
-    of Mat43F64: value.mat43f64[].setLen(len)
-    of Mat4F32: value.mat4f32[].setLen(len)
-    of Mat4F64: value.mat4f64[].setLen(len)
-    of TextureType: discard
-proc setValues[T: GPUType|int|uint|float](value: var DataList, data: openArray[T]) =
-  value.SetLen(data.len)
-  when T is float32: value.float32[] = @data
-  elif T is float64: value.float64[] = @data
-  elif T is int8: value.int8[] = @data
-  elif T is int16: value.int16[] = @data
-  elif T is int32: value.int32[] = @data
-  elif T is int64: value.int64[] = @data
-  elif T is uint8: value.uint8[] = @data
-  elif T is uint16: value.uint16[] = @data
-  elif T is uint32: value.uint32[] = @data
-  elif T is uint64: value.uint64[] = @data
-  elif T is int and sizeof(int) == sizeof(int32): value.int32[] = @data
-  elif T is int and sizeof(int) == sizeof(int64): value.int64[] = @data
-  elif T is uint and sizeof(uint) == sizeof(uint32): value.uint32[] = @data
-  elif T is uint and sizeof(uint) == sizeof(uint64): value.uint64[] = @data
-  elif T is float and sizeof(float) == sizeof(float32): value.float32[] = @data
-  elif T is float and sizeof(float) == sizeof(float64): value.float64[] = @data
-  elif T is TVec2[int32]: value.vec2i32[] = @data
-  elif T is TVec2[int64]: value.vec2i64[] = @data
-  elif T is TVec3[int32]: value.vec3i32[] = @data
-  elif T is TVec3[int64]: value.vec3i64[] = @data
-  elif T is TVec4[int32]: value.vec4i32[] = @data
-  elif T is TVec4[int64]: value.vec4i64[] = @data
-  elif T is TVec2[uint32]: value.vec2u32[] = @data
-  elif T is TVec2[uint64]: value.vec2u64[] = @data
-  elif T is TVec3[uint32]: value.vec3u32[] = @data
-  elif T is TVec3[uint64]: value.vec3u64[] = @data
-  elif T is TVec4[uint32]: value.vec4u32[] = @data
-  elif T is TVec4[uint64]: value.vec4u64[] = @data
-  elif T is TVec2[float32]: value.vec2f32[] = @data
-  elif T is TVec2[float64]: value.vec2f64[] = @data
-  elif T is TVec3[float32]: value.vec3f32[] = @data
-  elif T is TVec3[float64]: value.vec3f64[] = @data
-  elif T is TVec4[float32]: value.vec4f32[] = @data
-  elif T is TVec4[float64]: value.vec4f64[] = @data
-  elif T is TMat2[float32]: value.mat2f32[] = @data
-  elif T is TMat2[float64]: value.mat2f64[] = @data
-  elif T is TMat23[float32]: value.mat23f32[] = @data
-  elif T is TMat23[float64]: value.mat23f64[] = @data
-  elif T is TMat32[float32]: value.mat32f32[] = @data
-  elif T is TMat32[float64]: value.mat32f64[] = @data
-  elif T is TMat3[float32]: value.mat3f32[] = @data
-  elif T is TMat3[float64]: value.mat3f64[] = @data
-  elif T is TMat34[float32]: value.mat34f32[] = @data
-  elif T is TMat34[float64]: value.mat34f64[] = @data
-  elif T is TMat43[float32]: value.mat43f32[] = @data
-  elif T is TMat43[float64]: value.mat43f64[] = @data
-  elif T is TMat4[float32]: value.mat4f32[] = @data
-  elif T is TMat4[float64]: value.mat4f64[] = @data
-  elif T is Texture: value.texture[] = @data
-  else: {.error: "Virtual datatype has no values".}
-proc setValue[T: GPUType|int|uint|float](value: var DataList, i: int, data: T) =
-  assert i < value.len
-  when T is float32: value.float32[i] = data
-  elif T is float64: value.float64[i] = data
-  elif T is int8: value.int8[i] = data
-  elif T is int16: value.int16[i] = data
-  elif T is int32: value.int32[i] = data
-  elif T is int64: value.int64[i] = data
-  elif T is uint8: value.uint8[i] = data
-  elif T is uint16: value.uint16[i] = data
-  elif T is uint32: value.uint32[i] = data
-  elif T is uint64: value.uint64[i] = data
-  elif T is int and sizeof(int) == sizeof(int32): value.int32[i] = data
-  elif T is int and sizeof(int) == sizeof(int64): value.int64[i] = data
-  elif T is uint and sizeof(uint) == sizeof(uint32): value.uint32[i] = data
-  elif T is uint and sizeof(uint) == sizeof(uint64): value.uint64[i] = data
-  elif T is float and sizeof(float) == sizeof(float32): value.float32[i] = data
-  elif T is float and sizeof(float) == sizeof(float64): value.float64[i] = data
-  elif T is TVec2[int32]: value.vec2i32[i] = data
-  elif T is TVec2[int64]: value.vec2i64[i] = data
-  elif T is TVec3[int32]: value.vec3i32[i] = data
-  elif T is TVec3[int64]: value.vec3i64[i] = data
-  elif T is TVec4[int32]: value.vec4i32[i] = data
-  elif T is TVec4[int64]: value.vec4i64[i] = data
-  elif T is TVec2[uint32]: value.vec2u32[i] = data
-  elif T is TVec2[uint64]: value.vec2u64[i] = data
-  elif T is TVec3[uint32]: value.vec3u32[i] = data
-  elif T is TVec3[uint64]: value.vec3u64[i] = data
-  elif T is TVec4[uint32]: value.vec4u32[i] = data
-  elif T is TVec4[uint64]: value.vec4u64[i] = data
-  elif T is TVec2[float32]: value.vec2f32[i] = data
-  elif T is TVec2[float64]: value.vec2f64[i] = data
-  elif T is TVec3[float32]: value.vec3f32[i] = data
-  elif T is TVec3[float64]: value.vec3f64[i] = data
-  elif T is TVec4[float32]: value.vec4f32[i] = data
-  elif T is TVec4[float64]: value.vec4f64[i] = data
-  elif T is TMat2[float32]: value.mat2f32[i] = data
-  elif T is TMat2[float64]: value.mat2f64[i] = data
-  elif T is TMat23[float32]: value.mat23f32[i] = data
-  elif T is TMat23[float64]: value.mat23f64[i] = data
-  elif T is TMat32[float32]: value.mat32f32[i] = data
-  elif T is TMat32[float64]: value.mat32f64[i] = data
-  elif T is TMat3[float32]: value.mat3f32[i] = data
-  elif T is TMat3[float64]: value.mat3f64[i] = data
-  elif T is TMat34[float32]: value.mat34f32[i] = data
-  elif T is TMat34[float64]: value.mat34f64[i] = data
-  elif T is TMat43[float32]: value.mat43f32[i] = data
-  elif T is TMat43[float64]: value.mat43f64[i] = data
-  elif T is TMat4[float32]: value.mat4f32[i] = data
-  elif T is TMat4[float64]: value.mat4f64[i] = data
-  elif T is Texture: value.texture[i] = data
-  else: {.error: "Virtual datatype has no values".}
-proc InitDataList*(theType: DataType, len = 0): DataList =
-  result = DataList(theType: theType)
-  case result.theType
-    of Float32: result.float32 = new seq[float32]
-    of Float64: result.float64 = new seq[float64]
-    of Int8: result.int8 = new seq[int8]
-    of Int16: result.int16 = new seq[int16]
-    of Int32: result.int32 = new seq[int32]
-    of Int64: result.int64 = new seq[int64]
-    of UInt8: result.uint8 = new seq[uint8]
-    of UInt16: result.uint16 = new seq[uint16]
-    of UInt32: result.uint32 = new seq[uint32]
-    of UInt64: result.uint64 = new seq[uint64]
-    of Vec2I32: result.vec2i32 = new seq[TVec2[int32]]
-    of Vec2I64: result.vec2i64 = new seq[TVec2[int64]]
-    of Vec3I32: result.vec3i32 = new seq[TVec3[int32]]
-    of Vec3I64: result.vec3i64 = new seq[TVec3[int64]]
-    of Vec4I32: result.vec4i32 = new seq[TVec4[int32]]
-    of Vec4I64: result.vec4i64 = new seq[TVec4[int64]]
-    of Vec2U32: result.vec2u32 = new seq[TVec2[uint32]]
-    of Vec2U64: result.vec2u64 = new seq[TVec2[uint64]]
-    of Vec3U32: result.vec3u32 = new seq[TVec3[uint32]]
-    of Vec3U64: result.vec3u64 = new seq[TVec3[uint64]]
-    of Vec4U32: result.vec4u32 = new seq[TVec4[uint32]]
-    of Vec4U64: result.vec4u64 = new seq[TVec4[uint64]]
-    of Vec2F32: result.vec2f32 = new seq[TVec2[float32]]
-    of Vec2F64: result.vec2f64 = new seq[TVec2[float64]]
-    of Vec3F32: result.vec3f32 = new seq[TVec3[float32]]
-    of Vec3F64: result.vec3f64 = new seq[TVec3[float64]]
-    of Vec4F32: result.vec4f32 = new seq[TVec4[float32]]
-    of Vec4F64: result.vec4f64 = new seq[TVec4[float64]]
-    of Mat2F32: result.mat2f32 = new seq[TMat2[float32]]
-    of Mat2F64: result.mat2f64 = new seq[TMat2[float64]]
-    of Mat23F32: result.mat23f32 = new seq[TMat23[float32]]
-    of Mat23F64: result.mat23f64 = new seq[TMat23[float64]]
-    of Mat32F32: result.mat32f32 = new seq[TMat32[float32]]
-    of Mat32F64: result.mat32f64 = new seq[TMat32[float64]]
-    of Mat3F32: result.mat3f32 = new seq[TMat3[float32]]
-    of Mat3F64: result.mat3f64 = new seq[TMat3[float64]]
-    of Mat34F32: result.mat34f32 = new seq[TMat34[float32]]
-    of Mat34F64: result.mat34f64 = new seq[TMat34[float64]]
-    of Mat43F32: result.mat43f32 = new seq[TMat43[float32]]
-    of Mat43F64: result.mat43f64 = new seq[TMat43[float64]]
-    of Mat4F32: result.mat4f32 = new seq[TMat4[float32]]
-    of Mat4F64: result.mat4f64 = new seq[TMat4[float64]]
-    of TextureType: result.texture = new seq[Texture]
-  result.SetLen(len)
-proc InitDataList*[T: GPUType](len = 1): DataList =
-  result = InitDataList(GetDataType[T]())
-  result.SetLen(len)
-proc InitDataList*[T: GPUType](data: openArray[T]): DataList =
-  result = InitDataList(GetDataType[T]())
-  result.setValues(@data)
-func getValues[T: GPUType|int|uint|float](value: DataList): ref seq[T] =
-  when T is float32: value.float32
-  elif T is float64: value.float64
-  elif T is int8: value.int8
-  elif T is int16: value.int16
-  elif T is int32: value.int32
-  elif T is int64: value.int64
-  elif T is uint8: value.uint8
-  elif T is uint16: value.uint16
-  elif T is uint32: value.uint32
-  elif T is uint64: value.uint64
-  elif T is int and sizeof(int) == sizeof(int32): value.int32
-  elif T is int and sizeof(int) == sizeof(int64): value.int64
-  elif T is uint and sizeof(uint) == sizeof(uint32): value.uint32
-  elif T is uint and sizeof(uint) == sizeof(uint64): value.uint64
-  elif T is float and sizeof(float) == sizeof(float32): value.float32
-  elif T is float and sizeof(float) == sizeof(float64): value.float64
-  elif T is TVec2[int32]: value.vec2i32
-  elif T is TVec2[int64]: value.vec2i64
-  elif T is TVec3[int32]: value.vec3i32
-  elif T is TVec3[int64]: value.vec3i64
-  elif T is TVec4[int32]: value.vec4i32
-  elif T is TVec4[int64]: value.vec4i64
-  elif T is TVec2[uint32]: value.vec2u32
-  elif T is TVec2[uint64]: value.vec2u64
-  elif T is TVec3[uint32]: value.vec3u32
-  elif T is TVec3[uint64]: value.vec3u64
-  elif T is TVec4[uint32]: value.vec4u32
-  elif T is TVec4[uint64]: value.vec4u64
-  elif T is TVec2[float32]: value.vec2f32
-  elif T is TVec2[float64]: value.vec2f64
-  elif T is TVec3[float32]: value.vec3f32
-  elif T is TVec3[float64]: value.vec3f64
-  elif T is TVec4[float32]: value.vec4f32
-  elif T is TVec4[float64]: value.vec4f64
-  elif T is TMat2[float32]: value.mat2f32
-  elif T is TMat2[float64]: value.mat2f64
-  elif T is TMat23[float32]: value.mat23f
-  elif T is TMat23[float64]: value.mat23f64
-  elif T is TMat32[float32]: value.mat32f32
-  elif T is TMat32[float64]: value.mat32f64
-  elif T is TMat3[float32]: value.mat3f32
-  elif T is TMat3[float64]: value.mat3f64
-  elif T is TMat34[float32]: value.mat34f32
-  elif T is TMat34[float64]: value.mat34f64
-  elif T is TMat43[float32]: value.mat43f32
-  elif T is TMat43[float64]: value.mat43f64
-  elif T is TMat4[float32]: value.mat4f32
-  elif T is TMat4[float64]: value.mat4f64
-  elif T is Texture: value.texture
-  else: {.error: "Virtual datatype has no values".}
-func getValue[T: GPUType|int|uint|float](value: DataList, i: int): T =
-  when T is float32: value.float32[i]
-  elif T is float64: value.float64[i]
-  elif T is int8: value.int8[i]
-  elif T is int16: value.int16[i]
-  elif T is int32: value.int32[i]
-  elif T is int64: value.int64[i]
-  elif T is uint8: value.uint8[i]
-  elif T is uint16: value.uint16[i]
-  elif T is uint32: value.uint32[i]
-  elif T is uint64: value.uint64[i]
-  elif T is int and sizeof(int) == sizeof(int32): value.int32[i]
-  elif T is int and sizeof(int) == sizeof(int64): value.int64[i]
-  elif T is uint and sizeof(uint) == sizeof(uint32): value.uint32[i]
-  elif T is uint and sizeof(uint) == sizeof(uint64): value.uint64[i]
-  elif T is float and sizeof(float) == sizeof(float32): value.float32[i]
-  elif T is float and sizeof(float) == sizeof(float64): value.float64[i]
-  elif T is TVec2[int32]: value.vec2i32[i]
-  elif T is TVec2[int64]: value.vec2i64[i]
-  elif T is TVec3[int32]: value.vec3i32[i]
-  elif T is TVec3[int64]: value.vec3i64[i]
-  elif T is TVec4[int32]: value.vec4i32[i]
-  elif T is TVec4[int64]: value.vec4i64[i]
-  elif T is TVec2[uint32]: value.vec2u32[i]
-  elif T is TVec2[uint64]: value.vec2u64[i]
-  elif T is TVec3[uint32]: value.vec3u32[i]
-  elif T is TVec3[uint64]: value.vec3u64[i]
-  elif T is TVec4[uint32]: value.vec4u32[i]
-  elif T is TVec4[uint64]: value.vec4u64[i]
-  elif T is TVec2[float32]: value.vec2f32[i]
-  elif T is TVec2[float64]: value.vec2f64[i]
-  elif T is TVec3[float32]: value.vec3f32[i]
-  elif T is TVec3[float64]: value.vec3f64[i]
-  elif T is TVec4[float32]: value.vec4f32[i]
-  elif T is TVec4[float64]: value.vec4f64[i]
-  elif T is TMat2[float32]: value.mat2f32[i]
-  elif T is TMat2[float64]: value.mat2f64[i]
-  elif T is TMat23[float32]: value.mat23f[i]
-  elif T is TMat23[float64]: value.mat23f64[i]
-  elif T is TMat32[float32]: value.mat32f32[i]
-  elif T is TMat32[float64]: value.mat32f64[i]
-  elif T is TMat3[float32]: value.mat3f32[i]
-  elif T is TMat3[float64]: value.mat3f64[i]
-  elif T is TMat34[float32]: value.mat34f32[i]
-  elif T is TMat34[float64]: value.mat34f64[i]
-  elif T is TMat43[float32]: value.mat43f32[i]
-  elif T is TMat43[float64]: value.mat43f64[i]
-  elif T is TMat4[float32]: value.mat4f32[i]
-  elif T is TMat4[float64]: value.mat4f64[i]
-  elif T is Texture: value.texture[i]
-  else: {.error: "Virtual datatype has no values".}
-template `[]`*(list: DataList, t: typedesc): ref seq[t] =
-  getValues[t](list)
-template `[]`*(list: DataList, i: int, t: typedesc): untyped =
-  getValue[t](list, i)
-# since we use this often with tables, add this for an easy assignment
-template `[]`*(table: Table[string, DataList], key: string, t: typedesc): ref seq[t] =
-  getValues[t](table[key])
-template `[]=`*[T](table: var Table[string, DataList], key: string, values: openArray[T]) =
-  if table.contains(key):
-    table[key].setValues(values)
-  else:
-    table[key] = InitDataList(values)
-template `[]=`*[T](list: var DataList, values: openArray[T]) =
-  list.setValues(values)
-template `[]=`*[T](list: var DataList, i: int, value: T) =
-  list.setValue(i, value)
-func GetPointer*(value: var DataList): pointer =
-  if value.len == 0:
-    result = nil
-  case value.theType
-    of Float32: result = value.float32[].ToCPointer
-    of Float64: result = value.float64[].ToCPointer
-    of Int8: result = value.int8[].ToCPointer
-    of Int16: result = value.int16[].ToCPointer
-    of Int32: result = value.int32[].ToCPointer
-    of Int64: result = value.int64[].ToCPointer
-    of UInt8: result = value.uint8[].ToCPointer
-    of UInt16: result = value.uint16[].ToCPointer
-    of UInt32: result = value.uint32[].ToCPointer
-    of UInt64: result = value.uint64[].ToCPointer
-    of Vec2I32: result = value.vec2i32[].ToCPointer
-    of Vec2I64: result = value.vec2i64[].ToCPointer
-    of Vec3I32: result = value.vec3i32[].ToCPointer
-    of Vec3I64: result = value.vec3i64[].ToCPointer
-    of Vec4I32: result = value.vec4i32[].ToCPointer
-    of Vec4I64: result = value.vec4i64[].ToCPointer
-    of Vec2U32: result = value.vec2u32[].ToCPointer
-    of Vec2U64: result = value.vec2u64[].ToCPointer
-    of Vec3U32: result = value.vec3u32[].ToCPointer
-    of Vec3U64: result = value.vec3u64[].ToCPointer
-    of Vec4U32: result = value.vec4u32[].ToCPointer
-    of Vec4U64: result = value.vec4u64[].ToCPointer
-    of Vec2F32: result = value.vec2f32[].ToCPointer
-    of Vec2F64: result = value.vec2f64[].ToCPointer
-    of Vec3F32: result = value.vec3f32[].ToCPointer
-    of Vec3F64: result = value.vec3f64[].ToCPointer
-    of Vec4F32: result = value.vec4f32[].ToCPointer
-    of Vec4F64: result = value.vec4f64[].ToCPointer
-    of Mat2F32: result = value.mat2f32[].ToCPointer
-    of Mat2F64: result = value.mat2f64[].ToCPointer
-    of Mat23F32: result = value.mat23f32[].ToCPointer
-    of Mat23F64: result = value.mat23f64[].ToCPointer
-    of Mat32F32: result = value.mat32f32[].ToCPointer
-    of Mat32F64: result = value.mat32f64[].ToCPointer
-    of Mat3F32: result = value.mat3f32[].ToCPointer
-    of Mat3F64: result = value.mat3f64[].ToCPointer
-    of Mat34F32: result = value.mat34f32[].ToCPointer
-    of Mat34F64: result = value.mat34f64[].ToCPointer
-    of Mat43F32: result = value.mat43f32[].ToCPointer
-    of Mat43F64: result = value.mat43f64[].ToCPointer
-    of Mat4F32: result = value.mat4f32[].ToCPointer
-    of Mat4F64: result = value.mat4f64[].ToCPointer
-    of TextureType: nil
-proc AppendValues*[T: GPUType|int|uint|float](value: var DataList, data: openArray[T]) =
-  value.len += data.len
-  when T is float32: value.float32[].add @data
-  elif T is float64: value.float64[].add @data
-  elif T is int8: value.int8[].add @data
-  elif T is int16: value.int16[].add @data
-  elif T is int32: value.int32[].add @data
-  elif T is int64: value.int64[].add @data
-  elif T is uint8: value.uint8[].add @data
-  elif T is uint16: value.uint16[].add @data
-  elif T is uint32: value.uint32[].add @data
-  elif T is uint64: value.uint64[].add @data
-  elif T is int and sizeof(int) == sizeof(int32): value.int32[].add @data
-  elif T is int and sizeof(int) == sizeof(int64): value.int64[].add @data
-  elif T is uint and sizeof(uint) == sizeof(uint32): value.uint32[].add @data
-  elif T is uint and sizeof(uint) == sizeof(uint64): value.uint64[].add @data
-  elif T is float and sizeof(float) == sizeof(float32): value.float32[].add @data
-  elif T is float and sizeof(float) == sizeof(float64): value.float64[].add @data
-  elif T is TVec2[int32]: value.vec2i32[].add @data
-  elif T is TVec2[int64]: value.vec2i64[].add @data
-  elif T is TVec3[int32]: value.vec3i32[].add @data
-  elif T is TVec3[int64]: value.vec3i64[].add @data
-  elif T is TVec4[int32]: value.vec4i32[].add @data
-  elif T is TVec4[int64]: value.vec4i64[].add @data
-  elif T is TVec2[uint32]: value.vec2u32[].add @data
-  elif T is TVec2[uint64]: value.vec2u64[].add @data
-  elif T is TVec3[uint32]: value.vec3u32[].add @data
-  elif T is TVec3[uint64]: value.vec3u64[].add @data
-  elif T is TVec4[uint32]: value.vec4u32[].add @data
-  elif T is TVec4[uint64]: value.vec4u64[].add @data
-  elif T is TVec2[float32]: value.vec2f32[].add @data
-  elif T is TVec2[float64]: value.vec2f64[].add @data
-  elif T is TVec3[float32]: value.vec3f32[].add @data
-  elif T is TVec3[float64]: value.vec3f64[].add @data
-  elif T is TVec4[float32]: value.vec4f32[].add @data
-  elif T is TVec4[float64]: value.vec4f64[].add @data
-  elif T is TMat2[float32]: value.mat2f32[].add @data
-  elif T is TMat2[float64]: value.mat2f64[].add @data
-  elif T is TMat23[float32]: value.mat23f32[].add @data
-  elif T is TMat23[float64]: value.mat23f64[].add @data
-  elif T is TMat32[float32]: value.mat32f32[].add @data
-  elif T is TMat32[float64]: value.mat32f64[].add @data
-  elif T is TMat3[float32]: value.mat3f32[].add @data
-  elif T is TMat3[float64]: value.mat3f64[].add @data
-  elif T is TMat34[float32]: value.mat34f32[].add @data
-  elif T is TMat34[float64]: value.mat34f64[].add @data
-  elif T is TMat43[float32]: value.mat43f32[].add @data
-  elif T is TMat43[float64]: value.mat43f64[].add @data
-  elif T is TMat4[float32]: value.mat4f32[].add @data
-  elif T is TMat4[float64]: value.mat4f64[].add @data
-  elif T is Texture: value.texture[].add @data
-  else: {.error: "Virtual datatype has no values".}
-proc AppendValues*(value: var DataList, data: DataList) =
-  assert value.theType == data.theType, &"Expected datalist of type {value.theType} but got {data.theType}"
-  value.len += data.len
-  case value.theType:
-  of Float32: value.float32[].add data.float32[]
-  of Float64: value.float64[].add data.float64[]
-  of Int8: value.int8[].add data.int8[]
-  of Int16: value.int16[].add data.int16[]
-  of Int32: value.int32[].add data.int32[]
-  of Int64: value.int64[].add data.int64[]
-  of UInt8: value.uint8[].add data.uint8[]
-  of UInt16: value.uint16[].add data.uint16[]
-  of UInt32: value.uint32[].add data.uint32[]
-  of UInt64: value.uint64[].add data.uint64[]
-  of Vec2I32: value.vec2i32[].add data.vec2i32[]
-  of Vec2I64: value.vec2i64[].add data.vec2i64[]
-  of Vec3I32: value.vec3i32[].add data.vec3i32[]
-  of Vec3I64: value.vec3i64[].add data.vec3i64[]
-  of Vec4I32: value.vec4i32[].add data.vec4i32[]
-  of Vec4I64: value.vec4i64[].add data.vec4i64[]
-  of Vec2U32: value.vec2u32[].add data.vec2u32[]
-  of Vec2U64: value.vec2u64[].add data.vec2u64[]
-  of Vec3U32: value.vec3u32[].add data.vec3u32[]
-  of Vec3U64: value.vec3u64[].add data.vec3u64[]
-  of Vec4U32: value.vec4u32[].add data.vec4u32[]
-  of Vec4U64: value.vec4u64[].add data.vec4u64[]
-  of Vec2F32: value.vec2f32[].add data.vec2f32[]
-  of Vec2F64: value.vec2f64[].add data.vec2f64[]
-  of Vec3F32: value.vec3f32[].add data.vec3f32[]
-  of Vec3F64: value.vec3f64[].add data.vec3f64[]
-  of Vec4F32: value.vec4f32[].add data.vec4f32[]
-  of Vec4F64: value.vec4f64[].add data.vec4f64[]
-  of Mat2F32: value.mat2f32[].add data.mat2f32[]
-  of Mat2F64: value.mat2f64[].add data.mat2f64[]
-  of Mat23F32: value.mat23f32[].add data.mat23f32[]
-  of Mat23F64: value.mat23f64[].add data.mat23f64[]
-  of Mat32F32: value.mat32f32[].add data.mat32f32[]
-  of Mat32F64: value.mat32f64[].add data.mat32f64[]
-  of Mat3F32: value.mat3f32[].add data.mat3f32[]
-  of Mat3F64: value.mat3f64[].add data.mat3f64[]
-  of Mat34F32: value.mat34f32[].add data.mat34f32[]
-  of Mat34F64: value.mat34f64[].add data.mat34f64[]
-  of Mat43F32: value.mat43f32[].add data.mat43f32[]
-  of Mat43F64: value.mat43f64[].add data.mat43f64[]
-  of Mat4F32: value.mat4f32[].add data.mat4f32[]
-  of Mat4F64: value.mat4f64[].add data.mat4f64[]
-  of TextureType: value.texture[].add data.texture[]
-proc AppendFrom*(a: var DataList, i: int, b: DataList, j: int) =
-  assert a.theType == b.theType
-  case a.theType
-    of Float32: a.float32[i] = b.float32[j]
-    of Float64: a.float64[i] = b.float64[j]
-    of Int8: a.int8[i] = b.int8[j]
-    of Int16: a.int16[i] = b.int16[j]
-    of Int32: a.int32[i] = b.int32[j]
-    of Int64: a.int64[i] = b.int64[j]
-    of UInt8: a.uint8[i] = b.uint8[j]
-    of UInt16: a.uint16[i] = b.uint16[j]
-    of UInt32: a.uint32[i] = b.uint32[j]
-    of UInt64: a.uint64[i] = b.uint64[j]
-    of Vec2I32: a.vec2i32[i] = b.vec2i32[j]
-    of Vec2I64: a.vec2i64[i] = b.vec2i64[j]
-    of Vec3I32: a.vec3i32[i] = b.vec3i32[j]
-    of Vec3I64: a.vec3i64[i] = b.vec3i64[j]
-    of Vec4I32: a.vec4i32[i] = b.vec4i32[j]
-    of Vec4I64: a.vec4i64[i] = b.vec4i64[j]
-    of Vec2U32: a.vec2u32[i] = b.vec2u32[j]
-    of Vec2U64: a.vec2u64[i] = b.vec2u64[j]
-    of Vec3U32: a.vec3u32[i] = b.vec3u32[j]
-    of Vec3U64: a.vec3u64[i] = b.vec3u64[j]
-    of Vec4U32: a.vec4u32[i] = b.vec4u32[j]
-    of Vec4U64: a.vec4u64[i] = b.vec4u64[j]
-    of Vec2F32: a.vec2f32[i] = b.vec2f32[j]
-    of Vec2F64: a.vec2f64[i] = b.vec2f64[j]
-    of Vec3F32: a.vec3f32[i] = b.vec3f32[j]
-    of Vec3F64: a.vec3f64[i] = b.vec3f64[j]
-    of Vec4F32: a.vec4f32[i] = b.vec4f32[j]
-    of Vec4F64: a.vec4f64[i] = b.vec4f64[j]
-    of Mat2F32: a.mat2f32[i] = b.mat2f32[j]
-    of Mat2F64: a.mat2f64[i] = b.mat2f64[j]
-    of Mat23F32: a.mat23f32[i] = b.mat23f32[j]
-    of Mat23F64: a.mat23f64[i] = b.mat23f64[j]
-    of Mat32F32: a.mat32f32[i] = b.mat32f32[j]
-    of Mat32F64: a.mat32f64[i] = b.mat32f64[j]
-    of Mat3F32: a.mat3f32[i] = b.mat3f32[j]
-    of Mat3F64: a.mat3f64[i] = b.mat3f64[j]
-    of Mat34F32: a.mat34f32[i] = b.mat34f32[j]
-    of Mat34F64: a.mat34f64[i] = b.mat34f64[j]
-    of Mat43F32: a.mat43f32[i] = b.mat43f32[j]
-    of Mat43F64: a.mat43f64[i] = b.mat43f64[j]
-    of Mat4F32: a.mat4f32[i] = b.mat4f32[j]
-    of Mat4F64: a.mat4f64[i] = b.mat4f64[j]
-    of TextureType: a.texture[i] = b.texture[j]
-proc Copy*(datalist: DataList): DataList =
-  result = InitDataList(datalist.theType)
-  result.AppendValues(datalist)
-func `$`*(list: DataList): string =
-  case list.theType
-    of Float32: $list.float32[]
-    of Float64: $list.float64[]
-    of Int8: $list.int8[]
-    of Int16: $list.int16[]
-    of Int32: $list.int32[]
-    of Int64: $list.int64[]
-    of UInt8: $list.uint8[]
-    of UInt16: $list.uint16[]
-    of UInt32: $list.uint32[]
-    of UInt64: $list.uint64[]
-    of Vec2I32: $list.vec2i32[]
-    of Vec2I64: $list.vec2i64[]
-    of Vec3I32: $list.vec3i32[]
-    of Vec3I64: $list.vec3i64[]
-    of Vec4I32: $list.vec4i32[]
-    of Vec4I64: $list.vec4i64[]
-    of Vec2U32: $list.vec2u32[]
-    of Vec2U64: $list.vec2u64[]
-    of Vec3U32: $list.vec3u32[]
-    of Vec3U64: $list.vec3u64[]
-    of Vec4U32: $list.vec4u32[]
-    of Vec4U64: $list.vec4u64[]
-    of Vec2F32: $list.vec2f32[]
-    of Vec2F64: $list.vec2f64[]
-    of Vec3F32: $list.vec3f32[]
-    of Vec3F64: $list.vec3f64[]
-    of Vec4F32: $list.vec4f32[]
-    of Vec4F64: $list.vec4f64[]
-    of Mat2F32: $list.mat2f32[]
-    of Mat2F64: $list.mat2f64[]
-    of Mat23F32: $list.mat23f32[]
-    of Mat23F64: $list.mat23f64[]
-    of Mat32F32: $list.mat32f32[]
-    of Mat32F64: $list.mat32f64[]
-    of Mat3F32: $list.mat3f32[]
-    of Mat3F64: $list.mat3f64[]
-    of Mat34F32: $list.mat34f32[]
-    of Mat34F64: $list.mat34f64[]
-    of Mat43F32: $list.mat43f32[]
-    of Mat43F64: $list.mat43f64[]
-    of Mat4F32: $list.mat4f32[]
-    of Mat4F64: $list.mat4f64[]
-    of TextureType: $list.texture[]
--- a/semiconginev2/old/core/fonttypes.nim	Mon Jul 22 15:53:32 2024 +0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-  GlyphInfo* = object
-    uvs*: array[4, Vec2f]
-    dimension*: Vec2f
-    topOffset*: float32
-    leftOffset*: float32
-    advance*: float32
-  Font* = object
-    name*: string # used to reference fontAtlas will be referenced in shader
-    glyphs*: Table[Rune, GlyphInfo]
-    fontAtlas*: Texture
-    maxHeight*: int
-    kerning*: Table[(Rune, Rune), float32]
-    fontscale*: float32
-    lineHeight*: float32
-    lineAdvance*: float32
-    capHeight*: float32
-    xHeight*: float32
--- a/semiconginev2/old/core/gpu_types.nim	Mon Jul 22 15:53:32 2024 +0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,418 +0,0 @@
-import std/strformat
-import std/tables
-import ./vulkanapi
-import ./vector
-import ./matrix
-import ./imagetypes
-  GPUType* = float32 | float64 | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | TVec2[int32] | TVec2[int64] | TVec3[int32] | TVec3[int64] | TVec4[int32] | TVec4[int64] | TVec2[uint32] | TVec2[uint64] | TVec3[uint32] | TVec3[uint64] | TVec4[uint32] | TVec4[uint64] | TVec2[float32] | TVec2[float64] | TVec3[float32] | TVec3[float64] | TVec4[float32] | TVec4[float64] | TMat2[float32] | TMat2[float64] | TMat23[float32] | TMat23[float64] | TMat32[float32] | TMat32[float64] | TMat3[float32] | TMat3[float64] | TMat34[float32] | TMat34[float64] | TMat43[float32] | TMat43[float64] | TMat4[float32] | TMat4[float64] | Texture
-  DataType* = enum
-    Float32
-    Float64
-    Int8
-    Int16
-    Int32
-    Int64
-    UInt8
-    UInt16
-    UInt32
-    UInt64
-    Vec2I32
-    Vec2I64
-    Vec3I32
-    Vec3I64
-    Vec4I32
-    Vec4I64
-    Vec2U32
-    Vec2U64
-    Vec3U32
-    Vec3U64
-    Vec4U32
-    Vec4U64
-    Vec2F32
-    Vec2F64
-    Vec3F32
-    Vec3F64
-    Vec4F32
-    Vec4F64
-    Mat2F32
-    Mat2F64
-    Mat23F32
-    Mat23F64
-    Mat32F32
-    Mat32F64
-    Mat3F32
-    Mat3F64
-    Mat34F32
-    Mat34F64
-    Mat43F32
-    Mat43F64
-    Mat4F32
-    Mat4F64
-    TextureType
-  MemoryPerformanceHint* = enum
-    PreferFastRead, PreferFastWrite
-  ShaderAttribute* = object
-    name*: string
-    theType*: DataType
-    arrayCount*: uint32
-    perInstance*: bool
-    noInterpolation: bool
-    memoryPerformanceHint*: MemoryPerformanceHint
-proc `$`*(attr: ShaderAttribute): string =
-  result =
-  if attr.perInstance:
-    result &= "*"
-  result &= &"[{attr.theType}"
-  if attr.arrayCount > 0:
-    result &= &", {attr.arrayCount}"
-  result &= "]"
-func VertexInputs*(attributes: seq[ShaderAttribute]): seq[ShaderAttribute] =
-  for attr in attributes:
-    if attr.perInstance == false:
-      result.add attr
-func InstanceInputs*(attributes: seq[ShaderAttribute]): seq[ShaderAttribute] =
-  for attr in attributes:
-    if attr.perInstance == false:
-      result.add attr
-func NumberOfVertexInputAttributeDescriptors*(theType: DataType): uint =
-  case theType:
-    of Mat2F32, Mat2F64, Mat23F32, Mat23F64: 2
-    of Mat32F32, Mat32F64, Mat3F32, Mat3F64, Mat34F32, Mat34F64: 3
-    of Mat43F32, Mat43F64, Mat4F32, Mat4F64: 4
-    else: 1
-func Size*(theType: DataType): uint64 =
-  case theType:
-    of Float32: 4
-    of Float64: 8
-    of Int8: 1
-    of Int16: 2
-    of Int32: 4
-    of Int64: 8
-    of UInt8: 1
-    of UInt16: 2
-    of UInt32: 4
-    of UInt64: 8
-    of Vec2I32: 8
-    of Vec2I64: 16
-    of Vec3I32: 12
-    of Vec3I64: 24
-    of Vec4I32: 16
-    of Vec4I64: 32
-    of Vec2U32: 8
-    of Vec2U64: 16
-    of Vec3U32: 12
-    of Vec3U64: 24
-    of Vec4U32: 16
-    of Vec4U64: 32
-    of Vec2F32: 8
-    of Vec2F64: 16
-    of Vec3F32: 12
-    of Vec3F64: 24
-    of Vec4F32: 16
-    of Vec4F64: 32
-    of Mat2F32: 16
-    of Mat2F64: 32
-    of Mat23F32: 24
-    of Mat23F64: 48
-    of Mat32F32: 24
-    of Mat32F64: 48
-    of Mat3F32: 36
-    of Mat3F64: 72
-    of Mat34F32: 48
-    of Mat34F64: 92
-    of Mat43F32: 48
-    of Mat43F64: 92
-    of Mat4F32: 64
-    of Mat4F64: 128
-    of TextureType: 0
-func Size*(attribute: ShaderAttribute, perDescriptor = false): uint64 =
-  if perDescriptor:
-    attribute.theType.Size div attribute.theType.NumberOfVertexInputAttributeDescriptors
-  else:
-    if attribute.arrayCount == 0:
-      attribute.theType.Size
-    else:
-      attribute.theType.Size * attribute.arrayCount
-func Size*(theType: seq[ShaderAttribute]): uint64 =
-  for attribute in theType:
-    result += attribute.Size
-func GetDataType*[T: GPUType|int|uint|float](): DataType =
-  when T is float32: Float32
-  elif T is float64: Float64
-  elif T is int8: Int8
-  elif T is int16: Int16
-  elif T is int32: Int32
-  elif T is int64: Int64
-  elif T is uint8: UInt8
-  elif T is uint16: UInt16
-  elif T is uint32: UInt32
-  elif T is uint64: UInt64
-  elif T is int and sizeof(int) == sizeof(int64): Int64
-  elif T is int and sizeof(int) == sizeof(int32): Int32
-  elif T is uint and sizeof(uint) == sizeof(uint64): UInt64
-  elif T is uint and sizeof(uint) == sizeof(uint32): UInt32
-  elif T is float and sizeof(float) == sizeof(float32): Float32
-  elif T is float and sizeof(float) == sizeof(float64): Float64
-  elif T is TVec2[int32]: Vec2I32
-  elif T is TVec2[int64]: Vec2I64
-  elif T is TVec3[int32]: Vec3I32
-  elif T is TVec3[int64]: Vec3I64
-  elif T is TVec4[int32]: Vec4I32
-  elif T is TVec4[int64]: Vec4I64
-  elif T is TVec2[uint32]: Vec2U32
-  elif T is TVec2[uint64]: Vec2U64
-  elif T is TVec3[uint32]: Vec3U32
-  elif T is TVec3[uint64]: Vec3U64
-  elif T is TVec4[uint32]: Vec4U32
-  elif T is TVec4[uint64]: Vec4U64
-  elif T is TVec2[float32]: Vec2F32
-  elif T is TVec2[float64]: Vec2F64
-  elif T is TVec3[float32]: Vec3F32
-  elif T is TVec3[float64]: Vec3F64
-  elif T is TVec4[float32]: Vec4F32
-  elif T is TVec4[float64]: Vec4F64
-  elif T is TMat2[float32]: Mat2F32
-  elif T is TMat2[float64]: Mat2F64
-  elif T is TMat23[float32]: Mat23F32
-  elif T is TMat23[float64]: Mat23F64
-  elif T is TMat32[float32]: Mat32F32
-  elif T is TMat32[float64]: Mat32F64
-  elif T is TMat3[float32]: Mat3F32
-  elif T is TMat3[float64]: Mat3F64
-  elif T is TMat34[float32]: Mat34F32
-  elif T is TMat34[float64]: Mat34F64
-  elif T is TMat43[float32]: Mat43F32
-  elif T is TMat43[float64]: Mat43F64
-  elif T is TMat4[float32]: Mat4F32
-  elif T is TMat4[float64]: Mat4F64
-  elif T is Texture: TextureType
-  else:
-    static:
-      raise newException(Exception, &"Unsupported data type for GPU data: {name(T)}")
-func Attr*[T: GPUType](
-  name: string,
-  perInstance = false,
-  arrayCount = 0'u32,
-  noInterpolation = false,
-  memoryPerformanceHint = PreferFastRead,
-): auto =
-  ShaderAttribute(
-    name: name,
-    theType: GetDataType[T](),
-    perInstance: perInstance,
-    arrayCount: arrayCount,
-    noInterpolation: noInterpolation,
-    memoryPerformanceHint: memoryPerformanceHint,
-  )
-const TYPEMAP = {
-    Float32: VK_FORMAT_R32_SFLOAT,
-    Float64: VK_FORMAT_R64_SFLOAT,
-    Int8: VK_FORMAT_R8_SINT,
-    Int16: VK_FORMAT_R16_SINT,
-    Int32: VK_FORMAT_R32_SINT,
-    Int64: VK_FORMAT_R64_SINT,
-    UInt8: VK_FORMAT_R8_UINT,
-    UInt16: VK_FORMAT_R16_UINT,
-    UInt32: VK_FORMAT_R32_UINT,
-    UInt64: VK_FORMAT_R64_UINT,
-    Vec2I32: VK_FORMAT_R32G32_SINT,
-    Vec2I64: VK_FORMAT_R64G64_SINT,
-    Vec3I32: VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32_SINT,
-    Vec3I64: VK_FORMAT_R64G64B64_SINT,
-    Vec4I32: VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_SINT,
-    Vec4I64: VK_FORMAT_R64G64B64A64_SINT,
-    Vec2U32: VK_FORMAT_R32G32_UINT,
-    Vec2U64: VK_FORMAT_R64G64_UINT,
-    Vec3U32: VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32_UINT,
-    Vec3U64: VK_FORMAT_R64G64B64_UINT,
-    Vec4U32: VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_UINT,
-    Vec4U64: VK_FORMAT_R64G64B64A64_UINT,
-    Vec2F32: VK_FORMAT_R32G32_SFLOAT,
-    Vec2F64: VK_FORMAT_R64G64_SFLOAT,
-    Vec3F32: VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32_SFLOAT,
-    Vec3F64: VK_FORMAT_R64G64B64_SFLOAT,
-    Vec4F32: VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_SFLOAT,
-    Vec4F64: VK_FORMAT_R64G64B64A64_SFLOAT,
-    Mat2F32: VK_FORMAT_R32G32_SFLOAT,
-    Mat2F64: VK_FORMAT_R64G64_SFLOAT,
-    Mat23F32: VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32_SFLOAT,
-    Mat23F64: VK_FORMAT_R64G64B64_SFLOAT,
-    Mat32F32: VK_FORMAT_R32G32_SFLOAT,
-    Mat32F64: VK_FORMAT_R64G64_SFLOAT,
-    Mat3F32: VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32_SFLOAT,
-    Mat3F64: VK_FORMAT_R64G64B64_SFLOAT,
-    Mat34F32: VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_SFLOAT,
-    Mat34F64: VK_FORMAT_R64G64B64A64_SFLOAT,
-    Mat43F32: VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32_SFLOAT,
-    Mat43F64: VK_FORMAT_R64G64B64_SFLOAT,
-    Mat4F32: VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_SFLOAT,
-    Mat4F64: VK_FORMAT_R64G64B64A64_SFLOAT,
-func GetVkFormat*(theType: DataType): VkFormat =
-  TYPEMAP[theType]
-# from
-func NLocationSlots*(theType: DataType): int =
-  #[
-  single location:
-    16-bit scalar and vector types, and
-    32-bit scalar and vector types, and
-    64-bit scalar and 2-component vector types.
-  two locations
-    64-bit three- and four-component vectors
-  ]#
-  case theType:
-    of Float32: 1
-    of Float64: 1
-    of Int8: 1
-    of Int16: 1
-    of Int32: 1
-    of Int64: 1
-    of UInt8: 1
-    of UInt16: 1
-    of UInt32: 1
-    of UInt64: 1
-    of Vec2I32: 1
-    of Vec2I64: 1
-    of Vec3I32: 1
-    of Vec3I64: 2
-    of Vec4I32: 1
-    of Vec4I64: 2
-    of Vec2U32: 1
-    of Vec2U64: 1
-    of Vec3U32: 1
-    of Vec3U64: 2
-    of Vec4U32: 1
-    of Vec4U64: 2
-    of Vec2F32: 1
-    of Vec2F64: 1
-    of Vec3F32: 1
-    of Vec3F64: 2
-    of Vec4F32: 1
-    of Vec4F64: 2
-    of Mat2F32: 1
-    of Mat2F64: 1
-    of Mat23F32: 1
-    of Mat23F64: 2
-    of Mat32F32: 1
-    of Mat32F64: 1
-    of Mat3F32: 1
-    of Mat3F64: 2
-    of Mat34F32: 1
-    of Mat34F64: 2
-    of Mat43F32: 1
-    of Mat43F64: 2
-    of Mat4F32: 1
-    of Mat4F64: 2
-    of TextureType: 1
-func GlslType*(theType: DataType): string =
-  # todo: likely not correct as we would need to enable some
-  # extensions somewhere (Vulkan/GLSL compiler?) to have
-  # everything work as intended. Or maybe the GPU driver does
-  # some automagic conversion stuf..
-  case theType:
-    of Float32: "float"
-    of Float64: "double"
-    of Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64: "int"
-    of UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64: "uint"
-    of Vec2I32: "ivec2"
-    of Vec2I64: "ivec2"
-    of Vec3I32: "ivec3"
-    of Vec3I64: "ivec3"
-    of Vec4I32: "ivec4"
-    of Vec4I64: "ivec4"
-    of Vec2U32: "uvec2"
-    of Vec2U64: "uvec2"
-    of Vec3U32: "uvec3"
-    of Vec3U64: "uvec3"
-    of Vec4U32: "uvec4"
-    of Vec4U64: "uvec4"
-    of Vec2F32: "vec2"
-    of Vec2F64: "dvec2"
-    of Vec3F32: "vec3"
-    of Vec3F64: "dvec3"
-    of Vec4F32: "vec4"
-    of Vec4F64: "dvec4"
-    of Mat2F32: "mat2"
-    of Mat2F64: "dmat2"
-    of Mat23F32: "mat23"
-    of Mat23F64: "dmat23"
-    of Mat32F32: "mat32"
-    of Mat32F64: "dmat32"
-    of Mat3F32: "mat3"
-    of Mat3F64: "dmat3"
-    of Mat34F32: "mat34"
-    of Mat34F64: "dmat34"
-    of Mat43F32: "mat43"
-    of Mat43F64: "dmat43"
-    of Mat4F32: "mat4"
-    of Mat4F64: "dmat4"
-    of TextureType: "sampler2D"
-func GlslInput*(group: openArray[ShaderAttribute]): seq[string] =
-  if group.len == 0:
-    return @[]
-  var i = 0
-  for attribute in group:
-    assert attribute.arrayCount == 0, "arrays not supported for shader vertex attributes"
-    let flat = if attribute.noInterpolation: "flat " else: ""
-    result.add &"layout(location = {i}) {flat}in {attribute.theType.GlslType} {};"
-    for j in 0 ..< attribute.theType.NumberOfVertexInputAttributeDescriptors:
-      i += attribute.theType.NLocationSlots
-func GlslUniforms*(group: openArray[ShaderAttribute], blockName = "Uniforms", binding: int): seq[string] =
-  if group.len == 0:
-    return @[]
-  for uniform in group:
-    if uniform.arrayCount > 0:
-      assert uniform.theType.Size mod 16 == 0, &"Uniform '{}': Array elements in a uniform block must align to 16 but current size is {uniform.theType.Size} (until we can two different shaders)"
-  # TODO: read the lines below, having at least std430 would be nice...
-  # currently only a single uniform block supported, therefore binding = 0
-  # Also, we might need to figure out how we can ship std430 on newer hardware and normal on older?
-  # result.add(&"layout(std430, binding = {binding}) uniform T{blockName} {{")
-  result.add(&"layout(binding = {binding}) uniform T{blockName} {{")
-  var last_size = high(uint64)
-  for attribute in group:
-    assert attribute.Size <= last_size, &"The attribute '{}' is bigger than the attribute before, which is not allowed" # using smaller uniform-types first will lead to problems (I think due to alignment, there is also some stuff on the internet about this ;)
-    var arrayDecl = ""
-    if attribute.arrayCount > 0:
-      arrayDecl = &"[{attribute.arrayCount}]"
-    result.add(&"    {attribute.theType.GlslType} {}{arrayDecl};")
-    last_size = attribute.Size
-  result.add(&"}} {blockName};")
-func GlslSamplers*(group: openArray[ShaderAttribute], basebinding: int): seq[string] =
-  if group.len == 0:
-    return @[]
-  var thebinding = basebinding
-  for attribute in group:
-    var arrayDecl = ""
-    if attribute.arrayCount > 0:
-      arrayDecl = &"[{attribute.arrayCount}]"
-    result.add(&"layout(binding = {thebinding}) uniform {attribute.theType.GlslType} {}{arrayDecl};")
-    inc thebinding
-func GlslOutput*(group: openArray[ShaderAttribute]): seq[string] =
-  if group.len == 0:
-    return @[]
-  var i = 0
-  for attribute in group:
-    assert attribute.arrayCount == 0, "arrays not supported for outputs"
-    let flat = if attribute.noInterpolation: "flat " else: ""
-    result.add &"layout(location = {i}) {flat}out {attribute.theType.GlslType} {};"
-    i += 1
--- a/semiconginev2/old/core/imagetypes.nim	Mon Jul 22 15:53:32 2024 +0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-import std/strformat
-import ./vulkanapi
-import ./vector
-import ./color
-  RGBAPixel* = array[4, uint8]
-  GrayPixel* = uint8
-  Pixel* = RGBAPixel or GrayPixel
-  Image*[T: Pixel] = object
-    width*: uint32
-    height*: uint32
-    imagedata*: seq[T]
-  # Image*[T: Pixel] = ref ImageObject[T]
-  Sampler* = object
-    magnification*: VkFilter = VK_FILTER_LINEAR
-    minification*: VkFilter = VK_FILTER_LINEAR
-    wrapModeS*: VkSamplerAddressMode = VK_SAMPLER_ADDRESS_MODE_REPEAT
-    wrapModeT*: VkSamplerAddressMode = VK_SAMPLER_ADDRESS_MODE_REPEAT
-  Texture* = object
-    name*: string
-    case isGrayscale*: bool = false
-    of false: colorImage*: Image[RGBAPixel]
-    of true: grayImage*: Image[GrayPixel]
-    sampler*: Sampler
-proc `==`*(a, b: Texture): bool =
-  if a.isGrayscale != b.isGrayscale or != or a.sampler != b.sampler:
-    return false
-  elif a.isGrayscale:
-    return a.grayImage == b.grayImage
-  else:
-    return a.colorImage == b.colorImage
-converter ToRGBA*(p: RGBAPixel): Vec4f =
-  NewVec4f(float32(p[0]) / 255'f32, float32(p[1]) / 255'f32, float32(p[2]) / 255'f32, float32(p[3]) / 255'f32)
-converter ToGrayscale*(p: GrayPixel): float32 =
-  float32(p) / 255'f32
-# colorspace conversion functions
-func Linear2srgb*(value: RGBAPixel): RGBAPixel =
-  [Linear2srgb(value[0]), Linear2srgb(value[1]), Linear2srgb(value[2]), value[3]]
-func Srgb2linear*(value: RGBAPixel): RGBAPixel =
-  [Srgb2linear(value[0]), Srgb2linear(value[1]), Srgb2linear(value[2]), value[3]]
-proc AsSRGB*[T](image: Image[T]): Image[T] =
-  result = Image[T](width: image.width, height: image.height, imagedata: newSeq[T](image.imagedata.len))
-  for i in 0 .. image.imagedata.len:
-    result.imagedata[i] = Linear2srgb(image.imagedata[i])
-proc AsLinear*[T](image: Image[T]): Image[T] =
-  result = Image[T](width: image.width, height: image.height, imagedata: newSeq[T](image.imagedata.len))
-  for i in 0 ..< image.imagedata.len:
-    result.imagedata[i] = Srgb2linear(image.imagedata[i])
-proc `$`*(image: Image): string =
-  &"{image.width}x{image.height}"
-proc `$`*(texture: Texture): string =
-  if texture.isGrayscale:
-    &"{} {texture.grayImage} (gray)"
-  else:
-    &"{} {texture.colorImage} (color)"
-proc `[]`*(image: Image, x, y: uint32): Pixel =
-  assert x < image.width, &"{x} < {image.width} is not true"
-  assert y < image.height, &"{y} < {image.height} is not true"
-  image[].imagedata[y * image.width + x]
-proc `[]=`*(image: var Image, x, y: uint32, value: Pixel) =
-  assert x < image.width
-  assert y < image.height
-  image[].imagedata[y * image.width + x] = value
-proc NewImage*[T: Pixel](width, height: uint32, imagedata: openArray[T] = []): Image[T] =
-  assert width > 0 and height > 0
-  assert imagedata.len.uint32 == width * height or imagedata.len == 0
-  result.imagedata = (if imagedata.len == 0: newSeq[T](width * height) else: @imagedata)
-  assert width * height == result.imagedata.len.uint32
-  result.width = width
-  result.height = height
-  LINEAR_SAMPLER* = Sampler(
-    magnification: VK_FILTER_LINEAR,
-    minification: VK_FILTER_LINEAR,
-  )
-  NEAREST_SAMPLER* = Sampler(
-    magnification: VK_FILTER_NEAREST,
-    minification: VK_FILTER_NEAREST,
-  )
-  INVALID_TEXTURE* = Texture(name: "Invalid texture", isGrayscale: false, colorImage: NewImage(1, 1, @[[255'u8, 0'u8, 255'u8, 255'u8]]), sampler: NEAREST_SAMPLER)
-  EMPTY_TEXTURE* = Texture(name: "Empty texture", isGrayscale: false, colorImage: NewImage(1, 1, @[[255'u8, 255'u8, 255'u8, 255'u8]]), sampler: NEAREST_SAMPLER)
--- a/semiconginev2/old/core/matrix.nim	Mon Jul 22 15:53:32 2024 +0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,476 +0,0 @@
-import std/math
-import std/macros
-import std/random
-import std/strutils
-import std/strformat
-import std/typetraits
-import ./vector
-export math
-  # layout is row-first
-  # having an object instead of directly aliasing the array seems a bit ugly at
-  # first, but is necessary to be able to work correctly with distinguished
-  # types (i.e. TMat23 and TMat32 would be an alias for the same type array[6, T]
-  # which prevents the type system from identifying the correct type at times)
-  #
-  # Though, great news is that objects have zero overhead!
-  TMat2*[T: SomeNumber] = object
-    data*: array[4, T]
-  TMat23*[T: SomeNumber] = object
-    data*: array[6, T]
-  TMat32*[T: SomeNumber] = object
-    data*: array[6, T]
-  TMat3*[T: SomeNumber] = object
-    data*: array[9, T]
-  TMat34*[T: SomeNumber] = object
-    data*: array[12, T]
-  TMat43*[T: SomeNumber] = object
-    data*: array[12, T]
-  TMat4*[T: SomeNumber] = object
-    data*: array[16, T]
-  TMat* = TMat2|TMat3|TMat4|TMat23|TMat32|TMat34|TMat43
-  Mat2* = TMat2[float32]
-  Mat23* = TMat23[float32]
-  Mat32* = TMat32[float32]
-  Mat3* = TMat3[float32]
-  Mat34* = TMat34[float32]
-  Mat43* = TMat43[float32]
-  Mat4* = TMat4[float32]
-func MakeUnit2*[T: SomeNumber](): auto {.compiletime.} = TMat2[T](data: [
-  T(1), T(0),
-  T(0), T(1),
-func MakeUnit3*[T: SomeNumber](): auto {.compiletime.} = TMat3[T](data: [
-  T(1), T(0), T(0),
-  T(0), T(1), T(0),
-  T(0), T(0), T(1),
-func MakeUnit4*[T: SomeNumber](): auto {.compiletime.} = TMat4[T](data: [
-  T(1), T(0), T(0), T(0),
-  T(0), T(1), T(0), T(0),
-  T(0), T(0), T(1), T(0),
-  T(0), T(0), T(0), T(1),
-# generates constants: Unit
-# Also for Y, Z, R, G, B
-# not sure if this is necessary or even a good idea...
-macro generateAllConsts() =
-  result = newStmtList()
-  for theType in ["int", "int8", "int16", "int32", "int64", "float", "float32", "float64"]:
-    var typename = theType[0 .. 0]
-    if theType[^2].isDigit:
-      typename = typename & theType[^2]
-    if theType[^1].isDigit:
-      typename = typename & theType[^1]
-    result.add(newConstStmt(
-      postfix(ident("Unit2" & typename), "*"),
-      newCall(nnkBracketExpr.newTree(ident("MakeUnit2"), ident(theType)))
-    ))
-    result.add(newConstStmt(
-      postfix(ident("Unit3" & typename), "*"),
-      newCall(nnkBracketExpr.newTree(ident("MakeUnit3"), ident(theType)))
-    ))
-    result.add(newConstStmt(
-      postfix(ident("Unit4" & typename), "*"),
-      newCall(nnkBracketExpr.newTree(ident("MakeUnit4"), ident(theType)))
-    ))
-const Unit2* = MakeUnit2[float32]()
-const Unit3* = MakeUnit3[float32]()
-const Unit4* = MakeUnit4[float32]()
-template RowCount*(m: typedesc): int =
-  when m is TMat2: 2
-  elif m is TMat23: 2
-  elif m is TMat32: 3
-  elif m is TMat3: 3
-  elif m is TMat34: 3
-  elif m is TMat43: 4
-  elif m is TMat4: 4
-template ColumnCount*(m: typedesc): int =
-  when m is TMat2: 2
-  elif m is TMat23: 3
-  elif m is TMat32: 2
-  elif m is TMat3: 3
-  elif m is TMat34: 4
-  elif m is TMat43: 3
-  elif m is TMat4: 4
-template matlen(m: typedesc): int =
-  when m is TMat2: 4
-  elif m is TMat23: 6
-  elif m is TMat32: 6
-  elif m is TMat3: 9
-  elif m is TMat34: 12
-  elif m is TMat43: 12
-  elif m is TMat4: 16
-func toString[T](value: T): string =
-  var
-    strvalues: seq[string]
-    maxwidth = 0
-  for n in
-    let strval = &"{float(n):.4f}"
-    strvalues.add(strval)
-    if strval.len > maxwidth:
-      maxwidth = strval.len
-  for i in 0 ..< strvalues.len:
-    let filler = " ".repeat(maxwidth - strvalues[i].len)
-    if i mod T.ColumnCount == T.ColumnCount - 1:
-      result &= filler & strvalues[i] & "\n"
-    else:
-      if i mod T.ColumnCount == 0:
-        result &= "  "
-      result &= filler & strvalues[i] & "  "
-func `$`*(v: TMat2[SomeNumber]): string = toString[TMat2[SomeNumber]](v)
-func `$`*(v: TMat23[SomeNumber]): string = toString[TMat23[SomeNumber]](v)
-func `$`*(v: TMat32[SomeNumber]): string = toString[TMat32[SomeNumber]](v)
-func `$`*(v: TMat3[SomeNumber]): string = toString[TMat3[SomeNumber]](v)
-func `$`*(v: TMat34[SomeNumber]): string = toString[TMat34[SomeNumber]](v)
-func `$`*(v: TMat43[SomeNumber]): string = toString[TMat43[SomeNumber]](v)
-func `$`*(v: TMat4[SomeNumber]): string = toString[TMat4[SomeNumber]](v)
-func `[]`*[T: TMat](m: T, row, col: int): auto =[col + row * T.ColumnCount]
-func `[]=`*[T: TMat, U](m: var T, row, col: int, value: U) =[col + row * T.ColumnCount] = value
-func `[]`*[T: TMat](m: T, i: int): auto =[i]
-func `[]=`*[T: TMat, U](m: var T, i: int, value: U) =[i] = value
-func Row*[T: TMat2](m: T, i: 0..1): auto = TVec2([m[i, 0], m[i, 1]])
-func Row*[T: TMat32](m: T, i: 0..2): auto = TVec2([m[i, 0], m[i, 1]])
-func Row*[T: TMat23](m: T, i: 0..1): auto = TVec3([m[i, 0], m[i, 1], m[i, 2]])
-func Row*[T: TMat3](m: T, i: 0..2): auto = TVec3([m[i, 0], m[i, 1], m[i, 2]])
-func Row*[T: TMat43](m: T, i: 0..3): auto = TVec3([m[i, 0], m[i, 1], m[i, 2]])
-func Row*[T: TMat34](m: T, i: 0..2): auto = TVec4([m[i, 0], m[i, 1], m[i, 2], m[i, 3]])
-func Row*[T: TMat4](m: T, i: 0..3): auto = TVec4([m[i, 0], m[i, 1], m[i, 2], m[i, 3]])
-func Col*[T: TMat2](m: T, i: 0..1): auto = TVec2([m[0, i], m[1, i]])
-func Col*[T: TMat23](m: T, i: 0..2): auto = TVec2([m[0, i], m[1, i]])
-func Col*[T: TMat32](m: T, i: 0..1): auto = TVec3([m[0, i], m[1, i], m[2, i]])
-func Col*[T: TMat3](m: T, i: 0..2): auto = TVec3([m[0, i], m[1, i], m[2, i]])
-func Col*[T: TMat34](m: T, i: 0..3): auto = TVec3([m[0, i], m[1, i], m[2, i]])
-func Col*[T: TMat43](m: T, i: 0..2): auto = TVec4([m[0, i], m[1, i], m[2, i], m[3, i]])
-func Col*[T: TMat4](m: T, i: 0..3): auto = TVec4([m[0, i], m[1, i], m[2, i], m[3, i]])
-proc createMatMatMultiplicationOperator(leftType: typedesc, rightType: typedesc, outType: typedesc): NimNode =
-  var data = nnkBracket.newTree()
-  for i in 0 ..< RowCount(leftType):
-    for j in 0 ..< rightType.ColumnCount:
-      data.add(newCall(
-        ident("sum"),
-        infix(
-          newCall(newDotExpr(ident("a"), ident("Row")), newLit(i)),
-          "*",
-          newCall(newDotExpr(ident("b"), ident("Col")), newLit(j))
-        )
-      ))
-  return newProc(
-    postfix(nnkAccQuoted.newTree(ident("*")), "*"),
-    params = [
-      ident("auto"),
-      newIdentDefs(ident("a"), ident(,
-      newIdentDefs(ident("b"), ident(
-    ],
-    body = nnkObjConstr.newTree(ident(, nnkExprColonExpr.newTree(ident("data"), data)),
-    procType = nnkFuncDef,
-  )
-proc createMatMatAdditionOperator(theType: typedesc): NimNode =
-  var data = nnkBracket.newTree()
-  for i in 0 ..< matlen(theType):
-    data.add(
-      infix(
-        nnkBracketExpr.newTree(ident("a"), newLit(i)),
-        "+",
-        nnkBracketExpr.newTree(ident("b"), newLit(i)),
-    ))
-  return newProc(
-    postfix(nnkAccQuoted.newTree(ident("+")), "*"),
-    params = [
-      ident("auto"),
-      newIdentDefs(ident("a"), ident(,
-      newIdentDefs(ident("b"), ident(
-    ],
-    body = nnkObjConstr.newTree(ident(, nnkExprColonExpr.newTree(ident("data"), data)),
-    procType = nnkFuncDef,
-  )
-proc createVecMatMultiplicationOperator(matType: typedesc, vecType: typedesc): NimNode =
-  var data = nnkBracket.newTree()
-  for i in 0 ..< matType.RowCount:
-    data.add(newCall(
-      ident("sum"),
-      infix(
-        ident("v"),
-        "*",
-        newCall(newDotExpr(ident("m"), ident("Row")), newLit(i))
-      )
-    ))
-  let resultVec = newCall(
-    nnkBracketExpr.newTree(ident(, ident("T")),
-    data,
-  )
-  let name = postfix(nnkAccQuoted.newTree(ident("*")), "*")
-  let genericParams = nnkGenericParams.newTree(nnkIdentDefs.newTree(ident("T"), ident("SomeNumber"), newEmptyNode()))
-  let formalParams = nnkFormalParams.newTree(
-    ident("auto"),
-    newIdentDefs(ident("m"), nnkBracketExpr.newTree(ident(, ident("T"))),
-    newIdentDefs(ident("v"), nnkBracketExpr.newTree(ident(, ident("T"))),
-  )
-  return nnkFuncDef.newTree(
-    name,
-    newEmptyNode(),
-    genericParams,
-    formalParams,
-    newEmptyNode(),
-    newEmptyNode(),
-    resultVec
-  )
-proc createMatScalarOperator(matType: typedesc, op: string): NimNode =
-  result = newStmtList()
-  var data = nnkBracket.newTree()
-  for i in 0 ..< matType.RowCount * matType.ColumnCount:
-    data.add(infix(nnkBracketExpr.newTree(newDotExpr(ident("a"), ident("data")), newLit(i)), op, ident("b")))
-  result.add(newProc(
-    postfix(nnkAccQuoted.newTree(ident(op)), "*"),
-    params = [
-      ident("auto"),
-      newIdentDefs(ident("a"), ident(,
-      newIdentDefs(ident("b"), ident("SomeNumber")),
-    ],
-    body = nnkObjConstr.newTree(ident(, nnkExprColonExpr.newTree(ident("data"), data)),
-    procType = nnkFuncDef,
-  ))
-  result.add(newProc(
-    postfix(nnkAccQuoted.newTree(ident(op)), "*"),
-    params = [
-      ident("auto"),
-      newIdentDefs(ident("b"), ident("SomeNumber")),
-      newIdentDefs(ident("a"), ident(,
-    ],
-    body = nnkObjConstr.newTree(ident(, nnkExprColonExpr.newTree(ident("data"), data)),
-    procType = nnkFuncDef,
-  ))
-  if op == "-":
-    var data2 = nnkBracket.newTree()
-    for i in 0 ..< matType.RowCount * matType.ColumnCount:
-      data2.add(prefix(nnkBracketExpr.newTree(newDotExpr(ident("a"), ident("data")), newLit(i)), op))
-    result.add(newProc(
-      postfix(nnkAccQuoted.newTree(ident(op)), "*"),
-      params = [
-        ident("auto"),
-        newIdentDefs(ident("a"), ident(,
-      ],
-      body = nnkObjConstr.newTree(ident(, nnkExprColonExpr.newTree(ident("data"), data2)),
-      procType = nnkFuncDef,
-    ))
-macro createAllMultiplicationOperators() =
-  result = newStmtList()
-  for op in ["+", "-", "*", "/"]:
-    result.add(createMatScalarOperator(TMat2, op))
-    result.add(createMatScalarOperator(TMat23, op))
-    result.add(createMatScalarOperator(TMat32, op))
-    result.add(createMatScalarOperator(TMat3, op))
-    result.add(createMatScalarOperator(TMat34, op))
-    result.add(createMatScalarOperator(TMat43, op))
-    result.add(createMatScalarOperator(TMat4, op))
-  result.add(createMatMatMultiplicationOperator(TMat2, TMat2, TMat2))
-  result.add(createMatMatMultiplicationOperator(TMat2, TMat23, TMat23))
-  result.add(createMatMatMultiplicationOperator(TMat23, TMat32, TMat2))
-  result.add(createMatMatMultiplicationOperator(TMat23, TMat3, TMat23))
-  result.add(createMatMatMultiplicationOperator(TMat32, TMat2, TMat32))
-  result.add(createMatMatMultiplicationOperator(TMat32, TMat23, TMat3))
-  result.add(createMatMatMultiplicationOperator(TMat3, TMat32, TMat32))
-  result.add(createMatMatMultiplicationOperator(TMat3, TMat3, TMat3))
-  result.add(createMatMatMultiplicationOperator(TMat3, TMat34, TMat34))
-  result.add(createMatMatMultiplicationOperator(TMat43, TMat3, TMat43))
-  result.add(createMatMatMultiplicationOperator(TMat43, TMat34, TMat4))
-  result.add(createMatMatMultiplicationOperator(TMat4, TMat43, TMat43))
-  result.add(createMatMatMultiplicationOperator(TMat4, TMat4, TMat4))
-  result.add(createMatMatAdditionOperator(TMat2))
-  result.add(createMatMatAdditionOperator(TMat23))
-  result.add(createMatMatAdditionOperator(TMat32))
-  result.add(createMatMatAdditionOperator(TMat3))
-  result.add(createMatMatAdditionOperator(TMat34))
-  result.add(createMatMatAdditionOperator(TMat43))
-  result.add(createMatMatAdditionOperator(TMat4))
-  result.add(createVecMatMultiplicationOperator(TMat2, TVec2))
-  result.add(createVecMatMultiplicationOperator(TMat3, TVec3))
-  result.add(createVecMatMultiplicationOperator(TMat4, TVec4))
-func `*`*(mat: Mat4, vec: Vec3f): Vec3f =
-  (mat * vec.ToVec4(1)).ToVec3
-func Transposed*[T](m: TMat2[T]): TMat2[T] = TMat2[T](data: [
-  m[0, 0], m[1, 0],
-  m[0, 1], m[1, 1],
-func Transposed*[T](m: TMat23[T]): TMat32[T] = TMat32[T](data: [
-  m[0, 0], m[1, 0],
-  m[0, 1], m[1, 1],
-  m[0, 2], m[1, 2],
-func Transposed*[T](m: TMat32[T]): TMat23[T] = TMat23[T](data: [
-  m[0, 0], m[1, 0], m[2, 0],
-  m[0, 1], m[1, 1], m[2, 1],
-func Transposed*[T](m: TMat3[T]): TMat3[T] = TMat3[T](data: [
-  m[0, 0], m[1, 0], m[2, 0],
-  m[0, 1], m[1, 1], m[2, 1],
-  m[0, 2], m[1, 2], m[2, 2],
-func Transposed*[T](m: TMat43[T]): TMat34[T] = TMat34[T](data: [
-  m[0, 0], m[1, 0], m[2, 0], m[3, 0],
-  m[0, 1], m[1, 1], m[2, 1], m[3, 1],
-  m[0, 2], m[1, 2], m[2, 2], m[3, 2],
-func Transposed*[T](m: TMat34[T]): TMat43[T] = TMat43[T](data: [
-  m[0, 0], m[1, 0], m[2, 0],
-  m[0, 1], m[1, 1], m[2, 1],
-  m[0, 2], m[1, 2], m[2, 2],
-  m[0, 3], m[1, 3], m[2, 3],
-func Transposed*[T](m: TMat4[T]): TMat4[T] = TMat4[T](data: [
-  m[0, 0], m[1, 0], m[2, 0], m[3, 0],
-  m[0, 1], m[1, 1], m[2, 1], m[3, 1],
-  m[0, 2], m[1, 2], m[2, 2], m[3, 2],
-  m[0, 3], m[1, 3], m[2, 3], m[3, 3],
-func Translate2d*[T](x, y: T): TMat3[T] = TMat3[T](data: [
-  T(1), T(0), x,
-  T(0), T(1), y,
-  T(0), T(0), T(1),
-func Scale2d*[T](sx, sy: T): TMat3[T] = TMat3[T](data: [
-  sx, T(0), T(0),
-  T(0), sy, T(0),
-  T(0), T(0), T(1),
-func Rotate2d*[T](angle: T): TMat3[T] = TMat3[T](data: [
-  cos(angle), -sin(angle), T(0),
-  sin(angle), cos(angle), T(0),
-  T(0), T(0), T(1),
-func Translate*(x = 0'f32, y = 0'f32, z = 0'f32): TMat4[float32] = Mat4(data: [
-  1'f32, 0'f32, 0'f32, x,
-  0'f32, 1'f32, 0'f32, y,
-  0'f32, 0'f32, 1'f32, z,
-  0'f32, 0'f32, 0'f32, 1'f32,
-func Translate*[T: TVec3](v: T): TMat4[float32] = Translate(v[0], v[1], v[2])
-func Scale*(x = 1'f32, y = 1'f32, z = 1'f32): Mat4 = Mat4(data: [
-  x, 0'f32, 0'f32, 0'f32,
-  0'f32, y, 0'f32, 0'f32,
-  0'f32, 0'f32, z, 0'f32,
-  0'f32, 0'f32, 0'f32, 1'f32,
-func Scale*[T: TVec3](v: T): TMat4[float32] = Scale(v[0], v[1], v[2])
-func Rotate*(angle: float32, a: Vec3f): Mat4 =
-  let
-    cosa = cos(angle)
-    sina = sin(angle)
-    x = a[0]
-    y = a[1]
-    z = a[2]
-  Mat4(data: [
-    x * x * (1 - cosa) + cosa, y * x * (1 - cosa) - z * sina, z * x * (1 - cosa) + y * sina, 0'f32,
-    x * y * (1 - cosa) + z * sina, y * y * (1 - cosa) + cosa, z * y * (1 - cosa) - x * sina, 0'f32,
-    x * z * (1 - cosa) - y * sina, y * z * (1 - cosa) + x * sina, z * z * (1 - cosa) + cosa, 0'f32,
-    0'f32, 0'f32, 0'f32, 1'f32,
-  ])
-func asMat3(m: Mat4): auto =
-  Mat3(data: [
-    m[0, 0], m[0, 1], m[0, 2],
-    m[1, 0], m[1, 1], m[1, 2],
-    m[2, 0], m[2, 1], m[2, 2],
-  ])
-func Inversed*(m: Mat4): Mat4 =
-  var m3 = m.asMat3.Transposed
-  m3[0, 0] = 1'f32 / m3[0, 0]
-  m3[1, 1] = 1'f32 / m3[1, 1]
-  m3[2, 2] = 1'f32 / m3[2, 2]
-  let col3 = -(m3 * m.Col(3).xyz)
-  return Mat4(data: [
-        m3[0, 0], m3[0, 1], m3[0, 2], col3.x,
-        m3[1, 0], m3[1, 1], m3[1, 2], col3.y,
-        m3[2, 0], m3[2, 1], m3[2, 2], col3.z,
-               0, 0, 0, 1,
-  ])
-# call e.g. TMat32[int]().randomized() to get a random matrix
-template makeRandomInit(mattype: typedesc) =
-  proc Randomized*[T: SomeInteger](m: mattype[T]): mattype[T] =
-    for i in 0 ..<
-[i] = rand(low(typeof([0])) .. high(typeof([0])))
-  proc Randomized*[T: SomeFloat](m: mattype[T]): mattype[T] =
-    for i in 0 ..<
-[i] = rand(T(1.0))
-func Perspective*(fovy, aspect, zNear, zFar: float32): Mat4 =
-  let tanHalfFovy = tan(fovy / 2)
-  return Mat4(data: [
-    1 / (aspect * tanHalfFovy), 0, 0, 0,
-    0, 1 / tanHalfFovy, 0, 0,
-    0, 0, zFar / (zFar - zNear), -(zFar * zNear) / (zFar - zNear),
-    0, 0, 1, 1,
-  ])
-func Ortho*(left, right, top, bottom, zNear, zFar: float32): Mat4 =
-  Mat4(data: [
-    2 / (right - left), 0, 0, -(right + left) / (right - left),
-    0, 2 / (bottom - top), 0, -(bottom + top) / (bottom - top),
-    0, 0, 1 / (zFar - zNear), zNear / (zFar - zNear),
-    0, 0, 0, 1,
-  ])
-# create an orthographic perspective that will map from -1 .. 1 on all axis and keep a 1:1 aspect ratio
-# the smaller dimension (width or height) will always be 1 and the larger dimension will be larger, to keep the ratio
-func OrthoWindowAspect*(windowAspect: float32): Mat4 =
-  if windowAspect < 1:
-    let space = 2 * (1 / windowAspect - 1) / 2
-    Ortho(-1, 1, -1 - space, 1 + space, 0, 1)
-  else:
-    let space = 2 * (windowAspect - 1) / 2
-    Ortho(-1 - space, 1 + space, -1, 1, 0, 1)
-func Position*(mat: Mat4): Vec3f {.deprecated.} =
-  mat.Col(3).ToVec3
-func Scaling*(mat: Mat4): Vec3f {.deprecated.} =
-  NewVec4f(mat[0, 0], mat[1, 1], mat[2, 2])
--- a/semiconginev2/old/core/utils.nim	Mon Jul 22 15:53:32 2024 +0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-import std/typetraits
-import std/strutils
-import std/paths
-import std/os
-import std/strformat
-  HorizontalAlignment* = enum
-    Left
-    Center
-    Right
-  VerticalAlignment* = enum
-    Top
-    Center
-    Bottom
-func CleanString*(str: openArray[char]): string =
-  for i in 0 ..< len(str):
-    if str[i] == char(0):
-      result = join(str[0 ..< i])
-      break
-func ToCPointer*[T](list: openArray[T]): ptr T =
-  if list.len > 0: addr(list[0]) else: nil
-proc StaticExecChecked*(command: string, input = ""): string {.compileTime.} =
-  let (output, exitcode) = gorgeEx(
-      command = command,
-      input = input)
-  if exitcode != 0:
-    raise newException(Exception, &"Running '{command}' produced exit code: {exitcode}" & output)
-  return output
-proc AppName*(): string =
-  return string(Path(getAppFilename())
-func Size*[T: seq](list: T): uint64 =
-  uint64(list.len * sizeof(get(genericParams(typeof(list)), 0)))
--- a/semiconginev2/old/core/vector.nim	Mon Jul 22 15:53:32 2024 +0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
-import std/random
-import std/math
-import std/strutils
-import std/strformat
-import std/macros
-import std/typetraits
-import std/tables
-import ./vulkanapi
-  TVec1*[T: SomeNumber] = array[1, T]
-  TVec2*[T: SomeNumber] = array[2, T]
-  TVec3*[T: SomeNumber] = array[3, T]
-  TVec4*[T: SomeNumber] = array[4, T]
-  TVec* = TVec1|TVec2|TVec3|TVec4
-  Vec1f* = TVec1[float32]
-  Vec2f* = TVec2[float32]
-  Vec3f* = TVec3[float32]
-  Vec4f* = TVec4[float32]
-  Vec1i* = TVec1[int32]
-  Vec2i* = TVec2[int32]
-  Vec3i* = TVec3[int32]
-  Vec4i* = TVec4[int32]
-  Vec1u* = TVec1[uint32]
-  Vec2u* = TVec2[uint32]
-  Vec3u* = TVec3[uint32]
-  Vec4u* = TVec4[uint32]
-converter ToVec1*[T: SomeNumber](orig: TVec3[T]|TVec4[T]): TVec1[T] =
-  TVec1[T]([orig[0]])
-converter ToVec2*[T: SomeNumber](orig: TVec3[T]|TVec4[T]): TVec2[T] =
-  TVec2[T]([orig[0], orig[1]])
-converter ToVec3*[T: SomeNumber](orig: TVec4[T]): TVec3[T] =
-  TVec3[T]([orig[0], orig[1], orig[2]])
-func ToVec4*[T: SomeNumber](orig: TVec3[T], value: T = default(T)): TVec4[T] =
-  TVec4[T]([orig[0], orig[1], orig[2], value])
-func ToVec3*[T: SomeNumber](orig: TVec2[T], value: T = default(T)): TVec3[T] =
-  TVec3[T]([orig[0], orig[1], value])
-func ToVec2*[T: SomeNumber](orig: TVec1[T], value: T = default(T)): TVec2[T] =
-  TVec2[T]([orig[0], value])
-# define some often used constants
-func ConstOne1[T: SomeNumber](): auto {.compiletime.} = TVec1[T]([T(1)])
-func ConstOne2[T: SomeNumber](): auto {.compiletime.} = TVec2[T]([T(1), T(1)])
-func ConstOne3[T: SomeNumber](): auto {.compiletime.} = TVec3[T]([T(1), T(1), T(1)])
-func ConstOne4[T: SomeNumber](): auto {.compiletime.} = TVec4[T]([T(1), T(1), T(1), T(1)])
-func ConstX[T: SomeNumber](): auto {.compiletime.} = TVec3[T]([T(1), T(0), T(0)])
-func ConstY[T: SomeNumber](): auto {.compiletime.} = TVec3[T]([T(0), T(1), T(0)])
-func ConstZ[T: SomeNumber](): auto {.compiletime.} = TVec3[T]([T(0), T(0), T(1)])
-func ConstR[T: SomeNumber](): auto {.compiletime.} = TVec3[T]([T(1), T(0), T(0)])
-func ConstG[T: SomeNumber](): auto {.compiletime.} = TVec3[T]([T(0), T(1), T(0)])
-func ConstB[T: SomeNumber](): auto {.compiletime.} = TVec3[T]([T(0), T(0), T(1)])
-func NewVec2f*(x = 0'f32, y = 0'f32): auto =
-  Vec2f([x, y])
-func NewVec3f*(x = 0'f32, y = 0'f32, z = 0'f32): auto =
-  Vec3f([x, y, z])
-func NewVec4f*(x = 0'f32, y = 0'f32, z = 0'f32, a = 0'f32): auto =
-  Vec4f([x, y, z, a])
-func NewVec2i*(x = 0'i32, y = 0'i32): auto =
-  Vec2i([x, y])
-func NewVec3i*(x = 0'i32, y = 0'i32, z = 0'i32): auto =
-  Vec3i([x, y, z])
-func NewVec4i*(x = 0'i32, y = 0'i32, z = 0'i32, a = 0'i32): auto =
-  Vec4i([x, y, z, a])
-func NewVec2u*(x = 0'u32, y = 0'u32): auto =
-  Vec2u([x, y])
-func NewVec3u*(x = 0'u32, y = 0'u32, z = 0'u32): auto =
-  Vec3u([x, y, z])
-func NewVec4u*(x = 0'u32, y = 0'u32, z = 0'u32, a = 0'u32): auto =
-  Vec4u([x, y, z, a])
-# generates constants: Xf, Xf32, Xf64, Xi, Xi8, Xi16, Xi32, Xi64
-# Also for Y, Z, R, G, B and One
-# not sure if this is necessary or even a good idea...
-macro generateAllConsts() =
-  result = newStmtList()
-  for component in ["X", "Y", "Z", "R", "G", "B", "One2", "One3", "One4"]:
-    for theType in ["int", "int8", "int16", "int32", "int64", "float", "float32", "float64"]:
-      var typename = theType[0 .. 0]
-      if theType[^2].isDigit:
-        typename = typename & theType[^2]
-      if theType[^1].isDigit:
-        typename = typename & theType[^1]
-      result.add(
-        newConstStmt(
-          postfix(ident(component & typename), "*"),
-          newCall(nnkBracketExpr.newTree(ident("Const" & component), ident(theType)))
-        )
-      )
-const X* = ConstX[float32]()
-const Y* = ConstY[float32]()
-const Z* = ConstZ[float32]()
-const One1* = ConstOne1[float32]()
-const One2* = ConstOne2[float32]()
-const One3* = ConstOne3[float32]()
-const One4* = ConstOne4[float32]()
-func NewVec1*[T](x: T): auto = TVec1([x])
-func NewVec2*[T](x, y: T): auto = TVec2([x, y])
-func NewVec3*[T](x, y, z: T): auto = TVec3([x, y, z])
-func NewVec4*[T](x, y, z, w: T): auto = TVec4([x, y, z, w])
-func To*[T](v: TVec1): auto = TVec1([T(v[0])])
-func To*[T](v: TVec2): auto = TVec2([T(v[0]), T(v[1])])
-func To*[T](v: TVec3): auto = TVec3([T(v[0]), T(v[1]), T(v[2])])
-func To*[T](v: TVec4): auto = TVec4([T(v[0]), T(v[1]), T(v[2]), T(v[3])])
-func toString[T](value: T): string =
-  var items: seq[string]
-  for item in value:
-    items.add(&"{item.float:.5f}")
-  & "(" & join(items, "  ") & ")"
-func `$`*(v: TVec1[SomeNumber]): string = toString[TVec1[SomeNumber]](v)
-func `$`*(v: TVec2[SomeNumber]): string = toString[TVec2[SomeNumber]](v)
-func `$`*(v: TVec3[SomeNumber]): string = toString[TVec3[SomeNumber]](v)
-func `$`*(v: TVec4[SomeNumber]): string = toString[TVec4[SomeNumber]](v)
-func Length*(vec: TVec1): auto = vec[0]
-func Length*(vec: TVec2[SomeFloat]): auto = sqrt(vec[0] * vec[0] + vec[1] * vec[1])
-func Length*(vec: TVec2[SomeInteger]): auto = sqrt(float(vec[0] * vec[0] + vec[1] * vec[1]))
-func Length*(vec: TVec3[SomeFloat]): auto = sqrt(vec[0] * vec[0] + vec[1] * vec[1] + vec[2] * vec[2])
-func Length*(vec: TVec3[SomeInteger]): auto = sqrt(float(vec[0] * vec[0] + vec[1] * vec[1] + vec[2] * vec[2]))
-func Length*(vec: TVec4[SomeFloat]): auto = sqrt(vec[0] * vec[0] + vec[1] * vec[1] + vec[2] * vec[2] + vec[3] * vec[3])
-func Length*(vec: TVec4[SomeInteger]): auto = sqrt(float(vec[0] * vec[0] + vec[1] * vec[1] + vec[2] * vec[2] + vec[3] * vec[3]))
-func Normal*[T: SomeFloat](vec: TVec2[T]): auto =
-  TVec2[T]([vec[1], -vec[0]])
-func Normalized*[T: SomeFloat](vec: TVec1[T]): auto =
-  return T(1)
-func Normalized*[T: SomeFloat](vec: TVec2[T]): auto =
-  let l = vec.Length
-  if l == 0: vec
-  else: TVec2[T]([vec[0] / l, vec[1] / l])
-func Normalized*[T: SomeFloat](vec: TVec3[T]): auto =
-  let l = vec.Length
-  if l == 0: return vec
-  else: TVec3[T]([vec[0] / l, vec[1] / l, vec[2] / l])
-func Normalized*[T: SomeFloat](vec: TVec4[T]): auto =
-  let l = vec.Length
-  if l == 0: return vec
-  else: TVec4[T]([vec[0] / l, vec[1] / l, vec[2] / l, vec[3] / l])
-# scalar operations
-func `+`*(a: TVec1, b: SomeNumber): auto = TVec1([a[0] + b])
-func `+`*(a: TVec2, b: SomeNumber): auto = TVec2([a[0] + b, a[1] + b])
-func `+`*(a: TVec3, b: SomeNumber): auto = TVec3([a[0] + b, a[1] + b, a[2] + b])
-func `+`*(a: TVec4, b: SomeNumber): auto = TVec4([a[0] + b, a[1] + b, a[2] + b, a[3] + b])
-func `-`*(a: TVec1, b: SomeNumber): auto = TVec1([a[0] - b])
-func `-`*(a: TVec2, b: SomeNumber): auto = TVec2([a[0] - b, a[1] - b])
-func `-`*(a: TVec3, b: SomeNumber): auto = TVec3([a[0] - b, a[1] - b, a[2] - b])
-func `-`*(a: TVec4, b: SomeNumber): auto = TVec4([a[0] - b, a[1] - b, a[2] - b,
-    a[3] - b])
-func `*`*(a: TVec1, b: SomeNumber): auto = TVec1([a[0] * b])
-func `*`*(a: TVec2, b: SomeNumber): auto = TVec2([a[0] * b, a[1] * b])
-func `*`*(a: TVec3, b: SomeNumber): auto = TVec3([a[0] * b, a[1] * b, a[2] * b])
-func `*`*(a: TVec4, b: SomeNumber): auto = TVec4([a[0] * b, a[1] * b, a[2] * b,
-    a[3] * b])
-func `/`*[T: SomeInteger](a: TVec1[T], b: SomeInteger): auto = TVec1([a[0] div b])
-func `/`*[T: SomeFloat](a: TVec1[T], b: SomeFloat): auto = TVec1([a[0] / b])
-func `/`*[T: SomeInteger](a: TVec2[T], b: SomeInteger): auto = TVec2([a[0] div b, a[1] div b])
-func `/`*[T: SomeFloat](a: TVec2[T], b: SomeFloat): auto = TVec2([a[0] / b, a[1] / b])
-func `/`*[T: SomeInteger](a: TVec3[T], b: SomeInteger): auto = TVec3([a[0] div b, a[1] div b, a[2] div b])
-func `/`*[T: SomeFloat](a: TVec3[T], b: SomeFloat): auto = TVec3([a[0] / b, a[1] / b, a[2] / b])
-func `/`*[T: SomeInteger](a: TVec4[T], b: SomeInteger): auto = TVec4([a[0] div b, a[1] div b, a[2] div b, a[3] div b])
-func `/`*[T: SomeFloat](a: TVec4[T], b: SomeFloat): auto = TVec4([a[0] / b, a[1] / b, a[2] / b, a[3] / b])
-func `+`*(a: SomeNumber, b: TVec1): auto = TVec1([a + b[0]])
-func `+`*(a: SomeNumber, b: TVec2): auto = TVec2([a + b[0], a + b[1]])
-func `+`*(a: SomeNumber, b: TVec3): auto = TVec3([a + b[0], a + b[1], a + b[2]])
-func `+`*(a: SomeNumber, b: TVec4): auto = TVec4([a + b[0], a + b[1], a + b[2], a + b[3]])
-func `-`*(a: SomeNumber, b: TVec1): auto = TVec1([a - b[0]])
-func `-`*(a: SomeNumber, b: TVec2): auto = TVec2([a - b[0], a - b[1]])
-func `-`*(a: SomeNumber, b: TVec3): auto = TVec3([a - b[0], a - b[1], a - b[2]])
-func `-`*(a: SomeNumber, b: TVec4): auto = TVec4([a - b[0], a - b[1], a - b[2], a - b[3]])
-func `*`*(a: SomeNumber, b: TVec1): auto = TVec1([a * b[0]])
-func `*`*(a: SomeNumber, b: TVec2): auto = TVec2([a * b[0], a * b[1]])
-func `*`*(a: SomeNumber, b: TVec3): auto = TVec3([a * b[0], a * b[1], a * b[2]])
-func `*`*(a: SomeNumber, b: TVec4): auto = TVec4([a * b[0], a * b[1], a * b[2], a * b[3]])
-func `/`*[T: SomeInteger](a: SomeInteger, b: TVec1[T]): auto = TVec1([a div b[0]])
-func `/`*[T: SomeFloat](a: SomeFloat, b: TVec1[T]): auto = TVec1([a / b[0]])
-func `/`*[T: SomeInteger](a: SomeInteger, b: TVec2[T]): auto = TVec2([a div b[0], a div b[1]])
-func `/`*[T: SomeFloat](a: SomeFloat, b: TVec2[T]): auto = TVec2([a / b[0], a / b[1]])
-func `/`*[T: SomeInteger](a: SomeInteger, b: TVec3[T]): auto = TVec3([a div b[0], a div b[1], a div b[2]])
-func `/`*[T: SomeFloat](a: SomeFloat, b: TVec3[T]): auto = TVec3([a / b[0], a / b[1], a / b[2]])
-func `/`*[T: SomeInteger](a: SomeInteger, b: TVec4[T]): auto = TVec4([a div b[
-    0], a div b[1], a div b[2], a div b[3]])
-func `/`*[T: SomeFloat](a: SomeFloat, b: TVec4[T]): auto = TVec4([a / b[0], a /
-    b[1], a / b[2], a / b[3]])
-# compontent-wise operations
-func `+`*(a, b: TVec1): auto = TVec1([a[0] + b[0]])
-func `+`*(a, b: TVec2): auto = TVec2([a[0] + b[0], a[1] + b[1]])
-func `+`*(a, b: TVec3): auto = TVec3([a[0] + b[0], a[1] + b[1], a[2] + b[2]])
-func `+`*(a, b: TVec4): auto = TVec4([a[0] + b[0], a[1] + b[1], a[2] + b[2], a[3] + b[3]])
-func `-`*(a: TVec1): auto = TVec1([-a[0]])
-func `-`*(a: TVec2): auto = TVec2([-a[0], -a[1]])
-func `-`*(a: TVec3): auto = TVec3([-a[0], -a[1], -a[2]])
-func `-`*(a: TVec4): auto = TVec4([-a[0], -a[1], -a[2], -a[3]])
-func `-`*(a, b: TVec1): auto = TVec1([a[0] - b[0]])
-func `-`*(a, b: TVec2): auto = TVec2([a[0] - b[0], a[1] - b[1]])
-func `-`*(a, b: TVec3): auto = TVec3([a[0] - b[0], a[1] - b[1], a[2] - b[2]])
-func `-`*(a, b: TVec4): auto = TVec4([a[0] - b[0], a[1] - b[1], a[2] - b[2], a[3] - b[3]])
-func `*`*(a, b: TVec1): auto = TVec1([a[0] * b[0]])
-func `*`*(a, b: TVec2): auto = TVec2([a[0] * b[0], a[1] * b[1]])
-func `*`*(a, b: TVec3): auto = TVec3([a[0] * b[0], a[1] * b[1], a[2] * b[2]])
-func `*`*(a, b: TVec4): auto = TVec4([a[0] * b[0], a[1] * b[1], a[2] * b[2], a[3] * b[3]])
-func `/`*[T: SomeInteger](a, b: TVec1[T]): auto = TVec1([a[0] div b[0]])
-func `/`*[T: SomeFloat](a, b: TVec1[T]): auto = TVec1([a[0] / b[0]])
-func `/`*[T: SomeInteger](a, b: TVec2[T]): auto = TVec2([a[0] div b[0], a[1] div b[1]])
-func `/`*[T: SomeFloat](a, b: TVec2[T]): auto = TVec2([a[0] / b[0], a[1] / b[1]])
-func `/`*[T: SomeInteger](a, b: TVec3[T]): auto = TVec3([a[0] div b[0], a[1] div b[1], a[2] div b[2]])
-func `/`*[T: SomeFloat](a, b: TVec3[T]): auto = TVec3([a[0] / b[0], a[1] / b[1], a[2] / b[2]])
-func `/`*[T: SomeInteger](a, b: TVec4[T]): auto = TVec4([a[0] div b[0], a[1] div b[1], a[2] div b[2], a[3] div b[3]])
-func `/`*[T: SomeFloat](a, b: TVec4[T]): auto = TVec4([a[0] / b[0], a[1] / b[1], a[2] / b[2], a[3] / b[3]])
-# assignment operations, scalar
-func `+=`*(a: var TVec1, b: SomeNumber) = a = a + b
-func `+=`*(a: var TVec2, b: SomeNumber) = a = a + b
-func `+=`*(a: var TVec3, b: SomeNumber) = a = a + b
-func `+=`*(a: var TVec4, b: SomeNumber) = a = a + b
-func `-=`*(a: var TVec1, b: SomeNumber) = a = a - b
-func `-=`*(a: var TVec2, b: SomeNumber) = a = a - b
-func `-=`*(a: var TVec3, b: SomeNumber) = a = a - b
-func `-=`*(a: var TVec4, b: SomeNumber) = a = a - b
-func `*=`*(a: var TVec1, b: SomeNumber) = a = a * b
-func `*=`*(a: var TVec2, b: SomeNumber) = a = a * b
-func `*=`*(a: var TVec3, b: SomeNumber) = a = a * b
-func `*=`*(a: var TVec4, b: SomeNumber) = a = a * b
-func `/=`*(a: var TVec1, b: SomeNumber) = a = a / b
-func `/=`*(a: var TVec2, b: SomeNumber) = a = a / b
-func `/=`*(a: var TVec3, b: SomeNumber) = a = a / b
-func `/=`*(a: var TVec4, b: SomeNumber) = a = a / b
-# assignment operations, vector
-func `+=`*(a: var TVec1, b: TVec1) = a = a + b
-func `+=`*(a: var TVec2, b: TVec2) = a = a + b
-func `+=`*(a: var TVec3, b: TVec3) = a = a + b
-func `+=`*(a: var TVec4, b: TVec4) = a = a + b
-func `-=`*(a: var TVec1, b: TVec1) = a = a - b
-func `-=`*(a: var TVec2, b: TVec2) = a = a - b
-func `-=`*(a: var TVec3, b: TVec3) = a = a - b
-func `-=`*(a: var TVec4, b: TVec4) = a = a - b
-func `*=`*(a: var TVec1, b: TVec1) = a = a * b
-func `*=`*(a: var TVec2, b: TVec2) = a = a * b
-func `*=`*(a: var TVec3, b: TVec3) = a = a * b
-func `*=`*(a: var TVec4, b: TVec4) = a = a * b
-func `/=`*(a: var TVec1, b: TVec1) = a = a / b
-func `/=`*(a: var TVec2, b: TVec2) = a = a / b
-func `/=`*(a: var TVec3, b: TVec3) = a = a / b
-func `/=`*(a: var TVec4, b: TVec4) = a = a / b
-# special operations
-func Pow*(a: TVec1, b: SomeNumber): auto =
-  TVec1([pow(a[0], b)])
-func Pow*(a: TVec2, b: SomeNumber): auto =
-  TVec2([pow(a[0], b), pow(a[1], b)])
-func Pow*(a: TVec3, b: SomeNumber): auto =
-  TVec3([pow(a[0], b), pow(a[1], b), pow(a[2], b)])
-func Pow*(a: TVec4, b: SomeNumber): auto =
-  TVec4([pow(a[0], b), pow(a[1], b), pow(a[2], b), pow(a[3], b)])
-func Dot*(a, b: TVec1): auto = a[0] * b[0]
-func Dot*(a, b: TVec2): auto = a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1]
-func Dot*(a, b: TVec3): auto = a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1] + a[2] * b[2]
-func Dot*(a, b: TVec4): auto = a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1] + a[2] * b[2] + a[3] * b[3]
-func Cross*(a, b: TVec3): auto = TVec3([
-  a[1] * b[2] - a[2] * b[1],
-  a[2] * b[0] - a[0] * b[2],
-  a[0] * b[1] - a[1] * b[0],
-# macro to allow creation of new vectors by specifying vector components as attributes
-# e.g. myVec.xxy will return a new Vec3 that contains the components x, x an y of the original vector
-# (instead of x, y, z for a simple copy)
-proc vectorAttributeAccessor(accessor: string): seq[NimNode] =
-    'x': 0,
-    'y': 1,
-    'z': 2,
-    'w': 3,
-    'r': 0,
-    'g': 1,
-    'b': 2,
-    'a': 3,
-  }.toTable
-  var getterCode, setterCode: NimNode
-  let accessorvalue = accessor
-  if accessorvalue.len == 0:
-    raise newException(Exception, "empty attribute")
-  elif accessorvalue.len == 1:
-    getterCode = nnkBracketExpr.newTree(ident("vec"), newLit(ACCESSOR_INDICES[accessorvalue[0]]))
-    setterCode = nnkStmtList.newTree(
-      nnkAsgn.newTree(
-        nnkBracketExpr.newTree(ident("vec"), newLit(ACCESSOR_INDICES[accessorvalue[0]])), ident("value"))
-    )
-  if accessorvalue.len > 1:
-    var attrs = nnkBracket.newTree()
-    for attrname in accessorvalue:
-      attrs.add(nnkBracketExpr.newTree(ident("vec"), newLit(ACCESSOR_INDICES[attrname])))
-    getterCode = nnkCall.newTree(ident("TVec" & $accessorvalue.len), attrs)
-    setterCode = nnkStmtList.newTree()
-    var i = 0
-    for attrname in accessorvalue:
-      setterCode.add nnkAsgn.newTree(
-        nnkBracketExpr.newTree(ident("vec"), newLit(ACCESSOR_INDICES[attrname])),
-        nnkBracketExpr.newTree(ident("value"), newLit(i)),
-      )
-      inc i
-  result.add newProc(
-    name = nnkPostfix.newTree(ident("*"), ident(accessor)),
-    params = [ident("auto"), nnkIdentDefs.newTree(ident("vec"), ident("TVec"), newEmptyNode())],
-    body = newStmtList(getterCode),
-    procType = nnkFuncDef,
-  )
-  result.add nnkFuncDef.newTree(
-    nnkPostfix.newTree(
-      newIdentNode("*"),
-      nnkAccQuoted.newTree(newIdentNode(accessor), newIdentNode("="))
-    ),
-    newEmptyNode(),
-    nnkGenericParams.newTree(nnkIdentDefs.newTree(newIdentNode("T"), newEmptyNode(), newEmptyNode())),
-    nnkFormalParams.newTree(
-      newEmptyNode(),
-      nnkIdentDefs.newTree(newIdentNode("vec"), nnkVarTy.newTree(newIdentNode("TVec")), newEmptyNode()),
-      nnkIdentDefs.newTree(newIdentNode("value"), newIdentNode("T"), newEmptyNode())
-    ),
-    newEmptyNode(),
-    newEmptyNode(),
-    setterCode
-  )
-macro createVectorAttribAccessorFuncs() =
-  const COORD_ATTRS = ["x", "y", "z", "w"]
-  const COLOR_ATTRS = ["r", "g", "b", "a"]
-  result = nnkStmtList.newTree()
-  for attlist in [COORD_ATTRS, COLOR_ATTRS]:
-    for i in attlist:
-      result.add(vectorAttributeAccessor(i))
-      for j in attlist:
-        result.add(vectorAttributeAccessor(i & j))
-        for k in attlist:
-          result.add(vectorAttributeAccessor(i & j & k))
-          for l in attlist:
-            result.add(vectorAttributeAccessor(i & j & k & l))
-# call e.g. Vec2[int]().randomized() to get a random matrix
-template makeRandomInit(mattype: typedesc) =
-  proc Randomized*[T: SomeInteger](m: mattype[T]): mattype[T] =
-    for i in 0 ..< result.len:
-      result[i] = rand(low(typeof(m[0])) .. high(typeof(m[0])))
-  proc Randomized*[T: SomeFloat](m: mattype[T]): mattype[T] =
-    for i in 0 ..< result.len:
-      result[i] = rand(1.0)
-converter Vec2VkExtent*(vec: TVec2[uint32]): VkExtent2D = VkExtent2D(width: vec[0], height: vec[1])
-converter Vec3VkExtent*(vec: TVec2[uint32]): VkExtent3D = VkExtent3D(width: vec[0], height: vec[1], depth: vec[2])
-func AngleBetween*(a, b: Vec3f): float32 =
-  arccos(a.Dot(b) / (a.Length * b.Length))
--- a/semiconginev2/old/core/vulkanapi.nim	Mon Jul 22 15:53:32 2024 +0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,12067 +0,0 @@
-import std/dynlib
-import std/tables
-import std/strutils
-import std/logging
-import std/typetraits
-import std/macros
-  VkHandle* = distinct uint
-  VkNonDispatchableHandle* = distinct uint
-when defined(linux):
-  let vulkanLib* = loadLib("")
-when defined(windows):
-  let vulkanLib* = loadLib("vulkan-1.dll")
-if vulkanLib == nil:
-  raise newException(Exception, "Unable to load vulkan library")
-func VK_MAKE_API_VERSION*(variant: uint32, major: uint32, minor: uint32, patch: uint32): uint32 {.compileTime.} =
-  (variant shl 29) or (major shl 22) or (minor shl 12) or patch
-template checkVkResult*(call: untyped) =
-  when defined(release):
-    discard call
-  else:
-    # yes, a bit cheap, but this is only for nice debug output
-    var callstr = astToStr(call).replace("\n", "")
-    while callstr.find("  ") >= 0:
-      callstr = callstr.replace("  ", " ")
-    debug "Calling vulkan: ", callstr
-    let value = call
-    if value != VK_SUCCESS:
-      error "Vulkan error: ", astToStr(call), " returned ", $value
-      raise newException(Exception, "Vulkan error: " & astToStr(call) &
-          " returned " & $value)
-# custom enum iteration (for enum values > 2^16)
-macro enumFullRange(a: typed): untyped =
-  newNimNode(nnkBracket).add(a.getType[1][1..^1])
-iterator items*[T: HoleyEnum](E: typedesc[T]): T =
-  for a in enumFullRange(E): yield a
-  VK_UUID_SIZE*: uint32 = 16
-  VK_LUID_SIZE*: uint32 = 8
-  VK_MAX_EXTENSION_NAME_SIZE*: uint32 = 256
-  VK_MAX_DESCRIPTION_SIZE*: uint32 = 256
-  VK_MAX_MEMORY_TYPES*: uint32 = 32
-  VK_MAX_MEMORY_HEAPS*: uint32 = 16
-  VK_LOD_CLAMP_NONE*: float32 = 1000.0F
-  VK_REMAINING_MIP_LEVELS*: uint32 = not 0'u32
-  VK_REMAINING_ARRAY_LAYERS*: uint32 = not 0'u32
-  VK_REMAINING_3D_SLICES_EXT*: uint32 = not 0'u32
-  VK_WHOLE_SIZE*: uint64 = not 0'u64
-  VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED*: uint32 = not 0'u32
-  VK_TRUE*: uint32 = 1
-  VK_FALSE*: uint32 = 0
-  VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED*: uint32 = not 0'u32
-  VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_EXTERNAL*: uint32 = not 1'u32
-  VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_FOREIGN_EXT*: uint32 = not 2'u32
-  VK_SUBPASS_EXTERNAL*: uint32 = not 0'u32
-  VK_MAX_DEVICE_GROUP_SIZE*: uint32 = 32
-  VK_MAX_DRIVER_NAME_SIZE*: uint32 = 256
-  VK_MAX_DRIVER_INFO_SIZE*: uint32 = 256
-  VK_SHADER_UNUSED_KHR*: uint32 = not 0'u32
-  ANativeWindow* = object
-  AHardwareBuffer* = object
-  CAMetalLayer* = object
-  MTLDevice_id* = object
-  MTLCommandQueue_id* = object
-  MTLBuffer_id* = object
-  MTLTexture_id* = object
-  MTLSharedEvent_id* = object
-  IOSurfaceRef* = object
-  VkSampleMask* = uint32
-  VkBool32* = uint32
-  VkFlags* = uint32
-  VkFlags64* = uint64
-  VkDeviceSize* = uint64
-  VkDeviceAddress* = uint64
-  VkInstance* = distinct VkHandle
-  VkPhysicalDevice* = distinct VkHandle
-  VkDevice* = distinct VkHandle
-  VkQueue* = distinct VkHandle
-  VkCommandBuffer* = distinct VkHandle
-  VkDeviceMemory* = distinct VkNonDispatchableHandle
-  VkCommandPool* = distinct VkNonDispatchableHandle
-  VkBuffer* = distinct VkNonDispatchableHandle
-  VkBufferView* = distinct VkNonDispatchableHandle
-  VkImage* = distinct VkNonDispatchableHandle
-  VkImageView* = distinct VkNonDispatchableHandle
-  VkShaderModule* = distinct VkNonDispatchableHandle
-  VkPipeline* = distinct VkNonDispatchableHandle
-  VkPipelineLayout* = distinct VkNonDispatchableHandle
-  VkSampler* = distinct VkNonDispatchableHandle
-  VkDescriptorSet* = distinct VkNonDispatchableHandle
-  VkDescriptorSetLayout* = distinct VkNonDispatchableHandle
-  VkDescriptorPool* = distinct VkNonDispatchableHandle
-  VkFence* = distinct VkNonDispatchableHandle
-  VkSemaphore* = distinct VkNonDispatchableHandle
-  VkEvent* = distinct VkNonDispatchableHandle
-  VkQueryPool* = distinct VkNonDispatchableHandle
-  VkFramebuffer* = distinct VkNonDispatchableHandle
-  VkRenderPass* = distinct VkNonDispatchableHandle
-  VkPipelineCache* = distinct VkNonDispatchableHandle
-  VkIndirectCommandsLayoutNV* = distinct VkNonDispatchableHandle
-  VkDescriptorUpdateTemplate* = distinct VkNonDispatchableHandle
-  VkSamplerYcbcrConversion* = distinct VkNonDispatchableHandle
-  VkValidationCacheEXT* = distinct VkNonDispatchableHandle
-  VkAccelerationStructureKHR* = distinct VkNonDispatchableHandle
-  VkAccelerationStructureNV* = distinct VkNonDispatchableHandle
-  VkPerformanceConfigurationINTEL* = distinct VkNonDispatchableHandle
-  VkBufferCollectionFUCHSIA* = distinct VkNonDispatchableHandle
-  VkDeferredOperationKHR* = distinct VkNonDispatchableHandle
-  VkPrivateDataSlot* = distinct VkNonDispatchableHandle
-  VkCuModuleNVX* = distinct VkNonDispatchableHandle
-  VkCuFunctionNVX* = distinct VkNonDispatchableHandle
-  VkOpticalFlowSessionNV* = distinct VkNonDispatchableHandle
-  VkMicromapEXT* = distinct VkNonDispatchableHandle
-  VkDisplayKHR* = distinct VkNonDispatchableHandle
-  VkDisplayModeKHR* = distinct VkNonDispatchableHandle
-  VkSurfaceKHR* = distinct VkNonDispatchableHandle
-  VkSwapchainKHR* = distinct VkNonDispatchableHandle
-  VkDebugReportCallbackEXT* = distinct VkNonDispatchableHandle
-  VkDebugUtilsMessengerEXT* = distinct VkNonDispatchableHandle
-  VkVideoSessionKHR* = distinct VkNonDispatchableHandle
-  VkVideoSessionParametersKHR* = distinct VkNonDispatchableHandle
-  VkSemaphoreSciSyncPoolNV* = distinct VkNonDispatchableHandle
-  VkRemoteAddressNV* = pointer
-proc `$`*(handle: VkInstance): string = "VkInstance(" & $(uint(handle)) & ")"
-proc Valid*(handle: VkInstance): bool = uint(handle) != 0
-proc Reset*(handle: var VkInstance) = handle = VkInstance(0)
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkInstance): bool = uint(a) == uint(b)
-proc `$`*(handle: VkPhysicalDevice): string = "VkPhysicalDevice(" & $(uint(handle)) & ")"
-proc Valid*(handle: VkPhysicalDevice): bool = uint(handle) != 0
-proc Reset*(handle: var VkPhysicalDevice) = handle = VkPhysicalDevice(0)
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkPhysicalDevice): bool = uint(a) == uint(b)
-proc `$`*(handle: VkDevice): string = "VkDevice(" & $(uint(handle)) & ")"
-proc Valid*(handle: VkDevice): bool = uint(handle) != 0
-proc Reset*(handle: var VkDevice) = handle = VkDevice(0)
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkDevice): bool = uint(a) == uint(b)
-proc `$`*(handle: VkQueue): string = "VkQueue(" & $(uint(handle)) & ")"
-proc Valid*(handle: VkQueue): bool = uint(handle) != 0
-proc Reset*(handle: var VkQueue) = handle = VkQueue(0)
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkQueue): bool = uint(a) == uint(b)
-proc `$`*(handle: VkCommandBuffer): string = "VkCommandBuffer(" & $(uint(handle)) & ")"
-proc Valid*(handle: VkCommandBuffer): bool = uint(handle) != 0
-proc Reset*(handle: var VkCommandBuffer) = handle = VkCommandBuffer(0)
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkCommandBuffer): bool = uint(a) == uint(b)
-proc `$`*(handle: VkDeviceMemory): string = "VkDeviceMemory(" & $(uint(handle)) & ")"
-proc Valid*(handle: VkDeviceMemory): bool = uint(handle) != 0
-proc Reset*(handle: var VkDeviceMemory) = handle = VkDeviceMemory(0)
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkDeviceMemory): bool = uint(a) == uint(b)
-proc `$`*(handle: VkCommandPool): string = "VkCommandPool(" & $(uint(handle)) & ")"
-proc Valid*(handle: VkCommandPool): bool = uint(handle) != 0
-proc Reset*(handle: var VkCommandPool) = handle = VkCommandPool(0)
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkCommandPool): bool = uint(a) == uint(b)
-proc `$`*(handle: VkBuffer): string = "VkBuffer(" & $(uint(handle)) & ")"
-proc Valid*(handle: VkBuffer): bool = uint(handle) != 0
-proc Reset*(handle: var VkBuffer) = handle = VkBuffer(0)
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkBuffer): bool = uint(a) == uint(b)
-proc `$`*(handle: VkBufferView): string = "VkBufferView(" & $(uint(handle)) & ")"
-proc Valid*(handle: VkBufferView): bool = uint(handle) != 0
-proc Reset*(handle: var VkBufferView) = handle = VkBufferView(0)
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkBufferView): bool = uint(a) == uint(b)
-proc `$`*(handle: VkImage): string = "VkImage(" & $(uint(handle)) & ")"
-proc Valid*(handle: VkImage): bool = uint(handle) != 0
-proc Reset*(handle: var VkImage) = handle = VkImage(0)
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkImage): bool = uint(a) == uint(b)
-proc `$`*(handle: VkImageView): string = "VkImageView(" & $(uint(handle)) & ")"
-proc Valid*(handle: VkImageView): bool = uint(handle) != 0
-proc Reset*(handle: var VkImageView) = handle = VkImageView(0)
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkImageView): bool = uint(a) == uint(b)
-proc `$`*(handle: VkShaderModule): string = "VkShaderModule(" & $(uint(handle)) & ")"
-proc Valid*(handle: VkShaderModule): bool = uint(handle) != 0
-proc Reset*(handle: var VkShaderModule) = handle = VkShaderModule(0)
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkShaderModule): bool = uint(a) == uint(b)
-proc `$`*(handle: VkPipeline): string = "VkPipeline(" & $(uint(handle)) & ")"
-proc Valid*(handle: VkPipeline): bool = uint(handle) != 0
-proc Reset*(handle: var VkPipeline) = handle = VkPipeline(0)
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkPipeline): bool = uint(a) == uint(b)
-proc `$`*(handle: VkPipelineLayout): string = "VkPipelineLayout(" & $(uint(handle)) & ")"
-proc Valid*(handle: VkPipelineLayout): bool = uint(handle) != 0
-proc Reset*(handle: var VkPipelineLayout) = handle = VkPipelineLayout(0)
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkPipelineLayout): bool = uint(a) == uint(b)
-proc `$`*(handle: VkSampler): string = "VkSampler(" & $(uint(handle)) & ")"
-proc Valid*(handle: VkSampler): bool = uint(handle) != 0
-proc Reset*(handle: var VkSampler) = handle = VkSampler(0)
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkSampler): bool = uint(a) == uint(b)
-proc `$`*(handle: VkDescriptorSet): string = "VkDescriptorSet(" & $(uint(handle)) & ")"
-proc Valid*(handle: VkDescriptorSet): bool = uint(handle) != 0
-proc Reset*(handle: var VkDescriptorSet) = handle = VkDescriptorSet(0)
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkDescriptorSet): bool = uint(a) == uint(b)
-proc `$`*(handle: VkDescriptorSetLayout): string = "VkDescriptorSetLayout(" & $(uint(handle)) & ")"
-proc Valid*(handle: VkDescriptorSetLayout): bool = uint(handle) != 0
-proc Reset*(handle: var VkDescriptorSetLayout) = handle = VkDescriptorSetLayout(0)
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkDescriptorSetLayout): bool = uint(a) == uint(b)
-proc `$`*(handle: VkDescriptorPool): string = "VkDescriptorPool(" & $(uint(handle)) & ")"
-proc Valid*(handle: VkDescriptorPool): bool = uint(handle) != 0
-proc Reset*(handle: var VkDescriptorPool) = handle = VkDescriptorPool(0)
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkDescriptorPool): bool = uint(a) == uint(b)
-proc `$`*(handle: VkFence): string = "VkFence(" & $(uint(handle)) & ")"
-proc Valid*(handle: VkFence): bool = uint(handle) != 0
-proc Reset*(handle: var VkFence) = handle = VkFence(0)
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkFence): bool = uint(a) == uint(b)
-proc `$`*(handle: VkSemaphore): string = "VkSemaphore(" & $(uint(handle)) & ")"
-proc Valid*(handle: VkSemaphore): bool = uint(handle) != 0
-proc Reset*(handle: var VkSemaphore) = handle = VkSemaphore(0)
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkSemaphore): bool = uint(a) == uint(b)
-proc `$`*(handle: VkEvent): string = "VkEvent(" & $(uint(handle)) & ")"
-proc Valid*(handle: VkEvent): bool = uint(handle) != 0
-proc Reset*(handle: var VkEvent) = handle = VkEvent(0)
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkEvent): bool = uint(a) == uint(b)
-proc `$`*(handle: VkQueryPool): string = "VkQueryPool(" & $(uint(handle)) & ")"
-proc Valid*(handle: VkQueryPool): bool = uint(handle) != 0
-proc Reset*(handle: var VkQueryPool) = handle = VkQueryPool(0)
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkQueryPool): bool = uint(a) == uint(b)
-proc `$`*(handle: VkFramebuffer): string = "VkFramebuffer(" & $(uint(handle)) & ")"
-proc Valid*(handle: VkFramebuffer): bool = uint(handle) != 0
-proc Reset*(handle: var VkFramebuffer) = handle = VkFramebuffer(0)
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkFramebuffer): bool = uint(a) == uint(b)
-proc `$`*(handle: VkRenderPass): string = "VkRenderPass(" & $(uint(handle)) & ")"
-proc Valid*(handle: VkRenderPass): bool = uint(handle) != 0
-proc Reset*(handle: var VkRenderPass) = handle = VkRenderPass(0)
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkRenderPass): bool = uint(a) == uint(b)
-proc `$`*(handle: VkPipelineCache): string = "VkPipelineCache(" & $(uint(handle)) & ")"
-proc Valid*(handle: VkPipelineCache): bool = uint(handle) != 0
-proc Reset*(handle: var VkPipelineCache) = handle = VkPipelineCache(0)
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkPipelineCache): bool = uint(a) == uint(b)
-proc `$`*(handle: VkIndirectCommandsLayoutNV): string = "VkIndirectCommandsLayoutNV(" & $(uint(handle)) & ")"
-proc Valid*(handle: VkIndirectCommandsLayoutNV): bool = uint(handle) != 0
-proc Reset*(handle: var VkIndirectCommandsLayoutNV) = handle = VkIndirectCommandsLayoutNV(0)
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkIndirectCommandsLayoutNV): bool = uint(a) == uint(b)
-proc `$`*(handle: VkDescriptorUpdateTemplate): string = "VkDescriptorUpdateTemplate(" & $(uint(handle)) & ")"
-proc Valid*(handle: VkDescriptorUpdateTemplate): bool = uint(handle) != 0
-proc Reset*(handle: var VkDescriptorUpdateTemplate) = handle = VkDescriptorUpdateTemplate(0)
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkDescriptorUpdateTemplate): bool = uint(a) == uint(b)
-proc `$`*(handle: VkSamplerYcbcrConversion): string = "VkSamplerYcbcrConversion(" & $(uint(handle)) & ")"
-proc Valid*(handle: VkSamplerYcbcrConversion): bool = uint(handle) != 0
-proc Reset*(handle: var VkSamplerYcbcrConversion) = handle = VkSamplerYcbcrConversion(0)
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkSamplerYcbcrConversion): bool = uint(a) == uint(b)
-proc `$`*(handle: VkValidationCacheEXT): string = "VkValidationCacheEXT(" & $(uint(handle)) & ")"
-proc Valid*(handle: VkValidationCacheEXT): bool = uint(handle) != 0
-proc Reset*(handle: var VkValidationCacheEXT) = handle = VkValidationCacheEXT(0)
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkValidationCacheEXT): bool = uint(a) == uint(b)
-proc `$`*(handle: VkAccelerationStructureKHR): string = "VkAccelerationStructureKHR(" & $(uint(handle)) & ")"
-proc Valid*(handle: VkAccelerationStructureKHR): bool = uint(handle) != 0
-proc Reset*(handle: var VkAccelerationStructureKHR) = handle = VkAccelerationStructureKHR(0)
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkAccelerationStructureKHR): bool = uint(a) == uint(b)
-proc `$`*(handle: VkAccelerationStructureNV): string = "VkAccelerationStructureNV(" & $(uint(handle)) & ")"
-proc Valid*(handle: VkAccelerationStructureNV): bool = uint(handle) != 0
-proc Reset*(handle: var VkAccelerationStructureNV) = handle = VkAccelerationStructureNV(0)
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkAccelerationStructureNV): bool = uint(a) == uint(b)
-proc `$`*(handle: VkPerformanceConfigurationINTEL): string = "VkPerformanceConfigurationINTEL(" & $(uint(handle)) & ")"
-proc Valid*(handle: VkPerformanceConfigurationINTEL): bool = uint(handle) != 0
-proc Reset*(handle: var VkPerformanceConfigurationINTEL) = handle = VkPerformanceConfigurationINTEL(0)
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkPerformanceConfigurationINTEL): bool = uint(a) == uint(b)
-proc `$`*(handle: VkBufferCollectionFUCHSIA): string = "VkBufferCollectionFUCHSIA(" & $(uint(handle)) & ")"
-proc Valid*(handle: VkBufferCollectionFUCHSIA): bool = uint(handle) != 0
-proc Reset*(handle: var VkBufferCollectionFUCHSIA) = handle = VkBufferCollectionFUCHSIA(0)
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkBufferCollectionFUCHSIA): bool = uint(a) == uint(b)
-proc `$`*(handle: VkDeferredOperationKHR): string = "VkDeferredOperationKHR(" & $(uint(handle)) & ")"
-proc Valid*(handle: VkDeferredOperationKHR): bool = uint(handle) != 0
-proc Reset*(handle: var VkDeferredOperationKHR) = handle = VkDeferredOperationKHR(0)
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkDeferredOperationKHR): bool = uint(a) == uint(b)
-proc `$`*(handle: VkPrivateDataSlot): string = "VkPrivateDataSlot(" & $(uint(handle)) & ")"
-proc Valid*(handle: VkPrivateDataSlot): bool = uint(handle) != 0
-proc Reset*(handle: var VkPrivateDataSlot) = handle = VkPrivateDataSlot(0)
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkPrivateDataSlot): bool = uint(a) == uint(b)
-proc `$`*(handle: VkCuModuleNVX): string = "VkCuModuleNVX(" & $(uint(handle)) & ")"
-proc Valid*(handle: VkCuModuleNVX): bool = uint(handle) != 0
-proc Reset*(handle: var VkCuModuleNVX) = handle = VkCuModuleNVX(0)
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkCuModuleNVX): bool = uint(a) == uint(b)
-proc `$`*(handle: VkCuFunctionNVX): string = "VkCuFunctionNVX(" & $(uint(handle)) & ")"
-proc Valid*(handle: VkCuFunctionNVX): bool = uint(handle) != 0
-proc Reset*(handle: var VkCuFunctionNVX) = handle = VkCuFunctionNVX(0)
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkCuFunctionNVX): bool = uint(a) == uint(b)
-proc `$`*(handle: VkOpticalFlowSessionNV): string = "VkOpticalFlowSessionNV(" & $(uint(handle)) & ")"
-proc Valid*(handle: VkOpticalFlowSessionNV): bool = uint(handle) != 0
-proc Reset*(handle: var VkOpticalFlowSessionNV) = handle = VkOpticalFlowSessionNV(0)
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkOpticalFlowSessionNV): bool = uint(a) == uint(b)
-proc `$`*(handle: VkMicromapEXT): string = "VkMicromapEXT(" & $(uint(handle)) & ")"
-proc Valid*(handle: VkMicromapEXT): bool = uint(handle) != 0
-proc Reset*(handle: var VkMicromapEXT) = handle = VkMicromapEXT(0)
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkMicromapEXT): bool = uint(a) == uint(b)
-proc `$`*(handle: VkDisplayKHR): string = "VkDisplayKHR(" & $(uint(handle)) & ")"
-proc Valid*(handle: VkDisplayKHR): bool = uint(handle) != 0
-proc Reset*(handle: var VkDisplayKHR) = handle = VkDisplayKHR(0)
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkDisplayKHR): bool = uint(a) == uint(b)
-proc `$`*(handle: VkDisplayModeKHR): string = "VkDisplayModeKHR(" & $(uint(handle)) & ")"
-proc Valid*(handle: VkDisplayModeKHR): bool = uint(handle) != 0
-proc Reset*(handle: var VkDisplayModeKHR) = handle = VkDisplayModeKHR(0)
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkDisplayModeKHR): bool = uint(a) == uint(b)
-proc `$`*(handle: VkSurfaceKHR): string = "VkSurfaceKHR(" & $(uint(handle)) & ")"
-proc Valid*(handle: VkSurfaceKHR): bool = uint(handle) != 0
-proc Reset*(handle: var VkSurfaceKHR) = handle = VkSurfaceKHR(0)
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkSurfaceKHR): bool = uint(a) == uint(b)
-proc `$`*(handle: VkSwapchainKHR): string = "VkSwapchainKHR(" & $(uint(handle)) & ")"
-proc Valid*(handle: VkSwapchainKHR): bool = uint(handle) != 0
-proc Reset*(handle: var VkSwapchainKHR) = handle = VkSwapchainKHR(0)
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkSwapchainKHR): bool = uint(a) == uint(b)
-proc `$`*(handle: VkDebugReportCallbackEXT): string = "VkDebugReportCallbackEXT(" & $(uint(handle)) & ")"
-proc Valid*(handle: VkDebugReportCallbackEXT): bool = uint(handle) != 0
-proc Reset*(handle: var VkDebugReportCallbackEXT) = handle = VkDebugReportCallbackEXT(0)
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkDebugReportCallbackEXT): bool = uint(a) == uint(b)
-proc `$`*(handle: VkDebugUtilsMessengerEXT): string = "VkDebugUtilsMessengerEXT(" & $(uint(handle)) & ")"
-proc Valid*(handle: VkDebugUtilsMessengerEXT): bool = uint(handle) != 0
-proc Reset*(handle: var VkDebugUtilsMessengerEXT) = handle = VkDebugUtilsMessengerEXT(0)
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkDebugUtilsMessengerEXT): bool = uint(a) == uint(b)
-proc `$`*(handle: VkVideoSessionKHR): string = "VkVideoSessionKHR(" & $(uint(handle)) & ")"
-proc Valid*(handle: VkVideoSessionKHR): bool = uint(handle) != 0
-proc Reset*(handle: var VkVideoSessionKHR) = handle = VkVideoSessionKHR(0)
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkVideoSessionKHR): bool = uint(a) == uint(b)
-proc `$`*(handle: VkVideoSessionParametersKHR): string = "VkVideoSessionParametersKHR(" & $(uint(handle)) & ")"
-proc Valid*(handle: VkVideoSessionParametersKHR): bool = uint(handle) != 0
-proc Reset*(handle: var VkVideoSessionParametersKHR) = handle = VkVideoSessionParametersKHR(0)
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkVideoSessionParametersKHR): bool = uint(a) == uint(b)
-proc `$`*(handle: VkSemaphoreSciSyncPoolNV): string = "VkSemaphoreSciSyncPoolNV(" & $(uint(handle)) & ")"
-proc Valid*(handle: VkSemaphoreSciSyncPoolNV): bool = uint(handle) != 0
-proc Reset*(handle: var VkSemaphoreSciSyncPoolNV) = handle = VkSemaphoreSciSyncPoolNV(0)
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkSemaphoreSciSyncPoolNV): bool = uint(a) == uint(b)
-  VkFramebufferCreateFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkQueryPoolCreateFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkRenderPassCreateFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkSamplerCreateFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkPipelineLayoutCreateFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkPipelineCacheCreateFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkPipelineDepthStencilStateCreateFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkPipelineDynamicStateCreateFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkPipelineColorBlendStateCreateFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkPipelineMultisampleStateCreateFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkPipelineRasterizationStateCreateFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkPipelineViewportStateCreateFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkPipelineTessellationStateCreateFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkPipelineInputAssemblyStateCreateFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkPipelineVertexInputStateCreateFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkPipelineShaderStageCreateFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkDescriptorSetLayoutCreateFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkBufferViewCreateFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkInstanceCreateFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkDeviceCreateFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkDeviceQueueCreateFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkQueueFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkMemoryPropertyFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkMemoryHeapFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkAccessFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkBufferUsageFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkBufferCreateFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkShaderStageFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkImageUsageFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkImageCreateFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkImageViewCreateFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkPipelineCreateFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkColorComponentFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkFenceCreateFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkSemaphoreCreateFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkFormatFeatureFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkQueryControlFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkQueryResultFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkShaderModuleCreateFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkEventCreateFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkCommandPoolCreateFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkCommandPoolResetFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkCommandBufferResetFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkCommandBufferUsageFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkQueryPipelineStatisticFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkMemoryMapFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkImageAspectFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkSparseMemoryBindFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkSparseImageFormatFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkSubpassDescriptionFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkPipelineStageFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkSampleCountFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkAttachmentDescriptionFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkStencilFaceFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkCullModeFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkDescriptorPoolCreateFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkDescriptorPoolResetFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkDependencyFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkSubgroupFeatureFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkIndirectCommandsLayoutUsageFlagsNV* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkIndirectStateFlagsNV* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkGeometryFlagsKHR* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkGeometryInstanceFlagsKHR* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkBuildAccelerationStructureFlagsKHR* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkPrivateDataSlotCreateFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkAccelerationStructureCreateFlagsKHR* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkPipelineCreationFeedbackFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkPerformanceCounterDescriptionFlagsKHR* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkAcquireProfilingLockFlagsKHR* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkSemaphoreWaitFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkPipelineCompilerControlFlagsAMD* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkShaderCorePropertiesFlagsAMD* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkDeviceDiagnosticsConfigFlagsNV* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkRefreshObjectFlagsKHR* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkAccessFlags2* = distinct VkFlags64
-  VkPipelineStageFlags2* = distinct VkFlags64
-  VkAccelerationStructureMotionInfoFlagsNV* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkAccelerationStructureMotionInstanceFlagsNV* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkFormatFeatureFlags2* = distinct VkFlags64
-  VkRenderingFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkMemoryDecompressionMethodFlagsNV* = distinct VkFlags64
-  VkBuildMicromapFlagsEXT* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkMicromapCreateFlagsEXT* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkDirectDriverLoadingFlagsLUNARG* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkCompositeAlphaFlagsKHR* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkDisplayPlaneAlphaFlagsKHR* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkSurfaceTransformFlagsKHR* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkSwapchainCreateFlagsKHR* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkDisplayModeCreateFlagsKHR* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkDisplaySurfaceCreateFlagsKHR* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkAndroidSurfaceCreateFlagsKHR* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkViSurfaceCreateFlagsNN* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkWaylandSurfaceCreateFlagsKHR* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkWin32SurfaceCreateFlagsKHR* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkXlibSurfaceCreateFlagsKHR* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkXcbSurfaceCreateFlagsKHR* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkDirectFBSurfaceCreateFlagsEXT* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkIOSSurfaceCreateFlagsMVK* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkMacOSSurfaceCreateFlagsMVK* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkMetalSurfaceCreateFlagsEXT* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkImagePipeSurfaceCreateFlagsFUCHSIA* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkStreamDescriptorSurfaceCreateFlagsGGP* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkHeadlessSurfaceCreateFlagsEXT* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkScreenSurfaceCreateFlagsQNX* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkMemoryAllocateFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkDeviceGroupPresentModeFlagsKHR* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkDebugReportFlagsEXT* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkCommandPoolTrimFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagsNV* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkExternalMemoryFeatureFlagsNV* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkExternalMemoryFeatureFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkExternalSemaphoreFeatureFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkSemaphoreImportFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkExternalFenceHandleTypeFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkExternalFenceFeatureFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkFenceImportFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkSurfaceCounterFlagsEXT* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkPipelineViewportSwizzleStateCreateFlagsNV* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkPipelineDiscardRectangleStateCreateFlagsEXT* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkPipelineCoverageToColorStateCreateFlagsNV* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkPipelineCoverageModulationStateCreateFlagsNV* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkPipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkValidationCacheCreateFlagsEXT* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagsEXT* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkDebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkDebugUtilsMessengerCreateFlagsEXT* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackDataFlagsEXT* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkDeviceMemoryReportFlagsEXT* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkPipelineRasterizationConservativeStateCreateFlagsEXT* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkDescriptorBindingFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkConditionalRenderingFlagsEXT* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkResolveModeFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkPipelineRasterizationStateStreamCreateFlagsEXT* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkPipelineRasterizationDepthClipStateCreateFlagsEXT* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkSwapchainImageUsageFlagsANDROID* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkToolPurposeFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkSubmitFlags* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkImageFormatConstraintsFlagsFUCHSIA* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkImageConstraintsInfoFlagsFUCHSIA* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkGraphicsPipelineLibraryFlagsEXT* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkImageCompressionFlagsEXT* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkImageCompressionFixedRateFlagsEXT* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkExportMetalObjectTypeFlagsEXT* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkDeviceAddressBindingFlagsEXT* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkOpticalFlowGridSizeFlagsNV* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkOpticalFlowUsageFlagsNV* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkOpticalFlowSessionCreateFlagsNV* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkOpticalFlowExecuteFlagsNV* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkPresentScalingFlagsEXT* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkPresentGravityFlagsEXT* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkVideoCodecOperationFlagsKHR* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkVideoCapabilityFlagsKHR* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkVideoSessionCreateFlagsKHR* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkVideoSessionParametersCreateFlagsKHR* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkVideoBeginCodingFlagsKHR* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkVideoEndCodingFlagsKHR* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkVideoCodingControlFlagsKHR* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkVideoDecodeUsageFlagsKHR* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkVideoDecodeCapabilityFlagsKHR* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkVideoDecodeFlagsKHR* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkVideoDecodeH264PictureLayoutFlagsKHR* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkVideoEncodeFlagsKHR* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkVideoEncodeUsageFlagsKHR* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkVideoEncodeContentFlagsKHR* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkVideoEncodeCapabilityFlagsKHR* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkVideoEncodeRateControlFlagsKHR* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkVideoEncodeRateControlModeFlagsKHR* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkVideoChromaSubsamplingFlagsKHR* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkVideoComponentBitDepthFlagsKHR* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkVideoEncodeH264CapabilityFlagsEXT* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkVideoEncodeH264InputModeFlagsEXT* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkVideoEncodeH264OutputModeFlagsEXT* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkVideoEncodeH265CapabilityFlagsEXT* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkVideoEncodeH265InputModeFlagsEXT* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkVideoEncodeH265OutputModeFlagsEXT* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkVideoEncodeH265CtbSizeFlagsEXT* = distinct VkFlags
-  VkVideoEncodeH265TransformBlockSizeFlagsEXT* = distinct VkFlags
-let vkGetInstanceProcAddr = cast[proc(instance: VkInstance, name: cstring): pointer {.stdcall.}](checkedSymAddr(vulkanLib, "vkGetInstanceProcAddr"))
-  VkImageLayout* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkAttachmentLoadOp* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkAttachmentStoreOp* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkImageType* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_IMAGE_TYPE_1D = 0
-    VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D = 1
-    VK_IMAGE_TYPE_3D = 2
-  VkImageTiling* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkImageViewType* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkCommandBufferLevel* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkComponentSwizzle* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkDescriptorType* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkQueryType* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkBorderColor* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkPipelineBindPoint* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkPipelineCacheHeaderVersion* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkPipelineCacheCreateFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_PIPELINE_CACHE_CREATE_EXTERNALLY_SYNCHRONIZED_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_PIPELINE_CACHE_CREATE_RESERVED_1_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_PIPELINE_CACHE_CREATE_USE_APPLICATION_STORAGE_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkPipelineCacheCreateFlagBits]): VkPipelineCacheCreateFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkPipelineCacheCreateFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkPipelineCacheCreateFlags): seq[VkPipelineCacheCreateFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkPipelineCacheCreateFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkPipelineCacheCreateFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkPrimitiveTopology* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkSharingMode* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkIndexType* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_INDEX_TYPE_NONE_KHR = 1000165000
-    VK_INDEX_TYPE_UINT8_EXT = 1000265000
-  VkFilter* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_FILTER_CUBIC_EXT = 1000015000
-  VkSamplerMipmapMode* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkSamplerAddressMode* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkCompareOp* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkPolygonMode* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkFrontFace* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkBlendFactor* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkBlendOp* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_BLEND_OP_ADD = 0
-    VK_BLEND_OP_MIN = 3
-    VK_BLEND_OP_MAX = 4
-    VK_BLEND_OP_ZERO_EXT = 1000148000
-    VK_BLEND_OP_SRC_EXT = 1000148001
-    VK_BLEND_OP_DST_EXT = 1000148002
-    VK_BLEND_OP_SRC_OVER_EXT = 1000148003
-    VK_BLEND_OP_DST_OVER_EXT = 1000148004
-    VK_BLEND_OP_SRC_IN_EXT = 1000148005
-    VK_BLEND_OP_DST_IN_EXT = 1000148006
-    VK_BLEND_OP_SRC_OUT_EXT = 1000148007
-    VK_BLEND_OP_DST_OUT_EXT = 1000148008
-    VK_BLEND_OP_SRC_ATOP_EXT = 1000148009
-    VK_BLEND_OP_DST_ATOP_EXT = 1000148010
-    VK_BLEND_OP_XOR_EXT = 1000148011
-    VK_BLEND_OP_MULTIPLY_EXT = 1000148012
-    VK_BLEND_OP_SCREEN_EXT = 1000148013
-    VK_BLEND_OP_OVERLAY_EXT = 1000148014
-    VK_BLEND_OP_DARKEN_EXT = 1000148015
-    VK_BLEND_OP_LIGHTEN_EXT = 1000148016
-    VK_BLEND_OP_COLORDODGE_EXT = 1000148017
-    VK_BLEND_OP_COLORBURN_EXT = 1000148018
-    VK_BLEND_OP_HARDLIGHT_EXT = 1000148019
-    VK_BLEND_OP_SOFTLIGHT_EXT = 1000148020
-    VK_BLEND_OP_DIFFERENCE_EXT = 1000148021
-    VK_BLEND_OP_EXCLUSION_EXT = 1000148022
-    VK_BLEND_OP_INVERT_EXT = 1000148023
-    VK_BLEND_OP_INVERT_RGB_EXT = 1000148024
-    VK_BLEND_OP_LINEARBURN_EXT = 1000148026
-    VK_BLEND_OP_VIVIDLIGHT_EXT = 1000148027
-    VK_BLEND_OP_PINLIGHT_EXT = 1000148029
-    VK_BLEND_OP_HARDMIX_EXT = 1000148030
-    VK_BLEND_OP_HSL_HUE_EXT = 1000148031
-    VK_BLEND_OP_HSL_COLOR_EXT = 1000148033
-    VK_BLEND_OP_PLUS_EXT = 1000148035
-    VK_BLEND_OP_PLUS_CLAMPED_EXT = 1000148036
-    VK_BLEND_OP_PLUS_DARKER_EXT = 1000148038
-    VK_BLEND_OP_MINUS_EXT = 1000148039
-    VK_BLEND_OP_CONTRAST_EXT = 1000148041
-    VK_BLEND_OP_INVERT_OVG_EXT = 1000148042
-    VK_BLEND_OP_RED_EXT = 1000148043
-    VK_BLEND_OP_GREEN_EXT = 1000148044
-    VK_BLEND_OP_BLUE_EXT = 1000148045
-  VkStencilOp* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkLogicOp* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_LOGIC_OP_AND = 1
-    VK_LOGIC_OP_NO_OP = 5
-    VK_LOGIC_OP_XOR = 6
-    VK_LOGIC_OP_OR = 7
-    VK_LOGIC_OP_NOR = 8
-    VK_LOGIC_OP_NAND = 14
-    VK_LOGIC_OP_SET = 15
-  VkInternalAllocationType* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkSystemAllocationScope* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkPhysicalDeviceType* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkVertexInputRate* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkFormat* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_FORMAT_R8_SNORM = 10
-    VK_FORMAT_R8_UINT = 13
-    VK_FORMAT_R8_SINT = 14
-    VK_FORMAT_R8_SRGB = 15
-    VK_FORMAT_R8G8_UNORM = 16
-    VK_FORMAT_R8G8_SNORM = 17
-    VK_FORMAT_R8G8_UINT = 20
-    VK_FORMAT_R8G8_SINT = 21
-    VK_FORMAT_R8G8_SRGB = 22
-    VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8_UNORM = 23
-    VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8_SNORM = 24
-    VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8_UINT = 27
-    VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8_SINT = 28
-    VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8_SRGB = 29
-    VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8_UNORM = 30
-    VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8_SNORM = 31
-    VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8_UINT = 34
-    VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8_SINT = 35
-    VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8_SRGB = 36
-    VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM = 37
-    VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SNORM = 38
-    VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UINT = 41
-    VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SINT = 42
-    VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SRGB = 43
-    VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM = 44
-    VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_SNORM = 45
-    VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UINT = 48
-    VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_SINT = 49
-    VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_SRGB = 50
-    VK_FORMAT_A8B8G8R8_UINT_PACK32 = 55
-    VK_FORMAT_A8B8G8R8_SINT_PACK32 = 56
-    VK_FORMAT_A8B8G8R8_SRGB_PACK32 = 57
-    VK_FORMAT_A2R10G10B10_UNORM_PACK32 = 58
-    VK_FORMAT_A2R10G10B10_SNORM_PACK32 = 59
-    VK_FORMAT_A2R10G10B10_USCALED_PACK32 = 60
-    VK_FORMAT_A2R10G10B10_SSCALED_PACK32 = 61
-    VK_FORMAT_A2R10G10B10_UINT_PACK32 = 62
-    VK_FORMAT_A2R10G10B10_SINT_PACK32 = 63
-    VK_FORMAT_A2B10G10R10_UNORM_PACK32 = 64
-    VK_FORMAT_A2B10G10R10_SNORM_PACK32 = 65
-    VK_FORMAT_A2B10G10R10_USCALED_PACK32 = 66
-    VK_FORMAT_A2B10G10R10_SSCALED_PACK32 = 67
-    VK_FORMAT_A2B10G10R10_UINT_PACK32 = 68
-    VK_FORMAT_A2B10G10R10_SINT_PACK32 = 69
-    VK_FORMAT_R16_UNORM = 70
-    VK_FORMAT_R16_SNORM = 71
-    VK_FORMAT_R16_UINT = 74
-    VK_FORMAT_R16_SINT = 75
-    VK_FORMAT_R16_SFLOAT = 76
-    VK_FORMAT_R16G16_UNORM = 77
-    VK_FORMAT_R16G16_SNORM = 78
-    VK_FORMAT_R16G16_USCALED = 79
-    VK_FORMAT_R16G16_SSCALED = 80
-    VK_FORMAT_R16G16_UINT = 81
-    VK_FORMAT_R16G16_SINT = 82
-    VK_FORMAT_R16G16_SFLOAT = 83
-    VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16_UNORM = 84
-    VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16_SNORM = 85
-    VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16_USCALED = 86
-    VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16_SSCALED = 87
-    VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16_UINT = 88
-    VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16_SINT = 89
-    VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16_SFLOAT = 90
-    VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_UNORM = 91
-    VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SNORM = 92
-    VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_USCALED = 93
-    VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SSCALED = 94
-    VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_UINT = 95
-    VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SINT = 96
-    VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SFLOAT = 97
-    VK_FORMAT_R32_UINT = 98
-    VK_FORMAT_R32_SINT = 99
-    VK_FORMAT_R32_SFLOAT = 100
-    VK_FORMAT_R32G32_UINT = 101
-    VK_FORMAT_R32G32_SINT = 102
-    VK_FORMAT_R32G32_SFLOAT = 103
-    VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32_UINT = 104
-    VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32_SINT = 105
-    VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32_SFLOAT = 106
-    VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_UINT = 107
-    VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_SINT = 108
-    VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_SFLOAT = 109
-    VK_FORMAT_R64_UINT = 110
-    VK_FORMAT_R64_SINT = 111
-    VK_FORMAT_R64_SFLOAT = 112
-    VK_FORMAT_R64G64_UINT = 113
-    VK_FORMAT_R64G64_SINT = 114
-    VK_FORMAT_R64G64_SFLOAT = 115
-    VK_FORMAT_R64G64B64_UINT = 116
-    VK_FORMAT_R64G64B64_SINT = 117
-    VK_FORMAT_R64G64B64_SFLOAT = 118
-    VK_FORMAT_R64G64B64A64_UINT = 119
-    VK_FORMAT_R64G64B64A64_SINT = 120
-    VK_FORMAT_R64G64B64A64_SFLOAT = 121
-    VK_FORMAT_B10G11R11_UFLOAT_PACK32 = 122
-    VK_FORMAT_D16_UNORM = 124
-    VK_FORMAT_X8_D24_UNORM_PACK32 = 125
-    VK_FORMAT_D32_SFLOAT = 126
-    VK_FORMAT_S8_UINT = 127
-    VK_FORMAT_D16_UNORM_S8_UINT = 128
-    VK_FORMAT_D24_UNORM_S8_UINT = 129
-    VK_FORMAT_ASTC_10x10_SRGB_BLOCK = 180
-    VK_FORMAT_ASTC_12x10_SRGB_BLOCK = 182
-    VK_FORMAT_ASTC_12x12_SRGB_BLOCK = 184
-    VK_FORMAT_ASTC_4x4_SFLOAT_BLOCK = 1000066000
-    VK_FORMAT_ASTC_5x4_SFLOAT_BLOCK = 1000066001
-    VK_FORMAT_ASTC_5x5_SFLOAT_BLOCK = 1000066002
-    VK_FORMAT_ASTC_6x5_SFLOAT_BLOCK = 1000066003
-    VK_FORMAT_ASTC_6x6_SFLOAT_BLOCK = 1000066004
-    VK_FORMAT_ASTC_8x5_SFLOAT_BLOCK = 1000066005
-    VK_FORMAT_ASTC_8x6_SFLOAT_BLOCK = 1000066006
-    VK_FORMAT_ASTC_8x8_SFLOAT_BLOCK = 1000066007
-    VK_FORMAT_ASTC_10x5_SFLOAT_BLOCK = 1000066008
-    VK_FORMAT_ASTC_10x6_SFLOAT_BLOCK = 1000066009
-    VK_FORMAT_ASTC_10x8_SFLOAT_BLOCK = 1000066010
-    VK_FORMAT_ASTC_10x10_SFLOAT_BLOCK = 1000066011
-    VK_FORMAT_ASTC_12x10_SFLOAT_BLOCK = 1000066012
-    VK_FORMAT_ASTC_12x12_SFLOAT_BLOCK = 1000066013
-    VK_FORMAT_G8B8G8R8_422_UNORM = 1000156000
-    VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8G8_422_UNORM = 1000156001
-    VK_FORMAT_G8_B8_R8_3PLANE_420_UNORM = 1000156002
-    VK_FORMAT_G8_B8R8_2PLANE_420_UNORM = 1000156003
-    VK_FORMAT_G8_B8_R8_3PLANE_422_UNORM = 1000156004
-    VK_FORMAT_G8_B8R8_2PLANE_422_UNORM = 1000156005
-    VK_FORMAT_G8_B8_R8_3PLANE_444_UNORM = 1000156006
-    VK_FORMAT_R10X6_UNORM_PACK16 = 1000156007
-    VK_FORMAT_R10X6G10X6_UNORM_2PACK16 = 1000156008
-    VK_FORMAT_R10X6G10X6B10X6A10X6_UNORM_4PACK16 = 1000156009
-    VK_FORMAT_G10X6B10X6G10X6R10X6_422_UNORM_4PACK16 = 1000156010
-    VK_FORMAT_B10X6G10X6R10X6G10X6_422_UNORM_4PACK16 = 1000156011
-    VK_FORMAT_G10X6_B10X6_R10X6_3PLANE_420_UNORM_3PACK16 = 1000156012
-    VK_FORMAT_G10X6_B10X6R10X6_2PLANE_420_UNORM_3PACK16 = 1000156013
-    VK_FORMAT_G10X6_B10X6_R10X6_3PLANE_422_UNORM_3PACK16 = 1000156014
-    VK_FORMAT_G10X6_B10X6R10X6_2PLANE_422_UNORM_3PACK16 = 1000156015
-    VK_FORMAT_G10X6_B10X6_R10X6_3PLANE_444_UNORM_3PACK16 = 1000156016
-    VK_FORMAT_R12X4_UNORM_PACK16 = 1000156017
-    VK_FORMAT_R12X4G12X4_UNORM_2PACK16 = 1000156018
-    VK_FORMAT_R12X4G12X4B12X4A12X4_UNORM_4PACK16 = 1000156019
-    VK_FORMAT_G12X4B12X4G12X4R12X4_422_UNORM_4PACK16 = 1000156020
-    VK_FORMAT_B12X4G12X4R12X4G12X4_422_UNORM_4PACK16 = 1000156021
-    VK_FORMAT_G12X4_B12X4_R12X4_3PLANE_420_UNORM_3PACK16 = 1000156022
-    VK_FORMAT_G12X4_B12X4R12X4_2PLANE_420_UNORM_3PACK16 = 1000156023
-    VK_FORMAT_G12X4_B12X4_R12X4_3PLANE_422_UNORM_3PACK16 = 1000156024
-    VK_FORMAT_G12X4_B12X4R12X4_2PLANE_422_UNORM_3PACK16 = 1000156025
-    VK_FORMAT_G12X4_B12X4_R12X4_3PLANE_444_UNORM_3PACK16 = 1000156026
-    VK_FORMAT_G16B16G16R16_422_UNORM = 1000156027
-    VK_FORMAT_B16G16R16G16_422_UNORM = 1000156028
-    VK_FORMAT_G16_B16_R16_3PLANE_420_UNORM = 1000156029
-    VK_FORMAT_G16_B16R16_2PLANE_420_UNORM = 1000156030
-    VK_FORMAT_G16_B16_R16_3PLANE_422_UNORM = 1000156031
-    VK_FORMAT_G16_B16R16_2PLANE_422_UNORM = 1000156032
-    VK_FORMAT_G16_B16_R16_3PLANE_444_UNORM = 1000156033
-    VK_FORMAT_ASTC_3x3x3_UNORM_BLOCK_EXT = 1000288000
-    VK_FORMAT_ASTC_3x3x3_SRGB_BLOCK_EXT = 1000288001
-    VK_FORMAT_ASTC_3x3x3_SFLOAT_BLOCK_EXT = 1000288002
-    VK_FORMAT_ASTC_4x3x3_UNORM_BLOCK_EXT = 1000288003
-    VK_FORMAT_ASTC_4x3x3_SRGB_BLOCK_EXT = 1000288004
-    VK_FORMAT_ASTC_4x3x3_SFLOAT_BLOCK_EXT = 1000288005
-    VK_FORMAT_ASTC_4x4x3_UNORM_BLOCK_EXT = 1000288006
-    VK_FORMAT_ASTC_4x4x3_SRGB_BLOCK_EXT = 1000288007
-    VK_FORMAT_ASTC_4x4x3_SFLOAT_BLOCK_EXT = 1000288008
-    VK_FORMAT_ASTC_4x4x4_UNORM_BLOCK_EXT = 1000288009
-    VK_FORMAT_ASTC_4x4x4_SRGB_BLOCK_EXT = 1000288010
-    VK_FORMAT_ASTC_4x4x4_SFLOAT_BLOCK_EXT = 1000288011
-    VK_FORMAT_ASTC_5x4x4_UNORM_BLOCK_EXT = 1000288012
-    VK_FORMAT_ASTC_5x4x4_SRGB_BLOCK_EXT = 1000288013
-    VK_FORMAT_ASTC_5x4x4_SFLOAT_BLOCK_EXT = 1000288014
-    VK_FORMAT_ASTC_5x5x4_UNORM_BLOCK_EXT = 1000288015
-    VK_FORMAT_ASTC_5x5x4_SRGB_BLOCK_EXT = 1000288016
-    VK_FORMAT_ASTC_5x5x4_SFLOAT_BLOCK_EXT = 1000288017
-    VK_FORMAT_ASTC_5x5x5_UNORM_BLOCK_EXT = 1000288018
-    VK_FORMAT_ASTC_5x5x5_SRGB_BLOCK_EXT = 1000288019
-    VK_FORMAT_ASTC_5x5x5_SFLOAT_BLOCK_EXT = 1000288020
-    VK_FORMAT_ASTC_6x5x5_UNORM_BLOCK_EXT = 1000288021
-    VK_FORMAT_ASTC_6x5x5_SRGB_BLOCK_EXT = 1000288022
-    VK_FORMAT_ASTC_6x5x5_SFLOAT_BLOCK_EXT = 1000288023
-    VK_FORMAT_ASTC_6x6x5_UNORM_BLOCK_EXT = 1000288024
-    VK_FORMAT_ASTC_6x6x5_SRGB_BLOCK_EXT = 1000288025
-    VK_FORMAT_ASTC_6x6x5_SFLOAT_BLOCK_EXT = 1000288026
-    VK_FORMAT_ASTC_6x6x6_UNORM_BLOCK_EXT = 1000288027
-    VK_FORMAT_ASTC_6x6x6_SRGB_BLOCK_EXT = 1000288028
-    VK_FORMAT_ASTC_6x6x6_SFLOAT_BLOCK_EXT = 1000288029
-    VK_FORMAT_G8_B8R8_2PLANE_444_UNORM = 1000330000
-    VK_FORMAT_G10X6_B10X6R10X6_2PLANE_444_UNORM_3PACK16 = 1000330001
-    VK_FORMAT_G12X4_B12X4R12X4_2PLANE_444_UNORM_3PACK16 = 1000330002
-    VK_FORMAT_G16_B16R16_2PLANE_444_UNORM = 1000330003
-    VK_FORMAT_A4R4G4B4_UNORM_PACK16 = 1000340000
-    VK_FORMAT_A4B4G4R4_UNORM_PACK16 = 1000340001
-    VK_FORMAT_R16G16_S10_5_NV = 1000464000
-  VkStructureType* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_IMAGE_COPY_2 = 1000337007
-    VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_IMAGE_BLIT_2 = 1000337008
-  VkSubpassContents* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkResult* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_ERROR_NO_PIPELINE_MATCH = -1000298001
-    VK_ERROR_NOT_PERMITTED_KHR = -1000174001
-    VK_ERROR_FRAGMENTATION = -1000161000
-    VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_POOL_MEMORY = -1000069000
-    VK_ERROR_INVALID_SHADER_NV = -1000012000
-    VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DATE_KHR = -1000001004
-    VK_ERROR_SURFACE_LOST_KHR = -1000000000
-    VK_SUCCESS = 0
-    VK_NOT_READY = 1
-    VK_TIMEOUT = 2
-    VK_EVENT_SET = 3
-    VK_SUBOPTIMAL_KHR = 1000001003
-    VK_THREAD_IDLE_KHR = 1000268000
-    VK_THREAD_DONE_KHR = 1000268001
-  VkDynamicState* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_CULL_MODE = 1000267000
-  VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateType* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkObjectType* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_OBJECT_TYPE_SURFACE_KHR = 1000000000
-    VK_OBJECT_TYPE_DISPLAY_KHR = 1000002000
-    VK_OBJECT_TYPE_CU_MODULE_NVX = 1000029000
-  VkRayTracingInvocationReorderModeNV* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkDirectDriverLoadingModeLUNARG* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkQueueFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_QUEUE_COMPUTE_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_QUEUE_TRANSFER_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-    VK_QUEUE_SPARSE_BINDING_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000001000
-    VK_QUEUE_PROTECTED_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000010000
-    VK_QUEUE_VIDEO_DECODE_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000100000
-    VK_QUEUE_VIDEO_ENCODE_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000001000000
-    VK_QUEUE_RESERVED_7_BIT_QCOM = 0b00000000000000000000000010000000
-    VK_QUEUE_OPTICAL_FLOW_BIT_NV = 0b00000000000000000000000100000000
-    VK_QUEUE_RESERVED_9_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000001000000000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkQueueFlagBits]): VkQueueFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkQueueFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkQueueFlags): seq[VkQueueFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkQueueFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkQueueFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkCullModeFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_CULL_MODE_FRONT_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_CULL_MODE_BACK_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkCullModeFlagBits]): VkCullModeFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkCullModeFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkCullModeFlags): seq[VkCullModeFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkCullModeFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkCullModeFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VK_CULL_MODE_FRONT_AND_BACK* = 0x00000003
-  VkRenderPassCreateFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_RENDER_PASS_CREATE_RESERVED_0_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_RENDER_PASS_CREATE_TRANSFORM_BIT_QCOM = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkRenderPassCreateFlagBits]): VkRenderPassCreateFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkRenderPassCreateFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkRenderPassCreateFlags): seq[VkRenderPassCreateFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkRenderPassCreateFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkRenderPassCreateFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkDeviceQueueCreateFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_DEVICE_QUEUE_CREATE_PROTECTED_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_DEVICE_QUEUE_CREATE_RESERVED_1_BIT_QCOM = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkDeviceQueueCreateFlagBits]): VkDeviceQueueCreateFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkDeviceQueueCreateFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkDeviceQueueCreateFlags): seq[VkDeviceQueueCreateFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkDeviceQueueCreateFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkDeviceQueueCreateFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkMemoryPropertyFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_DEVICE_LOCAL_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_VISIBLE_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_COHERENT_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-    VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_CACHED_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000001000
-    VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_LAZILY_ALLOCATED_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000010000
-    VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_PROTECTED_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000100000
-    VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_DEVICE_COHERENT_BIT_AMD = 0b00000000000000000000000001000000
-    VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_DEVICE_UNCACHED_BIT_AMD = 0b00000000000000000000000010000000
-    VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_RDMA_CAPABLE_BIT_NV = 0b00000000000000000000000100000000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkMemoryPropertyFlagBits]): VkMemoryPropertyFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkMemoryPropertyFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkMemoryPropertyFlags): seq[VkMemoryPropertyFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkMemoryPropertyFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkMemoryPropertyFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkMemoryHeapFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_MEMORY_HEAP_DEVICE_LOCAL_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_MEMORY_HEAP_MULTI_INSTANCE_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_MEMORY_HEAP_SEU_SAFE_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkMemoryHeapFlagBits]): VkMemoryHeapFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkMemoryHeapFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkMemoryHeapFlags): seq[VkMemoryHeapFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkMemoryHeapFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkMemoryHeapFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkAccessFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_ACCESS_INDIRECT_COMMAND_READ_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_ACCESS_INDEX_READ_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_ACCESS_VERTEX_ATTRIBUTE_READ_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-    VK_ACCESS_UNIFORM_READ_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000001000
-    VK_ACCESS_INPUT_ATTACHMENT_READ_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000010000
-    VK_ACCESS_SHADER_READ_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000100000
-    VK_ACCESS_SHADER_WRITE_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000001000000
-    VK_ACCESS_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_READ_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000010000000
-    VK_ACCESS_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_WRITE_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000100000000
-    VK_ACCESS_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_READ_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000001000000000
-    VK_ACCESS_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_WRITE_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000010000000000
-    VK_ACCESS_TRANSFER_READ_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000100000000000
-    VK_ACCESS_TRANSFER_WRITE_BIT = 0b00000000000000000001000000000000
-    VK_ACCESS_HOST_READ_BIT = 0b00000000000000000010000000000000
-    VK_ACCESS_HOST_WRITE_BIT = 0b00000000000000000100000000000000
-    VK_ACCESS_MEMORY_READ_BIT = 0b00000000000000001000000000000000
-    VK_ACCESS_MEMORY_WRITE_BIT = 0b00000000000000010000000000000000
-    VK_ACCESS_COMMAND_PREPROCESS_READ_BIT_NV = 0b00000000000000100000000000000000
-    VK_ACCESS_COMMAND_PREPROCESS_WRITE_BIT_NV = 0b00000000000001000000000000000000
-    VK_ACCESS_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_READ_NONCOHERENT_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000010000000000000000000
-    VK_ACCESS_CONDITIONAL_RENDERING_READ_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000100000000000000000000
-    VK_ACCESS_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_READ_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000001000000000000000000000
-    VK_ACCESS_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_WRITE_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000010000000000000000000000
-    VK_ACCESS_FRAGMENT_SHADING_RATE_ATTACHMENT_READ_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000100000000000000000000000
-    VK_ACCESS_FRAGMENT_DENSITY_MAP_READ_BIT_EXT = 0b00000001000000000000000000000000
-    VK_ACCESS_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_WRITE_BIT_EXT = 0b00000010000000000000000000000000
-    VK_ACCESS_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_COUNTER_READ_BIT_EXT = 0b00000100000000000000000000000000
-    VK_ACCESS_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_COUNTER_WRITE_BIT_EXT = 0b00001000000000000000000000000000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkAccessFlagBits]): VkAccessFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkAccessFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkAccessFlags): seq[VkAccessFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkAccessFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkAccessFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkBufferUsageFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_DST_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_BUFFER_USAGE_UNIFORM_TEXEL_BUFFER_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-    VK_BUFFER_USAGE_STORAGE_TEXEL_BUFFER_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000001000
-    VK_BUFFER_USAGE_UNIFORM_BUFFER_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000010000
-    VK_BUFFER_USAGE_STORAGE_BUFFER_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000100000
-    VK_BUFFER_USAGE_INDEX_BUFFER_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000001000000
-    VK_BUFFER_USAGE_VERTEX_BUFFER_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000010000000
-    VK_BUFFER_USAGE_INDIRECT_BUFFER_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000100000000
-    VK_BUFFER_USAGE_CONDITIONAL_RENDERING_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000001000000000
-    VK_BUFFER_USAGE_SHADER_BINDING_TABLE_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000010000000000
-    VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000100000000000
-    VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_COUNTER_BUFFER_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000001000000000000
-    VK_BUFFER_USAGE_VIDEO_DECODE_SRC_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000010000000000000
-    VK_BUFFER_USAGE_VIDEO_DECODE_DST_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000100000000000000
-    VK_BUFFER_USAGE_VIDEO_ENCODE_DST_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000001000000000000000
-    VK_BUFFER_USAGE_VIDEO_ENCODE_SRC_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000010000000000000000
-    VK_BUFFER_USAGE_SHADER_DEVICE_ADDRESS_BIT = 0b00000000000000100000000000000000
-    VK_BUFFER_USAGE_RESERVED_18_BIT_QCOM = 0b00000000000001000000000000000000
-    VK_BUFFER_USAGE_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_STORAGE_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000100000000000000000000
-    VK_BUFFER_USAGE_SAMPLER_DESCRIPTOR_BUFFER_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000001000000000000000000000
-    VK_BUFFER_USAGE_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR_BUFFER_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000010000000000000000000000
-    VK_BUFFER_USAGE_MICROMAP_BUILD_INPUT_READ_ONLY_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000100000000000000000000000
-    VK_BUFFER_USAGE_MICROMAP_STORAGE_BIT_EXT = 0b00000001000000000000000000000000
-    VK_BUFFER_USAGE_RESERVED_25_BIT_AMD = 0b00000010000000000000000000000000
-    VK_BUFFER_USAGE_PUSH_DESCRIPTORS_DESCRIPTOR_BUFFER_BIT_EXT = 0b00000100000000000000000000000000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkBufferUsageFlagBits]): VkBufferUsageFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkBufferUsageFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkBufferUsageFlags): seq[VkBufferUsageFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkBufferUsageFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkBufferUsageFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkBufferCreateFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_BUFFER_CREATE_SPARSE_BINDING_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_BUFFER_CREATE_SPARSE_RESIDENCY_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_BUFFER_CREATE_SPARSE_ALIASED_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-    VK_BUFFER_CREATE_PROTECTED_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000001000
-    VK_BUFFER_CREATE_DEVICE_ADDRESS_CAPTURE_REPLAY_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000010000
-    VK_BUFFER_CREATE_DESCRIPTOR_BUFFER_CAPTURE_REPLAY_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000100000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkBufferCreateFlagBits]): VkBufferCreateFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkBufferCreateFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkBufferCreateFlags): seq[VkBufferCreateFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkBufferCreateFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkBufferCreateFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkShaderStageFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_SHADER_STAGE_VERTEX_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_SHADER_STAGE_TESSELLATION_CONTROL_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_SHADER_STAGE_TESSELLATION_EVALUATION_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-    VK_SHADER_STAGE_GEOMETRY_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000001000
-    VK_SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000010000
-    VK_SHADER_STAGE_COMPUTE_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000100000
-    VK_SHADER_STAGE_TASK_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000001000000
-    VK_SHADER_STAGE_MESH_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000010000000
-    VK_SHADER_STAGE_RAYGEN_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000100000000
-    VK_SHADER_STAGE_ANY_HIT_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000001000000000
-    VK_SHADER_STAGE_CLOSEST_HIT_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000010000000000
-    VK_SHADER_STAGE_MISS_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000100000000000
-    VK_SHADER_STAGE_INTERSECTION_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000001000000000000
-    VK_SHADER_STAGE_CALLABLE_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000010000000000000
-    VK_SHADER_STAGE_SUBPASS_SHADING_BIT_HUAWEI = 0b00000000000000000100000000000000
-    VK_SHADER_STAGE_EXT_483_RESERVE_15 = 0b00000000000000001000000000000000
-    VK_SHADER_STAGE_EXT_483_RESERVE_16 = 0b00000000000000010000000000000000
-    VK_SHADER_STAGE_EXT_483_RESERVE_17 = 0b00000000000000100000000000000000
-    VK_SHADER_STAGE_CLUSTER_CULLING_BIT_HUAWEI = 0b00000000000010000000000000000000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkShaderStageFlagBits]): VkShaderStageFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkShaderStageFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkShaderStageFlags): seq[VkShaderStageFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkShaderStageFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkShaderStageFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkImageUsageFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_IMAGE_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_IMAGE_USAGE_TRANSFER_DST_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_IMAGE_USAGE_SAMPLED_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-    VK_IMAGE_USAGE_STORAGE_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000001000
-    VK_IMAGE_USAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000010000
-    VK_IMAGE_USAGE_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000100000
-    VK_IMAGE_USAGE_TRANSIENT_ATTACHMENT_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000001000000
-    VK_IMAGE_USAGE_INPUT_ATTACHMENT_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000010000000
-    VK_IMAGE_USAGE_FRAGMENT_SHADING_RATE_ATTACHMENT_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000100000000
-    VK_IMAGE_USAGE_FRAGMENT_DENSITY_MAP_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000001000000000
-    VK_IMAGE_USAGE_VIDEO_DECODE_DST_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000010000000000
-    VK_IMAGE_USAGE_VIDEO_DECODE_SRC_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000100000000000
-    VK_IMAGE_USAGE_VIDEO_DECODE_DPB_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000001000000000000
-    VK_IMAGE_USAGE_VIDEO_ENCODE_DST_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000010000000000000
-    VK_IMAGE_USAGE_VIDEO_ENCODE_SRC_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000100000000000000
-    VK_IMAGE_USAGE_VIDEO_ENCODE_DPB_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000001000000000000000
-    VK_IMAGE_USAGE_RESERVED_16_BIT_QCOM = 0b00000000000000010000000000000000
-    VK_IMAGE_USAGE_RESERVED_17_BIT_QCOM = 0b00000000000000100000000000000000
-    VK_IMAGE_USAGE_INVOCATION_MASK_BIT_HUAWEI = 0b00000000000001000000000000000000
-    VK_IMAGE_USAGE_ATTACHMENT_FEEDBACK_LOOP_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000010000000000000000000
-    VK_IMAGE_USAGE_SAMPLE_WEIGHT_BIT_QCOM = 0b00000000000100000000000000000000
-    VK_IMAGE_USAGE_SAMPLE_BLOCK_MATCH_BIT_QCOM = 0b00000000001000000000000000000000
-    VK_IMAGE_USAGE_RESERVED_22_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000010000000000000000000000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkImageUsageFlagBits]): VkImageUsageFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkImageUsageFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkImageUsageFlags): seq[VkImageUsageFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkImageUsageFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkImageUsageFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkImageCreateFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SPARSE_BINDING_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SPARSE_RESIDENCY_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SPARSE_ALIASED_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-    VK_IMAGE_CREATE_MUTABLE_FORMAT_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000001000
-    VK_IMAGE_CREATE_CUBE_COMPATIBLE_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000010000
-    VK_IMAGE_CREATE_2D_ARRAY_COMPATIBLE_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000100000
-    VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SPLIT_INSTANCE_BIND_REGIONS_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000001000000
-    VK_IMAGE_CREATE_BLOCK_TEXEL_VIEW_COMPATIBLE_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000010000000
-    VK_IMAGE_CREATE_EXTENDED_USAGE_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000100000000
-    VK_IMAGE_CREATE_DISJOINT_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000001000000000
-    VK_IMAGE_CREATE_ALIAS_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000010000000000
-    VK_IMAGE_CREATE_PROTECTED_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000100000000000
-    VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SAMPLE_LOCATIONS_COMPATIBLE_DEPTH_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000001000000000000
-    VK_IMAGE_CREATE_CORNER_SAMPLED_BIT_NV = 0b00000000000000000010000000000000
-    VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SUBSAMPLED_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000100000000000000
-    VK_IMAGE_CREATE_FRAGMENT_DENSITY_MAP_OFFSET_BIT_QCOM = 0b00000000000000001000000000000000
-    VK_IMAGE_CREATE_DESCRIPTOR_BUFFER_CAPTURE_REPLAY_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000010000000000000000
-    VK_IMAGE_CREATE_2D_VIEW_COMPATIBLE_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000100000000000000000
-    VK_IMAGE_CREATE_RESERVED_19_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000010000000000000000000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkImageCreateFlagBits]): VkImageCreateFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkImageCreateFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkImageCreateFlags): seq[VkImageCreateFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkImageCreateFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkImageCreateFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkImageViewCreateFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_IMAGE_VIEW_CREATE_FRAGMENT_DENSITY_MAP_DYNAMIC_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_IMAGE_VIEW_CREATE_FRAGMENT_DENSITY_MAP_DEFERRED_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkImageViewCreateFlagBits]): VkImageViewCreateFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkImageViewCreateFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkImageViewCreateFlags): seq[VkImageViewCreateFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkImageViewCreateFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkImageViewCreateFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkSamplerCreateFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_SAMPLER_CREATE_SUBSAMPLED_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_SAMPLER_CREATE_NON_SEAMLESS_CUBE_MAP_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-    VK_SAMPLER_CREATE_DESCRIPTOR_BUFFER_CAPTURE_REPLAY_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000001000
-    VK_SAMPLER_CREATE_IMAGE_PROCESSING_BIT_QCOM = 0b00000000000000000000000000010000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkSamplerCreateFlagBits]): VkSamplerCreateFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkSamplerCreateFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkSamplerCreateFlags): seq[VkSamplerCreateFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkSamplerCreateFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkSamplerCreateFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkPipelineCreateFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_PIPELINE_CREATE_DISABLE_OPTIMIZATION_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_PIPELINE_CREATE_ALLOW_DERIVATIVES_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_PIPELINE_CREATE_DERIVATIVE_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-    VK_PIPELINE_CREATE_VIEW_INDEX_FROM_DEVICE_INDEX_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000001000
-    VK_PIPELINE_CREATE_DISPATCH_BASE_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000010000
-    VK_PIPELINE_CREATE_DEFER_COMPILE_BIT_NV = 0b00000000000000000000000000100000
-    VK_PIPELINE_CREATE_CAPTURE_STATISTICS_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000001000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_CREATE_FAIL_ON_PIPELINE_COMPILE_REQUIRED_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000100000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_CREATE_EARLY_RETURN_ON_FAILURE_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000001000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_CREATE_LINK_TIME_OPTIMIZATION_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000010000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_CREATE_LIBRARY_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000100000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_CREATE_RAY_TRACING_SKIP_TRIANGLES_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000001000000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_CREATE_RAY_TRACING_SKIP_AABBS_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000010000000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_CREATE_RAY_TRACING_NO_NULL_ANY_HIT_SHADERS_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000100000000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_CREATE_RAY_TRACING_NO_NULL_MISS_SHADERS_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000010000000000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_CREATE_INDIRECT_BINDABLE_BIT_NV = 0b00000000000001000000000000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_CREATE_RAY_TRACING_ALLOW_MOTION_BIT_NV = 0b00000000000100000000000000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_CREATE_RAY_TRACING_OPACITY_MICROMAP_BIT_EXT = 0b00000001000000000000000000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_CREATE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_FEEDBACK_LOOP_BIT_EXT = 0b00000010000000000000000000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_CREATE_NO_PROTECTED_ACCESS_BIT_EXT = 0b00001000000000000000000000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_CREATE_RESERVED_BIT_28_NV = 0b00010000000000000000000000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_CREATE_DESCRIPTOR_BUFFER_BIT_EXT = 0b00100000000000000000000000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_CREATE_PROTECTED_ACCESS_ONLY_BIT_EXT = 0b01000000000000000000000000000000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkPipelineCreateFlagBits]): VkPipelineCreateFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkPipelineCreateFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkPipelineCreateFlags): seq[VkPipelineCreateFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkPipelineCreateFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkPipelineCreateFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkPipelineShaderStageCreateFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_PIPELINE_SHADER_STAGE_CREATE_REQUIRE_FULL_SUBGROUPS_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_PIPELINE_SHADER_STAGE_CREATE_RESERVED_3_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000001000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkPipelineShaderStageCreateFlagBits]): VkPipelineShaderStageCreateFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkPipelineShaderStageCreateFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkPipelineShaderStageCreateFlags): seq[VkPipelineShaderStageCreateFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkPipelineShaderStageCreateFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkPipelineShaderStageCreateFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkColorComponentFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_COLOR_COMPONENT_R_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_COLOR_COMPONENT_G_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_COLOR_COMPONENT_B_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-    VK_COLOR_COMPONENT_A_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000001000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkColorComponentFlagBits]): VkColorComponentFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkColorComponentFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkColorComponentFlags): seq[VkColorComponentFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkColorComponentFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkColorComponentFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkFenceCreateFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_FENCE_CREATE_SIGNALED_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkFenceCreateFlagBits]): VkFenceCreateFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkFenceCreateFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkFenceCreateFlags): seq[VkFenceCreateFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkFenceCreateFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkFenceCreateFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkFormatFeatureFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_SAMPLED_IMAGE_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_ATOMIC_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_UNIFORM_TEXEL_BUFFER_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000001000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_STORAGE_TEXEL_BUFFER_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000010000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_STORAGE_TEXEL_BUFFER_ATOMIC_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000100000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_VERTEX_BUFFER_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000001000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000010000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_BLEND_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000100000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000001000000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_BLIT_SRC_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000010000000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_BLIT_DST_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000100000000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_SAMPLED_IMAGE_FILTER_LINEAR_BIT = 0b00000000000000000001000000000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_SAMPLED_IMAGE_FILTER_CUBIC_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000010000000000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT = 0b00000000000000000100000000000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_TRANSFER_DST_BIT = 0b00000000000000001000000000000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_SAMPLED_IMAGE_FILTER_MINMAX_BIT = 0b00000000000000010000000000000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_MIDPOINT_CHROMA_SAMPLES_BIT = 0b00000000000000100000000000000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_DISJOINT_BIT = 0b00000000010000000000000000000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_COSITED_CHROMA_SAMPLES_BIT = 0b00000000100000000000000000000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_FRAGMENT_DENSITY_MAP_BIT_EXT = 0b00000001000000000000000000000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_VIDEO_DECODE_OUTPUT_BIT_KHR = 0b00000010000000000000000000000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_VIDEO_DECODE_DPB_BIT_KHR = 0b00000100000000000000000000000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_VIDEO_ENCODE_INPUT_BIT_KHR = 0b00001000000000000000000000000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_VIDEO_ENCODE_DPB_BIT_KHR = 0b00010000000000000000000000000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_FRAGMENT_SHADING_RATE_ATTACHMENT_BIT_KHR = 0b01000000000000000000000000000000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkFormatFeatureFlagBits]): VkFormatFeatureFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkFormatFeatureFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkFormatFeatureFlags): seq[VkFormatFeatureFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkFormatFeatureFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkFormatFeatureFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkQueryControlFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_QUERY_CONTROL_PRECISE_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkQueryControlFlagBits]): VkQueryControlFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkQueryControlFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkQueryControlFlags): seq[VkQueryControlFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkQueryControlFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkQueryControlFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkQueryResultFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_QUERY_RESULT_64_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_QUERY_RESULT_WAIT_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_QUERY_RESULT_WITH_AVAILABILITY_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-    VK_QUERY_RESULT_PARTIAL_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000001000
-    VK_QUERY_RESULT_WITH_STATUS_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000010000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkQueryResultFlagBits]): VkQueryResultFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkQueryResultFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkQueryResultFlags): seq[VkQueryResultFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkQueryResultFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkQueryResultFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkCommandBufferUsageFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_USAGE_ONE_TIME_SUBMIT_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_USAGE_RENDER_PASS_CONTINUE_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_USAGE_SIMULTANEOUS_USE_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkCommandBufferUsageFlagBits]): VkCommandBufferUsageFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkCommandBufferUsageFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkCommandBufferUsageFlags): seq[VkCommandBufferUsageFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkCommandBufferUsageFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkCommandBufferUsageFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkQueryPipelineStatisticFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_QUERY_PIPELINE_STATISTIC_INPUT_ASSEMBLY_VERTICES_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_QUERY_PIPELINE_STATISTIC_CLIPPING_INVOCATIONS_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000100000
-    VK_QUERY_PIPELINE_STATISTIC_CLIPPING_PRIMITIVES_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000001000000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkQueryPipelineStatisticFlagBits]): VkQueryPipelineStatisticFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkQueryPipelineStatisticFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkQueryPipelineStatisticFlags): seq[VkQueryPipelineStatisticFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkQueryPipelineStatisticFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkQueryPipelineStatisticFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkImageAspectFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_DEPTH_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_STENCIL_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-    VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_METADATA_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000001000
-    VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_PLANE_0_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000010000
-    VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_PLANE_1_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000100000
-    VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_PLANE_2_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000001000000
-    VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_MEMORY_PLANE_0_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000010000000
-    VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_MEMORY_PLANE_1_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000100000000
-    VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_MEMORY_PLANE_2_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000001000000000
-    VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_MEMORY_PLANE_3_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000010000000000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkImageAspectFlagBits]): VkImageAspectFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkImageAspectFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkImageAspectFlags): seq[VkImageAspectFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkImageAspectFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkImageAspectFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkSparseImageFormatFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_SPARSE_IMAGE_FORMAT_SINGLE_MIPTAIL_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_SPARSE_IMAGE_FORMAT_ALIGNED_MIP_SIZE_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_SPARSE_IMAGE_FORMAT_NONSTANDARD_BLOCK_SIZE_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkSparseImageFormatFlagBits]): VkSparseImageFormatFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkSparseImageFormatFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkSparseImageFormatFlags): seq[VkSparseImageFormatFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkSparseImageFormatFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkSparseImageFormatFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkSparseMemoryBindFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_SPARSE_MEMORY_BIND_METADATA_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkSparseMemoryBindFlagBits]): VkSparseMemoryBindFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkSparseMemoryBindFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkSparseMemoryBindFlags): seq[VkSparseMemoryBindFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkSparseMemoryBindFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkSparseMemoryBindFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkPipelineStageFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TOP_OF_PIPE_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_DRAW_INDIRECT_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_VERTEX_INPUT_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_VERTEX_SHADER_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000001000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TESSELLATION_CONTROL_SHADER_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000010000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TESSELLATION_EVALUATION_SHADER_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000100000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_GEOMETRY_SHADER_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000001000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_FRAGMENT_SHADER_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000010000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_EARLY_FRAGMENT_TESTS_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000100000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_LATE_FRAGMENT_TESTS_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000001000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OUTPUT_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000010000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COMPUTE_SHADER_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000100000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TRANSFER_BIT = 0b00000000000000000001000000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_BOTTOM_OF_PIPE_BIT = 0b00000000000000000010000000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_HOST_BIT = 0b00000000000000000100000000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_ALL_GRAPHICS_BIT = 0b00000000000000001000000000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_ALL_COMMANDS_BIT = 0b00000000000000010000000000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COMMAND_PREPROCESS_BIT_NV = 0b00000000000000100000000000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_CONDITIONAL_RENDERING_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000001000000000000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TASK_SHADER_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000010000000000000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_MESH_SHADER_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000100000000000000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_RAY_TRACING_SHADER_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000001000000000000000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_FRAGMENT_SHADING_RATE_ATTACHMENT_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000010000000000000000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_FRAGMENT_DENSITY_PROCESS_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000100000000000000000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BIT_EXT = 0b00000001000000000000000000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_BUILD_BIT_KHR = 0b00000010000000000000000000000000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkPipelineStageFlagBits]): VkPipelineStageFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkPipelineStageFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkPipelineStageFlags): seq[VkPipelineStageFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkPipelineStageFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkPipelineStageFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkCommandPoolCreateFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_COMMAND_POOL_CREATE_TRANSIENT_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_COMMAND_POOL_CREATE_RESET_COMMAND_BUFFER_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_COMMAND_POOL_CREATE_PROTECTED_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkCommandPoolCreateFlagBits]): VkCommandPoolCreateFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkCommandPoolCreateFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkCommandPoolCreateFlags): seq[VkCommandPoolCreateFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkCommandPoolCreateFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkCommandPoolCreateFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkCommandPoolResetFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_COMMAND_POOL_RESET_RELEASE_RESOURCES_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_COMMAND_POOL_RESET_RESERVED_1_BIT_COREAVI = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkCommandPoolResetFlagBits]): VkCommandPoolResetFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkCommandPoolResetFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkCommandPoolResetFlags): seq[VkCommandPoolResetFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkCommandPoolResetFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkCommandPoolResetFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkCommandBufferResetFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_RESET_RELEASE_RESOURCES_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkCommandBufferResetFlagBits]): VkCommandBufferResetFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkCommandBufferResetFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkCommandBufferResetFlags): seq[VkCommandBufferResetFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkCommandBufferResetFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkCommandBufferResetFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkSampleCountFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_2_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_4_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-    VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_8_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000001000
-    VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_16_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000010000
-    VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_32_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000100000
-    VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_64_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000001000000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkSampleCountFlagBits]): VkSampleCountFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkSampleCountFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkSampleCountFlags): seq[VkSampleCountFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkSampleCountFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkSampleCountFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkAttachmentDescriptionFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_ATTACHMENT_DESCRIPTION_MAY_ALIAS_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkAttachmentDescriptionFlagBits]): VkAttachmentDescriptionFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkAttachmentDescriptionFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkAttachmentDescriptionFlags): seq[VkAttachmentDescriptionFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkAttachmentDescriptionFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkAttachmentDescriptionFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkStencilFaceFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_STENCIL_FACE_FRONT_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_STENCIL_FACE_BACK_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkStencilFaceFlagBits]): VkStencilFaceFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkStencilFaceFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkStencilFaceFlags): seq[VkStencilFaceFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkStencilFaceFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkStencilFaceFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkDescriptorPoolCreateFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_DESCRIPTOR_POOL_CREATE_FREE_DESCRIPTOR_SET_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_DESCRIPTOR_POOL_CREATE_UPDATE_AFTER_BIND_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_DESCRIPTOR_POOL_CREATE_HOST_ONLY_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkDescriptorPoolCreateFlagBits]): VkDescriptorPoolCreateFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkDescriptorPoolCreateFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkDescriptorPoolCreateFlags): seq[VkDescriptorPoolCreateFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkDescriptorPoolCreateFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkDescriptorPoolCreateFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkDependencyFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_DEPENDENCY_VIEW_LOCAL_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_DEPENDENCY_DEVICE_GROUP_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-    VK_DEPENDENCY_FEEDBACK_LOOP_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000001000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkDependencyFlagBits]): VkDependencyFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkDependencyFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkDependencyFlags): seq[VkDependencyFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkDependencyFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkDependencyFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkSemaphoreType* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkSemaphoreWaitFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_SEMAPHORE_WAIT_ANY_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkSemaphoreWaitFlagBits]): VkSemaphoreWaitFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkSemaphoreWaitFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkSemaphoreWaitFlags): seq[VkSemaphoreWaitFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkSemaphoreWaitFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkSemaphoreWaitFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkPresentModeKHR* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkColorSpaceKHR* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_COLOR_SPACE_BT709_LINEAR_EXT = 1000104005
-    VK_COLOR_SPACE_BT709_NONLINEAR_EXT = 1000104006
-    VK_COLOR_SPACE_BT2020_LINEAR_EXT = 1000104007
-    VK_COLOR_SPACE_HDR10_ST2084_EXT = 1000104008
-    VK_COLOR_SPACE_HDR10_HLG_EXT = 1000104010
-  VkDisplayPlaneAlphaFlagBitsKHR* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_DISPLAY_PLANE_ALPHA_OPAQUE_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_DISPLAY_PLANE_ALPHA_GLOBAL_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_DISPLAY_PLANE_ALPHA_PER_PIXEL_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-    VK_DISPLAY_PLANE_ALPHA_PER_PIXEL_PREMULTIPLIED_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000001000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkDisplayPlaneAlphaFlagBitsKHR]): VkDisplayPlaneAlphaFlagsKHR =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkDisplayPlaneAlphaFlagsKHR(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkDisplayPlaneAlphaFlagsKHR): seq[VkDisplayPlaneAlphaFlagBitsKHR] =
-  for value in VkDisplayPlaneAlphaFlagBitsKHR.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkDisplayPlaneAlphaFlagsKHR): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkCompositeAlphaFlagBitsKHR* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_COMPOSITE_ALPHA_OPAQUE_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_COMPOSITE_ALPHA_PRE_MULTIPLIED_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_COMPOSITE_ALPHA_POST_MULTIPLIED_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-    VK_COMPOSITE_ALPHA_INHERIT_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000001000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkCompositeAlphaFlagBitsKHR]): VkCompositeAlphaFlagsKHR =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkCompositeAlphaFlagsKHR(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkCompositeAlphaFlagsKHR): seq[VkCompositeAlphaFlagBitsKHR] =
-  for value in VkCompositeAlphaFlagBitsKHR.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkCompositeAlphaFlagsKHR): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkSurfaceTransformFlagBitsKHR* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_SURFACE_TRANSFORM_IDENTITY_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_SURFACE_TRANSFORM_ROTATE_90_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_SURFACE_TRANSFORM_ROTATE_180_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-    VK_SURFACE_TRANSFORM_ROTATE_270_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000001000
-    VK_SURFACE_TRANSFORM_HORIZONTAL_MIRROR_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000010000
-    VK_SURFACE_TRANSFORM_HORIZONTAL_MIRROR_ROTATE_90_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000100000
-    VK_SURFACE_TRANSFORM_HORIZONTAL_MIRROR_ROTATE_180_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000001000000
-    VK_SURFACE_TRANSFORM_HORIZONTAL_MIRROR_ROTATE_270_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000010000000
-    VK_SURFACE_TRANSFORM_INHERIT_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000100000000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkSurfaceTransformFlagBitsKHR]): VkSurfaceTransformFlagsKHR =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkSurfaceTransformFlagsKHR(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkSurfaceTransformFlagsKHR): seq[VkSurfaceTransformFlagBitsKHR] =
-  for value in VkSurfaceTransformFlagBitsKHR.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkSurfaceTransformFlagsKHR): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkSwapchainImageUsageFlagBitsANDROID* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_SWAPCHAIN_IMAGE_USAGE_SHARED_BIT_ANDROID = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkSwapchainImageUsageFlagBitsANDROID]): VkSwapchainImageUsageFlagsANDROID =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkSwapchainImageUsageFlagsANDROID(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkSwapchainImageUsageFlagsANDROID): seq[VkSwapchainImageUsageFlagBitsANDROID] =
-  for value in VkSwapchainImageUsageFlagBitsANDROID.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkSwapchainImageUsageFlagsANDROID): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkTimeDomainEXT* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkDebugReportFlagBitsEXT* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_DEBUG_REPORT_INFORMATION_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_DEBUG_REPORT_WARNING_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_DEBUG_REPORT_PERFORMANCE_WARNING_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-    VK_DEBUG_REPORT_ERROR_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000001000
-    VK_DEBUG_REPORT_DEBUG_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000010000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkDebugReportFlagBitsEXT]): VkDebugReportFlagsEXT =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkDebugReportFlagsEXT(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkDebugReportFlagsEXT): seq[VkDebugReportFlagBitsEXT] =
-  for value in VkDebugReportFlagBitsEXT.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkDebugReportFlagsEXT): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkDebugReportObjectTypeEXT* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkDeviceMemoryReportEventTypeEXT* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkRasterizationOrderAMD* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBitsNV* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_TYPE_OPAQUE_WIN32_BIT_NV = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_TYPE_OPAQUE_WIN32_KMT_BIT_NV = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_TYPE_D3D11_IMAGE_BIT_NV = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-    VK_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_TYPE_D3D11_IMAGE_KMT_BIT_NV = 0b00000000000000000000000000001000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBitsNV]): VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagsNV =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagsNV(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagsNV): seq[VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBitsNV] =
-  for value in VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBitsNV.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagsNV): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkExternalMemoryFeatureFlagBitsNV* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_FEATURE_DEDICATED_ONLY_BIT_NV = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_FEATURE_EXPORTABLE_BIT_NV = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_FEATURE_IMPORTABLE_BIT_NV = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkExternalMemoryFeatureFlagBitsNV]): VkExternalMemoryFeatureFlagsNV =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkExternalMemoryFeatureFlagsNV(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkExternalMemoryFeatureFlagsNV): seq[VkExternalMemoryFeatureFlagBitsNV] =
-  for value in VkExternalMemoryFeatureFlagBitsNV.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkExternalMemoryFeatureFlagsNV): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkValidationCheckEXT* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkValidationFeatureEnableEXT* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkValidationFeatureDisableEXT* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_BASIC_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_VOTE_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_ARITHMETIC_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-    VK_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_BALLOT_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000001000
-    VK_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_SHUFFLE_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000010000
-    VK_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_SHUFFLE_RELATIVE_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000100000
-    VK_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_CLUSTERED_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000001000000
-    VK_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_QUAD_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000010000000
-    VK_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_PARTITIONED_BIT_NV = 0b00000000000000000000000100000000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits]): VkSubgroupFeatureFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkSubgroupFeatureFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkSubgroupFeatureFlags): seq[VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkSubgroupFeatureFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkIndirectCommandsLayoutUsageFlagBitsNV* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_INDIRECT_COMMANDS_LAYOUT_USAGE_INDEXED_SEQUENCES_BIT_NV = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkIndirectCommandsLayoutUsageFlagBitsNV]): VkIndirectCommandsLayoutUsageFlagsNV =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkIndirectCommandsLayoutUsageFlagsNV(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkIndirectCommandsLayoutUsageFlagsNV): seq[VkIndirectCommandsLayoutUsageFlagBitsNV] =
-  for value in VkIndirectCommandsLayoutUsageFlagBitsNV.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkIndirectCommandsLayoutUsageFlagsNV): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkIndirectStateFlagBitsNV* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_INDIRECT_STATE_FLAG_FRONTFACE_BIT_NV = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkIndirectStateFlagBitsNV]): VkIndirectStateFlagsNV =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkIndirectStateFlagsNV(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkIndirectStateFlagsNV): seq[VkIndirectStateFlagBitsNV] =
-  for value in VkIndirectStateFlagBitsNV.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkIndirectStateFlagsNV): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkIndirectCommandsTokenTypeNV* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkPrivateDataSlotCreateFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_PRIVATE_DATA_SLOT_CREATE_RESERVED_0_BIT_NV = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkPrivateDataSlotCreateFlagBits]): VkPrivateDataSlotCreateFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkPrivateDataSlotCreateFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkPrivateDataSlotCreateFlags): seq[VkPrivateDataSlotCreateFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkPrivateDataSlotCreateFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkPrivateDataSlotCreateFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkDescriptorSetLayoutCreateFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_DESCRIPTOR_SET_LAYOUT_CREATE_PUSH_DESCRIPTOR_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_DESCRIPTOR_SET_LAYOUT_CREATE_UPDATE_AFTER_BIND_POOL_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_DESCRIPTOR_SET_LAYOUT_CREATE_HOST_ONLY_POOL_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-    VK_DESCRIPTOR_SET_LAYOUT_CREATE_RESERVED_3_BIT_AMD = 0b00000000000000000000000000001000
-    VK_DESCRIPTOR_SET_LAYOUT_CREATE_DESCRIPTOR_BUFFER_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000010000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkDescriptorSetLayoutCreateFlagBits]): VkDescriptorSetLayoutCreateFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkDescriptorSetLayoutCreateFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkDescriptorSetLayoutCreateFlags): seq[VkDescriptorSetLayoutCreateFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkDescriptorSetLayoutCreateFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkDescriptorSetLayoutCreateFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_TYPE_OPAQUE_FD_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_TYPE_OPAQUE_WIN32_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_TYPE_OPAQUE_WIN32_KMT_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-    VK_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_TYPE_D3D11_TEXTURE_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000001000
-    VK_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_TYPE_D3D11_TEXTURE_KMT_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000010000
-    VK_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_TYPE_D3D12_HEAP_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000100000
-    VK_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_TYPE_D3D12_RESOURCE_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000001000000
-    VK_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_TYPE_HOST_ALLOCATION_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000010000000
-    VK_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_TYPE_DMA_BUF_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000001000000000
-    VK_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_TYPE_ZIRCON_VMO_BIT_FUCHSIA = 0b00000000000000000000100000000000
-    VK_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_TYPE_RDMA_ADDRESS_BIT_NV = 0b00000000000000000001000000000000
-    VK_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_TYPE_SCI_BUF_BIT_NV = 0b00000000000000000010000000000000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBits]): VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlags): seq[VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkExternalMemoryFeatureFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_FEATURE_DEDICATED_ONLY_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_FEATURE_EXPORTABLE_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_FEATURE_IMPORTABLE_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkExternalMemoryFeatureFlagBits]): VkExternalMemoryFeatureFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkExternalMemoryFeatureFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkExternalMemoryFeatureFlags): seq[VkExternalMemoryFeatureFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkExternalMemoryFeatureFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkExternalMemoryFeatureFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_HANDLE_TYPE_OPAQUE_FD_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_HANDLE_TYPE_OPAQUE_WIN32_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_HANDLE_TYPE_OPAQUE_WIN32_KMT_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-    VK_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_HANDLE_TYPE_D3D12_FENCE_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000001000
-    VK_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_HANDLE_TYPE_SYNC_FD_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000010000
-    VK_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_HANDLE_TYPE_SCI_SYNC_OBJ_BIT_NV = 0b00000000000000000000000000100000
-    VK_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_HANDLE_TYPE_ZIRCON_EVENT_BIT_FUCHSIA = 0b00000000000000000000000010000000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeFlagBits]): VkExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeFlags): seq[VkExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkExternalSemaphoreFeatureFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_FEATURE_EXPORTABLE_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_FEATURE_IMPORTABLE_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkExternalSemaphoreFeatureFlagBits]): VkExternalSemaphoreFeatureFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkExternalSemaphoreFeatureFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkExternalSemaphoreFeatureFlags): seq[VkExternalSemaphoreFeatureFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkExternalSemaphoreFeatureFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkExternalSemaphoreFeatureFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkSemaphoreImportFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_SEMAPHORE_IMPORT_TEMPORARY_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkSemaphoreImportFlagBits]): VkSemaphoreImportFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkSemaphoreImportFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkSemaphoreImportFlags): seq[VkSemaphoreImportFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkSemaphoreImportFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkSemaphoreImportFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkExternalFenceHandleTypeFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_EXTERNAL_FENCE_HANDLE_TYPE_OPAQUE_FD_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_EXTERNAL_FENCE_HANDLE_TYPE_OPAQUE_WIN32_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_EXTERNAL_FENCE_HANDLE_TYPE_OPAQUE_WIN32_KMT_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-    VK_EXTERNAL_FENCE_HANDLE_TYPE_SYNC_FD_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000001000
-    VK_EXTERNAL_FENCE_HANDLE_TYPE_SCI_SYNC_OBJ_BIT_NV = 0b00000000000000000000000000010000
-    VK_EXTERNAL_FENCE_HANDLE_TYPE_SCI_SYNC_FENCE_BIT_NV = 0b00000000000000000000000000100000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkExternalFenceHandleTypeFlagBits]): VkExternalFenceHandleTypeFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkExternalFenceHandleTypeFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkExternalFenceHandleTypeFlags): seq[VkExternalFenceHandleTypeFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkExternalFenceHandleTypeFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkExternalFenceHandleTypeFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkExternalFenceFeatureFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_EXTERNAL_FENCE_FEATURE_EXPORTABLE_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_EXTERNAL_FENCE_FEATURE_IMPORTABLE_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkExternalFenceFeatureFlagBits]): VkExternalFenceFeatureFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkExternalFenceFeatureFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkExternalFenceFeatureFlags): seq[VkExternalFenceFeatureFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkExternalFenceFeatureFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkExternalFenceFeatureFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkFenceImportFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_FENCE_IMPORT_TEMPORARY_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkFenceImportFlagBits]): VkFenceImportFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkFenceImportFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkFenceImportFlags): seq[VkFenceImportFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkFenceImportFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkFenceImportFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkSurfaceCounterFlagBitsEXT* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_SURFACE_COUNTER_VBLANK_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkSurfaceCounterFlagBitsEXT]): VkSurfaceCounterFlagsEXT =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkSurfaceCounterFlagsEXT(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkSurfaceCounterFlagsEXT): seq[VkSurfaceCounterFlagBitsEXT] =
-  for value in VkSurfaceCounterFlagBitsEXT.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkSurfaceCounterFlagsEXT): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkDisplayPowerStateEXT* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkDeviceEventTypeEXT* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkDisplayEventTypeEXT* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_PEER_MEMORY_FEATURE_COPY_SRC_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_PEER_MEMORY_FEATURE_COPY_DST_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_PEER_MEMORY_FEATURE_GENERIC_SRC_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-    VK_PEER_MEMORY_FEATURE_GENERIC_DST_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000001000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlagBits]): VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlags): seq[VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkMemoryAllocateFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_MEMORY_ALLOCATE_DEVICE_MASK_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_MEMORY_ALLOCATE_DEVICE_ADDRESS_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_MEMORY_ALLOCATE_DEVICE_ADDRESS_CAPTURE_REPLAY_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkMemoryAllocateFlagBits]): VkMemoryAllocateFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkMemoryAllocateFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkMemoryAllocateFlags): seq[VkMemoryAllocateFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkMemoryAllocateFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkMemoryAllocateFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkDeviceGroupPresentModeFlagBitsKHR* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_DEVICE_GROUP_PRESENT_MODE_LOCAL_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_DEVICE_GROUP_PRESENT_MODE_REMOTE_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_DEVICE_GROUP_PRESENT_MODE_SUM_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-    VK_DEVICE_GROUP_PRESENT_MODE_LOCAL_MULTI_DEVICE_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000001000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkDeviceGroupPresentModeFlagBitsKHR]): VkDeviceGroupPresentModeFlagsKHR =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkDeviceGroupPresentModeFlagsKHR(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkDeviceGroupPresentModeFlagsKHR): seq[VkDeviceGroupPresentModeFlagBitsKHR] =
-  for value in VkDeviceGroupPresentModeFlagBitsKHR.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkDeviceGroupPresentModeFlagsKHR): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkSwapchainCreateFlagBitsKHR* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_SWAPCHAIN_CREATE_SPLIT_INSTANCE_BIND_REGIONS_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_SWAPCHAIN_CREATE_PROTECTED_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_SWAPCHAIN_CREATE_MUTABLE_FORMAT_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-    VK_SWAPCHAIN_CREATE_DEFERRED_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000001000
-    VK_SWAPCHAIN_CREATE_RESERVED_4_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000010000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkSwapchainCreateFlagBitsKHR]): VkSwapchainCreateFlagsKHR =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkSwapchainCreateFlagsKHR(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkSwapchainCreateFlagsKHR): seq[VkSwapchainCreateFlagBitsKHR] =
-  for value in VkSwapchainCreateFlagBitsKHR.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkSwapchainCreateFlagsKHR): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkViewportCoordinateSwizzleNV* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkDiscardRectangleModeEXT* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkSubpassDescriptionFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_SUBPASS_DESCRIPTION_PER_VIEW_ATTRIBUTES_BIT_NVX = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_SUBPASS_DESCRIPTION_PER_VIEW_POSITION_X_ONLY_BIT_NVX = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_SUBPASS_DESCRIPTION_FRAGMENT_REGION_BIT_QCOM = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-    VK_SUBPASS_DESCRIPTION_SHADER_RESOLVE_BIT_QCOM = 0b00000000000000000000000000001000
-    VK_SUBPASS_DESCRIPTION_ENABLE_LEGACY_DITHERING_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000010000000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkSubpassDescriptionFlagBits]): VkSubpassDescriptionFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkSubpassDescriptionFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkSubpassDescriptionFlags): seq[VkSubpassDescriptionFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkSubpassDescriptionFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkSubpassDescriptionFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkPointClippingBehavior* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkSamplerReductionMode* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkTessellationDomainOrigin* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkSamplerYcbcrModelConversion* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkSamplerYcbcrRange* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkChromaLocation* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkBlendOverlapEXT* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkCoverageModulationModeNV* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkCoverageReductionModeNV* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkValidationCacheHeaderVersionEXT* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkShaderInfoTypeAMD* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkQueueGlobalPriorityKHR* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagBitsEXT* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_DEBUG_UTILS_MESSAGE_SEVERITY_VERBOSE_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_DEBUG_UTILS_MESSAGE_SEVERITY_INFO_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000010000
-    VK_DEBUG_UTILS_MESSAGE_SEVERITY_WARNING_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000100000000
-    VK_DEBUG_UTILS_MESSAGE_SEVERITY_ERROR_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000001000000000000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagBitsEXT]): VkDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagsEXT =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagsEXT(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagsEXT): seq[VkDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagBitsEXT] =
-  for value in VkDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagBitsEXT.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagsEXT): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkDebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagBitsEXT* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_DEBUG_UTILS_MESSAGE_TYPE_GENERAL_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_DEBUG_UTILS_MESSAGE_TYPE_VALIDATION_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_DEBUG_UTILS_MESSAGE_TYPE_PERFORMANCE_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-    VK_DEBUG_UTILS_MESSAGE_TYPE_DEVICE_ADDRESS_BINDING_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000001000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkDebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagBitsEXT]): VkDebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkDebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkDebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT): seq[VkDebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagBitsEXT] =
-  for value in VkDebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagBitsEXT.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkDebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkConservativeRasterizationModeEXT* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkDescriptorBindingFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_DESCRIPTOR_BINDING_UPDATE_AFTER_BIND_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_DESCRIPTOR_BINDING_UPDATE_UNUSED_WHILE_PENDING_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_DESCRIPTOR_BINDING_PARTIALLY_BOUND_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-    VK_DESCRIPTOR_BINDING_VARIABLE_DESCRIPTOR_COUNT_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000001000
-    VK_DESCRIPTOR_BINDING_RESERVED_4_BIT_QCOM = 0b00000000000000000000000000010000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkDescriptorBindingFlagBits]): VkDescriptorBindingFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkDescriptorBindingFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkDescriptorBindingFlags): seq[VkDescriptorBindingFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkDescriptorBindingFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkDescriptorBindingFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkVendorId* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_VENDOR_ID_VIV = 65537
-    VK_VENDOR_ID_VSI = 65538
-    VK_VENDOR_ID_KAZAN = 65539
-    VK_VENDOR_ID_MESA = 65541
-    VK_VENDOR_ID_POCL = 65542
-  VkDriverId* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkConditionalRenderingFlagBitsEXT* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_CONDITIONAL_RENDERING_INVERTED_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkConditionalRenderingFlagBitsEXT]): VkConditionalRenderingFlagsEXT =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkConditionalRenderingFlagsEXT(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkConditionalRenderingFlagsEXT): seq[VkConditionalRenderingFlagBitsEXT] =
-  for value in VkConditionalRenderingFlagBitsEXT.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkConditionalRenderingFlagsEXT): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkResolveModeFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_RESOLVE_MODE_SAMPLE_ZERO_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_RESOLVE_MODE_AVERAGE_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_RESOLVE_MODE_MIN_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-    VK_RESOLVE_MODE_MAX_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000001000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkResolveModeFlagBits]): VkResolveModeFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkResolveModeFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkResolveModeFlags): seq[VkResolveModeFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkResolveModeFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkResolveModeFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkShadingRatePaletteEntryNV* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkCoarseSampleOrderTypeNV* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkGeometryInstanceFlagBitsKHR* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_GEOMETRY_INSTANCE_TRIANGLE_FACING_CULL_DISABLE_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_GEOMETRY_INSTANCE_TRIANGLE_FLIP_FACING_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_GEOMETRY_INSTANCE_FORCE_OPAQUE_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-    VK_GEOMETRY_INSTANCE_FORCE_NO_OPAQUE_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000001000
-    VK_GEOMETRY_INSTANCE_FORCE_OPACITY_MICROMAP_2_STATE_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000010000
-    VK_GEOMETRY_INSTANCE_DISABLE_OPACITY_MICROMAPS_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000100000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkGeometryInstanceFlagBitsKHR]): VkGeometryInstanceFlagsKHR =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkGeometryInstanceFlagsKHR(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkGeometryInstanceFlagsKHR): seq[VkGeometryInstanceFlagBitsKHR] =
-  for value in VkGeometryInstanceFlagBitsKHR.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkGeometryInstanceFlagsKHR): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkGeometryFlagBitsKHR* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_GEOMETRY_OPAQUE_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_GEOMETRY_NO_DUPLICATE_ANY_HIT_INVOCATION_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkGeometryFlagBitsKHR]): VkGeometryFlagsKHR =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkGeometryFlagsKHR(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkGeometryFlagsKHR): seq[VkGeometryFlagBitsKHR] =
-  for value in VkGeometryFlagBitsKHR.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkGeometryFlagsKHR): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkBuildAccelerationStructureFlagBitsKHR* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_BUILD_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_ALLOW_UPDATE_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_BUILD_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_ALLOW_COMPACTION_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_BUILD_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_PREFER_FAST_TRACE_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-    VK_BUILD_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_PREFER_FAST_BUILD_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000001000
-    VK_BUILD_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_LOW_MEMORY_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000010000
-    VK_BUILD_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_MOTION_BIT_NV = 0b00000000000000000000000000100000
-    VK_BUILD_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_RESERVED_BIT_9_NV = 0b00000000000000000000001000000000
-    VK_BUILD_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_RESERVED_BIT_10_NV = 0b00000000000000000000010000000000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkBuildAccelerationStructureFlagBitsKHR]): VkBuildAccelerationStructureFlagsKHR =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkBuildAccelerationStructureFlagsKHR(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkBuildAccelerationStructureFlagsKHR): seq[VkBuildAccelerationStructureFlagBitsKHR] =
-  for value in VkBuildAccelerationStructureFlagBitsKHR.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkBuildAccelerationStructureFlagsKHR): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkAccelerationStructureCreateFlagBitsKHR* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_CREATE_MOTION_BIT_NV = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkAccelerationStructureCreateFlagBitsKHR]): VkAccelerationStructureCreateFlagsKHR =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkAccelerationStructureCreateFlagsKHR(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkAccelerationStructureCreateFlagsKHR): seq[VkAccelerationStructureCreateFlagBitsKHR] =
-  for value in VkAccelerationStructureCreateFlagBitsKHR.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkAccelerationStructureCreateFlagsKHR): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkCopyAccelerationStructureModeKHR* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkBuildAccelerationStructureModeKHR* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkAccelerationStructureTypeKHR* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkGeometryTypeKHR* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkAccelerationStructureMemoryRequirementsTypeNV* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkAccelerationStructureBuildTypeKHR* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkRayTracingShaderGroupTypeKHR* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkAccelerationStructureCompatibilityKHR* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkShaderGroupShaderKHR* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkMemoryOverallocationBehaviorAMD* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkFramebufferCreateFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_FRAMEBUFFER_CREATE_IMAGELESS_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkFramebufferCreateFlagBits]): VkFramebufferCreateFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkFramebufferCreateFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkFramebufferCreateFlags): seq[VkFramebufferCreateFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkFramebufferCreateFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkFramebufferCreateFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkScopeNV* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkComponentTypeNV* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkDeviceDiagnosticsConfigFlagBitsNV* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_DEVICE_DIAGNOSTICS_CONFIG_ENABLE_SHADER_DEBUG_INFO_BIT_NV = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkDeviceDiagnosticsConfigFlagBitsNV]): VkDeviceDiagnosticsConfigFlagsNV =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkDeviceDiagnosticsConfigFlagsNV(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkDeviceDiagnosticsConfigFlagsNV): seq[VkDeviceDiagnosticsConfigFlagBitsNV] =
-  for value in VkDeviceDiagnosticsConfigFlagBitsNV.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkDeviceDiagnosticsConfigFlagsNV): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkPipelineCreationFeedbackFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_PIPELINE_CREATION_FEEDBACK_VALID_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkPipelineCreationFeedbackFlagBits]): VkPipelineCreationFeedbackFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkPipelineCreationFeedbackFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkPipelineCreationFeedbackFlags): seq[VkPipelineCreationFeedbackFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkPipelineCreationFeedbackFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkPipelineCreationFeedbackFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkFullScreenExclusiveEXT* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkPerformanceCounterScopeKHR* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkMemoryDecompressionMethodFlagBitsNV* {.size: 8.} = enum
-    VK_MEMORY_DECOMPRESSION_METHOD_GDEFLATE_1_0_BIT_NV = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkMemoryDecompressionMethodFlagBitsNV]): VkMemoryDecompressionMethodFlagsNV =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkMemoryDecompressionMethodFlagsNV(uint64(result) or uint64(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkMemoryDecompressionMethodFlagsNV): seq[VkMemoryDecompressionMethodFlagBitsNV] =
-  for value in VkMemoryDecompressionMethodFlagBitsNV.items:
-    if (cast[uint64](value) and uint64(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkMemoryDecompressionMethodFlagsNV): bool = uint64(a) == uint64(b)
-  VkPerformanceCounterUnitKHR* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkPerformanceCounterStorageKHR* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkPerformanceCounterDescriptionFlagBitsKHR* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkPerformanceCounterDescriptionFlagBitsKHR]): VkPerformanceCounterDescriptionFlagsKHR =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkPerformanceCounterDescriptionFlagsKHR(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkPerformanceCounterDescriptionFlagsKHR): seq[VkPerformanceCounterDescriptionFlagBitsKHR] =
-  for value in VkPerformanceCounterDescriptionFlagBitsKHR.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkPerformanceCounterDescriptionFlagsKHR): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkPerformanceConfigurationTypeINTEL* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkQueryPoolSamplingModeINTEL* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkPerformanceOverrideTypeINTEL* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkPerformanceParameterTypeINTEL* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkPerformanceValueTypeINTEL* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkShaderFloatControlsIndependence* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkPipelineExecutableStatisticFormatKHR* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkLineRasterizationModeEXT* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkFaultLevel* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkFaultType* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkFaultQueryBehavior* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkToolPurposeFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_TOOL_PURPOSE_VALIDATION_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_TOOL_PURPOSE_PROFILING_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_TOOL_PURPOSE_TRACING_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-    VK_TOOL_PURPOSE_ADDITIONAL_FEATURES_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000001000
-    VK_TOOL_PURPOSE_MODIFYING_FEATURES_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000010000
-    VK_TOOL_PURPOSE_DEBUG_REPORTING_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000100000
-    VK_TOOL_PURPOSE_DEBUG_MARKERS_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000001000000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkToolPurposeFlagBits]): VkToolPurposeFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkToolPurposeFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkToolPurposeFlags): seq[VkToolPurposeFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkToolPurposeFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkToolPurposeFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkPipelineMatchControl* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkFragmentShadingRateCombinerOpKHR* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkFragmentShadingRateNV* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkFragmentShadingRateTypeNV* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkSubpassMergeStatusEXT* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkAccessFlagBits2* {.size: 8.} = enum
-    VK_ACCESS_2_INDIRECT_COMMAND_READ_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_ACCESS_2_INDEX_READ_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_ACCESS_2_VERTEX_ATTRIBUTE_READ_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100
-    VK_ACCESS_2_UNIFORM_READ_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000
-    VK_ACCESS_2_INPUT_ATTACHMENT_READ_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000
-    VK_ACCESS_2_SHADER_READ_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000
-    VK_ACCESS_2_SHADER_WRITE_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000
-    VK_ACCESS_2_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_READ_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000
-    VK_ACCESS_2_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_WRITE_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000
-    VK_ACCESS_2_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_READ_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000
-    VK_ACCESS_2_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_WRITE_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000
-    VK_ACCESS_2_TRANSFER_READ_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000
-    VK_ACCESS_2_TRANSFER_WRITE_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000
-    VK_ACCESS_2_HOST_READ_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000
-    VK_ACCESS_2_HOST_WRITE_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000
-    VK_ACCESS_2_MEMORY_READ_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000
-    VK_ACCESS_2_MEMORY_WRITE_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000
-    VK_ACCESS_2_COMMAND_PREPROCESS_READ_BIT_NV = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000
-    VK_ACCESS_2_COMMAND_PREPROCESS_WRITE_BIT_NV = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000
-    VK_ACCESS_2_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_READ_NONCOHERENT_BIT_EXT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000
-    VK_ACCESS_2_CONDITIONAL_RENDERING_READ_BIT_EXT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000
-    VK_ACCESS_2_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_READ_BIT_KHR = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000
-    VK_ACCESS_2_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_WRITE_BIT_KHR = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000
-    VK_ACCESS_2_FRAGMENT_SHADING_RATE_ATTACHMENT_READ_BIT_KHR = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000
-    VK_ACCESS_2_FRAGMENT_DENSITY_MAP_READ_BIT_EXT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000
-    VK_ACCESS_2_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_WRITE_BIT_EXT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000
-    VK_ACCESS_2_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_COUNTER_READ_BIT_EXT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000
-    VK_ACCESS_2_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_COUNTER_WRITE_BIT_EXT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000
-    VK_ACCESS_2_SHADER_SAMPLED_READ_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000
-    VK_ACCESS_2_SHADER_STORAGE_READ_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000
-    VK_ACCESS_2_SHADER_STORAGE_WRITE_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000
-    VK_ACCESS_2_VIDEO_DECODE_READ_BIT_KHR = 0b0000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000
-    VK_ACCESS_2_VIDEO_DECODE_WRITE_BIT_KHR = 0b0000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000
-    VK_ACCESS_2_VIDEO_ENCODE_READ_BIT_KHR = 0b0000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000
-    VK_ACCESS_2_VIDEO_ENCODE_WRITE_BIT_KHR = 0b0000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000
-    VK_ACCESS_2_INVOCATION_MASK_READ_BIT_HUAWEI = 0b0000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000
-    VK_ACCESS_2_SHADER_BINDING_TABLE_READ_BIT_KHR = 0b0000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000
-    VK_ACCESS_2_DESCRIPTOR_BUFFER_READ_BIT_EXT = 0b0000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000
-    VK_ACCESS_2_OPTICAL_FLOW_READ_BIT_NV = 0b0000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
-    VK_ACCESS_2_OPTICAL_FLOW_WRITE_BIT_NV = 0b0000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
-    VK_ACCESS_2_MICROMAP_READ_BIT_EXT = 0b0000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
-    VK_ACCESS_2_MICROMAP_WRITE_BIT_EXT = 0b0000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
-    VK_ACCESS_2_RESERVED_46_BIT_EXT = 0b0000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkAccessFlagBits2]): VkAccessFlags2 =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkAccessFlags2(uint64(result) or uint64(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkAccessFlags2): seq[VkAccessFlagBits2] =
-  for value in VkAccessFlagBits2.items:
-    if (cast[uint64](value) and uint64(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkAccessFlags2): bool = uint64(a) == uint64(b)
-  VK_ACCESS_2_NONE* = 0
-  VkPipelineStageFlagBits2* {.size: 8.} = enum
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_2_TOP_OF_PIPE_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_2_DRAW_INDIRECT_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_2_VERTEX_INPUT_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_2_VERTEX_SHADER_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_2_TESSELLATION_CONTROL_SHADER_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_2_TESSELLATION_EVALUATION_SHADER_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_2_GEOMETRY_SHADER_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_2_FRAGMENT_SHADER_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_2_EARLY_FRAGMENT_TESTS_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_2_LATE_FRAGMENT_TESTS_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_2_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OUTPUT_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_2_COMPUTE_SHADER_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_2_ALL_TRANSFER_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_2_BOTTOM_OF_PIPE_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_2_HOST_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_2_ALL_GRAPHICS_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_2_ALL_COMMANDS_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_2_COMMAND_PREPROCESS_BIT_NV = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_2_CONDITIONAL_RENDERING_BIT_EXT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_2_TASK_SHADER_BIT_EXT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_2_MESH_SHADER_BIT_EXT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_2_RAY_TRACING_SHADER_BIT_KHR = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_2_FRAGMENT_SHADING_RATE_ATTACHMENT_BIT_KHR = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_2_FRAGMENT_DENSITY_PROCESS_BIT_EXT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_2_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BIT_EXT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_2_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_BUILD_BIT_KHR = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_2_VIDEO_DECODE_BIT_KHR = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_2_VIDEO_ENCODE_BIT_KHR = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_2_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_COPY_BIT_KHR = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_2_OPTICAL_FLOW_BIT_NV = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_2_MICROMAP_BUILD_BIT_EXT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_2_COPY_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_2_RESOLVE_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_2_BLIT_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_2_CLEAR_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_2_INDEX_INPUT_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_2_VERTEX_ATTRIBUTE_INPUT_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_2_PRE_RASTERIZATION_SHADERS_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_2_SUBPASS_SHADING_BIT_HUAWEI = 0b0000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_2_INVOCATION_MASK_BIT_HUAWEI = 0b0000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000
-    VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_2_CLUSTER_CULLING_SHADER_BIT_HUAWEI = 0b0000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkPipelineStageFlagBits2]): VkPipelineStageFlags2 =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkPipelineStageFlags2(uint64(result) or uint64(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkPipelineStageFlags2): seq[VkPipelineStageFlagBits2] =
-  for value in VkPipelineStageFlagBits2.items:
-    if (cast[uint64](value) and uint64(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkPipelineStageFlags2): bool = uint64(a) == uint64(b)
-  VkSubmitFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_SUBMIT_PROTECTED_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkSubmitFlagBits]): VkSubmitFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkSubmitFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkSubmitFlags): seq[VkSubmitFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkSubmitFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkSubmitFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkEventCreateFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_EVENT_CREATE_DEVICE_ONLY_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkEventCreateFlagBits]): VkEventCreateFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkEventCreateFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkEventCreateFlags): seq[VkEventCreateFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkEventCreateFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkEventCreateFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkPipelineLayoutCreateFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_PIPELINE_LAYOUT_CREATE_RESERVED_0_BIT_AMD = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_PIPELINE_LAYOUT_CREATE_INDEPENDENT_SETS_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkPipelineLayoutCreateFlagBits]): VkPipelineLayoutCreateFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkPipelineLayoutCreateFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkPipelineLayoutCreateFlags): seq[VkPipelineLayoutCreateFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkPipelineLayoutCreateFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkPipelineLayoutCreateFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkSciSyncClientTypeNV* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkSciSyncPrimitiveTypeNV* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkProvokingVertexModeEXT* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkPipelineCacheValidationVersion* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkAccelerationStructureMotionInstanceTypeNV* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkPipelineColorBlendStateCreateFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkPipelineColorBlendStateCreateFlagBits]): VkPipelineColorBlendStateCreateFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkPipelineColorBlendStateCreateFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkPipelineColorBlendStateCreateFlags): seq[VkPipelineColorBlendStateCreateFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkPipelineColorBlendStateCreateFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkPipelineColorBlendStateCreateFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkPipelineDepthStencilStateCreateFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkPipelineDepthStencilStateCreateFlagBits]): VkPipelineDepthStencilStateCreateFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkPipelineDepthStencilStateCreateFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkPipelineDepthStencilStateCreateFlags): seq[VkPipelineDepthStencilStateCreateFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkPipelineDepthStencilStateCreateFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkPipelineDepthStencilStateCreateFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkGraphicsPipelineLibraryFlagBitsEXT* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_GRAPHICS_PIPELINE_LIBRARY_FRAGMENT_SHADER_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkGraphicsPipelineLibraryFlagBitsEXT]): VkGraphicsPipelineLibraryFlagsEXT =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkGraphicsPipelineLibraryFlagsEXT(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkGraphicsPipelineLibraryFlagsEXT): seq[VkGraphicsPipelineLibraryFlagBitsEXT] =
-  for value in VkGraphicsPipelineLibraryFlagBitsEXT.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkGraphicsPipelineLibraryFlagsEXT): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkDeviceAddressBindingFlagBitsEXT* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_DEVICE_ADDRESS_BINDING_INTERNAL_OBJECT_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkDeviceAddressBindingFlagBitsEXT]): VkDeviceAddressBindingFlagsEXT =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkDeviceAddressBindingFlagsEXT(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkDeviceAddressBindingFlagsEXT): seq[VkDeviceAddressBindingFlagBitsEXT] =
-  for value in VkDeviceAddressBindingFlagBitsEXT.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkDeviceAddressBindingFlagsEXT): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkDeviceAddressBindingTypeEXT* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkPresentScalingFlagBitsEXT* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_PRESENT_SCALING_ONE_TO_ONE_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_PRESENT_SCALING_ASPECT_RATIO_STRETCH_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_PRESENT_SCALING_STRETCH_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkPresentScalingFlagBitsEXT]): VkPresentScalingFlagsEXT =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkPresentScalingFlagsEXT(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkPresentScalingFlagsEXT): seq[VkPresentScalingFlagBitsEXT] =
-  for value in VkPresentScalingFlagBitsEXT.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkPresentScalingFlagsEXT): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkPresentGravityFlagBitsEXT* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_PRESENT_GRAVITY_MIN_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_PRESENT_GRAVITY_MAX_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_PRESENT_GRAVITY_CENTERED_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkPresentGravityFlagBitsEXT]): VkPresentGravityFlagsEXT =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkPresentGravityFlagsEXT(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkPresentGravityFlagsEXT): seq[VkPresentGravityFlagBitsEXT] =
-  for value in VkPresentGravityFlagBitsEXT.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkPresentGravityFlagsEXT): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkVideoCodecOperationFlagBitsKHR* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_VIDEO_CODEC_OPERATION_DECODE_H264_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_VIDEO_CODEC_OPERATION_DECODE_H265_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_VIDEO_CODEC_OPERATION_ENCODE_H264_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000010000000000000000
-    VK_VIDEO_CODEC_OPERATION_ENCODE_H265_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000100000000000000000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkVideoCodecOperationFlagBitsKHR]): VkVideoCodecOperationFlagsKHR =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkVideoCodecOperationFlagsKHR(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkVideoCodecOperationFlagsKHR): seq[VkVideoCodecOperationFlagBitsKHR] =
-  for value in VkVideoCodecOperationFlagBitsKHR.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkVideoCodecOperationFlagsKHR): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkVideoChromaSubsamplingFlagBitsKHR* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_VIDEO_CHROMA_SUBSAMPLING_MONOCHROME_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_VIDEO_CHROMA_SUBSAMPLING_420_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_VIDEO_CHROMA_SUBSAMPLING_422_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-    VK_VIDEO_CHROMA_SUBSAMPLING_444_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000001000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkVideoChromaSubsamplingFlagBitsKHR]): VkVideoChromaSubsamplingFlagsKHR =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkVideoChromaSubsamplingFlagsKHR(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkVideoChromaSubsamplingFlagsKHR): seq[VkVideoChromaSubsamplingFlagBitsKHR] =
-  for value in VkVideoChromaSubsamplingFlagBitsKHR.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkVideoChromaSubsamplingFlagsKHR): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkVideoComponentBitDepthFlagBitsKHR* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_VIDEO_COMPONENT_BIT_DEPTH_8_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_VIDEO_COMPONENT_BIT_DEPTH_10_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-    VK_VIDEO_COMPONENT_BIT_DEPTH_12_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000010000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkVideoComponentBitDepthFlagBitsKHR]): VkVideoComponentBitDepthFlagsKHR =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkVideoComponentBitDepthFlagsKHR(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkVideoComponentBitDepthFlagsKHR): seq[VkVideoComponentBitDepthFlagBitsKHR] =
-  for value in VkVideoComponentBitDepthFlagBitsKHR.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkVideoComponentBitDepthFlagsKHR): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkVideoCapabilityFlagBitsKHR* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_VIDEO_CAPABILITY_PROTECTED_CONTENT_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_VIDEO_CAPABILITY_SEPARATE_REFERENCE_IMAGES_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkVideoCapabilityFlagBitsKHR]): VkVideoCapabilityFlagsKHR =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkVideoCapabilityFlagsKHR(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkVideoCapabilityFlagsKHR): seq[VkVideoCapabilityFlagBitsKHR] =
-  for value in VkVideoCapabilityFlagBitsKHR.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkVideoCapabilityFlagsKHR): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkVideoSessionCreateFlagBitsKHR* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_VIDEO_SESSION_CREATE_PROTECTED_CONTENT_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkVideoSessionCreateFlagBitsKHR]): VkVideoSessionCreateFlagsKHR =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkVideoSessionCreateFlagsKHR(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkVideoSessionCreateFlagsKHR): seq[VkVideoSessionCreateFlagBitsKHR] =
-  for value in VkVideoSessionCreateFlagBitsKHR.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkVideoSessionCreateFlagsKHR): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkVideoDecodeH264PictureLayoutFlagBitsKHR* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkVideoDecodeH264PictureLayoutFlagBitsKHR]): VkVideoDecodeH264PictureLayoutFlagsKHR =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkVideoDecodeH264PictureLayoutFlagsKHR(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkVideoDecodeH264PictureLayoutFlagsKHR): seq[VkVideoDecodeH264PictureLayoutFlagBitsKHR] =
-  for value in VkVideoDecodeH264PictureLayoutFlagBitsKHR.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkVideoDecodeH264PictureLayoutFlagsKHR): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkVideoCodingControlFlagBitsKHR* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_VIDEO_CODING_CONTROL_RESET_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_VIDEO_CODING_CONTROL_ENCODE_RATE_CONTROL_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_VIDEO_CODING_CONTROL_ENCODE_RATE_CONTROL_LAYER_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkVideoCodingControlFlagBitsKHR]): VkVideoCodingControlFlagsKHR =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkVideoCodingControlFlagsKHR(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkVideoCodingControlFlagsKHR): seq[VkVideoCodingControlFlagBitsKHR] =
-  for value in VkVideoCodingControlFlagBitsKHR.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkVideoCodingControlFlagsKHR): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkQueryResultStatusKHR* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkVideoDecodeUsageFlagBitsKHR* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_VIDEO_DECODE_USAGE_TRANSCODING_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_VIDEO_DECODE_USAGE_OFFLINE_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_VIDEO_DECODE_USAGE_STREAMING_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkVideoDecodeUsageFlagBitsKHR]): VkVideoDecodeUsageFlagsKHR =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkVideoDecodeUsageFlagsKHR(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkVideoDecodeUsageFlagsKHR): seq[VkVideoDecodeUsageFlagBitsKHR] =
-  for value in VkVideoDecodeUsageFlagBitsKHR.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkVideoDecodeUsageFlagsKHR): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkVideoDecodeCapabilityFlagBitsKHR* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_VIDEO_DECODE_CAPABILITY_DPB_AND_OUTPUT_COINCIDE_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_VIDEO_DECODE_CAPABILITY_DPB_AND_OUTPUT_DISTINCT_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkVideoDecodeCapabilityFlagBitsKHR]): VkVideoDecodeCapabilityFlagsKHR =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkVideoDecodeCapabilityFlagsKHR(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkVideoDecodeCapabilityFlagsKHR): seq[VkVideoDecodeCapabilityFlagBitsKHR] =
-  for value in VkVideoDecodeCapabilityFlagBitsKHR.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkVideoDecodeCapabilityFlagsKHR): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkVideoEncodeUsageFlagBitsKHR* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_USAGE_TRANSCODING_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_USAGE_STREAMING_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_USAGE_RECORDING_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_USAGE_CONFERENCING_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000001000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkVideoEncodeUsageFlagBitsKHR]): VkVideoEncodeUsageFlagsKHR =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkVideoEncodeUsageFlagsKHR(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkVideoEncodeUsageFlagsKHR): seq[VkVideoEncodeUsageFlagBitsKHR] =
-  for value in VkVideoEncodeUsageFlagBitsKHR.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkVideoEncodeUsageFlagsKHR): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkVideoEncodeContentFlagBitsKHR* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_CONTENT_CAMERA_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_CONTENT_DESKTOP_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_CONTENT_RENDERED_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkVideoEncodeContentFlagBitsKHR]): VkVideoEncodeContentFlagsKHR =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkVideoEncodeContentFlagsKHR(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkVideoEncodeContentFlagsKHR): seq[VkVideoEncodeContentFlagBitsKHR] =
-  for value in VkVideoEncodeContentFlagBitsKHR.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkVideoEncodeContentFlagsKHR): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkVideoEncodeTuningModeKHR* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkVideoEncodeCapabilityFlagBitsKHR* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkVideoEncodeCapabilityFlagBitsKHR]): VkVideoEncodeCapabilityFlagsKHR =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkVideoEncodeCapabilityFlagsKHR(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkVideoEncodeCapabilityFlagsKHR): seq[VkVideoEncodeCapabilityFlagBitsKHR] =
-  for value in VkVideoEncodeCapabilityFlagBitsKHR.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkVideoEncodeCapabilityFlagsKHR): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkVideoEncodeRateControlModeFlagBitsKHR* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_RATE_CONTROL_MODE_NONE_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_RATE_CONTROL_MODE_CBR_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_RATE_CONTROL_MODE_VBR_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkVideoEncodeRateControlModeFlagBitsKHR]): VkVideoEncodeRateControlModeFlagsKHR =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkVideoEncodeRateControlModeFlagsKHR(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkVideoEncodeRateControlModeFlagsKHR): seq[VkVideoEncodeRateControlModeFlagBitsKHR] =
-  for value in VkVideoEncodeRateControlModeFlagBitsKHR.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkVideoEncodeRateControlModeFlagsKHR): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkVideoEncodeH264CapabilityFlagBitsEXT* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H264_CAPABILITY_DIRECT_8X8_INFERENCE_ENABLED_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H264_CAPABILITY_DIRECT_8X8_INFERENCE_DISABLED_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H264_CAPABILITY_SEPARATE_COLOUR_PLANE_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H264_CAPABILITY_SCALING_LISTS_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000010000
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H264_CAPABILITY_HRD_COMPLIANCE_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000100000
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H264_CAPABILITY_CHROMA_QP_OFFSET_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000001000000
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H264_CAPABILITY_SECOND_CHROMA_QP_OFFSET_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000010000000
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H264_CAPABILITY_PIC_INIT_QP_MINUS26_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000100000000
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H264_CAPABILITY_WEIGHTED_PRED_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000001000000000
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H264_CAPABILITY_WEIGHTED_BIPRED_EXPLICIT_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000010000000000
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H264_CAPABILITY_WEIGHTED_BIPRED_IMPLICIT_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000100000000000
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H264_CAPABILITY_WEIGHTED_PRED_NO_TABLE_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000001000000000000
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H264_CAPABILITY_TRANSFORM_8X8_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000010000000000000
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H264_CAPABILITY_CABAC_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000100000000000000
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H264_CAPABILITY_CAVLC_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000001000000000000000
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H264_CAPABILITY_DEBLOCKING_FILTER_DISABLED_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000010000000000000000
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H264_CAPABILITY_DEBLOCKING_FILTER_ENABLED_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000100000000000000000
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H264_CAPABILITY_DEBLOCKING_FILTER_PARTIAL_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000001000000000000000000
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H264_CAPABILITY_DISABLE_DIRECT_SPATIAL_MV_PRED_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000010000000000000000000
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H264_CAPABILITY_MULTIPLE_SLICE_PER_FRAME_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000100000000000000000000
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H264_CAPABILITY_SLICE_MB_COUNT_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000001000000000000000000000
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H264_CAPABILITY_ROW_UNALIGNED_SLICE_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000010000000000000000000000
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H264_CAPABILITY_DIFFERENT_SLICE_TYPE_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000100000000000000000000000
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H264_CAPABILITY_B_FRAME_IN_L1_LIST_BIT_EXT = 0b00000001000000000000000000000000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkVideoEncodeH264CapabilityFlagBitsEXT]): VkVideoEncodeH264CapabilityFlagsEXT =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkVideoEncodeH264CapabilityFlagsEXT(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkVideoEncodeH264CapabilityFlagsEXT): seq[VkVideoEncodeH264CapabilityFlagBitsEXT] =
-  for value in VkVideoEncodeH264CapabilityFlagBitsEXT.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkVideoEncodeH264CapabilityFlagsEXT): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkVideoEncodeH264InputModeFlagBitsEXT* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H264_INPUT_MODE_FRAME_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H264_INPUT_MODE_SLICE_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H264_INPUT_MODE_NON_VCL_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkVideoEncodeH264InputModeFlagBitsEXT]): VkVideoEncodeH264InputModeFlagsEXT =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkVideoEncodeH264InputModeFlagsEXT(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkVideoEncodeH264InputModeFlagsEXT): seq[VkVideoEncodeH264InputModeFlagBitsEXT] =
-  for value in VkVideoEncodeH264InputModeFlagBitsEXT.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkVideoEncodeH264InputModeFlagsEXT): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkVideoEncodeH264OutputModeFlagBitsEXT* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H264_OUTPUT_MODE_FRAME_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H264_OUTPUT_MODE_SLICE_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H264_OUTPUT_MODE_NON_VCL_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkVideoEncodeH264OutputModeFlagBitsEXT]): VkVideoEncodeH264OutputModeFlagsEXT =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkVideoEncodeH264OutputModeFlagsEXT(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkVideoEncodeH264OutputModeFlagsEXT): seq[VkVideoEncodeH264OutputModeFlagBitsEXT] =
-  for value in VkVideoEncodeH264OutputModeFlagBitsEXT.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkVideoEncodeH264OutputModeFlagsEXT): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkVideoEncodeH264RateControlStructureEXT* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkImageConstraintsInfoFlagBitsFUCHSIA* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_IMAGE_CONSTRAINTS_INFO_CPU_READ_RARELY_FUCHSIA = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_IMAGE_CONSTRAINTS_INFO_CPU_READ_OFTEN_FUCHSIA = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_IMAGE_CONSTRAINTS_INFO_CPU_WRITE_RARELY_FUCHSIA = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-    VK_IMAGE_CONSTRAINTS_INFO_CPU_WRITE_OFTEN_FUCHSIA = 0b00000000000000000000000000001000
-    VK_IMAGE_CONSTRAINTS_INFO_PROTECTED_OPTIONAL_FUCHSIA = 0b00000000000000000000000000010000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkImageConstraintsInfoFlagBitsFUCHSIA]): VkImageConstraintsInfoFlagsFUCHSIA =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkImageConstraintsInfoFlagsFUCHSIA(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkImageConstraintsInfoFlagsFUCHSIA): seq[VkImageConstraintsInfoFlagBitsFUCHSIA] =
-  for value in VkImageConstraintsInfoFlagBitsFUCHSIA.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkImageConstraintsInfoFlagsFUCHSIA): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkFormatFeatureFlagBits2* {.size: 8.} = enum
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_SAMPLED_IMAGE_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_STORAGE_IMAGE_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_STORAGE_IMAGE_ATOMIC_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_UNIFORM_TEXEL_BUFFER_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_STORAGE_TEXEL_BUFFER_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_STORAGE_TEXEL_BUFFER_ATOMIC_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_VERTEX_BUFFER_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_BLEND_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_BLIT_SRC_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_BLIT_DST_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_SAMPLED_IMAGE_FILTER_LINEAR_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_SAMPLED_IMAGE_FILTER_CUBIC_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_TRANSFER_DST_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_SAMPLED_IMAGE_FILTER_MINMAX_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_MIDPOINT_CHROMA_SAMPLES_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_SAMPLED_IMAGE_YCBCR_CONVERSION_LINEAR_FILTER_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_SAMPLED_IMAGE_YCBCR_CONVERSION_SEPARATE_RECONSTRUCTION_FILTER_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_SAMPLED_IMAGE_YCBCR_CONVERSION_CHROMA_RECONSTRUCTION_EXPLICIT_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_SAMPLED_IMAGE_YCBCR_CONVERSION_CHROMA_RECONSTRUCTION_EXPLICIT_FORCEABLE_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_DISJOINT_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_COSITED_CHROMA_SAMPLES_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_FRAGMENT_DENSITY_MAP_BIT_EXT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_VIDEO_DECODE_OUTPUT_BIT_KHR = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_VIDEO_DECODE_DPB_BIT_KHR = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_VIDEO_ENCODE_INPUT_BIT_KHR = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_VIDEO_ENCODE_DPB_BIT_KHR = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_VERTEX_BUFFER_BIT_KHR = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_FRAGMENT_SHADING_RATE_ATTACHMENT_BIT_KHR = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_STORAGE_READ_WITHOUT_FORMAT_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_STORAGE_WRITE_WITHOUT_FORMAT_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_SAMPLED_IMAGE_DEPTH_COMPARISON_BIT = 0b0000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_WEIGHT_IMAGE_BIT_QCOM = 0b0000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_WEIGHT_SAMPLED_IMAGE_BIT_QCOM = 0b0000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_BLOCK_MATCHING_BIT_QCOM = 0b0000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_BOX_FILTER_SAMPLED_BIT_QCOM = 0b0000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_LINEAR_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_BIT_NV = 0b0000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_RESERVED_39_BIT_EXT = 0b0000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_OPTICAL_FLOW_IMAGE_BIT_NV = 0b0000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_OPTICAL_FLOW_VECTOR_BIT_NV = 0b0000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_OPTICAL_FLOW_COST_BIT_NV = 0b0000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_RESERVED_44_BIT_EXT = 0b0000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
-    VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_RESERVED_45_BIT_EXT = 0b0000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkFormatFeatureFlagBits2]): VkFormatFeatureFlags2 =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkFormatFeatureFlags2(uint64(result) or uint64(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkFormatFeatureFlags2): seq[VkFormatFeatureFlagBits2] =
-  for value in VkFormatFeatureFlagBits2.items:
-    if (cast[uint64](value) and uint64(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkFormatFeatureFlags2): bool = uint64(a) == uint64(b)
-  VkRenderingFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_RENDERING_CONTENTS_SECONDARY_COMMAND_BUFFERS_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_RENDERING_SUSPENDING_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_RENDERING_RESUMING_BIT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-    VK_RENDERING_ENABLE_LEGACY_DITHERING_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000001000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkRenderingFlagBits]): VkRenderingFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkRenderingFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkRenderingFlags): seq[VkRenderingFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkRenderingFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkRenderingFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkVideoEncodeH265CapabilityFlagBitsEXT* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H265_CAPABILITY_SEPARATE_COLOUR_PLANE_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H265_CAPABILITY_SCALING_LISTS_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H265_CAPABILITY_PCM_ENABLE_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000001000
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H265_CAPABILITY_SPS_TEMPORAL_MVP_ENABLED_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000010000
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H265_CAPABILITY_HRD_COMPLIANCE_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000100000
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H265_CAPABILITY_INIT_QP_MINUS26_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000001000000
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H265_CAPABILITY_LOG2_PARALLEL_MERGE_LEVEL_MINUS2_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000010000000
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H265_CAPABILITY_SIGN_DATA_HIDING_ENABLED_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000100000000
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H265_CAPABILITY_TRANSFORM_SKIP_ENABLED_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000001000000000
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H265_CAPABILITY_TRANSFORM_SKIP_DISABLED_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000010000000000
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H265_CAPABILITY_WEIGHTED_PRED_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000001000000000000
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H265_CAPABILITY_WEIGHTED_BIPRED_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000010000000000000
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H265_CAPABILITY_WEIGHTED_PRED_NO_TABLE_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000100000000000000
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H265_CAPABILITY_TRANSQUANT_BYPASS_ENABLED_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000001000000000000000
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H265_CAPABILITY_ENTROPY_CODING_SYNC_ENABLED_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000010000000000000000
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H265_CAPABILITY_MULTIPLE_TILE_PER_FRAME_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000001000000000000000000
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H265_CAPABILITY_MULTIPLE_SLICE_PER_TILE_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000010000000000000000000
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H265_CAPABILITY_MULTIPLE_TILE_PER_SLICE_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000100000000000000000000
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H265_CAPABILITY_SLICE_SEGMENT_CTB_COUNT_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000001000000000000000000000
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H265_CAPABILITY_ROW_UNALIGNED_SLICE_SEGMENT_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000010000000000000000000000
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H265_CAPABILITY_DEPENDENT_SLICE_SEGMENT_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000100000000000000000000000
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H265_CAPABILITY_DIFFERENT_SLICE_TYPE_BIT_EXT = 0b00000001000000000000000000000000
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H265_CAPABILITY_B_FRAME_IN_L1_LIST_BIT_EXT = 0b00000010000000000000000000000000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkVideoEncodeH265CapabilityFlagBitsEXT]): VkVideoEncodeH265CapabilityFlagsEXT =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkVideoEncodeH265CapabilityFlagsEXT(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkVideoEncodeH265CapabilityFlagsEXT): seq[VkVideoEncodeH265CapabilityFlagBitsEXT] =
-  for value in VkVideoEncodeH265CapabilityFlagBitsEXT.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkVideoEncodeH265CapabilityFlagsEXT): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkVideoEncodeH265InputModeFlagBitsEXT* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H265_INPUT_MODE_FRAME_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H265_INPUT_MODE_SLICE_SEGMENT_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H265_INPUT_MODE_NON_VCL_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkVideoEncodeH265InputModeFlagBitsEXT]): VkVideoEncodeH265InputModeFlagsEXT =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkVideoEncodeH265InputModeFlagsEXT(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkVideoEncodeH265InputModeFlagsEXT): seq[VkVideoEncodeH265InputModeFlagBitsEXT] =
-  for value in VkVideoEncodeH265InputModeFlagBitsEXT.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkVideoEncodeH265InputModeFlagsEXT): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkVideoEncodeH265OutputModeFlagBitsEXT* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H265_OUTPUT_MODE_FRAME_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H265_OUTPUT_MODE_SLICE_SEGMENT_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H265_OUTPUT_MODE_NON_VCL_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkVideoEncodeH265OutputModeFlagBitsEXT]): VkVideoEncodeH265OutputModeFlagsEXT =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkVideoEncodeH265OutputModeFlagsEXT(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkVideoEncodeH265OutputModeFlagsEXT): seq[VkVideoEncodeH265OutputModeFlagBitsEXT] =
-  for value in VkVideoEncodeH265OutputModeFlagBitsEXT.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkVideoEncodeH265OutputModeFlagsEXT): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkVideoEncodeH265RateControlStructureEXT* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkVideoEncodeH265CtbSizeFlagBitsEXT* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H265_CTB_SIZE_16_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H265_CTB_SIZE_32_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H265_CTB_SIZE_64_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkVideoEncodeH265CtbSizeFlagBitsEXT]): VkVideoEncodeH265CtbSizeFlagsEXT =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkVideoEncodeH265CtbSizeFlagsEXT(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkVideoEncodeH265CtbSizeFlagsEXT): seq[VkVideoEncodeH265CtbSizeFlagBitsEXT] =
-  for value in VkVideoEncodeH265CtbSizeFlagBitsEXT.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkVideoEncodeH265CtbSizeFlagsEXT): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkVideoEncodeH265TransformBlockSizeFlagBitsEXT* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H265_TRANSFORM_BLOCK_SIZE_4_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H265_TRANSFORM_BLOCK_SIZE_8_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H265_TRANSFORM_BLOCK_SIZE_16_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-    VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H265_TRANSFORM_BLOCK_SIZE_32_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000001000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkVideoEncodeH265TransformBlockSizeFlagBitsEXT]): VkVideoEncodeH265TransformBlockSizeFlagsEXT =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkVideoEncodeH265TransformBlockSizeFlagsEXT(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkVideoEncodeH265TransformBlockSizeFlagsEXT): seq[VkVideoEncodeH265TransformBlockSizeFlagBitsEXT] =
-  for value in VkVideoEncodeH265TransformBlockSizeFlagBitsEXT.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkVideoEncodeH265TransformBlockSizeFlagsEXT): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkExportMetalObjectTypeFlagBitsEXT* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_EXPORT_METAL_OBJECT_TYPE_METAL_DEVICE_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_EXPORT_METAL_OBJECT_TYPE_METAL_COMMAND_QUEUE_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_EXPORT_METAL_OBJECT_TYPE_METAL_BUFFER_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-    VK_EXPORT_METAL_OBJECT_TYPE_METAL_TEXTURE_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000001000
-    VK_EXPORT_METAL_OBJECT_TYPE_METAL_IOSURFACE_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000010000
-    VK_EXPORT_METAL_OBJECT_TYPE_METAL_SHARED_EVENT_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000100000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkExportMetalObjectTypeFlagBitsEXT]): VkExportMetalObjectTypeFlagsEXT =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkExportMetalObjectTypeFlagsEXT(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkExportMetalObjectTypeFlagsEXT): seq[VkExportMetalObjectTypeFlagBitsEXT] =
-  for value in VkExportMetalObjectTypeFlagBitsEXT.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkExportMetalObjectTypeFlagsEXT): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkInstanceCreateFlagBits* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_INSTANCE_CREATE_ENUMERATE_PORTABILITY_BIT_KHR = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkInstanceCreateFlagBits]): VkInstanceCreateFlags =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkInstanceCreateFlags(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkInstanceCreateFlags): seq[VkInstanceCreateFlagBits] =
-  for value in VkInstanceCreateFlagBits.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkInstanceCreateFlags): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkImageCompressionFlagBitsEXT* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_IMAGE_COMPRESSION_FIXED_RATE_DEFAULT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_IMAGE_COMPRESSION_FIXED_RATE_EXPLICIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_IMAGE_COMPRESSION_DISABLED_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkImageCompressionFlagBitsEXT]): VkImageCompressionFlagsEXT =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkImageCompressionFlagsEXT(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkImageCompressionFlagsEXT): seq[VkImageCompressionFlagBitsEXT] =
-  for value in VkImageCompressionFlagBitsEXT.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkImageCompressionFlagsEXT): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkImageCompressionFixedRateFlagBitsEXT* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_IMAGE_COMPRESSION_FIXED_RATE_1BPC_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_IMAGE_COMPRESSION_FIXED_RATE_2BPC_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_IMAGE_COMPRESSION_FIXED_RATE_3BPC_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-    VK_IMAGE_COMPRESSION_FIXED_RATE_4BPC_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000001000
-    VK_IMAGE_COMPRESSION_FIXED_RATE_5BPC_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000010000
-    VK_IMAGE_COMPRESSION_FIXED_RATE_6BPC_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000100000
-    VK_IMAGE_COMPRESSION_FIXED_RATE_7BPC_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000001000000
-    VK_IMAGE_COMPRESSION_FIXED_RATE_8BPC_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000010000000
-    VK_IMAGE_COMPRESSION_FIXED_RATE_9BPC_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000100000000
-    VK_IMAGE_COMPRESSION_FIXED_RATE_10BPC_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000001000000000
-    VK_IMAGE_COMPRESSION_FIXED_RATE_11BPC_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000010000000000
-    VK_IMAGE_COMPRESSION_FIXED_RATE_12BPC_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000100000000000
-    VK_IMAGE_COMPRESSION_FIXED_RATE_13BPC_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000001000000000000
-    VK_IMAGE_COMPRESSION_FIXED_RATE_14BPC_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000010000000000000
-    VK_IMAGE_COMPRESSION_FIXED_RATE_15BPC_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000100000000000000
-    VK_IMAGE_COMPRESSION_FIXED_RATE_16BPC_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000001000000000000000
-    VK_IMAGE_COMPRESSION_FIXED_RATE_17BPC_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000010000000000000000
-    VK_IMAGE_COMPRESSION_FIXED_RATE_18BPC_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000100000000000000000
-    VK_IMAGE_COMPRESSION_FIXED_RATE_19BPC_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000001000000000000000000
-    VK_IMAGE_COMPRESSION_FIXED_RATE_20BPC_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000010000000000000000000
-    VK_IMAGE_COMPRESSION_FIXED_RATE_21BPC_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000100000000000000000000
-    VK_IMAGE_COMPRESSION_FIXED_RATE_22BPC_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000001000000000000000000000
-    VK_IMAGE_COMPRESSION_FIXED_RATE_23BPC_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000010000000000000000000000
-    VK_IMAGE_COMPRESSION_FIXED_RATE_24BPC_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000100000000000000000000000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkImageCompressionFixedRateFlagBitsEXT]): VkImageCompressionFixedRateFlagsEXT =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkImageCompressionFixedRateFlagsEXT(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkImageCompressionFixedRateFlagsEXT): seq[VkImageCompressionFixedRateFlagBitsEXT] =
-  for value in VkImageCompressionFixedRateFlagBitsEXT.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkImageCompressionFixedRateFlagsEXT): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkPipelineRobustnessBufferBehaviorEXT* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkPipelineRobustnessImageBehaviorEXT* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkOpticalFlowGridSizeFlagBitsNV* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_OPTICAL_FLOW_GRID_SIZE_1X1_BIT_NV = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_OPTICAL_FLOW_GRID_SIZE_2X2_BIT_NV = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_OPTICAL_FLOW_GRID_SIZE_4X4_BIT_NV = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-    VK_OPTICAL_FLOW_GRID_SIZE_8X8_BIT_NV = 0b00000000000000000000000000001000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkOpticalFlowGridSizeFlagBitsNV]): VkOpticalFlowGridSizeFlagsNV =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkOpticalFlowGridSizeFlagsNV(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkOpticalFlowGridSizeFlagsNV): seq[VkOpticalFlowGridSizeFlagBitsNV] =
-  for value in VkOpticalFlowGridSizeFlagBitsNV.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkOpticalFlowGridSizeFlagsNV): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkOpticalFlowUsageFlagBitsNV* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_OPTICAL_FLOW_USAGE_INPUT_BIT_NV = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_OPTICAL_FLOW_USAGE_OUTPUT_BIT_NV = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_OPTICAL_FLOW_USAGE_HINT_BIT_NV = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-    VK_OPTICAL_FLOW_USAGE_COST_BIT_NV = 0b00000000000000000000000000001000
-    VK_OPTICAL_FLOW_USAGE_GLOBAL_FLOW_BIT_NV = 0b00000000000000000000000000010000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkOpticalFlowUsageFlagBitsNV]): VkOpticalFlowUsageFlagsNV =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkOpticalFlowUsageFlagsNV(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkOpticalFlowUsageFlagsNV): seq[VkOpticalFlowUsageFlagBitsNV] =
-  for value in VkOpticalFlowUsageFlagBitsNV.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkOpticalFlowUsageFlagsNV): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkOpticalFlowPerformanceLevelNV* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkOpticalFlowSessionBindingPointNV* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkOpticalFlowSessionCreateFlagBitsNV* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_OPTICAL_FLOW_SESSION_CREATE_ENABLE_HINT_BIT_NV = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_OPTICAL_FLOW_SESSION_CREATE_ENABLE_COST_BIT_NV = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_OPTICAL_FLOW_SESSION_CREATE_ENABLE_GLOBAL_FLOW_BIT_NV = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-    VK_OPTICAL_FLOW_SESSION_CREATE_ALLOW_REGIONS_BIT_NV = 0b00000000000000000000000000001000
-    VK_OPTICAL_FLOW_SESSION_CREATE_BOTH_DIRECTIONS_BIT_NV = 0b00000000000000000000000000010000
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkOpticalFlowSessionCreateFlagBitsNV]): VkOpticalFlowSessionCreateFlagsNV =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkOpticalFlowSessionCreateFlagsNV(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkOpticalFlowSessionCreateFlagsNV): seq[VkOpticalFlowSessionCreateFlagBitsNV] =
-  for value in VkOpticalFlowSessionCreateFlagBitsNV.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkOpticalFlowSessionCreateFlagsNV): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkOpticalFlowExecuteFlagBitsNV* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_OPTICAL_FLOW_EXECUTE_DISABLE_TEMPORAL_HINTS_BIT_NV = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkOpticalFlowExecuteFlagBitsNV]): VkOpticalFlowExecuteFlagsNV =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkOpticalFlowExecuteFlagsNV(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkOpticalFlowExecuteFlagsNV): seq[VkOpticalFlowExecuteFlagBitsNV] =
-  for value in VkOpticalFlowExecuteFlagBitsNV.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkOpticalFlowExecuteFlagsNV): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkMicromapTypeEXT* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkBuildMicromapFlagBitsEXT* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_BUILD_MICROMAP_PREFER_FAST_TRACE_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-    VK_BUILD_MICROMAP_PREFER_FAST_BUILD_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
-    VK_BUILD_MICROMAP_ALLOW_COMPACTION_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkBuildMicromapFlagBitsEXT]): VkBuildMicromapFlagsEXT =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkBuildMicromapFlagsEXT(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkBuildMicromapFlagsEXT): seq[VkBuildMicromapFlagBitsEXT] =
-  for value in VkBuildMicromapFlagBitsEXT.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkBuildMicromapFlagsEXT): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkMicromapCreateFlagBitsEXT* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-    VK_MICROMAP_CREATE_DEVICE_ADDRESS_CAPTURE_REPLAY_BIT_EXT = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
-func toBits*(flags: openArray[VkMicromapCreateFlagBitsEXT]): VkMicromapCreateFlagsEXT =
-  for flag in flags:
-    result = VkMicromapCreateFlagsEXT(uint(result) or uint(flag))
-func toEnums*(number: VkMicromapCreateFlagsEXT): seq[VkMicromapCreateFlagBitsEXT] =
-  for value in VkMicromapCreateFlagBitsEXT.items:
-    if (value.ord and cint(number)) > 0:
-      result.add value
-proc `==`*(a, b: VkMicromapCreateFlagsEXT): bool = cint(a) == cint(b)
-  VkCopyMicromapModeEXT* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkBuildMicromapModeEXT* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkOpacityMicromapFormatEXT* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkOpacityMicromapSpecialIndexEXT* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkDeviceFaultAddressTypeEXT* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  VkDeviceFaultVendorBinaryHeaderVersionEXT* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkFramebufferCreateFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkRenderPassCreateFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkSamplerCreateFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkPipelineCacheCreateFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkPipelineShaderStageCreateFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkDescriptorSetLayoutCreateFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkInstanceCreateFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkDeviceQueueCreateFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkBufferCreateFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkBufferUsageFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkColorComponentFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkCommandPoolCreateFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkCommandPoolResetFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkCommandBufferResetFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkCommandBufferUsageFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkCullModeFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkFenceCreateFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkFormatFeatureFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkImageAspectFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkImageCreateFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkImageUsageFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkImageViewCreateFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkMemoryHeapFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkAccessFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkMemoryPropertyFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkPipelineCreateFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkQueryControlFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkQueryPipelineStatisticFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkQueryResultFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkQueueFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkShaderStageFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkSparseMemoryBindFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkStencilFaceFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkPipelineStageFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkSparseImageFormatFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkSampleCountFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkAttachmentDescriptionFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkDescriptorPoolCreateFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkDependencyFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkEventCreateFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkPipelineLayoutCreateFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkIndirectCommandsLayoutUsageFlagsNV): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkIndirectStateFlagsNV): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkPrivateDataSlotCreateFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkSubpassDescriptionFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkResolveModeFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkDescriptorBindingFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkConditionalRenderingFlagsEXT): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkGeometryFlagsKHR): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkGeometryInstanceFlagsKHR): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkBuildAccelerationStructureFlagsKHR): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkAccelerationStructureCreateFlagsKHR): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkDeviceDiagnosticsConfigFlagsNV): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkPipelineCreationFeedbackFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkPerformanceCounterDescriptionFlagsKHR): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkSemaphoreWaitFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkToolPurposeFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkAccessFlags2): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkPipelineStageFlags2): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkImageConstraintsInfoFlagsFUCHSIA): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkFormatFeatureFlags2): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkRenderingFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkPipelineDepthStencilStateCreateFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkPipelineColorBlendStateCreateFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkImageCompressionFlagsEXT): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkImageCompressionFixedRateFlagsEXT): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkExportMetalObjectTypeFlagsEXT): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkDeviceAddressBindingFlagsEXT): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkBuildMicromapFlagsEXT): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkMicromapCreateFlagsEXT): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkMemoryDecompressionMethodFlagsNV): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkCompositeAlphaFlagsKHR): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkDisplayPlaneAlphaFlagsKHR): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkSurfaceTransformFlagsKHR): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkDebugReportFlagsEXT): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagsNV): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkExternalMemoryFeatureFlagsNV): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkExternalMemoryFeatureFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkExternalSemaphoreFeatureFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkSemaphoreImportFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkExternalFenceHandleTypeFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkExternalFenceFeatureFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkFenceImportFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkSurfaceCounterFlagsEXT): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkMemoryAllocateFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkDeviceGroupPresentModeFlagsKHR): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkSwapchainCreateFlagsKHR): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkSubgroupFeatureFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagsEXT): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkDebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkSwapchainImageUsageFlagsANDROID): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkSubmitFlags): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkGraphicsPipelineLibraryFlagsEXT): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkOpticalFlowGridSizeFlagsNV): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkOpticalFlowUsageFlagsNV): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkOpticalFlowSessionCreateFlagsNV): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkOpticalFlowExecuteFlagsNV): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkPresentScalingFlagsEXT): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkPresentGravityFlagsEXT): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkVideoCodecOperationFlagsKHR): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkVideoChromaSubsamplingFlagsKHR): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkVideoComponentBitDepthFlagsKHR): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkVideoCapabilityFlagsKHR): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkVideoSessionCreateFlagsKHR): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkVideoCodingControlFlagsKHR): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkVideoDecodeUsageFlagsKHR): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkVideoDecodeCapabilityFlagsKHR): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkVideoDecodeH264PictureLayoutFlagsKHR): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkVideoEncodeUsageFlagsKHR): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkVideoEncodeContentFlagsKHR): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkVideoEncodeCapabilityFlagsKHR): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkVideoEncodeRateControlModeFlagsKHR): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkVideoEncodeH264CapabilityFlagsEXT): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkVideoEncodeH264InputModeFlagsEXT): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkVideoEncodeH264OutputModeFlagsEXT): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkVideoEncodeH265CapabilityFlagsEXT): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkVideoEncodeH265InputModeFlagsEXT): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkVideoEncodeH265OutputModeFlagsEXT): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkVideoEncodeH265CtbSizeFlagsEXT): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-proc `$`*(bitset: VkVideoEncodeH265TransformBlockSizeFlagsEXT): string = $toEnums(bitset)
-  VkGeometryFlagsNV* = VkGeometryFlagsKHR
-  VkGeometryInstanceFlagsNV* = VkGeometryInstanceFlagsKHR
-  VkBuildAccelerationStructureFlagsNV* = VkBuildAccelerationStructureFlagsKHR
-  VkPrivateDataSlotCreateFlagsEXT* = VkPrivateDataSlotCreateFlags
-  VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateFlagsKHR* = VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateFlags
-  VkPipelineCreationFeedbackFlagsEXT* = VkPipelineCreationFeedbackFlags
-  VkSemaphoreWaitFlagsKHR* = VkSemaphoreWaitFlags
-  VkAccessFlags2KHR* = VkAccessFlags2
-  VkPipelineStageFlags2KHR* = VkPipelineStageFlags2
-  VkFormatFeatureFlags2KHR* = VkFormatFeatureFlags2
-  VkRenderingFlagsKHR* = VkRenderingFlags
-  VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlagsKHR* = VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlags
-  VkMemoryAllocateFlagsKHR* = VkMemoryAllocateFlags
-  VkCommandPoolTrimFlagsKHR* = VkCommandPoolTrimFlags
-  VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagsKHR* = VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlags
-  VkExternalMemoryFeatureFlagsKHR* = VkExternalMemoryFeatureFlags
-  VkExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeFlagsKHR* = VkExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeFlags
-  VkExternalSemaphoreFeatureFlagsKHR* = VkExternalSemaphoreFeatureFlags
-  VkSemaphoreImportFlagsKHR* = VkSemaphoreImportFlags
-  VkExternalFenceHandleTypeFlagsKHR* = VkExternalFenceHandleTypeFlags
-  VkExternalFenceFeatureFlagsKHR* = VkExternalFenceFeatureFlags
-  VkFenceImportFlagsKHR* = VkFenceImportFlags
-  VkDescriptorBindingFlagsEXT* = VkDescriptorBindingFlags
-  VkResolveModeFlagsKHR* = VkResolveModeFlags
-  VkToolPurposeFlagsEXT* = VkToolPurposeFlags
-  VkSubmitFlagsKHR* = VkSubmitFlags
-  VkPrivateDataSlotCreateFlagBitsEXT* = VkPrivateDataSlotCreateFlagBits
-  VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateTypeKHR* = VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateType
-  VkPointClippingBehaviorKHR* = VkPointClippingBehavior
-  VkQueueGlobalPriorityEXT* = VkQueueGlobalPriorityKHR
-  VkResolveModeFlagBitsKHR* = VkResolveModeFlagBits
-  VkDescriptorBindingFlagBitsEXT* = VkDescriptorBindingFlagBits
-  VkSemaphoreTypeKHR* = VkSemaphoreType
-  VkGeometryFlagBitsNV* = VkGeometryFlagBitsKHR
-  VkGeometryInstanceFlagBitsNV* = VkGeometryInstanceFlagBitsKHR
-  VkBuildAccelerationStructureFlagBitsNV* = VkBuildAccelerationStructureFlagBitsKHR
-  VkCopyAccelerationStructureModeNV* = VkCopyAccelerationStructureModeKHR
-  VkAccelerationStructureTypeNV* = VkAccelerationStructureTypeKHR
-  VkGeometryTypeNV* = VkGeometryTypeKHR
-  VkRayTracingShaderGroupTypeNV* = VkRayTracingShaderGroupTypeKHR
-  VkPipelineCreationFeedbackFlagBitsEXT* = VkPipelineCreationFeedbackFlagBits
-  VkSemaphoreWaitFlagBitsKHR* = VkSemaphoreWaitFlagBits
-  VkToolPurposeFlagBitsEXT* = VkToolPurposeFlagBits
-  VkAccessFlagBits2KHR* = VkAccessFlagBits2
-  VkPipelineStageFlagBits2KHR* = VkPipelineStageFlagBits2
-  VkFormatFeatureFlagBits2KHR* = VkFormatFeatureFlagBits2
-  VkRenderingFlagBitsKHR* = VkRenderingFlagBits
-  VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBitsKHR* = VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBits
-  VkExternalMemoryFeatureFlagBitsKHR* = VkExternalMemoryFeatureFlagBits
-  VkExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeFlagBitsKHR* = VkExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeFlagBits
-  VkExternalSemaphoreFeatureFlagBitsKHR* = VkExternalSemaphoreFeatureFlagBits
-  VkSemaphoreImportFlagBitsKHR* = VkSemaphoreImportFlagBits
-  VkExternalFenceHandleTypeFlagBitsKHR* = VkExternalFenceHandleTypeFlagBits
-  VkExternalFenceFeatureFlagBitsKHR* = VkExternalFenceFeatureFlagBits
-  VkFenceImportFlagBitsKHR* = VkFenceImportFlagBits
-  VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlagBitsKHR* = VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlagBits
-  VkMemoryAllocateFlagBitsKHR* = VkMemoryAllocateFlagBits
-  VkTessellationDomainOriginKHR* = VkTessellationDomainOrigin
-  VkSamplerYcbcrModelConversionKHR* = VkSamplerYcbcrModelConversion
-  VkSamplerYcbcrRangeKHR* = VkSamplerYcbcrRange
-  VkChromaLocationKHR* = VkChromaLocation
-  VkSamplerReductionModeEXT* = VkSamplerReductionMode
-  VkShaderFloatControlsIndependenceKHR* = VkShaderFloatControlsIndependence
-  VkSubmitFlagBitsKHR* = VkSubmitFlagBits
-  VkDriverIdKHR* = VkDriverId
-  PFN_vkInternalAllocationNotification* = proc(pUserData: pointer, size: csize_t, allocationType: VkInternalAllocationType, allocationScope: VkSystemAllocationScope): void {.cdecl.}
-  PFN_vkInternalFreeNotification* = proc(pUserData: pointer, size: csize_t, allocationType: VkInternalAllocationType, allocationScope: VkSystemAllocationScope): void {.cdecl.}
-  PFN_vkReallocationFunction* = proc(pUserData: pointer, pOriginal: pointer, size: csize_t, alignment: csize_t, allocationScope: VkSystemAllocationScope): pointer {.cdecl.}
-  PFN_vkAllocationFunction* = proc(pUserData: pointer, size: csize_t, alignment: csize_t, allocationScope: VkSystemAllocationScope): pointer {.cdecl.}
-  PFN_vkFreeFunction* = proc(pUserData: pointer, pMemory: pointer): void {.cdecl.}
-  PFN_vkVoidFunction* = proc(): void {.cdecl.}
-  PFN_vkDebugReportCallbackEXT* = proc(flags: VkDebugReportFlagsEXT, objectType: VkDebugReportObjectTypeEXT, theobject: uint64, location: csize_t, messageCode: int32, pLayerPrefix: cstring, pMessage: cstring, pUserData: pointer): VkBool32 {.cdecl.}
-  PFN_vkDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackEXT* = proc(messageSeverity: VkDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagBitsEXT, messageTypes: VkDebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT, pCallbackData: ptr VkDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackDataEXT, pUserData: pointer): VkBool32 {.cdecl.}
-  PFN_vkFaultCallbackFunction* = proc(unrecordedFaults: VkBool32, faultCount: uint32, pFaults: ptr VkFaultData): void {.cdecl.}
-  PFN_vkDeviceMemoryReportCallbackEXT* = proc(pCallbackData: ptr VkDeviceMemoryReportCallbackDataEXT, pUserData: pointer): void {.cdecl.}
-  PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddrLUNARG* = proc(instance: VkInstance, pName: cstring): PFN_vkVoidFunction {.cdecl.}
-  VkBaseOutStructure* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: ptr VkBaseOutStructure
-  VkBaseInStructure* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: ptr VkBaseInStructure
-  VkOffset2D* = object
-    x*: int32
-    y*: int32
-  VkOffset3D* = object
-    x*: int32
-    y*: int32
-    z*: int32
-  VkExtent2D* = object
-    width*: uint32
-    height*: uint32
-  VkExtent3D* = object
-    width*: uint32
-    height*: uint32
-    depth*: uint32
-  VkViewport* = object
-    x*: float32
-    y*: float32
-    width*: float32
-    height*: float32
-    minDepth*: float32
-    maxDepth*: float32
-  VkRect2D* = object
-    offset*: VkOffset2D
-    extent*: VkExtent2D
-  VkClearRect* = object
-    rect*: VkRect2D
-    baseArrayLayer*: uint32
-    layerCount*: uint32
-  VkComponentMapping* = object
-    r*: VkComponentSwizzle
-    g*: VkComponentSwizzle
-    b*: VkComponentSwizzle
-    a*: VkComponentSwizzle
-  VkPhysicalDeviceProperties* = object
-    apiVersion*: uint32
-    driverVersion*: uint32
-    vendorID*: uint32
-    deviceID*: uint32
-    deviceType*: VkPhysicalDeviceType
-    deviceName*: array[VK_MAX_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_NAME_SIZE, char]
-    pipelineCacheUUID*: array[VK_UUID_SIZE, uint8]
-    limits*: VkPhysicalDeviceLimits
-    sparseProperties*: VkPhysicalDeviceSparseProperties
-  VkExtensionProperties* = object
-    extensionName*: array[VK_MAX_EXTENSION_NAME_SIZE, char]
-    specVersion*: uint32
-  VkLayerProperties* = object
-    layerName*: array[VK_MAX_EXTENSION_NAME_SIZE, char]
-    specVersion*: uint32
-    implementationVersion*: uint32
-    description*: array[VK_MAX_DESCRIPTION_SIZE, char]
-  VkApplicationInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    pApplicationName*: cstring
-    applicationVersion*: uint32
-    pEngineName*: cstring
-    engineVersion*: uint32
-    apiVersion*: uint32
-  VkAllocationCallbacks* = object
-    pUserData*: pointer
-    pfnAllocation*: PFN_vkAllocationFunction
-    pfnReallocation*: PFN_vkReallocationFunction
-    pfnFree*: PFN_vkFreeFunction
-    pfnInternalAllocation*: PFN_vkInternalAllocationNotification
-    pfnInternalFree*: PFN_vkInternalFreeNotification
-  VkDeviceQueueCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkDeviceQueueCreateFlags
-    queueFamilyIndex*: uint32
-    queueCount*: uint32
-    pQueuePriorities*: ptr float32
-  VkDeviceCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkDeviceCreateFlags
-    queueCreateInfoCount*: uint32
-    pQueueCreateInfos*: ptr VkDeviceQueueCreateInfo
-    enabledLayerCount*: uint32
-    ppEnabledLayerNames*: cstringArray
-    enabledExtensionCount*: uint32
-    ppEnabledExtensionNames*: cstringArray
-    pEnabledFeatures*: ptr VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures
-  VkInstanceCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkInstanceCreateFlags
-    pApplicationInfo*: ptr VkApplicationInfo
-    enabledLayerCount*: uint32
-    ppEnabledLayerNames*: cstringArray
-    enabledExtensionCount*: uint32
-    ppEnabledExtensionNames*: cstringArray
-  VkQueueFamilyProperties* = object
-    queueFlags*: VkQueueFlags
-    queueCount*: uint32
-    timestampValidBits*: uint32
-    minImageTransferGranularity*: VkExtent3D
-  VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties* = object
-    memoryTypeCount*: uint32
-    memoryTypes*: array[VK_MAX_MEMORY_TYPES, VkMemoryType]
-    memoryHeapCount*: uint32
-    memoryHeaps*: array[VK_MAX_MEMORY_HEAPS, VkMemoryHeap]
-  VkMemoryAllocateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    allocationSize*: VkDeviceSize
-    memoryTypeIndex*: uint32
-  VkMemoryRequirements* = object
-    size*: VkDeviceSize
-    alignment*: VkDeviceSize
-    memoryTypeBits*: uint32
-  VkSparseImageFormatProperties* = object
-    aspectMask*: VkImageAspectFlags
-    imageGranularity*: VkExtent3D
-    flags*: VkSparseImageFormatFlags
-  VkSparseImageMemoryRequirements* = object
-    formatProperties*: VkSparseImageFormatProperties
-    imageMipTailFirstLod*: uint32
-    imageMipTailSize*: VkDeviceSize
-    imageMipTailOffset*: VkDeviceSize
-    imageMipTailStride*: VkDeviceSize
-  VkMemoryType* = object
-    propertyFlags*: VkMemoryPropertyFlags
-    heapIndex*: uint32
-  VkMemoryHeap* = object
-    size*: VkDeviceSize
-    flags*: VkMemoryHeapFlags
-  VkMappedMemoryRange* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    memory*: VkDeviceMemory
-    offset*: VkDeviceSize
-    size*: VkDeviceSize
-  VkFormatProperties* = object
-    linearTilingFeatures*: VkFormatFeatureFlags
-    optimalTilingFeatures*: VkFormatFeatureFlags
-    bufferFeatures*: VkFormatFeatureFlags
-  VkImageFormatProperties* = object
-    maxExtent*: VkExtent3D
-    maxMipLevels*: uint32
-    maxArrayLayers*: uint32
-    sampleCounts*: VkSampleCountFlags
-    maxResourceSize*: VkDeviceSize
-  VkDescriptorBufferInfo* = object
-    buffer*: VkBuffer
-    offset*: VkDeviceSize
-    range*: VkDeviceSize
-  VkDescriptorImageInfo* = object
-    sampler*: VkSampler
-    imageView*: VkImageView
-    imageLayout*: VkImageLayout
-  VkWriteDescriptorSet* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    dstSet*: VkDescriptorSet
-    dstBinding*: uint32
-    dstArrayElement*: uint32
-    descriptorCount*: uint32
-    descriptorType*: VkDescriptorType
-    pImageInfo*: ptr VkDescriptorImageInfo
-    pBufferInfo*: ptr VkDescriptorBufferInfo
-    pTexelBufferView*: ptr VkBufferView
-  VkCopyDescriptorSet* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    srcSet*: VkDescriptorSet
-    srcBinding*: uint32
-    srcArrayElement*: uint32
-    dstSet*: VkDescriptorSet
-    dstBinding*: uint32
-    dstArrayElement*: uint32
-    descriptorCount*: uint32
-  VkBufferCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkBufferCreateFlags
-    size*: VkDeviceSize
-    usage*: VkBufferUsageFlags
-    sharingMode*: VkSharingMode
-    queueFamilyIndexCount*: uint32
-    pQueueFamilyIndices*: ptr uint32
-  VkBufferViewCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkBufferViewCreateFlags
-    buffer*: VkBuffer
-    format*: VkFormat
-    offset*: VkDeviceSize
-    range*: VkDeviceSize
-  VkImageSubresource* = object
-    aspectMask*: VkImageAspectFlags
-    mipLevel*: uint32
-    arrayLayer*: uint32
-  VkImageSubresourceLayers* = object
-    aspectMask*: VkImageAspectFlags
-    mipLevel*: uint32
-    baseArrayLayer*: uint32
-    layerCount*: uint32
-  VkImageSubresourceRange* = object
-    aspectMask*: VkImageAspectFlags
-    baseMipLevel*: uint32
-    levelCount*: uint32
-    baseArrayLayer*: uint32
-    layerCount*: uint32
-  VkMemoryBarrier* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    srcAccessMask*: VkAccessFlags
-    dstAccessMask*: VkAccessFlags
-  VkBufferMemoryBarrier* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    srcAccessMask*: VkAccessFlags
-    dstAccessMask*: VkAccessFlags
-    srcQueueFamilyIndex*: uint32
-    dstQueueFamilyIndex*: uint32
-    buffer*: VkBuffer
-    offset*: VkDeviceSize
-    size*: VkDeviceSize
-  VkImageMemoryBarrier* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    srcAccessMask*: VkAccessFlags
-    dstAccessMask*: VkAccessFlags
-    oldLayout*: VkImageLayout
-    newLayout*: VkImageLayout
-    srcQueueFamilyIndex*: uint32
-    dstQueueFamilyIndex*: uint32
-    image*: VkImage
-    subresourceRange*: VkImageSubresourceRange
-  VkImageCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkImageCreateFlags
-    imageType*: VkImageType
-    format*: VkFormat
-    extent*: VkExtent3D
-    mipLevels*: uint32
-    arrayLayers*: uint32
-    samples*: VkSampleCountFlagBits
-    tiling*: VkImageTiling
-    usage*: VkImageUsageFlags
-    sharingMode*: VkSharingMode
-    queueFamilyIndexCount*: uint32
-    pQueueFamilyIndices*: ptr uint32
-    initialLayout*: VkImageLayout
-  VkSubresourceLayout* = object
-    offset*: VkDeviceSize
-    size*: VkDeviceSize
-    rowPitch*: VkDeviceSize
-    arrayPitch*: VkDeviceSize
-    depthPitch*: VkDeviceSize
-  VkImageViewCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkImageViewCreateFlags
-    image*: VkImage
-    viewType*: VkImageViewType
-    format*: VkFormat
-    components*: VkComponentMapping
-    subresourceRange*: VkImageSubresourceRange
-  VkBufferCopy* = object
-    srcOffset*: VkDeviceSize
-    dstOffset*: VkDeviceSize
-    size*: VkDeviceSize
-  VkSparseMemoryBind* = object
-    resourceOffset*: VkDeviceSize
-    size*: VkDeviceSize
-    memory*: VkDeviceMemory
-    memoryOffset*: VkDeviceSize
-    flags*: VkSparseMemoryBindFlags
-  VkSparseImageMemoryBind* = object
-    subresource*: VkImageSubresource
-    offset*: VkOffset3D
-    extent*: VkExtent3D
-    memory*: VkDeviceMemory
-    memoryOffset*: VkDeviceSize
-    flags*: VkSparseMemoryBindFlags
-  VkSparseBufferMemoryBindInfo* = object
-    buffer*: VkBuffer
-    bindCount*: uint32
-    pBinds*: ptr VkSparseMemoryBind
-  VkSparseImageOpaqueMemoryBindInfo* = object
-    image*: VkImage
-    bindCount*: uint32
-    pBinds*: ptr VkSparseMemoryBind
-  VkSparseImageMemoryBindInfo* = object
-    image*: VkImage
-    bindCount*: uint32
-    pBinds*: ptr VkSparseImageMemoryBind
-  VkBindSparseInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    waitSemaphoreCount*: uint32
-    pWaitSemaphores*: ptr VkSemaphore
-    bufferBindCount*: uint32
-    pBufferBinds*: ptr VkSparseBufferMemoryBindInfo
-    imageOpaqueBindCount*: uint32
-    pImageOpaqueBinds*: ptr VkSparseImageOpaqueMemoryBindInfo
-    imageBindCount*: uint32
-    pImageBinds*: ptr VkSparseImageMemoryBindInfo
-    signalSemaphoreCount*: uint32
-    pSignalSemaphores*: ptr VkSemaphore
-  VkImageCopy* = object
-    srcSubresource*: VkImageSubresourceLayers
-    srcOffset*: VkOffset3D
-    dstSubresource*: VkImageSubresourceLayers
-    dstOffset*: VkOffset3D
-    extent*: VkExtent3D
-  VkImageBlit* = object
-    srcSubresource*: VkImageSubresourceLayers
-    srcOffsets*: array[2, VkOffset3D]
-    dstSubresource*: VkImageSubresourceLayers
-    dstOffsets*: array[2, VkOffset3D]
-  VkBufferImageCopy* = object
-    bufferOffset*: VkDeviceSize
-    bufferRowLength*: uint32
-    bufferImageHeight*: uint32
-    imageSubresource*: VkImageSubresourceLayers
-    imageOffset*: VkOffset3D
-    imageExtent*: VkExtent3D
-  VkCopyMemoryIndirectCommandNV* = object
-    srcAddress*: VkDeviceAddress
-    dstAddress*: VkDeviceAddress
-    size*: VkDeviceSize
-  VkCopyMemoryToImageIndirectCommandNV* = object
-    srcAddress*: VkDeviceAddress
-    bufferRowLength*: uint32
-    bufferImageHeight*: uint32
-    imageSubresource*: VkImageSubresourceLayers
-    imageOffset*: VkOffset3D
-    imageExtent*: VkExtent3D
-  VkImageResolve* = object
-    srcSubresource*: VkImageSubresourceLayers
-    srcOffset*: VkOffset3D
-    dstSubresource*: VkImageSubresourceLayers
-    dstOffset*: VkOffset3D
-    extent*: VkExtent3D
-  VkShaderModuleCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkShaderModuleCreateFlags
-    codeSize*: csize_t
-    pCode*: ptr uint32
-  VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding* = object
-    binding*: uint32
-    descriptorType*: VkDescriptorType
-    descriptorCount*: uint32
-    stageFlags*: VkShaderStageFlags
-    pImmutableSamplers*: ptr VkSampler
-  VkDescriptorSetLayoutCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkDescriptorSetLayoutCreateFlags
-    bindingCount*: uint32
-    pBindings*: ptr VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding
-  VkDescriptorPoolSize* = object
-    thetype*: VkDescriptorType
-    descriptorCount*: uint32
-  VkDescriptorPoolCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkDescriptorPoolCreateFlags
-    maxSets*: uint32
-    poolSizeCount*: uint32
-    pPoolSizes*: ptr VkDescriptorPoolSize
-  VkDescriptorSetAllocateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    descriptorPool*: VkDescriptorPool
-    descriptorSetCount*: uint32
-    pSetLayouts*: ptr VkDescriptorSetLayout
-  VkSpecializationMapEntry* = object
-    constantID*: uint32
-    offset*: uint32
-    size*: csize_t
-  VkSpecializationInfo* = object
-    mapEntryCount*: uint32
-    pMapEntries*: ptr VkSpecializationMapEntry
-    dataSize*: csize_t
-    pData*: pointer
-  VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkPipelineShaderStageCreateFlags
-    stage*: VkShaderStageFlagBits
-    module*: VkShaderModule
-    pName*: cstring
-    pSpecializationInfo*: ptr VkSpecializationInfo
-  VkComputePipelineCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkPipelineCreateFlags
-    stage*: VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo
-    layout*: VkPipelineLayout
-    basePipelineHandle*: VkPipeline
-    basePipelineIndex*: int32
-  VkVertexInputBindingDescription* = object
-    binding*: uint32
-    stride*: uint32
-    inputRate*: VkVertexInputRate
-  VkVertexInputAttributeDescription* = object
-    location*: uint32
-    binding*: uint32
-    format*: VkFormat
-    offset*: uint32
-  VkPipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkPipelineVertexInputStateCreateFlags
-    vertexBindingDescriptionCount*: uint32
-    pVertexBindingDescriptions*: ptr VkVertexInputBindingDescription
-    vertexAttributeDescriptionCount*: uint32
-    pVertexAttributeDescriptions*: ptr VkVertexInputAttributeDescription
-  VkPipelineInputAssemblyStateCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkPipelineInputAssemblyStateCreateFlags
-    topology*: VkPrimitiveTopology
-    primitiveRestartEnable*: VkBool32
-  VkPipelineTessellationStateCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkPipelineTessellationStateCreateFlags
-    patchControlPoints*: uint32
-  VkPipelineViewportStateCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkPipelineViewportStateCreateFlags
-    viewportCount*: uint32
-    pViewports*: ptr VkViewport
-    scissorCount*: uint32
-    pScissors*: ptr VkRect2D
-  VkPipelineRasterizationStateCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkPipelineRasterizationStateCreateFlags
-    depthClampEnable*: VkBool32
-    rasterizerDiscardEnable*: VkBool32
-    polygonMode*: VkPolygonMode
-    cullMode*: VkCullModeFlags
-    frontFace*: VkFrontFace
-    depthBiasEnable*: VkBool32
-    depthBiasConstantFactor*: float32
-    depthBiasClamp*: float32
-    depthBiasSlopeFactor*: float32
-    lineWidth*: float32
-  VkPipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkPipelineMultisampleStateCreateFlags
-    rasterizationSamples*: VkSampleCountFlagBits
-    sampleShadingEnable*: VkBool32
-    minSampleShading*: float32
-    pSampleMask*: ptr VkSampleMask
-    alphaToCoverageEnable*: VkBool32
-    alphaToOneEnable*: VkBool32
-  VkPipelineColorBlendAttachmentState* = object
-    blendEnable*: VkBool32
-    srcColorBlendFactor*: VkBlendFactor
-    dstColorBlendFactor*: VkBlendFactor
-    colorBlendOp*: VkBlendOp
-    srcAlphaBlendFactor*: VkBlendFactor
-    dstAlphaBlendFactor*: VkBlendFactor
-    alphaBlendOp*: VkBlendOp
-    colorWriteMask*: VkColorComponentFlags
-  VkPipelineColorBlendStateCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkPipelineColorBlendStateCreateFlags
-    logicOpEnable*: VkBool32
-    logicOp*: VkLogicOp
-    attachmentCount*: uint32
-    pAttachments*: ptr VkPipelineColorBlendAttachmentState
-    blendConstants*: array[4, float32]
-  VkPipelineDynamicStateCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkPipelineDynamicStateCreateFlags
-    dynamicStateCount*: uint32
-    pDynamicStates*: ptr VkDynamicState
-  VkStencilOpState* = object
-    failOp*: VkStencilOp
-    passOp*: VkStencilOp
-    depthFailOp*: VkStencilOp
-    compareOp*: VkCompareOp
-    compareMask*: uint32
-    writeMask*: uint32
-    reference*: uint32
-  VkPipelineDepthStencilStateCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkPipelineDepthStencilStateCreateFlags
-    depthTestEnable*: VkBool32
-    depthWriteEnable*: VkBool32
-    depthCompareOp*: VkCompareOp
-    depthBoundsTestEnable*: VkBool32
-    stencilTestEnable*: VkBool32
-    front*: VkStencilOpState
-    back*: VkStencilOpState
-    minDepthBounds*: float32
-    maxDepthBounds*: float32
-  VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkPipelineCreateFlags
-    stageCount*: uint32
-    pStages*: ptr VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo
-    pVertexInputState*: ptr VkPipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo
-    pInputAssemblyState*: ptr VkPipelineInputAssemblyStateCreateInfo
-    pTessellationState*: ptr VkPipelineTessellationStateCreateInfo
-    pViewportState*: ptr VkPipelineViewportStateCreateInfo
-    pRasterizationState*: ptr VkPipelineRasterizationStateCreateInfo
-    pMultisampleState*: ptr VkPipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo
-    pDepthStencilState*: ptr VkPipelineDepthStencilStateCreateInfo
-    pColorBlendState*: ptr VkPipelineColorBlendStateCreateInfo
-    pDynamicState*: ptr VkPipelineDynamicStateCreateInfo
-    layout*: VkPipelineLayout
-    renderPass*: VkRenderPass
-    subpass*: uint32
-    basePipelineHandle*: VkPipeline
-    basePipelineIndex*: int32
-  VkPipelineCacheCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkPipelineCacheCreateFlags
-    initialDataSize*: csize_t
-    pInitialData*: pointer
-  VkPipelineCacheHeaderVersionOne* = object
-    headerSize*: uint32
-    headerVersion*: VkPipelineCacheHeaderVersion
-    vendorID*: uint32
-    deviceID*: uint32
-    pipelineCacheUUID*: array[VK_UUID_SIZE, uint8]
-  VkPipelineCacheStageValidationIndexEntry* = object
-    codeSize*: uint64
-    codeOffset*: uint64
-  VkPipelineCacheSafetyCriticalIndexEntry* = object
-    pipelineIdentifier*: array[VK_UUID_SIZE, uint8]
-    pipelineMemorySize*: uint64
-    jsonSize*: uint64
-    jsonOffset*: uint64
-    stageIndexCount*: uint32
-    stageIndexStride*: uint32
-    stageIndexOffset*: uint64
-  VkPipelineCacheHeaderVersionSafetyCriticalOne* = object
-    headerVersionOne*: VkPipelineCacheHeaderVersionOne
-    validationVersion*: VkPipelineCacheValidationVersion
-    implementationData*: uint32
-    pipelineIndexCount*: uint32
-    pipelineIndexStride*: uint32
-    pipelineIndexOffset*: uint64
-  VkPushConstantRange* = object
-    stageFlags*: VkShaderStageFlags
-    offset*: uint32
-    size*: uint32
-  VkPipelineLayoutCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkPipelineLayoutCreateFlags
-    setLayoutCount*: uint32
-    pSetLayouts*: ptr VkDescriptorSetLayout
-    pushConstantRangeCount*: uint32
-    pPushConstantRanges*: ptr VkPushConstantRange
-  VkSamplerCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkSamplerCreateFlags
-    magFilter*: VkFilter
-    minFilter*: VkFilter
-    mipmapMode*: VkSamplerMipmapMode
-    addressModeU*: VkSamplerAddressMode
-    addressModeV*: VkSamplerAddressMode
-    addressModeW*: VkSamplerAddressMode
-    mipLodBias*: float32
-    anisotropyEnable*: VkBool32
-    maxAnisotropy*: float32
-    compareEnable*: VkBool32
-    compareOp*: VkCompareOp
-    minLod*: float32
-    maxLod*: float32
-    borderColor*: VkBorderColor
-    unnormalizedCoordinates*: VkBool32
-  VkCommandPoolCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkCommandPoolCreateFlags
-    queueFamilyIndex*: uint32
-  VkCommandBufferAllocateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    commandPool*: VkCommandPool
-    level*: VkCommandBufferLevel
-    commandBufferCount*: uint32
-  VkCommandBufferInheritanceInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    renderPass*: VkRenderPass
-    subpass*: uint32
-    framebuffer*: VkFramebuffer
-    occlusionQueryEnable*: VkBool32
-    queryFlags*: VkQueryControlFlags
-    pipelineStatistics*: VkQueryPipelineStatisticFlags
-  VkCommandBufferBeginInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkCommandBufferUsageFlags
-    pInheritanceInfo*: ptr VkCommandBufferInheritanceInfo
-  VkRenderPassBeginInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    renderPass*: VkRenderPass
-    framebuffer*: VkFramebuffer
-    renderArea*: VkRect2D
-    clearValueCount*: uint32
-    pClearValues*: ptr VkClearValue
-  VkClearColorValue* {.union.} = object
-    float32*: array[4, float32]
-    int32*: array[4, int32]
-    uint32*: array[4, uint32]
-  VkClearDepthStencilValue* = object
-    depth*: float32
-    stencil*: uint32
-  VkClearValue* {.union.} = object
-    color*: VkClearColorValue
-    depthStencil*: VkClearDepthStencilValue
-  VkClearAttachment* = object
-    aspectMask*: VkImageAspectFlags
-    colorAttachment*: uint32
-    clearValue*: VkClearValue
-  VkAttachmentDescription* = object
-    flags*: VkAttachmentDescriptionFlags
-    format*: VkFormat
-    samples*: VkSampleCountFlagBits
-    loadOp*: VkAttachmentLoadOp
-    storeOp*: VkAttachmentStoreOp
-    stencilLoadOp*: VkAttachmentLoadOp
-    stencilStoreOp*: VkAttachmentStoreOp
-    initialLayout*: VkImageLayout
-    finalLayout*: VkImageLayout
-  VkAttachmentReference* = object
-    attachment*: uint32
-    layout*: VkImageLayout
-  VkSubpassDescription* = object
-    flags*: VkSubpassDescriptionFlags
-    pipelineBindPoint*: VkPipelineBindPoint
-    inputAttachmentCount*: uint32
-    pInputAttachments*: ptr VkAttachmentReference
-    colorAttachmentCount*: uint32
-    pColorAttachments*: ptr VkAttachmentReference
-    pResolveAttachments*: ptr VkAttachmentReference
-    pDepthStencilAttachment*: ptr VkAttachmentReference
-    preserveAttachmentCount*: uint32
-    pPreserveAttachments*: ptr uint32
-  VkSubpassDependency* = object
-    srcSubpass*: uint32
-    dstSubpass*: uint32
-    srcStageMask*: VkPipelineStageFlags
-    dstStageMask*: VkPipelineStageFlags
-    srcAccessMask*: VkAccessFlags
-    dstAccessMask*: VkAccessFlags
-    dependencyFlags*: VkDependencyFlags
-  VkRenderPassCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkRenderPassCreateFlags
-    attachmentCount*: uint32
-    pAttachments*: ptr VkAttachmentDescription
-    subpassCount*: uint32
-    pSubpasses*: ptr VkSubpassDescription
-    dependencyCount*: uint32
-    pDependencies*: ptr VkSubpassDependency
-  VkEventCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkEventCreateFlags
-  VkFenceCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkFenceCreateFlags
-  VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures* = object
-    robustBufferAccess*: VkBool32
-    fullDrawIndexUint32*: VkBool32
-    imageCubeArray*: VkBool32
-    independentBlend*: VkBool32
-    geometryShader*: VkBool32
-    tessellationShader*: VkBool32
-    sampleRateShading*: VkBool32
-    dualSrcBlend*: VkBool32
-    logicOp*: VkBool32
-    multiDrawIndirect*: VkBool32
-    drawIndirectFirstInstance*: VkBool32
-    depthClamp*: VkBool32
-    depthBiasClamp*: VkBool32
-    fillModeNonSolid*: VkBool32
-    depthBounds*: VkBool32
-    wideLines*: VkBool32
-    largePoints*: VkBool32
-    alphaToOne*: VkBool32
-    multiViewport*: VkBool32
-    samplerAnisotropy*: VkBool32
-    textureCompressionETC2*: VkBool32
-    textureCompressionASTC_LDR*: VkBool32
-    textureCompressionBC*: VkBool32
-    occlusionQueryPrecise*: VkBool32
-    pipelineStatisticsQuery*: VkBool32
-    vertexPipelineStoresAndAtomics*: VkBool32
-    fragmentStoresAndAtomics*: VkBool32
-    shaderTessellationAndGeometryPointSize*: VkBool32
-    shaderImageGatherExtended*: VkBool32
-    shaderStorageImageExtendedFormats*: VkBool32
-    shaderStorageImageMultisample*: VkBool32
-    shaderStorageImageReadWithoutFormat*: VkBool32
-    shaderStorageImageWriteWithoutFormat*: VkBool32
-    shaderUniformBufferArrayDynamicIndexing*: VkBool32
-    shaderSampledImageArrayDynamicIndexing*: VkBool32
-    shaderStorageBufferArrayDynamicIndexing*: VkBool32
-    shaderStorageImageArrayDynamicIndexing*: VkBool32
-    shaderClipDistance*: VkBool32
-    shaderCullDistance*: VkBool32
-    shaderFloat64*: VkBool32
-    shaderInt64*: VkBool32
-    shaderInt16*: VkBool32
-    shaderResourceResidency*: VkBool32
-    shaderResourceMinLod*: VkBool32
-    sparseBinding*: VkBool32
-    sparseResidencyBuffer*: VkBool32
-    sparseResidencyImage2D*: VkBool32
-    sparseResidencyImage3D*: VkBool32
-    sparseResidency2Samples*: VkBool32
-    sparseResidency4Samples*: VkBool32
-    sparseResidency8Samples*: VkBool32
-    sparseResidency16Samples*: VkBool32
-    sparseResidencyAliased*: VkBool32
-    variableMultisampleRate*: VkBool32
-    inheritedQueries*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceSparseProperties* = object
-    residencyStandard2DBlockShape*: VkBool32
-    residencyStandard2DMultisampleBlockShape*: VkBool32
-    residencyStandard3DBlockShape*: VkBool32
-    residencyAlignedMipSize*: VkBool32
-    residencyNonResidentStrict*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceLimits* = object
-    maxImageDimension1D*: uint32
-    maxImageDimension2D*: uint32
-    maxImageDimension3D*: uint32
-    maxImageDimensionCube*: uint32
-    maxImageArrayLayers*: uint32
-    maxTexelBufferElements*: uint32
-    maxUniformBufferRange*: uint32
-    maxStorageBufferRange*: uint32
-    maxPushConstantsSize*: uint32
-    maxMemoryAllocationCount*: uint32
-    maxSamplerAllocationCount*: uint32
-    bufferImageGranularity*: VkDeviceSize
-    sparseAddressSpaceSize*: VkDeviceSize
-    maxBoundDescriptorSets*: uint32
-    maxPerStageDescriptorSamplers*: uint32
-    maxPerStageDescriptorUniformBuffers*: uint32
-    maxPerStageDescriptorStorageBuffers*: uint32
-    maxPerStageDescriptorSampledImages*: uint32
-    maxPerStageDescriptorStorageImages*: uint32
-    maxPerStageDescriptorInputAttachments*: uint32
-    maxPerStageResources*: uint32
-    maxDescriptorSetSamplers*: uint32
-    maxDescriptorSetUniformBuffers*: uint32
-    maxDescriptorSetUniformBuffersDynamic*: uint32
-    maxDescriptorSetStorageBuffers*: uint32
-    maxDescriptorSetStorageBuffersDynamic*: uint32
-    maxDescriptorSetSampledImages*: uint32
-    maxDescriptorSetStorageImages*: uint32
-    maxDescriptorSetInputAttachments*: uint32
-    maxVertexInputAttributes*: uint32
-    maxVertexInputBindings*: uint32
-    maxVertexInputAttributeOffset*: uint32
-    maxVertexInputBindingStride*: uint32
-    maxVertexOutputComponents*: uint32
-    maxTessellationGenerationLevel*: uint32
-    maxTessellationPatchSize*: uint32
-    maxTessellationControlPerVertexInputComponents*: uint32
-    maxTessellationControlPerVertexOutputComponents*: uint32
-    maxTessellationControlPerPatchOutputComponents*: uint32
-    maxTessellationControlTotalOutputComponents*: uint32
-    maxTessellationEvaluationInputComponents*: uint32
-    maxTessellationEvaluationOutputComponents*: uint32
-    maxGeometryShaderInvocations*: uint32
-    maxGeometryInputComponents*: uint32
-    maxGeometryOutputComponents*: uint32
-    maxGeometryOutputVertices*: uint32
-    maxGeometryTotalOutputComponents*: uint32
-    maxFragmentInputComponents*: uint32
-    maxFragmentOutputAttachments*: uint32
-    maxFragmentDualSrcAttachments*: uint32
-    maxFragmentCombinedOutputResources*: uint32
-    maxComputeSharedMemorySize*: uint32
-    maxComputeWorkGroupCount*: array[3, uint32]
-    maxComputeWorkGroupInvocations*: uint32
-    maxComputeWorkGroupSize*: array[3, uint32]
-    subPixelPrecisionBits*: uint32
-    subTexelPrecisionBits*: uint32
-    mipmapPrecisionBits*: uint32
-    maxDrawIndexedIndexValue*: uint32
-    maxDrawIndirectCount*: uint32
-    maxSamplerLodBias*: float32
-    maxSamplerAnisotropy*: float32
-    maxViewports*: uint32
-    maxViewportDimensions*: array[2, uint32]
-    viewportBoundsRange*: array[2, float32]
-    viewportSubPixelBits*: uint32
-    minMemoryMapAlignment*: csize_t
-    minTexelBufferOffsetAlignment*: VkDeviceSize
-    minUniformBufferOffsetAlignment*: VkDeviceSize
-    minStorageBufferOffsetAlignment*: VkDeviceSize
-    minTexelOffset*: int32
-    maxTexelOffset*: uint32
-    minTexelGatherOffset*: int32
-    maxTexelGatherOffset*: uint32
-    minInterpolationOffset*: float32
-    maxInterpolationOffset*: float32
-    subPixelInterpolationOffsetBits*: uint32
-    maxFramebufferWidth*: uint32
-    maxFramebufferHeight*: uint32
-    maxFramebufferLayers*: uint32
-    framebufferColorSampleCounts*: VkSampleCountFlags
-    framebufferDepthSampleCounts*: VkSampleCountFlags
-    framebufferStencilSampleCounts*: VkSampleCountFlags
-    framebufferNoAttachmentsSampleCounts*: VkSampleCountFlags
-    maxColorAttachments*: uint32
-    sampledImageColorSampleCounts*: VkSampleCountFlags
-    sampledImageIntegerSampleCounts*: VkSampleCountFlags
-    sampledImageDepthSampleCounts*: VkSampleCountFlags
-    sampledImageStencilSampleCounts*: VkSampleCountFlags
-    storageImageSampleCounts*: VkSampleCountFlags
-    maxSampleMaskWords*: uint32
-    timestampComputeAndGraphics*: VkBool32
-    timestampPeriod*: float32
-    maxClipDistances*: uint32
-    maxCullDistances*: uint32
-    maxCombinedClipAndCullDistances*: uint32
-    discreteQueuePriorities*: uint32
-    pointSizeRange*: array[2, float32]
-    lineWidthRange*: array[2, float32]
-    pointSizeGranularity*: float32
-    lineWidthGranularity*: float32
-    strictLines*: VkBool32
-    standardSampleLocations*: VkBool32
-    optimalBufferCopyOffsetAlignment*: VkDeviceSize
-    optimalBufferCopyRowPitchAlignment*: VkDeviceSize
-    nonCoherentAtomSize*: VkDeviceSize
-  VkSemaphoreCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkSemaphoreCreateFlags
-  VkQueryPoolCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkQueryPoolCreateFlags
-    queryType*: VkQueryType
-    queryCount*: uint32
-    pipelineStatistics*: VkQueryPipelineStatisticFlags
-  VkFramebufferCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkFramebufferCreateFlags
-    renderPass*: VkRenderPass
-    attachmentCount*: uint32
-    pAttachments*: ptr VkImageView
-    width*: uint32
-    height*: uint32
-    layers*: uint32
-  VkDrawIndirectCommand* = object
-    vertexCount*: uint32
-    instanceCount*: uint32
-    firstVertex*: uint32
-    firstInstance*: uint32
-  VkDrawIndexedIndirectCommand* = object
-    indexCount*: uint32
-    instanceCount*: uint32
-    firstIndex*: uint32
-    vertexOffset*: int32
-    firstInstance*: uint32
-  VkDispatchIndirectCommand* = object
-    x*: uint32
-    y*: uint32
-    z*: uint32
-  VkMultiDrawInfoEXT* = object
-    firstVertex*: uint32
-    vertexCount*: uint32
-  VkMultiDrawIndexedInfoEXT* = object
-    firstIndex*: uint32
-    indexCount*: uint32
-    vertexOffset*: int32
-  VkSubmitInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    waitSemaphoreCount*: uint32
-    pWaitSemaphores*: ptr VkSemaphore
-    pWaitDstStageMask*: ptr VkPipelineStageFlags
-    commandBufferCount*: uint32
-    pCommandBuffers*: ptr VkCommandBuffer
-    signalSemaphoreCount*: uint32
-    pSignalSemaphores*: ptr VkSemaphore
-  VkDisplayPropertiesKHR* = object
-    display*: VkDisplayKHR
-    displayName*: cstring
-    physicalDimensions*: VkExtent2D
-    physicalResolution*: VkExtent2D
-    supportedTransforms*: VkSurfaceTransformFlagsKHR
-    planeReorderPossible*: VkBool32
-    persistentContent*: VkBool32
-  VkDisplayPlanePropertiesKHR* = object
-    currentDisplay*: VkDisplayKHR
-    currentStackIndex*: uint32
-  VkDisplayModeParametersKHR* = object
-    visibleRegion*: VkExtent2D
-    refreshRate*: uint32
-  VkDisplayModePropertiesKHR* = object
-    displayMode*: VkDisplayModeKHR
-    parameters*: VkDisplayModeParametersKHR
-  VkDisplayModeCreateInfoKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkDisplayModeCreateFlagsKHR
-    parameters*: VkDisplayModeParametersKHR
-  VkDisplayPlaneCapabilitiesKHR* = object
-    supportedAlpha*: VkDisplayPlaneAlphaFlagsKHR
-    minSrcPosition*: VkOffset2D
-    maxSrcPosition*: VkOffset2D
-    minSrcExtent*: VkExtent2D
-    maxSrcExtent*: VkExtent2D
-    minDstPosition*: VkOffset2D
-    maxDstPosition*: VkOffset2D
-    minDstExtent*: VkExtent2D
-    maxDstExtent*: VkExtent2D
-  VkDisplaySurfaceCreateInfoKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkDisplaySurfaceCreateFlagsKHR
-    displayMode*: VkDisplayModeKHR
-    planeIndex*: uint32
-    planeStackIndex*: uint32
-    transform*: VkSurfaceTransformFlagBitsKHR
-    globalAlpha*: float32
-    alphaMode*: VkDisplayPlaneAlphaFlagBitsKHR
-    imageExtent*: VkExtent2D
-  VkDisplayPresentInfoKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    srcRect*: VkRect2D
-    dstRect*: VkRect2D
-    persistent*: VkBool32
-  VkSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR* = object
-    minImageCount*: uint32
-    maxImageCount*: uint32
-    currentExtent*: VkExtent2D
-    minImageExtent*: VkExtent2D
-    maxImageExtent*: VkExtent2D
-    maxImageArrayLayers*: uint32
-    supportedTransforms*: VkSurfaceTransformFlagsKHR
-    currentTransform*: VkSurfaceTransformFlagBitsKHR
-    supportedCompositeAlpha*: VkCompositeAlphaFlagsKHR
-    supportedUsageFlags*: VkImageUsageFlags
-  VkSurfaceFormatKHR* = object
-    format*: VkFormat
-    colorSpace*: VkColorSpaceKHR
-  VkSwapchainCreateInfoKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkSwapchainCreateFlagsKHR
-    surface*: VkSurfaceKHR
-    minImageCount*: uint32
-    imageFormat*: VkFormat
-    imageColorSpace*: VkColorSpaceKHR
-    imageExtent*: VkExtent2D
-    imageArrayLayers*: uint32
-    imageUsage*: VkImageUsageFlags
-    imageSharingMode*: VkSharingMode
-    queueFamilyIndexCount*: uint32
-    pQueueFamilyIndices*: ptr uint32
-    preTransform*: VkSurfaceTransformFlagBitsKHR
-    compositeAlpha*: VkCompositeAlphaFlagBitsKHR
-    presentMode*: VkPresentModeKHR
-    clipped*: VkBool32
-    oldSwapchain*: VkSwapchainKHR
-  VkPresentInfoKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    waitSemaphoreCount*: uint32
-    pWaitSemaphores*: ptr VkSemaphore
-    swapchainCount*: uint32
-    pSwapchains*: ptr VkSwapchainKHR
-    pImageIndices*: ptr uint32
-    pResults*: ptr VkResult
-  VkDebugReportCallbackCreateInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkDebugReportFlagsEXT
-    pfnCallback*: PFN_vkDebugReportCallbackEXT
-    pUserData*: pointer
-  VkValidationFlagsEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    disabledValidationCheckCount*: uint32
-    pDisabledValidationChecks*: ptr VkValidationCheckEXT
-  VkValidationFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    enabledValidationFeatureCount*: uint32
-    pEnabledValidationFeatures*: ptr VkValidationFeatureEnableEXT
-    disabledValidationFeatureCount*: uint32
-    pDisabledValidationFeatures*: ptr VkValidationFeatureDisableEXT
-  VkApplicationParametersEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    vendorID*: uint32
-    deviceID*: uint32
-    key*: uint32
-    value*: uint64
-  VkPipelineRasterizationStateRasterizationOrderAMD* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    rasterizationOrder*: VkRasterizationOrderAMD
-  VkDebugMarkerObjectNameInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    objectType*: VkDebugReportObjectTypeEXT
-    theobject*: uint64
-    pObjectName*: cstring
-  VkDebugMarkerObjectTagInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    objectType*: VkDebugReportObjectTypeEXT
-    theobject*: uint64
-    tagName*: uint64
-    tagSize*: csize_t
-    pTag*: pointer
-  VkDebugMarkerMarkerInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    pMarkerName*: cstring
-    color*: array[4, float32]
-  VkDedicatedAllocationImageCreateInfoNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    dedicatedAllocation*: VkBool32
-  VkDedicatedAllocationBufferCreateInfoNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    dedicatedAllocation*: VkBool32
-  VkDedicatedAllocationMemoryAllocateInfoNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    image*: VkImage
-    buffer*: VkBuffer
-  VkExternalImageFormatPropertiesNV* = object
-    imageFormatProperties*: VkImageFormatProperties
-    externalMemoryFeatures*: VkExternalMemoryFeatureFlagsNV
-    exportFromImportedHandleTypes*: VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagsNV
-    compatibleHandleTypes*: VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagsNV
-  VkExternalMemoryImageCreateInfoNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    handleTypes*: VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagsNV
-  VkExportMemoryAllocateInfoNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    handleTypes*: VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagsNV
-  VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceGeneratedCommandsFeaturesNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    deviceGeneratedCommands*: VkBool32
-  VkDevicePrivateDataCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    privateDataSlotRequestCount*: uint32
-  VkDevicePrivateDataCreateInfoEXT* = object
-  VkPrivateDataSlotCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkPrivateDataSlotCreateFlags
-  VkPrivateDataSlotCreateInfoEXT* = object
-  VkPhysicalDevicePrivateDataFeatures* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    privateData*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDevicePrivateDataFeaturesEXT* = object
-  VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceGeneratedCommandsPropertiesNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    maxGraphicsShaderGroupCount*: uint32
-    maxIndirectSequenceCount*: uint32
-    maxIndirectCommandsTokenCount*: uint32
-    maxIndirectCommandsStreamCount*: uint32
-    maxIndirectCommandsTokenOffset*: uint32
-    maxIndirectCommandsStreamStride*: uint32
-    minSequencesCountBufferOffsetAlignment*: uint32
-    minSequencesIndexBufferOffsetAlignment*: uint32
-    minIndirectCommandsBufferOffsetAlignment*: uint32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceMultiDrawPropertiesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    maxMultiDrawCount*: uint32
-  VkGraphicsShaderGroupCreateInfoNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    stageCount*: uint32
-    pStages*: ptr VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo
-    pVertexInputState*: ptr VkPipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo
-    pTessellationState*: ptr VkPipelineTessellationStateCreateInfo
-  VkGraphicsPipelineShaderGroupsCreateInfoNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    groupCount*: uint32
-    pGroups*: ptr VkGraphicsShaderGroupCreateInfoNV
-    pipelineCount*: uint32
-    pPipelines*: ptr VkPipeline
-  VkBindShaderGroupIndirectCommandNV* = object
-    groupIndex*: uint32
-  VkBindIndexBufferIndirectCommandNV* = object
-    bufferAddress*: VkDeviceAddress
-    size*: uint32
-    indexType*: VkIndexType
-  VkBindVertexBufferIndirectCommandNV* = object
-    bufferAddress*: VkDeviceAddress
-    size*: uint32
-    stride*: uint32
-  VkSetStateFlagsIndirectCommandNV* = object
-    data*: uint32
-  VkIndirectCommandsStreamNV* = object
-    buffer*: VkBuffer
-    offset*: VkDeviceSize
-  VkIndirectCommandsLayoutTokenNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    tokenType*: VkIndirectCommandsTokenTypeNV
-    stream*: uint32
-    offset*: uint32
-    vertexBindingUnit*: uint32
-    vertexDynamicStride*: VkBool32
-    pushconstantPipelineLayout*: VkPipelineLayout
-    pushconstantShaderStageFlags*: VkShaderStageFlags
-    pushconstantOffset*: uint32
-    pushconstantSize*: uint32
-    indirectStateFlags*: VkIndirectStateFlagsNV
-    indexTypeCount*: uint32
-    pIndexTypes*: ptr VkIndexType
-    pIndexTypeValues*: ptr uint32
-  VkIndirectCommandsLayoutCreateInfoNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkIndirectCommandsLayoutUsageFlagsNV
-    pipelineBindPoint*: VkPipelineBindPoint
-    tokenCount*: uint32
-    pTokens*: ptr VkIndirectCommandsLayoutTokenNV
-    streamCount*: uint32
-    pStreamStrides*: ptr uint32
-  VkGeneratedCommandsInfoNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    pipelineBindPoint*: VkPipelineBindPoint
-    pipeline*: VkPipeline
-    indirectCommandsLayout*: VkIndirectCommandsLayoutNV
-    streamCount*: uint32
-    pStreams*: ptr VkIndirectCommandsStreamNV
-    sequencesCount*: uint32
-    preprocessBuffer*: VkBuffer
-    preprocessOffset*: VkDeviceSize
-    preprocessSize*: VkDeviceSize
-    sequencesCountBuffer*: VkBuffer
-    sequencesCountOffset*: VkDeviceSize
-    sequencesIndexBuffer*: VkBuffer
-    sequencesIndexOffset*: VkDeviceSize
-  VkGeneratedCommandsMemoryRequirementsInfoNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    pipelineBindPoint*: VkPipelineBindPoint
-    pipeline*: VkPipeline
-    indirectCommandsLayout*: VkIndirectCommandsLayoutNV
-    maxSequencesCount*: uint32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    features*: VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures
-  VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2KHR* = object
-  VkPhysicalDeviceProperties2* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    properties*: VkPhysicalDeviceProperties
-  VkPhysicalDeviceProperties2KHR* = object
-  VkFormatProperties2* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    formatProperties*: VkFormatProperties
-  VkFormatProperties2KHR* = object
-  VkImageFormatProperties2* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    imageFormatProperties*: VkImageFormatProperties
-  VkImageFormatProperties2KHR* = object
-  VkPhysicalDeviceImageFormatInfo2* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    format*: VkFormat
-    thetype*: VkImageType
-    tiling*: VkImageTiling
-    usage*: VkImageUsageFlags
-    flags*: VkImageCreateFlags
-  VkPhysicalDeviceImageFormatInfo2KHR* = object
-  VkQueueFamilyProperties2* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    queueFamilyProperties*: VkQueueFamilyProperties
-  VkQueueFamilyProperties2KHR* = object
-  VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties2* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    memoryProperties*: VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties
-  VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties2KHR* = object
-  VkSparseImageFormatProperties2* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    properties*: VkSparseImageFormatProperties
-  VkSparseImageFormatProperties2KHR* = object
-  VkPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatInfo2* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    format*: VkFormat
-    thetype*: VkImageType
-    samples*: VkSampleCountFlagBits
-    usage*: VkImageUsageFlags
-    tiling*: VkImageTiling
-  VkPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatInfo2KHR* = object
-  VkPhysicalDevicePushDescriptorPropertiesKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    maxPushDescriptors*: uint32
-  VkConformanceVersion* = object
-    major*: uint8
-    minor*: uint8
-    subminor*: uint8
-    patch*: uint8
-  VkConformanceVersionKHR* = object
-  VkPhysicalDeviceDriverProperties* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    driverID*: VkDriverId
-    driverName*: array[VK_MAX_DRIVER_NAME_SIZE, char]
-    driverInfo*: array[VK_MAX_DRIVER_INFO_SIZE, char]
-    conformanceVersion*: VkConformanceVersion
-  VkPhysicalDeviceDriverPropertiesKHR* = object
-  VkPresentRegionsKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    swapchainCount*: uint32
-    pRegions*: ptr VkPresentRegionKHR
-  VkPresentRegionKHR* = object
-    rectangleCount*: uint32
-    pRectangles*: ptr VkRectLayerKHR
-  VkRectLayerKHR* = object
-    offset*: VkOffset2D
-    extent*: VkExtent2D
-    layer*: uint32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceVariablePointersFeatures* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    variablePointersStorageBuffer*: VkBool32
-    variablePointers*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceVariablePointersFeaturesKHR* = object
-  VkPhysicalDeviceVariablePointerFeaturesKHR* = object
-  VkPhysicalDeviceVariablePointerFeatures* = object
-  VkExternalMemoryProperties* = object
-    externalMemoryFeatures*: VkExternalMemoryFeatureFlags
-    exportFromImportedHandleTypes*: VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlags
-    compatibleHandleTypes*: VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlags
-  VkExternalMemoryPropertiesKHR* = object
-  VkPhysicalDeviceExternalImageFormatInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    handleType*: VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBits
-  VkPhysicalDeviceExternalImageFormatInfoKHR* = object
-  VkExternalImageFormatProperties* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    externalMemoryProperties*: VkExternalMemoryProperties
-  VkExternalImageFormatPropertiesKHR* = object
-  VkPhysicalDeviceExternalBufferInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkBufferCreateFlags
-    usage*: VkBufferUsageFlags
-    handleType*: VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBits
-  VkPhysicalDeviceExternalBufferInfoKHR* = object
-  VkExternalBufferProperties* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    externalMemoryProperties*: VkExternalMemoryProperties
-  VkExternalBufferPropertiesKHR* = object
-  VkPhysicalDeviceIDProperties* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    deviceUUID*: array[VK_UUID_SIZE, uint8]
-    driverUUID*: array[VK_UUID_SIZE, uint8]
-    deviceLUID*: array[VK_LUID_SIZE, uint8]
-    deviceNodeMask*: uint32
-    deviceLUIDValid*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceIDPropertiesKHR* = object
-  VkExternalMemoryImageCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    handleTypes*: VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlags
-  VkExternalMemoryImageCreateInfoKHR* = object
-  VkExternalMemoryBufferCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    handleTypes*: VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlags
-  VkExternalMemoryBufferCreateInfoKHR* = object
-  VkExportMemoryAllocateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    handleTypes*: VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlags
-  VkExportMemoryAllocateInfoKHR* = object
-  VkImportMemoryFdInfoKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    handleType*: VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBits
-    fd*: cint
-  VkMemoryFdPropertiesKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    memoryTypeBits*: uint32
-  VkMemoryGetFdInfoKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    memory*: VkDeviceMemory
-    handleType*: VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBits
-  VkPhysicalDeviceExternalSemaphoreInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    handleType*: VkExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeFlagBits
-  VkPhysicalDeviceExternalSemaphoreInfoKHR* = object
-  VkExternalSemaphoreProperties* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    exportFromImportedHandleTypes*: VkExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeFlags
-    compatibleHandleTypes*: VkExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeFlags
-    externalSemaphoreFeatures*: VkExternalSemaphoreFeatureFlags
-  VkExternalSemaphorePropertiesKHR* = object
-  VkExportSemaphoreCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    handleTypes*: VkExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeFlags
-  VkExportSemaphoreCreateInfoKHR* = object
-  VkImportSemaphoreFdInfoKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    semaphore*: VkSemaphore
-    flags*: VkSemaphoreImportFlags
-    handleType*: VkExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeFlagBits
-    fd*: cint
-  VkSemaphoreGetFdInfoKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    semaphore*: VkSemaphore
-    handleType*: VkExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeFlagBits
-  VkPhysicalDeviceExternalFenceInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    handleType*: VkExternalFenceHandleTypeFlagBits
-  VkPhysicalDeviceExternalFenceInfoKHR* = object
-  VkExternalFenceProperties* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    exportFromImportedHandleTypes*: VkExternalFenceHandleTypeFlags
-    compatibleHandleTypes*: VkExternalFenceHandleTypeFlags
-    externalFenceFeatures*: VkExternalFenceFeatureFlags
-  VkExternalFencePropertiesKHR* = object
-  VkExportFenceCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    handleTypes*: VkExternalFenceHandleTypeFlags
-  VkExportFenceCreateInfoKHR* = object
-  VkImportFenceFdInfoKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    fence*: VkFence
-    flags*: VkFenceImportFlags
-    handleType*: VkExternalFenceHandleTypeFlagBits
-    fd*: cint
-  VkFenceGetFdInfoKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    fence*: VkFence
-    handleType*: VkExternalFenceHandleTypeFlagBits
-  VkPhysicalDeviceMultiviewFeatures* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    multiview*: VkBool32
-    multiviewGeometryShader*: VkBool32
-    multiviewTessellationShader*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceMultiviewFeaturesKHR* = object
-  VkPhysicalDeviceMultiviewProperties* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    maxMultiviewViewCount*: uint32
-    maxMultiviewInstanceIndex*: uint32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceMultiviewPropertiesKHR* = object
-  VkRenderPassMultiviewCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    subpassCount*: uint32
-    pViewMasks*: ptr uint32
-    dependencyCount*: uint32
-    pViewOffsets*: ptr int32
-    correlationMaskCount*: uint32
-    pCorrelationMasks*: ptr uint32
-  VkRenderPassMultiviewCreateInfoKHR* = object
-  VkSurfaceCapabilities2EXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    minImageCount*: uint32
-    maxImageCount*: uint32
-    currentExtent*: VkExtent2D
-    minImageExtent*: VkExtent2D
-    maxImageExtent*: VkExtent2D
-    maxImageArrayLayers*: uint32
-    supportedTransforms*: VkSurfaceTransformFlagsKHR
-    currentTransform*: VkSurfaceTransformFlagBitsKHR
-    supportedCompositeAlpha*: VkCompositeAlphaFlagsKHR
-    supportedUsageFlags*: VkImageUsageFlags
-    supportedSurfaceCounters*: VkSurfaceCounterFlagsEXT
-  VkDisplayPowerInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    powerState*: VkDisplayPowerStateEXT
-  VkDeviceEventInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    deviceEvent*: VkDeviceEventTypeEXT
-  VkDisplayEventInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    displayEvent*: VkDisplayEventTypeEXT
-  VkSwapchainCounterCreateInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    surfaceCounters*: VkSurfaceCounterFlagsEXT
-  VkPhysicalDeviceGroupProperties* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    physicalDeviceCount*: uint32
-    physicalDevices*: array[VK_MAX_DEVICE_GROUP_SIZE, VkPhysicalDevice]
-    subsetAllocation*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceGroupPropertiesKHR* = object
-  VkMemoryAllocateFlagsInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkMemoryAllocateFlags
-    deviceMask*: uint32
-  VkMemoryAllocateFlagsInfoKHR* = object
-  VkBindBufferMemoryInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    buffer*: VkBuffer
-    memory*: VkDeviceMemory
-    memoryOffset*: VkDeviceSize
-  VkBindBufferMemoryInfoKHR* = object
-  VkBindBufferMemoryDeviceGroupInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    deviceIndexCount*: uint32
-    pDeviceIndices*: ptr uint32
-  VkBindBufferMemoryDeviceGroupInfoKHR* = object
-  VkBindImageMemoryInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    image*: VkImage
-    memory*: VkDeviceMemory
-    memoryOffset*: VkDeviceSize
-  VkBindImageMemoryInfoKHR* = object
-  VkBindImageMemoryDeviceGroupInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    deviceIndexCount*: uint32
-    pDeviceIndices*: ptr uint32
-    splitInstanceBindRegionCount*: uint32
-    pSplitInstanceBindRegions*: ptr VkRect2D
-  VkBindImageMemoryDeviceGroupInfoKHR* = object
-  VkDeviceGroupRenderPassBeginInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    deviceMask*: uint32
-    deviceRenderAreaCount*: uint32
-    pDeviceRenderAreas*: ptr VkRect2D
-  VkDeviceGroupRenderPassBeginInfoKHR* = object
-  VkDeviceGroupCommandBufferBeginInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    deviceMask*: uint32
-  VkDeviceGroupCommandBufferBeginInfoKHR* = object
-  VkDeviceGroupSubmitInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    waitSemaphoreCount*: uint32
-    pWaitSemaphoreDeviceIndices*: ptr uint32
-    commandBufferCount*: uint32
-    pCommandBufferDeviceMasks*: ptr uint32
-    signalSemaphoreCount*: uint32
-    pSignalSemaphoreDeviceIndices*: ptr uint32
-  VkDeviceGroupSubmitInfoKHR* = object
-  VkDeviceGroupBindSparseInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    resourceDeviceIndex*: uint32
-    memoryDeviceIndex*: uint32
-  VkDeviceGroupBindSparseInfoKHR* = object
-  VkDeviceGroupPresentCapabilitiesKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    presentMask*: array[VK_MAX_DEVICE_GROUP_SIZE, uint32]
-    modes*: VkDeviceGroupPresentModeFlagsKHR
-  VkImageSwapchainCreateInfoKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    swapchain*: VkSwapchainKHR
-  VkBindImageMemorySwapchainInfoKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    swapchain*: VkSwapchainKHR
-    imageIndex*: uint32
-  VkAcquireNextImageInfoKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    swapchain*: VkSwapchainKHR
-    timeout*: uint64
-    semaphore*: VkSemaphore
-    fence*: VkFence
-    deviceMask*: uint32
-  VkDeviceGroupPresentInfoKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    swapchainCount*: uint32
-    pDeviceMasks*: ptr uint32
-    mode*: VkDeviceGroupPresentModeFlagBitsKHR
-  VkDeviceGroupDeviceCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    physicalDeviceCount*: uint32
-    pPhysicalDevices*: ptr VkPhysicalDevice
-  VkDeviceGroupDeviceCreateInfoKHR* = object
-  VkDeviceGroupSwapchainCreateInfoKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    modes*: VkDeviceGroupPresentModeFlagsKHR
-  VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateEntry* = object
-    dstBinding*: uint32
-    dstArrayElement*: uint32
-    descriptorCount*: uint32
-    descriptorType*: VkDescriptorType
-    offset*: csize_t
-    stride*: csize_t
-  VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateEntryKHR* = object
-  VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateFlags
-    descriptorUpdateEntryCount*: uint32
-    pDescriptorUpdateEntries*: ptr VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateEntry
-    templateType*: VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateType
-    descriptorSetLayout*: VkDescriptorSetLayout
-    pipelineBindPoint*: VkPipelineBindPoint
-    pipelineLayout*: VkPipelineLayout
-    set*: uint32
-  VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfoKHR* = object
-  VkXYColorEXT* = object
-    x*: float32
-    y*: float32
-  VkPhysicalDevicePresentIdFeaturesKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    presentId*: VkBool32
-  VkPresentIdKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    swapchainCount*: uint32
-    pPresentIds*: ptr uint64
-  VkPhysicalDevicePresentWaitFeaturesKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    presentWait*: VkBool32
-  VkHdrMetadataEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    displayPrimaryRed*: VkXYColorEXT
-    displayPrimaryGreen*: VkXYColorEXT
-    displayPrimaryBlue*: VkXYColorEXT
-    whitePoint*: VkXYColorEXT
-    maxLuminance*: float32
-    minLuminance*: float32
-    maxContentLightLevel*: float32
-    maxFrameAverageLightLevel*: float32
-  VkDisplayNativeHdrSurfaceCapabilitiesAMD* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    localDimmingSupport*: VkBool32
-  VkSwapchainDisplayNativeHdrCreateInfoAMD* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    localDimmingEnable*: VkBool32
-  VkRefreshCycleDurationGOOGLE* = object
-    refreshDuration*: uint64
-  VkPastPresentationTimingGOOGLE* = object
-    presentID*: uint32
-    desiredPresentTime*: uint64
-    actualPresentTime*: uint64
-    earliestPresentTime*: uint64
-    presentMargin*: uint64
-  VkPresentTimesInfoGOOGLE* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    swapchainCount*: uint32
-    pTimes*: ptr VkPresentTimeGOOGLE
-  VkPresentTimeGOOGLE* = object
-    presentID*: uint32
-    desiredPresentTime*: uint64
-  VkViewportWScalingNV* = object
-    xcoeff*: float32
-    ycoeff*: float32
-  VkPipelineViewportWScalingStateCreateInfoNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    viewportWScalingEnable*: VkBool32
-    viewportCount*: uint32
-    pViewportWScalings*: ptr VkViewportWScalingNV
-  VkViewportSwizzleNV* = object
-    x*: VkViewportCoordinateSwizzleNV
-    y*: VkViewportCoordinateSwizzleNV
-    z*: VkViewportCoordinateSwizzleNV
-    w*: VkViewportCoordinateSwizzleNV
-  VkPipelineViewportSwizzleStateCreateInfoNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkPipelineViewportSwizzleStateCreateFlagsNV
-    viewportCount*: uint32
-    pViewportSwizzles*: ptr VkViewportSwizzleNV
-  VkPhysicalDeviceDiscardRectanglePropertiesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    maxDiscardRectangles*: uint32
-  VkPipelineDiscardRectangleStateCreateInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkPipelineDiscardRectangleStateCreateFlagsEXT
-    discardRectangleMode*: VkDiscardRectangleModeEXT
-    discardRectangleCount*: uint32
-    pDiscardRectangles*: ptr VkRect2D
-  VkPhysicalDeviceMultiviewPerViewAttributesPropertiesNVX* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    perViewPositionAllComponents*: VkBool32
-  VkInputAttachmentAspectReference* = object
-    subpass*: uint32
-    inputAttachmentIndex*: uint32
-    aspectMask*: VkImageAspectFlags
-  VkInputAttachmentAspectReferenceKHR* = object
-  VkRenderPassInputAttachmentAspectCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    aspectReferenceCount*: uint32
-    pAspectReferences*: ptr VkInputAttachmentAspectReference
-  VkRenderPassInputAttachmentAspectCreateInfoKHR* = object
-  VkPhysicalDeviceSurfaceInfo2KHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    surface*: VkSurfaceKHR
-  VkSurfaceCapabilities2KHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    surfaceCapabilities*: VkSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR
-  VkSurfaceFormat2KHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    surfaceFormat*: VkSurfaceFormatKHR
-  VkDisplayProperties2KHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    displayProperties*: VkDisplayPropertiesKHR
-  VkDisplayPlaneProperties2KHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    displayPlaneProperties*: VkDisplayPlanePropertiesKHR
-  VkDisplayModeProperties2KHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    displayModeProperties*: VkDisplayModePropertiesKHR
-  VkDisplayPlaneInfo2KHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    mode*: VkDisplayModeKHR
-    planeIndex*: uint32
-  VkDisplayPlaneCapabilities2KHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    capabilities*: VkDisplayPlaneCapabilitiesKHR
-  VkSharedPresentSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    sharedPresentSupportedUsageFlags*: VkImageUsageFlags
-  VkPhysicalDevice16BitStorageFeatures* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    storageBuffer16BitAccess*: VkBool32
-    uniformAndStorageBuffer16BitAccess*: VkBool32
-    storagePushConstant16*: VkBool32
-    storageInputOutput16*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDevice16BitStorageFeaturesKHR* = object
-  VkPhysicalDeviceSubgroupProperties* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    subgroupSize*: uint32
-    supportedStages*: VkShaderStageFlags
-    supportedOperations*: VkSubgroupFeatureFlags
-    quadOperationsInAllStages*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceShaderSubgroupExtendedTypesFeatures* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    shaderSubgroupExtendedTypes*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceShaderSubgroupExtendedTypesFeaturesKHR* = object
-  VkBufferMemoryRequirementsInfo2* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    buffer*: VkBuffer
-  VkBufferMemoryRequirementsInfo2KHR* = object
-  VkDeviceBufferMemoryRequirements* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    pCreateInfo*: ptr VkBufferCreateInfo
-  VkDeviceBufferMemoryRequirementsKHR* = object
-  VkImageMemoryRequirementsInfo2* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    image*: VkImage
-  VkImageMemoryRequirementsInfo2KHR* = object
-  VkImageSparseMemoryRequirementsInfo2* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    image*: VkImage
-  VkImageSparseMemoryRequirementsInfo2KHR* = object
-  VkDeviceImageMemoryRequirements* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    pCreateInfo*: ptr VkImageCreateInfo
-    planeAspect*: VkImageAspectFlagBits
-  VkDeviceImageMemoryRequirementsKHR* = object
-  VkMemoryRequirements2* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    memoryRequirements*: VkMemoryRequirements
-  VkMemoryRequirements2KHR* = object
-  VkSparseImageMemoryRequirements2* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    memoryRequirements*: VkSparseImageMemoryRequirements
-  VkSparseImageMemoryRequirements2KHR* = object
-  VkPhysicalDevicePointClippingProperties* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    pointClippingBehavior*: VkPointClippingBehavior
-  VkPhysicalDevicePointClippingPropertiesKHR* = object
-  VkMemoryDedicatedRequirements* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    prefersDedicatedAllocation*: VkBool32
-    requiresDedicatedAllocation*: VkBool32
-  VkMemoryDedicatedRequirementsKHR* = object
-  VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    image*: VkImage
-    buffer*: VkBuffer
-  VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfoKHR* = object
-  VkImageViewUsageCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    usage*: VkImageUsageFlags
-  VkImageViewSlicedCreateInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    sliceOffset*: uint32
-    sliceCount*: uint32
-  VkImageViewUsageCreateInfoKHR* = object
-  VkPipelineTessellationDomainOriginStateCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    domainOrigin*: VkTessellationDomainOrigin
-  VkPipelineTessellationDomainOriginStateCreateInfoKHR* = object
-  VkSamplerYcbcrConversionInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    conversion*: VkSamplerYcbcrConversion
-  VkSamplerYcbcrConversionInfoKHR* = object
-  VkSamplerYcbcrConversionCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    format*: VkFormat
-    ycbcrModel*: VkSamplerYcbcrModelConversion
-    ycbcrRange*: VkSamplerYcbcrRange
-    components*: VkComponentMapping
-    xChromaOffset*: VkChromaLocation
-    yChromaOffset*: VkChromaLocation
-    chromaFilter*: VkFilter
-    forceExplicitReconstruction*: VkBool32
-  VkSamplerYcbcrConversionCreateInfoKHR* = object
-  VkBindImagePlaneMemoryInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    planeAspect*: VkImageAspectFlagBits
-  VkBindImagePlaneMemoryInfoKHR* = object
-  VkImagePlaneMemoryRequirementsInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    planeAspect*: VkImageAspectFlagBits
-  VkImagePlaneMemoryRequirementsInfoKHR* = object
-  VkPhysicalDeviceSamplerYcbcrConversionFeatures* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    samplerYcbcrConversion*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceSamplerYcbcrConversionFeaturesKHR* = object
-  VkSamplerYcbcrConversionImageFormatProperties* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    combinedImageSamplerDescriptorCount*: uint32
-  VkSamplerYcbcrConversionImageFormatPropertiesKHR* = object
-  VkTextureLODGatherFormatPropertiesAMD* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    supportsTextureGatherLODBiasAMD*: VkBool32
-  VkConditionalRenderingBeginInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    buffer*: VkBuffer
-    offset*: VkDeviceSize
-    flags*: VkConditionalRenderingFlagsEXT
-  VkProtectedSubmitInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    protectedSubmit*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceProtectedMemoryFeatures* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    protectedMemory*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceProtectedMemoryProperties* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    protectedNoFault*: VkBool32
-  VkDeviceQueueInfo2* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkDeviceQueueCreateFlags
-    queueFamilyIndex*: uint32
-    queueIndex*: uint32
-  VkPipelineCoverageToColorStateCreateInfoNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkPipelineCoverageToColorStateCreateFlagsNV
-    coverageToColorEnable*: VkBool32
-    coverageToColorLocation*: uint32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceSamplerFilterMinmaxProperties* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    filterMinmaxSingleComponentFormats*: VkBool32
-    filterMinmaxImageComponentMapping*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceSamplerFilterMinmaxPropertiesEXT* = object
-  VkSampleLocationEXT* = object
-    x*: float32
-    y*: float32
-  VkSampleLocationsInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    sampleLocationsPerPixel*: VkSampleCountFlagBits
-    sampleLocationGridSize*: VkExtent2D
-    sampleLocationsCount*: uint32
-    pSampleLocations*: ptr VkSampleLocationEXT
-  VkAttachmentSampleLocationsEXT* = object
-    attachmentIndex*: uint32
-    sampleLocationsInfo*: VkSampleLocationsInfoEXT
-  VkSubpassSampleLocationsEXT* = object
-    subpassIndex*: uint32
-    sampleLocationsInfo*: VkSampleLocationsInfoEXT
-  VkRenderPassSampleLocationsBeginInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    attachmentInitialSampleLocationsCount*: uint32
-    pAttachmentInitialSampleLocations*: ptr VkAttachmentSampleLocationsEXT
-    postSubpassSampleLocationsCount*: uint32
-    pPostSubpassSampleLocations*: ptr VkSubpassSampleLocationsEXT
-  VkPipelineSampleLocationsStateCreateInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    sampleLocationsEnable*: VkBool32
-    sampleLocationsInfo*: VkSampleLocationsInfoEXT
-  VkPhysicalDeviceSampleLocationsPropertiesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    sampleLocationSampleCounts*: VkSampleCountFlags
-    maxSampleLocationGridSize*: VkExtent2D
-    sampleLocationCoordinateRange*: array[2, float32]
-    sampleLocationSubPixelBits*: uint32
-    variableSampleLocations*: VkBool32
-  VkMultisamplePropertiesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    maxSampleLocationGridSize*: VkExtent2D
-  VkSamplerReductionModeCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    reductionMode*: VkSamplerReductionMode
-  VkSamplerReductionModeCreateInfoEXT* = object
-  VkPhysicalDeviceBlendOperationAdvancedFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    advancedBlendCoherentOperations*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceMultiDrawFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    multiDraw*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceBlendOperationAdvancedPropertiesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    advancedBlendMaxColorAttachments*: uint32
-    advancedBlendIndependentBlend*: VkBool32
-    advancedBlendNonPremultipliedSrcColor*: VkBool32
-    advancedBlendNonPremultipliedDstColor*: VkBool32
-    advancedBlendCorrelatedOverlap*: VkBool32
-    advancedBlendAllOperations*: VkBool32
-  VkPipelineColorBlendAdvancedStateCreateInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    srcPremultiplied*: VkBool32
-    dstPremultiplied*: VkBool32
-    blendOverlap*: VkBlendOverlapEXT
-  VkPhysicalDeviceInlineUniformBlockFeatures* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    inlineUniformBlock*: VkBool32
-    descriptorBindingInlineUniformBlockUpdateAfterBind*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceInlineUniformBlockFeaturesEXT* = object
-  VkPhysicalDeviceInlineUniformBlockProperties* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    maxInlineUniformBlockSize*: uint32
-    maxPerStageDescriptorInlineUniformBlocks*: uint32
-    maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindInlineUniformBlocks*: uint32
-    maxDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlocks*: uint32
-    maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindInlineUniformBlocks*: uint32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceInlineUniformBlockPropertiesEXT* = object
-  VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlock* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    dataSize*: uint32
-    pData*: pointer
-  VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT* = object
-  VkDescriptorPoolInlineUniformBlockCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    maxInlineUniformBlockBindings*: uint32
-  VkDescriptorPoolInlineUniformBlockCreateInfoEXT* = object
-  VkPipelineCoverageModulationStateCreateInfoNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkPipelineCoverageModulationStateCreateFlagsNV
-    coverageModulationMode*: VkCoverageModulationModeNV
-    coverageModulationTableEnable*: VkBool32
-    coverageModulationTableCount*: uint32
-    pCoverageModulationTable*: ptr float32
-  VkImageFormatListCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    viewFormatCount*: uint32
-    pViewFormats*: ptr VkFormat
-  VkImageFormatListCreateInfoKHR* = object
-  VkValidationCacheCreateInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkValidationCacheCreateFlagsEXT
-    initialDataSize*: csize_t
-    pInitialData*: pointer
-  VkShaderModuleValidationCacheCreateInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    validationCache*: VkValidationCacheEXT
-  VkPhysicalDeviceMaintenance3Properties* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    maxPerSetDescriptors*: uint32
-    maxMemoryAllocationSize*: VkDeviceSize
-  VkPhysicalDeviceMaintenance3PropertiesKHR* = object
-  VkPhysicalDeviceMaintenance4Features* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    maintenance4*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceMaintenance4FeaturesKHR* = object
-  VkPhysicalDeviceMaintenance4Properties* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    maxBufferSize*: VkDeviceSize
-  VkPhysicalDeviceMaintenance4PropertiesKHR* = object
-  VkDescriptorSetLayoutSupport* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    supported*: VkBool32
-  VkDescriptorSetLayoutSupportKHR* = object
-  VkPhysicalDeviceShaderDrawParametersFeatures* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    shaderDrawParameters*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceShaderDrawParameterFeatures* = object
-  VkPhysicalDeviceShaderFloat16Int8Features* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    shaderFloat16*: VkBool32
-    shaderInt8*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceShaderFloat16Int8FeaturesKHR* = object
-  VkPhysicalDeviceFloat16Int8FeaturesKHR* = object
-  VkPhysicalDeviceFloatControlsProperties* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    denormBehaviorIndependence*: VkShaderFloatControlsIndependence
-    roundingModeIndependence*: VkShaderFloatControlsIndependence
-    shaderSignedZeroInfNanPreserveFloat16*: VkBool32
-    shaderSignedZeroInfNanPreserveFloat32*: VkBool32
-    shaderSignedZeroInfNanPreserveFloat64*: VkBool32
-    shaderDenormPreserveFloat16*: VkBool32
-    shaderDenormPreserveFloat32*: VkBool32
-    shaderDenormPreserveFloat64*: VkBool32
-    shaderDenormFlushToZeroFloat16*: VkBool32
-    shaderDenormFlushToZeroFloat32*: VkBool32
-    shaderDenormFlushToZeroFloat64*: VkBool32
-    shaderRoundingModeRTEFloat16*: VkBool32
-    shaderRoundingModeRTEFloat32*: VkBool32
-    shaderRoundingModeRTEFloat64*: VkBool32
-    shaderRoundingModeRTZFloat16*: VkBool32
-    shaderRoundingModeRTZFloat32*: VkBool32
-    shaderRoundingModeRTZFloat64*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceFloatControlsPropertiesKHR* = object
-  VkPhysicalDeviceHostQueryResetFeatures* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    hostQueryReset*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceHostQueryResetFeaturesEXT* = object
-  VkShaderResourceUsageAMD* = object
-    numUsedVgprs*: uint32
-    numUsedSgprs*: uint32
-    ldsSizePerLocalWorkGroup*: uint32
-    ldsUsageSizeInBytes*: csize_t
-    scratchMemUsageInBytes*: csize_t
-  VkShaderStatisticsInfoAMD* = object
-    shaderStageMask*: VkShaderStageFlags
-    resourceUsage*: VkShaderResourceUsageAMD
-    numPhysicalVgprs*: uint32
-    numPhysicalSgprs*: uint32
-    numAvailableVgprs*: uint32
-    numAvailableSgprs*: uint32
-    computeWorkGroupSize*: array[3, uint32]
-  VkDeviceQueueGlobalPriorityCreateInfoKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    globalPriority*: VkQueueGlobalPriorityKHR
-  VkDeviceQueueGlobalPriorityCreateInfoEXT* = object
-  VkPhysicalDeviceGlobalPriorityQueryFeaturesKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    globalPriorityQuery*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceGlobalPriorityQueryFeaturesEXT* = object
-  VkQueueFamilyGlobalPriorityPropertiesKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    priorityCount*: uint32
-    priorities*: array[VK_MAX_GLOBAL_PRIORITY_SIZE_KHR, VkQueueGlobalPriorityKHR]
-  VkQueueFamilyGlobalPriorityPropertiesEXT* = object
-  VkDebugUtilsObjectNameInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    objectType*: VkObjectType
-    objectHandle*: uint64
-    pObjectName*: cstring
-  VkDebugUtilsObjectTagInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    objectType*: VkObjectType
-    objectHandle*: uint64
-    tagName*: uint64
-    tagSize*: csize_t
-    pTag*: pointer
-  VkDebugUtilsLabelEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    pLabelName*: cstring
-    color*: array[4, float32]
-  VkDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkDebugUtilsMessengerCreateFlagsEXT
-    messageSeverity*: VkDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagsEXT
-    messageType*: VkDebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT
-    pfnUserCallback*: PFN_vkDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackEXT
-    pUserData*: pointer
-  VkDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackDataEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackDataFlagsEXT
-    pMessageIdName*: cstring
-    messageIdNumber*: int32
-    pMessage*: cstring
-    queueLabelCount*: uint32
-    pQueueLabels*: ptr VkDebugUtilsLabelEXT
-    cmdBufLabelCount*: uint32
-    pCmdBufLabels*: ptr VkDebugUtilsLabelEXT
-    objectCount*: uint32
-    pObjects*: ptr VkDebugUtilsObjectNameInfoEXT
-  VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceMemoryReportFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    deviceMemoryReport*: VkBool32
-  VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkDeviceMemoryReportFlagsEXT
-    pfnUserCallback*: PFN_vkDeviceMemoryReportCallbackEXT
-    pUserData*: pointer
-  VkDeviceMemoryReportCallbackDataEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkDeviceMemoryReportFlagsEXT
-    thetype*: VkDeviceMemoryReportEventTypeEXT
-    memoryObjectId*: uint64
-    size*: VkDeviceSize
-    objectType*: VkObjectType
-    objectHandle*: uint64
-    heapIndex*: uint32
-  VkImportMemoryHostPointerInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    handleType*: VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBits
-    pHostPointer*: pointer
-  VkMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    memoryTypeBits*: uint32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceExternalMemoryHostPropertiesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    minImportedHostPointerAlignment*: VkDeviceSize
-  VkPhysicalDeviceConservativeRasterizationPropertiesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    primitiveOverestimationSize*: float32
-    maxExtraPrimitiveOverestimationSize*: float32
-    extraPrimitiveOverestimationSizeGranularity*: float32
-    primitiveUnderestimation*: VkBool32
-    conservativePointAndLineRasterization*: VkBool32
-    degenerateTrianglesRasterized*: VkBool32
-    degenerateLinesRasterized*: VkBool32
-    fullyCoveredFragmentShaderInputVariable*: VkBool32
-    conservativeRasterizationPostDepthCoverage*: VkBool32
-  VkCalibratedTimestampInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    timeDomain*: VkTimeDomainEXT
-  VkPhysicalDeviceShaderCorePropertiesAMD* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    shaderEngineCount*: uint32
-    shaderArraysPerEngineCount*: uint32
-    computeUnitsPerShaderArray*: uint32
-    simdPerComputeUnit*: uint32
-    wavefrontsPerSimd*: uint32
-    wavefrontSize*: uint32
-    sgprsPerSimd*: uint32
-    minSgprAllocation*: uint32
-    maxSgprAllocation*: uint32
-    sgprAllocationGranularity*: uint32
-    vgprsPerSimd*: uint32
-    minVgprAllocation*: uint32
-    maxVgprAllocation*: uint32
-    vgprAllocationGranularity*: uint32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceShaderCoreProperties2AMD* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    shaderCoreFeatures*: VkShaderCorePropertiesFlagsAMD
-    activeComputeUnitCount*: uint32
-  VkPipelineRasterizationConservativeStateCreateInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkPipelineRasterizationConservativeStateCreateFlagsEXT
-    conservativeRasterizationMode*: VkConservativeRasterizationModeEXT
-    extraPrimitiveOverestimationSize*: float32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingFeatures* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    shaderInputAttachmentArrayDynamicIndexing*: VkBool32
-    shaderUniformTexelBufferArrayDynamicIndexing*: VkBool32
-    shaderStorageTexelBufferArrayDynamicIndexing*: VkBool32
-    shaderUniformBufferArrayNonUniformIndexing*: VkBool32
-    shaderSampledImageArrayNonUniformIndexing*: VkBool32
-    shaderStorageBufferArrayNonUniformIndexing*: VkBool32
-    shaderStorageImageArrayNonUniformIndexing*: VkBool32
-    shaderInputAttachmentArrayNonUniformIndexing*: VkBool32
-    shaderUniformTexelBufferArrayNonUniformIndexing*: VkBool32
-    shaderStorageTexelBufferArrayNonUniformIndexing*: VkBool32
-    descriptorBindingUniformBufferUpdateAfterBind*: VkBool32
-    descriptorBindingSampledImageUpdateAfterBind*: VkBool32
-    descriptorBindingStorageImageUpdateAfterBind*: VkBool32
-    descriptorBindingStorageBufferUpdateAfterBind*: VkBool32
-    descriptorBindingUniformTexelBufferUpdateAfterBind*: VkBool32
-    descriptorBindingStorageTexelBufferUpdateAfterBind*: VkBool32
-    descriptorBindingUpdateUnusedWhilePending*: VkBool32
-    descriptorBindingPartiallyBound*: VkBool32
-    descriptorBindingVariableDescriptorCount*: VkBool32
-    runtimeDescriptorArray*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingFeaturesEXT* = object
-  VkPhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingProperties* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    maxUpdateAfterBindDescriptorsInAllPools*: uint32
-    shaderUniformBufferArrayNonUniformIndexingNative*: VkBool32
-    shaderSampledImageArrayNonUniformIndexingNative*: VkBool32
-    shaderStorageBufferArrayNonUniformIndexingNative*: VkBool32
-    shaderStorageImageArrayNonUniformIndexingNative*: VkBool32
-    shaderInputAttachmentArrayNonUniformIndexingNative*: VkBool32
-    robustBufferAccessUpdateAfterBind*: VkBool32
-    quadDivergentImplicitLod*: VkBool32
-    maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindSamplers*: uint32
-    maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindUniformBuffers*: uint32
-    maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindStorageBuffers*: uint32
-    maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindSampledImages*: uint32
-    maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindStorageImages*: uint32
-    maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindInputAttachments*: uint32
-    maxPerStageUpdateAfterBindResources*: uint32
-    maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindSamplers*: uint32
-    maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindUniformBuffers*: uint32
-    maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindUniformBuffersDynamic*: uint32
-    maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindStorageBuffers*: uint32
-    maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindStorageBuffersDynamic*: uint32
-    maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindSampledImages*: uint32
-    maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindStorageImages*: uint32
-    maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindInputAttachments*: uint32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingPropertiesEXT* = object
-  VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    bindingCount*: uint32
-    pBindingFlags*: ptr VkDescriptorBindingFlags
-  VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT* = object
-  VkDescriptorSetVariableDescriptorCountAllocateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    descriptorSetCount*: uint32
-    pDescriptorCounts*: ptr uint32
-  VkDescriptorSetVariableDescriptorCountAllocateInfoEXT* = object
-  VkDescriptorSetVariableDescriptorCountLayoutSupport* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    maxVariableDescriptorCount*: uint32
-  VkDescriptorSetVariableDescriptorCountLayoutSupportEXT* = object
-  VkAttachmentDescription2* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkAttachmentDescriptionFlags
-    format*: VkFormat
-    samples*: VkSampleCountFlagBits
-    loadOp*: VkAttachmentLoadOp
-    storeOp*: VkAttachmentStoreOp
-    stencilLoadOp*: VkAttachmentLoadOp
-    stencilStoreOp*: VkAttachmentStoreOp
-    initialLayout*: VkImageLayout
-    finalLayout*: VkImageLayout
-  VkAttachmentDescription2KHR* = object
-  VkAttachmentReference2* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    attachment*: uint32
-    layout*: VkImageLayout
-    aspectMask*: VkImageAspectFlags
-  VkAttachmentReference2KHR* = object
-  VkSubpassDescription2* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkSubpassDescriptionFlags
-    pipelineBindPoint*: VkPipelineBindPoint
-    viewMask*: uint32
-    inputAttachmentCount*: uint32
-    pInputAttachments*: ptr VkAttachmentReference2
-    colorAttachmentCount*: uint32
-    pColorAttachments*: ptr VkAttachmentReference2
-    pResolveAttachments*: ptr VkAttachmentReference2
-    pDepthStencilAttachment*: ptr VkAttachmentReference2
-    preserveAttachmentCount*: uint32
-    pPreserveAttachments*: ptr uint32
-  VkSubpassDescription2KHR* = object
-  VkSubpassDependency2* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    srcSubpass*: uint32
-    dstSubpass*: uint32
-    srcStageMask*: VkPipelineStageFlags
-    dstStageMask*: VkPipelineStageFlags
-    srcAccessMask*: VkAccessFlags
-    dstAccessMask*: VkAccessFlags
-    dependencyFlags*: VkDependencyFlags
-    viewOffset*: int32
-  VkSubpassDependency2KHR* = object
-  VkRenderPassCreateInfo2* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkRenderPassCreateFlags
-    attachmentCount*: uint32
-    pAttachments*: ptr VkAttachmentDescription2
-    subpassCount*: uint32
-    pSubpasses*: ptr VkSubpassDescription2
-    dependencyCount*: uint32
-    pDependencies*: ptr VkSubpassDependency2
-    correlatedViewMaskCount*: uint32
-    pCorrelatedViewMasks*: ptr uint32
-  VkRenderPassCreateInfo2KHR* = object
-  VkSubpassBeginInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    contents*: VkSubpassContents
-  VkSubpassBeginInfoKHR* = object
-  VkSubpassEndInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-  VkSubpassEndInfoKHR* = object
-  VkPhysicalDeviceTimelineSemaphoreFeatures* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    timelineSemaphore*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceTimelineSemaphoreFeaturesKHR* = object
-  VkPhysicalDeviceTimelineSemaphoreProperties* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    maxTimelineSemaphoreValueDifference*: uint64
-  VkPhysicalDeviceTimelineSemaphorePropertiesKHR* = object
-  VkSemaphoreTypeCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    semaphoreType*: VkSemaphoreType
-    initialValue*: uint64
-  VkSemaphoreTypeCreateInfoKHR* = object
-  VkTimelineSemaphoreSubmitInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    waitSemaphoreValueCount*: uint32
-    pWaitSemaphoreValues*: ptr uint64
-    signalSemaphoreValueCount*: uint32
-    pSignalSemaphoreValues*: ptr uint64
-  VkTimelineSemaphoreSubmitInfoKHR* = object
-  VkSemaphoreWaitInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkSemaphoreWaitFlags
-    semaphoreCount*: uint32
-    pSemaphores*: ptr VkSemaphore
-    pValues*: ptr uint64
-  VkSemaphoreWaitInfoKHR* = object
-  VkSemaphoreSignalInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    semaphore*: VkSemaphore
-    value*: uint64
-  VkSemaphoreSignalInfoKHR* = object
-  VkVertexInputBindingDivisorDescriptionEXT* = object
-    binding*: uint32
-    divisor*: uint32
-  VkPipelineVertexInputDivisorStateCreateInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    vertexBindingDivisorCount*: uint32
-    pVertexBindingDivisors*: ptr VkVertexInputBindingDivisorDescriptionEXT
-  VkPhysicalDeviceVertexAttributeDivisorPropertiesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    maxVertexAttribDivisor*: uint32
-  VkPhysicalDevicePCIBusInfoPropertiesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    pciDomain*: uint32
-    pciBus*: uint32
-    pciDevice*: uint32
-    pciFunction*: uint32
-  VkCommandBufferInheritanceConditionalRenderingInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    conditionalRenderingEnable*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDevice8BitStorageFeatures* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    storageBuffer8BitAccess*: VkBool32
-    uniformAndStorageBuffer8BitAccess*: VkBool32
-    storagePushConstant8*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDevice8BitStorageFeaturesKHR* = object
-  VkPhysicalDeviceConditionalRenderingFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    conditionalRendering*: VkBool32
-    inheritedConditionalRendering*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeatures* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    vulkanMemoryModel*: VkBool32
-    vulkanMemoryModelDeviceScope*: VkBool32
-    vulkanMemoryModelAvailabilityVisibilityChains*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeaturesKHR* = object
-  VkPhysicalDeviceShaderAtomicInt64Features* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    shaderBufferInt64Atomics*: VkBool32
-    shaderSharedInt64Atomics*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceShaderAtomicInt64FeaturesKHR* = object
-  VkPhysicalDeviceShaderAtomicFloatFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    shaderBufferFloat32Atomics*: VkBool32
-    shaderBufferFloat32AtomicAdd*: VkBool32
-    shaderBufferFloat64Atomics*: VkBool32
-    shaderBufferFloat64AtomicAdd*: VkBool32
-    shaderSharedFloat32Atomics*: VkBool32
-    shaderSharedFloat32AtomicAdd*: VkBool32
-    shaderSharedFloat64Atomics*: VkBool32
-    shaderSharedFloat64AtomicAdd*: VkBool32
-    shaderImageFloat32Atomics*: VkBool32
-    shaderImageFloat32AtomicAdd*: VkBool32
-    sparseImageFloat32Atomics*: VkBool32
-    sparseImageFloat32AtomicAdd*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceShaderAtomicFloat2FeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    shaderBufferFloat16Atomics*: VkBool32
-    shaderBufferFloat16AtomicAdd*: VkBool32
-    shaderBufferFloat16AtomicMinMax*: VkBool32
-    shaderBufferFloat32AtomicMinMax*: VkBool32
-    shaderBufferFloat64AtomicMinMax*: VkBool32
-    shaderSharedFloat16Atomics*: VkBool32
-    shaderSharedFloat16AtomicAdd*: VkBool32
-    shaderSharedFloat16AtomicMinMax*: VkBool32
-    shaderSharedFloat32AtomicMinMax*: VkBool32
-    shaderSharedFloat64AtomicMinMax*: VkBool32
-    shaderImageFloat32AtomicMinMax*: VkBool32
-    sparseImageFloat32AtomicMinMax*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceVertexAttributeDivisorFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    vertexAttributeInstanceRateDivisor*: VkBool32
-    vertexAttributeInstanceRateZeroDivisor*: VkBool32
-  VkQueueFamilyCheckpointPropertiesNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    checkpointExecutionStageMask*: VkPipelineStageFlags
-  VkCheckpointDataNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    stage*: VkPipelineStageFlagBits
-    pCheckpointMarker*: pointer
-  VkPhysicalDeviceDepthStencilResolveProperties* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    supportedDepthResolveModes*: VkResolveModeFlags
-    supportedStencilResolveModes*: VkResolveModeFlags
-    independentResolveNone*: VkBool32
-    independentResolve*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceDepthStencilResolvePropertiesKHR* = object
-  VkSubpassDescriptionDepthStencilResolve* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    depthResolveMode*: VkResolveModeFlagBits
-    stencilResolveMode*: VkResolveModeFlagBits
-    pDepthStencilResolveAttachment*: ptr VkAttachmentReference2
-  VkSubpassDescriptionDepthStencilResolveKHR* = object
-  VkImageViewASTCDecodeModeEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    decodeMode*: VkFormat
-  VkPhysicalDeviceASTCDecodeFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    decodeModeSharedExponent*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceTransformFeedbackFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    transformFeedback*: VkBool32
-    geometryStreams*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceTransformFeedbackPropertiesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    maxTransformFeedbackStreams*: uint32
-    maxTransformFeedbackBuffers*: uint32
-    maxTransformFeedbackBufferSize*: VkDeviceSize
-    maxTransformFeedbackStreamDataSize*: uint32
-    maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataSize*: uint32
-    maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataStride*: uint32
-    transformFeedbackQueries*: VkBool32
-    transformFeedbackStreamsLinesTriangles*: VkBool32
-    transformFeedbackRasterizationStreamSelect*: VkBool32
-    transformFeedbackDraw*: VkBool32
-  VkPipelineRasterizationStateStreamCreateInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkPipelineRasterizationStateStreamCreateFlagsEXT
-    rasterizationStream*: uint32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceRepresentativeFragmentTestFeaturesNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    representativeFragmentTest*: VkBool32
-  VkPipelineRepresentativeFragmentTestStateCreateInfoNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    representativeFragmentTestEnable*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceExclusiveScissorFeaturesNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    exclusiveScissor*: VkBool32
-  VkPipelineViewportExclusiveScissorStateCreateInfoNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    exclusiveScissorCount*: uint32
-    pExclusiveScissors*: ptr VkRect2D
-  VkPhysicalDeviceCornerSampledImageFeaturesNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    cornerSampledImage*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceComputeShaderDerivativesFeaturesNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    computeDerivativeGroupQuads*: VkBool32
-    computeDerivativeGroupLinear*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentShaderBarycentricFeaturesNV* = object
-  VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageFootprintFeaturesNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    imageFootprint*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceDedicatedAllocationImageAliasingFeaturesNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    dedicatedAllocationImageAliasing*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceCopyMemoryIndirectFeaturesNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    indirectCopy*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceCopyMemoryIndirectPropertiesNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    supportedQueues*: VkQueueFlags
-  VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryDecompressionFeaturesNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    memoryDecompression*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryDecompressionPropertiesNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    decompressionMethods*: VkMemoryDecompressionMethodFlagsNV
-    maxDecompressionIndirectCount*: uint64
-  VkShadingRatePaletteNV* = object
-    shadingRatePaletteEntryCount*: uint32
-    pShadingRatePaletteEntries*: ptr VkShadingRatePaletteEntryNV
-  VkPipelineViewportShadingRateImageStateCreateInfoNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    shadingRateImageEnable*: VkBool32
-    viewportCount*: uint32
-    pShadingRatePalettes*: ptr VkShadingRatePaletteNV
-  VkPhysicalDeviceShadingRateImageFeaturesNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    shadingRateImage*: VkBool32
-    shadingRateCoarseSampleOrder*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceShadingRateImagePropertiesNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    shadingRateTexelSize*: VkExtent2D
-    shadingRatePaletteSize*: uint32
-    shadingRateMaxCoarseSamples*: uint32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceInvocationMaskFeaturesHUAWEI* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    invocationMask*: VkBool32
-  VkCoarseSampleLocationNV* = object
-    pixelX*: uint32
-    pixelY*: uint32
-    sample*: uint32
-  VkCoarseSampleOrderCustomNV* = object
-    shadingRate*: VkShadingRatePaletteEntryNV
-    sampleCount*: uint32
-    sampleLocationCount*: uint32
-    pSampleLocations*: ptr VkCoarseSampleLocationNV
-  VkPipelineViewportCoarseSampleOrderStateCreateInfoNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    sampleOrderType*: VkCoarseSampleOrderTypeNV
-    customSampleOrderCount*: uint32
-    pCustomSampleOrders*: ptr VkCoarseSampleOrderCustomNV
-  VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderFeaturesNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    taskShader*: VkBool32
-    meshShader*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    maxDrawMeshTasksCount*: uint32
-    maxTaskWorkGroupInvocations*: uint32
-    maxTaskWorkGroupSize*: array[3, uint32]
-    maxTaskTotalMemorySize*: uint32
-    maxTaskOutputCount*: uint32
-    maxMeshWorkGroupInvocations*: uint32
-    maxMeshWorkGroupSize*: array[3, uint32]
-    maxMeshTotalMemorySize*: uint32
-    maxMeshOutputVertices*: uint32
-    maxMeshOutputPrimitives*: uint32
-    maxMeshMultiviewViewCount*: uint32
-    meshOutputPerVertexGranularity*: uint32
-    meshOutputPerPrimitiveGranularity*: uint32
-  VkDrawMeshTasksIndirectCommandNV* = object
-    taskCount*: uint32
-    firstTask*: uint32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    taskShader*: VkBool32
-    meshShader*: VkBool32
-    multiviewMeshShader*: VkBool32
-    primitiveFragmentShadingRateMeshShader*: VkBool32
-    meshShaderQueries*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    maxTaskWorkGroupTotalCount*: uint32
-    maxTaskWorkGroupCount*: array[3, uint32]
-    maxTaskWorkGroupInvocations*: uint32
-    maxTaskWorkGroupSize*: array[3, uint32]
-    maxTaskPayloadSize*: uint32
-    maxTaskSharedMemorySize*: uint32
-    maxTaskPayloadAndSharedMemorySize*: uint32
-    maxMeshWorkGroupTotalCount*: uint32
-    maxMeshWorkGroupCount*: array[3, uint32]
-    maxMeshWorkGroupInvocations*: uint32
-    maxMeshWorkGroupSize*: array[3, uint32]
-    maxMeshSharedMemorySize*: uint32
-    maxMeshPayloadAndSharedMemorySize*: uint32
-    maxMeshOutputMemorySize*: uint32
-    maxMeshPayloadAndOutputMemorySize*: uint32
-    maxMeshOutputComponents*: uint32
-    maxMeshOutputVertices*: uint32
-    maxMeshOutputPrimitives*: uint32
-    maxMeshOutputLayers*: uint32
-    maxMeshMultiviewViewCount*: uint32
-    meshOutputPerVertexGranularity*: uint32
-    meshOutputPerPrimitiveGranularity*: uint32
-    maxPreferredTaskWorkGroupInvocations*: uint32
-    maxPreferredMeshWorkGroupInvocations*: uint32
-    prefersLocalInvocationVertexOutput*: VkBool32
-    prefersLocalInvocationPrimitiveOutput*: VkBool32
-    prefersCompactVertexOutput*: VkBool32
-    prefersCompactPrimitiveOutput*: VkBool32
-  VkDrawMeshTasksIndirectCommandEXT* = object
-    groupCountX*: uint32
-    groupCountY*: uint32
-    groupCountZ*: uint32
-  VkRayTracingShaderGroupCreateInfoNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    thetype*: VkRayTracingShaderGroupTypeKHR
-    generalShader*: uint32
-    closestHitShader*: uint32
-    anyHitShader*: uint32
-    intersectionShader*: uint32
-  VkRayTracingShaderGroupCreateInfoKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    thetype*: VkRayTracingShaderGroupTypeKHR
-    generalShader*: uint32
-    closestHitShader*: uint32
-    anyHitShader*: uint32
-    intersectionShader*: uint32
-    pShaderGroupCaptureReplayHandle*: pointer
-  VkRayTracingPipelineCreateInfoNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkPipelineCreateFlags
-    stageCount*: uint32
-    pStages*: ptr VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo
-    groupCount*: uint32
-    pGroups*: ptr VkRayTracingShaderGroupCreateInfoNV
-    maxRecursionDepth*: uint32
-    layout*: VkPipelineLayout
-    basePipelineHandle*: VkPipeline
-    basePipelineIndex*: int32
-  VkRayTracingPipelineCreateInfoKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkPipelineCreateFlags
-    stageCount*: uint32
-    pStages*: ptr VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo
-    groupCount*: uint32
-    pGroups*: ptr VkRayTracingShaderGroupCreateInfoKHR
-    maxPipelineRayRecursionDepth*: uint32
-    pLibraryInfo*: ptr VkPipelineLibraryCreateInfoKHR
-    pLibraryInterface*: ptr VkRayTracingPipelineInterfaceCreateInfoKHR
-    pDynamicState*: ptr VkPipelineDynamicStateCreateInfo
-    layout*: VkPipelineLayout
-    basePipelineHandle*: VkPipeline
-    basePipelineIndex*: int32
-  VkGeometryTrianglesNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    vertexData*: VkBuffer
-    vertexOffset*: VkDeviceSize
-    vertexCount*: uint32
-    vertexStride*: VkDeviceSize
-    vertexFormat*: VkFormat
-    indexData*: VkBuffer
-    indexOffset*: VkDeviceSize
-    indexCount*: uint32
-    indexType*: VkIndexType
-    transformData*: VkBuffer
-    transformOffset*: VkDeviceSize
-  VkGeometryAABBNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    aabbData*: VkBuffer
-    numAABBs*: uint32
-    stride*: uint32
-    offset*: VkDeviceSize
-  VkGeometryDataNV* = object
-    triangles*: VkGeometryTrianglesNV
-    aabbs*: VkGeometryAABBNV
-  VkGeometryNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    geometryType*: VkGeometryTypeKHR
-    geometry*: VkGeometryDataNV
-    flags*: VkGeometryFlagsKHR
-  VkAccelerationStructureInfoNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    thetype*: VkAccelerationStructureTypeNV
-    flags*: VkBuildAccelerationStructureFlagsNV
-    instanceCount*: uint32
-    geometryCount*: uint32
-    pGeometries*: ptr VkGeometryNV
-  VkAccelerationStructureCreateInfoNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    compactedSize*: VkDeviceSize
-    info*: VkAccelerationStructureInfoNV
-  VkBindAccelerationStructureMemoryInfoNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    accelerationStructure*: VkAccelerationStructureNV
-    memory*: VkDeviceMemory
-    memoryOffset*: VkDeviceSize
-    deviceIndexCount*: uint32
-    pDeviceIndices*: ptr uint32
-  VkWriteDescriptorSetAccelerationStructureKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    accelerationStructureCount*: uint32
-    pAccelerationStructures*: ptr VkAccelerationStructureKHR
-  VkWriteDescriptorSetAccelerationStructureNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    accelerationStructureCount*: uint32
-    pAccelerationStructures*: ptr VkAccelerationStructureNV
-  VkAccelerationStructureMemoryRequirementsInfoNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    thetype*: VkAccelerationStructureMemoryRequirementsTypeNV
-    accelerationStructure*: VkAccelerationStructureNV
-  VkPhysicalDeviceAccelerationStructureFeaturesKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    accelerationStructure*: VkBool32
-    accelerationStructureCaptureReplay*: VkBool32
-    accelerationStructureIndirectBuild*: VkBool32
-    accelerationStructureHostCommands*: VkBool32
-    descriptorBindingAccelerationStructureUpdateAfterBind*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceRayTracingPipelineFeaturesKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    rayTracingPipeline*: VkBool32
-    rayTracingPipelineShaderGroupHandleCaptureReplay*: VkBool32
-    rayTracingPipelineShaderGroupHandleCaptureReplayMixed*: VkBool32
-    rayTracingPipelineTraceRaysIndirect*: VkBool32
-    rayTraversalPrimitiveCulling*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceRayQueryFeaturesKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    rayQuery*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceAccelerationStructurePropertiesKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    maxGeometryCount*: uint64
-    maxInstanceCount*: uint64
-    maxPrimitiveCount*: uint64
-    maxPerStageDescriptorAccelerationStructures*: uint32
-    maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindAccelerationStructures*: uint32
-    maxDescriptorSetAccelerationStructures*: uint32
-    maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindAccelerationStructures*: uint32
-    minAccelerationStructureScratchOffsetAlignment*: uint32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceRayTracingPipelinePropertiesKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    shaderGroupHandleSize*: uint32
-    maxRayRecursionDepth*: uint32
-    maxShaderGroupStride*: uint32
-    shaderGroupBaseAlignment*: uint32
-    shaderGroupHandleCaptureReplaySize*: uint32
-    maxRayDispatchInvocationCount*: uint32
-    shaderGroupHandleAlignment*: uint32
-    maxRayHitAttributeSize*: uint32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceRayTracingPropertiesNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    shaderGroupHandleSize*: uint32
-    maxRecursionDepth*: uint32
-    maxShaderGroupStride*: uint32
-    shaderGroupBaseAlignment*: uint32
-    maxGeometryCount*: uint64
-    maxInstanceCount*: uint64
-    maxTriangleCount*: uint64
-    maxDescriptorSetAccelerationStructures*: uint32
-  VkStridedDeviceAddressRegionKHR* = object
-    deviceAddress*: VkDeviceAddress
-    stride*: VkDeviceSize
-    size*: VkDeviceSize
-  VkTraceRaysIndirectCommandKHR* = object
-    width*: uint32
-    height*: uint32
-    depth*: uint32
-  VkTraceRaysIndirectCommand2KHR* = object
-    raygenShaderRecordAddress*: VkDeviceAddress
-    raygenShaderRecordSize*: VkDeviceSize
-    missShaderBindingTableAddress*: VkDeviceAddress
-    missShaderBindingTableSize*: VkDeviceSize
-    missShaderBindingTableStride*: VkDeviceSize
-    hitShaderBindingTableAddress*: VkDeviceAddress
-    hitShaderBindingTableSize*: VkDeviceSize
-    hitShaderBindingTableStride*: VkDeviceSize
-    callableShaderBindingTableAddress*: VkDeviceAddress
-    callableShaderBindingTableSize*: VkDeviceSize
-    callableShaderBindingTableStride*: VkDeviceSize
-    width*: uint32
-    height*: uint32
-    depth*: uint32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceRayTracingMaintenance1FeaturesKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    rayTracingMaintenance1*: VkBool32
-    rayTracingPipelineTraceRaysIndirect2*: VkBool32
-  VkDrmFormatModifierPropertiesListEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    drmFormatModifierCount*: uint32
-    pDrmFormatModifierProperties*: ptr VkDrmFormatModifierPropertiesEXT
-  VkDrmFormatModifierPropertiesEXT* = object
-    drmFormatModifier*: uint64
-    drmFormatModifierPlaneCount*: uint32
-    drmFormatModifierTilingFeatures*: VkFormatFeatureFlags
-  VkPhysicalDeviceImageDrmFormatModifierInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    drmFormatModifier*: uint64
-    sharingMode*: VkSharingMode
-    queueFamilyIndexCount*: uint32
-    pQueueFamilyIndices*: ptr uint32
-  VkImageDrmFormatModifierListCreateInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    drmFormatModifierCount*: uint32
-    pDrmFormatModifiers*: ptr uint64
-  VkImageDrmFormatModifierExplicitCreateInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    drmFormatModifier*: uint64
-    drmFormatModifierPlaneCount*: uint32
-    pPlaneLayouts*: ptr VkSubresourceLayout
-  VkImageDrmFormatModifierPropertiesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    drmFormatModifier*: uint64
-  VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    stencilUsage*: VkImageUsageFlags
-  VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT* = object
-  VkDeviceMemoryOverallocationCreateInfoAMD* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    overallocationBehavior*: VkMemoryOverallocationBehaviorAMD
-  VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentDensityMapFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    fragmentDensityMap*: VkBool32
-    fragmentDensityMapDynamic*: VkBool32
-    fragmentDensityMapNonSubsampledImages*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentDensityMap2FeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    fragmentDensityMapDeferred*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentDensityMapOffsetFeaturesQCOM* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    fragmentDensityMapOffset*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentDensityMapPropertiesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    minFragmentDensityTexelSize*: VkExtent2D
-    maxFragmentDensityTexelSize*: VkExtent2D
-    fragmentDensityInvocations*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentDensityMap2PropertiesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    subsampledLoads*: VkBool32
-    subsampledCoarseReconstructionEarlyAccess*: VkBool32
-    maxSubsampledArrayLayers*: uint32
-    maxDescriptorSetSubsampledSamplers*: uint32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentDensityMapOffsetPropertiesQCOM* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    fragmentDensityOffsetGranularity*: VkExtent2D
-  VkRenderPassFragmentDensityMapCreateInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    fragmentDensityMapAttachment*: VkAttachmentReference
-  VkSubpassFragmentDensityMapOffsetEndInfoQCOM* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    fragmentDensityOffsetCount*: uint32
-    pFragmentDensityOffsets*: ptr VkOffset2D
-  VkPhysicalDeviceScalarBlockLayoutFeatures* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    scalarBlockLayout*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceScalarBlockLayoutFeaturesEXT* = object
-  VkSurfaceProtectedCapabilitiesKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    supportsProtected*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceUniformBufferStandardLayoutFeatures* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    uniformBufferStandardLayout*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceUniformBufferStandardLayoutFeaturesKHR* = object
-  VkPhysicalDeviceDepthClipEnableFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    depthClipEnable*: VkBool32
-  VkPipelineRasterizationDepthClipStateCreateInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkPipelineRasterizationDepthClipStateCreateFlagsEXT
-    depthClipEnable*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryBudgetPropertiesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    heapBudget*: array[VK_MAX_MEMORY_HEAPS, VkDeviceSize]
-    heapUsage*: array[VK_MAX_MEMORY_HEAPS, VkDeviceSize]
-  VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryPriorityFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    memoryPriority*: VkBool32
-  VkMemoryPriorityAllocateInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    priority*: float32
-  VkPhysicalDevicePageableDeviceLocalMemoryFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    pageableDeviceLocalMemory*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceBufferDeviceAddressFeatures* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    bufferDeviceAddress*: VkBool32
-    bufferDeviceAddressCaptureReplay*: VkBool32
-    bufferDeviceAddressMultiDevice*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceBufferDeviceAddressFeaturesKHR* = object
-  VkPhysicalDeviceBufferDeviceAddressFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    bufferDeviceAddress*: VkBool32
-    bufferDeviceAddressCaptureReplay*: VkBool32
-    bufferDeviceAddressMultiDevice*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceBufferAddressFeaturesEXT* = object
-  VkBufferDeviceAddressInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    buffer*: VkBuffer
-  VkBufferDeviceAddressInfoKHR* = object
-  VkBufferDeviceAddressInfoEXT* = object
-  VkBufferOpaqueCaptureAddressCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    opaqueCaptureAddress*: uint64
-  VkBufferOpaqueCaptureAddressCreateInfoKHR* = object
-  VkBufferDeviceAddressCreateInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    deviceAddress*: VkDeviceAddress
-  VkPhysicalDeviceImageViewImageFormatInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    imageViewType*: VkImageViewType
-  VkFilterCubicImageViewImageFormatPropertiesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    filterCubic*: VkBool32
-    filterCubicMinmax*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceImagelessFramebufferFeatures* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    imagelessFramebuffer*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceImagelessFramebufferFeaturesKHR* = object
-  VkFramebufferAttachmentsCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    attachmentImageInfoCount*: uint32
-    pAttachmentImageInfos*: ptr VkFramebufferAttachmentImageInfo
-  VkFramebufferAttachmentsCreateInfoKHR* = object
-  VkFramebufferAttachmentImageInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkImageCreateFlags
-    usage*: VkImageUsageFlags
-    width*: uint32
-    height*: uint32
-    layerCount*: uint32
-    viewFormatCount*: uint32
-    pViewFormats*: ptr VkFormat
-  VkFramebufferAttachmentImageInfoKHR* = object
-  VkRenderPassAttachmentBeginInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    attachmentCount*: uint32
-    pAttachments*: ptr VkImageView
-  VkRenderPassAttachmentBeginInfoKHR* = object
-  VkPhysicalDeviceTextureCompressionASTCHDRFeatures* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    textureCompressionASTC_HDR*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceTextureCompressionASTCHDRFeaturesEXT* = object
-  VkPhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixFeaturesNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    cooperativeMatrix*: VkBool32
-    cooperativeMatrixRobustBufferAccess*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    cooperativeMatrixSupportedStages*: VkShaderStageFlags
-  VkCooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    MSize*: uint32
-    NSize*: uint32
-    KSize*: uint32
-    AType*: VkComponentTypeNV
-    BType*: VkComponentTypeNV
-    CType*: VkComponentTypeNV
-    DType*: VkComponentTypeNV
-    scope*: VkScopeNV
-  VkPhysicalDeviceYcbcrImageArraysFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    ycbcrImageArrays*: VkBool32
-  VkImageViewHandleInfoNVX* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    imageView*: VkImageView
-    descriptorType*: VkDescriptorType
-    sampler*: VkSampler
-  VkImageViewAddressPropertiesNVX* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    deviceAddress*: VkDeviceAddress
-    size*: VkDeviceSize
-  VkPipelineCreationFeedback* = object
-    flags*: VkPipelineCreationFeedbackFlags
-    duration*: uint64
-  VkPipelineCreationFeedbackEXT* = object
-  VkPipelineCreationFeedbackCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    pPipelineCreationFeedback*: ptr VkPipelineCreationFeedback
-    pipelineStageCreationFeedbackCount*: uint32
-    pPipelineStageCreationFeedbacks*: ptr VkPipelineCreationFeedback
-  VkPipelineCreationFeedbackCreateInfoEXT* = object
-  VkPhysicalDevicePresentBarrierFeaturesNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    presentBarrier*: VkBool32
-  VkSurfaceCapabilitiesPresentBarrierNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    presentBarrierSupported*: VkBool32
-  VkSwapchainPresentBarrierCreateInfoNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    presentBarrierEnable*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDevicePerformanceQueryFeaturesKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    performanceCounterQueryPools*: VkBool32
-    performanceCounterMultipleQueryPools*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDevicePerformanceQueryPropertiesKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    allowCommandBufferQueryCopies*: VkBool32
-  VkPerformanceCounterKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    unit*: VkPerformanceCounterUnitKHR
-    scope*: VkPerformanceCounterScopeKHR
-    storage*: VkPerformanceCounterStorageKHR
-    uuid*: array[VK_UUID_SIZE, uint8]
-  VkPerformanceCounterDescriptionKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkPerformanceCounterDescriptionFlagsKHR
-    name*: array[VK_MAX_DESCRIPTION_SIZE, char]
-    category*: array[VK_MAX_DESCRIPTION_SIZE, char]
-    description*: array[VK_MAX_DESCRIPTION_SIZE, char]
-  VkQueryPoolPerformanceCreateInfoKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    queueFamilyIndex*: uint32
-    counterIndexCount*: uint32
-    pCounterIndices*: ptr uint32
-  VkPerformanceCounterResultKHR* {.union.} = object
-    int32*: int32
-    int64*: int64
-    uint32*: uint32
-    uint64*: uint64
-    float32*: float32
-    float64*: float64
-  VkAcquireProfilingLockInfoKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkAcquireProfilingLockFlagsKHR
-    timeout*: uint64
-  VkPerformanceQuerySubmitInfoKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    counterPassIndex*: uint32
-  VkPerformanceQueryReservationInfoKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    maxPerformanceQueriesPerPool*: uint32
-  VkHeadlessSurfaceCreateInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkHeadlessSurfaceCreateFlagsEXT
-  VkPhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    coverageReductionMode*: VkBool32
-  VkPipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkPipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-    coverageReductionMode*: VkCoverageReductionModeNV
-  VkFramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    coverageReductionMode*: VkCoverageReductionModeNV
-    rasterizationSamples*: VkSampleCountFlagBits
-    depthStencilSamples*: VkSampleCountFlags
-    colorSamples*: VkSampleCountFlags
-  VkPhysicalDeviceShaderIntegerFunctions2FeaturesINTEL* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    shaderIntegerFunctions2*: VkBool32
-  VkPerformanceValueDataINTEL* {.union.} = object
-    value32*: uint32
-    value64*: uint64
-    valueFloat*: float32
-    valueBool*: VkBool32
-    valueString*: cstring
-  VkPerformanceValueINTEL* = object
-    thetype*: VkPerformanceValueTypeINTEL
-    data*: VkPerformanceValueDataINTEL
-  VkInitializePerformanceApiInfoINTEL* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    pUserData*: pointer
-  VkQueryPoolPerformanceQueryCreateInfoINTEL* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    performanceCountersSampling*: VkQueryPoolSamplingModeINTEL
-  VkQueryPoolCreateInfoINTEL* = object
-  VkPerformanceMarkerInfoINTEL* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    marker*: uint64
-  VkPerformanceStreamMarkerInfoINTEL* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    marker*: uint32
-  VkPerformanceOverrideInfoINTEL* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    thetype*: VkPerformanceOverrideTypeINTEL
-    enable*: VkBool32
-    parameter*: uint64
-  VkPerformanceConfigurationAcquireInfoINTEL* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    thetype*: VkPerformanceConfigurationTypeINTEL
-  VkPhysicalDeviceShaderClockFeaturesKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    shaderSubgroupClock*: VkBool32
-    shaderDeviceClock*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceIndexTypeUint8FeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    indexTypeUint8*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceShaderSMBuiltinsPropertiesNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    shaderSMCount*: uint32
-    shaderWarpsPerSM*: uint32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceShaderSMBuiltinsFeaturesNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    shaderSMBuiltins*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentShaderInterlockFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    fragmentShaderSampleInterlock*: VkBool32
-    fragmentShaderPixelInterlock*: VkBool32
-    fragmentShaderShadingRateInterlock*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceSeparateDepthStencilLayoutsFeatures* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    separateDepthStencilLayouts*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceSeparateDepthStencilLayoutsFeaturesKHR* = object
-  VkAttachmentReferenceStencilLayout* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    stencilLayout*: VkImageLayout
-  VkPhysicalDevicePrimitiveTopologyListRestartFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    primitiveTopologyListRestart*: VkBool32
-    primitiveTopologyPatchListRestart*: VkBool32
-  VkAttachmentReferenceStencilLayoutKHR* = object
-  VkAttachmentDescriptionStencilLayout* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    stencilInitialLayout*: VkImageLayout
-    stencilFinalLayout*: VkImageLayout
-  VkAttachmentDescriptionStencilLayoutKHR* = object
-  VkPhysicalDevicePipelineExecutablePropertiesFeaturesKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    pipelineExecutableInfo*: VkBool32
-  VkPipelineInfoKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    pipeline*: VkPipeline
-  VkPipelineInfoEXT* = object
-  VkPipelineExecutablePropertiesKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    stages*: VkShaderStageFlags
-    name*: array[VK_MAX_DESCRIPTION_SIZE, char]
-    description*: array[VK_MAX_DESCRIPTION_SIZE, char]
-    subgroupSize*: uint32
-  VkPipelineExecutableInfoKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    pipeline*: VkPipeline
-    executableIndex*: uint32
-  VkPipelineExecutableStatisticValueKHR* {.union.} = object
-    b32*: VkBool32
-    i64*: int64
-    u64*: uint64
-    f64*: float64
-  VkPipelineExecutableStatisticKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    name*: array[VK_MAX_DESCRIPTION_SIZE, char]
-    description*: array[VK_MAX_DESCRIPTION_SIZE, char]
-    format*: VkPipelineExecutableStatisticFormatKHR
-    value*: VkPipelineExecutableStatisticValueKHR
-  VkPipelineExecutableInternalRepresentationKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    name*: array[VK_MAX_DESCRIPTION_SIZE, char]
-    description*: array[VK_MAX_DESCRIPTION_SIZE, char]
-    isText*: VkBool32
-    dataSize*: csize_t
-    pData*: pointer
-  VkPhysicalDeviceShaderDemoteToHelperInvocationFeatures* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    shaderDemoteToHelperInvocation*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceShaderDemoteToHelperInvocationFeaturesEXT* = object
-  VkPhysicalDeviceTexelBufferAlignmentFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    texelBufferAlignment*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceTexelBufferAlignmentProperties* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    storageTexelBufferOffsetAlignmentBytes*: VkDeviceSize
-    storageTexelBufferOffsetSingleTexelAlignment*: VkBool32
-    uniformTexelBufferOffsetAlignmentBytes*: VkDeviceSize
-    uniformTexelBufferOffsetSingleTexelAlignment*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceTexelBufferAlignmentPropertiesEXT* = object
-  VkPhysicalDeviceSubgroupSizeControlFeatures* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    subgroupSizeControl*: VkBool32
-    computeFullSubgroups*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceSubgroupSizeControlFeaturesEXT* = object
-  VkPhysicalDeviceSubgroupSizeControlProperties* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    minSubgroupSize*: uint32
-    maxSubgroupSize*: uint32
-    maxComputeWorkgroupSubgroups*: uint32
-    requiredSubgroupSizeStages*: VkShaderStageFlags
-  VkPhysicalDeviceSubgroupSizeControlPropertiesEXT* = object
-  VkPipelineShaderStageRequiredSubgroupSizeCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    requiredSubgroupSize*: uint32
-  VkPipelineShaderStageRequiredSubgroupSizeCreateInfoEXT* = object
-  VkSubpassShadingPipelineCreateInfoHUAWEI* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    renderPass*: VkRenderPass
-    subpass*: uint32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceSubpassShadingPropertiesHUAWEI* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    maxSubpassShadingWorkgroupSizeAspectRatio*: uint32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceClusterCullingShaderPropertiesHUAWEI* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    maxWorkGroupCount*: array[3, uint32]
-    maxWorkGroupSize*: array[3, uint32]
-    maxOutputClusterCount*: uint32
-  VkMemoryOpaqueCaptureAddressAllocateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    opaqueCaptureAddress*: uint64
-  VkMemoryOpaqueCaptureAddressAllocateInfoKHR* = object
-  VkDeviceMemoryOpaqueCaptureAddressInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    memory*: VkDeviceMemory
-  VkDeviceMemoryOpaqueCaptureAddressInfoKHR* = object
-  VkPhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    rectangularLines*: VkBool32
-    bresenhamLines*: VkBool32
-    smoothLines*: VkBool32
-    stippledRectangularLines*: VkBool32
-    stippledBresenhamLines*: VkBool32
-    stippledSmoothLines*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    lineSubPixelPrecisionBits*: uint32
-  VkPipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    lineRasterizationMode*: VkLineRasterizationModeEXT
-    stippledLineEnable*: VkBool32
-    lineStippleFactor*: uint32
-    lineStipplePattern*: uint16
-  VkPhysicalDevicePipelineCreationCacheControlFeatures* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    pipelineCreationCacheControl*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDevicePipelineCreationCacheControlFeaturesEXT* = object
-  VkPhysicalDeviceVulkan11Features* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    storageBuffer16BitAccess*: VkBool32
-    uniformAndStorageBuffer16BitAccess*: VkBool32
-    storagePushConstant16*: VkBool32
-    storageInputOutput16*: VkBool32
-    multiview*: VkBool32
-    multiviewGeometryShader*: VkBool32
-    multiviewTessellationShader*: VkBool32
-    variablePointersStorageBuffer*: VkBool32
-    variablePointers*: VkBool32
-    protectedMemory*: VkBool32
-    samplerYcbcrConversion*: VkBool32
-    shaderDrawParameters*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceVulkan11Properties* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    deviceUUID*: array[VK_UUID_SIZE, uint8]
-    driverUUID*: array[VK_UUID_SIZE, uint8]
-    deviceLUID*: array[VK_LUID_SIZE, uint8]
-    deviceNodeMask*: uint32
-    deviceLUIDValid*: VkBool32
-    subgroupSize*: uint32
-    subgroupSupportedStages*: VkShaderStageFlags
-    subgroupSupportedOperations*: VkSubgroupFeatureFlags
-    subgroupQuadOperationsInAllStages*: VkBool32
-    pointClippingBehavior*: VkPointClippingBehavior
-    maxMultiviewViewCount*: uint32
-    maxMultiviewInstanceIndex*: uint32
-    protectedNoFault*: VkBool32
-    maxPerSetDescriptors*: uint32
-    maxMemoryAllocationSize*: VkDeviceSize
-  VkPhysicalDeviceVulkan12Features* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    samplerMirrorClampToEdge*: VkBool32
-    drawIndirectCount*: VkBool32
-    storageBuffer8BitAccess*: VkBool32
-    uniformAndStorageBuffer8BitAccess*: VkBool32
-    storagePushConstant8*: VkBool32
-    shaderBufferInt64Atomics*: VkBool32
-    shaderSharedInt64Atomics*: VkBool32
-    shaderFloat16*: VkBool32
-    shaderInt8*: VkBool32
-    descriptorIndexing*: VkBool32
-    shaderInputAttachmentArrayDynamicIndexing*: VkBool32
-    shaderUniformTexelBufferArrayDynamicIndexing*: VkBool32
-    shaderStorageTexelBufferArrayDynamicIndexing*: VkBool32
-    shaderUniformBufferArrayNonUniformIndexing*: VkBool32
-    shaderSampledImageArrayNonUniformIndexing*: VkBool32
-    shaderStorageBufferArrayNonUniformIndexing*: VkBool32
-    shaderStorageImageArrayNonUniformIndexing*: VkBool32
-    shaderInputAttachmentArrayNonUniformIndexing*: VkBool32
-    shaderUniformTexelBufferArrayNonUniformIndexing*: VkBool32
-    shaderStorageTexelBufferArrayNonUniformIndexing*: VkBool32
-    descriptorBindingUniformBufferUpdateAfterBind*: VkBool32
-    descriptorBindingSampledImageUpdateAfterBind*: VkBool32
-    descriptorBindingStorageImageUpdateAfterBind*: VkBool32
-    descriptorBindingStorageBufferUpdateAfterBind*: VkBool32
-    descriptorBindingUniformTexelBufferUpdateAfterBind*: VkBool32
-    descriptorBindingStorageTexelBufferUpdateAfterBind*: VkBool32
-    descriptorBindingUpdateUnusedWhilePending*: VkBool32
-    descriptorBindingPartiallyBound*: VkBool32
-    descriptorBindingVariableDescriptorCount*: VkBool32
-    runtimeDescriptorArray*: VkBool32
-    samplerFilterMinmax*: VkBool32
-    scalarBlockLayout*: VkBool32
-    imagelessFramebuffer*: VkBool32
-    uniformBufferStandardLayout*: VkBool32
-    shaderSubgroupExtendedTypes*: VkBool32
-    separateDepthStencilLayouts*: VkBool32
-    hostQueryReset*: VkBool32
-    timelineSemaphore*: VkBool32
-    bufferDeviceAddress*: VkBool32
-    bufferDeviceAddressCaptureReplay*: VkBool32
-    bufferDeviceAddressMultiDevice*: VkBool32
-    vulkanMemoryModel*: VkBool32
-    vulkanMemoryModelDeviceScope*: VkBool32
-    vulkanMemoryModelAvailabilityVisibilityChains*: VkBool32
-    shaderOutputViewportIndex*: VkBool32
-    shaderOutputLayer*: VkBool32
-    subgroupBroadcastDynamicId*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceVulkan12Properties* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    driverID*: VkDriverId
-    driverName*: array[VK_MAX_DRIVER_NAME_SIZE, char]
-    driverInfo*: array[VK_MAX_DRIVER_INFO_SIZE, char]
-    conformanceVersion*: VkConformanceVersion
-    denormBehaviorIndependence*: VkShaderFloatControlsIndependence
-    roundingModeIndependence*: VkShaderFloatControlsIndependence
-    shaderSignedZeroInfNanPreserveFloat16*: VkBool32
-    shaderSignedZeroInfNanPreserveFloat32*: VkBool32
-    shaderSignedZeroInfNanPreserveFloat64*: VkBool32
-    shaderDenormPreserveFloat16*: VkBool32
-    shaderDenormPreserveFloat32*: VkBool32
-    shaderDenormPreserveFloat64*: VkBool32
-    shaderDenormFlushToZeroFloat16*: VkBool32
-    shaderDenormFlushToZeroFloat32*: VkBool32
-    shaderDenormFlushToZeroFloat64*: VkBool32
-    shaderRoundingModeRTEFloat16*: VkBool32
-    shaderRoundingModeRTEFloat32*: VkBool32
-    shaderRoundingModeRTEFloat64*: VkBool32
-    shaderRoundingModeRTZFloat16*: VkBool32
-    shaderRoundingModeRTZFloat32*: VkBool32
-    shaderRoundingModeRTZFloat64*: VkBool32
-    maxUpdateAfterBindDescriptorsInAllPools*: uint32
-    shaderUniformBufferArrayNonUniformIndexingNative*: VkBool32
-    shaderSampledImageArrayNonUniformIndexingNative*: VkBool32
-    shaderStorageBufferArrayNonUniformIndexingNative*: VkBool32
-    shaderStorageImageArrayNonUniformIndexingNative*: VkBool32
-    shaderInputAttachmentArrayNonUniformIndexingNative*: VkBool32
-    robustBufferAccessUpdateAfterBind*: VkBool32
-    quadDivergentImplicitLod*: VkBool32
-    maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindSamplers*: uint32
-    maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindUniformBuffers*: uint32
-    maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindStorageBuffers*: uint32
-    maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindSampledImages*: uint32
-    maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindStorageImages*: uint32
-    maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindInputAttachments*: uint32
-    maxPerStageUpdateAfterBindResources*: uint32
-    maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindSamplers*: uint32
-    maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindUniformBuffers*: uint32
-    maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindUniformBuffersDynamic*: uint32
-    maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindStorageBuffers*: uint32
-    maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindStorageBuffersDynamic*: uint32
-    maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindSampledImages*: uint32
-    maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindStorageImages*: uint32
-    maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindInputAttachments*: uint32
-    supportedDepthResolveModes*: VkResolveModeFlags
-    supportedStencilResolveModes*: VkResolveModeFlags
-    independentResolveNone*: VkBool32
-    independentResolve*: VkBool32
-    filterMinmaxSingleComponentFormats*: VkBool32
-    filterMinmaxImageComponentMapping*: VkBool32
-    maxTimelineSemaphoreValueDifference*: uint64
-    framebufferIntegerColorSampleCounts*: VkSampleCountFlags
-  VkPhysicalDeviceVulkan13Features* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    robustImageAccess*: VkBool32
-    inlineUniformBlock*: VkBool32
-    descriptorBindingInlineUniformBlockUpdateAfterBind*: VkBool32
-    pipelineCreationCacheControl*: VkBool32
-    privateData*: VkBool32
-    shaderDemoteToHelperInvocation*: VkBool32
-    shaderTerminateInvocation*: VkBool32
-    subgroupSizeControl*: VkBool32
-    computeFullSubgroups*: VkBool32
-    synchronization2*: VkBool32
-    textureCompressionASTC_HDR*: VkBool32
-    shaderZeroInitializeWorkgroupMemory*: VkBool32
-    dynamicRendering*: VkBool32
-    shaderIntegerDotProduct*: VkBool32
-    maintenance4*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceVulkan13Properties* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    minSubgroupSize*: uint32
-    maxSubgroupSize*: uint32
-    maxComputeWorkgroupSubgroups*: uint32
-    requiredSubgroupSizeStages*: VkShaderStageFlags
-    maxInlineUniformBlockSize*: uint32
-    maxPerStageDescriptorInlineUniformBlocks*: uint32
-    maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindInlineUniformBlocks*: uint32
-    maxDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlocks*: uint32
-    maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindInlineUniformBlocks*: uint32
-    maxInlineUniformTotalSize*: uint32
-    integerDotProduct8BitUnsignedAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProduct8BitSignedAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProduct8BitMixedSignednessAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProduct4x8BitPackedUnsignedAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProduct4x8BitPackedSignedAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProduct4x8BitPackedMixedSignednessAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProduct16BitUnsignedAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProduct16BitSignedAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProduct16BitMixedSignednessAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProduct32BitUnsignedAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProduct32BitSignedAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProduct32BitMixedSignednessAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProduct64BitUnsignedAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProduct64BitSignedAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProduct64BitMixedSignednessAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProductAccumulatingSaturating8BitUnsignedAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProductAccumulatingSaturating8BitSignedAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProductAccumulatingSaturating8BitMixedSignednessAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProductAccumulatingSaturating4x8BitPackedUnsignedAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProductAccumulatingSaturating4x8BitPackedSignedAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProductAccumulatingSaturating4x8BitPackedMixedSignednessAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProductAccumulatingSaturating16BitUnsignedAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProductAccumulatingSaturating16BitSignedAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProductAccumulatingSaturating16BitMixedSignednessAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProductAccumulatingSaturating32BitUnsignedAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProductAccumulatingSaturating32BitSignedAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProductAccumulatingSaturating32BitMixedSignednessAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProductAccumulatingSaturating64BitUnsignedAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProductAccumulatingSaturating64BitSignedAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProductAccumulatingSaturating64BitMixedSignednessAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    storageTexelBufferOffsetAlignmentBytes*: VkDeviceSize
-    storageTexelBufferOffsetSingleTexelAlignment*: VkBool32
-    uniformTexelBufferOffsetAlignmentBytes*: VkDeviceSize
-    uniformTexelBufferOffsetSingleTexelAlignment*: VkBool32
-    maxBufferSize*: VkDeviceSize
-  VkPipelineCompilerControlCreateInfoAMD* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    compilerControlFlags*: VkPipelineCompilerControlFlagsAMD
-  VkPhysicalDeviceCoherentMemoryFeaturesAMD* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    deviceCoherentMemory*: VkBool32
-  VkFaultData* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    faultLevel*: VkFaultLevel
-    faultType*: VkFaultType
-  VkFaultCallbackInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    faultCount*: uint32
-    pFaults*: ptr VkFaultData
-    pfnFaultCallback*: PFN_vkFaultCallbackFunction
-  VkPhysicalDeviceToolProperties* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    name*: array[VK_MAX_EXTENSION_NAME_SIZE, char]
-    version*: array[VK_MAX_EXTENSION_NAME_SIZE, char]
-    purposes*: VkToolPurposeFlags
-    description*: array[VK_MAX_DESCRIPTION_SIZE, char]
-    layer*: array[VK_MAX_EXTENSION_NAME_SIZE, char]
-  VkPhysicalDeviceToolPropertiesEXT* = object
-  VkSamplerCustomBorderColorCreateInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    customBorderColor*: VkClearColorValue
-    format*: VkFormat
-  VkPhysicalDeviceCustomBorderColorPropertiesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    maxCustomBorderColorSamplers*: uint32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceCustomBorderColorFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    customBorderColors*: VkBool32
-    customBorderColorWithoutFormat*: VkBool32
-  VkSamplerBorderColorComponentMappingCreateInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    components*: VkComponentMapping
-    srgb*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceBorderColorSwizzleFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    borderColorSwizzle*: VkBool32
-    borderColorSwizzleFromImage*: VkBool32
-  VkDeviceOrHostAddressKHR* {.union.} = object
-    deviceAddress*: VkDeviceAddress
-    hostAddress*: pointer
-  VkDeviceOrHostAddressConstKHR* {.union.} = object
-    deviceAddress*: VkDeviceAddress
-    hostAddress*: pointer
-  VkAccelerationStructureGeometryTrianglesDataKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    vertexFormat*: VkFormat
-    vertexData*: VkDeviceOrHostAddressConstKHR
-    vertexStride*: VkDeviceSize
-    maxVertex*: uint32
-    indexType*: VkIndexType
-    indexData*: VkDeviceOrHostAddressConstKHR
-    transformData*: VkDeviceOrHostAddressConstKHR
-  VkAccelerationStructureGeometryAabbsDataKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    data*: VkDeviceOrHostAddressConstKHR
-    stride*: VkDeviceSize
-  VkAccelerationStructureGeometryInstancesDataKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    arrayOfPointers*: VkBool32
-    data*: VkDeviceOrHostAddressConstKHR
-  VkAccelerationStructureGeometryDataKHR* {.union.} = object
-    triangles*: VkAccelerationStructureGeometryTrianglesDataKHR
-    aabbs*: VkAccelerationStructureGeometryAabbsDataKHR
-    instances*: VkAccelerationStructureGeometryInstancesDataKHR
-  VkAccelerationStructureGeometryKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    geometryType*: VkGeometryTypeKHR
-    geometry*: VkAccelerationStructureGeometryDataKHR
-    flags*: VkGeometryFlagsKHR
-  VkAccelerationStructureBuildGeometryInfoKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    thetype*: VkAccelerationStructureTypeKHR
-    flags*: VkBuildAccelerationStructureFlagsKHR
-    mode*: VkBuildAccelerationStructureModeKHR
-    srcAccelerationStructure*: VkAccelerationStructureKHR
-    dstAccelerationStructure*: VkAccelerationStructureKHR
-    geometryCount*: uint32
-    pGeometries*: ptr VkAccelerationStructureGeometryKHR
-    ppGeometries*: ptr ptr VkAccelerationStructureGeometryKHR
-    scratchData*: VkDeviceOrHostAddressKHR
-  VkAccelerationStructureBuildRangeInfoKHR* = object
-    primitiveCount*: uint32
-    primitiveOffset*: uint32
-    firstVertex*: uint32
-    transformOffset*: uint32
-  VkAccelerationStructureCreateInfoKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    createFlags*: VkAccelerationStructureCreateFlagsKHR
-    buffer*: VkBuffer
-    offset*: VkDeviceSize
-    size*: VkDeviceSize
-    thetype*: VkAccelerationStructureTypeKHR
-    deviceAddress*: VkDeviceAddress
-  VkAabbPositionsKHR* = object
-    minX*: float32
-    minY*: float32
-    minZ*: float32
-    maxX*: float32
-    maxY*: float32
-    maxZ*: float32
-  VkAabbPositionsNV* = object
-  VkTransformMatrixKHR* = object
-    matrix*: array[3*4, float32]
-  VkTransformMatrixNV* = object
-  VkAccelerationStructureInstanceKHR* = object
-    transform*: VkTransformMatrixKHR
-    instanceCustomIndex*: uint32
-    mask*: uint32
-    instanceShaderBindingTableRecordOffset*: uint32
-    flags*: VkGeometryInstanceFlagsKHR
-    accelerationStructureReference*: uint64
-  VkAccelerationStructureInstanceNV* = object
-  VkAccelerationStructureDeviceAddressInfoKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    accelerationStructure*: VkAccelerationStructureKHR
-  VkAccelerationStructureVersionInfoKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    pVersionData*: ptr uint8
-  VkCopyAccelerationStructureInfoKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    src*: VkAccelerationStructureKHR
-    dst*: VkAccelerationStructureKHR
-    mode*: VkCopyAccelerationStructureModeKHR
-  VkCopyAccelerationStructureToMemoryInfoKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    src*: VkAccelerationStructureKHR
-    dst*: VkDeviceOrHostAddressKHR
-    mode*: VkCopyAccelerationStructureModeKHR
-  VkCopyMemoryToAccelerationStructureInfoKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    src*: VkDeviceOrHostAddressConstKHR
-    dst*: VkAccelerationStructureKHR
-    mode*: VkCopyAccelerationStructureModeKHR
-  VkRayTracingPipelineInterfaceCreateInfoKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    maxPipelineRayPayloadSize*: uint32
-    maxPipelineRayHitAttributeSize*: uint32
-  VkPipelineLibraryCreateInfoKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    libraryCount*: uint32
-    pLibraries*: ptr VkPipeline
-  VkRefreshObjectKHR* = object
-    objectType*: VkObjectType
-    objectHandle*: uint64
-    flags*: VkRefreshObjectFlagsKHR
-  VkRefreshObjectListKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    objectCount*: uint32
-    pObjects*: ptr VkRefreshObjectKHR
-  VkPhysicalDeviceExtendedDynamicStateFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    extendedDynamicState*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceExtendedDynamicState2FeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    extendedDynamicState2*: VkBool32
-    extendedDynamicState2LogicOp*: VkBool32
-    extendedDynamicState2PatchControlPoints*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceExtendedDynamicState3FeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    extendedDynamicState3TessellationDomainOrigin*: VkBool32
-    extendedDynamicState3DepthClampEnable*: VkBool32
-    extendedDynamicState3PolygonMode*: VkBool32
-    extendedDynamicState3RasterizationSamples*: VkBool32
-    extendedDynamicState3SampleMask*: VkBool32
-    extendedDynamicState3AlphaToCoverageEnable*: VkBool32
-    extendedDynamicState3AlphaToOneEnable*: VkBool32
-    extendedDynamicState3LogicOpEnable*: VkBool32
-    extendedDynamicState3ColorBlendEnable*: VkBool32
-    extendedDynamicState3ColorBlendEquation*: VkBool32
-    extendedDynamicState3ColorWriteMask*: VkBool32
-    extendedDynamicState3RasterizationStream*: VkBool32
-    extendedDynamicState3ConservativeRasterizationMode*: VkBool32
-    extendedDynamicState3ExtraPrimitiveOverestimationSize*: VkBool32
-    extendedDynamicState3DepthClipEnable*: VkBool32
-    extendedDynamicState3SampleLocationsEnable*: VkBool32
-    extendedDynamicState3ColorBlendAdvanced*: VkBool32
-    extendedDynamicState3ProvokingVertexMode*: VkBool32
-    extendedDynamicState3LineRasterizationMode*: VkBool32
-    extendedDynamicState3LineStippleEnable*: VkBool32
-    extendedDynamicState3DepthClipNegativeOneToOne*: VkBool32
-    extendedDynamicState3ViewportWScalingEnable*: VkBool32
-    extendedDynamicState3ViewportSwizzle*: VkBool32
-    extendedDynamicState3CoverageToColorEnable*: VkBool32
-    extendedDynamicState3CoverageToColorLocation*: VkBool32
-    extendedDynamicState3CoverageModulationMode*: VkBool32
-    extendedDynamicState3CoverageModulationTableEnable*: VkBool32
-    extendedDynamicState3CoverageModulationTable*: VkBool32
-    extendedDynamicState3CoverageReductionMode*: VkBool32
-    extendedDynamicState3RepresentativeFragmentTestEnable*: VkBool32
-    extendedDynamicState3ShadingRateImageEnable*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceExtendedDynamicState3PropertiesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    dynamicPrimitiveTopologyUnrestricted*: VkBool32
-  VkColorBlendEquationEXT* = object
-    srcColorBlendFactor*: VkBlendFactor
-    dstColorBlendFactor*: VkBlendFactor
-    colorBlendOp*: VkBlendOp
-    srcAlphaBlendFactor*: VkBlendFactor
-    dstAlphaBlendFactor*: VkBlendFactor
-    alphaBlendOp*: VkBlendOp
-  VkColorBlendAdvancedEXT* = object
-    advancedBlendOp*: VkBlendOp
-    srcPremultiplied*: VkBool32
-    dstPremultiplied*: VkBool32
-    blendOverlap*: VkBlendOverlapEXT
-    clampResults*: VkBool32
-  VkRenderPassTransformBeginInfoQCOM* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    transform*: VkSurfaceTransformFlagBitsKHR
-  VkCopyCommandTransformInfoQCOM* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    transform*: VkSurfaceTransformFlagBitsKHR
-  VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderPassTransformInfoQCOM* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    transform*: VkSurfaceTransformFlagBitsKHR
-    renderArea*: VkRect2D
-  VkPhysicalDeviceDiagnosticsConfigFeaturesNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    diagnosticsConfig*: VkBool32
-  VkDeviceDiagnosticsConfigCreateInfoNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkDeviceDiagnosticsConfigFlagsNV
-  VkPipelineOfflineCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    pipelineIdentifier*: array[VK_UUID_SIZE, uint8]
-    matchControl*: VkPipelineMatchControl
-    poolEntrySize*: VkDeviceSize
-  VkPhysicalDeviceZeroInitializeWorkgroupMemoryFeatures* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    shaderZeroInitializeWorkgroupMemory*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceZeroInitializeWorkgroupMemoryFeaturesKHR* = object
-  VkPhysicalDeviceShaderSubgroupUniformControlFlowFeaturesKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    shaderSubgroupUniformControlFlow*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceRobustness2FeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    robustBufferAccess2*: VkBool32
-    robustImageAccess2*: VkBool32
-    nullDescriptor*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceRobustness2PropertiesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    robustStorageBufferAccessSizeAlignment*: VkDeviceSize
-    robustUniformBufferAccessSizeAlignment*: VkDeviceSize
-  VkPhysicalDeviceImageRobustnessFeatures* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    robustImageAccess*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceImageRobustnessFeaturesEXT* = object
-  VkPhysicalDeviceWorkgroupMemoryExplicitLayoutFeaturesKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    workgroupMemoryExplicitLayout*: VkBool32
-    workgroupMemoryExplicitLayoutScalarBlockLayout*: VkBool32
-    workgroupMemoryExplicitLayout8BitAccess*: VkBool32
-    workgroupMemoryExplicitLayout16BitAccess*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDevice4444FormatsFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    formatA4R4G4B4*: VkBool32
-    formatA4B4G4R4*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceSubpassShadingFeaturesHUAWEI* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    subpassShading*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceClusterCullingShaderFeaturesHUAWEI* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    clustercullingShader*: VkBool32
-    multiviewClusterCullingShader*: VkBool32
-  VkBufferCopy2* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    srcOffset*: VkDeviceSize
-    dstOffset*: VkDeviceSize
-    size*: VkDeviceSize
-  VkBufferCopy2KHR* = object
-  VkImageCopy2* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    srcSubresource*: VkImageSubresourceLayers
-    srcOffset*: VkOffset3D
-    dstSubresource*: VkImageSubresourceLayers
-    dstOffset*: VkOffset3D
-    extent*: VkExtent3D
-  VkImageCopy2KHR* = object
-  VkImageBlit2* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    srcSubresource*: VkImageSubresourceLayers
-    srcOffsets*: array[2, VkOffset3D]
-    dstSubresource*: VkImageSubresourceLayers
-    dstOffsets*: array[2, VkOffset3D]
-  VkImageBlit2KHR* = object
-  VkBufferImageCopy2* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    bufferOffset*: VkDeviceSize
-    bufferRowLength*: uint32
-    bufferImageHeight*: uint32
-    imageSubresource*: VkImageSubresourceLayers
-    imageOffset*: VkOffset3D
-    imageExtent*: VkExtent3D
-  VkBufferImageCopy2KHR* = object
-  VkImageResolve2* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    srcSubresource*: VkImageSubresourceLayers
-    srcOffset*: VkOffset3D
-    dstSubresource*: VkImageSubresourceLayers
-    dstOffset*: VkOffset3D
-    extent*: VkExtent3D
-  VkImageResolve2KHR* = object
-  VkCopyBufferInfo2* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    srcBuffer*: VkBuffer
-    dstBuffer*: VkBuffer
-    regionCount*: uint32
-    pRegions*: ptr VkBufferCopy2
-  VkCopyBufferInfo2KHR* = object
-  VkCopyImageInfo2* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    srcImage*: VkImage
-    srcImageLayout*: VkImageLayout
-    dstImage*: VkImage
-    dstImageLayout*: VkImageLayout
-    regionCount*: uint32
-    pRegions*: ptr VkImageCopy2
-  VkCopyImageInfo2KHR* = object
-  VkBlitImageInfo2* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    srcImage*: VkImage
-    srcImageLayout*: VkImageLayout
-    dstImage*: VkImage
-    dstImageLayout*: VkImageLayout
-    regionCount*: uint32
-    pRegions*: ptr VkImageBlit2
-    filter*: VkFilter
-  VkBlitImageInfo2KHR* = object
-  VkCopyBufferToImageInfo2* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    srcBuffer*: VkBuffer
-    dstImage*: VkImage
-    dstImageLayout*: VkImageLayout
-    regionCount*: uint32
-    pRegions*: ptr VkBufferImageCopy2
-  VkCopyBufferToImageInfo2KHR* = object
-  VkCopyImageToBufferInfo2* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    srcImage*: VkImage
-    srcImageLayout*: VkImageLayout
-    dstBuffer*: VkBuffer
-    regionCount*: uint32
-    pRegions*: ptr VkBufferImageCopy2
-  VkCopyImageToBufferInfo2KHR* = object
-  VkResolveImageInfo2* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    srcImage*: VkImage
-    srcImageLayout*: VkImageLayout
-    dstImage*: VkImage
-    dstImageLayout*: VkImageLayout
-    regionCount*: uint32
-    pRegions*: ptr VkImageResolve2
-  VkResolveImageInfo2KHR* = object
-  VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageAtomicInt64FeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    shaderImageInt64Atomics*: VkBool32
-    sparseImageInt64Atomics*: VkBool32
-  VkFragmentShadingRateAttachmentInfoKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    pFragmentShadingRateAttachment*: ptr VkAttachmentReference2
-    shadingRateAttachmentTexelSize*: VkExtent2D
-  VkPipelineFragmentShadingRateStateCreateInfoKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    fragmentSize*: VkExtent2D
-    combinerOps*: array[2, VkFragmentShadingRateCombinerOpKHR]
-  VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentShadingRateFeaturesKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    pipelineFragmentShadingRate*: VkBool32
-    primitiveFragmentShadingRate*: VkBool32
-    attachmentFragmentShadingRate*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentShadingRatePropertiesKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    minFragmentShadingRateAttachmentTexelSize*: VkExtent2D
-    maxFragmentShadingRateAttachmentTexelSize*: VkExtent2D
-    maxFragmentShadingRateAttachmentTexelSizeAspectRatio*: uint32
-    primitiveFragmentShadingRateWithMultipleViewports*: VkBool32
-    layeredShadingRateAttachments*: VkBool32
-    fragmentShadingRateNonTrivialCombinerOps*: VkBool32
-    maxFragmentSize*: VkExtent2D
-    maxFragmentSizeAspectRatio*: uint32
-    maxFragmentShadingRateCoverageSamples*: uint32
-    maxFragmentShadingRateRasterizationSamples*: VkSampleCountFlagBits
-    fragmentShadingRateWithShaderDepthStencilWrites*: VkBool32
-    fragmentShadingRateWithSampleMask*: VkBool32
-    fragmentShadingRateWithShaderSampleMask*: VkBool32
-    fragmentShadingRateWithConservativeRasterization*: VkBool32
-    fragmentShadingRateWithFragmentShaderInterlock*: VkBool32
-    fragmentShadingRateWithCustomSampleLocations*: VkBool32
-    fragmentShadingRateStrictMultiplyCombiner*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentShadingRateKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    sampleCounts*: VkSampleCountFlags
-    fragmentSize*: VkExtent2D
-  VkPhysicalDeviceShaderTerminateInvocationFeatures* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    shaderTerminateInvocation*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceShaderTerminateInvocationFeaturesKHR* = object
-  VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentShadingRateEnumsFeaturesNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    fragmentShadingRateEnums*: VkBool32
-    supersampleFragmentShadingRates*: VkBool32
-    noInvocationFragmentShadingRates*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentShadingRateEnumsPropertiesNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    maxFragmentShadingRateInvocationCount*: VkSampleCountFlagBits
-  VkPipelineFragmentShadingRateEnumStateCreateInfoNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    shadingRateType*: VkFragmentShadingRateTypeNV
-    shadingRate*: VkFragmentShadingRateNV
-    combinerOps*: array[2, VkFragmentShadingRateCombinerOpKHR]
-  VkAccelerationStructureBuildSizesInfoKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    accelerationStructureSize*: VkDeviceSize
-    updateScratchSize*: VkDeviceSize
-    buildScratchSize*: VkDeviceSize
-  VkPhysicalDeviceImage2DViewOf3DFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    image2DViewOf3D*: VkBool32
-    sampler2DViewOf3D*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceImageSlicedViewOf3DFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    imageSlicedViewOf3D*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceMutableDescriptorTypeFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    mutableDescriptorType*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceMutableDescriptorTypeFeaturesVALVE* = object
-  VkMutableDescriptorTypeListEXT* = object
-    descriptorTypeCount*: uint32
-    pDescriptorTypes*: ptr VkDescriptorType
-  VkMutableDescriptorTypeListVALVE* = object
-  VkMutableDescriptorTypeCreateInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    mutableDescriptorTypeListCount*: uint32
-    pMutableDescriptorTypeLists*: ptr VkMutableDescriptorTypeListEXT
-  VkMutableDescriptorTypeCreateInfoVALVE* = object
-  VkPhysicalDeviceDepthClipControlFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    depthClipControl*: VkBool32
-  VkPipelineViewportDepthClipControlCreateInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    negativeOneToOne*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceVertexInputDynamicStateFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    vertexInputDynamicState*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceExternalMemoryRDMAFeaturesNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    externalMemoryRDMA*: VkBool32
-  VkVertexInputBindingDescription2EXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    binding*: uint32
-    stride*: uint32
-    inputRate*: VkVertexInputRate
-    divisor*: uint32
-  VkVertexInputAttributeDescription2EXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    location*: uint32
-    binding*: uint32
-    format*: VkFormat
-    offset*: uint32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceColorWriteEnableFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    colorWriteEnable*: VkBool32
-  VkPipelineColorWriteCreateInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    attachmentCount*: uint32
-    pColorWriteEnables*: ptr VkBool32
-  VkMemoryBarrier2* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    srcStageMask*: VkPipelineStageFlags2
-    srcAccessMask*: VkAccessFlags2
-    dstStageMask*: VkPipelineStageFlags2
-    dstAccessMask*: VkAccessFlags2
-  VkMemoryBarrier2KHR* = object
-  VkImageMemoryBarrier2* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    srcStageMask*: VkPipelineStageFlags2
-    srcAccessMask*: VkAccessFlags2
-    dstStageMask*: VkPipelineStageFlags2
-    dstAccessMask*: VkAccessFlags2
-    oldLayout*: VkImageLayout
-    newLayout*: VkImageLayout
-    srcQueueFamilyIndex*: uint32
-    dstQueueFamilyIndex*: uint32
-    image*: VkImage
-    subresourceRange*: VkImageSubresourceRange
-  VkImageMemoryBarrier2KHR* = object
-  VkBufferMemoryBarrier2* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    srcStageMask*: VkPipelineStageFlags2
-    srcAccessMask*: VkAccessFlags2
-    dstStageMask*: VkPipelineStageFlags2
-    dstAccessMask*: VkAccessFlags2
-    srcQueueFamilyIndex*: uint32
-    dstQueueFamilyIndex*: uint32
-    buffer*: VkBuffer
-    offset*: VkDeviceSize
-    size*: VkDeviceSize
-  VkBufferMemoryBarrier2KHR* = object
-  VkDependencyInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    dependencyFlags*: VkDependencyFlags
-    memoryBarrierCount*: uint32
-    pMemoryBarriers*: ptr VkMemoryBarrier2
-    bufferMemoryBarrierCount*: uint32
-    pBufferMemoryBarriers*: ptr VkBufferMemoryBarrier2
-    imageMemoryBarrierCount*: uint32
-    pImageMemoryBarriers*: ptr VkImageMemoryBarrier2
-  VkDependencyInfoKHR* = object
-  VkSemaphoreSubmitInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    semaphore*: VkSemaphore
-    value*: uint64
-    stageMask*: VkPipelineStageFlags2
-    deviceIndex*: uint32
-  VkSemaphoreSubmitInfoKHR* = object
-  VkCommandBufferSubmitInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    commandBuffer*: VkCommandBuffer
-    deviceMask*: uint32
-  VkCommandBufferSubmitInfoKHR* = object
-  VkSubmitInfo2* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkSubmitFlags
-    waitSemaphoreInfoCount*: uint32
-    pWaitSemaphoreInfos*: ptr VkSemaphoreSubmitInfo
-    commandBufferInfoCount*: uint32
-    pCommandBufferInfos*: ptr VkCommandBufferSubmitInfo
-    signalSemaphoreInfoCount*: uint32
-    pSignalSemaphoreInfos*: ptr VkSemaphoreSubmitInfo
-  VkSubmitInfo2KHR* = object
-  VkQueueFamilyCheckpointProperties2NV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    checkpointExecutionStageMask*: VkPipelineStageFlags2
-  VkCheckpointData2NV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    stage*: VkPipelineStageFlags2
-    pCheckpointMarker*: pointer
-  VkPhysicalDeviceSynchronization2Features* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    synchronization2*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceSynchronization2FeaturesKHR* = object
-  VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanSC10Properties* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    deviceNoDynamicHostAllocations*: VkBool32
-    deviceDestroyFreesMemory*: VkBool32
-    commandPoolMultipleCommandBuffersRecording*: VkBool32
-    commandPoolResetCommandBuffer*: VkBool32
-    commandBufferSimultaneousUse*: VkBool32
-    secondaryCommandBufferNullOrImagelessFramebuffer*: VkBool32
-    recycleDescriptorSetMemory*: VkBool32
-    recyclePipelineMemory*: VkBool32
-    maxRenderPassSubpasses*: uint32
-    maxRenderPassDependencies*: uint32
-    maxSubpassInputAttachments*: uint32
-    maxSubpassPreserveAttachments*: uint32
-    maxFramebufferAttachments*: uint32
-    maxDescriptorSetLayoutBindings*: uint32
-    maxQueryFaultCount*: uint32
-    maxCallbackFaultCount*: uint32
-    maxCommandPoolCommandBuffers*: uint32
-    maxCommandBufferSize*: VkDeviceSize
-  VkPipelinePoolSize* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    poolEntrySize*: VkDeviceSize
-    poolEntryCount*: uint32
-  VkDeviceObjectReservationCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    pipelineCacheCreateInfoCount*: uint32
-    pPipelineCacheCreateInfos*: ptr VkPipelineCacheCreateInfo
-    pipelinePoolSizeCount*: uint32
-    pPipelinePoolSizes*: ptr VkPipelinePoolSize
-    semaphoreRequestCount*: uint32
-    commandBufferRequestCount*: uint32
-    fenceRequestCount*: uint32
-    deviceMemoryRequestCount*: uint32
-    bufferRequestCount*: uint32
-    imageRequestCount*: uint32
-    eventRequestCount*: uint32
-    queryPoolRequestCount*: uint32
-    bufferViewRequestCount*: uint32
-    imageViewRequestCount*: uint32
-    layeredImageViewRequestCount*: uint32
-    pipelineCacheRequestCount*: uint32
-    pipelineLayoutRequestCount*: uint32
-    renderPassRequestCount*: uint32
-    graphicsPipelineRequestCount*: uint32
-    computePipelineRequestCount*: uint32
-    descriptorSetLayoutRequestCount*: uint32
-    samplerRequestCount*: uint32
-    descriptorPoolRequestCount*: uint32
-    descriptorSetRequestCount*: uint32
-    framebufferRequestCount*: uint32
-    commandPoolRequestCount*: uint32
-    samplerYcbcrConversionRequestCount*: uint32
-    surfaceRequestCount*: uint32
-    swapchainRequestCount*: uint32
-    displayModeRequestCount*: uint32
-    subpassDescriptionRequestCount*: uint32
-    attachmentDescriptionRequestCount*: uint32
-    descriptorSetLayoutBindingRequestCount*: uint32
-    descriptorSetLayoutBindingLimit*: uint32
-    maxImageViewMipLevels*: uint32
-    maxImageViewArrayLayers*: uint32
-    maxLayeredImageViewMipLevels*: uint32
-    maxOcclusionQueriesPerPool*: uint32
-    maxPipelineStatisticsQueriesPerPool*: uint32
-    maxTimestampQueriesPerPool*: uint32
-    maxImmutableSamplersPerDescriptorSetLayout*: uint32
-  VkCommandPoolMemoryReservationCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    commandPoolReservedSize*: VkDeviceSize
-    commandPoolMaxCommandBuffers*: uint32
-  VkCommandPoolMemoryConsumption* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    commandPoolAllocated*: VkDeviceSize
-    commandPoolReservedSize*: VkDeviceSize
-    commandBufferAllocated*: VkDeviceSize
-  VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanSC10Features* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    shaderAtomicInstructions*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDevicePrimitivesGeneratedQueryFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    primitivesGeneratedQuery*: VkBool32
-    primitivesGeneratedQueryWithRasterizerDiscard*: VkBool32
-    primitivesGeneratedQueryWithNonZeroStreams*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceLegacyDitheringFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    legacyDithering*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceMultisampledRenderToSingleSampledFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    multisampledRenderToSingleSampled*: VkBool32
-  VkSubpassResolvePerformanceQueryEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    optimal*: VkBool32
-  VkMultisampledRenderToSingleSampledInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    multisampledRenderToSingleSampledEnable*: VkBool32
-    rasterizationSamples*: VkSampleCountFlagBits
-  VkPhysicalDevicePipelineProtectedAccessFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    pipelineProtectedAccess*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceInheritedViewportScissorFeaturesNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    inheritedViewportScissor2D*: VkBool32
-  VkCommandBufferInheritanceViewportScissorInfoNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    viewportScissor2D*: VkBool32
-    viewportDepthCount*: uint32
-    pViewportDepths*: ptr VkViewport
-  VkPhysicalDeviceYcbcr2Plane444FormatsFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    ycbcr2plane444Formats*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceProvokingVertexFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    provokingVertexLast*: VkBool32
-    transformFeedbackPreservesProvokingVertex*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceProvokingVertexPropertiesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    provokingVertexModePerPipeline*: VkBool32
-    transformFeedbackPreservesTriangleFanProvokingVertex*: VkBool32
-  VkPipelineRasterizationProvokingVertexStateCreateInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    provokingVertexMode*: VkProvokingVertexModeEXT
-  VkCuModuleCreateInfoNVX* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    dataSize*: csize_t
-    pData*: pointer
-  VkCuFunctionCreateInfoNVX* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    module*: VkCuModuleNVX
-    pName*: cstring
-  VkCuLaunchInfoNVX* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    function*: VkCuFunctionNVX
-    gridDimX*: uint32
-    gridDimY*: uint32
-    gridDimZ*: uint32
-    blockDimX*: uint32
-    blockDimY*: uint32
-    blockDimZ*: uint32
-    sharedMemBytes*: uint32
-    paramCount*: csize_t
-    pParams*: ptr pointer
-    extraCount*: csize_t
-    pExtras*: ptr pointer
-  VkPhysicalDeviceDescriptorBufferFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    descriptorBuffer*: VkBool32
-    descriptorBufferCaptureReplay*: VkBool32
-    descriptorBufferImageLayoutIgnored*: VkBool32
-    descriptorBufferPushDescriptors*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceDescriptorBufferPropertiesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    combinedImageSamplerDescriptorSingleArray*: VkBool32
-    bufferlessPushDescriptors*: VkBool32
-    allowSamplerImageViewPostSubmitCreation*: VkBool32
-    descriptorBufferOffsetAlignment*: VkDeviceSize
-    maxDescriptorBufferBindings*: uint32
-    maxResourceDescriptorBufferBindings*: uint32
-    maxSamplerDescriptorBufferBindings*: uint32
-    maxEmbeddedImmutableSamplerBindings*: uint32
-    maxEmbeddedImmutableSamplers*: uint32
-    bufferCaptureReplayDescriptorDataSize*: csize_t
-    imageCaptureReplayDescriptorDataSize*: csize_t
-    imageViewCaptureReplayDescriptorDataSize*: csize_t
-    samplerCaptureReplayDescriptorDataSize*: csize_t
-    accelerationStructureCaptureReplayDescriptorDataSize*: csize_t
-    samplerDescriptorSize*: csize_t
-    combinedImageSamplerDescriptorSize*: csize_t
-    sampledImageDescriptorSize*: csize_t
-    storageImageDescriptorSize*: csize_t
-    uniformTexelBufferDescriptorSize*: csize_t
-    robustUniformTexelBufferDescriptorSize*: csize_t
-    storageTexelBufferDescriptorSize*: csize_t
-    robustStorageTexelBufferDescriptorSize*: csize_t
-    uniformBufferDescriptorSize*: csize_t
-    robustUniformBufferDescriptorSize*: csize_t
-    storageBufferDescriptorSize*: csize_t
-    robustStorageBufferDescriptorSize*: csize_t
-    inputAttachmentDescriptorSize*: csize_t
-    accelerationStructureDescriptorSize*: csize_t
-    maxSamplerDescriptorBufferRange*: VkDeviceSize
-    maxResourceDescriptorBufferRange*: VkDeviceSize
-    samplerDescriptorBufferAddressSpaceSize*: VkDeviceSize
-    resourceDescriptorBufferAddressSpaceSize*: VkDeviceSize
-    descriptorBufferAddressSpaceSize*: VkDeviceSize
-  VkPhysicalDeviceDescriptorBufferDensityMapPropertiesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    combinedImageSamplerDensityMapDescriptorSize*: csize_t
-  VkDescriptorAddressInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    address*: VkDeviceAddress
-    range*: VkDeviceSize
-    format*: VkFormat
-  VkDescriptorBufferBindingInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    address*: VkDeviceAddress
-    usage*: VkBufferUsageFlags
-  VkDescriptorBufferBindingPushDescriptorBufferHandleEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    buffer*: VkBuffer
-  VkDescriptorDataEXT* {.union.} = object
-    pSampler*: ptr VkSampler
-    pCombinedImageSampler*: ptr VkDescriptorImageInfo
-    pInputAttachmentImage*: ptr VkDescriptorImageInfo
-    pSampledImage*: ptr VkDescriptorImageInfo
-    pStorageImage*: ptr VkDescriptorImageInfo
-    pUniformTexelBuffer*: ptr VkDescriptorAddressInfoEXT
-    pStorageTexelBuffer*: ptr VkDescriptorAddressInfoEXT
-    pUniformBuffer*: ptr VkDescriptorAddressInfoEXT
-    pStorageBuffer*: ptr VkDescriptorAddressInfoEXT
-    accelerationStructure*: VkDeviceAddress
-  VkDescriptorGetInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    thetype*: VkDescriptorType
-    data*: VkDescriptorDataEXT
-  VkBufferCaptureDescriptorDataInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    buffer*: VkBuffer
-  VkImageCaptureDescriptorDataInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    image*: VkImage
-  VkImageViewCaptureDescriptorDataInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    imageView*: VkImageView
-  VkSamplerCaptureDescriptorDataInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    sampler*: VkSampler
-  VkAccelerationStructureCaptureDescriptorDataInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    accelerationStructure*: VkAccelerationStructureKHR
-    accelerationStructureNV*: VkAccelerationStructureNV
-  VkOpaqueCaptureDescriptorDataCreateInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    opaqueCaptureDescriptorData*: pointer
-  VkPhysicalDeviceShaderIntegerDotProductFeatures* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    shaderIntegerDotProduct*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceShaderIntegerDotProductFeaturesKHR* = object
-  VkPhysicalDeviceShaderIntegerDotProductProperties* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    integerDotProduct8BitUnsignedAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProduct8BitSignedAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProduct8BitMixedSignednessAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProduct4x8BitPackedUnsignedAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProduct4x8BitPackedSignedAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProduct4x8BitPackedMixedSignednessAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProduct16BitUnsignedAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProduct16BitSignedAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProduct16BitMixedSignednessAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProduct32BitUnsignedAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProduct32BitSignedAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProduct32BitMixedSignednessAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProduct64BitUnsignedAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProduct64BitSignedAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProduct64BitMixedSignednessAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProductAccumulatingSaturating8BitUnsignedAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProductAccumulatingSaturating8BitSignedAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProductAccumulatingSaturating8BitMixedSignednessAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProductAccumulatingSaturating4x8BitPackedUnsignedAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProductAccumulatingSaturating4x8BitPackedSignedAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProductAccumulatingSaturating4x8BitPackedMixedSignednessAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProductAccumulatingSaturating16BitUnsignedAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProductAccumulatingSaturating16BitSignedAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProductAccumulatingSaturating16BitMixedSignednessAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProductAccumulatingSaturating32BitUnsignedAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProductAccumulatingSaturating32BitSignedAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProductAccumulatingSaturating32BitMixedSignednessAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProductAccumulatingSaturating64BitUnsignedAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProductAccumulatingSaturating64BitSignedAccelerated*: VkBool32
-    integerDotProductAccumulatingSaturating64BitMixedSignednessAccelerated*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceShaderIntegerDotProductPropertiesKHR* = object
-  VkPhysicalDeviceDrmPropertiesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    hasPrimary*: VkBool32
-    hasRender*: VkBool32
-    primaryMajor*: int64
-    primaryMinor*: int64
-    renderMajor*: int64
-    renderMinor*: int64
-  VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentShaderBarycentricFeaturesKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    fragmentShaderBarycentric*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentShaderBarycentricPropertiesKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    triStripVertexOrderIndependentOfProvokingVertex*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceRayTracingMotionBlurFeaturesNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    rayTracingMotionBlur*: VkBool32
-    rayTracingMotionBlurPipelineTraceRaysIndirect*: VkBool32
-  VkAccelerationStructureGeometryMotionTrianglesDataNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    vertexData*: VkDeviceOrHostAddressConstKHR
-  VkAccelerationStructureMotionInfoNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    maxInstances*: uint32
-    flags*: VkAccelerationStructureMotionInfoFlagsNV
-  VkSRTDataNV* = object
-    sx*: float32
-    a*: float32
-    b*: float32
-    pvx*: float32
-    sy*: float32
-    c*: float32
-    pvy*: float32
-    sz*: float32
-    pvz*: float32
-    qx*: float32
-    qy*: float32
-    qz*: float32
-    qw*: float32
-    tx*: float32
-    ty*: float32
-    tz*: float32
-  VkAccelerationStructureSRTMotionInstanceNV* = object
-    transformT0*: VkSRTDataNV
-    transformT1*: VkSRTDataNV
-    instanceCustomIndex*: uint32
-    mask*: uint32
-    instanceShaderBindingTableRecordOffset*: uint32
-    flags*: VkGeometryInstanceFlagsKHR
-    accelerationStructureReference*: uint64
-  VkAccelerationStructureMatrixMotionInstanceNV* = object
-    transformT0*: VkTransformMatrixKHR
-    transformT1*: VkTransformMatrixKHR
-    instanceCustomIndex*: uint32
-    mask*: uint32
-    instanceShaderBindingTableRecordOffset*: uint32
-    flags*: VkGeometryInstanceFlagsKHR
-    accelerationStructureReference*: uint64
-  VkAccelerationStructureMotionInstanceDataNV* {.union.} = object
-    staticInstance*: VkAccelerationStructureInstanceKHR
-    matrixMotionInstance*: VkAccelerationStructureMatrixMotionInstanceNV
-    srtMotionInstance*: VkAccelerationStructureSRTMotionInstanceNV
-  VkAccelerationStructureMotionInstanceNV* = object
-    thetype*: VkAccelerationStructureMotionInstanceTypeNV
-    flags*: VkAccelerationStructureMotionInstanceFlagsNV
-    data*: VkAccelerationStructureMotionInstanceDataNV
-  VkMemoryGetRemoteAddressInfoNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    memory*: VkDeviceMemory
-    handleType*: VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBits
-  VkPhysicalDeviceRGBA10X6FormatsFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    formatRgba10x6WithoutYCbCrSampler*: VkBool32
-  VkFormatProperties3* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    linearTilingFeatures*: VkFormatFeatureFlags2
-    optimalTilingFeatures*: VkFormatFeatureFlags2
-    bufferFeatures*: VkFormatFeatureFlags2
-  VkFormatProperties3KHR* = object
-  VkDrmFormatModifierPropertiesList2EXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    drmFormatModifierCount*: uint32
-    pDrmFormatModifierProperties*: ptr VkDrmFormatModifierProperties2EXT
-  VkDrmFormatModifierProperties2EXT* = object
-    drmFormatModifier*: uint64
-    drmFormatModifierPlaneCount*: uint32
-    drmFormatModifierTilingFeatures*: VkFormatFeatureFlags2
-  VkPipelineRenderingCreateInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    viewMask*: uint32
-    colorAttachmentCount*: uint32
-    pColorAttachmentFormats*: ptr VkFormat
-    depthAttachmentFormat*: VkFormat
-    stencilAttachmentFormat*: VkFormat
-  VkPipelineRenderingCreateInfoKHR* = object
-  VkRenderingInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkRenderingFlags
-    renderArea*: VkRect2D
-    layerCount*: uint32
-    viewMask*: uint32
-    colorAttachmentCount*: uint32
-    pColorAttachments*: ptr VkRenderingAttachmentInfo
-    pDepthAttachment*: ptr VkRenderingAttachmentInfo
-    pStencilAttachment*: ptr VkRenderingAttachmentInfo
-  VkRenderingInfoKHR* = object
-  VkRenderingAttachmentInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    imageView*: VkImageView
-    imageLayout*: VkImageLayout
-    resolveMode*: VkResolveModeFlagBits
-    resolveImageView*: VkImageView
-    resolveImageLayout*: VkImageLayout
-    loadOp*: VkAttachmentLoadOp
-    storeOp*: VkAttachmentStoreOp
-    clearValue*: VkClearValue
-  VkRenderingAttachmentInfoKHR* = object
-  VkRenderingFragmentShadingRateAttachmentInfoKHR* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    imageView*: VkImageView
-    imageLayout*: VkImageLayout
-    shadingRateAttachmentTexelSize*: VkExtent2D
-  VkRenderingFragmentDensityMapAttachmentInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    imageView*: VkImageView
-    imageLayout*: VkImageLayout
-  VkPhysicalDeviceDynamicRenderingFeatures* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    dynamicRendering*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceDynamicRenderingFeaturesKHR* = object
-  VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderingInfo* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkRenderingFlags
-    viewMask*: uint32
-    colorAttachmentCount*: uint32
-    pColorAttachmentFormats*: ptr VkFormat
-    depthAttachmentFormat*: VkFormat
-    stencilAttachmentFormat*: VkFormat
-    rasterizationSamples*: VkSampleCountFlagBits
-  VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderingInfoKHR* = object
-  VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoAMD* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    colorAttachmentCount*: uint32
-    pColorAttachmentSamples*: ptr VkSampleCountFlagBits
-    depthStencilAttachmentSamples*: VkSampleCountFlagBits
-  VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoNV* = object
-  VkMultiviewPerViewAttributesInfoNVX* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    perViewAttributes*: VkBool32
-    perViewAttributesPositionXOnly*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceImageViewMinLodFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    minLod*: VkBool32
-  VkImageViewMinLodCreateInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    minLod*: float32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceRasterizationOrderAttachmentAccessFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    rasterizationOrderColorAttachmentAccess*: VkBool32
-    rasterizationOrderDepthAttachmentAccess*: VkBool32
-    rasterizationOrderStencilAttachmentAccess*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceRasterizationOrderAttachmentAccessFeaturesARM* = object
-  VkPhysicalDeviceLinearColorAttachmentFeaturesNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    linearColorAttachment*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceGraphicsPipelineLibraryFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    graphicsPipelineLibrary*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceGraphicsPipelineLibraryPropertiesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    graphicsPipelineLibraryFastLinking*: VkBool32
-    graphicsPipelineLibraryIndependentInterpolationDecoration*: VkBool32
-  VkGraphicsPipelineLibraryCreateInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkGraphicsPipelineLibraryFlagsEXT
-  VkPhysicalDeviceDescriptorSetHostMappingFeaturesVALVE* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    descriptorSetHostMapping*: VkBool32
-  VkDescriptorSetBindingReferenceVALVE* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    descriptorSetLayout*: VkDescriptorSetLayout
-    binding*: uint32
-  VkDescriptorSetLayoutHostMappingInfoVALVE* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    descriptorOffset*: csize_t
-    descriptorSize*: uint32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceShaderModuleIdentifierFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    shaderModuleIdentifier*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceShaderModuleIdentifierPropertiesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    shaderModuleIdentifierAlgorithmUUID*: array[VK_UUID_SIZE, uint8]
-  VkPipelineShaderStageModuleIdentifierCreateInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    identifierSize*: uint32
-    pIdentifier*: ptr uint8
-  VkShaderModuleIdentifierEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    identifierSize*: uint32
-    identifier*: array[VK_MAX_SHADER_MODULE_IDENTIFIER_SIZE_EXT, uint8]
-  VkImageCompressionControlEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkImageCompressionFlagsEXT
-    compressionControlPlaneCount*: uint32
-    pFixedRateFlags*: ptr VkImageCompressionFixedRateFlagsEXT
-  VkPhysicalDeviceImageCompressionControlFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    imageCompressionControl*: VkBool32
-  VkImageCompressionPropertiesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    imageCompressionFlags*: VkImageCompressionFlagsEXT
-    imageCompressionFixedRateFlags*: VkImageCompressionFixedRateFlagsEXT
-  VkPhysicalDeviceImageCompressionControlSwapchainFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    imageCompressionControlSwapchain*: VkBool32
-  VkImageSubresource2EXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    imageSubresource*: VkImageSubresource
-  VkSubresourceLayout2EXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    subresourceLayout*: VkSubresourceLayout
-  VkRenderPassCreationControlEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    disallowMerging*: VkBool32
-  VkRenderPassCreationFeedbackInfoEXT* = object
-    postMergeSubpassCount*: uint32
-  VkRenderPassCreationFeedbackCreateInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    pRenderPassFeedback*: ptr VkRenderPassCreationFeedbackInfoEXT
-  VkRenderPassSubpassFeedbackInfoEXT* = object
-    subpassMergeStatus*: VkSubpassMergeStatusEXT
-    description*: array[VK_MAX_DESCRIPTION_SIZE, char]
-    postMergeIndex*: uint32
-  VkRenderPassSubpassFeedbackCreateInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    pSubpassFeedback*: ptr VkRenderPassSubpassFeedbackInfoEXT
-  VkPhysicalDeviceSubpassMergeFeedbackFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    subpassMergeFeedback*: VkBool32
-  VkMicromapBuildInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    thetype*: VkMicromapTypeEXT
-    flags*: VkBuildMicromapFlagsEXT
-    mode*: VkBuildMicromapModeEXT
-    dstMicromap*: VkMicromapEXT
-    usageCountsCount*: uint32
-    pUsageCounts*: ptr VkMicromapUsageEXT
-    ppUsageCounts*: ptr ptr VkMicromapUsageEXT
-    data*: VkDeviceOrHostAddressConstKHR
-    scratchData*: VkDeviceOrHostAddressKHR
-    triangleArray*: VkDeviceOrHostAddressConstKHR
-    triangleArrayStride*: VkDeviceSize
-  VkMicromapCreateInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    createFlags*: VkMicromapCreateFlagsEXT
-    buffer*: VkBuffer
-    offset*: VkDeviceSize
-    size*: VkDeviceSize
-    thetype*: VkMicromapTypeEXT
-    deviceAddress*: VkDeviceAddress
-  VkMicromapVersionInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    pVersionData*: ptr uint8
-  VkCopyMicromapInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    src*: VkMicromapEXT
-    dst*: VkMicromapEXT
-    mode*: VkCopyMicromapModeEXT
-  VkCopyMicromapToMemoryInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    src*: VkMicromapEXT
-    dst*: VkDeviceOrHostAddressKHR
-    mode*: VkCopyMicromapModeEXT
-  VkCopyMemoryToMicromapInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    src*: VkDeviceOrHostAddressConstKHR
-    dst*: VkMicromapEXT
-    mode*: VkCopyMicromapModeEXT
-  VkMicromapBuildSizesInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    micromapSize*: VkDeviceSize
-    buildScratchSize*: VkDeviceSize
-    discardable*: VkBool32
-  VkMicromapUsageEXT* = object
-    count*: uint32
-    subdivisionLevel*: uint32
-    format*: uint32
-  VkMicromapTriangleEXT* = object
-    dataOffset*: uint32
-    subdivisionLevel*: uint16
-    format*: uint16
-  VkPhysicalDeviceOpacityMicromapFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    micromap*: VkBool32
-    micromapCaptureReplay*: VkBool32
-    micromapHostCommands*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceOpacityMicromapPropertiesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    maxOpacity2StateSubdivisionLevel*: uint32
-    maxOpacity4StateSubdivisionLevel*: uint32
-  VkAccelerationStructureTrianglesOpacityMicromapEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    indexType*: VkIndexType
-    indexBuffer*: VkDeviceOrHostAddressConstKHR
-    indexStride*: VkDeviceSize
-    baseTriangle*: uint32
-    usageCountsCount*: uint32
-    pUsageCounts*: ptr VkMicromapUsageEXT
-    ppUsageCounts*: ptr ptr VkMicromapUsageEXT
-    micromap*: VkMicromapEXT
-  VkPipelinePropertiesIdentifierEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    pipelineIdentifier*: array[VK_UUID_SIZE, uint8]
-  VkPhysicalDevicePipelinePropertiesFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    pipelinePropertiesIdentifier*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceShaderEarlyAndLateFragmentTestsFeaturesAMD* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    shaderEarlyAndLateFragmentTests*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceNonSeamlessCubeMapFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    nonSeamlessCubeMap*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDevicePipelineRobustnessFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    pipelineRobustness*: VkBool32
-  VkPipelineRobustnessCreateInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    storageBuffers*: VkPipelineRobustnessBufferBehaviorEXT
-    uniformBuffers*: VkPipelineRobustnessBufferBehaviorEXT
-    vertexInputs*: VkPipelineRobustnessBufferBehaviorEXT
-    images*: VkPipelineRobustnessImageBehaviorEXT
-  VkPhysicalDevicePipelineRobustnessPropertiesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    defaultRobustnessStorageBuffers*: VkPipelineRobustnessBufferBehaviorEXT
-    defaultRobustnessUniformBuffers*: VkPipelineRobustnessBufferBehaviorEXT
-    defaultRobustnessVertexInputs*: VkPipelineRobustnessBufferBehaviorEXT
-    defaultRobustnessImages*: VkPipelineRobustnessImageBehaviorEXT
-  VkImageViewSampleWeightCreateInfoQCOM* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    filterCenter*: VkOffset2D
-    filterSize*: VkExtent2D
-    numPhases*: uint32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceImageProcessingFeaturesQCOM* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    textureSampleWeighted*: VkBool32
-    textureBoxFilter*: VkBool32
-    textureBlockMatch*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceImageProcessingPropertiesQCOM* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    maxWeightFilterPhases*: uint32
-    maxWeightFilterDimension*: VkExtent2D
-    maxBlockMatchRegion*: VkExtent2D
-    maxBoxFilterBlockSize*: VkExtent2D
-  VkPhysicalDeviceTilePropertiesFeaturesQCOM* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    tileProperties*: VkBool32
-  VkTilePropertiesQCOM* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    tileSize*: VkExtent3D
-    apronSize*: VkExtent2D
-    origin*: VkOffset2D
-  VkPhysicalDeviceAmigoProfilingFeaturesSEC* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    amigoProfiling*: VkBool32
-  VkAmigoProfilingSubmitInfoSEC* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    firstDrawTimestamp*: uint64
-    swapBufferTimestamp*: uint64
-  VkPhysicalDeviceAttachmentFeedbackLoopLayoutFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    attachmentFeedbackLoopLayout*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceDepthClampZeroOneFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    depthClampZeroOne*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceAddressBindingReportFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    reportAddressBinding*: VkBool32
-  VkDeviceAddressBindingCallbackDataEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkDeviceAddressBindingFlagsEXT
-    baseAddress*: VkDeviceAddress
-    size*: VkDeviceSize
-    bindingType*: VkDeviceAddressBindingTypeEXT
-  VkPhysicalDeviceOpticalFlowFeaturesNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    opticalFlow*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceOpticalFlowPropertiesNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    supportedOutputGridSizes*: VkOpticalFlowGridSizeFlagsNV
-    supportedHintGridSizes*: VkOpticalFlowGridSizeFlagsNV
-    hintSupported*: VkBool32
-    costSupported*: VkBool32
-    bidirectionalFlowSupported*: VkBool32
-    globalFlowSupported*: VkBool32
-    minWidth*: uint32
-    minHeight*: uint32
-    maxWidth*: uint32
-    maxHeight*: uint32
-    maxNumRegionsOfInterest*: uint32
-  VkOpticalFlowImageFormatInfoNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    usage*: VkOpticalFlowUsageFlagsNV
-  VkOpticalFlowImageFormatPropertiesNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    format*: VkFormat
-  VkOpticalFlowSessionCreateInfoNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    width*: uint32
-    height*: uint32
-    imageFormat*: VkFormat
-    flowVectorFormat*: VkFormat
-    costFormat*: VkFormat
-    outputGridSize*: VkOpticalFlowGridSizeFlagsNV
-    hintGridSize*: VkOpticalFlowGridSizeFlagsNV
-    performanceLevel*: VkOpticalFlowPerformanceLevelNV
-    flags*: VkOpticalFlowSessionCreateFlagsNV
-  VkOpticalFlowSessionCreatePrivateDataInfoNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    id*: uint32
-    size*: uint32
-    pPrivateData*: pointer
-  VkOpticalFlowExecuteInfoNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkOpticalFlowExecuteFlagsNV
-    regionCount*: uint32
-    pRegions*: ptr VkRect2D
-  VkPhysicalDeviceFaultFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    deviceFault*: VkBool32
-    deviceFaultVendorBinary*: VkBool32
-  VkDeviceFaultAddressInfoEXT* = object
-    addressType*: VkDeviceFaultAddressTypeEXT
-    reportedAddress*: VkDeviceAddress
-    addressPrecision*: VkDeviceSize
-  VkDeviceFaultVendorInfoEXT* = object
-    description*: array[VK_MAX_DESCRIPTION_SIZE, char]
-    vendorFaultCode*: uint64
-    vendorFaultData*: uint64
-  VkDeviceFaultCountsEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    addressInfoCount*: uint32
-    vendorInfoCount*: uint32
-    vendorBinarySize*: VkDeviceSize
-  VkDeviceFaultInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    description*: array[VK_MAX_DESCRIPTION_SIZE, char]
-    pAddressInfos*: ptr VkDeviceFaultAddressInfoEXT
-    pVendorInfos*: ptr VkDeviceFaultVendorInfoEXT
-    pVendorBinaryData*: pointer
-  VkDeviceFaultVendorBinaryHeaderVersionOneEXT* = object
-    headerSize*: uint32
-    headerVersion*: VkDeviceFaultVendorBinaryHeaderVersionEXT
-    vendorID*: uint32
-    deviceID*: uint32
-    driverVersion*: uint32
-    pipelineCacheUUID*: array[VK_UUID_SIZE, uint8]
-    applicationNameOffset*: uint32
-    applicationVersion*: uint32
-    engineNameOffset*: uint32
-  VkPhysicalDevicePipelineLibraryGroupHandlesFeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    pipelineLibraryGroupHandles*: VkBool32
-  VkDecompressMemoryRegionNV* = object
-    srcAddress*: VkDeviceAddress
-    dstAddress*: VkDeviceAddress
-    compressedSize*: VkDeviceSize
-    decompressedSize*: VkDeviceSize
-    decompressionMethod*: VkMemoryDecompressionMethodFlagsNV
-  VkPhysicalDeviceShaderCoreBuiltinsPropertiesARM* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    shaderCoreMask*: uint64
-    shaderCoreCount*: uint32
-    shaderWarpsPerCore*: uint32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceShaderCoreBuiltinsFeaturesARM* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    shaderCoreBuiltins*: VkBool32
-  VkSurfacePresentModeEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    presentMode*: VkPresentModeKHR
-  VkSurfacePresentScalingCapabilitiesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    supportedPresentScaling*: VkPresentScalingFlagsEXT
-    supportedPresentGravityX*: VkPresentGravityFlagsEXT
-    supportedPresentGravityY*: VkPresentGravityFlagsEXT
-    minScaledImageExtent*: VkExtent2D
-    maxScaledImageExtent*: VkExtent2D
-  VkSurfacePresentModeCompatibilityEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    presentModeCount*: uint32
-    pPresentModes*: ptr VkPresentModeKHR
-  VkPhysicalDeviceSwapchainMaintenance1FeaturesEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    swapchainMaintenance1*: VkBool32
-  VkSwapchainPresentFenceInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    swapchainCount*: uint32
-    pFences*: ptr VkFence
-  VkSwapchainPresentModesCreateInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    presentModeCount*: uint32
-    pPresentModes*: ptr VkPresentModeKHR
-  VkSwapchainPresentModeInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    swapchainCount*: uint32
-    pPresentModes*: ptr VkPresentModeKHR
-  VkSwapchainPresentScalingCreateInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    scalingBehavior*: VkPresentScalingFlagsEXT
-    presentGravityX*: VkPresentGravityFlagsEXT
-    presentGravityY*: VkPresentGravityFlagsEXT
-  VkReleaseSwapchainImagesInfoEXT* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    swapchain*: VkSwapchainKHR
-    imageIndexCount*: uint32
-    pImageIndices*: ptr uint32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceRayTracingInvocationReorderFeaturesNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    rayTracingInvocationReorder*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceRayTracingInvocationReorderPropertiesNV* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    rayTracingInvocationReorderReorderingHint*: VkRayTracingInvocationReorderModeNV
-  VkDirectDriverLoadingInfoLUNARG* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    flags*: VkDirectDriverLoadingFlagsLUNARG
-    pfnGetInstanceProcAddr*: PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddrLUNARG
-  VkDirectDriverLoadingListLUNARG* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    mode*: VkDirectDriverLoadingModeLUNARG
-    driverCount*: uint32
-    pDrivers*: ptr VkDirectDriverLoadingInfoLUNARG
-  VkPhysicalDeviceMultiviewPerViewViewportsFeaturesQCOM* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    multiviewPerViewViewports*: VkBool32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceShaderCorePropertiesARM* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    pixelRate*: uint32
-    texelRate*: uint32
-    fmaRate*: uint32
-  VkPhysicalDeviceMultiviewPerViewRenderAreasFeaturesQCOM* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    multiviewPerViewRenderAreas*: VkBool32
-  VkMultiviewPerViewRenderAreasRenderPassBeginInfoQCOM* = object
-    sType*: VkStructureType
-    pNext*: pointer
-    perViewRenderAreaCount*: uint32
-    pPerViewRenderAreas*: ptr VkRect2D
-# feature VK_VERSION_1_0
-  vkCreateInstance*: proc(pCreateInfo: ptr VkInstanceCreateInfo, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pInstance: ptr VkInstance): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkDestroyInstance*: proc(instance: VkInstance, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkEnumeratePhysicalDevices*: proc(instance: VkInstance, pPhysicalDeviceCount: ptr uint32, pPhysicalDevices: ptr VkPhysicalDevice): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceFeatures*: proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pFeatures: ptr VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties*: proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, format: VkFormat, pFormatProperties: ptr VkFormatProperties): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties*: proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, format: VkFormat, thetype: VkImageType, tiling: VkImageTiling, usage: VkImageUsageFlags, flags: VkImageCreateFlags, pImageFormatProperties: ptr VkImageFormatProperties): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties*: proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pProperties: ptr VkPhysicalDeviceProperties): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties*: proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pQueueFamilyPropertyCount: ptr uint32, pQueueFamilyProperties: ptr VkQueueFamilyProperties): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties*: proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pMemoryProperties: ptr VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetDeviceProcAddr*: proc(device: VkDevice, pName: cstring): PFN_vkVoidFunction {.stdcall.}
-  vkCreateDevice*: proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkDeviceCreateInfo, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pDevice: ptr VkDevice): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkDestroyDevice*: proc(device: VkDevice, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties*: proc(pLayerName: cstring, pPropertyCount: ptr uint32, pProperties: ptr VkExtensionProperties): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkEnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties*: proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pLayerName: cstring, pPropertyCount: ptr uint32, pProperties: ptr VkExtensionProperties): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkEnumerateInstanceLayerProperties*: proc(pPropertyCount: ptr uint32, pProperties: ptr VkLayerProperties): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkEnumerateDeviceLayerProperties*: proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pPropertyCount: ptr uint32, pProperties: ptr VkLayerProperties): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetDeviceQueue*: proc(device: VkDevice, queueFamilyIndex: uint32, queueIndex: uint32, pQueue: ptr VkQueue): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkQueueSubmit*: proc(queue: VkQueue, submitCount: uint32, pSubmits: ptr VkSubmitInfo, fence: VkFence): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkQueueWaitIdle*: proc(queue: VkQueue): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkDeviceWaitIdle*: proc(device: VkDevice): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkAllocateMemory*: proc(device: VkDevice, pAllocateInfo: ptr VkMemoryAllocateInfo, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pMemory: ptr VkDeviceMemory): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkFreeMemory*: proc(device: VkDevice, memory: VkDeviceMemory, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkMapMemory*: proc(device: VkDevice, memory: VkDeviceMemory, offset: VkDeviceSize, size: VkDeviceSize, flags: VkMemoryMapFlags, ppData: ptr pointer): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkUnmapMemory*: proc(device: VkDevice, memory: VkDeviceMemory): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges*: proc(device: VkDevice, memoryRangeCount: uint32, pMemoryRanges: ptr VkMappedMemoryRange): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkInvalidateMappedMemoryRanges*: proc(device: VkDevice, memoryRangeCount: uint32, pMemoryRanges: ptr VkMappedMemoryRange): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetDeviceMemoryCommitment*: proc(device: VkDevice, memory: VkDeviceMemory, pCommittedMemoryInBytes: ptr VkDeviceSize): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkBindBufferMemory*: proc(device: VkDevice, buffer: VkBuffer, memory: VkDeviceMemory, memoryOffset: VkDeviceSize): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkBindImageMemory*: proc(device: VkDevice, image: VkImage, memory: VkDeviceMemory, memoryOffset: VkDeviceSize): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements*: proc(device: VkDevice, buffer: VkBuffer, pMemoryRequirements: ptr VkMemoryRequirements): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetImageMemoryRequirements*: proc(device: VkDevice, image: VkImage, pMemoryRequirements: ptr VkMemoryRequirements): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetImageSparseMemoryRequirements*: proc(device: VkDevice, image: VkImage, pSparseMemoryRequirementCount: ptr uint32, pSparseMemoryRequirements: ptr VkSparseImageMemoryRequirements): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatProperties*: proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, format: VkFormat, thetype: VkImageType, samples: VkSampleCountFlagBits, usage: VkImageUsageFlags, tiling: VkImageTiling, pPropertyCount: ptr uint32, pProperties: ptr VkSparseImageFormatProperties): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkQueueBindSparse*: proc(queue: VkQueue, bindInfoCount: uint32, pBindInfo: ptr VkBindSparseInfo, fence: VkFence): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkCreateFence*: proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkFenceCreateInfo, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pFence: ptr VkFence): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkDestroyFence*: proc(device: VkDevice, fence: VkFence, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkResetFences*: proc(device: VkDevice, fenceCount: uint32, pFences: ptr VkFence): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetFenceStatus*: proc(device: VkDevice, fence: VkFence): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkWaitForFences*: proc(device: VkDevice, fenceCount: uint32, pFences: ptr VkFence, waitAll: VkBool32, timeout: uint64): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkCreateSemaphore*: proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkSemaphoreCreateInfo, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pSemaphore: ptr VkSemaphore): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkDestroySemaphore*: proc(device: VkDevice, semaphore: VkSemaphore, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCreateEvent*: proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkEventCreateInfo, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pEvent: ptr VkEvent): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkDestroyEvent*: proc(device: VkDevice, event: VkEvent, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetEventStatus*: proc(device: VkDevice, event: VkEvent): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkSetEvent*: proc(device: VkDevice, event: VkEvent): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkResetEvent*: proc(device: VkDevice, event: VkEvent): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkCreateQueryPool*: proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkQueryPoolCreateInfo, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pQueryPool: ptr VkQueryPool): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkDestroyQueryPool*: proc(device: VkDevice, queryPool: VkQueryPool, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetQueryPoolResults*: proc(device: VkDevice, queryPool: VkQueryPool, firstQuery: uint32, queryCount: uint32, dataSize: csize_t, pData: pointer, stride: VkDeviceSize, flags: VkQueryResultFlags): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkCreateBuffer*: proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkBufferCreateInfo, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pBuffer: ptr VkBuffer): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkDestroyBuffer*: proc(device: VkDevice, buffer: VkBuffer, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCreateBufferView*: proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkBufferViewCreateInfo, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pView: ptr VkBufferView): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkDestroyBufferView*: proc(device: VkDevice, bufferView: VkBufferView, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCreateImage*: proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkImageCreateInfo, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pImage: ptr VkImage): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkDestroyImage*: proc(device: VkDevice, image: VkImage, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetImageSubresourceLayout*: proc(device: VkDevice, image: VkImage, pSubresource: ptr VkImageSubresource, pLayout: ptr VkSubresourceLayout): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCreateImageView*: proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkImageViewCreateInfo, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pView: ptr VkImageView): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkDestroyImageView*: proc(device: VkDevice, imageView: VkImageView, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCreateShaderModule*: proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkShaderModuleCreateInfo, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pShaderModule: ptr VkShaderModule): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkDestroyShaderModule*: proc(device: VkDevice, shaderModule: VkShaderModule, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCreatePipelineCache*: proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkPipelineCacheCreateInfo, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pPipelineCache: ptr VkPipelineCache): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkDestroyPipelineCache*: proc(device: VkDevice, pipelineCache: VkPipelineCache, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetPipelineCacheData*: proc(device: VkDevice, pipelineCache: VkPipelineCache, pDataSize: ptr csize_t, pData: pointer): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkMergePipelineCaches*: proc(device: VkDevice, dstCache: VkPipelineCache, srcCacheCount: uint32, pSrcCaches: ptr VkPipelineCache): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkCreateGraphicsPipelines*: proc(device: VkDevice, pipelineCache: VkPipelineCache, createInfoCount: uint32, pCreateInfos: ptr VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pPipelines: ptr VkPipeline): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkCreateComputePipelines*: proc(device: VkDevice, pipelineCache: VkPipelineCache, createInfoCount: uint32, pCreateInfos: ptr VkComputePipelineCreateInfo, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pPipelines: ptr VkPipeline): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkDestroyPipeline*: proc(device: VkDevice, pipeline: VkPipeline, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCreatePipelineLayout*: proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkPipelineLayoutCreateInfo, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pPipelineLayout: ptr VkPipelineLayout): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkDestroyPipelineLayout*: proc(device: VkDevice, pipelineLayout: VkPipelineLayout, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCreateSampler*: proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkSamplerCreateInfo, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pSampler: ptr VkSampler): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkDestroySampler*: proc(device: VkDevice, sampler: VkSampler, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCreateDescriptorSetLayout*: proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkDescriptorSetLayoutCreateInfo, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pSetLayout: ptr VkDescriptorSetLayout): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkDestroyDescriptorSetLayout*: proc(device: VkDevice, descriptorSetLayout: VkDescriptorSetLayout, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCreateDescriptorPool*: proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkDescriptorPoolCreateInfo, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pDescriptorPool: ptr VkDescriptorPool): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkDestroyDescriptorPool*: proc(device: VkDevice, descriptorPool: VkDescriptorPool, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkResetDescriptorPool*: proc(device: VkDevice, descriptorPool: VkDescriptorPool, flags: VkDescriptorPoolResetFlags): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkAllocateDescriptorSets*: proc(device: VkDevice, pAllocateInfo: ptr VkDescriptorSetAllocateInfo, pDescriptorSets: ptr VkDescriptorSet): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkFreeDescriptorSets*: proc(device: VkDevice, descriptorPool: VkDescriptorPool, descriptorSetCount: uint32, pDescriptorSets: ptr VkDescriptorSet): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkUpdateDescriptorSets*: proc(device: VkDevice, descriptorWriteCount: uint32, pDescriptorWrites: ptr VkWriteDescriptorSet, descriptorCopyCount: uint32, pDescriptorCopies: ptr VkCopyDescriptorSet): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCreateFramebuffer*: proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkFramebufferCreateInfo, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pFramebuffer: ptr VkFramebuffer): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkDestroyFramebuffer*: proc(device: VkDevice, framebuffer: VkFramebuffer, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCreateRenderPass*: proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkRenderPassCreateInfo, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pRenderPass: ptr VkRenderPass): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkDestroyRenderPass*: proc(device: VkDevice, renderPass: VkRenderPass, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetRenderAreaGranularity*: proc(device: VkDevice, renderPass: VkRenderPass, pGranularity: ptr VkExtent2D): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCreateCommandPool*: proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkCommandPoolCreateInfo, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pCommandPool: ptr VkCommandPool): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkDestroyCommandPool*: proc(device: VkDevice, commandPool: VkCommandPool, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkResetCommandPool*: proc(device: VkDevice, commandPool: VkCommandPool, flags: VkCommandPoolResetFlags): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkAllocateCommandBuffers*: proc(device: VkDevice, pAllocateInfo: ptr VkCommandBufferAllocateInfo, pCommandBuffers: ptr VkCommandBuffer): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkFreeCommandBuffers*: proc(device: VkDevice, commandPool: VkCommandPool, commandBufferCount: uint32, pCommandBuffers: ptr VkCommandBuffer): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkBeginCommandBuffer*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pBeginInfo: ptr VkCommandBufferBeginInfo): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkEndCommandBuffer*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkResetCommandBuffer*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, flags: VkCommandBufferResetFlags): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdBindPipeline*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pipelineBindPoint: VkPipelineBindPoint, pipeline: VkPipeline): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetViewport*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, firstViewport: uint32, viewportCount: uint32, pViewports: ptr VkViewport): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetScissor*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, firstScissor: uint32, scissorCount: uint32, pScissors: ptr VkRect2D): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetLineWidth*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, lineWidth: float32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetDepthBias*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, depthBiasConstantFactor: float32, depthBiasClamp: float32, depthBiasSlopeFactor: float32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetBlendConstants*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, blendConstants: array[4, float32]): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetDepthBounds*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, minDepthBounds: float32, maxDepthBounds: float32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetStencilCompareMask*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, faceMask: VkStencilFaceFlags, compareMask: uint32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetStencilWriteMask*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, faceMask: VkStencilFaceFlags, writeMask: uint32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetStencilReference*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, faceMask: VkStencilFaceFlags, reference: uint32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdBindDescriptorSets*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pipelineBindPoint: VkPipelineBindPoint, layout: VkPipelineLayout, firstSet: uint32, descriptorSetCount: uint32, pDescriptorSets: ptr VkDescriptorSet, dynamicOffsetCount: uint32, pDynamicOffsets: ptr uint32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdBindIndexBuffer*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, buffer: VkBuffer, offset: VkDeviceSize, indexType: VkIndexType): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdBindVertexBuffers*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, firstBinding: uint32, bindingCount: uint32, pBuffers: ptr VkBuffer, pOffsets: ptr VkDeviceSize): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdDraw*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, vertexCount: uint32, instanceCount: uint32, firstVertex: uint32, firstInstance: uint32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdDrawIndexed*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, indexCount: uint32, instanceCount: uint32, firstIndex: uint32, vertexOffset: int32, firstInstance: uint32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdDrawIndirect*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, buffer: VkBuffer, offset: VkDeviceSize, drawCount: uint32, stride: uint32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirect*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, buffer: VkBuffer, offset: VkDeviceSize, drawCount: uint32, stride: uint32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdDispatch*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, groupCountX: uint32, groupCountY: uint32, groupCountZ: uint32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdDispatchIndirect*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, buffer: VkBuffer, offset: VkDeviceSize): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdCopyBuffer*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, srcBuffer: VkBuffer, dstBuffer: VkBuffer, regionCount: uint32, pRegions: ptr VkBufferCopy): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdCopyImage*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, srcImage: VkImage, srcImageLayout: VkImageLayout, dstImage: VkImage, dstImageLayout: VkImageLayout, regionCount: uint32, pRegions: ptr VkImageCopy): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdBlitImage*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, srcImage: VkImage, srcImageLayout: VkImageLayout, dstImage: VkImage, dstImageLayout: VkImageLayout, regionCount: uint32, pRegions: ptr VkImageBlit, filter: VkFilter): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdCopyBufferToImage*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, srcBuffer: VkBuffer, dstImage: VkImage, dstImageLayout: VkImageLayout, regionCount: uint32, pRegions: ptr VkBufferImageCopy): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, srcImage: VkImage, srcImageLayout: VkImageLayout, dstBuffer: VkBuffer, regionCount: uint32, pRegions: ptr VkBufferImageCopy): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdUpdateBuffer*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, dstBuffer: VkBuffer, dstOffset: VkDeviceSize, dataSize: VkDeviceSize, pData: pointer): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdFillBuffer*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, dstBuffer: VkBuffer, dstOffset: VkDeviceSize, size: VkDeviceSize, data: uint32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdClearColorImage*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, image: VkImage, imageLayout: VkImageLayout, pColor: ptr VkClearColorValue, rangeCount: uint32, pRanges: ptr VkImageSubresourceRange): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdClearDepthStencilImage*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, image: VkImage, imageLayout: VkImageLayout, pDepthStencil: ptr VkClearDepthStencilValue, rangeCount: uint32, pRanges: ptr VkImageSubresourceRange): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdClearAttachments*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, attachmentCount: uint32, pAttachments: ptr VkClearAttachment, rectCount: uint32, pRects: ptr VkClearRect): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdResolveImage*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, srcImage: VkImage, srcImageLayout: VkImageLayout, dstImage: VkImage, dstImageLayout: VkImageLayout, regionCount: uint32, pRegions: ptr VkImageResolve): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetEvent*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, event: VkEvent, stageMask: VkPipelineStageFlags): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdResetEvent*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, event: VkEvent, stageMask: VkPipelineStageFlags): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdWaitEvents*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, eventCount: uint32, pEvents: ptr VkEvent, srcStageMask: VkPipelineStageFlags, dstStageMask: VkPipelineStageFlags, memoryBarrierCount: uint32, pMemoryBarriers: ptr VkMemoryBarrier, bufferMemoryBarrierCount: uint32, pBufferMemoryBarriers: ptr VkBufferMemoryBarrier, imageMemoryBarrierCount: uint32, pImageMemoryBarriers: ptr VkImageMemoryBarrier): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdPipelineBarrier*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, srcStageMask: VkPipelineStageFlags, dstStageMask: VkPipelineStageFlags, dependencyFlags: VkDependencyFlags, memoryBarrierCount: uint32, pMemoryBarriers: ptr VkMemoryBarrier, bufferMemoryBarrierCount: uint32, pBufferMemoryBarriers: ptr VkBufferMemoryBarrier, imageMemoryBarrierCount: uint32, pImageMemoryBarriers: ptr VkImageMemoryBarrier): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdBeginQuery*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, queryPool: VkQueryPool, query: uint32, flags: VkQueryControlFlags): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdEndQuery*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, queryPool: VkQueryPool, query: uint32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdResetQueryPool*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, queryPool: VkQueryPool, firstQuery: uint32, queryCount: uint32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdWriteTimestamp*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pipelineStage: VkPipelineStageFlagBits, queryPool: VkQueryPool, query: uint32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdCopyQueryPoolResults*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, queryPool: VkQueryPool, firstQuery: uint32, queryCount: uint32, dstBuffer: VkBuffer, dstOffset: VkDeviceSize, stride: VkDeviceSize, flags: VkQueryResultFlags): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdPushConstants*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, layout: VkPipelineLayout, stageFlags: VkShaderStageFlags, offset: uint32, size: uint32, pValues: pointer): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdBeginRenderPass*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pRenderPassBegin: ptr VkRenderPassBeginInfo, contents: VkSubpassContents): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdNextSubpass*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, contents: VkSubpassContents): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdEndRenderPass*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdExecuteCommands*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, commandBufferCount: uint32, pCommandBuffers: ptr VkCommandBuffer): void {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_VERSION_1_0*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  vkDestroyInstance = cast[proc(instance: VkInstance, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkDestroyInstance"))
-  vkEnumeratePhysicalDevices = cast[proc(instance: VkInstance, pPhysicalDeviceCount: ptr uint32, pPhysicalDevices: ptr VkPhysicalDevice): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkEnumeratePhysicalDevices"))
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceFeatures = cast[proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pFeatures: ptr VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetPhysicalDeviceFeatures"))
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties = cast[proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, format: VkFormat, pFormatProperties: ptr VkFormatProperties): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties"))
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties = cast[proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, format: VkFormat, thetype: VkImageType, tiling: VkImageTiling, usage: VkImageUsageFlags, flags: VkImageCreateFlags, pImageFormatProperties: ptr VkImageFormatProperties): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties"))
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties = cast[proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pProperties: ptr VkPhysicalDeviceProperties): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties"))
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties = cast[proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pQueueFamilyPropertyCount: ptr uint32, pQueueFamilyProperties: ptr VkQueueFamilyProperties): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties"))
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties = cast[proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pMemoryProperties: ptr VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties"))
-  vkGetDeviceProcAddr = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pName: cstring): PFN_vkVoidFunction {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetDeviceProcAddr"))
-  vkCreateDevice = cast[proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkDeviceCreateInfo, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pDevice: ptr VkDevice): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCreateDevice"))
-  vkDestroyDevice = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkDestroyDevice"))
-  vkEnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties = cast[proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pLayerName: cstring, pPropertyCount: ptr uint32, pProperties: ptr VkExtensionProperties): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkEnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties"))
-  vkEnumerateDeviceLayerProperties = cast[proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pPropertyCount: ptr uint32, pProperties: ptr VkLayerProperties): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkEnumerateDeviceLayerProperties"))
-  vkGetDeviceQueue = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, queueFamilyIndex: uint32, queueIndex: uint32, pQueue: ptr VkQueue): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetDeviceQueue"))
-  vkQueueSubmit = cast[proc(queue: VkQueue, submitCount: uint32, pSubmits: ptr VkSubmitInfo, fence: VkFence): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkQueueSubmit"))
-  vkQueueWaitIdle = cast[proc(queue: VkQueue): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkQueueWaitIdle"))
-  vkDeviceWaitIdle = cast[proc(device: VkDevice): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkDeviceWaitIdle"))
-  vkAllocateMemory = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pAllocateInfo: ptr VkMemoryAllocateInfo, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pMemory: ptr VkDeviceMemory): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkAllocateMemory"))
-  vkFreeMemory = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, memory: VkDeviceMemory, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkFreeMemory"))
-  vkMapMemory = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, memory: VkDeviceMemory, offset: VkDeviceSize, size: VkDeviceSize, flags: VkMemoryMapFlags, ppData: ptr pointer): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkMapMemory"))
-  vkUnmapMemory = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, memory: VkDeviceMemory): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkUnmapMemory"))
-  vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, memoryRangeCount: uint32, pMemoryRanges: ptr VkMappedMemoryRange): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges"))
-  vkInvalidateMappedMemoryRanges = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, memoryRangeCount: uint32, pMemoryRanges: ptr VkMappedMemoryRange): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkInvalidateMappedMemoryRanges"))
-  vkGetDeviceMemoryCommitment = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, memory: VkDeviceMemory, pCommittedMemoryInBytes: ptr VkDeviceSize): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetDeviceMemoryCommitment"))
-  vkBindBufferMemory = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, buffer: VkBuffer, memory: VkDeviceMemory, memoryOffset: VkDeviceSize): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkBindBufferMemory"))
-  vkBindImageMemory = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, image: VkImage, memory: VkDeviceMemory, memoryOffset: VkDeviceSize): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkBindImageMemory"))
-  vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, buffer: VkBuffer, pMemoryRequirements: ptr VkMemoryRequirements): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements"))
-  vkGetImageMemoryRequirements = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, image: VkImage, pMemoryRequirements: ptr VkMemoryRequirements): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetImageMemoryRequirements"))
-  vkGetImageSparseMemoryRequirements = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, image: VkImage, pSparseMemoryRequirementCount: ptr uint32, pSparseMemoryRequirements: ptr VkSparseImageMemoryRequirements): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetImageSparseMemoryRequirements"))
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatProperties = cast[proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, format: VkFormat, thetype: VkImageType, samples: VkSampleCountFlagBits, usage: VkImageUsageFlags, tiling: VkImageTiling, pPropertyCount: ptr uint32, pProperties: ptr VkSparseImageFormatProperties): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatProperties"))
-  vkQueueBindSparse = cast[proc(queue: VkQueue, bindInfoCount: uint32, pBindInfo: ptr VkBindSparseInfo, fence: VkFence): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkQueueBindSparse"))
-  vkCreateFence = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkFenceCreateInfo, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pFence: ptr VkFence): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCreateFence"))
-  vkDestroyFence = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, fence: VkFence, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkDestroyFence"))
-  vkResetFences = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, fenceCount: uint32, pFences: ptr VkFence): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkResetFences"))
-  vkGetFenceStatus = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, fence: VkFence): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetFenceStatus"))
-  vkWaitForFences = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, fenceCount: uint32, pFences: ptr VkFence, waitAll: VkBool32, timeout: uint64): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkWaitForFences"))
-  vkCreateSemaphore = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkSemaphoreCreateInfo, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pSemaphore: ptr VkSemaphore): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCreateSemaphore"))
-  vkDestroySemaphore = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, semaphore: VkSemaphore, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkDestroySemaphore"))
-  vkCreateEvent = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkEventCreateInfo, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pEvent: ptr VkEvent): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCreateEvent"))
-  vkDestroyEvent = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, event: VkEvent, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkDestroyEvent"))
-  vkGetEventStatus = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, event: VkEvent): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetEventStatus"))
-  vkSetEvent = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, event: VkEvent): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkSetEvent"))
-  vkResetEvent = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, event: VkEvent): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkResetEvent"))
-  vkCreateQueryPool = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkQueryPoolCreateInfo, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pQueryPool: ptr VkQueryPool): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCreateQueryPool"))
-  vkDestroyQueryPool = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, queryPool: VkQueryPool, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkDestroyQueryPool"))
-  vkGetQueryPoolResults = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, queryPool: VkQueryPool, firstQuery: uint32, queryCount: uint32, dataSize: csize_t, pData: pointer, stride: VkDeviceSize, flags: VkQueryResultFlags): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetQueryPoolResults"))
-  vkCreateBuffer = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkBufferCreateInfo, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pBuffer: ptr VkBuffer): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCreateBuffer"))
-  vkDestroyBuffer = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, buffer: VkBuffer, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkDestroyBuffer"))
-  vkCreateBufferView = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkBufferViewCreateInfo, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pView: ptr VkBufferView): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCreateBufferView"))
-  vkDestroyBufferView = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, bufferView: VkBufferView, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkDestroyBufferView"))
-  vkCreateImage = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkImageCreateInfo, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pImage: ptr VkImage): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCreateImage"))
-  vkDestroyImage = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, image: VkImage, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkDestroyImage"))
-  vkGetImageSubresourceLayout = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, image: VkImage, pSubresource: ptr VkImageSubresource, pLayout: ptr VkSubresourceLayout): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetImageSubresourceLayout"))
-  vkCreateImageView = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkImageViewCreateInfo, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pView: ptr VkImageView): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCreateImageView"))
-  vkDestroyImageView = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, imageView: VkImageView, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkDestroyImageView"))
-  vkCreateShaderModule = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkShaderModuleCreateInfo, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pShaderModule: ptr VkShaderModule): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCreateShaderModule"))
-  vkDestroyShaderModule = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, shaderModule: VkShaderModule, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkDestroyShaderModule"))
-  vkCreatePipelineCache = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkPipelineCacheCreateInfo, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pPipelineCache: ptr VkPipelineCache): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCreatePipelineCache"))
-  vkDestroyPipelineCache = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pipelineCache: VkPipelineCache, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkDestroyPipelineCache"))
-  vkGetPipelineCacheData = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pipelineCache: VkPipelineCache, pDataSize: ptr csize_t, pData: pointer): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetPipelineCacheData"))
-  vkMergePipelineCaches = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, dstCache: VkPipelineCache, srcCacheCount: uint32, pSrcCaches: ptr VkPipelineCache): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkMergePipelineCaches"))
-  vkCreateGraphicsPipelines = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pipelineCache: VkPipelineCache, createInfoCount: uint32, pCreateInfos: ptr VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pPipelines: ptr VkPipeline): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCreateGraphicsPipelines"))
-  vkCreateComputePipelines = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pipelineCache: VkPipelineCache, createInfoCount: uint32, pCreateInfos: ptr VkComputePipelineCreateInfo, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pPipelines: ptr VkPipeline): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCreateComputePipelines"))
-  vkDestroyPipeline = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pipeline: VkPipeline, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkDestroyPipeline"))
-  vkCreatePipelineLayout = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkPipelineLayoutCreateInfo, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pPipelineLayout: ptr VkPipelineLayout): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCreatePipelineLayout"))
-  vkDestroyPipelineLayout = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pipelineLayout: VkPipelineLayout, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkDestroyPipelineLayout"))
-  vkCreateSampler = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkSamplerCreateInfo, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pSampler: ptr VkSampler): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCreateSampler"))
-  vkDestroySampler = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, sampler: VkSampler, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkDestroySampler"))
-  vkCreateDescriptorSetLayout = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkDescriptorSetLayoutCreateInfo, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pSetLayout: ptr VkDescriptorSetLayout): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCreateDescriptorSetLayout"))
-  vkDestroyDescriptorSetLayout = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, descriptorSetLayout: VkDescriptorSetLayout, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkDestroyDescriptorSetLayout"))
-  vkCreateDescriptorPool = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkDescriptorPoolCreateInfo, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pDescriptorPool: ptr VkDescriptorPool): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCreateDescriptorPool"))
-  vkDestroyDescriptorPool = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, descriptorPool: VkDescriptorPool, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkDestroyDescriptorPool"))
-  vkResetDescriptorPool = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, descriptorPool: VkDescriptorPool, flags: VkDescriptorPoolResetFlags): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkResetDescriptorPool"))
-  vkAllocateDescriptorSets = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pAllocateInfo: ptr VkDescriptorSetAllocateInfo, pDescriptorSets: ptr VkDescriptorSet): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkAllocateDescriptorSets"))
-  vkFreeDescriptorSets = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, descriptorPool: VkDescriptorPool, descriptorSetCount: uint32, pDescriptorSets: ptr VkDescriptorSet): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkFreeDescriptorSets"))
-  vkUpdateDescriptorSets = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, descriptorWriteCount: uint32, pDescriptorWrites: ptr VkWriteDescriptorSet, descriptorCopyCount: uint32, pDescriptorCopies: ptr VkCopyDescriptorSet): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkUpdateDescriptorSets"))
-  vkCreateFramebuffer = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkFramebufferCreateInfo, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pFramebuffer: ptr VkFramebuffer): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCreateFramebuffer"))
-  vkDestroyFramebuffer = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, framebuffer: VkFramebuffer, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkDestroyFramebuffer"))
-  vkCreateRenderPass = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkRenderPassCreateInfo, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pRenderPass: ptr VkRenderPass): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCreateRenderPass"))
-  vkDestroyRenderPass = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, renderPass: VkRenderPass, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkDestroyRenderPass"))
-  vkGetRenderAreaGranularity = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, renderPass: VkRenderPass, pGranularity: ptr VkExtent2D): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetRenderAreaGranularity"))
-  vkCreateCommandPool = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkCommandPoolCreateInfo, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pCommandPool: ptr VkCommandPool): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCreateCommandPool"))
-  vkDestroyCommandPool = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, commandPool: VkCommandPool, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkDestroyCommandPool"))
-  vkResetCommandPool = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, commandPool: VkCommandPool, flags: VkCommandPoolResetFlags): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkResetCommandPool"))
-  vkAllocateCommandBuffers = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pAllocateInfo: ptr VkCommandBufferAllocateInfo, pCommandBuffers: ptr VkCommandBuffer): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkAllocateCommandBuffers"))
-  vkFreeCommandBuffers = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, commandPool: VkCommandPool, commandBufferCount: uint32, pCommandBuffers: ptr VkCommandBuffer): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkFreeCommandBuffers"))
-  vkBeginCommandBuffer = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pBeginInfo: ptr VkCommandBufferBeginInfo): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkBeginCommandBuffer"))
-  vkEndCommandBuffer = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkEndCommandBuffer"))
-  vkResetCommandBuffer = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, flags: VkCommandBufferResetFlags): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkResetCommandBuffer"))
-  vkCmdBindPipeline = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pipelineBindPoint: VkPipelineBindPoint, pipeline: VkPipeline): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdBindPipeline"))
-  vkCmdSetViewport = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, firstViewport: uint32, viewportCount: uint32, pViewports: ptr VkViewport): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetViewport"))
-  vkCmdSetScissor = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, firstScissor: uint32, scissorCount: uint32, pScissors: ptr VkRect2D): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetScissor"))
-  vkCmdSetLineWidth = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, lineWidth: float32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetLineWidth"))
-  vkCmdSetDepthBias = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, depthBiasConstantFactor: float32, depthBiasClamp: float32, depthBiasSlopeFactor: float32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetDepthBias"))
-  vkCmdSetBlendConstants = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, blendConstants: array[4, float32]): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetBlendConstants"))
-  vkCmdSetDepthBounds = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, minDepthBounds: float32, maxDepthBounds: float32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetDepthBounds"))
-  vkCmdSetStencilCompareMask = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, faceMask: VkStencilFaceFlags, compareMask: uint32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetStencilCompareMask"))
-  vkCmdSetStencilWriteMask = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, faceMask: VkStencilFaceFlags, writeMask: uint32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetStencilWriteMask"))
-  vkCmdSetStencilReference = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, faceMask: VkStencilFaceFlags, reference: uint32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetStencilReference"))
-  vkCmdBindDescriptorSets = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pipelineBindPoint: VkPipelineBindPoint, layout: VkPipelineLayout, firstSet: uint32, descriptorSetCount: uint32, pDescriptorSets: ptr VkDescriptorSet, dynamicOffsetCount: uint32, pDynamicOffsets: ptr uint32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdBindDescriptorSets"))
-  vkCmdBindIndexBuffer = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, buffer: VkBuffer, offset: VkDeviceSize, indexType: VkIndexType): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdBindIndexBuffer"))
-  vkCmdBindVertexBuffers = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, firstBinding: uint32, bindingCount: uint32, pBuffers: ptr VkBuffer, pOffsets: ptr VkDeviceSize): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdBindVertexBuffers"))
-  vkCmdDraw = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, vertexCount: uint32, instanceCount: uint32, firstVertex: uint32, firstInstance: uint32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdDraw"))
-  vkCmdDrawIndexed = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, indexCount: uint32, instanceCount: uint32, firstIndex: uint32, vertexOffset: int32, firstInstance: uint32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdDrawIndexed"))
-  vkCmdDrawIndirect = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, buffer: VkBuffer, offset: VkDeviceSize, drawCount: uint32, stride: uint32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdDrawIndirect"))
-  vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirect = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, buffer: VkBuffer, offset: VkDeviceSize, drawCount: uint32, stride: uint32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirect"))
-  vkCmdDispatch = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, groupCountX: uint32, groupCountY: uint32, groupCountZ: uint32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdDispatch"))
-  vkCmdDispatchIndirect = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, buffer: VkBuffer, offset: VkDeviceSize): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdDispatchIndirect"))
-  vkCmdCopyBuffer = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, srcBuffer: VkBuffer, dstBuffer: VkBuffer, regionCount: uint32, pRegions: ptr VkBufferCopy): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdCopyBuffer"))
-  vkCmdCopyImage = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, srcImage: VkImage, srcImageLayout: VkImageLayout, dstImage: VkImage, dstImageLayout: VkImageLayout, regionCount: uint32, pRegions: ptr VkImageCopy): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdCopyImage"))
-  vkCmdBlitImage = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, srcImage: VkImage, srcImageLayout: VkImageLayout, dstImage: VkImage, dstImageLayout: VkImageLayout, regionCount: uint32, pRegions: ptr VkImageBlit, filter: VkFilter): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdBlitImage"))
-  vkCmdCopyBufferToImage = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, srcBuffer: VkBuffer, dstImage: VkImage, dstImageLayout: VkImageLayout, regionCount: uint32, pRegions: ptr VkBufferImageCopy): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdCopyBufferToImage"))
-  vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, srcImage: VkImage, srcImageLayout: VkImageLayout, dstBuffer: VkBuffer, regionCount: uint32, pRegions: ptr VkBufferImageCopy): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer"))
-  vkCmdUpdateBuffer = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, dstBuffer: VkBuffer, dstOffset: VkDeviceSize, dataSize: VkDeviceSize, pData: pointer): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdUpdateBuffer"))
-  vkCmdFillBuffer = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, dstBuffer: VkBuffer, dstOffset: VkDeviceSize, size: VkDeviceSize, data: uint32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdFillBuffer"))
-  vkCmdClearColorImage = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, image: VkImage, imageLayout: VkImageLayout, pColor: ptr VkClearColorValue, rangeCount: uint32, pRanges: ptr VkImageSubresourceRange): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdClearColorImage"))
-  vkCmdClearDepthStencilImage = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, image: VkImage, imageLayout: VkImageLayout, pDepthStencil: ptr VkClearDepthStencilValue, rangeCount: uint32, pRanges: ptr VkImageSubresourceRange): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdClearDepthStencilImage"))
-  vkCmdClearAttachments = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, attachmentCount: uint32, pAttachments: ptr VkClearAttachment, rectCount: uint32, pRects: ptr VkClearRect): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdClearAttachments"))
-  vkCmdResolveImage = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, srcImage: VkImage, srcImageLayout: VkImageLayout, dstImage: VkImage, dstImageLayout: VkImageLayout, regionCount: uint32, pRegions: ptr VkImageResolve): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdResolveImage"))
-  vkCmdSetEvent = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, event: VkEvent, stageMask: VkPipelineStageFlags): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetEvent"))
-  vkCmdResetEvent = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, event: VkEvent, stageMask: VkPipelineStageFlags): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdResetEvent"))
-  vkCmdWaitEvents = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, eventCount: uint32, pEvents: ptr VkEvent, srcStageMask: VkPipelineStageFlags, dstStageMask: VkPipelineStageFlags, memoryBarrierCount: uint32, pMemoryBarriers: ptr VkMemoryBarrier, bufferMemoryBarrierCount: uint32, pBufferMemoryBarriers: ptr VkBufferMemoryBarrier, imageMemoryBarrierCount: uint32, pImageMemoryBarriers: ptr VkImageMemoryBarrier): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdWaitEvents"))
-  vkCmdPipelineBarrier = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, srcStageMask: VkPipelineStageFlags, dstStageMask: VkPipelineStageFlags, dependencyFlags: VkDependencyFlags, memoryBarrierCount: uint32, pMemoryBarriers: ptr VkMemoryBarrier, bufferMemoryBarrierCount: uint32, pBufferMemoryBarriers: ptr VkBufferMemoryBarrier, imageMemoryBarrierCount: uint32, pImageMemoryBarriers: ptr VkImageMemoryBarrier): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdPipelineBarrier"))
-  vkCmdBeginQuery = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, queryPool: VkQueryPool, query: uint32, flags: VkQueryControlFlags): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdBeginQuery"))
-  vkCmdEndQuery = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, queryPool: VkQueryPool, query: uint32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdEndQuery"))
-  vkCmdResetQueryPool = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, queryPool: VkQueryPool, firstQuery: uint32, queryCount: uint32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdResetQueryPool"))
-  vkCmdWriteTimestamp = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pipelineStage: VkPipelineStageFlagBits, queryPool: VkQueryPool, query: uint32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdWriteTimestamp"))
-  vkCmdCopyQueryPoolResults = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, queryPool: VkQueryPool, firstQuery: uint32, queryCount: uint32, dstBuffer: VkBuffer, dstOffset: VkDeviceSize, stride: VkDeviceSize, flags: VkQueryResultFlags): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdCopyQueryPoolResults"))
-  vkCmdPushConstants = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, layout: VkPipelineLayout, stageFlags: VkShaderStageFlags, offset: uint32, size: uint32, pValues: pointer): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdPushConstants"))
-  vkCmdBeginRenderPass = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pRenderPassBegin: ptr VkRenderPassBeginInfo, contents: VkSubpassContents): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdBeginRenderPass"))
-  vkCmdNextSubpass = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, contents: VkSubpassContents): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdNextSubpass"))
-  vkCmdEndRenderPass = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdEndRenderPass"))
-  vkCmdExecuteCommands = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, commandBufferCount: uint32, pCommandBuffers: ptr VkCommandBuffer): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdExecuteCommands"))
-# feature VK_VERSION_1_1
-  vkEnumerateInstanceVersion*: proc(pApiVersion: ptr uint32): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkBindBufferMemory2*: proc(device: VkDevice, bindInfoCount: uint32, pBindInfos: ptr VkBindBufferMemoryInfo): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkBindImageMemory2*: proc(device: VkDevice, bindInfoCount: uint32, pBindInfos: ptr VkBindImageMemoryInfo): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetDeviceGroupPeerMemoryFeatures*: proc(device: VkDevice, heapIndex: uint32, localDeviceIndex: uint32, remoteDeviceIndex: uint32, pPeerMemoryFeatures: ptr VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlags): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetDeviceMask*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, deviceMask: uint32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdDispatchBase*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, baseGroupX: uint32, baseGroupY: uint32, baseGroupZ: uint32, groupCountX: uint32, groupCountY: uint32, groupCountZ: uint32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkEnumeratePhysicalDeviceGroups*: proc(instance: VkInstance, pPhysicalDeviceGroupCount: ptr uint32, pPhysicalDeviceGroupProperties: ptr VkPhysicalDeviceGroupProperties): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetImageMemoryRequirements2*: proc(device: VkDevice, pInfo: ptr VkImageMemoryRequirementsInfo2, pMemoryRequirements: ptr VkMemoryRequirements2): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements2*: proc(device: VkDevice, pInfo: ptr VkBufferMemoryRequirementsInfo2, pMemoryRequirements: ptr VkMemoryRequirements2): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetImageSparseMemoryRequirements2*: proc(device: VkDevice, pInfo: ptr VkImageSparseMemoryRequirementsInfo2, pSparseMemoryRequirementCount: ptr uint32, pSparseMemoryRequirements: ptr VkSparseImageMemoryRequirements2): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceFeatures2*: proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pFeatures: ptr VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties2*: proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pProperties: ptr VkPhysicalDeviceProperties2): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties2*: proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, format: VkFormat, pFormatProperties: ptr VkFormatProperties2): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2*: proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pImageFormatInfo: ptr VkPhysicalDeviceImageFormatInfo2, pImageFormatProperties: ptr VkImageFormatProperties2): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties2*: proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pQueueFamilyPropertyCount: ptr uint32, pQueueFamilyProperties: ptr VkQueueFamilyProperties2): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties2*: proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pMemoryProperties: ptr VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties2): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatProperties2*: proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pFormatInfo: ptr VkPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatInfo2, pPropertyCount: ptr uint32, pProperties: ptr VkSparseImageFormatProperties2): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkTrimCommandPool*: proc(device: VkDevice, commandPool: VkCommandPool, flags: VkCommandPoolTrimFlags): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetDeviceQueue2*: proc(device: VkDevice, pQueueInfo: ptr VkDeviceQueueInfo2, pQueue: ptr VkQueue): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCreateSamplerYcbcrConversion*: proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkSamplerYcbcrConversionCreateInfo, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pYcbcrConversion: ptr VkSamplerYcbcrConversion): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkDestroySamplerYcbcrConversion*: proc(device: VkDevice, ycbcrConversion: VkSamplerYcbcrConversion, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCreateDescriptorUpdateTemplate*: proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pDescriptorUpdateTemplate: ptr VkDescriptorUpdateTemplate): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkDestroyDescriptorUpdateTemplate*: proc(device: VkDevice, descriptorUpdateTemplate: VkDescriptorUpdateTemplate, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkUpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplate*: proc(device: VkDevice, descriptorSet: VkDescriptorSet, descriptorUpdateTemplate: VkDescriptorUpdateTemplate, pData: pointer): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceExternalBufferProperties*: proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pExternalBufferInfo: ptr VkPhysicalDeviceExternalBufferInfo, pExternalBufferProperties: ptr VkExternalBufferProperties): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceExternalFenceProperties*: proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pExternalFenceInfo: ptr VkPhysicalDeviceExternalFenceInfo, pExternalFenceProperties: ptr VkExternalFenceProperties): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceExternalSemaphoreProperties*: proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pExternalSemaphoreInfo: ptr VkPhysicalDeviceExternalSemaphoreInfo, pExternalSemaphoreProperties: ptr VkExternalSemaphoreProperties): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetDescriptorSetLayoutSupport*: proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkDescriptorSetLayoutCreateInfo, pSupport: ptr VkDescriptorSetLayoutSupport): void {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_VERSION_1_1*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  vkBindBufferMemory2 = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, bindInfoCount: uint32, pBindInfos: ptr VkBindBufferMemoryInfo): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkBindBufferMemory2"))
-  vkBindImageMemory2 = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, bindInfoCount: uint32, pBindInfos: ptr VkBindImageMemoryInfo): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkBindImageMemory2"))
-  vkGetDeviceGroupPeerMemoryFeatures = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, heapIndex: uint32, localDeviceIndex: uint32, remoteDeviceIndex: uint32, pPeerMemoryFeatures: ptr VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlags): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetDeviceGroupPeerMemoryFeatures"))
-  vkCmdSetDeviceMask = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, deviceMask: uint32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetDeviceMask"))
-  vkCmdDispatchBase = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, baseGroupX: uint32, baseGroupY: uint32, baseGroupZ: uint32, groupCountX: uint32, groupCountY: uint32, groupCountZ: uint32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdDispatchBase"))
-  vkEnumeratePhysicalDeviceGroups = cast[proc(instance: VkInstance, pPhysicalDeviceGroupCount: ptr uint32, pPhysicalDeviceGroupProperties: ptr VkPhysicalDeviceGroupProperties): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkEnumeratePhysicalDeviceGroups"))
-  vkGetImageMemoryRequirements2 = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pInfo: ptr VkImageMemoryRequirementsInfo2, pMemoryRequirements: ptr VkMemoryRequirements2): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetImageMemoryRequirements2"))
-  vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements2 = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pInfo: ptr VkBufferMemoryRequirementsInfo2, pMemoryRequirements: ptr VkMemoryRequirements2): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements2"))
-  vkGetImageSparseMemoryRequirements2 = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pInfo: ptr VkImageSparseMemoryRequirementsInfo2, pSparseMemoryRequirementCount: ptr uint32, pSparseMemoryRequirements: ptr VkSparseImageMemoryRequirements2): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetImageSparseMemoryRequirements2"))
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceFeatures2 = cast[proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pFeatures: ptr VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetPhysicalDeviceFeatures2"))
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties2 = cast[proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pProperties: ptr VkPhysicalDeviceProperties2): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties2"))
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties2 = cast[proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, format: VkFormat, pFormatProperties: ptr VkFormatProperties2): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties2"))
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2 = cast[proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pImageFormatInfo: ptr VkPhysicalDeviceImageFormatInfo2, pImageFormatProperties: ptr VkImageFormatProperties2): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2"))
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties2 = cast[proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pQueueFamilyPropertyCount: ptr uint32, pQueueFamilyProperties: ptr VkQueueFamilyProperties2): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties2"))
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties2 = cast[proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pMemoryProperties: ptr VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties2): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties2"))
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatProperties2 = cast[proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pFormatInfo: ptr VkPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatInfo2, pPropertyCount: ptr uint32, pProperties: ptr VkSparseImageFormatProperties2): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatProperties2"))
-  vkTrimCommandPool = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, commandPool: VkCommandPool, flags: VkCommandPoolTrimFlags): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkTrimCommandPool"))
-  vkGetDeviceQueue2 = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pQueueInfo: ptr VkDeviceQueueInfo2, pQueue: ptr VkQueue): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetDeviceQueue2"))
-  vkCreateSamplerYcbcrConversion = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkSamplerYcbcrConversionCreateInfo, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pYcbcrConversion: ptr VkSamplerYcbcrConversion): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCreateSamplerYcbcrConversion"))
-  vkDestroySamplerYcbcrConversion = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, ycbcrConversion: VkSamplerYcbcrConversion, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkDestroySamplerYcbcrConversion"))
-  vkCreateDescriptorUpdateTemplate = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pDescriptorUpdateTemplate: ptr VkDescriptorUpdateTemplate): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCreateDescriptorUpdateTemplate"))
-  vkDestroyDescriptorUpdateTemplate = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, descriptorUpdateTemplate: VkDescriptorUpdateTemplate, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkDestroyDescriptorUpdateTemplate"))
-  vkUpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplate = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, descriptorSet: VkDescriptorSet, descriptorUpdateTemplate: VkDescriptorUpdateTemplate, pData: pointer): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkUpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplate"))
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceExternalBufferProperties = cast[proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pExternalBufferInfo: ptr VkPhysicalDeviceExternalBufferInfo, pExternalBufferProperties: ptr VkExternalBufferProperties): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetPhysicalDeviceExternalBufferProperties"))
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceExternalFenceProperties = cast[proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pExternalFenceInfo: ptr VkPhysicalDeviceExternalFenceInfo, pExternalFenceProperties: ptr VkExternalFenceProperties): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetPhysicalDeviceExternalFenceProperties"))
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceExternalSemaphoreProperties = cast[proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pExternalSemaphoreInfo: ptr VkPhysicalDeviceExternalSemaphoreInfo, pExternalSemaphoreProperties: ptr VkExternalSemaphoreProperties): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetPhysicalDeviceExternalSemaphoreProperties"))
-  vkGetDescriptorSetLayoutSupport = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkDescriptorSetLayoutCreateInfo, pSupport: ptr VkDescriptorSetLayoutSupport): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetDescriptorSetLayoutSupport"))
-# feature VK_VERSION_1_2
-  vkCmdDrawIndirectCount*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, buffer: VkBuffer, offset: VkDeviceSize, countBuffer: VkBuffer, countBufferOffset: VkDeviceSize, maxDrawCount: uint32, stride: uint32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirectCount*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, buffer: VkBuffer, offset: VkDeviceSize, countBuffer: VkBuffer, countBufferOffset: VkDeviceSize, maxDrawCount: uint32, stride: uint32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCreateRenderPass2*: proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkRenderPassCreateInfo2, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pRenderPass: ptr VkRenderPass): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdBeginRenderPass2*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pRenderPassBegin: ptr VkRenderPassBeginInfo, pSubpassBeginInfo: ptr VkSubpassBeginInfo): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdNextSubpass2*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pSubpassBeginInfo: ptr VkSubpassBeginInfo, pSubpassEndInfo: ptr VkSubpassEndInfo): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdEndRenderPass2*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pSubpassEndInfo: ptr VkSubpassEndInfo): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkResetQueryPool*: proc(device: VkDevice, queryPool: VkQueryPool, firstQuery: uint32, queryCount: uint32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetSemaphoreCounterValue*: proc(device: VkDevice, semaphore: VkSemaphore, pValue: ptr uint64): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkWaitSemaphores*: proc(device: VkDevice, pWaitInfo: ptr VkSemaphoreWaitInfo, timeout: uint64): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkSignalSemaphore*: proc(device: VkDevice, pSignalInfo: ptr VkSemaphoreSignalInfo): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetBufferDeviceAddress*: proc(device: VkDevice, pInfo: ptr VkBufferDeviceAddressInfo): VkDeviceAddress {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetBufferOpaqueCaptureAddress*: proc(device: VkDevice, pInfo: ptr VkBufferDeviceAddressInfo): uint64 {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetDeviceMemoryOpaqueCaptureAddress*: proc(device: VkDevice, pInfo: ptr VkDeviceMemoryOpaqueCaptureAddressInfo): uint64 {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_VERSION_1_2*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  vkCmdDrawIndirectCount = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, buffer: VkBuffer, offset: VkDeviceSize, countBuffer: VkBuffer, countBufferOffset: VkDeviceSize, maxDrawCount: uint32, stride: uint32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdDrawIndirectCount"))
-  vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirectCount = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, buffer: VkBuffer, offset: VkDeviceSize, countBuffer: VkBuffer, countBufferOffset: VkDeviceSize, maxDrawCount: uint32, stride: uint32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirectCount"))
-  vkCreateRenderPass2 = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkRenderPassCreateInfo2, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pRenderPass: ptr VkRenderPass): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCreateRenderPass2"))
-  vkCmdBeginRenderPass2 = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pRenderPassBegin: ptr VkRenderPassBeginInfo, pSubpassBeginInfo: ptr VkSubpassBeginInfo): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdBeginRenderPass2"))
-  vkCmdNextSubpass2 = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pSubpassBeginInfo: ptr VkSubpassBeginInfo, pSubpassEndInfo: ptr VkSubpassEndInfo): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdNextSubpass2"))
-  vkCmdEndRenderPass2 = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pSubpassEndInfo: ptr VkSubpassEndInfo): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdEndRenderPass2"))
-  vkResetQueryPool = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, queryPool: VkQueryPool, firstQuery: uint32, queryCount: uint32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkResetQueryPool"))
-  vkGetSemaphoreCounterValue = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, semaphore: VkSemaphore, pValue: ptr uint64): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetSemaphoreCounterValue"))
-  vkWaitSemaphores = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pWaitInfo: ptr VkSemaphoreWaitInfo, timeout: uint64): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkWaitSemaphores"))
-  vkSignalSemaphore = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pSignalInfo: ptr VkSemaphoreSignalInfo): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkSignalSemaphore"))
-  vkGetBufferDeviceAddress = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pInfo: ptr VkBufferDeviceAddressInfo): VkDeviceAddress {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetBufferDeviceAddress"))
-  vkGetBufferOpaqueCaptureAddress = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pInfo: ptr VkBufferDeviceAddressInfo): uint64 {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetBufferOpaqueCaptureAddress"))
-  vkGetDeviceMemoryOpaqueCaptureAddress = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pInfo: ptr VkDeviceMemoryOpaqueCaptureAddressInfo): uint64 {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetDeviceMemoryOpaqueCaptureAddress"))
-# feature VK_VERSION_1_3
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceToolProperties*: proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pToolCount: ptr uint32, pToolProperties: ptr VkPhysicalDeviceToolProperties): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkCreatePrivateDataSlot*: proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkPrivateDataSlotCreateInfo, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pPrivateDataSlot: ptr VkPrivateDataSlot): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkDestroyPrivateDataSlot*: proc(device: VkDevice, privateDataSlot: VkPrivateDataSlot, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkSetPrivateData*: proc(device: VkDevice, objectType: VkObjectType, objectHandle: uint64, privateDataSlot: VkPrivateDataSlot, data: uint64): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetPrivateData*: proc(device: VkDevice, objectType: VkObjectType, objectHandle: uint64, privateDataSlot: VkPrivateDataSlot, pData: ptr uint64): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetEvent2*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, event: VkEvent, pDependencyInfo: ptr VkDependencyInfo): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdResetEvent2*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, event: VkEvent, stageMask: VkPipelineStageFlags2): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdWaitEvents2*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, eventCount: uint32, pEvents: ptr VkEvent, pDependencyInfos: ptr VkDependencyInfo): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdPipelineBarrier2*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pDependencyInfo: ptr VkDependencyInfo): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdWriteTimestamp2*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, stage: VkPipelineStageFlags2, queryPool: VkQueryPool, query: uint32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkQueueSubmit2*: proc(queue: VkQueue, submitCount: uint32, pSubmits: ptr VkSubmitInfo2, fence: VkFence): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdCopyBuffer2*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pCopyBufferInfo: ptr VkCopyBufferInfo2): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdCopyImage2*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pCopyImageInfo: ptr VkCopyImageInfo2): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdCopyBufferToImage2*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pCopyBufferToImageInfo: ptr VkCopyBufferToImageInfo2): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer2*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pCopyImageToBufferInfo: ptr VkCopyImageToBufferInfo2): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdBlitImage2*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pBlitImageInfo: ptr VkBlitImageInfo2): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdResolveImage2*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pResolveImageInfo: ptr VkResolveImageInfo2): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdBeginRendering*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pRenderingInfo: ptr VkRenderingInfo): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdEndRendering*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetCullMode*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, cullMode: VkCullModeFlags): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetFrontFace*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, frontFace: VkFrontFace): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetPrimitiveTopology*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, primitiveTopology: VkPrimitiveTopology): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetViewportWithCount*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, viewportCount: uint32, pViewports: ptr VkViewport): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetScissorWithCount*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, scissorCount: uint32, pScissors: ptr VkRect2D): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdBindVertexBuffers2*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, firstBinding: uint32, bindingCount: uint32, pBuffers: ptr VkBuffer, pOffsets: ptr VkDeviceSize, pSizes: ptr VkDeviceSize, pStrides: ptr VkDeviceSize): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetDepthTestEnable*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, depthTestEnable: VkBool32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetDepthWriteEnable*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, depthWriteEnable: VkBool32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetDepthCompareOp*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, depthCompareOp: VkCompareOp): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetDepthBoundsTestEnable*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, depthBoundsTestEnable: VkBool32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetStencilTestEnable*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, stencilTestEnable: VkBool32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetStencilOp*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, faceMask: VkStencilFaceFlags, failOp: VkStencilOp, passOp: VkStencilOp, depthFailOp: VkStencilOp, compareOp: VkCompareOp): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetRasterizerDiscardEnable*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, rasterizerDiscardEnable: VkBool32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetDepthBiasEnable*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, depthBiasEnable: VkBool32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetPrimitiveRestartEnable*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, primitiveRestartEnable: VkBool32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetDeviceBufferMemoryRequirements*: proc(device: VkDevice, pInfo: ptr VkDeviceBufferMemoryRequirements, pMemoryRequirements: ptr VkMemoryRequirements2): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetDeviceImageMemoryRequirements*: proc(device: VkDevice, pInfo: ptr VkDeviceImageMemoryRequirements, pMemoryRequirements: ptr VkMemoryRequirements2): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetDeviceImageSparseMemoryRequirements*: proc(device: VkDevice, pInfo: ptr VkDeviceImageMemoryRequirements, pSparseMemoryRequirementCount: ptr uint32, pSparseMemoryRequirements: ptr VkSparseImageMemoryRequirements2): void {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_VERSION_1_3*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceToolProperties = cast[proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pToolCount: ptr uint32, pToolProperties: ptr VkPhysicalDeviceToolProperties): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetPhysicalDeviceToolProperties"))
-  vkCreatePrivateDataSlot = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkPrivateDataSlotCreateInfo, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pPrivateDataSlot: ptr VkPrivateDataSlot): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCreatePrivateDataSlot"))
-  vkDestroyPrivateDataSlot = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, privateDataSlot: VkPrivateDataSlot, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkDestroyPrivateDataSlot"))
-  vkSetPrivateData = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, objectType: VkObjectType, objectHandle: uint64, privateDataSlot: VkPrivateDataSlot, data: uint64): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkSetPrivateData"))
-  vkGetPrivateData = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, objectType: VkObjectType, objectHandle: uint64, privateDataSlot: VkPrivateDataSlot, pData: ptr uint64): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetPrivateData"))
-  vkCmdSetEvent2 = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, event: VkEvent, pDependencyInfo: ptr VkDependencyInfo): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetEvent2"))
-  vkCmdResetEvent2 = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, event: VkEvent, stageMask: VkPipelineStageFlags2): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdResetEvent2"))
-  vkCmdWaitEvents2 = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, eventCount: uint32, pEvents: ptr VkEvent, pDependencyInfos: ptr VkDependencyInfo): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdWaitEvents2"))
-  vkCmdPipelineBarrier2 = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pDependencyInfo: ptr VkDependencyInfo): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdPipelineBarrier2"))
-  vkCmdWriteTimestamp2 = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, stage: VkPipelineStageFlags2, queryPool: VkQueryPool, query: uint32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdWriteTimestamp2"))
-  vkQueueSubmit2 = cast[proc(queue: VkQueue, submitCount: uint32, pSubmits: ptr VkSubmitInfo2, fence: VkFence): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkQueueSubmit2"))
-  vkCmdCopyBuffer2 = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pCopyBufferInfo: ptr VkCopyBufferInfo2): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdCopyBuffer2"))
-  vkCmdCopyImage2 = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pCopyImageInfo: ptr VkCopyImageInfo2): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdCopyImage2"))
-  vkCmdCopyBufferToImage2 = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pCopyBufferToImageInfo: ptr VkCopyBufferToImageInfo2): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdCopyBufferToImage2"))
-  vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer2 = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pCopyImageToBufferInfo: ptr VkCopyImageToBufferInfo2): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer2"))
-  vkCmdBlitImage2 = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pBlitImageInfo: ptr VkBlitImageInfo2): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdBlitImage2"))
-  vkCmdResolveImage2 = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pResolveImageInfo: ptr VkResolveImageInfo2): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdResolveImage2"))
-  vkCmdBeginRendering = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pRenderingInfo: ptr VkRenderingInfo): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdBeginRendering"))
-  vkCmdEndRendering = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdEndRendering"))
-  vkCmdSetCullMode = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, cullMode: VkCullModeFlags): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetCullMode"))
-  vkCmdSetFrontFace = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, frontFace: VkFrontFace): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetFrontFace"))
-  vkCmdSetPrimitiveTopology = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, primitiveTopology: VkPrimitiveTopology): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetPrimitiveTopology"))
-  vkCmdSetViewportWithCount = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, viewportCount: uint32, pViewports: ptr VkViewport): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetViewportWithCount"))
-  vkCmdSetScissorWithCount = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, scissorCount: uint32, pScissors: ptr VkRect2D): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetScissorWithCount"))
-  vkCmdBindVertexBuffers2 = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, firstBinding: uint32, bindingCount: uint32, pBuffers: ptr VkBuffer, pOffsets: ptr VkDeviceSize, pSizes: ptr VkDeviceSize, pStrides: ptr VkDeviceSize): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdBindVertexBuffers2"))
-  vkCmdSetDepthTestEnable = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, depthTestEnable: VkBool32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetDepthTestEnable"))
-  vkCmdSetDepthWriteEnable = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, depthWriteEnable: VkBool32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetDepthWriteEnable"))
-  vkCmdSetDepthCompareOp = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, depthCompareOp: VkCompareOp): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetDepthCompareOp"))
-  vkCmdSetDepthBoundsTestEnable = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, depthBoundsTestEnable: VkBool32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetDepthBoundsTestEnable"))
-  vkCmdSetStencilTestEnable = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, stencilTestEnable: VkBool32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetStencilTestEnable"))
-  vkCmdSetStencilOp = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, faceMask: VkStencilFaceFlags, failOp: VkStencilOp, passOp: VkStencilOp, depthFailOp: VkStencilOp, compareOp: VkCompareOp): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetStencilOp"))
-  vkCmdSetRasterizerDiscardEnable = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, rasterizerDiscardEnable: VkBool32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetRasterizerDiscardEnable"))
-  vkCmdSetDepthBiasEnable = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, depthBiasEnable: VkBool32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetDepthBiasEnable"))
-  vkCmdSetPrimitiveRestartEnable = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, primitiveRestartEnable: VkBool32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetPrimitiveRestartEnable"))
-  vkGetDeviceBufferMemoryRequirements = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pInfo: ptr VkDeviceBufferMemoryRequirements, pMemoryRequirements: ptr VkMemoryRequirements2): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetDeviceBufferMemoryRequirements"))
-  vkGetDeviceImageMemoryRequirements = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pInfo: ptr VkDeviceImageMemoryRequirements, pMemoryRequirements: ptr VkMemoryRequirements2): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetDeviceImageMemoryRequirements"))
-  vkGetDeviceImageSparseMemoryRequirements = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pInfo: ptr VkDeviceImageMemoryRequirements, pSparseMemoryRequirementCount: ptr uint32, pSparseMemoryRequirements: ptr VkSparseImageMemoryRequirements2): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetDeviceImageSparseMemoryRequirements"))
-proc loadVulkan*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_0(instance)
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_2(instance)
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_3(instance)
-proc loadVK_NV_geometry_shader_passthrough*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  discard
-proc loadVK_EXT_rasterization_order_attachment_access*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-proc loadVK_IMG_format_pvrtc*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  discard
-proc loadVK_AMD_shader_fragment_mask*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  discard
-proc loadVK_EXT_primitive_topology_list_restart*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-proc loadVK_KHR_global_priority*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-proc loadVK_QCOM_image_processing*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_3(instance)
-# extension VK_AMD_shader_info
-  vkGetShaderInfoAMD*: proc(device: VkDevice, pipeline: VkPipeline, shaderStage: VkShaderStageFlagBits, infoType: VkShaderInfoTypeAMD, pInfoSize: ptr csize_t, pInfo: pointer): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_AMD_shader_info*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  vkGetShaderInfoAMD = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pipeline: VkPipeline, shaderStage: VkShaderStageFlagBits, infoType: VkShaderInfoTypeAMD, pInfoSize: ptr csize_t, pInfo: pointer): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetShaderInfoAMD"))
-proc loadVK_AMD_gpu_shader_int16*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  discard
-proc loadVK_EXT_pipeline_robustness*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-# extension VK_EXT_sample_locations
-  vkCmdSetSampleLocationsEXT*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pSampleLocationsInfo: ptr VkSampleLocationsInfoEXT): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceMultisamplePropertiesEXT*: proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, samples: VkSampleCountFlagBits, pMultisampleProperties: ptr VkMultisamplePropertiesEXT): void {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_EXT_sample_locations*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  vkCmdSetSampleLocationsEXT = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pSampleLocationsInfo: ptr VkSampleLocationsInfoEXT): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetSampleLocationsEXT"))
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceMultisamplePropertiesEXT = cast[proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, samples: VkSampleCountFlagBits, pMultisampleProperties: ptr VkMultisamplePropertiesEXT): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetPhysicalDeviceMultisamplePropertiesEXT"))
-# extension VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer
-  vkGetDescriptorSetLayoutSizeEXT*: proc(device: VkDevice, layout: VkDescriptorSetLayout, pLayoutSizeInBytes: ptr VkDeviceSize): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetDescriptorSetLayoutBindingOffsetEXT*: proc(device: VkDevice, layout: VkDescriptorSetLayout, binding: uint32, pOffset: ptr VkDeviceSize): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetDescriptorEXT*: proc(device: VkDevice, pDescriptorInfo: ptr VkDescriptorGetInfoEXT, dataSize: csize_t, pDescriptor: pointer): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdBindDescriptorBuffersEXT*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, bufferCount: uint32, pBindingInfos: ptr VkDescriptorBufferBindingInfoEXT): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetDescriptorBufferOffsetsEXT*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pipelineBindPoint: VkPipelineBindPoint, layout: VkPipelineLayout, firstSet: uint32, setCount: uint32, pBufferIndices: ptr uint32, pOffsets: ptr VkDeviceSize): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdBindDescriptorBufferEmbeddedSamplersEXT*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pipelineBindPoint: VkPipelineBindPoint, layout: VkPipelineLayout, set: uint32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetBufferOpaqueCaptureDescriptorDataEXT*: proc(device: VkDevice, pInfo: ptr VkBufferCaptureDescriptorDataInfoEXT, pData: pointer): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetImageOpaqueCaptureDescriptorDataEXT*: proc(device: VkDevice, pInfo: ptr VkImageCaptureDescriptorDataInfoEXT, pData: pointer): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetImageViewOpaqueCaptureDescriptorDataEXT*: proc(device: VkDevice, pInfo: ptr VkImageViewCaptureDescriptorDataInfoEXT, pData: pointer): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetSamplerOpaqueCaptureDescriptorDataEXT*: proc(device: VkDevice, pInfo: ptr VkSamplerCaptureDescriptorDataInfoEXT, pData: pointer): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetAccelerationStructureOpaqueCaptureDescriptorDataEXT*: proc(device: VkDevice, pInfo: ptr VkAccelerationStructureCaptureDescriptorDataInfoEXT, pData: pointer): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_EXT_descriptor_buffer*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_2(instance)
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_3(instance)
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_2(instance)
-  vkGetDescriptorSetLayoutSizeEXT = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, layout: VkDescriptorSetLayout, pLayoutSizeInBytes: ptr VkDeviceSize): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetDescriptorSetLayoutSizeEXT"))
-  vkGetDescriptorSetLayoutBindingOffsetEXT = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, layout: VkDescriptorSetLayout, binding: uint32, pOffset: ptr VkDeviceSize): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetDescriptorSetLayoutBindingOffsetEXT"))
-  vkGetDescriptorEXT = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pDescriptorInfo: ptr VkDescriptorGetInfoEXT, dataSize: csize_t, pDescriptor: pointer): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetDescriptorEXT"))
-  vkCmdBindDescriptorBuffersEXT = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, bufferCount: uint32, pBindingInfos: ptr VkDescriptorBufferBindingInfoEXT): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdBindDescriptorBuffersEXT"))
-  vkCmdSetDescriptorBufferOffsetsEXT = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pipelineBindPoint: VkPipelineBindPoint, layout: VkPipelineLayout, firstSet: uint32, setCount: uint32, pBufferIndices: ptr uint32, pOffsets: ptr VkDeviceSize): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetDescriptorBufferOffsetsEXT"))
-  vkCmdBindDescriptorBufferEmbeddedSamplersEXT = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pipelineBindPoint: VkPipelineBindPoint, layout: VkPipelineLayout, set: uint32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdBindDescriptorBufferEmbeddedSamplersEXT"))
-  vkGetBufferOpaqueCaptureDescriptorDataEXT = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pInfo: ptr VkBufferCaptureDescriptorDataInfoEXT, pData: pointer): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetBufferOpaqueCaptureDescriptorDataEXT"))
-  vkGetImageOpaqueCaptureDescriptorDataEXT = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pInfo: ptr VkImageCaptureDescriptorDataInfoEXT, pData: pointer): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetImageOpaqueCaptureDescriptorDataEXT"))
-  vkGetImageViewOpaqueCaptureDescriptorDataEXT = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pInfo: ptr VkImageViewCaptureDescriptorDataInfoEXT, pData: pointer): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetImageViewOpaqueCaptureDescriptorDataEXT"))
-  vkGetSamplerOpaqueCaptureDescriptorDataEXT = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pInfo: ptr VkSamplerCaptureDescriptorDataInfoEXT, pData: pointer): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetSamplerOpaqueCaptureDescriptorDataEXT"))
-  vkGetAccelerationStructureOpaqueCaptureDescriptorDataEXT = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pInfo: ptr VkAccelerationStructureCaptureDescriptorDataInfoEXT, pData: pointer): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetAccelerationStructureOpaqueCaptureDescriptorDataEXT"))
-# extension VK_KHR_performance_query
-  vkEnumeratePhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyPerformanceQueryCountersKHR*: proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, queueFamilyIndex: uint32, pCounterCount: ptr uint32, pCounters: ptr VkPerformanceCounterKHR, pCounterDescriptions: ptr VkPerformanceCounterDescriptionKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyPerformanceQueryPassesKHR*: proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pPerformanceQueryCreateInfo: ptr VkQueryPoolPerformanceCreateInfoKHR, pNumPasses: ptr uint32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkAcquireProfilingLockKHR*: proc(device: VkDevice, pInfo: ptr VkAcquireProfilingLockInfoKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkReleaseProfilingLockKHR*: proc(device: VkDevice): void {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_KHR_performance_query*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  vkEnumeratePhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyPerformanceQueryCountersKHR = cast[proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, queueFamilyIndex: uint32, pCounterCount: ptr uint32, pCounters: ptr VkPerformanceCounterKHR, pCounterDescriptions: ptr VkPerformanceCounterDescriptionKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkEnumeratePhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyPerformanceQueryCountersKHR"))
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyPerformanceQueryPassesKHR = cast[proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pPerformanceQueryCreateInfo: ptr VkQueryPoolPerformanceCreateInfoKHR, pNumPasses: ptr uint32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyPerformanceQueryPassesKHR"))
-  vkAcquireProfilingLockKHR = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pInfo: ptr VkAcquireProfilingLockInfoKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkAcquireProfilingLockKHR"))
-  vkReleaseProfilingLockKHR = cast[proc(device: VkDevice): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkReleaseProfilingLockKHR"))
-proc loadVK_GOOGLE_user_type*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  discard
-# extension VK_EXT_debug_report
-  vkCreateDebugReportCallbackEXT*: proc(instance: VkInstance, pCreateInfo: ptr VkDebugReportCallbackCreateInfoEXT, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pCallback: ptr VkDebugReportCallbackEXT): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkDestroyDebugReportCallbackEXT*: proc(instance: VkInstance, callback: VkDebugReportCallbackEXT, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkDebugReportMessageEXT*: proc(instance: VkInstance, flags: VkDebugReportFlagsEXT, objectType: VkDebugReportObjectTypeEXT, theobject: uint64, location: csize_t, messageCode: int32, pLayerPrefix: cstring, pMessage: cstring): void {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_EXT_debug_report*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  vkCreateDebugReportCallbackEXT = cast[proc(instance: VkInstance, pCreateInfo: ptr VkDebugReportCallbackCreateInfoEXT, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pCallback: ptr VkDebugReportCallbackEXT): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCreateDebugReportCallbackEXT"))
-  vkDestroyDebugReportCallbackEXT = cast[proc(instance: VkInstance, callback: VkDebugReportCallbackEXT, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkDestroyDebugReportCallbackEXT"))
-  vkDebugReportMessageEXT = cast[proc(instance: VkInstance, flags: VkDebugReportFlagsEXT, objectType: VkDebugReportObjectTypeEXT, theobject: uint64, location: csize_t, messageCode: int32, pLayerPrefix: cstring, pMessage: cstring): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkDebugReportMessageEXT"))
-proc loadVK_EXT_multisampled_render_to_single_sampled*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_2(instance)
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_2(instance)
-proc loadVK_AMD_negative_viewport_height*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  discard
-proc loadVK_EXT_provoking_vertex*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-proc loadVK_NV_device_diagnostics_config*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-proc loadVK_NV_shader_subgroup_partitioned*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-proc loadVK_EXT_image_sliced_view_of_3d*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-proc loadVK_AMD_shader_image_load_store_lod*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  discard
-proc loadVK_INTEL_shader_integer_functions2*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-proc loadVK_EXT_image_2d_view_of_3d*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-# extension VK_NV_shading_rate_image
-  vkCmdBindShadingRateImageNV*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, imageView: VkImageView, imageLayout: VkImageLayout): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetViewportShadingRatePaletteNV*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, firstViewport: uint32, viewportCount: uint32, pShadingRatePalettes: ptr VkShadingRatePaletteNV): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetCoarseSampleOrderNV*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, sampleOrderType: VkCoarseSampleOrderTypeNV, customSampleOrderCount: uint32, pCustomSampleOrders: ptr VkCoarseSampleOrderCustomNV): void {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_NV_shading_rate_image*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  vkCmdBindShadingRateImageNV = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, imageView: VkImageView, imageLayout: VkImageLayout): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdBindShadingRateImageNV"))
-  vkCmdSetViewportShadingRatePaletteNV = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, firstViewport: uint32, viewportCount: uint32, pShadingRatePalettes: ptr VkShadingRatePaletteNV): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetViewportShadingRatePaletteNV"))
-  vkCmdSetCoarseSampleOrderNV = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, sampleOrderType: VkCoarseSampleOrderTypeNV, customSampleOrderCount: uint32, pCustomSampleOrders: ptr VkCoarseSampleOrderCustomNV): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetCoarseSampleOrderNV"))
-proc loadVK_EXT_fragment_density_map*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-# extension VK_NV_device_diagnostic_checkpoints
-  vkCmdSetCheckpointNV*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pCheckpointMarker: pointer): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetQueueCheckpointDataNV*: proc(queue: VkQueue, pCheckpointDataCount: ptr uint32, pCheckpointData: ptr VkCheckpointDataNV): void {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_NV_device_diagnostic_checkpoints*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  vkCmdSetCheckpointNV = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pCheckpointMarker: pointer): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetCheckpointNV"))
-  vkGetQueueCheckpointDataNV = cast[proc(queue: VkQueue, pCheckpointDataCount: ptr uint32, pCheckpointData: ptr VkCheckpointDataNV): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetQueueCheckpointDataNV"))
-proc loadVK_EXT_pci_bus_info*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-proc loadVK_EXT_queue_family_foreign*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-# extension VK_EXT_debug_utils
-  vkSetDebugUtilsObjectNameEXT*: proc(device: VkDevice, pNameInfo: ptr VkDebugUtilsObjectNameInfoEXT): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkSetDebugUtilsObjectTagEXT*: proc(device: VkDevice, pTagInfo: ptr VkDebugUtilsObjectTagInfoEXT): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkQueueBeginDebugUtilsLabelEXT*: proc(queue: VkQueue, pLabelInfo: ptr VkDebugUtilsLabelEXT): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkQueueEndDebugUtilsLabelEXT*: proc(queue: VkQueue): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkQueueInsertDebugUtilsLabelEXT*: proc(queue: VkQueue, pLabelInfo: ptr VkDebugUtilsLabelEXT): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdBeginDebugUtilsLabelEXT*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pLabelInfo: ptr VkDebugUtilsLabelEXT): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdEndDebugUtilsLabelEXT*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdInsertDebugUtilsLabelEXT*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pLabelInfo: ptr VkDebugUtilsLabelEXT): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCreateDebugUtilsMessengerEXT*: proc(instance: VkInstance, pCreateInfo: ptr VkDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pMessenger: ptr VkDebugUtilsMessengerEXT): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkDestroyDebugUtilsMessengerEXT*: proc(instance: VkInstance, messenger: VkDebugUtilsMessengerEXT, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkSubmitDebugUtilsMessageEXT*: proc(instance: VkInstance, messageSeverity: VkDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagBitsEXT, messageTypes: VkDebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT, pCallbackData: ptr VkDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackDataEXT): void {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_EXT_debug_utils*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  vkSetDebugUtilsObjectNameEXT = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pNameInfo: ptr VkDebugUtilsObjectNameInfoEXT): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkSetDebugUtilsObjectNameEXT"))
-  vkSetDebugUtilsObjectTagEXT = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pTagInfo: ptr VkDebugUtilsObjectTagInfoEXT): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkSetDebugUtilsObjectTagEXT"))
-  vkQueueBeginDebugUtilsLabelEXT = cast[proc(queue: VkQueue, pLabelInfo: ptr VkDebugUtilsLabelEXT): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkQueueBeginDebugUtilsLabelEXT"))
-  vkQueueEndDebugUtilsLabelEXT = cast[proc(queue: VkQueue): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkQueueEndDebugUtilsLabelEXT"))
-  vkQueueInsertDebugUtilsLabelEXT = cast[proc(queue: VkQueue, pLabelInfo: ptr VkDebugUtilsLabelEXT): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkQueueInsertDebugUtilsLabelEXT"))
-  vkCmdBeginDebugUtilsLabelEXT = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pLabelInfo: ptr VkDebugUtilsLabelEXT): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdBeginDebugUtilsLabelEXT"))
-  vkCmdEndDebugUtilsLabelEXT = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdEndDebugUtilsLabelEXT"))
-  vkCmdInsertDebugUtilsLabelEXT = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pLabelInfo: ptr VkDebugUtilsLabelEXT): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdInsertDebugUtilsLabelEXT"))
-  vkCreateDebugUtilsMessengerEXT = cast[proc(instance: VkInstance, pCreateInfo: ptr VkDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pMessenger: ptr VkDebugUtilsMessengerEXT): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCreateDebugUtilsMessengerEXT"))
-  vkDestroyDebugUtilsMessengerEXT = cast[proc(instance: VkInstance, messenger: VkDebugUtilsMessengerEXT, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkDestroyDebugUtilsMessengerEXT"))
-  vkSubmitDebugUtilsMessageEXT = cast[proc(instance: VkInstance, messageSeverity: VkDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagBitsEXT, messageTypes: VkDebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT, pCallbackData: ptr VkDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackDataEXT): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkSubmitDebugUtilsMessageEXT"))
-proc loadVK_KHR_portability_enumeration*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  discard
-proc loadVK_EXT_memory_priority*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-proc loadVK_AMD_shader_core_properties*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-# extension VK_KHR_external_fence_fd
-  vkImportFenceFdKHR*: proc(device: VkDevice, pImportFenceFdInfo: ptr VkImportFenceFdInfoKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetFenceFdKHR*: proc(device: VkDevice, pGetFdInfo: ptr VkFenceGetFdInfoKHR, pFd: ptr cint): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_KHR_external_fence_fd*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  vkImportFenceFdKHR = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pImportFenceFdInfo: ptr VkImportFenceFdInfoKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkImportFenceFdKHR"))
-  vkGetFenceFdKHR = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pGetFdInfo: ptr VkFenceGetFdInfoKHR, pFd: ptr cint): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetFenceFdKHR"))
-# extension VK_NV_device_generated_commands
-  vkGetGeneratedCommandsMemoryRequirementsNV*: proc(device: VkDevice, pInfo: ptr VkGeneratedCommandsMemoryRequirementsInfoNV, pMemoryRequirements: ptr VkMemoryRequirements2): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdPreprocessGeneratedCommandsNV*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pGeneratedCommandsInfo: ptr VkGeneratedCommandsInfoNV): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdExecuteGeneratedCommandsNV*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, isPreprocessed: VkBool32, pGeneratedCommandsInfo: ptr VkGeneratedCommandsInfoNV): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdBindPipelineShaderGroupNV*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pipelineBindPoint: VkPipelineBindPoint, pipeline: VkPipeline, groupIndex: uint32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCreateIndirectCommandsLayoutNV*: proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkIndirectCommandsLayoutCreateInfoNV, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pIndirectCommandsLayout: ptr VkIndirectCommandsLayoutNV): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkDestroyIndirectCommandsLayoutNV*: proc(device: VkDevice, indirectCommandsLayout: VkIndirectCommandsLayoutNV, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_NV_device_generated_commands*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_2(instance)
-  vkGetGeneratedCommandsMemoryRequirementsNV = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pInfo: ptr VkGeneratedCommandsMemoryRequirementsInfoNV, pMemoryRequirements: ptr VkMemoryRequirements2): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetGeneratedCommandsMemoryRequirementsNV"))
-  vkCmdPreprocessGeneratedCommandsNV = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pGeneratedCommandsInfo: ptr VkGeneratedCommandsInfoNV): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdPreprocessGeneratedCommandsNV"))
-  vkCmdExecuteGeneratedCommandsNV = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, isPreprocessed: VkBool32, pGeneratedCommandsInfo: ptr VkGeneratedCommandsInfoNV): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdExecuteGeneratedCommandsNV"))
-  vkCmdBindPipelineShaderGroupNV = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pipelineBindPoint: VkPipelineBindPoint, pipeline: VkPipeline, groupIndex: uint32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdBindPipelineShaderGroupNV"))
-  vkCreateIndirectCommandsLayoutNV = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkIndirectCommandsLayoutCreateInfoNV, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pIndirectCommandsLayout: ptr VkIndirectCommandsLayoutNV): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCreateIndirectCommandsLayoutNV"))
-  vkDestroyIndirectCommandsLayoutNV = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, indirectCommandsLayout: VkIndirectCommandsLayoutNV, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkDestroyIndirectCommandsLayoutNV"))
-proc loadVK_NV_viewport_array2*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  discard
-proc loadVK_NVX_multiview_per_view_attributes*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-# extension VK_KHR_external_memory_fd
-  vkGetMemoryFdKHR*: proc(device: VkDevice, pGetFdInfo: ptr VkMemoryGetFdInfoKHR, pFd: ptr cint): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetMemoryFdPropertiesKHR*: proc(device: VkDevice, handleType: VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBits, fd: cint, pMemoryFdProperties: ptr VkMemoryFdPropertiesKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_KHR_external_memory_fd*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  vkGetMemoryFdKHR = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pGetFdInfo: ptr VkMemoryGetFdInfoKHR, pFd: ptr cint): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetMemoryFdKHR"))
-  vkGetMemoryFdPropertiesKHR = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, handleType: VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBits, fd: cint, pMemoryFdProperties: ptr VkMemoryFdPropertiesKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetMemoryFdPropertiesKHR"))
-proc loadVK_EXT_rgba10x6_formats*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-proc loadVK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-# extension VK_NV_cooperative_matrix
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV*: proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pPropertyCount: ptr uint32, pProperties: ptr VkCooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_NV_cooperative_matrix*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV = cast[proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pPropertyCount: ptr uint32, pProperties: ptr VkCooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetPhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV"))
-proc loadVK_EXT_depth_clamp_zero_one*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-proc loadVK_NV_linear_color_attachment*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-proc loadVK_EXT_shader_subgroup_ballot*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  discard
-# extension VK_EXT_image_drm_format_modifier
-  vkGetImageDrmFormatModifierPropertiesEXT*: proc(device: VkDevice, image: VkImage, pProperties: ptr VkImageDrmFormatModifierPropertiesEXT): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_EXT_image_drm_format_modifier*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_2(instance)
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  vkGetImageDrmFormatModifierPropertiesEXT = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, image: VkImage, pProperties: ptr VkImageDrmFormatModifierPropertiesEXT): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetImageDrmFormatModifierPropertiesEXT"))
-# extension VK_EXT_mesh_shader
-  vkCmdDrawMeshTasksEXT*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, groupCountX: uint32, groupCountY: uint32, groupCountZ: uint32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectEXT*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, buffer: VkBuffer, offset: VkDeviceSize, drawCount: uint32, stride: uint32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectCountEXT*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, buffer: VkBuffer, offset: VkDeviceSize, countBuffer: VkBuffer, countBufferOffset: VkDeviceSize, maxDrawCount: uint32, stride: uint32): void {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_EXT_mesh_shader*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_2(instance)
-  vkCmdDrawMeshTasksEXT = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, groupCountX: uint32, groupCountY: uint32, groupCountZ: uint32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdDrawMeshTasksEXT"))
-  vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectEXT = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, buffer: VkBuffer, offset: VkDeviceSize, drawCount: uint32, stride: uint32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectEXT"))
-  vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectCountEXT = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, buffer: VkBuffer, offset: VkDeviceSize, countBuffer: VkBuffer, countBufferOffset: VkDeviceSize, maxDrawCount: uint32, stride: uint32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectCountEXT"))
-# extension VK_EXT_transform_feedback
-  vkCmdBindTransformFeedbackBuffersEXT*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, firstBinding: uint32, bindingCount: uint32, pBuffers: ptr VkBuffer, pOffsets: ptr VkDeviceSize, pSizes: ptr VkDeviceSize): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdBeginTransformFeedbackEXT*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, firstCounterBuffer: uint32, counterBufferCount: uint32, pCounterBuffers: ptr VkBuffer, pCounterBufferOffsets: ptr VkDeviceSize): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdEndTransformFeedbackEXT*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, firstCounterBuffer: uint32, counterBufferCount: uint32, pCounterBuffers: ptr VkBuffer, pCounterBufferOffsets: ptr VkDeviceSize): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdBeginQueryIndexedEXT*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, queryPool: VkQueryPool, query: uint32, flags: VkQueryControlFlags, index: uint32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdEndQueryIndexedEXT*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, queryPool: VkQueryPool, query: uint32, index: uint32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, instanceCount: uint32, firstInstance: uint32, counterBuffer: VkBuffer, counterBufferOffset: VkDeviceSize, counterOffset: uint32, vertexStride: uint32): void {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_EXT_transform_feedback*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  vkCmdBindTransformFeedbackBuffersEXT = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, firstBinding: uint32, bindingCount: uint32, pBuffers: ptr VkBuffer, pOffsets: ptr VkDeviceSize, pSizes: ptr VkDeviceSize): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdBindTransformFeedbackBuffersEXT"))
-  vkCmdBeginTransformFeedbackEXT = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, firstCounterBuffer: uint32, counterBufferCount: uint32, pCounterBuffers: ptr VkBuffer, pCounterBufferOffsets: ptr VkDeviceSize): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdBeginTransformFeedbackEXT"))
-  vkCmdEndTransformFeedbackEXT = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, firstCounterBuffer: uint32, counterBufferCount: uint32, pCounterBuffers: ptr VkBuffer, pCounterBufferOffsets: ptr VkDeviceSize): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdEndTransformFeedbackEXT"))
-  vkCmdBeginQueryIndexedEXT = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, queryPool: VkQueryPool, query: uint32, flags: VkQueryControlFlags, index: uint32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdBeginQueryIndexedEXT"))
-  vkCmdEndQueryIndexedEXT = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, queryPool: VkQueryPool, query: uint32, index: uint32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdEndQueryIndexedEXT"))
-  vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, instanceCount: uint32, firstInstance: uint32, counterBuffer: VkBuffer, counterBufferOffset: VkDeviceSize, counterOffset: uint32, vertexStride: uint32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT"))
-proc loadVK_AMD_shader_early_and_late_fragment_tests*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-proc loadVK_AMD_shader_core_properties2*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_AMD_shader_core_properties(instance)
-proc loadVK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  discard
-proc loadVK_EXT_robustness2*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-proc loadVK_EXT_image_view_min_lod*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-proc loadVK_AMD_shader_trinary_minmax*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  discard
-proc loadVK_EXT_custom_border_color*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-proc loadVK_AMD_rasterization_order*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  discard
-# extension VK_EXT_vertex_input_dynamic_state
-  vkCmdSetVertexInputEXT*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, vertexBindingDescriptionCount: uint32, pVertexBindingDescriptions: ptr VkVertexInputBindingDescription2EXT, vertexAttributeDescriptionCount: uint32, pVertexAttributeDescriptions: ptr VkVertexInputAttributeDescription2EXT): void {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_EXT_vertex_input_dynamic_state*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  vkCmdSetVertexInputEXT = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, vertexBindingDescriptionCount: uint32, pVertexBindingDescriptions: ptr VkVertexInputBindingDescription2EXT, vertexAttributeDescriptionCount: uint32, pVertexAttributeDescriptions: ptr VkVertexInputAttributeDescription2EXT): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetVertexInputEXT"))
-# extension VK_KHR_fragment_shading_rate
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceFragmentShadingRatesKHR*: proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pFragmentShadingRateCount: ptr uint32, pFragmentShadingRates: ptr VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentShadingRateKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetFragmentShadingRateKHR*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pFragmentSize: ptr VkExtent2D, combinerOps: array[2, VkFragmentShadingRateCombinerOpKHR]): void {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_KHR_fragment_shading_rate*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_2(instance)
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceFragmentShadingRatesKHR = cast[proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pFragmentShadingRateCount: ptr uint32, pFragmentShadingRates: ptr VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentShadingRateKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetPhysicalDeviceFragmentShadingRatesKHR"))
-  vkCmdSetFragmentShadingRateKHR = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pFragmentSize: ptr VkExtent2D, combinerOps: array[2, VkFragmentShadingRateCombinerOpKHR]): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetFragmentShadingRateKHR"))
-proc loadVK_EXT_depth_clip_enable*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-proc loadVK_EXT_subpass_merge_feedback*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-# extension VK_KHR_external_semaphore_fd
-  vkImportSemaphoreFdKHR*: proc(device: VkDevice, pImportSemaphoreFdInfo: ptr VkImportSemaphoreFdInfoKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetSemaphoreFdKHR*: proc(device: VkDevice, pGetFdInfo: ptr VkSemaphoreGetFdInfoKHR, pFd: ptr cint): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_KHR_external_semaphore_fd*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  vkImportSemaphoreFdKHR = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pImportSemaphoreFdInfo: ptr VkImportSemaphoreFdInfoKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkImportSemaphoreFdKHR"))
-  vkGetSemaphoreFdKHR = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pGetFdInfo: ptr VkSemaphoreGetFdInfoKHR, pFd: ptr cint): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetSemaphoreFdKHR"))
-proc loadVK_KHR_fragment_shader_barycentric*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-proc loadVK_EXT_memory_budget*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-proc loadVK_AMD_device_coherent_memory*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-proc loadVK_EXT_device_memory_report*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-proc loadVK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  discard
-# extension VK_NV_mesh_shader
-  vkCmdDrawMeshTasksNV*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, taskCount: uint32, firstTask: uint32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectNV*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, buffer: VkBuffer, offset: VkDeviceSize, drawCount: uint32, stride: uint32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectCountNV*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, buffer: VkBuffer, offset: VkDeviceSize, countBuffer: VkBuffer, countBufferOffset: VkDeviceSize, maxDrawCount: uint32, stride: uint32): void {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_NV_mesh_shader*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  vkCmdDrawMeshTasksNV = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, taskCount: uint32, firstTask: uint32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdDrawMeshTasksNV"))
-  vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectNV = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, buffer: VkBuffer, offset: VkDeviceSize, drawCount: uint32, stride: uint32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectNV"))
-  vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectCountNV = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, buffer: VkBuffer, offset: VkDeviceSize, countBuffer: VkBuffer, countBufferOffset: VkDeviceSize, maxDrawCount: uint32, stride: uint32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectCountNV"))
-# extension VK_EXT_image_compression_control
-  vkGetImageSubresourceLayout2EXT*: proc(device: VkDevice, image: VkImage, pSubresource: ptr VkImageSubresource2EXT, pLayout: ptr VkSubresourceLayout2EXT): void {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_EXT_image_compression_control*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  vkGetImageSubresourceLayout2EXT = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, image: VkImage, pSubresource: ptr VkImageSubresource2EXT, pLayout: ptr VkSubresourceLayout2EXT): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetImageSubresourceLayout2EXT"))
-# extension VK_EXT_buffer_device_address
-  vkGetBufferDeviceAddressEXT*: proc(device: VkDevice, pInfo: ptr VkBufferDeviceAddressInfo): VkDeviceAddress {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_EXT_buffer_device_address*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  vkGetBufferDeviceAddressEXT = vkGetBufferDeviceAddress
-proc loadVK_QCOM_render_pass_shader_resolve*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  discard
-proc loadVK_EXT_depth_range_unrestricted*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  discard
-# extension VK_HUAWEI_subpass_shading
-  vkGetDeviceSubpassShadingMaxWorkgroupSizeHUAWEI*: proc(device: VkDevice, renderpass: VkRenderPass, pMaxWorkgroupSize: ptr VkExtent2D): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSubpassShadingHUAWEI*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer): void {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_HUAWEI_subpass_shading*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_2(instance)
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_3(instance)
-  vkGetDeviceSubpassShadingMaxWorkgroupSizeHUAWEI = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, renderpass: VkRenderPass, pMaxWorkgroupSize: ptr VkExtent2D): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetDeviceSubpassShadingMaxWorkgroupSizeHUAWEI"))
-  vkCmdSubpassShadingHUAWEI = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSubpassShadingHUAWEI"))
-# extension VK_VALVE_descriptor_set_host_mapping
-  vkGetDescriptorSetLayoutHostMappingInfoVALVE*: proc(device: VkDevice, pBindingReference: ptr VkDescriptorSetBindingReferenceVALVE, pHostMapping: ptr VkDescriptorSetLayoutHostMappingInfoVALVE): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetDescriptorSetHostMappingVALVE*: proc(device: VkDevice, descriptorSet: VkDescriptorSet, ppData: ptr pointer): void {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_VALVE_descriptor_set_host_mapping*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  vkGetDescriptorSetLayoutHostMappingInfoVALVE = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pBindingReference: ptr VkDescriptorSetBindingReferenceVALVE, pHostMapping: ptr VkDescriptorSetLayoutHostMappingInfoVALVE): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetDescriptorSetLayoutHostMappingInfoVALVE"))
-  vkGetDescriptorSetHostMappingVALVE = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, descriptorSet: VkDescriptorSet, ppData: ptr pointer): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetDescriptorSetHostMappingVALVE"))
-# extension VK_NV_external_memory_capabilities
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceExternalImageFormatPropertiesNV*: proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, format: VkFormat, thetype: VkImageType, tiling: VkImageTiling, usage: VkImageUsageFlags, flags: VkImageCreateFlags, externalHandleType: VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagsNV, pExternalImageFormatProperties: ptr VkExternalImageFormatPropertiesNV): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_NV_external_memory_capabilities*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceExternalImageFormatPropertiesNV = cast[proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, format: VkFormat, thetype: VkImageType, tiling: VkImageTiling, usage: VkImageUsageFlags, flags: VkImageCreateFlags, externalHandleType: VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagsNV, pExternalImageFormatProperties: ptr VkExternalImageFormatPropertiesNV): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetPhysicalDeviceExternalImageFormatPropertiesNV"))
-# extension VK_NV_optical_flow
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceOpticalFlowImageFormatsNV*: proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pOpticalFlowImageFormatInfo: ptr VkOpticalFlowImageFormatInfoNV, pFormatCount: ptr uint32, pImageFormatProperties: ptr VkOpticalFlowImageFormatPropertiesNV): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkCreateOpticalFlowSessionNV*: proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkOpticalFlowSessionCreateInfoNV, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pSession: ptr VkOpticalFlowSessionNV): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkDestroyOpticalFlowSessionNV*: proc(device: VkDevice, session: VkOpticalFlowSessionNV, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkBindOpticalFlowSessionImageNV*: proc(device: VkDevice, session: VkOpticalFlowSessionNV, bindingPoint: VkOpticalFlowSessionBindingPointNV, view: VkImageView, layout: VkImageLayout): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdOpticalFlowExecuteNV*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, session: VkOpticalFlowSessionNV, pExecuteInfo: ptr VkOpticalFlowExecuteInfoNV): void {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_NV_optical_flow*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_3(instance)
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_3(instance)
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceOpticalFlowImageFormatsNV = cast[proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pOpticalFlowImageFormatInfo: ptr VkOpticalFlowImageFormatInfoNV, pFormatCount: ptr uint32, pImageFormatProperties: ptr VkOpticalFlowImageFormatPropertiesNV): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetPhysicalDeviceOpticalFlowImageFormatsNV"))
-  vkCreateOpticalFlowSessionNV = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkOpticalFlowSessionCreateInfoNV, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pSession: ptr VkOpticalFlowSessionNV): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCreateOpticalFlowSessionNV"))
-  vkDestroyOpticalFlowSessionNV = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, session: VkOpticalFlowSessionNV, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkDestroyOpticalFlowSessionNV"))
-  vkBindOpticalFlowSessionImageNV = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, session: VkOpticalFlowSessionNV, bindingPoint: VkOpticalFlowSessionBindingPointNV, view: VkImageView, layout: VkImageLayout): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkBindOpticalFlowSessionImageNV"))
-  vkCmdOpticalFlowExecuteNV = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, session: VkOpticalFlowSessionNV, pExecuteInfo: ptr VkOpticalFlowExecuteInfoNV): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdOpticalFlowExecuteNV"))
-proc loadVK_EXT_vertex_attribute_divisor*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-# extension VK_EXT_line_rasterization
-  vkCmdSetLineStippleEXT*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, lineStippleFactor: uint32, lineStipplePattern: uint16): void {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_EXT_line_rasterization*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  vkCmdSetLineStippleEXT = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, lineStippleFactor: uint32, lineStipplePattern: uint16): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetLineStippleEXT"))
-proc loadVK_AMD_texture_gather_bias_lod*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-proc loadVK_KHR_shader_subgroup_uniform_control_flow*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-proc loadVK_EXT_external_memory_dma_buf*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_KHR_external_memory_fd(instance)
-proc loadVK_IMG_filter_cubic*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  discard
-proc loadVK_AMD_shader_ballot*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  discard
-# extension VK_AMD_buffer_marker
-  vkCmdWriteBufferMarkerAMD*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pipelineStage: VkPipelineStageFlagBits, dstBuffer: VkBuffer, dstOffset: VkDeviceSize, marker: uint32): void {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_AMD_buffer_marker*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  vkCmdWriteBufferMarkerAMD = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pipelineStage: VkPipelineStageFlagBits, dstBuffer: VkBuffer, dstOffset: VkDeviceSize, marker: uint32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdWriteBufferMarkerAMD"))
-proc loadVK_NV_corner_sampled_image*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-proc loadVK_KHR_pipeline_library*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  discard
-proc loadVK_EXT_blend_operation_advanced*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-# extension VK_NV_scissor_exclusive
-  vkCmdSetExclusiveScissorEnableNV*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, firstExclusiveScissor: uint32, exclusiveScissorCount: uint32, pExclusiveScissorEnables: ptr VkBool32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetExclusiveScissorNV*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, firstExclusiveScissor: uint32, exclusiveScissorCount: uint32, pExclusiveScissors: ptr VkRect2D): void {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_NV_scissor_exclusive*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  vkCmdSetExclusiveScissorEnableNV = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, firstExclusiveScissor: uint32, exclusiveScissorCount: uint32, pExclusiveScissorEnables: ptr VkBool32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetExclusiveScissorEnableNV"))
-  vkCmdSetExclusiveScissorNV = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, firstExclusiveScissor: uint32, exclusiveScissorCount: uint32, pExclusiveScissors: ptr VkRect2D): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetExclusiveScissorNV"))
-proc loadVK_NV_framebuffer_mixed_samples*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  discard
-proc loadVK_NV_sample_mask_override_coverage*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  discard
-proc loadVK_EXT_filter_cubic*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  discard
-# extension VK_KHR_pipeline_executable_properties
-  vkGetPipelineExecutablePropertiesKHR*: proc(device: VkDevice, pPipelineInfo: ptr VkPipelineInfoKHR, pExecutableCount: ptr uint32, pProperties: ptr VkPipelineExecutablePropertiesKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetPipelineExecutableStatisticsKHR*: proc(device: VkDevice, pExecutableInfo: ptr VkPipelineExecutableInfoKHR, pStatisticCount: ptr uint32, pStatistics: ptr VkPipelineExecutableStatisticKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetPipelineExecutableInternalRepresentationsKHR*: proc(device: VkDevice, pExecutableInfo: ptr VkPipelineExecutableInfoKHR, pInternalRepresentationCount: ptr uint32, pInternalRepresentations: ptr VkPipelineExecutableInternalRepresentationKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_KHR_pipeline_executable_properties*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  vkGetPipelineExecutablePropertiesKHR = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pPipelineInfo: ptr VkPipelineInfoKHR, pExecutableCount: ptr uint32, pProperties: ptr VkPipelineExecutablePropertiesKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetPipelineExecutablePropertiesKHR"))
-  vkGetPipelineExecutableStatisticsKHR = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pExecutableInfo: ptr VkPipelineExecutableInfoKHR, pStatisticCount: ptr uint32, pStatistics: ptr VkPipelineExecutableStatisticKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetPipelineExecutableStatisticsKHR"))
-  vkGetPipelineExecutableInternalRepresentationsKHR = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pExecutableInfo: ptr VkPipelineExecutableInfoKHR, pInternalRepresentationCount: ptr uint32, pInternalRepresentations: ptr VkPipelineExecutableInternalRepresentationKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetPipelineExecutableInternalRepresentationsKHR"))
-# extension VK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state3
-  vkCmdSetTessellationDomainOriginEXT*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, domainOrigin: VkTessellationDomainOrigin): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetDepthClampEnableEXT*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, depthClampEnable: VkBool32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetPolygonModeEXT*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, polygonMode: VkPolygonMode): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetRasterizationSamplesEXT*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, rasterizationSamples: VkSampleCountFlagBits): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetSampleMaskEXT*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, samples: VkSampleCountFlagBits, pSampleMask: ptr VkSampleMask): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetAlphaToCoverageEnableEXT*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, alphaToCoverageEnable: VkBool32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetAlphaToOneEnableEXT*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, alphaToOneEnable: VkBool32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetLogicOpEnableEXT*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, logicOpEnable: VkBool32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetColorBlendEnableEXT*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, firstAttachment: uint32, attachmentCount: uint32, pColorBlendEnables: ptr VkBool32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetColorBlendEquationEXT*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, firstAttachment: uint32, attachmentCount: uint32, pColorBlendEquations: ptr VkColorBlendEquationEXT): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetColorWriteMaskEXT*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, firstAttachment: uint32, attachmentCount: uint32, pColorWriteMasks: ptr VkColorComponentFlags): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetRasterizationStreamEXT*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, rasterizationStream: uint32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetConservativeRasterizationModeEXT*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, conservativeRasterizationMode: VkConservativeRasterizationModeEXT): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetExtraPrimitiveOverestimationSizeEXT*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, extraPrimitiveOverestimationSize: float32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetDepthClipEnableEXT*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, depthClipEnable: VkBool32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetSampleLocationsEnableEXT*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, sampleLocationsEnable: VkBool32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetColorBlendAdvancedEXT*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, firstAttachment: uint32, attachmentCount: uint32, pColorBlendAdvanced: ptr VkColorBlendAdvancedEXT): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetProvokingVertexModeEXT*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, provokingVertexMode: VkProvokingVertexModeEXT): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetLineRasterizationModeEXT*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, lineRasterizationMode: VkLineRasterizationModeEXT): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetLineStippleEnableEXT*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, stippledLineEnable: VkBool32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetDepthClipNegativeOneToOneEXT*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, negativeOneToOne: VkBool32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetViewportWScalingEnableNV*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, viewportWScalingEnable: VkBool32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetViewportSwizzleNV*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, firstViewport: uint32, viewportCount: uint32, pViewportSwizzles: ptr VkViewportSwizzleNV): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetCoverageToColorEnableNV*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, coverageToColorEnable: VkBool32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetCoverageToColorLocationNV*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, coverageToColorLocation: uint32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetCoverageModulationModeNV*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, coverageModulationMode: VkCoverageModulationModeNV): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetCoverageModulationTableEnableNV*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, coverageModulationTableEnable: VkBool32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetCoverageModulationTableNV*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, coverageModulationTableCount: uint32, pCoverageModulationTable: ptr float32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetShadingRateImageEnableNV*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, shadingRateImageEnable: VkBool32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetRepresentativeFragmentTestEnableNV*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, representativeFragmentTestEnable: VkBool32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetCoverageReductionModeNV*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, coverageReductionMode: VkCoverageReductionModeNV): void {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state3*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  vkCmdSetTessellationDomainOriginEXT = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, domainOrigin: VkTessellationDomainOrigin): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetTessellationDomainOriginEXT"))
-  vkCmdSetDepthClampEnableEXT = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, depthClampEnable: VkBool32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetDepthClampEnableEXT"))
-  vkCmdSetPolygonModeEXT = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, polygonMode: VkPolygonMode): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetPolygonModeEXT"))
-  vkCmdSetRasterizationSamplesEXT = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, rasterizationSamples: VkSampleCountFlagBits): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetRasterizationSamplesEXT"))
-  vkCmdSetSampleMaskEXT = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, samples: VkSampleCountFlagBits, pSampleMask: ptr VkSampleMask): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetSampleMaskEXT"))
-  vkCmdSetAlphaToCoverageEnableEXT = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, alphaToCoverageEnable: VkBool32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetAlphaToCoverageEnableEXT"))
-  vkCmdSetAlphaToOneEnableEXT = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, alphaToOneEnable: VkBool32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetAlphaToOneEnableEXT"))
-  vkCmdSetLogicOpEnableEXT = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, logicOpEnable: VkBool32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetLogicOpEnableEXT"))
-  vkCmdSetColorBlendEnableEXT = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, firstAttachment: uint32, attachmentCount: uint32, pColorBlendEnables: ptr VkBool32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetColorBlendEnableEXT"))
-  vkCmdSetColorBlendEquationEXT = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, firstAttachment: uint32, attachmentCount: uint32, pColorBlendEquations: ptr VkColorBlendEquationEXT): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetColorBlendEquationEXT"))
-  vkCmdSetColorWriteMaskEXT = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, firstAttachment: uint32, attachmentCount: uint32, pColorWriteMasks: ptr VkColorComponentFlags): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetColorWriteMaskEXT"))
-  vkCmdSetRasterizationStreamEXT = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, rasterizationStream: uint32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetRasterizationStreamEXT"))
-  vkCmdSetConservativeRasterizationModeEXT = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, conservativeRasterizationMode: VkConservativeRasterizationModeEXT): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetConservativeRasterizationModeEXT"))
-  vkCmdSetExtraPrimitiveOverestimationSizeEXT = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, extraPrimitiveOverestimationSize: float32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetExtraPrimitiveOverestimationSizeEXT"))
-  vkCmdSetDepthClipEnableEXT = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, depthClipEnable: VkBool32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetDepthClipEnableEXT"))
-  vkCmdSetSampleLocationsEnableEXT = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, sampleLocationsEnable: VkBool32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetSampleLocationsEnableEXT"))
-  vkCmdSetColorBlendAdvancedEXT = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, firstAttachment: uint32, attachmentCount: uint32, pColorBlendAdvanced: ptr VkColorBlendAdvancedEXT): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetColorBlendAdvancedEXT"))
-  vkCmdSetProvokingVertexModeEXT = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, provokingVertexMode: VkProvokingVertexModeEXT): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetProvokingVertexModeEXT"))
-  vkCmdSetLineRasterizationModeEXT = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, lineRasterizationMode: VkLineRasterizationModeEXT): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetLineRasterizationModeEXT"))
-  vkCmdSetLineStippleEnableEXT = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, stippledLineEnable: VkBool32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetLineStippleEnableEXT"))
-  vkCmdSetDepthClipNegativeOneToOneEXT = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, negativeOneToOne: VkBool32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetDepthClipNegativeOneToOneEXT"))
-  vkCmdSetViewportWScalingEnableNV = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, viewportWScalingEnable: VkBool32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetViewportWScalingEnableNV"))
-  vkCmdSetViewportSwizzleNV = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, firstViewport: uint32, viewportCount: uint32, pViewportSwizzles: ptr VkViewportSwizzleNV): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetViewportSwizzleNV"))
-  vkCmdSetCoverageToColorEnableNV = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, coverageToColorEnable: VkBool32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetCoverageToColorEnableNV"))
-  vkCmdSetCoverageToColorLocationNV = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, coverageToColorLocation: uint32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetCoverageToColorLocationNV"))
-  vkCmdSetCoverageModulationModeNV = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, coverageModulationMode: VkCoverageModulationModeNV): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetCoverageModulationModeNV"))
-  vkCmdSetCoverageModulationTableEnableNV = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, coverageModulationTableEnable: VkBool32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetCoverageModulationTableEnableNV"))
-  vkCmdSetCoverageModulationTableNV = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, coverageModulationTableCount: uint32, pCoverageModulationTable: ptr float32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetCoverageModulationTableNV"))
-  vkCmdSetShadingRateImageEnableNV = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, shadingRateImageEnable: VkBool32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetShadingRateImageEnableNV"))
-  vkCmdSetRepresentativeFragmentTestEnableNV = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, representativeFragmentTestEnable: VkBool32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetRepresentativeFragmentTestEnableNV"))
-  vkCmdSetCoverageReductionModeNV = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, coverageReductionMode: VkCoverageReductionModeNV): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetCoverageReductionModeNV"))
-proc loadVK_EXT_device_address_binding_report*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  loadVK_EXT_debug_utils(instance)
-# extension VK_NV_clip_space_w_scaling
-  vkCmdSetViewportWScalingNV*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, firstViewport: uint32, viewportCount: uint32, pViewportWScalings: ptr VkViewportWScalingNV): void {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_NV_clip_space_w_scaling*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  vkCmdSetViewportWScalingNV = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, firstViewport: uint32, viewportCount: uint32, pViewportWScalings: ptr VkViewportWScalingNV): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetViewportWScalingNV"))
-proc loadVK_NV_fill_rectangle*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  discard
-proc loadVK_EXT_shader_image_atomic_int64*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-proc loadVK_EXT_ycbcr_image_arrays*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-# extension VK_EXT_calibrated_timestamps
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceCalibrateableTimeDomainsEXT*: proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pTimeDomainCount: ptr uint32, pTimeDomains: ptr VkTimeDomainEXT): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetCalibratedTimestampsEXT*: proc(device: VkDevice, timestampCount: uint32, pTimestampInfos: ptr VkCalibratedTimestampInfoEXT, pTimestamps: ptr uint64, pMaxDeviation: ptr uint64): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_EXT_calibrated_timestamps*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceCalibrateableTimeDomainsEXT = cast[proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pTimeDomainCount: ptr uint32, pTimeDomains: ptr VkTimeDomainEXT): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetPhysicalDeviceCalibrateableTimeDomainsEXT"))
-  vkGetCalibratedTimestampsEXT = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, timestampCount: uint32, pTimestampInfos: ptr VkCalibratedTimestampInfoEXT, pTimestamps: ptr uint64, pMaxDeviation: ptr uint64): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetCalibratedTimestampsEXT"))
-proc loadVK_EXT_attachment_feedback_loop_layout*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-proc loadVK_AMD_mixed_attachment_samples*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  discard
-# extension VK_EXT_external_memory_host
-  vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT*: proc(device: VkDevice, handleType: VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBits, pHostPointer: pointer, pMemoryHostPointerProperties: ptr VkMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_EXT_external_memory_host*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, handleType: VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBits, pHostPointer: pointer, pMemoryHostPointerProperties: ptr VkMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT"))
-proc loadVK_ARM_shader_core_properties*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-# extension VK_EXT_shader_module_identifier
-  vkGetShaderModuleIdentifierEXT*: proc(device: VkDevice, shaderModule: VkShaderModule, pIdentifier: ptr VkShaderModuleIdentifierEXT): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetShaderModuleCreateInfoIdentifierEXT*: proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkShaderModuleCreateInfo, pIdentifier: ptr VkShaderModuleIdentifierEXT): void {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_EXT_shader_module_identifier*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_3(instance)
-  vkGetShaderModuleIdentifierEXT = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, shaderModule: VkShaderModule, pIdentifier: ptr VkShaderModuleIdentifierEXT): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetShaderModuleIdentifierEXT"))
-  vkGetShaderModuleCreateInfoIdentifierEXT = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkShaderModuleCreateInfo, pIdentifier: ptr VkShaderModuleIdentifierEXT): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetShaderModuleCreateInfoIdentifierEXT"))
-proc loadVK_EXT_border_color_swizzle*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_EXT_custom_border_color(instance)
-# extension VK_NV_memory_decompression
-  vkCmdDecompressMemoryNV*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, decompressRegionCount: uint32, pDecompressMemoryRegions: ptr VkDecompressMemoryRegionNV): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdDecompressMemoryIndirectCountNV*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, indirectCommandsAddress: VkDeviceAddress, indirectCommandsCountAddress: VkDeviceAddress, stride: uint32): void {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_NV_memory_decompression*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_2(instance)
-  vkCmdDecompressMemoryNV = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, decompressRegionCount: uint32, pDecompressMemoryRegions: ptr VkDecompressMemoryRegionNV): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdDecompressMemoryNV"))
-  vkCmdDecompressMemoryIndirectCountNV = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, indirectCommandsAddress: VkDeviceAddress, indirectCommandsCountAddress: VkDeviceAddress, stride: uint32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdDecompressMemoryIndirectCountNV"))
-proc loadVK_EXT_fragment_shader_interlock*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-# extension VK_NV_coverage_reduction_mode
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceSupportedFramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationsNV*: proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pCombinationCount: ptr uint32, pCombinations: ptr VkFramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_NV_coverage_reduction_mode*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_NV_framebuffer_mixed_samples(instance)
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceSupportedFramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationsNV = cast[proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pCombinationCount: ptr uint32, pCombinations: ptr VkFramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetPhysicalDeviceSupportedFramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationsNV"))
-proc loadVK_NV_glsl_shader*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  discard
-proc loadVK_KHR_shader_clock*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-# extension VK_QCOM_tile_properties
-  vkGetFramebufferTilePropertiesQCOM*: proc(device: VkDevice, framebuffer: VkFramebuffer, pPropertiesCount: ptr uint32, pProperties: ptr VkTilePropertiesQCOM): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetDynamicRenderingTilePropertiesQCOM*: proc(device: VkDevice, pRenderingInfo: ptr VkRenderingInfo, pProperties: ptr VkTilePropertiesQCOM): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_QCOM_tile_properties*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  vkGetFramebufferTilePropertiesQCOM = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, framebuffer: VkFramebuffer, pPropertiesCount: ptr uint32, pProperties: ptr VkTilePropertiesQCOM): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetFramebufferTilePropertiesQCOM"))
-  vkGetDynamicRenderingTilePropertiesQCOM = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pRenderingInfo: ptr VkRenderingInfo, pProperties: ptr VkTilePropertiesQCOM): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetDynamicRenderingTilePropertiesQCOM"))
-# extension VK_KHR_push_descriptor
-  vkCmdPushDescriptorSetKHR*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pipelineBindPoint: VkPipelineBindPoint, layout: VkPipelineLayout, set: uint32, descriptorWriteCount: uint32, pDescriptorWrites: ptr VkWriteDescriptorSet): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdPushDescriptorSetWithTemplateKHR*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, descriptorUpdateTemplate: VkDescriptorUpdateTemplate, layout: VkPipelineLayout, set: uint32, pData: pointer): void {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_KHR_push_descriptor*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  vkCmdPushDescriptorSetKHR = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pipelineBindPoint: VkPipelineBindPoint, layout: VkPipelineLayout, set: uint32, descriptorWriteCount: uint32, pDescriptorWrites: ptr VkWriteDescriptorSet): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdPushDescriptorSetKHR"))
-  vkCmdPushDescriptorSetWithTemplateKHR = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, descriptorUpdateTemplate: VkDescriptorUpdateTemplate, layout: VkPipelineLayout, set: uint32, pData: pointer): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdPushDescriptorSetWithTemplateKHR"))
-  vkCmdPushDescriptorSetWithTemplateKHR = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, descriptorUpdateTemplate: VkDescriptorUpdateTemplate, layout: VkPipelineLayout, set: uint32, pData: pointer): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdPushDescriptorSetWithTemplateKHR"))
-proc loadVK_NV_viewport_swizzle*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  discard
-proc loadVK_NV_external_memory*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_NV_external_memory_capabilities(instance)
-proc loadVK_EXT_depth_clip_control*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-proc loadVK_EXT_validation_flags*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  discard
-proc loadVK_EXT_conservative_rasterization*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-proc loadVK_AMD_gcn_shader*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  discard
-# extension VK_INTEL_performance_query
-  vkInitializePerformanceApiINTEL*: proc(device: VkDevice, pInitializeInfo: ptr VkInitializePerformanceApiInfoINTEL): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkUninitializePerformanceApiINTEL*: proc(device: VkDevice): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetPerformanceMarkerINTEL*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pMarkerInfo: ptr VkPerformanceMarkerInfoINTEL): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetPerformanceStreamMarkerINTEL*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pMarkerInfo: ptr VkPerformanceStreamMarkerInfoINTEL): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetPerformanceOverrideINTEL*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pOverrideInfo: ptr VkPerformanceOverrideInfoINTEL): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkAcquirePerformanceConfigurationINTEL*: proc(device: VkDevice, pAcquireInfo: ptr VkPerformanceConfigurationAcquireInfoINTEL, pConfiguration: ptr VkPerformanceConfigurationINTEL): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkReleasePerformanceConfigurationINTEL*: proc(device: VkDevice, configuration: VkPerformanceConfigurationINTEL): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkQueueSetPerformanceConfigurationINTEL*: proc(queue: VkQueue, configuration: VkPerformanceConfigurationINTEL): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetPerformanceParameterINTEL*: proc(device: VkDevice, parameter: VkPerformanceParameterTypeINTEL, pValue: ptr VkPerformanceValueINTEL): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_INTEL_performance_query*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  vkInitializePerformanceApiINTEL = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pInitializeInfo: ptr VkInitializePerformanceApiInfoINTEL): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkInitializePerformanceApiINTEL"))
-  vkUninitializePerformanceApiINTEL = cast[proc(device: VkDevice): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkUninitializePerformanceApiINTEL"))
-  vkCmdSetPerformanceMarkerINTEL = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pMarkerInfo: ptr VkPerformanceMarkerInfoINTEL): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetPerformanceMarkerINTEL"))
-  vkCmdSetPerformanceStreamMarkerINTEL = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pMarkerInfo: ptr VkPerformanceStreamMarkerInfoINTEL): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetPerformanceStreamMarkerINTEL"))
-  vkCmdSetPerformanceOverrideINTEL = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pOverrideInfo: ptr VkPerformanceOverrideInfoINTEL): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetPerformanceOverrideINTEL"))
-  vkAcquirePerformanceConfigurationINTEL = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pAcquireInfo: ptr VkPerformanceConfigurationAcquireInfoINTEL, pConfiguration: ptr VkPerformanceConfigurationINTEL): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkAcquirePerformanceConfigurationINTEL"))
-  vkReleasePerformanceConfigurationINTEL = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, configuration: VkPerformanceConfigurationINTEL): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkReleasePerformanceConfigurationINTEL"))
-  vkQueueSetPerformanceConfigurationINTEL = cast[proc(queue: VkQueue, configuration: VkPerformanceConfigurationINTEL): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkQueueSetPerformanceConfigurationINTEL"))
-  vkGetPerformanceParameterINTEL = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, parameter: VkPerformanceParameterTypeINTEL, pValue: ptr VkPerformanceValueINTEL): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetPerformanceParameterINTEL"))
-proc loadVK_EXT_primitives_generated_query*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_EXT_transform_feedback(instance)
-proc loadVK_AMD_pipeline_compiler_control*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  discard
-proc loadVK_EXT_post_depth_coverage*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  discard
-# extension VK_EXT_conditional_rendering
-  vkCmdBeginConditionalRenderingEXT*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pConditionalRenderingBegin: ptr VkConditionalRenderingBeginInfoEXT): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdEndConditionalRenderingEXT*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer): void {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_EXT_conditional_rendering*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  vkCmdBeginConditionalRenderingEXT = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pConditionalRenderingBegin: ptr VkConditionalRenderingBeginInfoEXT): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdBeginConditionalRenderingEXT"))
-  vkCmdEndConditionalRenderingEXT = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdEndConditionalRenderingEXT"))
-proc loadVK_QCOM_multiview_per_view_viewports*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-# extension VK_EXT_multi_draw
-  vkCmdDrawMultiEXT*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, drawCount: uint32, pVertexInfo: ptr VkMultiDrawInfoEXT, instanceCount: uint32, firstInstance: uint32, stride: uint32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdDrawMultiIndexedEXT*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, drawCount: uint32, pIndexInfo: ptr VkMultiDrawIndexedInfoEXT, instanceCount: uint32, firstInstance: uint32, stride: uint32, pVertexOffset: ptr int32): void {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_EXT_multi_draw*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  vkCmdDrawMultiEXT = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, drawCount: uint32, pVertexInfo: ptr VkMultiDrawInfoEXT, instanceCount: uint32, firstInstance: uint32, stride: uint32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdDrawMultiEXT"))
-  vkCmdDrawMultiIndexedEXT = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, drawCount: uint32, pIndexInfo: ptr VkMultiDrawIndexedInfoEXT, instanceCount: uint32, firstInstance: uint32, stride: uint32, pVertexOffset: ptr int32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdDrawMultiIndexedEXT"))
-proc loadVK_NV_fragment_coverage_to_color*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  discard
-proc loadVK_EXT_load_store_op_none*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  discard
-proc loadVK_EXT_validation_features*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  discard
-proc loadVK_KHR_workgroup_memory_explicit_layout*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-proc loadVK_EXT_index_type_uint8*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-proc loadVK_GOOGLE_decorate_string*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  discard
-proc loadVK_EXT_shader_atomic_float*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-# extension VK_EXT_pipeline_properties
-  vkGetPipelinePropertiesEXT*: proc(device: VkDevice, pPipelineInfo: ptr VkPipelineInfoEXT, pPipelineProperties: ptr VkBaseOutStructure): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_EXT_pipeline_properties*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  vkGetPipelinePropertiesEXT = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pPipelineInfo: ptr VkPipelineInfoEXT, pPipelineProperties: ptr VkBaseOutStructure): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetPipelinePropertiesEXT"))
-proc loadVK_EXT_graphics_pipeline_library*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  loadVK_KHR_pipeline_library(instance)
-# extension VK_KHR_surface
-  vkDestroySurfaceKHR*: proc(instance: VkInstance, surface: VkSurfaceKHR, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceSupportKHR*: proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, queueFamilyIndex: uint32, surface: VkSurfaceKHR, pSupported: ptr VkBool32): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR*: proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, surface: VkSurfaceKHR, pSurfaceCapabilities: ptr VkSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceFormatsKHR*: proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, surface: VkSurfaceKHR, pSurfaceFormatCount: ptr uint32, pSurfaceFormats: ptr VkSurfaceFormatKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfacePresentModesKHR*: proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, surface: VkSurfaceKHR, pPresentModeCount: ptr uint32, pPresentModes: ptr VkPresentModeKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_KHR_surface*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  vkDestroySurfaceKHR = cast[proc(instance: VkInstance, surface: VkSurfaceKHR, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkDestroySurfaceKHR"))
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceSupportKHR = cast[proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, queueFamilyIndex: uint32, surface: VkSurfaceKHR, pSupported: ptr VkBool32): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceSupportKHR"))
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR = cast[proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, surface: VkSurfaceKHR, pSurfaceCapabilities: ptr VkSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR"))
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceFormatsKHR = cast[proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, surface: VkSurfaceKHR, pSurfaceFormatCount: ptr uint32, pSurfaceFormats: ptr VkSurfaceFormatKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceFormatsKHR"))
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfacePresentModesKHR = cast[proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, surface: VkSurfaceKHR, pPresentModeCount: ptr uint32, pPresentModes: ptr VkPresentModeKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfacePresentModesKHR"))
-proc loadVK_AMD_gpu_shader_half_float*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  discard
-# extension VK_KHR_deferred_host_operations
-  vkCreateDeferredOperationKHR*: proc(device: VkDevice, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pDeferredOperation: ptr VkDeferredOperationKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkDestroyDeferredOperationKHR*: proc(device: VkDevice, operation: VkDeferredOperationKHR, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetDeferredOperationMaxConcurrencyKHR*: proc(device: VkDevice, operation: VkDeferredOperationKHR): uint32 {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetDeferredOperationResultKHR*: proc(device: VkDevice, operation: VkDeferredOperationKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkDeferredOperationJoinKHR*: proc(device: VkDevice, operation: VkDeferredOperationKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_KHR_deferred_host_operations*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  vkCreateDeferredOperationKHR = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pDeferredOperation: ptr VkDeferredOperationKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCreateDeferredOperationKHR"))
-  vkDestroyDeferredOperationKHR = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, operation: VkDeferredOperationKHR, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkDestroyDeferredOperationKHR"))
-  vkGetDeferredOperationMaxConcurrencyKHR = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, operation: VkDeferredOperationKHR): uint32 {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetDeferredOperationMaxConcurrencyKHR"))
-  vkGetDeferredOperationResultKHR = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, operation: VkDeferredOperationKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetDeferredOperationResultKHR"))
-  vkDeferredOperationJoinKHR = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, operation: VkDeferredOperationKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkDeferredOperationJoinKHR"))
-proc loadVK_NV_dedicated_allocation*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  discard
-# extension VK_NVX_image_view_handle
-  vkGetImageViewHandleNVX*: proc(device: VkDevice, pInfo: ptr VkImageViewHandleInfoNVX): uint32 {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetImageViewAddressNVX*: proc(device: VkDevice, imageView: VkImageView, pProperties: ptr VkImageViewAddressPropertiesNVX): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_NVX_image_view_handle*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  vkGetImageViewHandleNVX = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pInfo: ptr VkImageViewHandleInfoNVX): uint32 {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetImageViewHandleNVX"))
-  vkGetImageViewAddressNVX = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, imageView: VkImageView, pProperties: ptr VkImageViewAddressPropertiesNVX): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetImageViewAddressNVX"))
-proc loadVK_EXT_non_seamless_cube_map*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-proc loadVK_QCOM_render_pass_store_ops*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  discard
-# extension VK_EXT_device_fault
-  vkGetDeviceFaultInfoEXT*: proc(device: VkDevice, pFaultCounts: ptr VkDeviceFaultCountsEXT, pFaultInfo: ptr VkDeviceFaultInfoEXT): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_EXT_device_fault*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  vkGetDeviceFaultInfoEXT = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pFaultCounts: ptr VkDeviceFaultCountsEXT, pFaultInfo: ptr VkDeviceFaultInfoEXT): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetDeviceFaultInfoEXT"))
-proc loadVK_EXT_mutable_descriptor_type*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-# extension VK_EXT_color_write_enable
-  vkCmdSetColorWriteEnableEXT*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, attachmentCount: uint32, pColorWriteEnables: ptr VkBool32): void {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_EXT_color_write_enable*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  vkCmdSetColorWriteEnableEXT = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, attachmentCount: uint32, pColorWriteEnables: ptr VkBool32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetColorWriteEnableEXT"))
-proc loadVK_SEC_amigo_profiling*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-# extension VK_NVX_binary_import
-  vkCreateCuModuleNVX*: proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkCuModuleCreateInfoNVX, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pModule: ptr VkCuModuleNVX): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkCreateCuFunctionNVX*: proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkCuFunctionCreateInfoNVX, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pFunction: ptr VkCuFunctionNVX): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkDestroyCuModuleNVX*: proc(device: VkDevice, module: VkCuModuleNVX, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkDestroyCuFunctionNVX*: proc(device: VkDevice, function: VkCuFunctionNVX, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdCuLaunchKernelNVX*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pLaunchInfo: ptr VkCuLaunchInfoNVX): void {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_NVX_binary_import*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  vkCreateCuModuleNVX = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkCuModuleCreateInfoNVX, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pModule: ptr VkCuModuleNVX): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCreateCuModuleNVX"))
-  vkCreateCuFunctionNVX = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkCuFunctionCreateInfoNVX, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pFunction: ptr VkCuFunctionNVX): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCreateCuFunctionNVX"))
-  vkDestroyCuModuleNVX = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, module: VkCuModuleNVX, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkDestroyCuModuleNVX"))
-  vkDestroyCuFunctionNVX = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, function: VkCuFunctionNVX, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkDestroyCuFunctionNVX"))
-  vkCmdCuLaunchKernelNVX = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pLaunchInfo: ptr VkCuLaunchInfoNVX): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdCuLaunchKernelNVX"))
-proc loadVK_NV_representative_fragment_test*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-# extension VK_EXT_validation_cache
-  vkCreateValidationCacheEXT*: proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkValidationCacheCreateInfoEXT, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pValidationCache: ptr VkValidationCacheEXT): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkDestroyValidationCacheEXT*: proc(device: VkDevice, validationCache: VkValidationCacheEXT, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkMergeValidationCachesEXT*: proc(device: VkDevice, dstCache: VkValidationCacheEXT, srcCacheCount: uint32, pSrcCaches: ptr VkValidationCacheEXT): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetValidationCacheDataEXT*: proc(device: VkDevice, validationCache: VkValidationCacheEXT, pDataSize: ptr csize_t, pData: pointer): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_EXT_validation_cache*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  vkCreateValidationCacheEXT = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkValidationCacheCreateInfoEXT, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pValidationCache: ptr VkValidationCacheEXT): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCreateValidationCacheEXT"))
-  vkDestroyValidationCacheEXT = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, validationCache: VkValidationCacheEXT, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkDestroyValidationCacheEXT"))
-  vkMergeValidationCachesEXT = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, dstCache: VkValidationCacheEXT, srcCacheCount: uint32, pSrcCaches: ptr VkValidationCacheEXT): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkMergeValidationCachesEXT"))
-  vkGetValidationCacheDataEXT = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, validationCache: VkValidationCacheEXT, pDataSize: ptr csize_t, pData: pointer): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetValidationCacheDataEXT"))
-proc loadVK_NV_inherited_viewport_scissor*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-proc loadVK_EXT_legacy_dithering*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-proc loadVK_EXT_physical_device_drm*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-proc loadVK_EXT_pipeline_protected_access*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-# extension VK_EXT_discard_rectangles
-  vkCmdSetDiscardRectangleEXT*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, firstDiscardRectangle: uint32, discardRectangleCount: uint32, pDiscardRectangles: ptr VkRect2D): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetDiscardRectangleEnableEXT*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, discardRectangleEnable: VkBool32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetDiscardRectangleModeEXT*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, discardRectangleMode: VkDiscardRectangleModeEXT): void {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_EXT_discard_rectangles*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  vkCmdSetDiscardRectangleEXT = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, firstDiscardRectangle: uint32, discardRectangleCount: uint32, pDiscardRectangles: ptr VkRect2D): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetDiscardRectangleEXT"))
-  vkCmdSetDiscardRectangleEnableEXT = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, discardRectangleEnable: VkBool32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetDiscardRectangleEnableEXT"))
-  vkCmdSetDiscardRectangleModeEXT = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, discardRectangleMode: VkDiscardRectangleModeEXT): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetDiscardRectangleModeEXT"))
-proc loadVK_EXT_shader_stencil_export*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  discard
-# extension VK_NV_external_memory_rdma
-  vkGetMemoryRemoteAddressNV*: proc(device: VkDevice, pMemoryGetRemoteAddressInfo: ptr VkMemoryGetRemoteAddressInfoNV, pAddress: ptr VkRemoteAddressNV): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_NV_external_memory_rdma*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  vkGetMemoryRemoteAddressNV = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pMemoryGetRemoteAddressInfo: ptr VkMemoryGetRemoteAddressInfoNV, pAddress: ptr VkRemoteAddressNV): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetMemoryRemoteAddressNV"))
-proc loadVK_ARM_shader_core_builtins*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-proc loadVK_QCOM_multiview_per_view_render_areas*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  discard
-proc loadVK_LUNARG_direct_driver_loading*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  discard
-proc loadVK_AMD_shader_explicit_vertex_parameter*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  discard
-# extension VK_EXT_headless_surface
-  vkCreateHeadlessSurfaceEXT*: proc(instance: VkInstance, pCreateInfo: ptr VkHeadlessSurfaceCreateInfoEXT, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pSurface: ptr VkSurfaceKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_EXT_headless_surface*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_KHR_surface(instance)
-  vkCreateHeadlessSurfaceEXT = cast[proc(instance: VkInstance, pCreateInfo: ptr VkHeadlessSurfaceCreateInfoEXT, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pSurface: ptr VkSurfaceKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCreateHeadlessSurfaceEXT"))
-proc loadVK_NV_shader_sm_builtins*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-proc loadVK_EXT_shader_subgroup_vote*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  discard
-# extension VK_NV_copy_memory_indirect
-  vkCmdCopyMemoryIndirectNV*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, copyBufferAddress: VkDeviceAddress, copyCount: uint32, stride: uint32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdCopyMemoryToImageIndirectNV*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, copyBufferAddress: VkDeviceAddress, copyCount: uint32, stride: uint32, dstImage: VkImage, dstImageLayout: VkImageLayout, pImageSubresources: ptr VkImageSubresourceLayers): void {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_NV_copy_memory_indirect*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_2(instance)
-  vkCmdCopyMemoryIndirectNV = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, copyBufferAddress: VkDeviceAddress, copyCount: uint32, stride: uint32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdCopyMemoryIndirectNV"))
-  vkCmdCopyMemoryToImageIndirectNV = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, copyBufferAddress: VkDeviceAddress, copyCount: uint32, stride: uint32, dstImage: VkImage, dstImageLayout: VkImageLayout, pImageSubresources: ptr VkImageSubresourceLayers): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdCopyMemoryToImageIndirectNV"))
-proc loadVK_EXT_astc_decode_mode*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-# extension VK_KHR_get_surface_capabilities2
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilities2KHR*: proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pSurfaceInfo: ptr VkPhysicalDeviceSurfaceInfo2KHR, pSurfaceCapabilities: ptr VkSurfaceCapabilities2KHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceFormats2KHR*: proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pSurfaceInfo: ptr VkPhysicalDeviceSurfaceInfo2KHR, pSurfaceFormatCount: ptr uint32, pSurfaceFormats: ptr VkSurfaceFormat2KHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_KHR_get_surface_capabilities2*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_KHR_surface(instance)
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilities2KHR = cast[proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pSurfaceInfo: ptr VkPhysicalDeviceSurfaceInfo2KHR, pSurfaceCapabilities: ptr VkSurfaceCapabilities2KHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilities2KHR"))
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceFormats2KHR = cast[proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pSurfaceInfo: ptr VkPhysicalDeviceSurfaceInfo2KHR, pSurfaceFormatCount: ptr uint32, pSurfaceFormats: ptr VkSurfaceFormat2KHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceFormats2KHR"))
-# extension VK_HUAWEI_cluster_culling_shader
-  vkCmdDrawClusterHUAWEI*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, groupCountX: uint32, groupCountY: uint32, groupCountZ: uint32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdDrawClusterIndirectHUAWEI*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, buffer: VkBuffer, offset: VkDeviceSize): void {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_HUAWEI_cluster_culling_shader*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  vkCmdDrawClusterHUAWEI = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, groupCountX: uint32, groupCountY: uint32, groupCountZ: uint32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdDrawClusterHUAWEI"))
-  vkCmdDrawClusterIndirectHUAWEI = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, buffer: VkBuffer, offset: VkDeviceSize): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdDrawClusterIndirectHUAWEI"))
-proc loadVK_KHR_surface_protected_capabilities*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  loadVK_KHR_get_surface_capabilities2(instance)
-proc loadVK_NV_shader_image_footprint*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-proc loadVK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-proc loadVK_QCOM_fragment_density_map_offset*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  loadVK_EXT_fragment_density_map(instance)
-proc loadVK_EXT_shader_atomic_float2*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_EXT_shader_atomic_float(instance)
-# extension VK_EXT_pageable_device_local_memory
-  vkSetDeviceMemoryPriorityEXT*: proc(device: VkDevice, memory: VkDeviceMemory, priority: float32): void {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_EXT_pageable_device_local_memory*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_EXT_memory_priority(instance)
-  vkSetDeviceMemoryPriorityEXT = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, memory: VkDeviceMemory, priority: float32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkSetDeviceMemoryPriorityEXT"))
-# extension VK_KHR_swapchain
-  vkCreateSwapchainKHR*: proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkSwapchainCreateInfoKHR, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pSwapchain: ptr VkSwapchainKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkDestroySwapchainKHR*: proc(device: VkDevice, swapchain: VkSwapchainKHR, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetSwapchainImagesKHR*: proc(device: VkDevice, swapchain: VkSwapchainKHR, pSwapchainImageCount: ptr uint32, pSwapchainImages: ptr VkImage): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkAcquireNextImageKHR*: proc(device: VkDevice, swapchain: VkSwapchainKHR, timeout: uint64, semaphore: VkSemaphore, fence: VkFence, pImageIndex: ptr uint32): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkQueuePresentKHR*: proc(queue: VkQueue, pPresentInfo: ptr VkPresentInfoKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetDeviceGroupPresentCapabilitiesKHR*: proc(device: VkDevice, pDeviceGroupPresentCapabilities: ptr VkDeviceGroupPresentCapabilitiesKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetDeviceGroupSurfacePresentModesKHR*: proc(device: VkDevice, surface: VkSurfaceKHR, pModes: ptr VkDeviceGroupPresentModeFlagsKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetPhysicalDevicePresentRectanglesKHR*: proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, surface: VkSurfaceKHR, pRectCount: ptr uint32, pRects: ptr VkRect2D): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkAcquireNextImage2KHR*: proc(device: VkDevice, pAcquireInfo: ptr VkAcquireNextImageInfoKHR, pImageIndex: ptr uint32): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_KHR_swapchain*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_KHR_surface(instance)
-  vkCreateSwapchainKHR = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkSwapchainCreateInfoKHR, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pSwapchain: ptr VkSwapchainKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCreateSwapchainKHR"))
-  vkDestroySwapchainKHR = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, swapchain: VkSwapchainKHR, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkDestroySwapchainKHR"))
-  vkGetSwapchainImagesKHR = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, swapchain: VkSwapchainKHR, pSwapchainImageCount: ptr uint32, pSwapchainImages: ptr VkImage): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetSwapchainImagesKHR"))
-  vkAcquireNextImageKHR = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, swapchain: VkSwapchainKHR, timeout: uint64, semaphore: VkSemaphore, fence: VkFence, pImageIndex: ptr uint32): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkAcquireNextImageKHR"))
-  vkQueuePresentKHR = cast[proc(queue: VkQueue, pPresentInfo: ptr VkPresentInfoKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkQueuePresentKHR"))
-  vkGetDeviceGroupPresentCapabilitiesKHR = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pDeviceGroupPresentCapabilities: ptr VkDeviceGroupPresentCapabilitiesKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetDeviceGroupPresentCapabilitiesKHR"))
-  vkGetDeviceGroupSurfacePresentModesKHR = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, surface: VkSurfaceKHR, pModes: ptr VkDeviceGroupPresentModeFlagsKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetDeviceGroupSurfacePresentModesKHR"))
-  vkGetPhysicalDevicePresentRectanglesKHR = cast[proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, surface: VkSurfaceKHR, pRectCount: ptr uint32, pRects: ptr VkRect2D): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetPhysicalDevicePresentRectanglesKHR"))
-  vkAcquireNextImage2KHR = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pAcquireInfo: ptr VkAcquireNextImageInfoKHR, pImageIndex: ptr uint32): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkAcquireNextImage2KHR"))
-proc loadVK_EXT_fragment_density_map2*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_EXT_fragment_density_map(instance)
-# extension VK_NV_fragment_shading_rate_enums
-  vkCmdSetFragmentShadingRateEnumNV*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, shadingRate: VkFragmentShadingRateNV, combinerOps: array[2, VkFragmentShadingRateCombinerOpKHR]): void {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_NV_fragment_shading_rate_enums*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_KHR_fragment_shading_rate(instance)
-  vkCmdSetFragmentShadingRateEnumNV = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, shadingRate: VkFragmentShadingRateNV, combinerOps: array[2, VkFragmentShadingRateCombinerOpKHR]): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetFragmentShadingRateEnumNV"))
-# extension VK_AMD_display_native_hdr
-  vkSetLocalDimmingAMD*: proc(device: VkDevice, swapChain: VkSwapchainKHR, localDimmingEnable: VkBool32): void {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_AMD_display_native_hdr*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  loadVK_KHR_get_surface_capabilities2(instance)
-  loadVK_KHR_swapchain(instance)
-  vkSetLocalDimmingAMD = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, swapChain: VkSwapchainKHR, localDimmingEnable: VkBool32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkSetLocalDimmingAMD"))
-proc loadVK_NV_present_barrier*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  loadVK_KHR_surface(instance)
-  loadVK_KHR_get_surface_capabilities2(instance)
-  loadVK_KHR_swapchain(instance)
-proc loadVK_QCOM_rotated_copy_commands*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_KHR_swapchain(instance)
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_3(instance)
-proc loadVK_EXT_surface_maintenance1*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_KHR_surface(instance)
-  loadVK_KHR_get_surface_capabilities2(instance)
-# extension VK_KHR_acceleration_structure
-  vkCreateAccelerationStructureKHR*: proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkAccelerationStructureCreateInfoKHR, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pAccelerationStructure: ptr VkAccelerationStructureKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkDestroyAccelerationStructureKHR*: proc(device: VkDevice, accelerationStructure: VkAccelerationStructureKHR, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdBuildAccelerationStructuresKHR*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, infoCount: uint32, pInfos: ptr VkAccelerationStructureBuildGeometryInfoKHR, ppBuildRangeInfos: ptr ptr VkAccelerationStructureBuildRangeInfoKHR): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdBuildAccelerationStructuresIndirectKHR*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, infoCount: uint32, pInfos: ptr VkAccelerationStructureBuildGeometryInfoKHR, pIndirectDeviceAddresses: ptr VkDeviceAddress, pIndirectStrides: ptr uint32, ppMaxPrimitiveCounts: ptr ptr uint32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkBuildAccelerationStructuresKHR*: proc(device: VkDevice, deferredOperation: VkDeferredOperationKHR, infoCount: uint32, pInfos: ptr VkAccelerationStructureBuildGeometryInfoKHR, ppBuildRangeInfos: ptr ptr VkAccelerationStructureBuildRangeInfoKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkCopyAccelerationStructureKHR*: proc(device: VkDevice, deferredOperation: VkDeferredOperationKHR, pInfo: ptr VkCopyAccelerationStructureInfoKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkCopyAccelerationStructureToMemoryKHR*: proc(device: VkDevice, deferredOperation: VkDeferredOperationKHR, pInfo: ptr VkCopyAccelerationStructureToMemoryInfoKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkCopyMemoryToAccelerationStructureKHR*: proc(device: VkDevice, deferredOperation: VkDeferredOperationKHR, pInfo: ptr VkCopyMemoryToAccelerationStructureInfoKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkWriteAccelerationStructuresPropertiesKHR*: proc(device: VkDevice, accelerationStructureCount: uint32, pAccelerationStructures: ptr VkAccelerationStructureKHR, queryType: VkQueryType, dataSize: csize_t, pData: pointer, stride: csize_t): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdCopyAccelerationStructureKHR*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pInfo: ptr VkCopyAccelerationStructureInfoKHR): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdCopyAccelerationStructureToMemoryKHR*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pInfo: ptr VkCopyAccelerationStructureToMemoryInfoKHR): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdCopyMemoryToAccelerationStructureKHR*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pInfo: ptr VkCopyMemoryToAccelerationStructureInfoKHR): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetAccelerationStructureDeviceAddressKHR*: proc(device: VkDevice, pInfo: ptr VkAccelerationStructureDeviceAddressInfoKHR): VkDeviceAddress {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdWriteAccelerationStructuresPropertiesKHR*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, accelerationStructureCount: uint32, pAccelerationStructures: ptr VkAccelerationStructureKHR, queryType: VkQueryType, queryPool: VkQueryPool, firstQuery: uint32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetDeviceAccelerationStructureCompatibilityKHR*: proc(device: VkDevice, pVersionInfo: ptr VkAccelerationStructureVersionInfoKHR, pCompatibility: ptr VkAccelerationStructureCompatibilityKHR): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetAccelerationStructureBuildSizesKHR*: proc(device: VkDevice, buildType: VkAccelerationStructureBuildTypeKHR, pBuildInfo: ptr VkAccelerationStructureBuildGeometryInfoKHR, pMaxPrimitiveCounts: ptr uint32, pSizeInfo: ptr VkAccelerationStructureBuildSizesInfoKHR): void {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_KHR_acceleration_structure*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_2(instance)
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_2(instance)
-  loadVK_KHR_deferred_host_operations(instance)
-  vkCreateAccelerationStructureKHR = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkAccelerationStructureCreateInfoKHR, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pAccelerationStructure: ptr VkAccelerationStructureKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCreateAccelerationStructureKHR"))
-  vkDestroyAccelerationStructureKHR = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, accelerationStructure: VkAccelerationStructureKHR, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkDestroyAccelerationStructureKHR"))
-  vkCmdBuildAccelerationStructuresKHR = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, infoCount: uint32, pInfos: ptr VkAccelerationStructureBuildGeometryInfoKHR, ppBuildRangeInfos: ptr ptr VkAccelerationStructureBuildRangeInfoKHR): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdBuildAccelerationStructuresKHR"))
-  vkCmdBuildAccelerationStructuresIndirectKHR = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, infoCount: uint32, pInfos: ptr VkAccelerationStructureBuildGeometryInfoKHR, pIndirectDeviceAddresses: ptr VkDeviceAddress, pIndirectStrides: ptr uint32, ppMaxPrimitiveCounts: ptr ptr uint32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdBuildAccelerationStructuresIndirectKHR"))
-  vkBuildAccelerationStructuresKHR = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, deferredOperation: VkDeferredOperationKHR, infoCount: uint32, pInfos: ptr VkAccelerationStructureBuildGeometryInfoKHR, ppBuildRangeInfos: ptr ptr VkAccelerationStructureBuildRangeInfoKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkBuildAccelerationStructuresKHR"))
-  vkCopyAccelerationStructureKHR = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, deferredOperation: VkDeferredOperationKHR, pInfo: ptr VkCopyAccelerationStructureInfoKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCopyAccelerationStructureKHR"))
-  vkCopyAccelerationStructureToMemoryKHR = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, deferredOperation: VkDeferredOperationKHR, pInfo: ptr VkCopyAccelerationStructureToMemoryInfoKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCopyAccelerationStructureToMemoryKHR"))
-  vkCopyMemoryToAccelerationStructureKHR = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, deferredOperation: VkDeferredOperationKHR, pInfo: ptr VkCopyMemoryToAccelerationStructureInfoKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCopyMemoryToAccelerationStructureKHR"))
-  vkWriteAccelerationStructuresPropertiesKHR = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, accelerationStructureCount: uint32, pAccelerationStructures: ptr VkAccelerationStructureKHR, queryType: VkQueryType, dataSize: csize_t, pData: pointer, stride: csize_t): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkWriteAccelerationStructuresPropertiesKHR"))
-  vkCmdCopyAccelerationStructureKHR = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pInfo: ptr VkCopyAccelerationStructureInfoKHR): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdCopyAccelerationStructureKHR"))
-  vkCmdCopyAccelerationStructureToMemoryKHR = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pInfo: ptr VkCopyAccelerationStructureToMemoryInfoKHR): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdCopyAccelerationStructureToMemoryKHR"))
-  vkCmdCopyMemoryToAccelerationStructureKHR = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pInfo: ptr VkCopyMemoryToAccelerationStructureInfoKHR): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdCopyMemoryToAccelerationStructureKHR"))
-  vkGetAccelerationStructureDeviceAddressKHR = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pInfo: ptr VkAccelerationStructureDeviceAddressInfoKHR): VkDeviceAddress {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetAccelerationStructureDeviceAddressKHR"))
-  vkCmdWriteAccelerationStructuresPropertiesKHR = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, accelerationStructureCount: uint32, pAccelerationStructures: ptr VkAccelerationStructureKHR, queryType: VkQueryType, queryPool: VkQueryPool, firstQuery: uint32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdWriteAccelerationStructuresPropertiesKHR"))
-  vkGetDeviceAccelerationStructureCompatibilityKHR = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pVersionInfo: ptr VkAccelerationStructureVersionInfoKHR, pCompatibility: ptr VkAccelerationStructureCompatibilityKHR): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetDeviceAccelerationStructureCompatibilityKHR"))
-  vkGetAccelerationStructureBuildSizesKHR = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, buildType: VkAccelerationStructureBuildTypeKHR, pBuildInfo: ptr VkAccelerationStructureBuildGeometryInfoKHR, pMaxPrimitiveCounts: ptr uint32, pSizeInfo: ptr VkAccelerationStructureBuildSizesInfoKHR): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetAccelerationStructureBuildSizesKHR"))
-# extension VK_GOOGLE_display_timing
-  vkGetRefreshCycleDurationGOOGLE*: proc(device: VkDevice, swapchain: VkSwapchainKHR, pDisplayTimingProperties: ptr VkRefreshCycleDurationGOOGLE): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetPastPresentationTimingGOOGLE*: proc(device: VkDevice, swapchain: VkSwapchainKHR, pPresentationTimingCount: ptr uint32, pPresentationTimings: ptr VkPastPresentationTimingGOOGLE): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_GOOGLE_display_timing*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_KHR_swapchain(instance)
-  vkGetRefreshCycleDurationGOOGLE = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, swapchain: VkSwapchainKHR, pDisplayTimingProperties: ptr VkRefreshCycleDurationGOOGLE): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetRefreshCycleDurationGOOGLE"))
-  vkGetPastPresentationTimingGOOGLE = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, swapchain: VkSwapchainKHR, pPresentationTimingCount: ptr uint32, pPresentationTimings: ptr VkPastPresentationTimingGOOGLE): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetPastPresentationTimingGOOGLE"))
-proc loadVK_QCOM_render_pass_transform*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_KHR_swapchain(instance)
-  loadVK_KHR_surface(instance)
-proc loadVK_GOOGLE_surfaceless_query*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_KHR_surface(instance)
-proc loadVK_EXT_image_compression_control_swapchain*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_EXT_image_compression_control(instance)
-# extension VK_KHR_display
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceDisplayPropertiesKHR*: proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pPropertyCount: ptr uint32, pProperties: ptr VkDisplayPropertiesKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceDisplayPlanePropertiesKHR*: proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pPropertyCount: ptr uint32, pProperties: ptr VkDisplayPlanePropertiesKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetDisplayPlaneSupportedDisplaysKHR*: proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, planeIndex: uint32, pDisplayCount: ptr uint32, pDisplays: ptr VkDisplayKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetDisplayModePropertiesKHR*: proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, display: VkDisplayKHR, pPropertyCount: ptr uint32, pProperties: ptr VkDisplayModePropertiesKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkCreateDisplayModeKHR*: proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, display: VkDisplayKHR, pCreateInfo: ptr VkDisplayModeCreateInfoKHR, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pMode: ptr VkDisplayModeKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetDisplayPlaneCapabilitiesKHR*: proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, mode: VkDisplayModeKHR, planeIndex: uint32, pCapabilities: ptr VkDisplayPlaneCapabilitiesKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkCreateDisplayPlaneSurfaceKHR*: proc(instance: VkInstance, pCreateInfo: ptr VkDisplaySurfaceCreateInfoKHR, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pSurface: ptr VkSurfaceKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_KHR_display*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_KHR_surface(instance)
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceDisplayPropertiesKHR = cast[proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pPropertyCount: ptr uint32, pProperties: ptr VkDisplayPropertiesKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetPhysicalDeviceDisplayPropertiesKHR"))
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceDisplayPlanePropertiesKHR = cast[proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pPropertyCount: ptr uint32, pProperties: ptr VkDisplayPlanePropertiesKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetPhysicalDeviceDisplayPlanePropertiesKHR"))
-  vkGetDisplayPlaneSupportedDisplaysKHR = cast[proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, planeIndex: uint32, pDisplayCount: ptr uint32, pDisplays: ptr VkDisplayKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetDisplayPlaneSupportedDisplaysKHR"))
-  vkGetDisplayModePropertiesKHR = cast[proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, display: VkDisplayKHR, pPropertyCount: ptr uint32, pProperties: ptr VkDisplayModePropertiesKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetDisplayModePropertiesKHR"))
-  vkCreateDisplayModeKHR = cast[proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, display: VkDisplayKHR, pCreateInfo: ptr VkDisplayModeCreateInfoKHR, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pMode: ptr VkDisplayModeKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCreateDisplayModeKHR"))
-  vkGetDisplayPlaneCapabilitiesKHR = cast[proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, mode: VkDisplayModeKHR, planeIndex: uint32, pCapabilities: ptr VkDisplayPlaneCapabilitiesKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetDisplayPlaneCapabilitiesKHR"))
-  vkCreateDisplayPlaneSurfaceKHR = cast[proc(instance: VkInstance, pCreateInfo: ptr VkDisplaySurfaceCreateInfoKHR, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pSurface: ptr VkSurfaceKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCreateDisplayPlaneSurfaceKHR"))
-# extension VK_EXT_swapchain_maintenance1
-  vkReleaseSwapchainImagesEXT*: proc(device: VkDevice, pReleaseInfo: ptr VkReleaseSwapchainImagesInfoEXT): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_EXT_swapchain_maintenance1*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_KHR_swapchain(instance)
-  loadVK_EXT_surface_maintenance1(instance)
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  vkReleaseSwapchainImagesEXT = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pReleaseInfo: ptr VkReleaseSwapchainImagesInfoEXT): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkReleaseSwapchainImagesEXT"))
-# extension VK_EXT_direct_mode_display
-  vkReleaseDisplayEXT*: proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, display: VkDisplayKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_EXT_direct_mode_display*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_KHR_display(instance)
-  vkReleaseDisplayEXT = cast[proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, display: VkDisplayKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkReleaseDisplayEXT"))
-proc loadVK_KHR_swapchain_mutable_format*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_KHR_swapchain(instance)
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_2(instance)
-proc loadVK_EXT_swapchain_colorspace*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_KHR_surface(instance)
-# extension VK_EXT_opacity_micromap
-  vkCreateMicromapEXT*: proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkMicromapCreateInfoEXT, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pMicromap: ptr VkMicromapEXT): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkDestroyMicromapEXT*: proc(device: VkDevice, micromap: VkMicromapEXT, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdBuildMicromapsEXT*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, infoCount: uint32, pInfos: ptr VkMicromapBuildInfoEXT): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkBuildMicromapsEXT*: proc(device: VkDevice, deferredOperation: VkDeferredOperationKHR, infoCount: uint32, pInfos: ptr VkMicromapBuildInfoEXT): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkCopyMicromapEXT*: proc(device: VkDevice, deferredOperation: VkDeferredOperationKHR, pInfo: ptr VkCopyMicromapInfoEXT): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkCopyMicromapToMemoryEXT*: proc(device: VkDevice, deferredOperation: VkDeferredOperationKHR, pInfo: ptr VkCopyMicromapToMemoryInfoEXT): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkCopyMemoryToMicromapEXT*: proc(device: VkDevice, deferredOperation: VkDeferredOperationKHR, pInfo: ptr VkCopyMemoryToMicromapInfoEXT): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkWriteMicromapsPropertiesEXT*: proc(device: VkDevice, micromapCount: uint32, pMicromaps: ptr VkMicromapEXT, queryType: VkQueryType, dataSize: csize_t, pData: pointer, stride: csize_t): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdCopyMicromapEXT*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pInfo: ptr VkCopyMicromapInfoEXT): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdCopyMicromapToMemoryEXT*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pInfo: ptr VkCopyMicromapToMemoryInfoEXT): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdCopyMemoryToMicromapEXT*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pInfo: ptr VkCopyMemoryToMicromapInfoEXT): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdWriteMicromapsPropertiesEXT*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, micromapCount: uint32, pMicromaps: ptr VkMicromapEXT, queryType: VkQueryType, queryPool: VkQueryPool, firstQuery: uint32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetDeviceMicromapCompatibilityEXT*: proc(device: VkDevice, pVersionInfo: ptr VkMicromapVersionInfoEXT, pCompatibility: ptr VkAccelerationStructureCompatibilityKHR): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetMicromapBuildSizesEXT*: proc(device: VkDevice, buildType: VkAccelerationStructureBuildTypeKHR, pBuildInfo: ptr VkMicromapBuildInfoEXT, pSizeInfo: ptr VkMicromapBuildSizesInfoEXT): void {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_EXT_opacity_micromap*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_KHR_acceleration_structure(instance)
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_3(instance)
-  vkCreateMicromapEXT = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkMicromapCreateInfoEXT, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pMicromap: ptr VkMicromapEXT): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCreateMicromapEXT"))
-  vkDestroyMicromapEXT = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, micromap: VkMicromapEXT, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkDestroyMicromapEXT"))
-  vkCmdBuildMicromapsEXT = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, infoCount: uint32, pInfos: ptr VkMicromapBuildInfoEXT): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdBuildMicromapsEXT"))
-  vkBuildMicromapsEXT = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, deferredOperation: VkDeferredOperationKHR, infoCount: uint32, pInfos: ptr VkMicromapBuildInfoEXT): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkBuildMicromapsEXT"))
-  vkCopyMicromapEXT = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, deferredOperation: VkDeferredOperationKHR, pInfo: ptr VkCopyMicromapInfoEXT): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCopyMicromapEXT"))
-  vkCopyMicromapToMemoryEXT = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, deferredOperation: VkDeferredOperationKHR, pInfo: ptr VkCopyMicromapToMemoryInfoEXT): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCopyMicromapToMemoryEXT"))
-  vkCopyMemoryToMicromapEXT = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, deferredOperation: VkDeferredOperationKHR, pInfo: ptr VkCopyMemoryToMicromapInfoEXT): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCopyMemoryToMicromapEXT"))
-  vkWriteMicromapsPropertiesEXT = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, micromapCount: uint32, pMicromaps: ptr VkMicromapEXT, queryType: VkQueryType, dataSize: csize_t, pData: pointer, stride: csize_t): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkWriteMicromapsPropertiesEXT"))
-  vkCmdCopyMicromapEXT = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pInfo: ptr VkCopyMicromapInfoEXT): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdCopyMicromapEXT"))
-  vkCmdCopyMicromapToMemoryEXT = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pInfo: ptr VkCopyMicromapToMemoryInfoEXT): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdCopyMicromapToMemoryEXT"))
-  vkCmdCopyMemoryToMicromapEXT = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pInfo: ptr VkCopyMemoryToMicromapInfoEXT): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdCopyMemoryToMicromapEXT"))
-  vkCmdWriteMicromapsPropertiesEXT = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, micromapCount: uint32, pMicromaps: ptr VkMicromapEXT, queryType: VkQueryType, queryPool: VkQueryPool, firstQuery: uint32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdWriteMicromapsPropertiesEXT"))
-  vkGetDeviceMicromapCompatibilityEXT = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pVersionInfo: ptr VkMicromapVersionInfoEXT, pCompatibility: ptr VkAccelerationStructureCompatibilityKHR): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetDeviceMicromapCompatibilityEXT"))
-  vkGetMicromapBuildSizesEXT = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, buildType: VkAccelerationStructureBuildTypeKHR, pBuildInfo: ptr VkMicromapBuildInfoEXT, pSizeInfo: ptr VkMicromapBuildSizesInfoEXT): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetMicromapBuildSizesEXT"))
-proc loadVK_KHR_incremental_present*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_KHR_swapchain(instance)
-# extension VK_KHR_shared_presentable_image
-  vkGetSwapchainStatusKHR*: proc(device: VkDevice, swapchain: VkSwapchainKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_KHR_shared_presentable_image*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_KHR_swapchain(instance)
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  loadVK_KHR_get_surface_capabilities2(instance)
-  vkGetSwapchainStatusKHR = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, swapchain: VkSwapchainKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetSwapchainStatusKHR"))
-# extension VK_EXT_hdr_metadata
-  vkSetHdrMetadataEXT*: proc(device: VkDevice, swapchainCount: uint32, pSwapchains: ptr VkSwapchainKHR, pMetadata: ptr VkHdrMetadataEXT): void {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_EXT_hdr_metadata*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_KHR_swapchain(instance)
-  vkSetHdrMetadataEXT = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, swapchainCount: uint32, pSwapchains: ptr VkSwapchainKHR, pMetadata: ptr VkHdrMetadataEXT): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkSetHdrMetadataEXT"))
-proc loadVK_KHR_present_id*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_KHR_swapchain(instance)
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-# extension VK_KHR_ray_tracing_maintenance1
-  vkCmdTraceRaysIndirect2KHR*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, indirectDeviceAddress: VkDeviceAddress): void {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_KHR_ray_tracing_maintenance1*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_KHR_acceleration_structure(instance)
-  vkCmdTraceRaysIndirect2KHR = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, indirectDeviceAddress: VkDeviceAddress): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdTraceRaysIndirect2KHR"))
-# extension VK_KHR_ray_tracing_pipeline
-  vkCmdTraceRaysKHR*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pRaygenShaderBindingTable: ptr VkStridedDeviceAddressRegionKHR, pMissShaderBindingTable: ptr VkStridedDeviceAddressRegionKHR, pHitShaderBindingTable: ptr VkStridedDeviceAddressRegionKHR, pCallableShaderBindingTable: ptr VkStridedDeviceAddressRegionKHR, width: uint32, height: uint32, depth: uint32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCreateRayTracingPipelinesKHR*: proc(device: VkDevice, deferredOperation: VkDeferredOperationKHR, pipelineCache: VkPipelineCache, createInfoCount: uint32, pCreateInfos: ptr VkRayTracingPipelineCreateInfoKHR, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pPipelines: ptr VkPipeline): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetRayTracingShaderGroupHandlesKHR*: proc(device: VkDevice, pipeline: VkPipeline, firstGroup: uint32, groupCount: uint32, dataSize: csize_t, pData: pointer): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetRayTracingCaptureReplayShaderGroupHandlesKHR*: proc(device: VkDevice, pipeline: VkPipeline, firstGroup: uint32, groupCount: uint32, dataSize: csize_t, pData: pointer): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdTraceRaysIndirectKHR*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pRaygenShaderBindingTable: ptr VkStridedDeviceAddressRegionKHR, pMissShaderBindingTable: ptr VkStridedDeviceAddressRegionKHR, pHitShaderBindingTable: ptr VkStridedDeviceAddressRegionKHR, pCallableShaderBindingTable: ptr VkStridedDeviceAddressRegionKHR, indirectDeviceAddress: VkDeviceAddress): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetRayTracingShaderGroupStackSizeKHR*: proc(device: VkDevice, pipeline: VkPipeline, group: uint32, groupShader: VkShaderGroupShaderKHR): VkDeviceSize {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdSetRayTracingPipelineStackSizeKHR*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pipelineStackSize: uint32): void {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_KHR_ray_tracing_pipeline*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_2(instance)
-  loadVK_KHR_acceleration_structure(instance)
-  vkCmdTraceRaysKHR = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pRaygenShaderBindingTable: ptr VkStridedDeviceAddressRegionKHR, pMissShaderBindingTable: ptr VkStridedDeviceAddressRegionKHR, pHitShaderBindingTable: ptr VkStridedDeviceAddressRegionKHR, pCallableShaderBindingTable: ptr VkStridedDeviceAddressRegionKHR, width: uint32, height: uint32, depth: uint32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdTraceRaysKHR"))
-  vkCreateRayTracingPipelinesKHR = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, deferredOperation: VkDeferredOperationKHR, pipelineCache: VkPipelineCache, createInfoCount: uint32, pCreateInfos: ptr VkRayTracingPipelineCreateInfoKHR, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pPipelines: ptr VkPipeline): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCreateRayTracingPipelinesKHR"))
-  vkGetRayTracingShaderGroupHandlesKHR = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pipeline: VkPipeline, firstGroup: uint32, groupCount: uint32, dataSize: csize_t, pData: pointer): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetRayTracingShaderGroupHandlesKHR"))
-  vkGetRayTracingCaptureReplayShaderGroupHandlesKHR = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pipeline: VkPipeline, firstGroup: uint32, groupCount: uint32, dataSize: csize_t, pData: pointer): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetRayTracingCaptureReplayShaderGroupHandlesKHR"))
-  vkCmdTraceRaysIndirectKHR = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pRaygenShaderBindingTable: ptr VkStridedDeviceAddressRegionKHR, pMissShaderBindingTable: ptr VkStridedDeviceAddressRegionKHR, pHitShaderBindingTable: ptr VkStridedDeviceAddressRegionKHR, pCallableShaderBindingTable: ptr VkStridedDeviceAddressRegionKHR, indirectDeviceAddress: VkDeviceAddress): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdTraceRaysIndirectKHR"))
-  vkGetRayTracingShaderGroupStackSizeKHR = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pipeline: VkPipeline, group: uint32, groupShader: VkShaderGroupShaderKHR): VkDeviceSize {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetRayTracingShaderGroupStackSizeKHR"))
-  vkCmdSetRayTracingPipelineStackSizeKHR = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pipelineStackSize: uint32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdSetRayTracingPipelineStackSizeKHR"))
-# extension VK_HUAWEI_invocation_mask
-  vkCmdBindInvocationMaskHUAWEI*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, imageView: VkImageView, imageLayout: VkImageLayout): void {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_HUAWEI_invocation_mask*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_KHR_ray_tracing_pipeline(instance)
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_3(instance)
-  vkCmdBindInvocationMaskHUAWEI = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, imageView: VkImageView, imageLayout: VkImageLayout): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdBindInvocationMaskHUAWEI"))
-# extension VK_EXT_display_surface_counter
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilities2EXT*: proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, surface: VkSurfaceKHR, pSurfaceCapabilities: ptr VkSurfaceCapabilities2EXT): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_EXT_display_surface_counter*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_KHR_display(instance)
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilities2EXT = cast[proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, surface: VkSurfaceKHR, pSurfaceCapabilities: ptr VkSurfaceCapabilities2EXT): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilities2EXT"))
-# extension VK_KHR_get_display_properties2
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceDisplayProperties2KHR*: proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pPropertyCount: ptr uint32, pProperties: ptr VkDisplayProperties2KHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceDisplayPlaneProperties2KHR*: proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pPropertyCount: ptr uint32, pProperties: ptr VkDisplayPlaneProperties2KHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetDisplayModeProperties2KHR*: proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, display: VkDisplayKHR, pPropertyCount: ptr uint32, pProperties: ptr VkDisplayModeProperties2KHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetDisplayPlaneCapabilities2KHR*: proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pDisplayPlaneInfo: ptr VkDisplayPlaneInfo2KHR, pCapabilities: ptr VkDisplayPlaneCapabilities2KHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_KHR_get_display_properties2*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_KHR_display(instance)
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceDisplayProperties2KHR = cast[proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pPropertyCount: ptr uint32, pProperties: ptr VkDisplayProperties2KHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetPhysicalDeviceDisplayProperties2KHR"))
-  vkGetPhysicalDeviceDisplayPlaneProperties2KHR = cast[proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pPropertyCount: ptr uint32, pProperties: ptr VkDisplayPlaneProperties2KHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetPhysicalDeviceDisplayPlaneProperties2KHR"))
-  vkGetDisplayModeProperties2KHR = cast[proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, display: VkDisplayKHR, pPropertyCount: ptr uint32, pProperties: ptr VkDisplayModeProperties2KHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetDisplayModeProperties2KHR"))
-  vkGetDisplayPlaneCapabilities2KHR = cast[proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, pDisplayPlaneInfo: ptr VkDisplayPlaneInfo2KHR, pCapabilities: ptr VkDisplayPlaneCapabilities2KHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetDisplayPlaneCapabilities2KHR"))
-proc loadVK_KHR_ray_query*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_2(instance)
-  loadVK_KHR_acceleration_structure(instance)
-# extension VK_KHR_display_swapchain
-  vkCreateSharedSwapchainsKHR*: proc(device: VkDevice, swapchainCount: uint32, pCreateInfos: ptr VkSwapchainCreateInfoKHR, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pSwapchains: ptr VkSwapchainKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_KHR_display_swapchain*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_KHR_swapchain(instance)
-  loadVK_KHR_display(instance)
-  vkCreateSharedSwapchainsKHR = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, swapchainCount: uint32, pCreateInfos: ptr VkSwapchainCreateInfoKHR, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pSwapchains: ptr VkSwapchainKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCreateSharedSwapchainsKHR"))
-# extension VK_EXT_acquire_drm_display
-  vkAcquireDrmDisplayEXT*: proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, drmFd: int32, display: VkDisplayKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetDrmDisplayEXT*: proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, drmFd: int32, connectorId: uint32, display: ptr VkDisplayKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_EXT_acquire_drm_display*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_EXT_direct_mode_display(instance)
-  vkAcquireDrmDisplayEXT = cast[proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, drmFd: int32, display: VkDisplayKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkAcquireDrmDisplayEXT"))
-  vkGetDrmDisplayEXT = cast[proc(physicalDevice: VkPhysicalDevice, drmFd: int32, connectorId: uint32, display: ptr VkDisplayKHR): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetDrmDisplayEXT"))
-# extension VK_EXT_display_control
-  vkDisplayPowerControlEXT*: proc(device: VkDevice, display: VkDisplayKHR, pDisplayPowerInfo: ptr VkDisplayPowerInfoEXT): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkRegisterDeviceEventEXT*: proc(device: VkDevice, pDeviceEventInfo: ptr VkDeviceEventInfoEXT, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pFence: ptr VkFence): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkRegisterDisplayEventEXT*: proc(device: VkDevice, display: VkDisplayKHR, pDisplayEventInfo: ptr VkDisplayEventInfoEXT, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pFence: ptr VkFence): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetSwapchainCounterEXT*: proc(device: VkDevice, swapchain: VkSwapchainKHR, counter: VkSurfaceCounterFlagBitsEXT, pCounterValue: ptr uint64): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_EXT_display_control*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_EXT_display_surface_counter(instance)
-  loadVK_KHR_swapchain(instance)
-  vkDisplayPowerControlEXT = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, display: VkDisplayKHR, pDisplayPowerInfo: ptr VkDisplayPowerInfoEXT): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkDisplayPowerControlEXT"))
-  vkRegisterDeviceEventEXT = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pDeviceEventInfo: ptr VkDeviceEventInfoEXT, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pFence: ptr VkFence): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkRegisterDeviceEventEXT"))
-  vkRegisterDisplayEventEXT = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, display: VkDisplayKHR, pDisplayEventInfo: ptr VkDisplayEventInfoEXT, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pFence: ptr VkFence): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkRegisterDisplayEventEXT"))
-  vkGetSwapchainCounterEXT = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, swapchain: VkSwapchainKHR, counter: VkSurfaceCounterFlagBitsEXT, pCounterValue: ptr uint64): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetSwapchainCounterEXT"))
-proc loadVK_NV_ray_tracing_motion_blur*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_KHR_ray_tracing_pipeline(instance)
-proc loadVK_EXT_pipeline_library_group_handles*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_KHR_ray_tracing_pipeline(instance)
-  loadVK_KHR_pipeline_library(instance)
-# extension VK_NV_ray_tracing
-  vkCreateAccelerationStructureNV*: proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkAccelerationStructureCreateInfoNV, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pAccelerationStructure: ptr VkAccelerationStructureNV): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkDestroyAccelerationStructureNV*: proc(device: VkDevice, accelerationStructure: VkAccelerationStructureNV, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetAccelerationStructureMemoryRequirementsNV*: proc(device: VkDevice, pInfo: ptr VkAccelerationStructureMemoryRequirementsInfoNV, pMemoryRequirements: ptr VkMemoryRequirements2KHR): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkBindAccelerationStructureMemoryNV*: proc(device: VkDevice, bindInfoCount: uint32, pBindInfos: ptr VkBindAccelerationStructureMemoryInfoNV): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdBuildAccelerationStructureNV*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pInfo: ptr VkAccelerationStructureInfoNV, instanceData: VkBuffer, instanceOffset: VkDeviceSize, update: VkBool32, dst: VkAccelerationStructureNV, src: VkAccelerationStructureNV, scratch: VkBuffer, scratchOffset: VkDeviceSize): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdCopyAccelerationStructureNV*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, dst: VkAccelerationStructureNV, src: VkAccelerationStructureNV, mode: VkCopyAccelerationStructureModeKHR): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdTraceRaysNV*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, raygenShaderBindingTableBuffer: VkBuffer, raygenShaderBindingOffset: VkDeviceSize, missShaderBindingTableBuffer: VkBuffer, missShaderBindingOffset: VkDeviceSize, missShaderBindingStride: VkDeviceSize, hitShaderBindingTableBuffer: VkBuffer, hitShaderBindingOffset: VkDeviceSize, hitShaderBindingStride: VkDeviceSize, callableShaderBindingTableBuffer: VkBuffer, callableShaderBindingOffset: VkDeviceSize, callableShaderBindingStride: VkDeviceSize, width: uint32, height: uint32, depth: uint32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCreateRayTracingPipelinesNV*: proc(device: VkDevice, pipelineCache: VkPipelineCache, createInfoCount: uint32, pCreateInfos: ptr VkRayTracingPipelineCreateInfoNV, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pPipelines: ptr VkPipeline): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetRayTracingShaderGroupHandlesNV*: proc(device: VkDevice, pipeline: VkPipeline, firstGroup: uint32, groupCount: uint32, dataSize: csize_t, pData: pointer): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkGetAccelerationStructureHandleNV*: proc(device: VkDevice, accelerationStructure: VkAccelerationStructureNV, dataSize: csize_t, pData: pointer): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-  vkCmdWriteAccelerationStructuresPropertiesNV*: proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, accelerationStructureCount: uint32, pAccelerationStructures: ptr VkAccelerationStructureNV, queryType: VkQueryType, queryPool: VkQueryPool, firstQuery: uint32): void {.stdcall.}
-  vkCompileDeferredNV*: proc(device: VkDevice, pipeline: VkPipeline, shader: uint32): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_NV_ray_tracing*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  loadVK_VERSION_1_1(instance)
-  vkCreateAccelerationStructureNV = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pCreateInfo: ptr VkAccelerationStructureCreateInfoNV, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pAccelerationStructure: ptr VkAccelerationStructureNV): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCreateAccelerationStructureNV"))
-  vkDestroyAccelerationStructureNV = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, accelerationStructure: VkAccelerationStructureNV, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkDestroyAccelerationStructureNV"))
-  vkGetAccelerationStructureMemoryRequirementsNV = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pInfo: ptr VkAccelerationStructureMemoryRequirementsInfoNV, pMemoryRequirements: ptr VkMemoryRequirements2KHR): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetAccelerationStructureMemoryRequirementsNV"))
-  vkBindAccelerationStructureMemoryNV = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, bindInfoCount: uint32, pBindInfos: ptr VkBindAccelerationStructureMemoryInfoNV): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkBindAccelerationStructureMemoryNV"))
-  vkCmdBuildAccelerationStructureNV = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, pInfo: ptr VkAccelerationStructureInfoNV, instanceData: VkBuffer, instanceOffset: VkDeviceSize, update: VkBool32, dst: VkAccelerationStructureNV, src: VkAccelerationStructureNV, scratch: VkBuffer, scratchOffset: VkDeviceSize): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdBuildAccelerationStructureNV"))
-  vkCmdCopyAccelerationStructureNV = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, dst: VkAccelerationStructureNV, src: VkAccelerationStructureNV, mode: VkCopyAccelerationStructureModeKHR): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdCopyAccelerationStructureNV"))
-  vkCmdTraceRaysNV = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, raygenShaderBindingTableBuffer: VkBuffer, raygenShaderBindingOffset: VkDeviceSize, missShaderBindingTableBuffer: VkBuffer, missShaderBindingOffset: VkDeviceSize, missShaderBindingStride: VkDeviceSize, hitShaderBindingTableBuffer: VkBuffer, hitShaderBindingOffset: VkDeviceSize, hitShaderBindingStride: VkDeviceSize, callableShaderBindingTableBuffer: VkBuffer, callableShaderBindingOffset: VkDeviceSize, callableShaderBindingStride: VkDeviceSize, width: uint32, height: uint32, depth: uint32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdTraceRaysNV"))
-  vkCreateRayTracingPipelinesNV = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pipelineCache: VkPipelineCache, createInfoCount: uint32, pCreateInfos: ptr VkRayTracingPipelineCreateInfoNV, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pPipelines: ptr VkPipeline): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCreateRayTracingPipelinesNV"))
-  vkGetRayTracingShaderGroupHandlesNV = vkGetRayTracingShaderGroupHandlesKHR
-  vkGetAccelerationStructureHandleNV = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, accelerationStructure: VkAccelerationStructureNV, dataSize: csize_t, pData: pointer): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkGetAccelerationStructureHandleNV"))
-  vkCmdWriteAccelerationStructuresPropertiesNV = cast[proc(commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer, accelerationStructureCount: uint32, pAccelerationStructures: ptr VkAccelerationStructureNV, queryType: VkQueryType, queryPool: VkQueryPool, firstQuery: uint32): void {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCmdWriteAccelerationStructuresPropertiesNV"))
-  vkCompileDeferredNV = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, pipeline: VkPipeline, shader: uint32): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCompileDeferredNV"))
-# extension VK_KHR_present_wait
-  vkWaitForPresentKHR*: proc(device: VkDevice, swapchain: VkSwapchainKHR, presentId: uint64, timeout: uint64): VkResult {.stdcall.}
-proc loadVK_KHR_present_wait*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_KHR_swapchain(instance)
-  loadVK_KHR_present_id(instance)
-  vkWaitForPresentKHR = cast[proc(device: VkDevice, swapchain: VkSwapchainKHR, presentId: uint64, timeout: uint64): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkWaitForPresentKHR"))
-proc loadVK_NV_ray_tracing_invocation_reorder*(instance: VkInstance) =
-  loadVK_KHR_ray_tracing_pipeline(instance)
-  "VK_NV_optical_flow": loadVK_NV_optical_flow,
-  "VK_EXT_vertex_attribute_divisor": loadVK_EXT_vertex_attribute_divisor,
-  "VK_EXT_pipeline_library_group_handles": loadVK_EXT_pipeline_library_group_handles,
-  "VK_NV_geometry_shader_passthrough": loadVK_NV_geometry_shader_passthrough,
-  "VK_EXT_line_rasterization": loadVK_EXT_line_rasterization,
-  "VK_EXT_rasterization_order_attachment_access": loadVK_EXT_rasterization_order_attachment_access,
-  "VK_EXT_shader_atomic_float2": loadVK_EXT_shader_atomic_float2,
-  "VK_IMG_format_pvrtc": loadVK_IMG_format_pvrtc,
-  "VK_AMD_texture_gather_bias_lod": loadVK_AMD_texture_gather_bias_lod,
-  "VK_KHR_shader_subgroup_uniform_control_flow": loadVK_KHR_shader_subgroup_uniform_control_flow,
-  "VK_AMD_shader_fragment_mask": loadVK_AMD_shader_fragment_mask,
-  "VK_EXT_external_memory_dma_buf": loadVK_EXT_external_memory_dma_buf,
-  "VK_IMG_filter_cubic": loadVK_IMG_filter_cubic,
-  "VK_EXT_pageable_device_local_memory": loadVK_EXT_pageable_device_local_memory,
-  "VK_EXT_primitive_topology_list_restart": loadVK_EXT_primitive_topology_list_restart,
-  "VK_KHR_global_priority": loadVK_KHR_global_priority,
-  "VK_AMD_shader_ballot": loadVK_AMD_shader_ballot,
-  "VK_AMD_buffer_marker": loadVK_AMD_buffer_marker,
-  "VK_NV_corner_sampled_image": loadVK_NV_corner_sampled_image,
-  "VK_NV_ray_tracing_invocation_reorder": loadVK_NV_ray_tracing_invocation_reorder,
-  "VK_QCOM_image_processing": loadVK_QCOM_image_processing,
-  "VK_AMD_shader_info": loadVK_AMD_shader_info,
-  "VK_KHR_pipeline_library": loadVK_KHR_pipeline_library,
-  "VK_EXT_blend_operation_advanced": loadVK_EXT_blend_operation_advanced,
-  "VK_AMD_gpu_shader_int16": loadVK_AMD_gpu_shader_int16,
-  "VK_EXT_pipeline_robustness": loadVK_EXT_pipeline_robustness,
-  "VK_NV_scissor_exclusive": loadVK_NV_scissor_exclusive,
-  "VK_EXT_sample_locations": loadVK_EXT_sample_locations,
-  "VK_NV_framebuffer_mixed_samples": loadVK_NV_framebuffer_mixed_samples,
-  "VK_NV_sample_mask_override_coverage": loadVK_NV_sample_mask_override_coverage,
-  "VK_KHR_present_id": loadVK_KHR_present_id,
-  "VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer": loadVK_EXT_descriptor_buffer,
-  "VK_EXT_filter_cubic": loadVK_EXT_filter_cubic,
-  "VK_KHR_pipeline_executable_properties": loadVK_KHR_pipeline_executable_properties,
-  "VK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state3": loadVK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state3,
-  "VK_KHR_performance_query": loadVK_KHR_performance_query,
-  "VK_GOOGLE_user_type": loadVK_GOOGLE_user_type,
-  "VK_KHR_ray_tracing_maintenance1": loadVK_KHR_ray_tracing_maintenance1,
-  "VK_EXT_debug_report": loadVK_EXT_debug_report,
-  "VK_EXT_multisampled_render_to_single_sampled": loadVK_EXT_multisampled_render_to_single_sampled,
-  "VK_EXT_device_address_binding_report": loadVK_EXT_device_address_binding_report,
-  "VK_NV_clip_space_w_scaling": loadVK_NV_clip_space_w_scaling,
-  "VK_NV_fill_rectangle": loadVK_NV_fill_rectangle,
-  "VK_EXT_shader_image_atomic_int64": loadVK_EXT_shader_image_atomic_int64,
-  "VK_KHR_swapchain": loadVK_KHR_swapchain,
-  "VK_NV_ray_tracing": loadVK_NV_ray_tracing,
-  "VK_EXT_swapchain_maintenance1": loadVK_EXT_swapchain_maintenance1,
-  "VK_KHR_ray_tracing_pipeline": loadVK_KHR_ray_tracing_pipeline,
-  "VK_EXT_ycbcr_image_arrays": loadVK_EXT_ycbcr_image_arrays,
-  "VK_AMD_negative_viewport_height": loadVK_AMD_negative_viewport_height,
-  "VK_EXT_provoking_vertex": loadVK_EXT_provoking_vertex,
-  "VK_EXT_calibrated_timestamps": loadVK_EXT_calibrated_timestamps,
-  "VK_EXT_attachment_feedback_loop_layout": loadVK_EXT_attachment_feedback_loop_layout,
-  "VK_AMD_mixed_attachment_samples": loadVK_AMD_mixed_attachment_samples,
-  "VK_HUAWEI_invocation_mask": loadVK_HUAWEI_invocation_mask,
-  "VK_EXT_external_memory_host": loadVK_EXT_external_memory_host,
-  "VK_NV_device_diagnostics_config": loadVK_NV_device_diagnostics_config,
-  "VK_EXT_fragment_density_map2": loadVK_EXT_fragment_density_map2,
-  "VK_NV_shader_subgroup_partitioned": loadVK_NV_shader_subgroup_partitioned,
-  "VK_EXT_image_sliced_view_of_3d": loadVK_EXT_image_sliced_view_of_3d,
-  "VK_NV_fragment_shading_rate_enums": loadVK_NV_fragment_shading_rate_enums,
-  "VK_EXT_display_surface_counter": loadVK_EXT_display_surface_counter,
-  "VK_ARM_shader_core_properties": loadVK_ARM_shader_core_properties,
-  "VK_EXT_shader_module_identifier": loadVK_EXT_shader_module_identifier,
-  "VK_EXT_border_color_swizzle": loadVK_EXT_border_color_swizzle,
-  "VK_AMD_shader_image_load_store_lod": loadVK_AMD_shader_image_load_store_lod,
-  "VK_AMD_display_native_hdr": loadVK_AMD_display_native_hdr,
-  "VK_NV_memory_decompression": loadVK_NV_memory_decompression,
-  "VK_EXT_direct_mode_display": loadVK_EXT_direct_mode_display,
-  "VK_EXT_fragment_shader_interlock": loadVK_EXT_fragment_shader_interlock,
-  "VK_NV_coverage_reduction_mode": loadVK_NV_coverage_reduction_mode,
-  "VK_KHR_get_display_properties2": loadVK_KHR_get_display_properties2,
-  "VK_INTEL_shader_integer_functions2": loadVK_INTEL_shader_integer_functions2,
-  "VK_NV_glsl_shader": loadVK_NV_glsl_shader,
-  "VK_KHR_shader_clock": loadVK_KHR_shader_clock,
-  "VK_EXT_image_2d_view_of_3d": loadVK_EXT_image_2d_view_of_3d,
-  "VK_QCOM_tile_properties": loadVK_QCOM_tile_properties,
-  "VK_KHR_push_descriptor": loadVK_KHR_push_descriptor,
-  "VK_NV_viewport_swizzle": loadVK_NV_viewport_swizzle,
-  "VK_KHR_ray_query": loadVK_KHR_ray_query,
-  "VK_KHR_present_wait": loadVK_KHR_present_wait,
-  "VK_NV_shading_rate_image": loadVK_NV_shading_rate_image,
-  "VK_EXT_fragment_density_map": loadVK_EXT_fragment_density_map,
-  "VK_NV_device_diagnostic_checkpoints": loadVK_NV_device_diagnostic_checkpoints,
-  "VK_EXT_pci_bus_info": loadVK_EXT_pci_bus_info,
-  "VK_NV_external_memory": loadVK_NV_external_memory,
-  "VK_EXT_queue_family_foreign": loadVK_EXT_queue_family_foreign,
-  "VK_KHR_swapchain_mutable_format": loadVK_KHR_swapchain_mutable_format,
-  "VK_EXT_depth_clip_control": loadVK_EXT_depth_clip_control,
-  "VK_EXT_debug_utils": loadVK_EXT_debug_utils,
-  "VK_KHR_portability_enumeration": loadVK_KHR_portability_enumeration,
-  "VK_EXT_memory_priority": loadVK_EXT_memory_priority,
-  "VK_EXT_validation_flags": loadVK_EXT_validation_flags,
-  "VK_AMD_shader_core_properties": loadVK_AMD_shader_core_properties,
-  "VK_EXT_conservative_rasterization": loadVK_EXT_conservative_rasterization,
-  "VK_KHR_external_fence_fd": loadVK_KHR_external_fence_fd,
-  "VK_NV_device_generated_commands": loadVK_NV_device_generated_commands,
-  "VK_NV_present_barrier": loadVK_NV_present_barrier,
-  "VK_AMD_gcn_shader": loadVK_AMD_gcn_shader,
-  "VK_NV_viewport_array2": loadVK_NV_viewport_array2,
-  "VK_INTEL_performance_query": loadVK_INTEL_performance_query,
-  "VK_NVX_multiview_per_view_attributes": loadVK_NVX_multiview_per_view_attributes,
-  "VK_EXT_primitives_generated_query": loadVK_EXT_primitives_generated_query,
-  "VK_AMD_pipeline_compiler_control": loadVK_AMD_pipeline_compiler_control,
-  "VK_EXT_post_depth_coverage": loadVK_EXT_post_depth_coverage,
-  "VK_EXT_rgba10x6_formats": loadVK_EXT_rgba10x6_formats,
-  "VK_KHR_external_memory_fd": loadVK_KHR_external_memory_fd,
-  "VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing": loadVK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing,
-  "VK_NV_cooperative_matrix": loadVK_NV_cooperative_matrix,
-  "VK_EXT_depth_clamp_zero_one": loadVK_EXT_depth_clamp_zero_one,
-  "VK_EXT_conditional_rendering": loadVK_EXT_conditional_rendering,
-  "VK_QCOM_multiview_per_view_viewports": loadVK_QCOM_multiview_per_view_viewports,
-  "VK_NV_linear_color_attachment": loadVK_NV_linear_color_attachment,
-  "VK_EXT_shader_subgroup_ballot": loadVK_EXT_shader_subgroup_ballot,
-  "VK_EXT_multi_draw": loadVK_EXT_multi_draw,
-  "VK_NV_fragment_coverage_to_color": loadVK_NV_fragment_coverage_to_color,
-  "VK_EXT_load_store_op_none": loadVK_EXT_load_store_op_none,
-  "VK_QCOM_rotated_copy_commands": loadVK_QCOM_rotated_copy_commands,
-  "VK_EXT_surface_maintenance1": loadVK_EXT_surface_maintenance1,
-  "VK_EXT_swapchain_colorspace": loadVK_EXT_swapchain_colorspace,
-  "VK_EXT_image_drm_format_modifier": loadVK_EXT_image_drm_format_modifier,
-  "VK_EXT_validation_features": loadVK_EXT_validation_features,
-  "VK_KHR_workgroup_memory_explicit_layout": loadVK_KHR_workgroup_memory_explicit_layout,
-  "VK_EXT_index_type_uint8": loadVK_EXT_index_type_uint8,
-  "VK_EXT_mesh_shader": loadVK_EXT_mesh_shader,
-  "VK_AMD_shader_early_and_late_fragment_tests": loadVK_AMD_shader_early_and_late_fragment_tests,
-  "VK_KHR_display_swapchain": loadVK_KHR_display_swapchain,
-  "VK_EXT_transform_feedback": loadVK_EXT_transform_feedback,
-  "VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string": loadVK_GOOGLE_decorate_string,
-  "VK_EXT_shader_atomic_float": loadVK_EXT_shader_atomic_float,
-  "VK_EXT_acquire_drm_display": loadVK_EXT_acquire_drm_display,
-  "VK_EXT_pipeline_properties": loadVK_EXT_pipeline_properties,
-  "VK_EXT_graphics_pipeline_library": loadVK_EXT_graphics_pipeline_library,
-  "VK_KHR_acceleration_structure": loadVK_KHR_acceleration_structure,
-  "VK_AMD_shader_core_properties2": loadVK_AMD_shader_core_properties2,
-  "VK_KHR_surface": loadVK_KHR_surface,
-  "VK_AMD_gpu_shader_half_float": loadVK_AMD_gpu_shader_half_float,
-  "VK_KHR_deferred_host_operations": loadVK_KHR_deferred_host_operations,
-  "VK_NV_dedicated_allocation": loadVK_NV_dedicated_allocation,
-  "VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1": loadVK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1,
-  "VK_EXT_robustness2": loadVK_EXT_robustness2,
-  "VK_NVX_image_view_handle": loadVK_NVX_image_view_handle,
-  "VK_EXT_non_seamless_cube_map": loadVK_EXT_non_seamless_cube_map,
-  "VK_EXT_opacity_micromap": loadVK_EXT_opacity_micromap,
-  "VK_EXT_image_view_min_lod": loadVK_EXT_image_view_min_lod,
-  "VK_AMD_shader_trinary_minmax": loadVK_AMD_shader_trinary_minmax,
-  "VK_QCOM_render_pass_store_ops": loadVK_QCOM_render_pass_store_ops,
-  "VK_EXT_device_fault": loadVK_EXT_device_fault,
-  "VK_EXT_custom_border_color": loadVK_EXT_custom_border_color,
-  "VK_EXT_mutable_descriptor_type": loadVK_EXT_mutable_descriptor_type,
-  "VK_AMD_rasterization_order": loadVK_AMD_rasterization_order,
-  "VK_EXT_vertex_input_dynamic_state": loadVK_EXT_vertex_input_dynamic_state,
-  "VK_KHR_incremental_present": loadVK_KHR_incremental_present,
-  "VK_KHR_fragment_shading_rate": loadVK_KHR_fragment_shading_rate,
-  "VK_EXT_color_write_enable": loadVK_EXT_color_write_enable,
-  "VK_SEC_amigo_profiling": loadVK_SEC_amigo_profiling,
-  "VK_GOOGLE_display_timing": loadVK_GOOGLE_display_timing,
-  "VK_NVX_binary_import": loadVK_NVX_binary_import,
-  "VK_EXT_depth_clip_enable": loadVK_EXT_depth_clip_enable,
-  "VK_EXT_subpass_merge_feedback": loadVK_EXT_subpass_merge_feedback,
-  "VK_NV_representative_fragment_test": loadVK_NV_representative_fragment_test,
-  "VK_EXT_validation_cache": loadVK_EXT_validation_cache,
-  "VK_EXT_display_control": loadVK_EXT_display_control,
-  "VK_KHR_external_semaphore_fd": loadVK_KHR_external_semaphore_fd,
-  "VK_KHR_fragment_shader_barycentric": loadVK_KHR_fragment_shader_barycentric,
-  "VK_NV_inherited_viewport_scissor": loadVK_NV_inherited_viewport_scissor,
-  "VK_EXT_legacy_dithering": loadVK_EXT_legacy_dithering,
-  "VK_NV_ray_tracing_motion_blur": loadVK_NV_ray_tracing_motion_blur,
-  "VK_EXT_physical_device_drm": loadVK_EXT_physical_device_drm,
-  "VK_EXT_pipeline_protected_access": loadVK_EXT_pipeline_protected_access,
-  "VK_QCOM_render_pass_transform": loadVK_QCOM_render_pass_transform,
-  "VK_GOOGLE_surfaceless_query": loadVK_GOOGLE_surfaceless_query,
-  "VK_EXT_memory_budget": loadVK_EXT_memory_budget,
-  "VK_EXT_discard_rectangles": loadVK_EXT_discard_rectangles,
-  "VK_EXT_shader_stencil_export": loadVK_EXT_shader_stencil_export,
-  "VK_KHR_shared_presentable_image": loadVK_KHR_shared_presentable_image,
-  "VK_NV_external_memory_rdma": loadVK_NV_external_memory_rdma,
-  "VK_EXT_image_compression_control_swapchain": loadVK_EXT_image_compression_control_swapchain,
-  "VK_EXT_hdr_metadata": loadVK_EXT_hdr_metadata,
-  "VK_AMD_device_coherent_memory": loadVK_AMD_device_coherent_memory,
-  "VK_EXT_device_memory_report": loadVK_EXT_device_memory_report,
-  "VK_ARM_shader_core_builtins": loadVK_ARM_shader_core_builtins,
-  "VK_QCOM_multiview_per_view_render_areas": loadVK_QCOM_multiview_per_view_render_areas,
-  "VK_LUNARG_direct_driver_loading": loadVK_LUNARG_direct_driver_loading,
-  "VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior": loadVK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior,
-  "VK_NV_mesh_shader": loadVK_NV_mesh_shader,
-  "VK_AMD_shader_explicit_vertex_parameter": loadVK_AMD_shader_explicit_vertex_parameter,
-  "VK_EXT_headless_surface": loadVK_EXT_headless_surface,
-  "VK_NV_shader_sm_builtins": loadVK_NV_shader_sm_builtins,
-  "VK_EXT_shader_subgroup_vote": loadVK_EXT_shader_subgroup_vote,
-  "VK_NV_copy_memory_indirect": loadVK_NV_copy_memory_indirect,
-  "VK_EXT_image_compression_control": loadVK_EXT_image_compression_control,
-  "VK_EXT_astc_decode_mode": loadVK_EXT_astc_decode_mode,
-  "VK_EXT_buffer_device_address": loadVK_EXT_buffer_device_address,
-  "VK_KHR_get_surface_capabilities2": loadVK_KHR_get_surface_capabilities2,
-  "VK_KHR_display": loadVK_KHR_display,
-  "VK_QCOM_render_pass_shader_resolve": loadVK_QCOM_render_pass_shader_resolve,
-  "VK_EXT_depth_range_unrestricted": loadVK_EXT_depth_range_unrestricted,
-  "VK_HUAWEI_subpass_shading": loadVK_HUAWEI_subpass_shading,
-  "VK_VALVE_descriptor_set_host_mapping": loadVK_VALVE_descriptor_set_host_mapping,
-  "VK_HUAWEI_cluster_culling_shader": loadVK_HUAWEI_cluster_culling_shader,
-  "VK_KHR_surface_protected_capabilities": loadVK_KHR_surface_protected_capabilities,
-  "VK_NV_shader_image_footprint": loadVK_NV_shader_image_footprint,
-  "VK_NV_external_memory_capabilities": loadVK_NV_external_memory_capabilities,
-  "VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives": loadVK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives,
-  "VK_QCOM_fragment_density_map_offset": loadVK_QCOM_fragment_density_map_offset,
-when defined(VK_USE_PLATFORM_XLIB_KHR):
-  include ../vulkan/platform/xlib
-  EXTENSION_LOADERS["VK_KHR_xlib_surface"] = loadVK_KHR_xlib_surface
-  include ../vulkan/platform/xlib_xrandr
-  EXTENSION_LOADERS["VK_EXT_acquire_xlib_display"] = loadVK_EXT_acquire_xlib_display
-when defined(VK_USE_PLATFORM_XCB_KHR):
-  include ../vulkan/platform/xcb
-  EXTENSION_LOADERS["VK_KHR_xcb_surface"] = loadVK_KHR_xcb_surface
-  include ../vulkan/platform/wayland
-  EXTENSION_LOADERS["VK_KHR_wayland_surface"] = loadVK_KHR_wayland_surface
-  include ../vulkan/platform/directfb
-  EXTENSION_LOADERS["VK_EXT_directfb_surface"] = loadVK_EXT_directfb_surface
-  include ../vulkan/platform/android
-  EXTENSION_LOADERS["VK_KHR_android_surface"] = loadVK_KHR_android_surface
-  EXTENSION_LOADERS["VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer"] = loadVK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer
-when defined(VK_USE_PLATFORM_WIN32_KHR):
-  include ../vulkan/platform/win32
-  EXTENSION_LOADERS["VK_KHR_external_semaphore_win32"] = loadVK_KHR_external_semaphore_win32
-  EXTENSION_LOADERS["VK_EXT_full_screen_exclusive"] = loadVK_EXT_full_screen_exclusive
-  EXTENSION_LOADERS["VK_NV_external_memory_win32"] = loadVK_NV_external_memory_win32
-  EXTENSION_LOADERS["VK_KHR_external_memory_win32"] = loadVK_KHR_external_memory_win32
-  EXTENSION_LOADERS["VK_NV_acquire_winrt_display"] = loadVK_NV_acquire_winrt_display
-  EXTENSION_LOADERS["VK_KHR_win32_surface"] = loadVK_KHR_win32_surface
-  EXTENSION_LOADERS["VK_KHR_external_fence_win32"] = loadVK_KHR_external_fence_win32
-  EXTENSION_LOADERS["VK_KHR_win32_keyed_mutex"] = loadVK_KHR_win32_keyed_mutex
-when defined(VK_USE_PLATFORM_VI_NN):
-  include ../vulkan/platform/vi
-  EXTENSION_LOADERS["VK_NN_vi_surface"] = loadVK_NN_vi_surface
-when defined(VK_USE_PLATFORM_IOS_MVK):
-  include ../vulkan/platform/ios
-  EXTENSION_LOADERS["VK_MVK_ios_surface"] = loadVK_MVK_ios_surface
-  include ../vulkan/platform/macos
-  EXTENSION_LOADERS["VK_MVK_macos_surface"] = loadVK_MVK_macos_surface
-  include ../vulkan/platform/metal
-  EXTENSION_LOADERS["VK_EXT_metal_objects"] = loadVK_EXT_metal_objects
-  EXTENSION_LOADERS["VK_EXT_metal_surface"] = loadVK_EXT_metal_surface
-  include ../vulkan/platform/fuchsia
-  EXTENSION_LOADERS["VK_FUCHSIA_external_semaphore"] = loadVK_FUCHSIA_external_semaphore
-  EXTENSION_LOADERS["VK_FUCHSIA_imagepipe_surface"] = loadVK_FUCHSIA_imagepipe_surface
-  EXTENSION_LOADERS["VK_FUCHSIA_external_memory"] = loadVK_FUCHSIA_external_memory
-  EXTENSION_LOADERS["VK_FUCHSIA_buffer_collection"] = loadVK_FUCHSIA_buffer_collection
-when defined(VK_USE_PLATFORM_GGP):
-  include ../vulkan/platform/ggp
-  EXTENSION_LOADERS["VK_GGP_frame_token"] = loadVK_GGP_frame_token
-  EXTENSION_LOADERS["VK_GGP_stream_descriptor_surface"] = loadVK_GGP_stream_descriptor_surface
-when defined(VK_USE_PLATFORM_SCI):
-  include ../vulkan/platform/sci
-  include ../vulkan/platform/provisional
-  EXTENSION_LOADERS["VK_KHR_video_encode_queue"] = loadVK_KHR_video_encode_queue
-  EXTENSION_LOADERS["VK_KHR_video_queue"] = loadVK_KHR_video_queue
-  EXTENSION_LOADERS["VK_EXT_video_encode_h264"] = loadVK_EXT_video_encode_h264
-  EXTENSION_LOADERS["VK_EXT_video_encode_h265"] = loadVK_EXT_video_encode_h265
-  EXTENSION_LOADERS["VK_KHR_video_decode_queue"] = loadVK_KHR_video_decode_queue
-  EXTENSION_LOADERS["VK_KHR_video_decode_h264"] = loadVK_KHR_video_decode_h264
-  EXTENSION_LOADERS["VK_KHR_portability_subset"] = loadVK_KHR_portability_subset
-  EXTENSION_LOADERS["VK_KHR_video_decode_h265"] = loadVK_KHR_video_decode_h265
-  include ../vulkan/platform/screen
-  EXTENSION_LOADERS["VK_QNX_screen_surface"] = loadVK_QNX_screen_surface
-proc loadExtension*(instance: VkInstance, extension: string) =
-  if extension in EXTENSION_LOADERS:
-    EXTENSION_LOADERS[extension](instance)
-# load global functions immediately
-block globalFunctions:
-  let instance = VkInstance(0)
-  vkEnumerateInstanceVersion = cast[proc(pApiVersion: ptr uint32): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkEnumerateInstanceVersion"))
-  vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties = cast[proc(pLayerName: cstring, pPropertyCount: ptr uint32, pProperties: ptr VkExtensionProperties): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties"))
-  vkEnumerateInstanceLayerProperties = cast[proc(pPropertyCount: ptr uint32, pProperties: ptr VkLayerProperties): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkEnumerateInstanceLayerProperties"))
-  vkCreateInstance = cast[proc(pCreateInfo: ptr VkInstanceCreateInfo, pAllocator: ptr VkAllocationCallbacks, pInstance: ptr VkInstance): VkResult {.stdcall.}](vkGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, "vkCreateInstance"))
-converter NimBool2VkBool*(a: bool): VkBool32 = VkBool32(a)
--- a/semiconginev2/old/panel.nim	Mon Jul 22 15:53:32 2024 +0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-import std/strformat
-import std/tables
-import ./core
-import ./mesh
-import ./material
-import ./vulkan/shader
-import ./events
-  # font shader
-  SHADER_ATTRIB_PREFIX = "semicon_panel_"
-  PANEL_MATERIAL_TYPE* = MaterialType(
-    name: "default-panel-material-type",
-    vertexAttributes: {POSITION_ATTRIB: Vec3F32, UV_ATTRIB: Vec2F32}.toTable,
-    instanceAttributes: {TRANSFORM_ATTRIB: Mat4F32, MATERIALINDEX_ATTRIBUTE: UInt16}.toTable,
-    attributes: {"panelTexture": TextureType, "color": Vec4F32}.toTable,
-  )
-  PANEL_SHADER* = CreateShaderConfiguration(
-    name = "panel shader",
-    inputs = [
-      Attr[Mat4](TRANSFORM_ATTRIB, memoryPerformanceHint = PreferFastWrite, perInstance = true),
-      Attr[Vec3f](POSITION_ATTRIB, memoryPerformanceHint = PreferFastWrite),
-      Attr[Vec2f](UV_ATTRIB, memoryPerformanceHint = PreferFastWrite),
-      Attr[uint16](MATERIALINDEX_ATTRIBUTE, memoryPerformanceHint = PreferFastRead, perInstance = true),
-    ],
-    intermediates = [
-      Attr[Vec2f]("uvFrag"),
-      Attr[uint16]("materialIndexOut", noInterpolation = true)
-    ],
-    outputs = [Attr[Vec4f]("color")],
-    uniforms = [Attr[Vec4f]("color", arrayCount = MAX_PANEL_MATERIALS), Attr[float32](ASPECT_RATIO_ATTRIBUTE)],
-    samplers = [Attr[Texture]("panelTexture", arrayCount = MAX_PANEL_MATERIALS)],
-    vertexCode = &"""
-  uvFrag = {UV_ATTRIB};
-  materialIndexOut = {MATERIALINDEX_ATTRIBUTE};
-  """,
-    fragmentCode = &"""color = Uniforms.color[materialIndexOut] * texture(panelTexture[materialIndexOut], uvFrag);"""
-  )
-var instanceCounter = 0
-  Panel* = object
-    texture: Texture
-    horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment = Center
-    verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment = Center
-    dirty: bool
-    mesh*: Mesh
-    # input handling
-    onMouseDown*: proc(panel: var Panel, buttons: set[MouseButton])
-    onMouseUp*: proc(panel: var Panel, buttons: set[MouseButton])
-    onMouseEnter*: proc(panel: var Panel)
-    onMouseMove*: proc(panel: var Panel)
-    onMouseLeave*: proc(panel: var Panel)
-    hasMouse*: bool
-proc `$`*(panel: Panel): string =
-  &"Panel {panel.mesh}"
-proc Refresh*(panel: var Panel) =
-  if not panel.dirty:
-    return
-  var
-    offsetX = case panel.horizontalAlignment
-      of Left: 0.5
-      of Center: 0
-      of Right: -0.5
-    offsetY = case panel.verticalAlignment
-      of Top: 0.5
-      of Center: 0
-      of Bottom: -0.5
-  panel.mesh[POSITION_ATTRIB, 0] = NewVec3f(-0.5 + offsetX, -0.5 + offsetY)
-  panel.mesh[POSITION_ATTRIB, 1] = NewVec3f(+0.5 + offsetX, -0.5 + offsetY)
-  panel.mesh[POSITION_ATTRIB, 2] = NewVec3f(+0.5 + offsetX, +0.5 + offsetY)
-  panel.mesh[POSITION_ATTRIB, 3] = NewVec3f(-0.5 + offsetX, +0.5 + offsetY)
-  panel.dirty = false
-proc InitPanel*(
-  transform = Unit4,
-  color = NewVec4f(1, 1, 1, 1),
-  texture = EMPTY_TEXTURE,
-  horizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center,
-  verticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center,
-  onMouseDown: proc(panel: var Panel, buttons: set[MouseButton]) = nil,
-  onMouseUp: proc(panel: var Panel, buttons: set[MouseButton]) = nil,
-  onMouseEnter: proc(panel: var Panel) = nil,
-  onMouseMove: proc(panel: var Panel) = nil,
-  onMouseLeave: proc(panel: var Panel) = nil,
-): Panel =
-  result = Panel(
-    texture: texture,
-    horizontalAlignment: horizontalAlignment,
-    verticalAlignment: verticalAlignment,
-    onMouseDown: onMouseDown,
-    onMouseUp: onMouseUp,
-    onMouseEnter: onMouseEnter,
-    onMouseMove: onMouseMove,
-    onMouseLeave: onMouseLeave,
-    dirty: true,
-  )
-  result.mesh = NewMesh(
-    name = &"panel-{instanceCounter}",
-    positions = newSeq[Vec3f](4),
-    indices = @[
-      [uint16(0), uint16(1), uint16(2)],
-      [uint16(2), uint16(3), uint16(0)],
-    ],
-    uvs = @[NewVec2f(0, 1), NewVec2f(1, 1), NewVec2f(1, 0), NewVec2f(0, 0)],
-    transform = transform
-  )
-  result.mesh[].RenameAttribute("position", POSITION_ATTRIB)
-  result.mesh[].RenameAttribute("uv", UV_ATTRIB)
-  result.mesh.material = InitMaterialData(
-    name = "Panel material",
-    attributes = {"panelTexture": InitDataList(@[texture]), "color": InitDataList(@[color])},
-  )
-  inc instanceCounter
-  result.Refresh()
-proc Color*(panel: Panel): Vec4f =
-  panel.mesh.material["color", 0, Vec4f]
-proc `color=`*(panel: var Panel, value: Vec4f) =
-  if value != panel.mesh.material["color", 0, Vec4f]:
-    panel.mesh.material["color", 0] = value
-proc HorizontalAlignment*(panel: Panel): HorizontalAlignment =
-  panel.horizontalAlignment
-proc `horizontalAlignment=`*(panel: var Panel, value: HorizontalAlignment) =
-  if value != panel.horizontalAlignment:
-    panel.horizontalAlignment = value
-    panel.dirty = true
-proc VerticalAlignment*(panel: Panel): VerticalAlignment =
-  panel.verticalAlignment
-proc `verticalAlignment=`*(panel: var Panel, value: VerticalAlignment) =
-  if value != panel.verticalAlignment:
-    panel.verticalAlignment = value
-    panel.dirty = true
-proc Contains*(panel: Panel, p: Vec2f, aspectRatio: float32): bool =
-  let
-    cursor = panel.mesh.transform.Inversed * p.ToVec3
-    p1 = panel.mesh[POSITION_ATTRIB, 0, Vec3f]
-    p2 = panel.mesh[POSITION_ATTRIB, 2, Vec3f]
-    left = min(p1.x, p2.x)
-    right = max(p1.x, p2.x)
-    top = min(p1.y * aspectRatio, p2.y * aspectRatio)
-    bottom = max(p1.y * aspectRatio, p2.y * aspectRatio)
-  return left <= cursor.x and cursor.x <= right and top <= cursor.y and cursor.y <= bottom
--- a/semiconginev2/old/resources.nim	Mon Jul 22 15:53:32 2024 +0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-import std/parsecfg
-import std/streams
-import std/algorithm
-import std/json
-import std/strutils
-import std/sequtils
-import std/strformat
-import std/os
-import std/sets
-import std/unicode
-import ./core
-import ./resources/image
-import ./resources/audio
-import ./resources/mesh
-import ./resources/font
-import ./mesh
-import ./material
-export image
-export audio
-export mesh
-  ResourceBundlingType = enum
-    Dir # Directories
-    Zip # Zip files
-    Exe # Embeded in executable
-  thebundletype = parseEnum[ResourceBundlingType](PACKAGETYPE.toLowerAscii().capitalizeAscii())
-  ASCII_CHARSET = PrintableChars.toSeq.toRunes
-  DEFAULT_PACKAGE = "default"
-# resource loading
-func normalizeDir(dir: string): string =
-  result = dir
-  if result.startsWith("./"):
-    result = result[2 .. ^1]
-  if result.startsWith("/"):
-    result = result[1 .. ^1]
-  result = dir.replace('\\', '/')
-  if not result.endsWith("/") and result != "":
-    result = result & "/"
-when thebundletype == Dir:
-  proc resourceRoot(): string =
-    getAppDir().absolutePath().joinPath(RESOURCEROOT)
-  proc packageRoot(package: string): string =
-    resourceRoot().joinPath(package)
-  proc loadResource_intern(path: string, package: string): Stream =
-    let realpath = package.packageRoot().joinPath(path)
-    if not realpath.fileExists():
-      raise newException(Exception, &"Resource {path} not found (checked {realpath})")
-    newFileStream(realpath, fmRead)
-  proc modList_intern(): seq[string] =
-    for kind, file in walkDir(resourceRoot(), relative = true):
-      if kind == pcDir:
-        result.add file
-  iterator walkResources_intern(dir: string, package = DEFAULT_PACKAGE): string =
-    for file in walkDirRec(package.packageRoot().joinPath(dir), relative = true):
-      yield file
-  iterator ls_intern(dir: string, package: string): tuple[kind: PathComponent, path: string] =
-    for i in walkDir(package.packageRoot().joinPath(dir), relative = true):
-      yield i
-elif thebundletype == Zip:
-  import ./thirdparty/zippy/zippy/ziparchives
-  proc resourceRoot(): string =
-    absolutePath(getAppDir()).joinPath(RESOURCEROOT)
-  proc packageRoot(package: string): string =
-    resourceRoot().joinPath(package)
-  proc loadResource_intern(path: string, package: string): Stream =
-    let archive = openZipArchive(package.packageRoot() & ".zip")
-    try:
-      result = newStringStream(archive.extractFile(path))
-    except ZippyError:
-      raise newException(Exception, &"Resource {path} not found")
-    archive.close()
-  proc modList_intern(): seq[string] =
-    for kind, file in walkDir(resourceRoot(), relative = true):
-      if kind == pcFile and file.endsWith(".zip"):
-        result.add file[0 ..< ^4]
-  iterator walkResources_intern(dir: string, package = DEFAULT_PACKAGE): string =
-    let archive = openZipArchive(package.packageRoot() & ".zip")
-    let normDir = dir.normalizeDir()
-    for i in archive.walkFiles:
-      if i.startsWith(normDir):
-        yield i
-    archive.close()
-  iterator ls_intern(dir: string, package: string): tuple[kind: PathComponent, path: string] =
-    let archive = openZipArchive(package.packageRoot() & ".zip")
-    let normDir = dir.normalizeDir()
-    var yielded: HashSet[string]
-    for i in archive.walkFiles:
-      if i.startsWith(normDir):
-        let components = i[normDir.len .. ^1].split('/', maxsplit = 1)
-        if components.len == 1:
-          if not (components[0] in yielded):
-            yield (kind: pcFile, path: components[0])
-        else:
-          if not (components[0] in yielded):
-            yield (kind: pcDir, path: components[0])
-        yielded.incl components[0]
-    archive.close()
-elif thebundletype == Exe:
-  import std/tables
-  const BUILD_RESOURCEROOT* {.strdefine.}: string = ""
-  proc loadResources(): Table[string, Table[string, string]] {.compileTime.} =
-    when BUILD_RESOURCEROOT == "":
-      {.warning: "BUILD_RESOURCEROOT is empty, no resources will be packaged".}
-      return
-    else:
-      for kind, packageDir in walkDir(BUILD_RESOURCEROOT):
-        if kind == pcDir:
-          let package = packageDir.splitPath.tail
-          result[package] = Table[string, string]()
-          for resourcefile in walkDirRec(packageDir, relative = true):
-            result[package][resourcefile.replace('\\', '/')] = staticRead(packageDir.joinPath(resourcefile))
-  const bundledResources = loadResources()
-  proc loadResource_intern(path: string, package: string): Stream =
-    if not (path in bundledResources[package]):
-      raise newException(Exception, &"Resource {path} not found")
-    newStringStream(bundledResources[package][path])
-  proc modList_intern(): seq[string] =
-    result = bundledResources.keys().toSeq()
-  iterator walkResources_intern(dir: string, package = DEFAULT_PACKAGE): string =
-    for i in bundledResources[package].keys:
-      yield i
-  iterator ls_intern(dir: string, package: string): tuple[kind: PathComponent, path: string] =
-    let normDir = dir.normalizeDir()
-    var yielded: HashSet[string]
-    for i in bundledResources[package].keys:
-      if i.startsWith(normDir):
-        let components = i[normDir.len .. ^1].split('/', maxsplit = 1)
-        if components.len == 1:
-          if not (components[0] in yielded):
-            yield (kind: pcFile, path: components[0])
-        else:
-          if not (components[0] in yielded):
-            yield (kind: pcDir, path: components[0])
-        yielded.incl components[0]
-proc LoadResource*(path: string, package = DEFAULT_PACKAGE): Stream =
-  loadResource_intern(path, package = package)
-proc LoadImage*[T](path: string, package = DEFAULT_PACKAGE): Image[RGBAPixel] =
-  if path.splitFile().ext.toLowerAscii == ".bmp":
-    loadResource_intern(path, package = package).ReadBMP()
-  elif path.splitFile().ext.toLowerAscii == ".png":
-    loadResource_intern(path, package = package).ReadPNG()
-  else:
-    raise newException(Exception, "Unsupported image file type: " & path)
-proc LoadAudio*(path: string, package = DEFAULT_PACKAGE): Sound =
-  if path.splitFile().ext.toLowerAscii == ".au":
-    loadResource_intern(path, package = package).ReadAU()
-  elif path.splitFile().ext.toLowerAscii == ".ogg":
-    loadResource_intern(path, package = package).ReadVorbis()
-  else:
-    raise newException(Exception, "Unsupported audio file type: " & path)
-proc LoadJson*(path: string, package = DEFAULT_PACKAGE): JsonNode =
-  path.loadResource_intern(package = package).readAll().parseJson()
-proc LoadConfig*(path: string, package = DEFAULT_PACKAGE): Config =
-  path.loadResource_intern(package = package).loadConfig(filename = path)
-proc LoadFont*(
-  path: string,
-  name = "",
-  lineHeightPixels = 80'f32,
-  additional_codepoints: openArray[Rune] = [],
-  charset = ASCII_CHARSET,
-  package = DEFAULT_PACKAGE
-): Font =
-  var thename = name
-  if thename == "":
-    thename = path.splitFile().name
-  loadResource_intern(path, package = package).ReadTrueType(name, charset & additional_codepoints.toSeq, lineHeightPixels)
-proc LoadMeshes*(path: string, defaultMaterial: MaterialType, package = DEFAULT_PACKAGE): seq[MeshTree] =
-  loadResource_intern(path, package = package).ReadglTF(defaultMaterial)
-proc LoadFirstMesh*(path: string, defaultMaterial: MaterialType, package = DEFAULT_PACKAGE): Mesh =
-  loadResource_intern(path, package = package).ReadglTF(defaultMaterial)[0].toSeq[0]
-proc Packages*(): seq[string] =
-  modList_intern()
-proc WalkResources*(dir = "", package = DEFAULT_PACKAGE): seq[string] =
-  for i in walkResources_intern(dir, package = package):
-    if i.startsWith(dir):
-      result.add i
-  result.sort()
-proc List*(dir: string, package = DEFAULT_PACKAGE): seq[tuple[kind: PathComponent, path: string]] =
-  for i in ls_intern(dir = dir, package = package):
-    result.add i
-  result.sort()
--- a/semiconginev2/old/resources/audio.nim	Mon Jul 22 15:53:32 2024 +0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-import std/os
-import std/streams
-import std/strformat
-import std/endians
-import ../core/audiotypes
-  Encoding {.size: sizeof(uint32).} = enum
-    # Unspecified = 0
-    # Uint8Ulaw = 1
-    # Int8 = 2
-    Int16 = 3
-    # Int24 = 4
-    # Int32 = 5
-    # Float32 = 6
-    # Float64 = 7
-  AuHeader = object
-    magicNumber: uint32
-    dataOffset: uint32
-    dataSize: uint32
-    encoding: Encoding
-    sampleRate: uint32
-    channels: uint32
-proc readSample(stream: Stream, encoding: Encoding, channels: int): Sample =
-  result[0] = stream.readint16()
-  swapEndian16(addr result[0], addr result[0])
-  if channels == 2:
-    result[1] = stream.readint16()
-    swapEndian16(addr result[1], addr result[1])
-  else:
-    result[1] = result[0]
-proc ReadAU*(stream: Stream): Sound =
-  var header: AuHeader
-  for name, value in fieldPairs(header):
-    var bytes: array[4, uint8]
-    swap(bytes[0], bytes[3])
-    swap(bytes[1], bytes[2])
-    value = cast[typeof(value)](bytes)
-  assert header.magicNumber == 0x2e736e64
-  if header.sampleRate != AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE:
-    raise newException(Exception, &"Only support sample rate of {AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE} Hz but got {header.sampleRate} Hz, please resample (e.g. ffmpeg -i <infile> -ar {AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE} <outfile>)")
-  if not (header.channels in [1'u32, 2'u32]):
-    raise newException(Exception, "Only support mono and stereo audio at the moment (1 or 2 channels), but found " & $header.channels)
-  var annotation: string
-  result = new Sound
-  stream.setPosition(int(header.dataOffset))
-  while not stream.atEnd():
-    result[].add stream.readSample(header.encoding, int(header.channels))
-{.compile: currentSourcePath.parentDir() & "/stb_vorbis.c".}
-proc stb_vorbis_decode_memory(mem: pointer, len: cint, channels: ptr cint, sample_rate: ptr cint, output: ptr ptr cshort): cint {.importc.}
-proc free(p: pointer) {.importc.}
-proc ReadVorbis*(stream: Stream): Sound =
-  var
-    data = stream.readAll()
-    channels: cint
-    sampleRate: cint
-    output: ptr cshort
-  var nSamples = stb_vorbis_decode_memory(addr data[0], cint(data.len), addr channels, addr sampleRate, addr output)
-  if nSamples < 0:
-    raise newException(Exception, &"Unable to read ogg/vorbis sound file, error code: {nSamples}")
-  if sampleRate != AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE:
-    raise newException(Exception, &"Only support sample rate of {AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE} Hz but got {sampleRate} Hz, please resample (e.g. ffmpeg -i <infile> -acodec libvorbis -ar {AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE} <outfile>)")
-  result = new Sound
-  if channels == 2:
-    result[].setLen(int(nSamples))
-    copyMem(addr result[][0], output, nSamples * sizeof(Sample))
-    free(output)
-  elif channels == 1:
-    for i in 0 ..< nSamples:
-      let value = cast[ptr UncheckedArray[int16]](output)[i]
-      result[].add [value, value]
-    free(output)
-  else:
-    free(output)
-    raise newException(Exception, "Only support mono and stereo audio at the moment (1 or 2 channels), but found " & $channels)
--- a/semiconginev2/old/resources/image.nim	Mon Jul 22 15:53:32 2024 +0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-import std/os
-# import std/syncio
-import std/streams
-import std/bitops
-import std/strformat
-import ../core/imagetypes
-import ../core/utils
-const COMPRESSION_BI_RGB = 0'u32
-  BitmapFileHeader = object
-    magicbytes: array[2, char]
-    filesize: uint32
-    reserved1: uint16
-    reserved2: uint16
-    dataStart: uint32
-  DIBHeader = object
-    headersize: uint32
-    width: int32
-    height: int32
-    colorPlanes: uint16
-    bitsPerPixel: uint16
-    compression: uint32
-    imageDataSize: uint32                 # unused
-    resolutionX: int32                    # unused
-    resolutionY: int32                    # unused
-    nColors: uint32                       # unused
-    nImportantColors: uint32              # unused
-    bitMaskRed: uint32
-    bitMaskGreen: uint32
-    bitMaskBlue: uint32
-    bitMaskAlpha: uint32
-    colorSpace: array[4, char]            # not used yet
-    colorSpaceEndpoints: array[36, uint8] # unused
-    gammaRed: uint32                      # not used yet
-    gammaGreen: uint32                    # not used yet
-    gammaBlue: uint32                     # not used yet
-proc ReadBMP*(stream: Stream): Image[RGBAPixel] =
-  var
-    bitmapFileHeader: BitmapFileHeader
-    dibHeader: DIBHeader
-  for name, value in fieldPairs(bitmapFileHeader):
-  if bitmapFileHeader.magicbytes != ['B', 'M']:
-    raise newException(Exception, "Cannot open image, invalid magic bytes (is this really a BMP bitmap?)")
-  for name, value in fieldPairs(dibHeader):
-    when name in ["bitMaskRed", "bitMaskGreen", "bitMaskBlue"]:
-    elif name == "bitMaskAlpha":
-      if dibHeader.compression == COMPRESSION_BI_ALPHABITFIELDS:
-    else:
-    when name == "headersize":
-      if value != 124:
-        raise newException(Exception, "Cannot open image, only BITMAPV5 supported")
-    elif name == "colorPlanes":
-      assert value == 1
-    elif name == "bitsPerPixel":
-      if not (value in [24'u16, 32'u16]):
-        raise newException(Exception, "Cannot open image, only depth of 24 and 32 supported")
-    elif name == "compression":
-      if not (value in [0'u32, 3'u32]):
-        raise newException(Exception, "Cannot open image, only BI_RGB and BI_BITFIELDS are supported compressions")
-    elif name == "colorSpace":
-      swap(value[0], value[3])
-      swap(value[1], value[2])
-  stream.setPosition(int(bitmapFileHeader.dataStart))
-  var
-    padding = ((int32(dibHeader.bitsPerPixel div 8)) * dibHeader.width) mod 4
-    data = newSeq[RGBAPixel](dibHeader.width * abs(dibHeader.height))
-  if padding > 0:
-    padding = 4 - padding
-  for row in 0 ..< abs(dibHeader.height):
-    for col in 0 ..< dibHeader.width:
-      var pixel: RGBAPixel = [0'u8, 0'u8, 0'u8, 255'u8]
-      # if we got channeld bitmasks
-        var value = stream.readUint32()
-        pixel[0] = uint8((value and dibHeader.bitMaskRed) shr dibHeader.bitMaskRed.countTrailingZeroBits)
-        pixel[1] = uint8((value and dibHeader.bitMaskGreen) shr dibHeader.bitMaskGreen.countTrailingZeroBits)
-        pixel[2] = uint8((value and dibHeader.bitMaskBlue) shr dibHeader.bitMaskBlue.countTrailingZeroBits)
-        if dibHeader.compression == COMPRESSION_BI_ALPHABITFIELDS:
-          pixel[3] = uint8((value and dibHeader.bitMaskAlpha) shr dibHeader.bitMaskAlpha.countTrailingZeroBits)
-      # if we got plain RGB(A), using little endian
-      elif dibHeader.compression == COMPRESSION_BI_RGB:
-        let nChannels = int(dibHeader.bitsPerPixel) div 8
-        for i in 1 .. nChannels:
-[nChannels - i])
-      else:
-        raise newException(Exception, "Cannot open image, only BI_RGB and BI_BITFIELDS are supported compressions")
-      # determine whether we read top-to-bottom or bottom-to-top
-      var row_mult: int = (if dibHeader.height < 0: row else: dibHeader.height - row - 1)
-      data[row_mult * dibHeader.width + col] = pixel
-    stream.setPosition(stream.getPosition() + padding)
-  result = NewImage(width = dibHeader.width.uint32, height = abs(dibHeader.height).uint32, imagedata = data)
-{.compile: currentSourcePath.parentDir() & "/lodepng.c".}
-proc lodepng_decode32(out_data: ptr cstring, w: ptr cuint, h: ptr cuint, in_data: cstring, insize: csize_t): cuint {.importc.}
-proc lodepng_encode_memory(out_data: ptr cstring, outsize: ptr csize_t, image: cstring, w: cuint, h: cuint, colorType: cint, bitdepth: cuint): cuint {.importc.}
-proc free(p: pointer) {.importc.} # for some reason the lodepng pointer can only properly be freed with the native free
-proc ReadPNG*(stream: Stream): Image[RGBAPixel] =
-  let indata = stream.readAll()
-  var w, h: cuint
-  var data: cstring
-  if lodepng_decode32(out_data = addr data, w = addr w, h = addr h, in_data = cstring(indata), insize = csize_t(indata.len)) != 0:
-    raise newException(Exception, "An error occured while loading PNG file")
-  let imagesize = w * h * 4
-  var imagedata = newSeq[RGBAPixel](w * h)
-  copyMem(addr imagedata[0], data, imagesize)
-  free(data)
-  result = NewImage(width = w, height = h, imagedata = imagedata)
-proc ToPNG*[T: Pixel](image: Image[T]): seq[uint8] =
-  when T is GrayPixel:
-    let pngType = 0 # hardcoded in lodepng.h
-  else:
-    let pngType = 6 # hardcoded in lodepng.h
-  var
-    pngData: cstring
-    pngSize: csize_t
-  for y in 0 ..< image.height:
-    for x in 0 ..< image.width:
-      discard
-  let ret = lodepng_encode_memory(
-    addr pngData,
-    addr pngSize,
-    cast[cstring](image.imagedata.ToCPointer),
-    cuint(image.width),
-    cuint(image.height),
-    cint(pngType),
-    8,
-  )
-  assert ret == 0, &"There was an error with generating the PNG data for image {image}, result was: {ret}"
-  result = newSeq[uint8](pngSize)
-  for i in 0 ..< pngSize:
-    result[i] = uint8(pngData[i])
-  free(pngData)
-proc WritePNG*[T: Pixel](image: Image[T], filename: string) =
-  let f = = fmWrite)
-  let data = image.toPNG()
-  let written = f.writeBytes(data, 0, data.len)
-  assert written == data.len, &"There was an error while saving '{filename}': only {written} of {data.len} bytes were written"
-  f.close()
--- a/semiconginev2/old/resources/lodepng.c	Mon Jul 22 15:53:32 2024 +0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,6991 +0,0 @@
-LodePNG version 20230410
-Copyright (c) 2005-2023 Lode Vandevenne
-This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
-warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
-arising from the use of this software.
-Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
-including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
-freely, subject to the following restrictions:
-    1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
-    claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
-    in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
-    appreciated but is not required.
-    2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
-    misrepresented as being the original software.
-    3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
-    distribution.
-The manual and changelog are in the header file "lodepng.h"
-Rename this file to lodepng.cpp to use it for C++, or to lodepng.c to use it for C.
-#include "lodepng.h"
-#include <limits.h> /* LONG_MAX */
-#include <stdio.h> /* file handling */
-#include <stdlib.h> /* allocations */
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1310) /*Visual Studio: A few warning types are not desired here.*/
-#pragma warning( disable : 4244 ) /*implicit conversions: not warned by gcc -Wall -Wextra and requires too much casts*/
-#pragma warning( disable : 4996 ) /*VS does not like fopen, but fopen_s is not standard C so unusable here*/
-#endif /*_MSC_VER */
-const char* LODEPNG_VERSION_STRING = "20230410";
-This source file is divided into the following large parts. The code sections
-with the "LODEPNG_COMPILE_" #defines divide this up further in an intermixed way.
--Tools for C and common code for PNG and Zlib
--C Code for Zlib (huffman, deflate, ...)
--C Code for PNG (file format chunks, adam7, PNG filters, color conversions, ...)
--The C++ wrapper around all of the above
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* // Tools for C, and common code for PNG and Zlib.                       // */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/*The malloc, realloc and free functions defined here with "lodepng_" in front
-of the name, so that you can easily change them to others related to your
-platform if needed. Everything else in the code calls these. Pass
--DLODEPNG_NO_COMPILE_ALLOCATORS to the compiler, or comment out
-#define LODEPNG_COMPILE_ALLOCATORS in the header, to disable the ones here and
-define them in your own project's source files without needing to change
-lodepng source code. Don't forget to remove "static" if you copypaste them
-from here.*/
-static void* lodepng_malloc(size_t size) {
-  if(size > LODEPNG_MAX_ALLOC) return 0;
-  return malloc(size);
-/* NOTE: when realloc returns NULL, it leaves the original memory untouched */
-static void* lodepng_realloc(void* ptr, size_t new_size) {
-  if(new_size > LODEPNG_MAX_ALLOC) return 0;
-  return realloc(ptr, new_size);
-static void lodepng_free(void* ptr) {
-  free(ptr);
-/* TODO: support giving additional void* payload to the custom allocators */
-void* lodepng_malloc(size_t size);
-void* lodepng_realloc(void* ptr, size_t new_size);
-void lodepng_free(void* ptr);
-/* convince the compiler to inline a function, for use when this measurably improves performance */
-/* inline is not available in C90, but use it when supported by the compiler */
-#if (defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && (__STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L)) || (defined(__cplusplus) && (__cplusplus >= 199711L))
-#define LODEPNG_INLINE inline
-#define LODEPNG_INLINE /* not available */
-/* restrict is not available in C90, but use it when supported by the compiler */
-#if (defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ > 3 || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 1))) ||\
-    (defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400)) || \
-    (defined(__WATCOMC__) && (__WATCOMC__ >= 1250) && !defined(__cplusplus))
-#define LODEPNG_RESTRICT __restrict
-#define LODEPNG_RESTRICT /* not available */
-/* Replacements for C library functions such as memcpy and strlen, to support platforms
-where a full C library is not available. The compiler can recognize them and compile
-to something as fast. */
-static void lodepng_memcpy(void* LODEPNG_RESTRICT dst,
-                           const void* LODEPNG_RESTRICT src, size_t size) {
-  size_t i;
-  for(i = 0; i < size; i++) ((char*)dst)[i] = ((const char*)src)[i];
-static void lodepng_memset(void* LODEPNG_RESTRICT dst,
-                           int value, size_t num) {
-  size_t i;
-  for(i = 0; i < num; i++) ((char*)dst)[i] = (char)value;
-/* does not check memory out of bounds, do not use on untrusted data */
-static size_t lodepng_strlen(const char* a) {
-  const char* orig = a;
-  /* avoid warning about unused function in case of disabled COMPILE... macros */
-  (void)(&lodepng_strlen);
-  while(*a) a++;
-  return (size_t)(a - orig);
-#define LODEPNG_MAX(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
-#define LODEPNG_MIN(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
-/* Safely check if adding two integers will overflow (no undefined
-behavior, compiler removing the code, etc...) and output result. */
-static int lodepng_addofl(size_t a, size_t b, size_t* result) {
-  *result = a + b; /* Unsigned addition is well defined and safe in C90 */
-  return *result < a;
-#endif /*defined(LODEPNG_COMPILE_PNG) || defined(LODEPNG_COMPILE_DECODER)*/
-/* Safely check if multiplying two integers will overflow (no undefined
-behavior, compiler removing the code, etc...) and output result. */
-static int lodepng_mulofl(size_t a, size_t b, size_t* result) {
-  *result = a * b; /* Unsigned multiplication is well defined and safe in C90 */
-  return (a != 0 && *result / a != b);
-/* Safely check if a + b > c, even if overflow could happen. */
-static int lodepng_gtofl(size_t a, size_t b, size_t c) {
-  size_t d;
-  if(lodepng_addofl(a, b, &d)) return 1;
-  return d > c;
-Often in case of an error a value is assigned to a variable and then it breaks
-out of a loop (to go to the cleanup phase of a function). This macro does that.
-It makes the error handling code shorter and more readable.
-Example: if(!uivector_resize(&lz77_encoded, datasize)) ERROR_BREAK(83);
-#define CERROR_BREAK(errorvar, code){\
-  errorvar = code;\
-  break;\
-/*version of CERROR_BREAK that assumes the common case where the error variable is named "error"*/
-#define ERROR_BREAK(code) CERROR_BREAK(error, code)
-/*Set error var to the error code, and return it.*/
-#define CERROR_RETURN_ERROR(errorvar, code){\
-  errorvar = code;\
-  return code;\
-/*Try the code, if it returns error, also return the error.*/
-#define CERROR_TRY_RETURN(call){\
-  unsigned error = call;\
-  if(error) return error;\
-/*Set error var to the error code, and return from the void function.*/
-#define CERROR_RETURN(errorvar, code){\
-  errorvar = code;\
-  return;\
-About uivector, ucvector and string:
--All of them wrap dynamic arrays or text strings in a similar way.
--LodePNG was originally written in C++. The vectors replace the std::vectors that were used in the C++ version.
--The string tools are made to avoid problems with compilers that declare things like strncat as deprecated.
--They're not used in the interface, only internally in this file as static functions.
--As with many other structs in this file, the init and cleanup functions serve as ctor and dtor.
-/*dynamic vector of unsigned ints*/
-typedef struct uivector {
-  unsigned* data;
-  size_t size; /*size in number of unsigned longs*/
-  size_t allocsize; /*allocated size in bytes*/
-} uivector;
-static void uivector_cleanup(void* p) {
-  ((uivector*)p)->size = ((uivector*)p)->allocsize = 0;
-  lodepng_free(((uivector*)p)->data);
-  ((uivector*)p)->data = NULL;
-/*returns 1 if success, 0 if failure ==> nothing done*/
-static unsigned uivector_resize(uivector* p, size_t size) {
-  size_t allocsize = size * sizeof(unsigned);
-  if(allocsize > p->allocsize) {
-    size_t newsize = allocsize + (p->allocsize >> 1u);
-    void* data = lodepng_realloc(p->data, newsize);
-    if(data) {
-      p->allocsize = newsize;
-      p->data = (unsigned*)data;
-    }
-    else return 0; /*error: not enough memory*/
-  }
-  p->size = size;
-  return 1; /*success*/
-static void uivector_init(uivector* p) {
-  p->data = NULL;
-  p->size = p->allocsize = 0;
-/*returns 1 if success, 0 if failure ==> nothing done*/
-static unsigned uivector_push_back(uivector* p, unsigned c) {
-  if(!uivector_resize(p, p->size + 1)) return 0;
-  p->data[p->size - 1] = c;
-  return 1;
-/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/*dynamic vector of unsigned chars*/
-typedef struct ucvector {
-  unsigned char* data;
-  size_t size; /*used size*/
-  size_t allocsize; /*allocated size*/
-} ucvector;
-/*returns 1 if success, 0 if failure ==> nothing done*/
-static unsigned ucvector_reserve(ucvector* p, size_t size) {
-  if(size > p->allocsize) {
-    size_t newsize = size + (p->allocsize >> 1u);
-    void* data = lodepng_realloc(p->data, newsize);
-    if(data) {
-      p->allocsize = newsize;
-      p->data = (unsigned char*)data;
-    }
-    else return 0; /*error: not enough memory*/
-  }
-  return 1; /*success*/
-/*returns 1 if success, 0 if failure ==> nothing done*/
-static unsigned ucvector_resize(ucvector* p, size_t size) {
-  p->size = size;
-  return ucvector_reserve(p, size);
-static ucvector ucvector_init(unsigned char* buffer, size_t size) {
-  ucvector v;
- = buffer;
-  v.allocsize = v.size = size;
-  return v;
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/*free string pointer and set it to NULL*/
-static void string_cleanup(char** out) {
-  lodepng_free(*out);
-  *out = NULL;
-/*also appends null termination character*/
-static char* alloc_string_sized(const char* in, size_t insize) {
-  char* out = (char*)lodepng_malloc(insize + 1);
-  if(out) {
-    lodepng_memcpy(out, in, insize);
-    out[insize] = 0;
-  }
-  return out;
-/* dynamically allocates a new string with a copy of the null terminated input text */
-static char* alloc_string(const char* in) {
-  return alloc_string_sized(in, lodepng_strlen(in));
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-static unsigned lodepng_read32bitInt(const unsigned char* buffer) {
-  return (((unsigned)buffer[0] << 24u) | ((unsigned)buffer[1] << 16u) |
-         ((unsigned)buffer[2] << 8u) | (unsigned)buffer[3]);
-#endif /*defined(LODEPNG_COMPILE_DECODER) || defined(LODEPNG_COMPILE_PNG)*/
-/*buffer must have at least 4 allocated bytes available*/
-static void lodepng_set32bitInt(unsigned char* buffer, unsigned value) {
-  buffer[0] = (unsigned char)((value >> 24) & 0xff);
-  buffer[1] = (unsigned char)((value >> 16) & 0xff);
-  buffer[2] = (unsigned char)((value >>  8) & 0xff);
-  buffer[3] = (unsigned char)((value      ) & 0xff);
-#endif /*defined(LODEPNG_COMPILE_PNG) || defined(LODEPNG_COMPILE_ENCODER)*/
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* / File IO                                                                / */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* returns negative value on error. This should be pure C compatible, so no fstat. */
-static long lodepng_filesize(const char* filename) {
-  FILE* file;
-  long size;
-  file = fopen(filename, "rb");
-  if(!file) return -1;
-  if(fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END) != 0) {
-    fclose(file);
-    return -1;
-  }
-  size = ftell(file);
-  /* It may give LONG_MAX as directory size, this is invalid for us. */
-  if(size == LONG_MAX) size = -1;
-  fclose(file);
-  return size;
-/* load file into buffer that already has the correct allocated size. Returns error code.*/
-static unsigned lodepng_buffer_file(unsigned char* out, size_t size, const char* filename) {
-  FILE* file;
-  size_t readsize;
-  file = fopen(filename, "rb");
-  if(!file) return 78;
-  readsize = fread(out, 1, size, file);
-  fclose(file);
-  if(readsize != size) return 78;
-  return 0;
-unsigned lodepng_load_file(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize, const char* filename) {
-  long size = lodepng_filesize(filename);
-  if(size < 0) return 78;
-  *outsize = (size_t)size;
-  *out = (unsigned char*)lodepng_malloc((size_t)size);
-  if(!(*out) && size > 0) return 83; /*the above malloc failed*/
-  return lodepng_buffer_file(*out, (size_t)size, filename);
-/*write given buffer to the file, overwriting the file, it doesn't append to it.*/
-unsigned lodepng_save_file(const unsigned char* buffer, size_t buffersize, const char* filename) {
-  FILE* file;
-  file = fopen(filename, "wb" );
-  if(!file) return 79;
-  fwrite(buffer, 1, buffersize, file);
-  fclose(file);
-  return 0;
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* // End of common code and tools. Begin of Zlib related code.            // */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-typedef struct {
-  ucvector* data;
-  unsigned char bp; /*ok to overflow, indicates bit pos inside byte*/
-} LodePNGBitWriter;
-static void LodePNGBitWriter_init(LodePNGBitWriter* writer, ucvector* data) {
-  writer->data = data;
-  writer->bp = 0;
-/*TODO: this ignores potential out of memory errors*/
-#define WRITEBIT(writer, bit){\
-  /* append new byte */\
-  if(((writer->bp) & 7u) == 0) {\
-    if(!ucvector_resize(writer->data, writer->data->size + 1)) return;\
-    writer->data->data[writer->data->size - 1] = 0;\
-  }\
-  (writer->data->data[writer->data->size - 1]) |= (bit << ((writer->bp) & 7u));\
-  ++writer->bp;\
-/* LSB of value is written first, and LSB of bytes is used first */
-static void writeBits(LodePNGBitWriter* writer, unsigned value, size_t nbits) {
-  if(nbits == 1) { /* compiler should statically compile this case if nbits == 1 */
-    WRITEBIT(writer, value);
-  } else {
-    /* TODO: increase output size only once here rather than in each WRITEBIT */
-    size_t i;
-    for(i = 0; i != nbits; ++i) {
-      WRITEBIT(writer, (unsigned char)((value >> i) & 1));
-    }
-  }
-/* This one is to use for adding huffman symbol, the value bits are written MSB first */
-static void writeBitsReversed(LodePNGBitWriter* writer, unsigned value, size_t nbits) {
-  size_t i;
-  for(i = 0; i != nbits; ++i) {
-    /* TODO: increase output size only once here rather than in each WRITEBIT */
-    WRITEBIT(writer, (unsigned char)((value >> (nbits - 1u - i)) & 1u));
-  }
-typedef struct {
-  const unsigned char* data;
-  size_t size; /*size of data in bytes*/
-  size_t bitsize; /*size of data in bits, end of valid bp values, should be 8*size*/
-  size_t bp;
-  unsigned buffer; /*buffer for reading bits. NOTE: 'unsigned' must support at least 32 bits*/
-} LodePNGBitReader;
-/* data size argument is in bytes. Returns error if size too large causing overflow */
-static unsigned LodePNGBitReader_init(LodePNGBitReader* reader, const unsigned char* data, size_t size) {
-  size_t temp;
-  reader->data = data;
-  reader->size = size;
-  /* size in bits, return error if overflow (if size_t is 32 bit this supports up to 500MB)  */
-  if(lodepng_mulofl(size, 8u, &reader->bitsize)) return 105;
-  /*ensure incremented bp can be compared to bitsize without overflow even when it would be incremented 32 too much and
-  trying to ensure 32 more bits*/
-  if(lodepng_addofl(reader->bitsize, 64u, &temp)) return 105;
-  reader->bp = 0;
-  reader->buffer = 0;
-  return 0; /*ok*/
-ensureBits functions:
-Ensures the reader can at least read nbits bits in one or more readBits calls,
-safely even if not enough bits are available.
-The nbits parameter is unused but is given for documentation purposes, error
-checking for amount of bits must be done beforehand.
-/*See ensureBits documentation above. This one ensures up to 9 bits */
-static LODEPNG_INLINE void ensureBits9(LodePNGBitReader* reader, size_t nbits) {
-  size_t start = reader->bp >> 3u;
-  size_t size = reader->size;
-  if(start + 1u < size) {
-    reader->buffer = (unsigned)reader->data[start + 0] | ((unsigned)reader->data[start + 1] << 8u);
-    reader->buffer >>= (reader->bp & 7u);
-  } else {
-    reader->buffer = 0;
-    if(start + 0u < size) reader->buffer = reader->data[start + 0];
-    reader->buffer >>= (reader->bp & 7u);
-  }
-  (void)nbits;
-/*See ensureBits documentation above. This one ensures up to 17 bits */
-static LODEPNG_INLINE void ensureBits17(LodePNGBitReader* reader, size_t nbits) {
-  size_t start = reader->bp >> 3u;
-  size_t size = reader->size;
-  if(start + 2u < size) {
-    reader->buffer = (unsigned)reader->data[start + 0] | ((unsigned)reader->data[start + 1] << 8u) |
-                     ((unsigned)reader->data[start + 2] << 16u);
-    reader->buffer >>= (reader->bp & 7u);
-  } else {
-    reader->buffer = 0;
-    if(start + 0u < size) reader->buffer |= reader->data[start + 0];
-    if(start + 1u < size) reader->buffer |= ((unsigned)reader->data[start + 1] << 8u);
-    reader->buffer >>= (reader->bp & 7u);
-  }
-  (void)nbits;
-/*See ensureBits documentation above. This one ensures up to 25 bits */
-static LODEPNG_INLINE void ensureBits25(LodePNGBitReader* reader, size_t nbits) {
-  size_t start = reader->bp >> 3u;
-  size_t size = reader->size;
-  if(start + 3u < size) {
-    reader->buffer = (unsigned)reader->data[start + 0] | ((unsigned)reader->data[start + 1] << 8u) |
-                     ((unsigned)reader->data[start + 2] << 16u) | ((unsigned)reader->data[start + 3] << 24u);
-    reader->buffer >>= (reader->bp & 7u);
-  } else {
-    reader->buffer = 0;
-    if(start + 0u < size) reader->buffer |= reader->data[start + 0];
-    if(start + 1u < size) reader->buffer |= ((unsigned)reader->data[start + 1] << 8u);
-    if(start + 2u < size) reader->buffer |= ((unsigned)reader->data[start + 2] << 16u);
-    reader->buffer >>= (reader->bp & 7u);
-  }
-  (void)nbits;
-/*See ensureBits documentation above. This one ensures up to 32 bits */
-static LODEPNG_INLINE void ensureBits32(LodePNGBitReader* reader, size_t nbits) {
-  size_t start = reader->bp >> 3u;
-  size_t size = reader->size;
-  if(start + 4u < size) {
-    reader->buffer = (unsigned)reader->data[start + 0] | ((unsigned)reader->data[start + 1] << 8u) |
-                     ((unsigned)reader->data[start + 2] << 16u) | ((unsigned)reader->data[start + 3] << 24u);
-    reader->buffer >>= (reader->bp & 7u);
-    reader->buffer |= (((unsigned)reader->data[start + 4] << 24u) << (8u - (reader->bp & 7u)));
-  } else {
-    reader->buffer = 0;
-    if(start + 0u < size) reader->buffer |= reader->data[start + 0];
-    if(start + 1u < size) reader->buffer |= ((unsigned)reader->data[start + 1] << 8u);
-    if(start + 2u < size) reader->buffer |= ((unsigned)reader->data[start + 2] << 16u);
-    if(start + 3u < size) reader->buffer |= ((unsigned)reader->data[start + 3] << 24u);
-    reader->buffer >>= (reader->bp & 7u);
-  }
-  (void)nbits;
-/* Get bits without advancing the bit pointer. Must have enough bits available with ensureBits. Max nbits is 31. */
-static LODEPNG_INLINE unsigned peekBits(LodePNGBitReader* reader, size_t nbits) {
-  /* The shift allows nbits to be only up to 31. */
-  return reader->buffer & ((1u << nbits) - 1u);
-/* Must have enough bits available with ensureBits */
-static LODEPNG_INLINE void advanceBits(LodePNGBitReader* reader, size_t nbits) {
-  reader->buffer >>= nbits;
-  reader->bp += nbits;
-/* Must have enough bits available with ensureBits */
-static LODEPNG_INLINE unsigned readBits(LodePNGBitReader* reader, size_t nbits) {
-  unsigned result = peekBits(reader, nbits);
-  advanceBits(reader, nbits);
-  return result;
-static unsigned reverseBits(unsigned bits, unsigned num) {
-  /*TODO: implement faster lookup table based version when needed*/
-  unsigned i, result = 0;
-  for(i = 0; i < num; i++) result |= ((bits >> (num - i - 1u)) & 1u) << i;
-  return result;
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* / Deflate - Huffman                                                      / */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/*256 literals, the end code, some length codes, and 2 unused codes*/
-/*the distance codes have their own symbols, 30 used, 2 unused*/
-/*the code length codes. 0-15: code lengths, 16: copy previous 3-6 times, 17: 3-10 zeros, 18: 11-138 zeros*/
-/*the base lengths represented by codes 257-285*/
-static const unsigned LENGTHBASE[29]
-  = {3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 43, 51, 59,
-     67, 83, 99, 115, 131, 163, 195, 227, 258};
-/*the extra bits used by codes 257-285 (added to base length)*/
-static const unsigned LENGTHEXTRA[29]
-  = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  0,  1,  1,  1,  1,  2,  2,  2,  2,  3,  3,  3,  3,
-      4,  4,  4,   4,   5,   5,   5,   5,   0};
-/*the base backwards distances (the bits of distance codes appear after length codes and use their own huffman tree)*/
-static const unsigned DISTANCEBASE[30]
-  = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 25, 33, 49, 65, 97, 129, 193, 257, 385, 513,
-     769, 1025, 1537, 2049, 3073, 4097, 6145, 8193, 12289, 16385, 24577};
-/*the extra bits of backwards distances (added to base)*/
-static const unsigned DISTANCEEXTRA[30]
-  = {0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2,  2,  3,  3,  4,  4,  5,  5,   6,   6,   7,   7,   8,
-       8,    9,    9,   10,   10,   11,   11,   12,    12,    13,    13};
-/*the order in which "code length alphabet code lengths" are stored as specified by deflate, out of this the huffman
-tree of the dynamic huffman tree lengths is generated*/
-static const unsigned CLCL_ORDER[NUM_CODE_LENGTH_CODES]
-  = {16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15};
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-Huffman tree struct, containing multiple representations of the tree
-typedef struct HuffmanTree {
-  unsigned* codes; /*the huffman codes (bit patterns representing the symbols)*/
-  unsigned* lengths; /*the lengths of the huffman codes*/
-  unsigned maxbitlen; /*maximum number of bits a single code can get*/
-  unsigned numcodes; /*number of symbols in the alphabet = number of codes*/
-  /* for reading only */
-  unsigned char* table_len; /*length of symbol from lookup table, or max length if secondary lookup needed*/
-  unsigned short* table_value; /*value of symbol from lookup table, or pointer to secondary table if needed*/
-} HuffmanTree;
-static void HuffmanTree_init(HuffmanTree* tree) {
-  tree->codes = 0;
-  tree->lengths = 0;
-  tree->table_len = 0;
-  tree->table_value = 0;
-static void HuffmanTree_cleanup(HuffmanTree* tree) {
-  lodepng_free(tree->codes);
-  lodepng_free(tree->lengths);
-  lodepng_free(tree->table_len);
-  lodepng_free(tree->table_value);
-/* amount of bits for first huffman table lookup (aka root bits), see HuffmanTree_makeTable and huffmanDecodeSymbol.*/
-/* values 8u and 9u work the fastest */
-#define FIRSTBITS 9u
-/* a symbol value too big to represent any valid symbol, to indicate reading disallowed huffman bits combination,
-which is possible in case of only 0 or 1 present symbols. */
-#define INVALIDSYMBOL 65535u
-/* make table for huffman decoding */
-static unsigned HuffmanTree_makeTable(HuffmanTree* tree) {
-  static const unsigned headsize = 1u << FIRSTBITS; /*size of the first table*/
-  static const unsigned mask = (1u << FIRSTBITS) /*headsize*/ - 1u;
-  size_t i, numpresent, pointer, size; /*total table size*/
-  unsigned* maxlens = (unsigned*)lodepng_malloc(headsize * sizeof(unsigned));
-  if(!maxlens) return 83; /*alloc fail*/
-  /* compute maxlens: max total bit length of symbols sharing prefix in the first table*/
-  lodepng_memset(maxlens, 0, headsize * sizeof(*maxlens));
-  for(i = 0; i < tree->numcodes; i++) {
-    unsigned symbol = tree->codes[i];
-    unsigned l = tree->lengths[i];
-    unsigned index;
-    if(l <= FIRSTBITS) continue; /*symbols that fit in first table don't increase secondary table size*/
-    /*get the FIRSTBITS MSBs, the MSBs of the symbol are encoded first. See later comment about the reversing*/
-    index = reverseBits(symbol >> (l - FIRSTBITS), FIRSTBITS);
-    maxlens[index] = LODEPNG_MAX(maxlens[index], l);
-  }
-  /* compute total table size: size of first table plus all secondary tables for symbols longer than FIRSTBITS */
-  size = headsize;
-  for(i = 0; i < headsize; ++i) {
-    unsigned l = maxlens[i];
-    if(l > FIRSTBITS) size += (1u << (l - FIRSTBITS));
-  }
-  tree->table_len = (unsigned char*)lodepng_malloc(size * sizeof(*tree->table_len));
-  tree->table_value = (unsigned short*)lodepng_malloc(size * sizeof(*tree->table_value));
-  if(!tree->table_len || !tree->table_value) {
-    lodepng_free(maxlens);
-    /* freeing tree->table values is done at a higher scope */
-    return 83; /*alloc fail*/
-  }
-  /*initialize with an invalid length to indicate unused entries*/
-  for(i = 0; i < size; ++i) tree->table_len[i] = 16;
-  /*fill in the first table for long symbols: max prefix size and pointer to secondary tables*/
-  pointer = headsize;
-  for(i = 0; i < headsize; ++i) {
-    unsigned l = maxlens[i];
-    if(l <= FIRSTBITS) continue;
-    tree->table_len[i] = l;
-    tree->table_value[i] = pointer;
-    pointer += (1u << (l - FIRSTBITS));
-  }
-  lodepng_free(maxlens);
-  /*fill in the first table for short symbols, or secondary table for long symbols*/
-  numpresent = 0;
-  for(i = 0; i < tree->numcodes; ++i) {
-    unsigned l = tree->lengths[i];
-    unsigned symbol, reverse;
-    if(l == 0) continue;
-    symbol = tree->codes[i]; /*the huffman bit pattern. i itself is the value.*/
-    /*reverse bits, because the huffman bits are given in MSB first order but the bit reader reads LSB first*/
-    reverse = reverseBits(symbol, l);
-    numpresent++;
-    if(l <= FIRSTBITS) {
-      /*short symbol, fully in first table, replicated num times if l < FIRSTBITS*/
-      unsigned num = 1u << (FIRSTBITS - l);
-      unsigned j;
-      for(j = 0; j < num; ++j) {
-        /*bit reader will read the l bits of symbol first, the remaining FIRSTBITS - l bits go to the MSB's*/
-        unsigned index = reverse | (j << l);
-        if(tree->table_len[index] != 16) return 55; /*invalid tree: long symbol shares prefix with short symbol*/
-        tree->table_len[index] = l;
-        tree->table_value[index] = i;
-      }
-    } else {
-      /*long symbol, shares prefix with other long symbols in first lookup table, needs second lookup*/
-      /*the FIRSTBITS MSBs of the symbol are the first table index*/
-      unsigned index = reverse & mask;
-      unsigned maxlen = tree->table_len[index];
-      /*log2 of secondary table length, should be >= l - FIRSTBITS*/
-      unsigned tablelen = maxlen - FIRSTBITS;
-      unsigned start = tree->table_value[index]; /*starting index in secondary table*/
-      unsigned num = 1u << (tablelen - (l - FIRSTBITS)); /*amount of entries of this symbol in secondary table*/
-      unsigned j;
-      if(maxlen < l) return 55; /*invalid tree: long symbol shares prefix with short symbol*/
-      for(j = 0; j < num; ++j) {
-        unsigned reverse2 = reverse >> FIRSTBITS; /* l - FIRSTBITS bits */
-        unsigned index2 = start + (reverse2 | (j << (l - FIRSTBITS)));
-        tree->table_len[index2] = l;
-        tree->table_value[index2] = i;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if(numpresent < 2) {
-    /* In case of exactly 1 symbol, in theory the huffman symbol needs 0 bits,
-    but deflate uses 1 bit instead. In case of 0 symbols, no symbols can
-    appear at all, but such huffman tree could still exist (e.g. if distance
-    codes are never used). In both cases, not all symbols of the table will be
-    filled in. Fill them in with an invalid symbol value so returning them from
-    huffmanDecodeSymbol will cause error. */
-    for(i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-      if(tree->table_len[i] == 16) {
-        /* As length, use a value smaller than FIRSTBITS for the head table,
-        and a value larger than FIRSTBITS for the secondary table, to ensure
-        valid behavior for advanceBits when reading this symbol. */
-        tree->table_len[i] = (i < headsize) ? 1 : (FIRSTBITS + 1);
-        tree->table_value[i] = INVALIDSYMBOL;
-      }
-    }
-  } else {
-    /* A good huffman tree has N * 2 - 1 nodes, of which N - 1 are internal nodes.
-    If that is not the case (due to too long length codes), the table will not
-    have been fully used, and this is an error (not all bit combinations can be
-    decoded): an oversubscribed huffman tree, indicated by error 55. */
-    for(i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-      if(tree->table_len[i] == 16) return 55;
-    }
-  }
-  return 0;
-Second step for the ...makeFromLengths and ...makeFromFrequencies functions.
-numcodes, lengths and maxbitlen must already be filled in correctly. return
-value is error.
-static unsigned HuffmanTree_makeFromLengths2(HuffmanTree* tree) {
-  unsigned* blcount;
-  unsigned* nextcode;
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  unsigned bits, n;
-  tree->codes = (unsigned*)lodepng_malloc(tree->numcodes * sizeof(unsigned));
-  blcount = (unsigned*)lodepng_malloc((tree->maxbitlen + 1) * sizeof(unsigned));
-  nextcode = (unsigned*)lodepng_malloc((tree->maxbitlen + 1) * sizeof(unsigned));
-  if(!tree->codes || !blcount || !nextcode) error = 83; /*alloc fail*/
-  if(!error) {
-    for(n = 0; n != tree->maxbitlen + 1; n++) blcount[n] = nextcode[n] = 0;
-    /*step 1: count number of instances of each code length*/
-    for(bits = 0; bits != tree->numcodes; ++bits) ++blcount[tree->lengths[bits]];
-    /*step 2: generate the nextcode values*/
-    for(bits = 1; bits <= tree->maxbitlen; ++bits) {
-      nextcode[bits] = (nextcode[bits - 1] + blcount[bits - 1]) << 1u;
-    }
-    /*step 3: generate all the codes*/
-    for(n = 0; n != tree->numcodes; ++n) {
-      if(tree->lengths[n] != 0) {
-        tree->codes[n] = nextcode[tree->lengths[n]]++;
-        /*remove superfluous bits from the code*/
-        tree->codes[n] &= ((1u << tree->lengths[n]) - 1u);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  lodepng_free(blcount);
-  lodepng_free(nextcode);
-  if(!error) error = HuffmanTree_makeTable(tree);
-  return error;
-given the code lengths (as stored in the PNG file), generate the tree as defined
-by Deflate. maxbitlen is the maximum bits that a code in the tree can have.
-return value is error.
-static unsigned HuffmanTree_makeFromLengths(HuffmanTree* tree, const unsigned* bitlen,
-                                            size_t numcodes, unsigned maxbitlen) {
-  unsigned i;
-  tree->lengths = (unsigned*)lodepng_malloc(numcodes * sizeof(unsigned));
-  if(!tree->lengths) return 83; /*alloc fail*/
-  for(i = 0; i != numcodes; ++i) tree->lengths[i] = bitlen[i];
-  tree->numcodes = (unsigned)numcodes; /*number of symbols*/
-  tree->maxbitlen = maxbitlen;
-  return HuffmanTree_makeFromLengths2(tree);
-/*BPM: Boundary Package Merge, see "A Fast and Space-Economical Algorithm for Length-Limited Coding",
-Jyrki Katajainen, Alistair Moffat, Andrew Turpin, 1995.*/
-/*chain node for boundary package merge*/
-typedef struct BPMNode {
-  int weight; /*the sum of all weights in this chain*/
-  unsigned index; /*index of this leaf node (called "count" in the paper)*/
-  struct BPMNode* tail; /*the next nodes in this chain (null if last)*/
-  int in_use;
-} BPMNode;
-/*lists of chains*/
-typedef struct BPMLists {
-  /*memory pool*/
-  unsigned memsize;
-  BPMNode* memory;
-  unsigned numfree;
-  unsigned nextfree;
-  BPMNode** freelist;
-  /*two heads of lookahead chains per list*/
-  unsigned listsize;
-  BPMNode** chains0;
-  BPMNode** chains1;
-} BPMLists;
-/*creates a new chain node with the given parameters, from the memory in the lists */
-static BPMNode* bpmnode_create(BPMLists* lists, int weight, unsigned index, BPMNode* tail) {
-  unsigned i;
-  BPMNode* result;
-  /*memory full, so garbage collect*/
-  if(lists->nextfree >= lists->numfree) {
-    /*mark only those that are in use*/
-    for(i = 0; i != lists->memsize; ++i) lists->memory[i].in_use = 0;
-    for(i = 0; i != lists->listsize; ++i) {
-      BPMNode* node;
-      for(node = lists->chains0[i]; node != 0; node = node->tail) node->in_use = 1;
-      for(node = lists->chains1[i]; node != 0; node = node->tail) node->in_use = 1;
-    }
-    /*collect those that are free*/
-    lists->numfree = 0;
-    for(i = 0; i != lists->memsize; ++i) {
-      if(!lists->memory[i].in_use) lists->freelist[lists->numfree++] = &lists->memory[i];
-    }
-    lists->nextfree = 0;
-  }
-  result = lists->freelist[lists->nextfree++];
-  result->weight = weight;
-  result->index = index;
-  result->tail = tail;
-  return result;
-/*sort the leaves with stable mergesort*/
-static void bpmnode_sort(BPMNode* leaves, size_t num) {
-  BPMNode* mem = (BPMNode*)lodepng_malloc(sizeof(*leaves) * num);
-  size_t width, counter = 0;
-  for(width = 1; width < num; width *= 2) {
-    BPMNode* a = (counter & 1) ? mem : leaves;
-    BPMNode* b = (counter & 1) ? leaves : mem;
-    size_t p;
-    for(p = 0; p < num; p += 2 * width) {
-      size_t q = (p + width > num) ? num : (p + width);
-      size_t r = (p + 2 * width > num) ? num : (p + 2 * width);
-      size_t i = p, j = q, k;
-      for(k = p; k < r; k++) {
-        if(i < q && (j >= r || a[i].weight <= a[j].weight)) b[k] = a[i++];
-        else b[k] = a[j++];
-      }
-    }
-    counter++;
-  }
-  if(counter & 1) lodepng_memcpy(leaves, mem, sizeof(*leaves) * num);
-  lodepng_free(mem);
-/*Boundary Package Merge step, numpresent is the amount of leaves, and c is the current chain.*/
-static void boundaryPM(BPMLists* lists, BPMNode* leaves, size_t numpresent, int c, int num) {
-  unsigned lastindex = lists->chains1[c]->index;
-  if(c == 0) {
-    if(lastindex >= numpresent) return;
-    lists->chains0[c] = lists->chains1[c];
-    lists->chains1[c] = bpmnode_create(lists, leaves[lastindex].weight, lastindex + 1, 0);
-  } else {
-    /*sum of the weights of the head nodes of the previous lookahead chains.*/
-    int sum = lists->chains0[c - 1]->weight + lists->chains1[c - 1]->weight;
-    lists->chains0[c] = lists->chains1[c];
-    if(lastindex < numpresent && sum > leaves[lastindex].weight) {
-      lists->chains1[c] = bpmnode_create(lists, leaves[lastindex].weight, lastindex + 1, lists->chains1[c]->tail);
-      return;
-    }
-    lists->chains1[c] = bpmnode_create(lists, sum, lastindex, lists->chains1[c - 1]);
-    /*in the end we are only interested in the chain of the last list, so no
-    need to recurse if we're at the last one (this gives measurable speedup)*/
-    if(num + 1 < (int)(2 * numpresent - 2)) {
-      boundaryPM(lists, leaves, numpresent, c - 1, num);
-      boundaryPM(lists, leaves, numpresent, c - 1, num);
-    }
-  }
-unsigned lodepng_huffman_code_lengths(unsigned* lengths, const unsigned* frequencies,
-                                      size_t numcodes, unsigned maxbitlen) {
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  unsigned i;
-  size_t numpresent = 0; /*number of symbols with non-zero frequency*/
-  BPMNode* leaves; /*the symbols, only those with > 0 frequency*/
-  if(numcodes == 0) return 80; /*error: a tree of 0 symbols is not supposed to be made*/
-  if((1u << maxbitlen) < (unsigned)numcodes) return 80; /*error: represent all symbols*/
-  leaves = (BPMNode*)lodepng_malloc(numcodes * sizeof(*leaves));
-  if(!leaves) return 83; /*alloc fail*/
-  for(i = 0; i != numcodes; ++i) {
-    if(frequencies[i] > 0) {
-      leaves[numpresent].weight = (int)frequencies[i];
-      leaves[numpresent].index = i;
-      ++numpresent;
-    }
-  }
-  lodepng_memset(lengths, 0, numcodes * sizeof(*lengths));
-  /*ensure at least two present symbols. There should be at least one symbol
-  according to RFC 1951 section 3.2.7. Some decoders incorrectly require two. To
-  make these work as well ensure there are at least two symbols. The
-  Package-Merge code below also doesn't work correctly if there's only one
-  symbol, it'd give it the theoretical 0 bits but in practice zlib wants 1 bit*/
-  if(numpresent == 0) {
-    lengths[0] = lengths[1] = 1; /*note that for RFC 1951 section 3.2.7, only lengths[0] = 1 is needed*/
-  } else if(numpresent == 1) {
-    lengths[leaves[0].index] = 1;
-    lengths[leaves[0].index == 0 ? 1 : 0] = 1;
-  } else {
-    BPMLists lists;
-    BPMNode* node;
-    bpmnode_sort(leaves, numpresent);
-    lists.listsize = maxbitlen;
-    lists.memsize = 2 * maxbitlen * (maxbitlen + 1);
-    lists.nextfree = 0;
-    lists.numfree = lists.memsize;
-    lists.memory = (BPMNode*)lodepng_malloc(lists.memsize * sizeof(*lists.memory));
-    lists.freelist = (BPMNode**)lodepng_malloc(lists.memsize * sizeof(BPMNode*));
-    lists.chains0 = (BPMNode**)lodepng_malloc(lists.listsize * sizeof(BPMNode*));
-    lists.chains1 = (BPMNode**)lodepng_malloc(lists.listsize * sizeof(BPMNode*));
-    if(!lists.memory || !lists.freelist || !lists.chains0 || !lists.chains1) error = 83; /*alloc fail*/
-    if(!error) {
-      for(i = 0; i != lists.memsize; ++i) lists.freelist[i] = &lists.memory[i];
-      bpmnode_create(&lists, leaves[0].weight, 1, 0);
-      bpmnode_create(&lists, leaves[1].weight, 2, 0);
-      for(i = 0; i != lists.listsize; ++i) {
-        lists.chains0[i] = &lists.memory[0];
-        lists.chains1[i] = &lists.memory[1];
-      }
-      /*each boundaryPM call adds one chain to the last list, and we need 2 * numpresent - 2 chains.*/
-      for(i = 2; i != 2 * numpresent - 2; ++i) boundaryPM(&lists, leaves, numpresent, (int)maxbitlen - 1, (int)i);
-      for(node = lists.chains1[maxbitlen - 1]; node; node = node->tail) {
-        for(i = 0; i != node->index; ++i) ++lengths[leaves[i].index];
-      }
-    }
-    lodepng_free(lists.memory);
-    lodepng_free(lists.freelist);
-    lodepng_free(lists.chains0);
-    lodepng_free(lists.chains1);
-  }
-  lodepng_free(leaves);
-  return error;
-/*Create the Huffman tree given the symbol frequencies*/
-static unsigned HuffmanTree_makeFromFrequencies(HuffmanTree* tree, const unsigned* frequencies,
-                                                size_t mincodes, size_t numcodes, unsigned maxbitlen) {
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  while(!frequencies[numcodes - 1] && numcodes > mincodes) --numcodes; /*trim zeroes*/
-  tree->lengths = (unsigned*)lodepng_malloc(numcodes * sizeof(unsigned));
-  if(!tree->lengths) return 83; /*alloc fail*/
-  tree->maxbitlen = maxbitlen;
-  tree->numcodes = (unsigned)numcodes; /*number of symbols*/
-  error = lodepng_huffman_code_lengths(tree->lengths, frequencies, numcodes, maxbitlen);
-  if(!error) error = HuffmanTree_makeFromLengths2(tree);
-  return error;
-/*get the literal and length code tree of a deflated block with fixed tree, as per the deflate specification*/
-static unsigned generateFixedLitLenTree(HuffmanTree* tree) {
-  unsigned i, error = 0;
-  unsigned* bitlen = (unsigned*)lodepng_malloc(NUM_DEFLATE_CODE_SYMBOLS * sizeof(unsigned));
-  if(!bitlen) return 83; /*alloc fail*/
-  /*288 possible codes: 0-255=literals, 256=endcode, 257-285=lengthcodes, 286-287=unused*/
-  for(i =   0; i <= 143; ++i) bitlen[i] = 8;
-  for(i = 144; i <= 255; ++i) bitlen[i] = 9;
-  for(i = 256; i <= 279; ++i) bitlen[i] = 7;
-  for(i = 280; i <= 287; ++i) bitlen[i] = 8;
-  error = HuffmanTree_makeFromLengths(tree, bitlen, NUM_DEFLATE_CODE_SYMBOLS, 15);
-  lodepng_free(bitlen);
-  return error;
-/*get the distance code tree of a deflated block with fixed tree, as specified in the deflate specification*/
-static unsigned generateFixedDistanceTree(HuffmanTree* tree) {
-  unsigned i, error = 0;
-  unsigned* bitlen = (unsigned*)lodepng_malloc(NUM_DISTANCE_SYMBOLS * sizeof(unsigned));
-  if(!bitlen) return 83; /*alloc fail*/
-  /*there are 32 distance codes, but 30-31 are unused*/
-  for(i = 0; i != NUM_DISTANCE_SYMBOLS; ++i) bitlen[i] = 5;
-  error = HuffmanTree_makeFromLengths(tree, bitlen, NUM_DISTANCE_SYMBOLS, 15);
-  lodepng_free(bitlen);
-  return error;
-returns the code. The bit reader must already have been ensured at least 15 bits
-static unsigned huffmanDecodeSymbol(LodePNGBitReader* reader, const HuffmanTree* codetree) {
-  unsigned short code = peekBits(reader, FIRSTBITS);
-  unsigned short l = codetree->table_len[code];
-  unsigned short value = codetree->table_value[code];
-  if(l <= FIRSTBITS) {
-    advanceBits(reader, l);
-    return value;
-  } else {
-    advanceBits(reader, FIRSTBITS);
-    value += peekBits(reader, l - FIRSTBITS);
-    advanceBits(reader, codetree->table_len[value] - FIRSTBITS);
-    return codetree->table_value[value];
-  }
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* / Inflator (Decompressor)                                                / */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/*get the tree of a deflated block with fixed tree, as specified in the deflate specification
-Returns error code.*/
-static unsigned getTreeInflateFixed(HuffmanTree* tree_ll, HuffmanTree* tree_d) {
-  unsigned error = generateFixedLitLenTree(tree_ll);
-  if(error) return error;
-  return generateFixedDistanceTree(tree_d);
-/*get the tree of a deflated block with dynamic tree, the tree itself is also Huffman compressed with a known tree*/
-static unsigned getTreeInflateDynamic(HuffmanTree* tree_ll, HuffmanTree* tree_d,
-                                      LodePNGBitReader* reader) {
-  /*make sure that length values that aren't filled in will be 0, or a wrong tree will be generated*/
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  unsigned n, HLIT, HDIST, HCLEN, i;
-  /*see comments in deflateDynamic for explanation of the context and these variables, it is analogous*/
-  unsigned* bitlen_ll = 0; /*lit,len code lengths*/
-  unsigned* bitlen_d = 0; /*dist code lengths*/
-  /*code length code lengths ("clcl"), the bit lengths of the huffman tree used to compress bitlen_ll and bitlen_d*/
-  unsigned* bitlen_cl = 0;
-  HuffmanTree tree_cl; /*the code tree for code length codes (the huffman tree for compressed huffman trees)*/
-  if(reader->bitsize - reader->bp < 14) return 49; /*error: the bit pointer is or will go past the memory*/
-  ensureBits17(reader, 14);
-  /*number of literal/length codes + 257. Unlike the spec, the value 257 is added to it here already*/
-  HLIT =  readBits(reader, 5) + 257;
-  /*number of distance codes. Unlike the spec, the value 1 is added to it here already*/
-  HDIST = readBits(reader, 5) + 1;
-  /*number of code length codes. Unlike the spec, the value 4 is added to it here already*/
-  HCLEN = readBits(reader, 4) + 4;
-  bitlen_cl = (unsigned*)lodepng_malloc(NUM_CODE_LENGTH_CODES * sizeof(unsigned));
-  if(!bitlen_cl) return 83 /*alloc fail*/;
-  HuffmanTree_init(&tree_cl);
-  while(!error) {
-    /*read the code length codes out of 3 * (amount of code length codes) bits*/
-    if(lodepng_gtofl(reader->bp, HCLEN * 3, reader->bitsize)) {
-      ERROR_BREAK(50); /*error: the bit pointer is or will go past the memory*/
-    }
-    for(i = 0; i != HCLEN; ++i) {
-      ensureBits9(reader, 3); /*out of bounds already checked above */
-      bitlen_cl[CLCL_ORDER[i]] = readBits(reader, 3);
-    }
-    for(i = HCLEN; i != NUM_CODE_LENGTH_CODES; ++i) {
-      bitlen_cl[CLCL_ORDER[i]] = 0;
-    }
-    error = HuffmanTree_makeFromLengths(&tree_cl, bitlen_cl, NUM_CODE_LENGTH_CODES, 7);
-    if(error) break;
-    /*now we can use this tree to read the lengths for the tree that this function will return*/
-    bitlen_ll = (unsigned*)lodepng_malloc(NUM_DEFLATE_CODE_SYMBOLS * sizeof(unsigned));
-    bitlen_d = (unsigned*)lodepng_malloc(NUM_DISTANCE_SYMBOLS * sizeof(unsigned));
-    if(!bitlen_ll || !bitlen_d) ERROR_BREAK(83 /*alloc fail*/);
-    lodepng_memset(bitlen_ll, 0, NUM_DEFLATE_CODE_SYMBOLS * sizeof(*bitlen_ll));
-    lodepng_memset(bitlen_d, 0, NUM_DISTANCE_SYMBOLS * sizeof(*bitlen_d));
-    /*i is the current symbol we're reading in the part that contains the code lengths of lit/len and dist codes*/
-    i = 0;
-    while(i < HLIT + HDIST) {
-      unsigned code;
-      ensureBits25(reader, 22); /* up to 15 bits for huffman code, up to 7 extra bits below*/
-      code = huffmanDecodeSymbol(reader, &tree_cl);
-      if(code <= 15) /*a length code*/ {
-        if(i < HLIT) bitlen_ll[i] = code;
-        else bitlen_d[i - HLIT] = code;
-        ++i;
-      } else if(code == 16) /*repeat previous*/ {
-        unsigned replength = 3; /*read in the 2 bits that indicate repeat length (3-6)*/
-        unsigned value; /*set value to the previous code*/
-        if(i == 0) ERROR_BREAK(54); /*can't repeat previous if i is 0*/
-        replength += readBits(reader, 2);
-        if(i < HLIT + 1) value = bitlen_ll[i - 1];
-        else value = bitlen_d[i - HLIT - 1];
-        /*repeat this value in the next lengths*/
-        for(n = 0; n < replength; ++n) {
-          if(i >= HLIT + HDIST) ERROR_BREAK(13); /*error: i is larger than the amount of codes*/
-          if(i < HLIT) bitlen_ll[i] = value;
-          else bitlen_d[i - HLIT] = value;
-          ++i;
-        }
-      } else if(code == 17) /*repeat "0" 3-10 times*/ {
-        unsigned replength = 3; /*read in the bits that indicate repeat length*/
-        replength += readBits(reader, 3);
-        /*repeat this value in the next lengths*/
-        for(n = 0; n < replength; ++n) {
-          if(i >= HLIT + HDIST) ERROR_BREAK(14); /*error: i is larger than the amount of codes*/
-          if(i < HLIT) bitlen_ll[i] = 0;
-          else bitlen_d[i - HLIT] = 0;
-          ++i;
-        }
-      } else if(code == 18) /*repeat "0" 11-138 times*/ {
-        unsigned replength = 11; /*read in the bits that indicate repeat length*/
-        replength += readBits(reader, 7);
-        /*repeat this value in the next lengths*/
-        for(n = 0; n < replength; ++n) {
-          if(i >= HLIT + HDIST) ERROR_BREAK(15); /*error: i is larger than the amount of codes*/
-          if(i < HLIT) bitlen_ll[i] = 0;
-          else bitlen_d[i - HLIT] = 0;
-          ++i;
-        }
-      } else /*if(code == INVALIDSYMBOL)*/ {
-        ERROR_BREAK(16); /*error: tried to read disallowed huffman symbol*/
-      }
-      /*check if any of the ensureBits above went out of bounds*/
-      if(reader->bp > reader->bitsize) {
-        /*return error code 10 or 11 depending on the situation that happened in huffmanDecodeSymbol
-        (10=no endcode, 11=wrong jump outside of tree)*/
-        /* TODO: revise error codes 10,11,50: the above comment is no longer valid */
-        ERROR_BREAK(50); /*error, bit pointer jumps past memory*/
-      }
-    }
-    if(error) break;
-    if(bitlen_ll[256] == 0) ERROR_BREAK(64); /*the length of the end code 256 must be larger than 0*/
-    /*now we've finally got HLIT and HDIST, so generate the code trees, and the function is done*/
-    error = HuffmanTree_makeFromLengths(tree_ll, bitlen_ll, NUM_DEFLATE_CODE_SYMBOLS, 15);
-    if(error) break;
-    error = HuffmanTree_makeFromLengths(tree_d, bitlen_d, NUM_DISTANCE_SYMBOLS, 15);
-    break; /*end of error-while*/
-  }
-  lodepng_free(bitlen_cl);
-  lodepng_free(bitlen_ll);
-  lodepng_free(bitlen_d);
-  HuffmanTree_cleanup(&tree_cl);
-  return error;
-/*inflate a block with dynamic of fixed Huffman tree. btype must be 1 or 2.*/
-static unsigned inflateHuffmanBlock(ucvector* out, LodePNGBitReader* reader,
-                                    unsigned btype, size_t max_output_size) {
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  HuffmanTree tree_ll; /*the huffman tree for literal and length codes*/
-  HuffmanTree tree_d; /*the huffman tree for distance codes*/
-  const size_t reserved_size = 260; /* must be at least 258 for max length, and a few extra for adding a few extra literals */
-  int done = 0;
-  if(!ucvector_reserve(out, out->size + reserved_size)) return 83; /*alloc fail*/
-  HuffmanTree_init(&tree_ll);
-  HuffmanTree_init(&tree_d);
-  if(btype == 1) error = getTreeInflateFixed(&tree_ll, &tree_d);
-  else /*if(btype == 2)*/ error = getTreeInflateDynamic(&tree_ll, &tree_d, reader);
-  while(!error && !done) /*decode all symbols until end reached, breaks at end code*/ {
-    /*code_ll is literal, length or end code*/
-    unsigned code_ll;
-    /* ensure enough bits for 2 huffman code reads (15 bits each): if the first is a literal, a second literal is read at once. This
-    appears to be slightly faster, than ensuring 20 bits here for 1 huffman symbol and the potential 5 extra bits for the length symbol.*/
-    ensureBits32(reader, 30);
-    code_ll = huffmanDecodeSymbol(reader, &tree_ll);
-    if(code_ll <= 255) {
-      /*slightly faster code path if multiple literals in a row*/
-      out->data[out->size++] = (unsigned char)code_ll;
-      code_ll = huffmanDecodeSymbol(reader, &tree_ll);
-    }
-    if(code_ll <= 255) /*literal symbol*/ {
-      out->data[out->size++] = (unsigned char)code_ll;
-    } else if(code_ll >= FIRST_LENGTH_CODE_INDEX && code_ll <= LAST_LENGTH_CODE_INDEX) /*length code*/ {
-      unsigned code_d, distance;
-      unsigned numextrabits_l, numextrabits_d; /*extra bits for length and distance*/
-      size_t start, backward, length;
-      /*part 1: get length base*/
-      length = LENGTHBASE[code_ll - FIRST_LENGTH_CODE_INDEX];
-      /*part 2: get extra bits and add the value of that to length*/
-      numextrabits_l = LENGTHEXTRA[code_ll - FIRST_LENGTH_CODE_INDEX];
-      if(numextrabits_l != 0) {
-        /* bits already ensured above */
-        ensureBits25(reader, 5);
-        length += readBits(reader, numextrabits_l);
-      }
-      /*part 3: get distance code*/
-      ensureBits32(reader, 28); /* up to 15 for the huffman symbol, up to 13 for the extra bits */
-      code_d = huffmanDecodeSymbol(reader, &tree_d);
-      if(code_d > 29) {
-        if(code_d <= 31) {
-          ERROR_BREAK(18); /*error: invalid distance code (30-31 are never used)*/
-        } else /* if(code_d == INVALIDSYMBOL) */{
-          ERROR_BREAK(16); /*error: tried to read disallowed huffman symbol*/
-        }
-      }
-      distance = DISTANCEBASE[code_d];
-      /*part 4: get extra bits from distance*/
-      numextrabits_d = DISTANCEEXTRA[code_d];
-      if(numextrabits_d != 0) {
-        /* bits already ensured above */
-        distance += readBits(reader, numextrabits_d);
-      }
-      /*part 5: fill in all the out[n] values based on the length and dist*/
-      start = out->size;
-      if(distance > start) ERROR_BREAK(52); /*too long backward distance*/
-      backward = start - distance;
-      out->size += length;
-      if(distance < length) {
-        size_t forward;
-        lodepng_memcpy(out->data + start, out->data + backward, distance);
-        start += distance;
-        for(forward = distance; forward < length; ++forward) {
-          out->data[start++] = out->data[backward++];
-        }
-      } else {
-        lodepng_memcpy(out->data + start, out->data + backward, length);
-      }
-    } else if(code_ll == 256) {
-      done = 1; /*end code, finish the loop*/
-    } else /*if(code_ll == INVALIDSYMBOL)*/ {
-      ERROR_BREAK(16); /*error: tried to read disallowed huffman symbol*/
-    }
-    if(out->allocsize - out->size < reserved_size) {
-      if(!ucvector_reserve(out, out->size + reserved_size)) ERROR_BREAK(83); /*alloc fail*/
-    }
-    /*check if any of the ensureBits above went out of bounds*/
-    if(reader->bp > reader->bitsize) {
-      /*return error code 10 or 11 depending on the situation that happened in huffmanDecodeSymbol
-      (10=no endcode, 11=wrong jump outside of tree)*/
-      /* TODO: revise error codes 10,11,50: the above comment is no longer valid */
-      ERROR_BREAK(51); /*error, bit pointer jumps past memory*/
-    }
-    if(max_output_size && out->size > max_output_size) {
-      ERROR_BREAK(109); /*error, larger than max size*/
-    }
-  }
-  HuffmanTree_cleanup(&tree_ll);
-  HuffmanTree_cleanup(&tree_d);
-  return error;
-static unsigned inflateNoCompression(ucvector* out, LodePNGBitReader* reader,
-                                     const LodePNGDecompressSettings* settings) {
-  size_t bytepos;
-  size_t size = reader->size;
-  unsigned LEN, NLEN, error = 0;
-  /*go to first boundary of byte*/
-  bytepos = (reader->bp + 7u) >> 3u;
-  /*read LEN (2 bytes) and NLEN (2 bytes)*/
-  if(bytepos + 4 >= size) return 52; /*error, bit pointer will jump past memory*/
-  LEN = (unsigned)reader->data[bytepos] + ((unsigned)reader->data[bytepos + 1] << 8u); bytepos += 2;
-  NLEN = (unsigned)reader->data[bytepos] + ((unsigned)reader->data[bytepos + 1] << 8u); bytepos += 2;
-  /*check if 16-bit NLEN is really the one's complement of LEN*/
-  if(!settings->ignore_nlen && LEN + NLEN != 65535) {
-    return 21; /*error: NLEN is not one's complement of LEN*/
-  }
-  if(!ucvector_resize(out, out->size + LEN)) return 83; /*alloc fail*/
-  /*read the literal data: LEN bytes are now stored in the out buffer*/
-  if(bytepos + LEN > size) return 23; /*error: reading outside of in buffer*/
-  /*out->data can be NULL (when LEN is zero), and arithmetics on NULL ptr is undefined*/
-  if (LEN) {
-    lodepng_memcpy(out->data + out->size - LEN, reader->data + bytepos, LEN);
-    bytepos += LEN;
-  }
-  reader->bp = bytepos << 3u;
-  return error;
-static unsigned lodepng_inflatev(ucvector* out,
-                                 const unsigned char* in, size_t insize,
-                                 const LodePNGDecompressSettings* settings) {
-  unsigned BFINAL = 0;
-  LodePNGBitReader reader;
-  unsigned error = LodePNGBitReader_init(&reader, in, insize);
-  if(error) return error;
-  while(!BFINAL) {
-    unsigned BTYPE;
-    if(reader.bitsize - reader.bp < 3) return 52; /*error, bit pointer will jump past memory*/
-    ensureBits9(&reader, 3);
-    BFINAL = readBits(&reader, 1);
-    BTYPE = readBits(&reader, 2);
-    if(BTYPE == 3) return 20; /*error: invalid BTYPE*/
-    else if(BTYPE == 0) error = inflateNoCompression(out, &reader, settings); /*no compression*/
-    else error = inflateHuffmanBlock(out, &reader, BTYPE, settings->max_output_size); /*compression, BTYPE 01 or 10*/
-    if(!error && settings->max_output_size && out->size > settings->max_output_size) error = 109;
-    if(error) break;
-  }
-  return error;
-unsigned lodepng_inflate(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize,
-                         const unsigned char* in, size_t insize,
-                         const LodePNGDecompressSettings* settings) {
-  ucvector v = ucvector_init(*out, *outsize);
-  unsigned error = lodepng_inflatev(&v, in, insize, settings);
-  *out =;
-  *outsize = v.size;
-  return error;
-static unsigned inflatev(ucvector* out, const unsigned char* in, size_t insize,
-                        const LodePNGDecompressSettings* settings) {
-  if(settings->custom_inflate) {
-    unsigned error = settings->custom_inflate(&out->data, &out->size, in, insize, settings);
-    out->allocsize = out->size;
-    if(error) {
-      /*the custom inflate is allowed to have its own error codes, however, we translate it to code 110*/
-      error = 110;
-      /*if there's a max output size, and the custom zlib returned error, then indicate that error instead*/
-      if(settings->max_output_size && out->size > settings->max_output_size) error = 109;
-    }
-    return error;
-  } else {
-    return lodepng_inflatev(out, in, insize, settings);
-  }
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* / Deflator (Compressor)                                                  / */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-static const size_t MAX_SUPPORTED_DEFLATE_LENGTH = 258;
-/*search the index in the array, that has the largest value smaller than or equal to the given value,
-given array must be sorted (if no value is smaller, it returns the size of the given array)*/
-static size_t searchCodeIndex(const unsigned* array, size_t array_size, size_t value) {
-  /*binary search (only small gain over linear). TODO: use CPU log2 instruction for getting symbols instead*/
-  size_t left = 1;
-  size_t right = array_size - 1;
-  while(left <= right) {
-    size_t mid = (left + right) >> 1;
-    if(array[mid] >= value) right = mid - 1;
-    else left = mid + 1;
-  }
-  if(left >= array_size || array[left] > value) left--;
-  return left;
-static void addLengthDistance(uivector* values, size_t length, size_t distance) {
-  /*values in encoded vector are those used by deflate:
-  0-255: literal bytes
-  256: end
-  257-285: length/distance pair (length code, followed by extra length bits, distance code, extra distance bits)
-  286-287: invalid*/
-  unsigned length_code = (unsigned)searchCodeIndex(LENGTHBASE, 29, length);
-  unsigned extra_length = (unsigned)(length - LENGTHBASE[length_code]);
-  unsigned dist_code = (unsigned)searchCodeIndex(DISTANCEBASE, 30, distance);
-  unsigned extra_distance = (unsigned)(distance - DISTANCEBASE[dist_code]);
-  size_t pos = values->size;
-  /*TODO: return error when this fails (out of memory)*/
-  unsigned ok = uivector_resize(values, values->size + 4);
-  if(ok) {
-    values->data[pos + 0] = length_code + FIRST_LENGTH_CODE_INDEX;
-    values->data[pos + 1] = extra_length;
-    values->data[pos + 2] = dist_code;
-    values->data[pos + 3] = extra_distance;
-  }
-/*3 bytes of data get encoded into two bytes. The hash cannot use more than 3
-bytes as input because 3 is the minimum match length for deflate*/
-static const unsigned HASH_NUM_VALUES = 65536;
-static const unsigned HASH_BIT_MASK = 65535; /*HASH_NUM_VALUES - 1, but C90 does not like that as initializer*/
-typedef struct Hash {
-  int* head; /*hash value to head circular pos - can be outdated if went around window*/
-  /*circular pos to prev circular pos*/
-  unsigned short* chain;
-  int* val; /*circular pos to hash value*/
-  /*TODO: do this not only for zeros but for any repeated byte. However for PNG
-  it's always going to be the zeros that dominate, so not important for PNG*/
-  int* headz; /*similar to head, but for chainz*/
-  unsigned short* chainz; /*those with same amount of zeros*/
-  unsigned short* zeros; /*length of zeros streak, used as a second hash chain*/
-} Hash;
-static unsigned hash_init(Hash* hash, unsigned windowsize) {
-  unsigned i;
-  hash->head = (int*)lodepng_malloc(sizeof(int) * HASH_NUM_VALUES);
-  hash->val = (int*)lodepng_malloc(sizeof(int) * windowsize);
-  hash->chain = (unsigned short*)lodepng_malloc(sizeof(unsigned short) * windowsize);
-  hash->zeros = (unsigned short*)lodepng_malloc(sizeof(unsigned short) * windowsize);
-  hash->headz = (int*)lodepng_malloc(sizeof(int) * (MAX_SUPPORTED_DEFLATE_LENGTH + 1));
-  hash->chainz = (unsigned short*)lodepng_malloc(sizeof(unsigned short) * windowsize);
-  if(!hash->head || !hash->chain || !hash->val  || !hash->headz|| !hash->chainz || !hash->zeros) {
-    return 83; /*alloc fail*/
-  }
-  /*initialize hash table*/
-  for(i = 0; i != HASH_NUM_VALUES; ++i) hash->head[i] = -1;
-  for(i = 0; i != windowsize; ++i) hash->val[i] = -1;
-  for(i = 0; i != windowsize; ++i) hash->chain[i] = i; /*same value as index indicates uninitialized*/
-  for(i = 0; i <= MAX_SUPPORTED_DEFLATE_LENGTH; ++i) hash->headz[i] = -1;
-  for(i = 0; i != windowsize; ++i) hash->chainz[i] = i; /*same value as index indicates uninitialized*/
-  return 0;
-static void hash_cleanup(Hash* hash) {
-  lodepng_free(hash->head);
-  lodepng_free(hash->val);
-  lodepng_free(hash->chain);
-  lodepng_free(hash->zeros);
-  lodepng_free(hash->headz);
-  lodepng_free(hash->chainz);
-static unsigned getHash(const unsigned char* data, size_t size, size_t pos) {
-  unsigned result = 0;
-  if(pos + 2 < size) {
-    /*A simple shift and xor hash is used. Since the data of PNGs is dominated
-    by zeroes due to the filters, a better hash does not have a significant
-    effect on speed in traversing the chain, and causes more time spend on
-    calculating the hash.*/
-    result ^= ((unsigned)data[pos + 0] << 0u);
-    result ^= ((unsigned)data[pos + 1] << 4u);
-    result ^= ((unsigned)data[pos + 2] << 8u);
-  } else {
-    size_t amount, i;
-    if(pos >= size) return 0;
-    amount = size - pos;
-    for(i = 0; i != amount; ++i) result ^= ((unsigned)data[pos + i] << (i * 8u));
-  }
-  return result & HASH_BIT_MASK;
-static unsigned countZeros(const unsigned char* data, size_t size, size_t pos) {
-  const unsigned char* start = data + pos;
-  const unsigned char* end = start + MAX_SUPPORTED_DEFLATE_LENGTH;
-  if(end > data + size) end = data + size;
-  data = start;
-  while(data != end && *data == 0) ++data;
-  /*subtracting two addresses returned as 32-bit number (max value is MAX_SUPPORTED_DEFLATE_LENGTH)*/
-  return (unsigned)(data - start);
-/*wpos = pos & (windowsize - 1)*/
-static void updateHashChain(Hash* hash, size_t wpos, unsigned hashval, unsigned short numzeros) {
-  hash->val[wpos] = (int)hashval;
-  if(hash->head[hashval] != -1) hash->chain[wpos] = hash->head[hashval];
-  hash->head[hashval] = (int)wpos;
-  hash->zeros[wpos] = numzeros;
-  if(hash->headz[numzeros] != -1) hash->chainz[wpos] = hash->headz[numzeros];
-  hash->headz[numzeros] = (int)wpos;
-LZ77-encode the data. Return value is error code. The input are raw bytes, the output
-is in the form of unsigned integers with codes representing for example literal bytes, or
-length/distance pairs.
-It uses a hash table technique to let it encode faster. When doing LZ77 encoding, a
-sliding window (of windowsize) is used, and all past bytes in that window can be used as
-the "dictionary". A brute force search through all possible distances would be slow, and
-this hash technique is one out of several ways to speed this up.
-static unsigned encodeLZ77(uivector* out, Hash* hash,
-                           const unsigned char* in, size_t inpos, size_t insize, unsigned windowsize,
-                           unsigned minmatch, unsigned nicematch, unsigned lazymatching) {
-  size_t pos;
-  unsigned i, error = 0;
-  /*for large window lengths, assume the user wants no compression loss. Otherwise, max hash chain length speedup.*/
-  unsigned maxchainlength = windowsize >= 8192 ? windowsize : windowsize / 8u;
-  unsigned maxlazymatch = windowsize >= 8192 ? MAX_SUPPORTED_DEFLATE_LENGTH : 64;
-  unsigned usezeros = 1; /*not sure if setting it to false for windowsize < 8192 is better or worse*/
-  unsigned numzeros = 0;
-  unsigned offset; /*the offset represents the distance in LZ77 terminology*/
-  unsigned length;
-  unsigned lazy = 0;
-  unsigned lazylength = 0, lazyoffset = 0;
-  unsigned hashval;
-  unsigned current_offset, current_length;
-  unsigned prev_offset;
-  const unsigned char *lastptr, *foreptr, *backptr;
-  unsigned hashpos;
-  if(windowsize == 0 || windowsize > 32768) return 60; /*error: windowsize smaller/larger than allowed*/
-  if((windowsize & (windowsize - 1)) != 0) return 90; /*error: must be power of two*/
-  for(pos = inpos; pos < insize; ++pos) {
-    size_t wpos = pos & (windowsize - 1); /*position for in 'circular' hash buffers*/
-    unsigned chainlength = 0;
-    hashval = getHash(in, insize, pos);
-    if(usezeros && hashval == 0) {
-      if(numzeros == 0) numzeros = countZeros(in, insize, pos);
-      else if(pos + numzeros > insize || in[pos + numzeros - 1] != 0) --numzeros;
-    } else {
-      numzeros = 0;
-    }
-    updateHashChain(hash, wpos, hashval, numzeros);
-    /*the length and offset found for the current position*/
-    length = 0;
-    offset = 0;
-    hashpos = hash->chain[wpos];
-    lastptr = &in[insize < pos + MAX_SUPPORTED_DEFLATE_LENGTH ? insize : pos + MAX_SUPPORTED_DEFLATE_LENGTH];
-    /*search for the longest string*/
-    prev_offset = 0;
-    for(;;) {
-      if(chainlength++ >= maxchainlength) break;
-      current_offset = (unsigned)(hashpos <= wpos ? wpos - hashpos : wpos - hashpos + windowsize);
-      if(current_offset < prev_offset) break; /*stop when went completely around the circular buffer*/
-      prev_offset = current_offset;
-      if(current_offset > 0) {
-        /*test the next characters*/
-        foreptr = &in[pos];
-        backptr = &in[pos - current_offset];
-        /*common case in PNGs is lots of zeros. Quickly skip over them as a speedup*/
-        if(numzeros >= 3) {
-          unsigned skip = hash->zeros[hashpos];
-          if(skip > numzeros) skip = numzeros;
-          backptr += skip;
-          foreptr += skip;
-        }
-        while(foreptr != lastptr && *backptr == *foreptr) /*maximum supported length by deflate is max length*/ {
-          ++backptr;
-          ++foreptr;
-        }
-        current_length = (unsigned)(foreptr - &in[pos]);
-        if(current_length > length) {
-          length = current_length; /*the longest length*/
-          offset = current_offset; /*the offset that is related to this longest length*/
-          /*jump out once a length of max length is found (speed gain). This also jumps
-          out if length is MAX_SUPPORTED_DEFLATE_LENGTH*/
-          if(current_length >= nicematch) break;
-        }
-      }
-      if(hashpos == hash->chain[hashpos]) break;
-      if(numzeros >= 3 && length > numzeros) {
-        hashpos = hash->chainz[hashpos];
-        if(hash->zeros[hashpos] != numzeros) break;
-      } else {
-        hashpos = hash->chain[hashpos];
-        /*outdated hash value, happens if particular value was not encountered in whole last window*/
-        if(hash->val[hashpos] != (int)hashval) break;
-      }
-    }
-    if(lazymatching) {
-      if(!lazy && length >= 3 && length <= maxlazymatch && length < MAX_SUPPORTED_DEFLATE_LENGTH) {
-        lazy = 1;
-        lazylength = length;
-        lazyoffset = offset;
-        continue; /*try the next byte*/
-      }
-      if(lazy) {
-        lazy = 0;
-        if(pos == 0) ERROR_BREAK(81);
-        if(length > lazylength + 1) {
-          /*push the previous character as literal*/
-          if(!uivector_push_back(out, in[pos - 1])) ERROR_BREAK(83 /*alloc fail*/);
-        } else {
-          length = lazylength;
-          offset = lazyoffset;
-          hash->head[hashval] = -1; /*the same hashchain update will be done, this ensures no wrong alteration*/
-          hash->headz[numzeros] = -1; /*idem*/
-          --pos;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    if(length >= 3 && offset > windowsize) ERROR_BREAK(86 /*too big (or overflown negative) offset*/);
-    /*encode it as length/distance pair or literal value*/
-    if(length < 3) /*only lengths of 3 or higher are supported as length/distance pair*/ {
-      if(!uivector_push_back(out, in[pos])) ERROR_BREAK(83 /*alloc fail*/);
-    } else if(length < minmatch || (length == 3 && offset > 4096)) {
-      /*compensate for the fact that longer offsets have more extra bits, a
-      length of only 3 may be not worth it then*/
-      if(!uivector_push_back(out, in[pos])) ERROR_BREAK(83 /*alloc fail*/);
-    } else {
-      addLengthDistance(out, length, offset);
-      for(i = 1; i < length; ++i) {
-        ++pos;
-        wpos = pos & (windowsize - 1);
-        hashval = getHash(in, insize, pos);
-        if(usezeros && hashval == 0) {
-          if(numzeros == 0) numzeros = countZeros(in, insize, pos);
-          else if(pos + numzeros > insize || in[pos + numzeros - 1] != 0) --numzeros;
-        } else {
-          numzeros = 0;
-        }
-        updateHashChain(hash, wpos, hashval, numzeros);
-      }
-    }
-  } /*end of the loop through each character of input*/
-  return error;
-/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-static unsigned deflateNoCompression(ucvector* out, const unsigned char* data, size_t datasize) {
-  /*non compressed deflate block data: 1 bit BFINAL,2 bits BTYPE,(5 bits): it jumps to start of next byte,
-  2 bytes LEN, 2 bytes NLEN, LEN bytes literal DATA*/
-  size_t i, numdeflateblocks = (datasize + 65534u) / 65535u;
-  unsigned datapos = 0;
-  for(i = 0; i != numdeflateblocks; ++i) {
-    unsigned BFINAL, BTYPE, LEN, NLEN;
-    unsigned char firstbyte;
-    size_t pos = out->size;
-    BFINAL = (i == numdeflateblocks - 1);
-    BTYPE = 0;
-    LEN = 65535;
-    if(datasize - datapos < 65535u) LEN = (unsigned)datasize - datapos;
-    NLEN = 65535 - LEN;
-    if(!ucvector_resize(out, out->size + LEN + 5)) return 83; /*alloc fail*/
-    firstbyte = (unsigned char)(BFINAL + ((BTYPE & 1u) << 1u) + ((BTYPE & 2u) << 1u));
-    out->data[pos + 0] = firstbyte;
-    out->data[pos + 1] = (unsigned char)(LEN & 255);
-    out->data[pos + 2] = (unsigned char)(LEN >> 8u);
-    out->data[pos + 3] = (unsigned char)(NLEN & 255);
-    out->data[pos + 4] = (unsigned char)(NLEN >> 8u);
-    lodepng_memcpy(out->data + pos + 5, data + datapos, LEN);
-    datapos += LEN;
-  }
-  return 0;
-write the lz77-encoded data, which has lit, len and dist codes, to compressed stream using huffman trees.
-tree_ll: the tree for lit and len codes.
-tree_d: the tree for distance codes.
-static void writeLZ77data(LodePNGBitWriter* writer, const uivector* lz77_encoded,
-                          const HuffmanTree* tree_ll, const HuffmanTree* tree_d) {
-  size_t i = 0;
-  for(i = 0; i != lz77_encoded->size; ++i) {
-    unsigned val = lz77_encoded->data[i];
-    writeBitsReversed(writer, tree_ll->codes[val], tree_ll->lengths[val]);
-    if(val > 256) /*for a length code, 3 more things have to be added*/ {
-      unsigned length_index = val - FIRST_LENGTH_CODE_INDEX;
-      unsigned n_length_extra_bits = LENGTHEXTRA[length_index];
-      unsigned length_extra_bits = lz77_encoded->data[++i];
-      unsigned distance_code = lz77_encoded->data[++i];
-      unsigned distance_index = distance_code;
-      unsigned n_distance_extra_bits = DISTANCEEXTRA[distance_index];
-      unsigned distance_extra_bits = lz77_encoded->data[++i];
-      writeBits(writer, length_extra_bits, n_length_extra_bits);
-      writeBitsReversed(writer, tree_d->codes[distance_code], tree_d->lengths[distance_code]);
-      writeBits(writer, distance_extra_bits, n_distance_extra_bits);
-    }
-  }
-/*Deflate for a block of type "dynamic", that is, with freely, optimally, created huffman trees*/
-static unsigned deflateDynamic(LodePNGBitWriter* writer, Hash* hash,
-                               const unsigned char* data, size_t datapos, size_t dataend,
-                               const LodePNGCompressSettings* settings, unsigned final) {
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  /*
-  A block is compressed as follows: The PNG data is lz77 encoded, resulting in
-  literal bytes and length/distance pairs. This is then huffman compressed with
-  two huffman trees. One huffman tree is used for the lit and len values ("ll"),
-  another huffman tree is used for the dist values ("d"). These two trees are
-  stored using their code lengths, and to compress even more these code lengths
-  are also run-length encoded and huffman compressed. This gives a huffman tree
-  of code lengths "cl". The code lengths used to describe this third tree are
-  the code length code lengths ("clcl").
-  */
-  /*The lz77 encoded data, represented with integers since there will also be length and distance codes in it*/
-  uivector lz77_encoded;
-  HuffmanTree tree_ll; /*tree for lit,len values*/
-  HuffmanTree tree_d; /*tree for distance codes*/
-  HuffmanTree tree_cl; /*tree for encoding the code lengths representing tree_ll and tree_d*/
-  unsigned* frequencies_ll = 0; /*frequency of lit,len codes*/
-  unsigned* frequencies_d = 0; /*frequency of dist codes*/
-  unsigned* frequencies_cl = 0; /*frequency of code length codes*/
-  unsigned* bitlen_lld = 0; /*lit,len,dist code lengths (int bits), literally (without repeat codes).*/
-  unsigned* bitlen_lld_e = 0; /*bitlen_lld encoded with repeat codes (this is a rudimentary run length compression)*/
-  size_t datasize = dataend - datapos;
-  /*
-  If we could call "bitlen_cl" the the code length code lengths ("clcl"), that is the bit lengths of codes to represent
-  tree_cl in CLCL_ORDER, then due to the huffman compression of huffman tree representations ("two levels"), there are
-  some analogies:
-  bitlen_lld is to tree_cl what data is to tree_ll and tree_d.
-  bitlen_lld_e is to bitlen_lld what lz77_encoded is to data.
-  bitlen_cl is to bitlen_lld_e what bitlen_lld is to lz77_encoded.
-  */
-  unsigned BFINAL = final;
-  size_t i;
-  size_t numcodes_ll, numcodes_d, numcodes_lld, numcodes_lld_e, numcodes_cl;
-  unsigned HLIT, HDIST, HCLEN;
-  uivector_init(&lz77_encoded);
-  HuffmanTree_init(&tree_ll);
-  HuffmanTree_init(&tree_d);
-  HuffmanTree_init(&tree_cl);
-  /* could fit on stack, but >1KB is on the larger side so allocate instead */
-  frequencies_ll = (unsigned*)lodepng_malloc(286 * sizeof(*frequencies_ll));
-  frequencies_d = (unsigned*)lodepng_malloc(30 * sizeof(*frequencies_d));
-  frequencies_cl = (unsigned*)lodepng_malloc(NUM_CODE_LENGTH_CODES * sizeof(*frequencies_cl));
-  if(!frequencies_ll || !frequencies_d || !frequencies_cl) error = 83; /*alloc fail*/
-  /*This while loop never loops due to a break at the end, it is here to
-  allow breaking out of it to the cleanup phase on error conditions.*/
-  while(!error) {
-    lodepng_memset(frequencies_ll, 0, 286 * sizeof(*frequencies_ll));
-    lodepng_memset(frequencies_d, 0, 30 * sizeof(*frequencies_d));
-    lodepng_memset(frequencies_cl, 0, NUM_CODE_LENGTH_CODES * sizeof(*frequencies_cl));
-    if(settings->use_lz77) {
-      error = encodeLZ77(&lz77_encoded, hash, data, datapos, dataend, settings->windowsize,
-                         settings->minmatch, settings->nicematch, settings->lazymatching);
-      if(error) break;
-    } else {
-      if(!uivector_resize(&lz77_encoded, datasize)) ERROR_BREAK(83 /*alloc fail*/);
-      for(i = datapos; i < dataend; ++i)[i - datapos] = data[i]; /*no LZ77, but still will be Huffman compressed*/
-    }
-    /*Count the frequencies of lit, len and dist codes*/
-    for(i = 0; i != lz77_encoded.size; ++i) {
-      unsigned symbol =[i];
-      ++frequencies_ll[symbol];
-      if(symbol > 256) {
-        unsigned dist =[i + 2];
-        ++frequencies_d[dist];
-        i += 3;
-      }
-    }
-    frequencies_ll[256] = 1; /*there will be exactly 1 end code, at the end of the block*/
-    /*Make both huffman trees, one for the lit and len codes, one for the dist codes*/
-    error = HuffmanTree_makeFromFrequencies(&tree_ll, frequencies_ll, 257, 286, 15);
-    if(error) break;
-    /*2, not 1, is chosen for mincodes: some buggy PNG decoders require at least 2 symbols in the dist tree*/
-    error = HuffmanTree_makeFromFrequencies(&tree_d, frequencies_d, 2, 30, 15);
-    if(error) break;
-    numcodes_ll = LODEPNG_MIN(tree_ll.numcodes, 286);
-    numcodes_d = LODEPNG_MIN(tree_d.numcodes, 30);
-    /*store the code lengths of both generated trees in bitlen_lld*/
-    numcodes_lld = numcodes_ll + numcodes_d;
-    bitlen_lld = (unsigned*)lodepng_malloc(numcodes_lld * sizeof(*bitlen_lld));
-    /*numcodes_lld_e never needs more size than bitlen_lld*/
-    bitlen_lld_e = (unsigned*)lodepng_malloc(numcodes_lld * sizeof(*bitlen_lld_e));
-    if(!bitlen_lld || !bitlen_lld_e) ERROR_BREAK(83); /*alloc fail*/
-    numcodes_lld_e = 0;
-    for(i = 0; i != numcodes_ll; ++i) bitlen_lld[i] = tree_ll.lengths[i];
-    for(i = 0; i != numcodes_d; ++i) bitlen_lld[numcodes_ll + i] = tree_d.lengths[i];
-    /*run-length compress bitlen_ldd into bitlen_lld_e by using repeat codes 16 (copy length 3-6 times),
-    17 (3-10 zeroes), 18 (11-138 zeroes)*/
-    for(i = 0; i != numcodes_lld; ++i) {
-      unsigned j = 0; /*amount of repetitions*/
-      while(i + j + 1 < numcodes_lld && bitlen_lld[i + j + 1] == bitlen_lld[i]) ++j;
-      if(bitlen_lld[i] == 0 && j >= 2) /*repeat code for zeroes*/ {
-        ++j; /*include the first zero*/
-        if(j <= 10) /*repeat code 17 supports max 10 zeroes*/ {
-          bitlen_lld_e[numcodes_lld_e++] = 17;
-          bitlen_lld_e[numcodes_lld_e++] = j - 3;
-        } else /*repeat code 18 supports max 138 zeroes*/ {
-          if(j > 138) j = 138;
-          bitlen_lld_e[numcodes_lld_e++] = 18;
-          bitlen_lld_e[numcodes_lld_e++] = j - 11;
-        }
-        i += (j - 1);
-      } else if(j >= 3) /*repeat code for value other than zero*/ {
-        size_t k;
-        unsigned num = j / 6u, rest = j % 6u;
-        bitlen_lld_e[numcodes_lld_e++] = bitlen_lld[i];
-        for(k = 0; k < num; ++k) {
-          bitlen_lld_e[numcodes_lld_e++] = 16;
-          bitlen_lld_e[numcodes_lld_e++] = 6 - 3;
-        }
-        if(rest >= 3) {
-          bitlen_lld_e[numcodes_lld_e++] = 16;
-          bitlen_lld_e[numcodes_lld_e++] = rest - 3;
-        }
-        else j -= rest;
-        i += j;
-      } else /*too short to benefit from repeat code*/ {
-        bitlen_lld_e[numcodes_lld_e++] = bitlen_lld[i];
-      }
-    }
-    /*generate tree_cl, the huffmantree of huffmantrees*/
-    for(i = 0; i != numcodes_lld_e; ++i) {
-      ++frequencies_cl[bitlen_lld_e[i]];
-      /*after a repeat code come the bits that specify the number of repetitions,
-      those don't need to be in the frequencies_cl calculation*/
-      if(bitlen_lld_e[i] >= 16) ++i;
-    }
-    error = HuffmanTree_makeFromFrequencies(&tree_cl, frequencies_cl,
-                                            NUM_CODE_LENGTH_CODES, NUM_CODE_LENGTH_CODES, 7);
-    if(error) break;
-    /*compute amount of code-length-code-lengths to output*/
-    numcodes_cl = NUM_CODE_LENGTH_CODES;
-    /*trim zeros at the end (using CLCL_ORDER), but minimum size must be 4 (see HCLEN below)*/
-    while(numcodes_cl > 4u && tree_cl.lengths[CLCL_ORDER[numcodes_cl - 1u]] == 0) {
-      numcodes_cl--;
-    }
-    /*
-    Write everything into the output
-    After the BFINAL and BTYPE, the dynamic block consists out of the following:
-    - 5 bits HLIT, 5 bits HDIST, 4 bits HCLEN
-    - (HCLEN+4)*3 bits code lengths of code length alphabet
-    - HLIT + 257 code lengths of lit/length alphabet (encoded using the code length
-      alphabet, + possible repetition codes 16, 17, 18)
-    - HDIST + 1 code lengths of distance alphabet (encoded using the code length
-      alphabet, + possible repetition codes 16, 17, 18)
-    - compressed data
-    - 256 (end code)
-    */
-    /*Write block type*/
-    writeBits(writer, BFINAL, 1);
-    writeBits(writer, 0, 1); /*first bit of BTYPE "dynamic"*/
-    writeBits(writer, 1, 1); /*second bit of BTYPE "dynamic"*/
-    /*write the HLIT, HDIST and HCLEN values*/
-    /*all three sizes take trimmed ending zeroes into account, done either by HuffmanTree_makeFromFrequencies
-    or in the loop for numcodes_cl above, which saves space. */
-    HLIT = (unsigned)(numcodes_ll - 257);
-    HDIST = (unsigned)(numcodes_d - 1);
-    HCLEN = (unsigned)(numcodes_cl - 4);
-    writeBits(writer, HLIT, 5);
-    writeBits(writer, HDIST, 5);
-    writeBits(writer, HCLEN, 4);
-    /*write the code lengths of the code length alphabet ("bitlen_cl")*/
-    for(i = 0; i != numcodes_cl; ++i) writeBits(writer, tree_cl.lengths[CLCL_ORDER[i]], 3);
-    /*write the lengths of the lit/len AND the dist alphabet*/
-    for(i = 0; i != numcodes_lld_e; ++i) {
-      writeBitsReversed(writer,[bitlen_lld_e[i]], tree_cl.lengths[bitlen_lld_e[i]]);
-      /*extra bits of repeat codes*/
-      if(bitlen_lld_e[i] == 16) writeBits(writer, bitlen_lld_e[++i], 2);
-      else if(bitlen_lld_e[i] == 17) writeBits(writer, bitlen_lld_e[++i], 3);
-      else if(bitlen_lld_e[i] == 18) writeBits(writer, bitlen_lld_e[++i], 7);
-    }
-    /*write the compressed data symbols*/
-    writeLZ77data(writer, &lz77_encoded, &tree_ll, &tree_d);
-    /*error: the length of the end code 256 must be larger than 0*/
-    if(tree_ll.lengths[256] == 0) ERROR_BREAK(64);
-    /*write the end code*/
-    writeBitsReversed(writer,[256], tree_ll.lengths[256]);
-    break; /*end of error-while*/
-  }
-  /*cleanup*/
-  uivector_cleanup(&lz77_encoded);
-  HuffmanTree_cleanup(&tree_ll);
-  HuffmanTree_cleanup(&tree_d);
-  HuffmanTree_cleanup(&tree_cl);
-  lodepng_free(frequencies_ll);
-  lodepng_free(frequencies_d);
-  lodepng_free(frequencies_cl);
-  lodepng_free(bitlen_lld);
-  lodepng_free(bitlen_lld_e);
-  return error;
-static unsigned deflateFixed(LodePNGBitWriter* writer, Hash* hash,
-                             const unsigned char* data,
-                             size_t datapos, size_t dataend,
-                             const LodePNGCompressSettings* settings, unsigned final) {
-  HuffmanTree tree_ll; /*tree for literal values and length codes*/
-  HuffmanTree tree_d; /*tree for distance codes*/
-  unsigned BFINAL = final;
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  size_t i;
-  HuffmanTree_init(&tree_ll);
-  HuffmanTree_init(&tree_d);
-  error = generateFixedLitLenTree(&tree_ll);
-  if(!error) error = generateFixedDistanceTree(&tree_d);
-  if(!error) {
-    writeBits(writer, BFINAL, 1);
-    writeBits(writer, 1, 1); /*first bit of BTYPE*/
-    writeBits(writer, 0, 1); /*second bit of BTYPE*/
-    if(settings->use_lz77) /*LZ77 encoded*/ {
-      uivector lz77_encoded;
-      uivector_init(&lz77_encoded);
-      error = encodeLZ77(&lz77_encoded, hash, data, datapos, dataend, settings->windowsize,
-                         settings->minmatch, settings->nicematch, settings->lazymatching);
-      if(!error) writeLZ77data(writer, &lz77_encoded, &tree_ll, &tree_d);
-      uivector_cleanup(&lz77_encoded);
-    } else /*no LZ77, but still will be Huffman compressed*/ {
-      for(i = datapos; i < dataend; ++i) {
-        writeBitsReversed(writer,[data[i]], tree_ll.lengths[data[i]]);
-      }
-    }
-    /*add END code*/
-    if(!error) writeBitsReversed(writer,[256], tree_ll.lengths[256]);
-  }
-  /*cleanup*/
-  HuffmanTree_cleanup(&tree_ll);
-  HuffmanTree_cleanup(&tree_d);
-  return error;
-static unsigned lodepng_deflatev(ucvector* out, const unsigned char* in, size_t insize,
-                                 const LodePNGCompressSettings* settings) {
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  size_t i, blocksize, numdeflateblocks;
-  Hash hash;
-  LodePNGBitWriter writer;
-  LodePNGBitWriter_init(&writer, out);
-  if(settings->btype > 2) return 61;
-  else if(settings->btype == 0) return deflateNoCompression(out, in, insize);
-  else if(settings->btype == 1) blocksize = insize;
-  else /*if(settings->btype == 2)*/ {
-    /*on PNGs, deflate blocks of 65-262k seem to give most dense encoding*/
-    blocksize = insize / 8u + 8;
-    if(blocksize < 65536) blocksize = 65536;
-    if(blocksize > 262144) blocksize = 262144;
-  }
-  numdeflateblocks = (insize + blocksize - 1) / blocksize;
-  if(numdeflateblocks == 0) numdeflateblocks = 1;
-  error = hash_init(&hash, settings->windowsize);
-  if(!error) {
-    for(i = 0; i != numdeflateblocks && !error; ++i) {
-      unsigned final = (i == numdeflateblocks - 1);
-      size_t start = i * blocksize;
-      size_t end = start + blocksize;
-      if(end > insize) end = insize;
-      if(settings->btype == 1) error = deflateFixed(&writer, &hash, in, start, end, settings, final);
-      else if(settings->btype == 2) error = deflateDynamic(&writer, &hash, in, start, end, settings, final);
-    }
-  }
-  hash_cleanup(&hash);
-  return error;
-unsigned lodepng_deflate(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize,
-                         const unsigned char* in, size_t insize,
-                         const LodePNGCompressSettings* settings) {
-  ucvector v = ucvector_init(*out, *outsize);
-  unsigned error = lodepng_deflatev(&v, in, insize, settings);
-  *out =;
-  *outsize = v.size;
-  return error;
-static unsigned deflate(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize,
-                        const unsigned char* in, size_t insize,
-                        const LodePNGCompressSettings* settings) {
-  if(settings->custom_deflate) {
-    unsigned error = settings->custom_deflate(out, outsize, in, insize, settings);
-    /*the custom deflate is allowed to have its own error codes, however, we translate it to code 111*/
-    return error ? 111 : 0;
-  } else {
-    return lodepng_deflate(out, outsize, in, insize, settings);
-  }
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* / Adler32                                                                / */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-static unsigned update_adler32(unsigned adler, const unsigned char* data, unsigned len) {
-  unsigned s1 = adler & 0xffffu;
-  unsigned s2 = (adler >> 16u) & 0xffffu;
-  while(len != 0u) {
-    unsigned i;
-    /*at least 5552 sums can be done before the sums overflow, saving a lot of module divisions*/
-    unsigned amount = len > 5552u ? 5552u : len;
-    len -= amount;
-    for(i = 0; i != amount; ++i) {
-      s1 += (*data++);
-      s2 += s1;
-    }
-    s1 %= 65521u;
-    s2 %= 65521u;
-  }
-  return (s2 << 16u) | s1;
-/*Return the adler32 of the bytes data[0..len-1]*/
-static unsigned adler32(const unsigned char* data, unsigned len) {
-  return update_adler32(1u, data, len);
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* / Zlib                                                                   / */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-static unsigned lodepng_zlib_decompressv(ucvector* out,
-                                         const unsigned char* in, size_t insize,
-                                         const LodePNGDecompressSettings* settings) {
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  unsigned CM, CINFO, FDICT;
-  if(insize < 2) return 53; /*error, size of zlib data too small*/
-  /*read information from zlib header*/
-  if((in[0] * 256 + in[1]) % 31 != 0) {
-    /*error: 256 * in[0] + in[1] must be a multiple of 31, the FCHECK value is supposed to be made that way*/
-    return 24;
-  }
-  CM = in[0] & 15;
-  CINFO = (in[0] >> 4) & 15;
-  /*FCHECK = in[1] & 31;*/ /*FCHECK is already tested above*/
-  FDICT = (in[1] >> 5) & 1;
-  /*FLEVEL = (in[1] >> 6) & 3;*/ /*FLEVEL is not used here*/
-  if(CM != 8 || CINFO > 7) {
-    /*error: only compression method 8: inflate with sliding window of 32k is supported by the PNG spec*/
-    return 25;
-  }
-  if(FDICT != 0) {
-    /*error: the specification of PNG says about the zlib stream:
-      "The additional flags shall not specify a preset dictionary."*/
-    return 26;
-  }
-  error = inflatev(out, in + 2, insize - 2, settings);
-  if(error) return error;
-  if(!settings->ignore_adler32) {
-    unsigned ADLER32 = lodepng_read32bitInt(&in[insize - 4]);
-    unsigned checksum = adler32(out->data, (unsigned)(out->size));
-    if(checksum != ADLER32) return 58; /*error, adler checksum not correct, data must be corrupted*/
-  }
-  return 0; /*no error*/
-unsigned lodepng_zlib_decompress(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize, const unsigned char* in,
-                                 size_t insize, const LodePNGDecompressSettings* settings) {
-  ucvector v = ucvector_init(*out, *outsize);
-  unsigned error = lodepng_zlib_decompressv(&v, in, insize, settings);
-  *out =;
-  *outsize = v.size;
-  return error;
-/*expected_size is expected output size, to avoid intermediate allocations. Set to 0 if not known. */
-static unsigned zlib_decompress(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize, size_t expected_size,
-                                const unsigned char* in, size_t insize, const LodePNGDecompressSettings* settings) {
-  unsigned error;
-  if(settings->custom_zlib) {
-    error = settings->custom_zlib(out, outsize, in, insize, settings);
-    if(error) {
-      /*the custom zlib is allowed to have its own error codes, however, we translate it to code 110*/
-      error = 110;
-      /*if there's a max output size, and the custom zlib returned error, then indicate that error instead*/
-      if(settings->max_output_size && *outsize > settings->max_output_size) error = 109;
-    }
-  } else {
-    ucvector v = ucvector_init(*out, *outsize);
-    if(expected_size) {
-      /*reserve the memory to avoid intermediate reallocations*/
-      ucvector_resize(&v, *outsize + expected_size);
-      v.size = *outsize;
-    }
-    error = lodepng_zlib_decompressv(&v, in, insize, settings);
-    *out =;
-    *outsize = v.size;
-  }
-  return error;
-unsigned lodepng_zlib_compress(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize, const unsigned char* in,
-                               size_t insize, const LodePNGCompressSettings* settings) {
-  size_t i;
-  unsigned error;
-  unsigned char* deflatedata = 0;
-  size_t deflatesize = 0;
-  error = deflate(&deflatedata, &deflatesize, in, insize, settings);
-  *out = NULL;
-  *outsize = 0;
-  if(!error) {
-    *outsize = deflatesize + 6;
-    *out = (unsigned char*)lodepng_malloc(*outsize);
-    if(!*out) error = 83; /*alloc fail*/
-  }
-  if(!error) {
-    unsigned ADLER32 = adler32(in, (unsigned)insize);
-    /*zlib data: 1 byte CMF (CM+CINFO), 1 byte FLG, deflate data, 4 byte ADLER32 checksum of the Decompressed data*/
-    unsigned CMF = 120; /*0b01111000: CM 8, CINFO 7. With CINFO 7, any window size up to 32768 can be used.*/
-    unsigned FLEVEL = 0;
-    unsigned FDICT = 0;
-    unsigned CMFFLG = 256 * CMF + FDICT * 32 + FLEVEL * 64;
-    unsigned FCHECK = 31 - CMFFLG % 31;
-    (*out)[0] = (unsigned char)(CMFFLG >> 8);
-    (*out)[1] = (unsigned char)(CMFFLG & 255);
-    for(i = 0; i != deflatesize; ++i) (*out)[i + 2] = deflatedata[i];
-    lodepng_set32bitInt(&(*out)[*outsize - 4], ADLER32);
-  }
-  lodepng_free(deflatedata);
-  return error;
-/* compress using the default or custom zlib function */
-static unsigned zlib_compress(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize, const unsigned char* in,
-                              size_t insize, const LodePNGCompressSettings* settings) {
-  if(settings->custom_zlib) {
-    unsigned error = settings->custom_zlib(out, outsize, in, insize, settings);
-    /*the custom zlib is allowed to have its own error codes, however, we translate it to code 111*/
-    return error ? 111 : 0;
-  } else {
-    return lodepng_zlib_compress(out, outsize, in, insize, settings);
-  }
-static unsigned zlib_decompress(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize, size_t expected_size,
-                                const unsigned char* in, size_t insize, const LodePNGDecompressSettings* settings) {
-  if(!settings->custom_zlib) return 87; /*no custom zlib function provided */
-  (void)expected_size;
-  return settings->custom_zlib(out, outsize, in, insize, settings);
-static unsigned zlib_compress(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize, const unsigned char* in,
-                              size_t insize, const LodePNGCompressSettings* settings) {
-  if(!settings->custom_zlib) return 87; /*no custom zlib function provided */
-  return settings->custom_zlib(out, outsize, in, insize, settings);
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/*this is a good tradeoff between speed and compression ratio*/
-void lodepng_compress_settings_init(LodePNGCompressSettings* settings) {
-  /*compress with dynamic huffman tree (not in the mathematical sense, just not the predefined one)*/
-  settings->btype = 2;
-  settings->use_lz77 = 1;
-  settings->windowsize = DEFAULT_WINDOWSIZE;
-  settings->minmatch = 3;
-  settings->nicematch = 128;
-  settings->lazymatching = 1;
-  settings->custom_zlib = 0;
-  settings->custom_deflate = 0;
-  settings->custom_context = 0;
-const LodePNGCompressSettings lodepng_default_compress_settings = {2, 1, DEFAULT_WINDOWSIZE, 3, 128, 1, 0, 0, 0};
-void lodepng_decompress_settings_init(LodePNGDecompressSettings* settings) {
-  settings->ignore_adler32 = 0;
-  settings->ignore_nlen = 0;
-  settings->max_output_size = 0;
-  settings->custom_zlib = 0;
-  settings->custom_inflate = 0;
-  settings->custom_context = 0;
-const LodePNGDecompressSettings lodepng_default_decompress_settings = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* // End of Zlib related code. Begin of PNG related code.                 // */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* / CRC32                                                                  / */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-static const unsigned lodepng_crc32_table0[256] = {
-  0x00000000u, 0x77073096u, 0xee0e612cu, 0x990951bau, 0x076dc419u, 0x706af48fu, 0xe963a535u, 0x9e6495a3u,
-  0x0edb8832u, 0x79dcb8a4u, 0xe0d5e91eu, 0x97d2d988u, 0x09b64c2bu, 0x7eb17cbdu, 0xe7b82d07u, 0x90bf1d91u,
-  0x1db71064u, 0x6ab020f2u, 0xf3b97148u, 0x84be41deu, 0x1adad47du, 0x6ddde4ebu, 0xf4d4b551u, 0x83d385c7u,
-  0x136c9856u, 0x646ba8c0u, 0xfd62f97au, 0x8a65c9ecu, 0x14015c4fu, 0x63066cd9u, 0xfa0f3d63u, 0x8d080df5u,
-  0x3b6e20c8u, 0x4c69105eu, 0xd56041e4u, 0xa2677172u, 0x3c03e4d1u, 0x4b04d447u, 0xd20d85fdu, 0xa50ab56bu,
-  0x35b5a8fau, 0x42b2986cu, 0xdbbbc9d6u, 0xacbcf940u, 0x32d86ce3u, 0x45df5c75u, 0xdcd60dcfu, 0xabd13d59u,
-  0x26d930acu, 0x51de003au, 0xc8d75180u, 0xbfd06116u, 0x21b4f4b5u, 0x56b3c423u, 0xcfba9599u, 0xb8bda50fu,
-  0x2802b89eu, 0x5f058808u, 0xc60cd9b2u, 0xb10be924u, 0x2f6f7c87u, 0x58684c11u, 0xc1611dabu, 0xb6662d3du,
-  0x76dc4190u, 0x01db7106u, 0x98d220bcu, 0xefd5102au, 0x71b18589u, 0x06b6b51fu, 0x9fbfe4a5u, 0xe8b8d433u,
-  0x7807c9a2u, 0x0f00f934u, 0x9609a88eu, 0xe10e9818u, 0x7f6a0dbbu, 0x086d3d2du, 0x91646c97u, 0xe6635c01u,
-  0x6b6b51f4u, 0x1c6c6162u, 0x856530d8u, 0xf262004eu, 0x6c0695edu, 0x1b01a57bu, 0x8208f4c1u, 0xf50fc457u,
-  0x65b0d9c6u, 0x12b7e950u, 0x8bbeb8eau, 0xfcb9887cu, 0x62dd1ddfu, 0x15da2d49u, 0x8cd37cf3u, 0xfbd44c65u,
-  0x4db26158u, 0x3ab551ceu, 0xa3bc0074u, 0xd4bb30e2u, 0x4adfa541u, 0x3dd895d7u, 0xa4d1c46du, 0xd3d6f4fbu,
-  0x4369e96au, 0x346ed9fcu, 0xad678846u, 0xda60b8d0u, 0x44042d73u, 0x33031de5u, 0xaa0a4c5fu, 0xdd0d7cc9u,
-  0x5005713cu, 0x270241aau, 0xbe0b1010u, 0xc90c2086u, 0x5768b525u, 0x206f85b3u, 0xb966d409u, 0xce61e49fu,
-  0x5edef90eu, 0x29d9c998u, 0xb0d09822u, 0xc7d7a8b4u, 0x59b33d17u, 0x2eb40d81u, 0xb7bd5c3bu, 0xc0ba6cadu,
-  0xedb88320u, 0x9abfb3b6u, 0x03b6e20cu, 0x74b1d29au, 0xead54739u, 0x9dd277afu, 0x04db2615u, 0x73dc1683u,
-  0xe3630b12u, 0x94643b84u, 0x0d6d6a3eu, 0x7a6a5aa8u, 0xe40ecf0bu, 0x9309ff9du, 0x0a00ae27u, 0x7d079eb1u,
-  0xf00f9344u, 0x8708a3d2u, 0x1e01f268u, 0x6906c2feu, 0xf762575du, 0x806567cbu, 0x196c3671u, 0x6e6b06e7u,
-  0xfed41b76u, 0x89d32be0u, 0x10da7a5au, 0x67dd4accu, 0xf9b9df6fu, 0x8ebeeff9u, 0x17b7be43u, 0x60b08ed5u,
-  0xd6d6a3e8u, 0xa1d1937eu, 0x38d8c2c4u, 0x4fdff252u, 0xd1bb67f1u, 0xa6bc5767u, 0x3fb506ddu, 0x48b2364bu,
-  0xd80d2bdau, 0xaf0a1b4cu, 0x36034af6u, 0x41047a60u, 0xdf60efc3u, 0xa867df55u, 0x316e8eefu, 0x4669be79u,
-  0xcb61b38cu, 0xbc66831au, 0x256fd2a0u, 0x5268e236u, 0xcc0c7795u, 0xbb0b4703u, 0x220216b9u, 0x5505262fu,
-  0xc5ba3bbeu, 0xb2bd0b28u, 0x2bb45a92u, 0x5cb36a04u, 0xc2d7ffa7u, 0xb5d0cf31u, 0x2cd99e8bu, 0x5bdeae1du,
-  0x9b64c2b0u, 0xec63f226u, 0x756aa39cu, 0x026d930au, 0x9c0906a9u, 0xeb0e363fu, 0x72076785u, 0x05005713u,
-  0x95bf4a82u, 0xe2b87a14u, 0x7bb12baeu, 0x0cb61b38u, 0x92d28e9bu, 0xe5d5be0du, 0x7cdcefb7u, 0x0bdbdf21u,
-  0x86d3d2d4u, 0xf1d4e242u, 0x68ddb3f8u, 0x1fda836eu, 0x81be16cdu, 0xf6b9265bu, 0x6fb077e1u, 0x18b74777u,
-  0x88085ae6u, 0xff0f6a70u, 0x66063bcau, 0x11010b5cu, 0x8f659effu, 0xf862ae69u, 0x616bffd3u, 0x166ccf45u,
-  0xa00ae278u, 0xd70dd2eeu, 0x4e048354u, 0x3903b3c2u, 0xa7672661u, 0xd06016f7u, 0x4969474du, 0x3e6e77dbu,
-  0xaed16a4au, 0xd9d65adcu, 0x40df0b66u, 0x37d83bf0u, 0xa9bcae53u, 0xdebb9ec5u, 0x47b2cf7fu, 0x30b5ffe9u,
-  0xbdbdf21cu, 0xcabac28au, 0x53b39330u, 0x24b4a3a6u, 0xbad03605u, 0xcdd70693u, 0x54de5729u, 0x23d967bfu,
-  0xb3667a2eu, 0xc4614ab8u, 0x5d681b02u, 0x2a6f2b94u, 0xb40bbe37u, 0xc30c8ea1u, 0x5a05df1bu, 0x2d02ef8du
-static const unsigned lodepng_crc32_table1[256] = {
-  0x00000000u, 0x191b3141u, 0x32366282u, 0x2b2d53c3u, 0x646cc504u, 0x7d77f445u, 0x565aa786u, 0x4f4196c7u,
-  0xc8d98a08u, 0xd1c2bb49u, 0xfaefe88au, 0xe3f4d9cbu, 0xacb54f0cu, 0xb5ae7e4du, 0x9e832d8eu, 0x87981ccfu,
-  0x4ac21251u, 0x53d92310u, 0x78f470d3u, 0x61ef4192u, 0x2eaed755u, 0x37b5e614u, 0x1c98b5d7u, 0x05838496u,
-  0x821b9859u, 0x9b00a918u, 0xb02dfadbu, 0xa936cb9au, 0xe6775d5du, 0xff6c6c1cu, 0xd4413fdfu, 0xcd5a0e9eu,
-  0x958424a2u, 0x8c9f15e3u, 0xa7b24620u, 0xbea97761u, 0xf1e8e1a6u, 0xe8f3d0e7u, 0xc3de8324u, 0xdac5b265u,
-  0x5d5daeaau, 0x44469febu, 0x6f6bcc28u, 0x7670fd69u, 0x39316baeu, 0x202a5aefu, 0x0b07092cu, 0x121c386du,
-  0xdf4636f3u, 0xc65d07b2u, 0xed705471u, 0xf46b6530u, 0xbb2af3f7u, 0xa231c2b6u, 0x891c9175u, 0x9007a034u,
-  0x179fbcfbu, 0x0e848dbau, 0x25a9de79u, 0x3cb2ef38u, 0x73f379ffu, 0x6ae848beu, 0x41c51b7du, 0x58de2a3cu,
-  0xf0794f05u, 0xe9627e44u, 0xc24f2d87u, 0xdb541cc6u, 0x94158a01u, 0x8d0ebb40u, 0xa623e883u, 0xbf38d9c2u,
-  0x38a0c50du, 0x21bbf44cu, 0x0a96a78fu, 0x138d96ceu, 0x5ccc0009u, 0x45d73148u, 0x6efa628bu, 0x77e153cau,
-  0xbabb5d54u, 0xa3a06c15u, 0x888d3fd6u, 0x91960e97u, 0xded79850u, 0xc7cca911u, 0xece1fad2u, 0xf5facb93u,
-  0x7262d75cu, 0x6b79e61du, 0x4054b5deu, 0x594f849fu, 0x160e1258u, 0x0f152319u, 0x243870dau, 0x3d23419bu,
-  0x65fd6ba7u, 0x7ce65ae6u, 0x57cb0925u, 0x4ed03864u, 0x0191aea3u, 0x188a9fe2u, 0x33a7cc21u, 0x2abcfd60u,
-  0xad24e1afu, 0xb43fd0eeu, 0x9f12832du, 0x8609b26cu, 0xc94824abu, 0xd05315eau, 0xfb7e4629u, 0xe2657768u,
-  0x2f3f79f6u, 0x362448b7u, 0x1d091b74u, 0x04122a35u, 0x4b53bcf2u, 0x52488db3u, 0x7965de70u, 0x607eef31u,
-  0xe7e6f3feu, 0xfefdc2bfu, 0xd5d0917cu, 0xcccba03du, 0x838a36fau, 0x9a9107bbu, 0xb1bc5478u, 0xa8a76539u,
-  0x3b83984bu, 0x2298a90au, 0x09b5fac9u, 0x10aecb88u, 0x5fef5d4fu, 0x46f46c0eu, 0x6dd93fcdu, 0x74c20e8cu,
-  0xf35a1243u, 0xea412302u, 0xc16c70c1u, 0xd8774180u, 0x9736d747u, 0x8e2de606u, 0xa500b5c5u, 0xbc1b8484u,
-  0x71418a1au, 0x685abb5bu, 0x4377e898u, 0x5a6cd9d9u, 0x152d4f1eu, 0x0c367e5fu, 0x271b2d9cu, 0x3e001cddu,
-  0xb9980012u, 0xa0833153u, 0x8bae6290u, 0x92b553d1u, 0xddf4c516u, 0xc4eff457u, 0xefc2a794u, 0xf6d996d5u,
-  0xae07bce9u, 0xb71c8da8u, 0x9c31de6bu, 0x852aef2au, 0xca6b79edu, 0xd37048acu, 0xf85d1b6fu, 0xe1462a2eu,
-  0x66de36e1u, 0x7fc507a0u, 0x54e85463u, 0x4df36522u, 0x02b2f3e5u, 0x1ba9c2a4u, 0x30849167u, 0x299fa026u,
-  0xe4c5aeb8u, 0xfdde9ff9u, 0xd6f3cc3au, 0xcfe8fd7bu, 0x80a96bbcu, 0x99b25afdu, 0xb29f093eu, 0xab84387fu,
-  0x2c1c24b0u, 0x350715f1u, 0x1e2a4632u, 0x07317773u, 0x4870e1b4u, 0x516bd0f5u, 0x7a468336u, 0x635db277u,
-  0xcbfad74eu, 0xd2e1e60fu, 0xf9ccb5ccu, 0xe0d7848du, 0xaf96124au, 0xb68d230bu, 0x9da070c8u, 0x84bb4189u,
-  0x03235d46u, 0x1a386c07u, 0x31153fc4u, 0x280e0e85u, 0x674f9842u, 0x7e54a903u, 0x5579fac0u, 0x4c62cb81u,
-  0x8138c51fu, 0x9823f45eu, 0xb30ea79du, 0xaa1596dcu, 0xe554001bu, 0xfc4f315au, 0xd7626299u, 0xce7953d8u,
-  0x49e14f17u, 0x50fa7e56u, 0x7bd72d95u, 0x62cc1cd4u, 0x2d8d8a13u, 0x3496bb52u, 0x1fbbe891u, 0x06a0d9d0u,
-  0x5e7ef3ecu, 0x4765c2adu, 0x6c48916eu, 0x7553a02fu, 0x3a1236e8u, 0x230907a9u, 0x0824546au, 0x113f652bu,
-  0x96a779e4u, 0x8fbc48a5u, 0xa4911b66u, 0xbd8a2a27u, 0xf2cbbce0u, 0xebd08da1u, 0xc0fdde62u, 0xd9e6ef23u,
-  0x14bce1bdu, 0x0da7d0fcu, 0x268a833fu, 0x3f91b27eu, 0x70d024b9u, 0x69cb15f8u, 0x42e6463bu, 0x5bfd777au,
-  0xdc656bb5u, 0xc57e5af4u, 0xee530937u, 0xf7483876u, 0xb809aeb1u, 0xa1129ff0u, 0x8a3fcc33u, 0x9324fd72u
-static const unsigned lodepng_crc32_table2[256] = {
-  0x00000000u, 0x01c26a37u, 0x0384d46eu, 0x0246be59u, 0x0709a8dcu, 0x06cbc2ebu, 0x048d7cb2u, 0x054f1685u,
-  0x0e1351b8u, 0x0fd13b8fu, 0x0d9785d6u, 0x0c55efe1u, 0x091af964u, 0x08d89353u, 0x0a9e2d0au, 0x0b5c473du,
-  0x1c26a370u, 0x1de4c947u, 0x1fa2771eu, 0x1e601d29u, 0x1b2f0bacu, 0x1aed619bu, 0x18abdfc2u, 0x1969b5f5u,
-  0x1235f2c8u, 0x13f798ffu, 0x11b126a6u, 0x10734c91u, 0x153c5a14u, 0x14fe3023u, 0x16b88e7au, 0x177ae44du,
-  0x384d46e0u, 0x398f2cd7u, 0x3bc9928eu, 0x3a0bf8b9u, 0x3f44ee3cu, 0x3e86840bu, 0x3cc03a52u, 0x3d025065u,
-  0x365e1758u, 0x379c7d6fu, 0x35dac336u, 0x3418a901u, 0x3157bf84u, 0x3095d5b3u, 0x32d36beau, 0x331101ddu,
-  0x246be590u, 0x25a98fa7u, 0x27ef31feu, 0x262d5bc9u, 0x23624d4cu, 0x22a0277bu, 0x20e69922u, 0x2124f315u,
-  0x2a78b428u, 0x2bbade1fu, 0x29fc6046u, 0x283e0a71u, 0x2d711cf4u, 0x2cb376c3u, 0x2ef5c89au, 0x2f37a2adu,
-  0x709a8dc0u, 0x7158e7f7u, 0x731e59aeu, 0x72dc3399u, 0x7793251cu, 0x76514f2bu, 0x7417f172u, 0x75d59b45u,
-  0x7e89dc78u, 0x7f4bb64fu, 0x7d0d0816u, 0x7ccf6221u, 0x798074a4u, 0x78421e93u, 0x7a04a0cau, 0x7bc6cafdu,
-  0x6cbc2eb0u, 0x6d7e4487u, 0x6f38fadeu, 0x6efa90e9u, 0x6bb5866cu, 0x6a77ec5bu, 0x68315202u, 0x69f33835u,
-  0x62af7f08u, 0x636d153fu, 0x612bab66u, 0x60e9c151u, 0x65a6d7d4u, 0x6464bde3u, 0x662203bau, 0x67e0698du,
-  0x48d7cb20u, 0x4915a117u, 0x4b531f4eu, 0x4a917579u, 0x4fde63fcu, 0x4e1c09cbu, 0x4c5ab792u, 0x4d98dda5u,
-  0x46c49a98u, 0x4706f0afu, 0x45404ef6u, 0x448224c1u, 0x41cd3244u, 0x400f5873u, 0x4249e62au, 0x438b8c1du,
-  0x54f16850u, 0x55330267u, 0x5775bc3eu, 0x56b7d609u, 0x53f8c08cu, 0x523aaabbu, 0x507c14e2u, 0x51be7ed5u,
-  0x5ae239e8u, 0x5b2053dfu, 0x5966ed86u, 0x58a487b1u, 0x5deb9134u, 0x5c29fb03u, 0x5e6f455au, 0x5fad2f6du,
-  0xe1351b80u, 0xe0f771b7u, 0xe2b1cfeeu, 0xe373a5d9u, 0xe63cb35cu, 0xe7fed96bu, 0xe5b86732u, 0xe47a0d05u,
-  0xef264a38u, 0xeee4200fu, 0xeca29e56u, 0xed60f461u, 0xe82fe2e4u, 0xe9ed88d3u, 0xebab368au, 0xea695cbdu,
-  0xfd13b8f0u, 0xfcd1d2c7u, 0xfe976c9eu, 0xff5506a9u, 0xfa1a102cu, 0xfbd87a1bu, 0xf99ec442u, 0xf85cae75u,
-  0xf300e948u, 0xf2c2837fu, 0xf0843d26u, 0xf1465711u, 0xf4094194u, 0xf5cb2ba3u, 0xf78d95fau, 0xf64fffcdu,
-  0xd9785d60u, 0xd8ba3757u, 0xdafc890eu, 0xdb3ee339u, 0xde71f5bcu, 0xdfb39f8bu, 0xddf521d2u, 0xdc374be5u,
-  0xd76b0cd8u, 0xd6a966efu, 0xd4efd8b6u, 0xd52db281u, 0xd062a404u, 0xd1a0ce33u, 0xd3e6706au, 0xd2241a5du,
-  0xc55efe10u, 0xc49c9427u, 0xc6da2a7eu, 0xc7184049u, 0xc25756ccu, 0xc3953cfbu, 0xc1d382a2u, 0xc011e895u,
-  0xcb4dafa8u, 0xca8fc59fu, 0xc8c97bc6u, 0xc90b11f1u, 0xcc440774u, 0xcd866d43u, 0xcfc0d31au, 0xce02b92du,
-  0x91af9640u, 0x906dfc77u, 0x922b422eu, 0x93e92819u, 0x96a63e9cu, 0x976454abu, 0x9522eaf2u, 0x94e080c5u,
-  0x9fbcc7f8u, 0x9e7eadcfu, 0x9c381396u, 0x9dfa79a1u, 0x98b56f24u, 0x99770513u, 0x9b31bb4au, 0x9af3d17du,
-  0x8d893530u, 0x8c4b5f07u, 0x8e0de15eu, 0x8fcf8b69u, 0x8a809decu, 0x8b42f7dbu, 0x89044982u, 0x88c623b5u,
-  0x839a6488u, 0x82580ebfu, 0x801eb0e6u, 0x81dcdad1u, 0x8493cc54u, 0x8551a663u, 0x8717183au, 0x86d5720du,
-  0xa9e2d0a0u, 0xa820ba97u, 0xaa6604ceu, 0xaba46ef9u, 0xaeeb787cu, 0xaf29124bu, 0xad6fac12u, 0xacadc625u,
-  0xa7f18118u, 0xa633eb2fu, 0xa4755576u, 0xa5b73f41u, 0xa0f829c4u, 0xa13a43f3u, 0xa37cfdaau, 0xa2be979du,
-  0xb5c473d0u, 0xb40619e7u, 0xb640a7beu, 0xb782cd89u, 0xb2cddb0cu, 0xb30fb13bu, 0xb1490f62u, 0xb08b6555u,
-  0xbbd72268u, 0xba15485fu, 0xb853f606u, 0xb9919c31u, 0xbcde8ab4u, 0xbd1ce083u, 0xbf5a5edau, 0xbe9834edu
-static const unsigned lodepng_crc32_table3[256] = {
-  0x00000000u, 0xb8bc6765u, 0xaa09c88bu, 0x12b5afeeu, 0x8f629757u, 0x37def032u, 0x256b5fdcu, 0x9dd738b9u,
-  0xc5b428efu, 0x7d084f8au, 0x6fbde064u, 0xd7018701u, 0x4ad6bfb8u, 0xf26ad8ddu, 0xe0df7733u, 0x58631056u,
-  0x5019579fu, 0xe8a530fau, 0xfa109f14u, 0x42acf871u, 0xdf7bc0c8u, 0x67c7a7adu, 0x75720843u, 0xcdce6f26u,
-  0x95ad7f70u, 0x2d111815u, 0x3fa4b7fbu, 0x8718d09eu, 0x1acfe827u, 0xa2738f42u, 0xb0c620acu, 0x087a47c9u,
-  0xa032af3eu, 0x188ec85bu, 0x0a3b67b5u, 0xb28700d0u, 0x2f503869u, 0x97ec5f0cu, 0x8559f0e2u, 0x3de59787u,
-  0x658687d1u, 0xdd3ae0b4u, 0xcf8f4f5au, 0x7733283fu, 0xeae41086u, 0x525877e3u, 0x40edd80du, 0xf851bf68u,
-  0xf02bf8a1u, 0x48979fc4u, 0x5a22302au, 0xe29e574fu, 0x7f496ff6u, 0xc7f50893u, 0xd540a77du, 0x6dfcc018u,
-  0x359fd04eu, 0x8d23b72bu, 0x9f9618c5u, 0x272a7fa0u, 0xbafd4719u, 0x0241207cu, 0x10f48f92u, 0xa848e8f7u,
-  0x9b14583du, 0x23a83f58u, 0x311d90b6u, 0x89a1f7d3u, 0x1476cf6au, 0xaccaa80fu, 0xbe7f07e1u, 0x06c36084u,
-  0x5ea070d2u, 0xe61c17b7u, 0xf4a9b859u, 0x4c15df3cu, 0xd1c2e785u, 0x697e80e0u, 0x7bcb2f0eu, 0xc377486bu,
-  0xcb0d0fa2u, 0x73b168c7u, 0x6104c729u, 0xd9b8a04cu, 0x446f98f5u, 0xfcd3ff90u, 0xee66507eu, 0x56da371bu,
-  0x0eb9274du, 0xb6054028u, 0xa4b0efc6u, 0x1c0c88a3u, 0x81dbb01au, 0x3967d77fu, 0x2bd27891u, 0x936e1ff4u,
-  0x3b26f703u, 0x839a9066u, 0x912f3f88u, 0x299358edu, 0xb4446054u, 0x0cf80731u, 0x1e4da8dfu, 0xa6f1cfbau,
-  0xfe92dfecu, 0x462eb889u, 0x549b1767u, 0xec277002u, 0x71f048bbu, 0xc94c2fdeu, 0xdbf98030u, 0x6345e755u,
-  0x6b3fa09cu, 0xd383c7f9u, 0xc1366817u, 0x798a0f72u, 0xe45d37cbu, 0x5ce150aeu, 0x4e54ff40u, 0xf6e89825u,
-  0xae8b8873u, 0x1637ef16u, 0x048240f8u, 0xbc3e279du, 0x21e91f24u, 0x99557841u, 0x8be0d7afu, 0x335cb0cau,
-  0xed59b63bu, 0x55e5d15eu, 0x47507eb0u, 0xffec19d5u, 0x623b216cu, 0xda874609u, 0xc832e9e7u, 0x708e8e82u,
-  0x28ed9ed4u, 0x9051f9b1u, 0x82e4565fu, 0x3a58313au, 0xa78f0983u, 0x1f336ee6u, 0x0d86c108u, 0xb53aa66du,
-  0xbd40e1a4u, 0x05fc86c1u, 0x1749292fu, 0xaff54e4au, 0x322276f3u, 0x8a9e1196u, 0x982bbe78u, 0x2097d91du,
-  0x78f4c94bu, 0xc048ae2eu, 0xd2fd01c0u, 0x6a4166a5u, 0xf7965e1cu, 0x4f2a3979u, 0x5d9f9697u, 0xe523f1f2u,
-  0x4d6b1905u, 0xf5d77e60u, 0xe762d18eu, 0x5fdeb6ebu, 0xc2098e52u, 0x7ab5e937u, 0x680046d9u, 0xd0bc21bcu,
-  0x88df31eau, 0x3063568fu, 0x22d6f961u, 0x9a6a9e04u, 0x07bda6bdu, 0xbf01c1d8u, 0xadb46e36u, 0x15080953u,
-  0x1d724e9au, 0xa5ce29ffu, 0xb77b8611u, 0x0fc7e174u, 0x9210d9cdu, 0x2aacbea8u, 0x38191146u, 0x80a57623u,
-  0xd8c66675u, 0x607a0110u, 0x72cfaefeu, 0xca73c99bu, 0x57a4f122u, 0xef189647u, 0xfdad39a9u, 0x45115eccu,
-  0x764dee06u, 0xcef18963u, 0xdc44268du, 0x64f841e8u, 0xf92f7951u, 0x41931e34u, 0x5326b1dau, 0xeb9ad6bfu,
-  0xb3f9c6e9u, 0x0b45a18cu, 0x19f00e62u, 0xa14c6907u, 0x3c9b51beu, 0x842736dbu, 0x96929935u, 0x2e2efe50u,
-  0x2654b999u, 0x9ee8defcu, 0x8c5d7112u, 0x34e11677u, 0xa9362eceu, 0x118a49abu, 0x033fe645u, 0xbb838120u,
-  0xe3e09176u, 0x5b5cf613u, 0x49e959fdu, 0xf1553e98u, 0x6c820621u, 0xd43e6144u, 0xc68bceaau, 0x7e37a9cfu,
-  0xd67f4138u, 0x6ec3265du, 0x7c7689b3u, 0xc4caeed6u, 0x591dd66fu, 0xe1a1b10au, 0xf3141ee4u, 0x4ba87981u,
-  0x13cb69d7u, 0xab770eb2u, 0xb9c2a15cu, 0x017ec639u, 0x9ca9fe80u, 0x241599e5u, 0x36a0360bu, 0x8e1c516eu,
-  0x866616a7u, 0x3eda71c2u, 0x2c6fde2cu, 0x94d3b949u, 0x090481f0u, 0xb1b8e695u, 0xa30d497bu, 0x1bb12e1eu,
-  0x43d23e48u, 0xfb6e592du, 0xe9dbf6c3u, 0x516791a6u, 0xccb0a91fu, 0x740cce7au, 0x66b96194u, 0xde0506f1u
-static const unsigned lodepng_crc32_table4[256] = {
-  0x00000000u, 0x3d6029b0u, 0x7ac05360u, 0x47a07ad0u, 0xf580a6c0u, 0xc8e08f70u, 0x8f40f5a0u, 0xb220dc10u,
-  0x30704bc1u, 0x0d106271u, 0x4ab018a1u, 0x77d03111u, 0xc5f0ed01u, 0xf890c4b1u, 0xbf30be61u, 0x825097d1u,
-  0x60e09782u, 0x5d80be32u, 0x1a20c4e2u, 0x2740ed52u, 0x95603142u, 0xa80018f2u, 0xefa06222u, 0xd2c04b92u,
-  0x5090dc43u, 0x6df0f5f3u, 0x2a508f23u, 0x1730a693u, 0xa5107a83u, 0x98705333u, 0xdfd029e3u, 0xe2b00053u,
-  0xc1c12f04u, 0xfca106b4u, 0xbb017c64u, 0x866155d4u, 0x344189c4u, 0x0921a074u, 0x4e81daa4u, 0x73e1f314u,
-  0xf1b164c5u, 0xccd14d75u, 0x8b7137a5u, 0xb6111e15u, 0x0431c205u, 0x3951ebb5u, 0x7ef19165u, 0x4391b8d5u,
-  0xa121b886u, 0x9c419136u, 0xdbe1ebe6u, 0xe681c256u, 0x54a11e46u, 0x69c137f6u, 0x2e614d26u, 0x13016496u,
-  0x9151f347u, 0xac31daf7u, 0xeb91a027u, 0xd6f18997u, 0x64d15587u, 0x59b17c37u, 0x1e1106e7u, 0x23712f57u,
-  0x58f35849u, 0x659371f9u, 0x22330b29u, 0x1f532299u, 0xad73fe89u, 0x9013d739u, 0xd7b3ade9u, 0xead38459u,
-  0x68831388u, 0x55e33a38u, 0x124340e8u, 0x2f236958u, 0x9d03b548u, 0xa0639cf8u, 0xe7c3e628u, 0xdaa3cf98u,
-  0x3813cfcbu, 0x0573e67bu, 0x42d39cabu, 0x7fb3b51bu, 0xcd93690bu, 0xf0f340bbu, 0xb7533a6bu, 0x8a3313dbu,
-  0x0863840au, 0x3503adbau, 0x72a3d76au, 0x4fc3fedau, 0xfde322cau, 0xc0830b7au, 0x872371aau, 0xba43581au,
-  0x9932774du, 0xa4525efdu, 0xe3f2242du, 0xde920d9du, 0x6cb2d18du, 0x51d2f83du, 0x167282edu, 0x2b12ab5du,
-  0xa9423c8cu, 0x9422153cu, 0xd3826fecu, 0xeee2465cu, 0x5cc29a4cu, 0x61a2b3fcu, 0x2602c92cu, 0x1b62e09cu,
-  0xf9d2e0cfu, 0xc4b2c97fu, 0x8312b3afu, 0xbe729a1fu, 0x0c52460fu, 0x31326fbfu, 0x7692156fu, 0x4bf23cdfu,
-  0xc9a2ab0eu, 0xf4c282beu, 0xb362f86eu, 0x8e02d1deu, 0x3c220dceu, 0x0142247eu, 0x46e25eaeu, 0x7b82771eu,
-  0xb1e6b092u, 0x8c869922u, 0xcb26e3f2u, 0xf646ca42u, 0x44661652u, 0x79063fe2u, 0x3ea64532u, 0x03c66c82u,
-  0x8196fb53u, 0xbcf6d2e3u, 0xfb56a833u, 0xc6368183u, 0x74165d93u, 0x49767423u, 0x0ed60ef3u, 0x33b62743u,
-  0xd1062710u, 0xec660ea0u, 0xabc67470u, 0x96a65dc0u, 0x248681d0u, 0x19e6a860u, 0x5e46d2b0u, 0x6326fb00u,
-  0xe1766cd1u, 0xdc164561u, 0x9bb63fb1u, 0xa6d61601u, 0x14f6ca11u, 0x2996e3a1u, 0x6e369971u, 0x5356b0c1u,
-  0x70279f96u, 0x4d47b626u, 0x0ae7ccf6u, 0x3787e546u, 0x85a73956u, 0xb8c710e6u, 0xff676a36u, 0xc2074386u,
-  0x4057d457u, 0x7d37fde7u, 0x3a978737u, 0x07f7ae87u, 0xb5d77297u, 0x88b75b27u, 0xcf1721f7u, 0xf2770847u,
-  0x10c70814u, 0x2da721a4u, 0x6a075b74u, 0x576772c4u, 0xe547aed4u, 0xd8278764u, 0x9f87fdb4u, 0xa2e7d404u,
-  0x20b743d5u, 0x1dd76a65u, 0x5a7710b5u, 0x67173905u, 0xd537e515u, 0xe857cca5u, 0xaff7b675u, 0x92979fc5u,
-  0xe915e8dbu, 0xd475c16bu, 0x93d5bbbbu, 0xaeb5920bu, 0x1c954e1bu, 0x21f567abu, 0x66551d7bu, 0x5b3534cbu,
-  0xd965a31au, 0xe4058aaau, 0xa3a5f07au, 0x9ec5d9cau, 0x2ce505dau, 0x11852c6au, 0x562556bau, 0x6b457f0au,
-  0x89f57f59u, 0xb49556e9u, 0xf3352c39u, 0xce550589u, 0x7c75d999u, 0x4115f029u, 0x06b58af9u, 0x3bd5a349u,
-  0xb9853498u, 0x84e51d28u, 0xc34567f8u, 0xfe254e48u, 0x4c059258u, 0x7165bbe8u, 0x36c5c138u, 0x0ba5e888u,
-  0x28d4c7dfu, 0x15b4ee6fu, 0x521494bfu, 0x6f74bd0fu, 0xdd54611fu, 0xe03448afu, 0xa794327fu, 0x9af41bcfu,
-  0x18a48c1eu, 0x25c4a5aeu, 0x6264df7eu, 0x5f04f6ceu, 0xed242adeu, 0xd044036eu, 0x97e479beu, 0xaa84500eu,
-  0x4834505du, 0x755479edu, 0x32f4033du, 0x0f942a8du, 0xbdb4f69du, 0x80d4df2du, 0xc774a5fdu, 0xfa148c4du,
-  0x78441b9cu, 0x4524322cu, 0x028448fcu, 0x3fe4614cu, 0x8dc4bd5cu, 0xb0a494ecu, 0xf704ee3cu, 0xca64c78cu
-static const unsigned lodepng_crc32_table5[256] = {
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-  0xec53826du, 0x270f51c8u, 0xa19b2366u, 0x6ac7f0c3u, 0x77c2c07bu, 0xbc9e13deu, 0x3a0a6170u, 0xf156b2d5u,
-  0x03d6029bu, 0xc88ad13eu, 0x4e1ea390u, 0x85427035u, 0x9847408du, 0x531b9328u, 0xd58fe186u, 0x1ed33223u,
-  0xef8580f6u, 0x24d95353u, 0xa24d21fdu, 0x6911f258u, 0x7414c2e0u, 0xbf481145u, 0x39dc63ebu, 0xf280b04eu,
-  0x07ac0536u, 0xccf0d693u, 0x4a64a43du, 0x81387798u, 0x9c3d4720u, 0x57619485u, 0xd1f5e62bu, 0x1aa9358eu,
-  0xebff875bu, 0x20a354feu, 0xa6372650u, 0x6d6bf5f5u, 0x706ec54du, 0xbb3216e8u, 0x3da66446u, 0xf6fab7e3u,
-  0x047a07adu, 0xcf26d408u, 0x49b2a6a6u, 0x82ee7503u, 0x9feb45bbu, 0x54b7961eu, 0xd223e4b0u, 0x197f3715u,
-  0xe82985c0u, 0x23755665u, 0xa5e124cbu, 0x6ebdf76eu, 0x73b8c7d6u, 0xb8e41473u, 0x3e7066ddu, 0xf52cb578u,
-  0x0f580a6cu, 0xc404d9c9u, 0x4290ab67u, 0x89cc78c2u, 0x94c9487au, 0x5f959bdfu, 0xd901e971u, 0x125d3ad4u,
-  0xe30b8801u, 0x28575ba4u, 0xaec3290au, 0x659ffaafu, 0x789aca17u, 0xb3c619b2u, 0x35526b1cu, 0xfe0eb8b9u,
-  0x0c8e08f7u, 0xc7d2db52u, 0x4146a9fcu, 0x8a1a7a59u, 0x971f4ae1u, 0x5c439944u, 0xdad7ebeau, 0x118b384fu,
-  0xe0dd8a9au, 0x2b81593fu, 0xad152b91u, 0x6649f834u, 0x7b4cc88cu, 0xb0101b29u, 0x36846987u, 0xfdd8ba22u,
-  0x08f40f5au, 0xc3a8dcffu, 0x453cae51u, 0x8e607df4u, 0x93654d4cu, 0x58399ee9u, 0xdeadec47u, 0x15f13fe2u,
-  0xe4a78d37u, 0x2ffb5e92u, 0xa96f2c3cu, 0x6233ff99u, 0x7f36cf21u, 0xb46a1c84u, 0x32fe6e2au, 0xf9a2bd8fu,
-  0x0b220dc1u, 0xc07ede64u, 0x46eaaccau, 0x8db67f6fu, 0x90b34fd7u, 0x5bef9c72u, 0xdd7beedcu, 0x16273d79u,
-  0xe7718facu, 0x2c2d5c09u, 0xaab92ea7u, 0x61e5fd02u, 0x7ce0cdbau, 0xb7bc1e1fu, 0x31286cb1u, 0xfa74bf14u,
-  0x1eb014d8u, 0xd5ecc77du, 0x5378b5d3u, 0x98246676u, 0x852156ceu, 0x4e7d856bu, 0xc8e9f7c5u, 0x03b52460u,
-  0xf2e396b5u, 0x39bf4510u, 0xbf2b37beu, 0x7477e41bu, 0x6972d4a3u, 0xa22e0706u, 0x24ba75a8u, 0xefe6a60du,
-  0x1d661643u, 0xd63ac5e6u, 0x50aeb748u, 0x9bf264edu, 0x86f75455u, 0x4dab87f0u, 0xcb3ff55eu, 0x006326fbu,
-  0xf135942eu, 0x3a69478bu, 0xbcfd3525u, 0x77a1e680u, 0x6aa4d638u, 0xa1f8059du, 0x276c7733u, 0xec30a496u,
-  0x191c11eeu, 0xd240c24bu, 0x54d4b0e5u, 0x9f886340u, 0x828d53f8u, 0x49d1805du, 0xcf45f2f3u, 0x04192156u,
-  0xf54f9383u, 0x3e134026u, 0xb8873288u, 0x73dbe12du, 0x6eded195u, 0xa5820230u, 0x2316709eu, 0xe84aa33bu,
-  0x1aca1375u, 0xd196c0d0u, 0x5702b27eu, 0x9c5e61dbu, 0x815b5163u, 0x4a0782c6u, 0xcc93f068u, 0x07cf23cdu,
-  0xf6999118u, 0x3dc542bdu, 0xbb513013u, 0x700de3b6u, 0x6d08d30eu, 0xa65400abu, 0x20c07205u, 0xeb9ca1a0u,
-  0x11e81eb4u, 0xdab4cd11u, 0x5c20bfbfu, 0x977c6c1au, 0x8a795ca2u, 0x41258f07u, 0xc7b1fda9u, 0x0ced2e0cu,
-  0xfdbb9cd9u, 0x36e74f7cu, 0xb0733dd2u, 0x7b2fee77u, 0x662adecfu, 0xad760d6au, 0x2be27fc4u, 0xe0beac61u,
-  0x123e1c2fu, 0xd962cf8au, 0x5ff6bd24u, 0x94aa6e81u, 0x89af5e39u, 0x42f38d9cu, 0xc467ff32u, 0x0f3b2c97u,
-  0xfe6d9e42u, 0x35314de7u, 0xb3a53f49u, 0x78f9ececu, 0x65fcdc54u, 0xaea00ff1u, 0x28347d5fu, 0xe368aefau,
-  0x16441b82u, 0xdd18c827u, 0x5b8cba89u, 0x90d0692cu, 0x8dd55994u, 0x46898a31u, 0xc01df89fu, 0x0b412b3au,
-  0xfa1799efu, 0x314b4a4au, 0xb7df38e4u, 0x7c83eb41u, 0x6186dbf9u, 0xaada085cu, 0x2c4e7af2u, 0xe712a957u,
-  0x15921919u, 0xdececabcu, 0x585ab812u, 0x93066bb7u, 0x8e035b0fu, 0x455f88aau, 0xc3cbfa04u, 0x089729a1u,
-  0xf9c19b74u, 0x329d48d1u, 0xb4093a7fu, 0x7f55e9dau, 0x6250d962u, 0xa90c0ac7u, 0x2f987869u, 0xe4c4abccu
-static const unsigned lodepng_crc32_table6[256] = {
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-  0x33ef4e67u, 0x959845d3u, 0xa4705f4eu, 0x020754fau, 0xc7a06a74u, 0x61d761c0u, 0x503f7b5du, 0xf64870e9u,
-  0x67de9cceu, 0xc1a9977au, 0xf0418de7u, 0x56368653u, 0x9391b8ddu, 0x35e6b369u, 0x040ea9f4u, 0xa279a240u,
-  0x5431d2a9u, 0xf246d91du, 0xc3aec380u, 0x65d9c834u, 0xa07ef6bau, 0x0609fd0eu, 0x37e1e793u, 0x9196ec27u,
-  0xcfbd399cu, 0x69ca3228u, 0x582228b5u, 0xfe552301u, 0x3bf21d8fu, 0x9d85163bu, 0xac6d0ca6u, 0x0a1a0712u,
-  0xfc5277fbu, 0x5a257c4fu, 0x6bcd66d2u, 0xcdba6d66u, 0x081d53e8u, 0xae6a585cu, 0x9f8242c1u, 0x39f54975u,
-  0xa863a552u, 0x0e14aee6u, 0x3ffcb47bu, 0x998bbfcfu, 0x5c2c8141u, 0xfa5b8af5u, 0xcbb39068u, 0x6dc49bdcu,
-  0x9b8ceb35u, 0x3dfbe081u, 0x0c13fa1cu, 0xaa64f1a8u, 0x6fc3cf26u, 0xc9b4c492u, 0xf85cde0fu, 0x5e2bd5bbu,
-  0x440b7579u, 0xe27c7ecdu, 0xd3946450u, 0x75e36fe4u, 0xb044516au, 0x16335adeu, 0x27db4043u, 0x81ac4bf7u,
-  0x77e43b1eu, 0xd19330aau, 0xe07b2a37u, 0x460c2183u, 0x83ab1f0du, 0x25dc14b9u, 0x14340e24u, 0xb2430590u,
-  0x23d5e9b7u, 0x85a2e203u, 0xb44af89eu, 0x123df32au, 0xd79acda4u, 0x71edc610u, 0x4005dc8du, 0xe672d739u,
-  0x103aa7d0u, 0xb64dac64u, 0x87a5b6f9u, 0x21d2bd4du, 0xe47583c3u, 0x42028877u, 0x73ea92eau, 0xd59d995eu,
-  0x8bb64ce5u, 0x2dc14751u, 0x1c295dccu, 0xba5e5678u, 0x7ff968f6u, 0xd98e6342u, 0xe86679dfu, 0x4e11726bu,
-  0xb8590282u, 0x1e2e0936u, 0x2fc613abu, 0x89b1181fu, 0x4c162691u, 0xea612d25u, 0xdb8937b8u, 0x7dfe3c0cu,
-  0xec68d02bu, 0x4a1fdb9fu, 0x7bf7c102u, 0xdd80cab6u, 0x1827f438u, 0xbe50ff8cu, 0x8fb8e511u, 0x29cfeea5u,
-  0xdf879e4cu, 0x79f095f8u, 0x48188f65u, 0xee6f84d1u, 0x2bc8ba5fu, 0x8dbfb1ebu, 0xbc57ab76u, 0x1a20a0c2u,
-  0x8816eaf2u, 0x2e61e146u, 0x1f89fbdbu, 0xb9fef06fu, 0x7c59cee1u, 0xda2ec555u, 0xebc6dfc8u, 0x4db1d47cu,
-  0xbbf9a495u, 0x1d8eaf21u, 0x2c66b5bcu, 0x8a11be08u, 0x4fb68086u, 0xe9c18b32u, 0xd82991afu, 0x7e5e9a1bu,
-  0xefc8763cu, 0x49bf7d88u, 0x78576715u, 0xde206ca1u, 0x1b87522fu, 0xbdf0599bu, 0x8c184306u, 0x2a6f48b2u,
-  0xdc27385bu, 0x7a5033efu, 0x4bb82972u, 0xedcf22c6u, 0x28681c48u, 0x8e1f17fcu, 0xbff70d61u, 0x198006d5u,
-  0x47abd36eu, 0xe1dcd8dau, 0xd034c247u, 0x7643c9f3u, 0xb3e4f77du, 0x1593fcc9u, 0x247be654u, 0x820cede0u,
-  0x74449d09u, 0xd23396bdu, 0xe3db8c20u, 0x45ac8794u, 0x800bb91au, 0x267cb2aeu, 0x1794a833u, 0xb1e3a387u,
-  0x20754fa0u, 0x86024414u, 0xb7ea5e89u, 0x119d553du, 0xd43a6bb3u, 0x724d6007u, 0x43a57a9au, 0xe5d2712eu,
-  0x139a01c7u, 0xb5ed0a73u, 0x840510eeu, 0x22721b5au, 0xe7d525d4u, 0x41a22e60u, 0x704a34fdu, 0xd63d3f49u,
-  0xcc1d9f8bu, 0x6a6a943fu, 0x5b828ea2u, 0xfdf58516u, 0x3852bb98u, 0x9e25b02cu, 0xafcdaab1u, 0x09baa105u,
-  0xfff2d1ecu, 0x5985da58u, 0x686dc0c5u, 0xce1acb71u, 0x0bbdf5ffu, 0xadcafe4bu, 0x9c22e4d6u, 0x3a55ef62u,
-  0xabc30345u, 0x0db408f1u, 0x3c5c126cu, 0x9a2b19d8u, 0x5f8c2756u, 0xf9fb2ce2u, 0xc813367fu, 0x6e643dcbu,
-  0x982c4d22u, 0x3e5b4696u, 0x0fb35c0bu, 0xa9c457bfu, 0x6c636931u, 0xca146285u, 0xfbfc7818u, 0x5d8b73acu,
-  0x03a0a617u, 0xa5d7ada3u, 0x943fb73eu, 0x3248bc8au, 0xf7ef8204u, 0x519889b0u, 0x6070932du, 0xc6079899u,
-  0x304fe870u, 0x9638e3c4u, 0xa7d0f959u, 0x01a7f2edu, 0xc400cc63u, 0x6277c7d7u, 0x539fdd4au, 0xf5e8d6feu,
-  0x647e3ad9u, 0xc209316du, 0xf3e12bf0u, 0x55962044u, 0x90311ecau, 0x3646157eu, 0x07ae0fe3u, 0xa1d90457u,
-  0x579174beu, 0xf1e67f0au, 0xc00e6597u, 0x66796e23u, 0xa3de50adu, 0x05a95b19u, 0x34414184u, 0x92364a30u
-static const unsigned lodepng_crc32_table7[256] = {
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-  0xd3e51bb5u, 0x1f4f1b2bu, 0x91c01cc8u, 0x5d6a1c56u, 0x57af154fu, 0x9b0515d1u, 0x158a1232u, 0xd92012acu,
-  0x7cbb312bu, 0xb01131b5u, 0x3e9e3656u, 0xf23436c8u, 0xf8f13fd1u, 0x345b3f4fu, 0xbad438acu, 0x767e3832u,
-  0xaf5e2a9eu, 0x63f42a00u, 0xed7b2de3u, 0x21d12d7du, 0x2b142464u, 0xe7be24fau, 0x69312319u, 0xa59b2387u,
-  0xf9766256u, 0x35dc62c8u, 0xbb53652bu, 0x77f965b5u, 0x7d3c6cacu, 0xb1966c32u, 0x3f196bd1u, 0xf3b36b4fu,
-  0x2a9379e3u, 0xe639797du, 0x68b67e9eu, 0xa41c7e00u, 0xaed97719u, 0x62737787u, 0xecfc7064u, 0x205670fau,
-  0x85cd537du, 0x496753e3u, 0xc7e85400u, 0x0b42549eu, 0x01875d87u, 0xcd2d5d19u, 0x43a25afau, 0x8f085a64u,
-  0x562848c8u, 0x9a824856u, 0x140d4fb5u, 0xd8a74f2bu, 0xd2624632u, 0x1ec846acu, 0x9047414fu, 0x5ced41d1u,
-  0x299dc2edu, 0xe537c273u, 0x6bb8c590u, 0xa712c50eu, 0xadd7cc17u, 0x617dcc89u, 0xeff2cb6au, 0x2358cbf4u,
-  0xfa78d958u, 0x36d2d9c6u, 0xb85dde25u, 0x74f7debbu, 0x7e32d7a2u, 0xb298d73cu, 0x3c17d0dfu, 0xf0bdd041u,
-  0x5526f3c6u, 0x998cf358u, 0x1703f4bbu, 0xdba9f425u, 0xd16cfd3cu, 0x1dc6fda2u, 0x9349fa41u, 0x5fe3fadfu,
-  0x86c3e873u, 0x4a69e8edu, 0xc4e6ef0eu, 0x084cef90u, 0x0289e689u, 0xce23e617u, 0x40ace1f4u, 0x8c06e16au,
-  0xd0eba0bbu, 0x1c41a025u, 0x92cea7c6u, 0x5e64a758u, 0x54a1ae41u, 0x980baedfu, 0x1684a93cu, 0xda2ea9a2u,
-  0x030ebb0eu, 0xcfa4bb90u, 0x412bbc73u, 0x8d81bcedu, 0x8744b5f4u, 0x4beeb56au, 0xc561b289u, 0x09cbb217u,
-  0xac509190u, 0x60fa910eu, 0xee7596edu, 0x22df9673u, 0x281a9f6au, 0xe4b09ff4u, 0x6a3f9817u, 0xa6959889u,
-  0x7fb58a25u, 0xb31f8abbu, 0x3d908d58u, 0xf13a8dc6u, 0xfbff84dfu, 0x37558441u, 0xb9da83a2u, 0x7570833cu,
-  0x533b85dau, 0x9f918544u, 0x111e82a7u, 0xddb48239u, 0xd7718b20u, 0x1bdb8bbeu, 0x95548c5du, 0x59fe8cc3u,
-  0x80de9e6fu, 0x4c749ef1u, 0xc2fb9912u, 0x0e51998cu, 0x04949095u, 0xc83e900bu, 0x46b197e8u, 0x8a1b9776u,
-  0x2f80b4f1u, 0xe32ab46fu, 0x6da5b38cu, 0xa10fb312u, 0xabcaba0bu, 0x6760ba95u, 0xe9efbd76u, 0x2545bde8u,
-  0xfc65af44u, 0x30cfafdau, 0xbe40a839u, 0x72eaa8a7u, 0x782fa1beu, 0xb485a120u, 0x3a0aa6c3u, 0xf6a0a65du,
-  0xaa4de78cu, 0x66e7e712u, 0xe868e0f1u, 0x24c2e06fu, 0x2e07e976u, 0xe2ade9e8u, 0x6c22ee0bu, 0xa088ee95u,
-  0x79a8fc39u, 0xb502fca7u, 0x3b8dfb44u, 0xf727fbdau, 0xfde2f2c3u, 0x3148f25du, 0xbfc7f5beu, 0x736df520u,
-  0xd6f6d6a7u, 0x1a5cd639u, 0x94d3d1dau, 0x5879d144u, 0x52bcd85du, 0x9e16d8c3u, 0x1099df20u, 0xdc33dfbeu,
-  0x0513cd12u, 0xc9b9cd8cu, 0x4736ca6fu, 0x8b9ccaf1u, 0x8159c3e8u, 0x4df3c376u, 0xc37cc495u, 0x0fd6c40bu,
-  0x7aa64737u, 0xb60c47a9u, 0x3883404au, 0xf42940d4u, 0xfeec49cdu, 0x32464953u, 0xbcc94eb0u, 0x70634e2eu,
-  0xa9435c82u, 0x65e95c1cu, 0xeb665bffu, 0x27cc5b61u, 0x2d095278u, 0xe1a352e6u, 0x6f2c5505u, 0xa386559bu,
-  0x061d761cu, 0xcab77682u, 0x44387161u, 0x889271ffu, 0x825778e6u, 0x4efd7878u, 0xc0727f9bu, 0x0cd87f05u,
-  0xd5f86da9u, 0x19526d37u, 0x97dd6ad4u, 0x5b776a4au, 0x51b26353u, 0x9d1863cdu, 0x1397642eu, 0xdf3d64b0u,
-  0x83d02561u, 0x4f7a25ffu, 0xc1f5221cu, 0x0d5f2282u, 0x079a2b9bu, 0xcb302b05u, 0x45bf2ce6u, 0x89152c78u,
-  0x50353ed4u, 0x9c9f3e4au, 0x121039a9u, 0xdeba3937u, 0xd47f302eu, 0x18d530b0u, 0x965a3753u, 0x5af037cdu,
-  0xff6b144au, 0x33c114d4u, 0xbd4e1337u, 0x71e413a9u, 0x7b211ab0u, 0xb78b1a2eu, 0x39041dcdu, 0xf5ae1d53u,
-  0x2c8e0fffu, 0xe0240f61u, 0x6eab0882u, 0xa201081cu, 0xa8c40105u, 0x646e019bu, 0xeae10678u, 0x264b06e6u
-/* Computes the cyclic redundancy check as used by PNG chunks*/
-unsigned lodepng_crc32(const unsigned char* data, size_t length) {
-  /*Using the Slicing by Eight algorithm*/
-  unsigned r = 0xffffffffu;
-  while(length >= 8) {
-    r = lodepng_crc32_table7[(data[0] ^ (r & 0xffu))] ^
-        lodepng_crc32_table6[(data[1] ^ ((r >> 8) & 0xffu))] ^
-        lodepng_crc32_table5[(data[2] ^ ((r >> 16) & 0xffu))] ^
-        lodepng_crc32_table4[(data[3] ^ ((r >> 24) & 0xffu))] ^
-        lodepng_crc32_table3[data[4]] ^
-        lodepng_crc32_table2[data[5]] ^
-        lodepng_crc32_table1[data[6]] ^
-        lodepng_crc32_table0[data[7]];
-    data += 8;
-    length -= 8;
-  }
-  while(length--) {
-    r = lodepng_crc32_table0[(r ^ *data++) & 0xffu] ^ (r >> 8);
-  }
-  return r ^ 0xffffffffu;
-/*in this case, the function is only declared here, and must be defined externally
-so that it will be linked in.
-Example implementation that uses a much smaller lookup table for memory constrained cases:
-unsigned lodepng_crc32(const unsigned char* data, size_t length) {
-  unsigned r = 0xffffffffu;
-  static const unsigned table[16] = {
-    0x00000000, 0x1db71064, 0x3b6e20c8, 0x26d930ac, 0x76dc4190, 0x6b6b51f4, 0x4db26158, 0x5005713c,
-    0xedb88320, 0xf00f9344, 0xd6d6a3e8, 0xcb61b38c, 0x9b64c2b0, 0x86d3d2d4, 0xa00ae278, 0xbdbdf21c
-  };
-  while(length--) {
-    r = table[(r ^ *data) & 0xf] ^ (r >> 4);
-    r = table[(r ^ (*data >> 4)) & 0xf] ^ (r >> 4);
-    data++;
-  }
-  return r ^ 0xffffffffu;
-unsigned lodepng_crc32(const unsigned char* data, size_t length);
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* / Reading and writing PNG color channel bits                             / */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* The color channel bits of less-than-8-bit pixels are read with the MSB of bytes first,
-so LodePNGBitWriter and LodePNGBitReader can't be used for those. */
-static unsigned char readBitFromReversedStream(size_t* bitpointer, const unsigned char* bitstream) {
-  unsigned char result = (unsigned char)((bitstream[(*bitpointer) >> 3] >> (7 - ((*bitpointer) & 0x7))) & 1);
-  ++(*bitpointer);
-  return result;
-/* TODO: make this faster */
-static unsigned readBitsFromReversedStream(size_t* bitpointer, const unsigned char* bitstream, size_t nbits) {
-  unsigned result = 0;
-  size_t i;
-  for(i = 0 ; i < nbits; ++i) {
-    result <<= 1u;
-    result |= (unsigned)readBitFromReversedStream(bitpointer, bitstream);
-  }
-  return result;
-static void setBitOfReversedStream(size_t* bitpointer, unsigned char* bitstream, unsigned char bit) {
-  /*the current bit in bitstream may be 0 or 1 for this to work*/
-  if(bit == 0) bitstream[(*bitpointer) >> 3u] &=  (unsigned char)(~(1u << (7u - ((*bitpointer) & 7u))));
-  else         bitstream[(*bitpointer) >> 3u] |=  (1u << (7u - ((*bitpointer) & 7u)));
-  ++(*bitpointer);
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* / PNG chunks                                                             / */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-unsigned lodepng_chunk_length(const unsigned char* chunk) {
-  return lodepng_read32bitInt(chunk);
-void lodepng_chunk_type(char type[5], const unsigned char* chunk) {
-  unsigned i;
-  for(i = 0; i != 4; ++i) type[i] = (char)chunk[4 + i];
-  type[4] = 0; /*null termination char*/
-unsigned char lodepng_chunk_type_equals(const unsigned char* chunk, const char* type) {
-  if(lodepng_strlen(type) != 4) return 0;
-  return (chunk[4] == type[0] && chunk[5] == type[1] && chunk[6] == type[2] && chunk[7] == type[3]);
-unsigned char lodepng_chunk_ancillary(const unsigned char* chunk) {
-  return((chunk[4] & 32) != 0);
-unsigned char lodepng_chunk_private(const unsigned char* chunk) {
-  return((chunk[6] & 32) != 0);
-unsigned char lodepng_chunk_safetocopy(const unsigned char* chunk) {
-  return((chunk[7] & 32) != 0);
-unsigned char* lodepng_chunk_data(unsigned char* chunk) {
-  return &chunk[8];
-const unsigned char* lodepng_chunk_data_const(const unsigned char* chunk) {
-  return &chunk[8];
-unsigned lodepng_chunk_check_crc(const unsigned char* chunk) {
-  unsigned length = lodepng_chunk_length(chunk);
-  unsigned CRC = lodepng_read32bitInt(&chunk[length + 8]);
-  /*the CRC is taken of the data and the 4 chunk type letters, not the length*/
-  unsigned checksum = lodepng_crc32(&chunk[4], length + 4);
-  if(CRC != checksum) return 1;
-  else return 0;
-void lodepng_chunk_generate_crc(unsigned char* chunk) {
-  unsigned length = lodepng_chunk_length(chunk);
-  unsigned CRC = lodepng_crc32(&chunk[4], length + 4);
-  lodepng_set32bitInt(chunk + 8 + length, CRC);
-unsigned char* lodepng_chunk_next(unsigned char* chunk, unsigned char* end) {
-  size_t available_size = (size_t)(end - chunk);
-  if(chunk >= end || available_size < 12) return end; /*too small to contain a chunk*/
-  if(chunk[0] == 0x89 && chunk[1] == 0x50 && chunk[2] == 0x4e && chunk[3] == 0x47
-    && chunk[4] == 0x0d && chunk[5] == 0x0a && chunk[6] == 0x1a && chunk[7] == 0x0a) {
-    /* Is PNG magic header at start of PNG file. Jump to first actual chunk. */
-    return chunk + 8;
-  } else {
-    size_t total_chunk_length;
-    if(lodepng_addofl(lodepng_chunk_length(chunk), 12, &total_chunk_length)) return end;
-    if(total_chunk_length > available_size) return end; /*outside of range*/
-    return chunk + total_chunk_length;
-  }
-const unsigned char* lodepng_chunk_next_const(const unsigned char* chunk, const unsigned char* end) {
-  size_t available_size = (size_t)(end - chunk);
-  if(chunk >= end || available_size < 12) return end; /*too small to contain a chunk*/
-  if(chunk[0] == 0x89 && chunk[1] == 0x50 && chunk[2] == 0x4e && chunk[3] == 0x47
-    && chunk[4] == 0x0d && chunk[5] == 0x0a && chunk[6] == 0x1a && chunk[7] == 0x0a) {
-    /* Is PNG magic header at start of PNG file. Jump to first actual chunk. */
-    return chunk + 8;
-  } else {
-    size_t total_chunk_length;
-    if(lodepng_addofl(lodepng_chunk_length(chunk), 12, &total_chunk_length)) return end;
-    if(total_chunk_length > available_size) return end; /*outside of range*/
-    return chunk + total_chunk_length;
-  }
-unsigned char* lodepng_chunk_find(unsigned char* chunk, unsigned char* end, const char type[5]) {
-  for(;;) {
-    if(chunk >= end || end - chunk < 12) return 0; /* past file end: chunk + 12 > end */
-    if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, type)) return chunk;
-    chunk = lodepng_chunk_next(chunk, end);
-  }
-const unsigned char* lodepng_chunk_find_const(const unsigned char* chunk, const unsigned char* end, const char type[5]) {
-  for(;;) {
-    if(chunk >= end || end - chunk < 12) return 0; /* past file end: chunk + 12 > end */
-    if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, type)) return chunk;
-    chunk = lodepng_chunk_next_const(chunk, end);
-  }
-unsigned lodepng_chunk_append(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize, const unsigned char* chunk) {
-  unsigned i;
-  size_t total_chunk_length, new_length;
-  unsigned char *chunk_start, *new_buffer;
-  if(lodepng_addofl(lodepng_chunk_length(chunk), 12, &total_chunk_length)) return 77;
-  if(lodepng_addofl(*outsize, total_chunk_length, &new_length)) return 77;
-  new_buffer = (unsigned char*)lodepng_realloc(*out, new_length);
-  if(!new_buffer) return 83; /*alloc fail*/
-  (*out) = new_buffer;
-  (*outsize) = new_length;
-  chunk_start = &(*out)[new_length - total_chunk_length];
-  for(i = 0; i != total_chunk_length; ++i) chunk_start[i] = chunk[i];
-  return 0;
-/*Sets length and name and allocates the space for data and crc but does not
-set data or crc yet. Returns the start of the chunk in chunk. The start of
-the data is at chunk + 8. To finalize chunk, add the data, then use
-lodepng_chunk_generate_crc */
-static unsigned lodepng_chunk_init(unsigned char** chunk,
-                                   ucvector* out,
-                                   unsigned length, const char* type) {
-  size_t new_length = out->size;
-  if(lodepng_addofl(new_length, length, &new_length)) return 77;
-  if(lodepng_addofl(new_length, 12, &new_length)) return 77;
-  if(!ucvector_resize(out, new_length)) return 83; /*alloc fail*/
-  *chunk = out->data + new_length - length - 12u;
-  /*1: length*/
-  lodepng_set32bitInt(*chunk, length);
-  /*2: chunk name (4 letters)*/
-  lodepng_memcpy(*chunk + 4, type, 4);
-  return 0;
-/* like lodepng_chunk_create but with custom allocsize */
-static unsigned lodepng_chunk_createv(ucvector* out,
-                                      unsigned length, const char* type, const unsigned char* data) {
-  unsigned char* chunk;
-  CERROR_TRY_RETURN(lodepng_chunk_init(&chunk, out, length, type));
-  /*3: the data*/
-  lodepng_memcpy(chunk + 8, data, length);
-  /*4: CRC (of the chunkname characters and the data)*/
-  lodepng_chunk_generate_crc(chunk);
-  return 0;
-unsigned lodepng_chunk_create(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize,
-                              unsigned length, const char* type, const unsigned char* data) {
-  ucvector v = ucvector_init(*out, *outsize);
-  unsigned error = lodepng_chunk_createv(&v, length, type, data);
-  *out =;
-  *outsize = v.size;
-  return error;
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* / Color types, channels, bits                                            / */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/*checks if the colortype is valid and the bitdepth bd is allowed for this colortype.
-Return value is a LodePNG error code.*/
-static unsigned checkColorValidity(LodePNGColorType colortype, unsigned bd) {
-  switch(colortype) {
-    case LCT_GREY:       if(!(bd == 1 || bd == 2 || bd == 4 || bd == 8 || bd == 16)) return 37; break;
-    case LCT_RGB:        if(!(                                 bd == 8 || bd == 16)) return 37; break;
-    case LCT_PALETTE:    if(!(bd == 1 || bd == 2 || bd == 4 || bd == 8            )) return 37; break;
-    case LCT_GREY_ALPHA: if(!(                                 bd == 8 || bd == 16)) return 37; break;
-    case LCT_RGBA:       if(!(                                 bd == 8 || bd == 16)) return 37; break;
-    case LCT_MAX_OCTET_VALUE: return 31; /* invalid color type */
-    default: return 31; /* invalid color type */
-  }
-  return 0; /*allowed color type / bits combination*/
-static unsigned getNumColorChannels(LodePNGColorType colortype) {
-  switch(colortype) {
-    case LCT_GREY: return 1;
-    case LCT_RGB: return 3;
-    case LCT_PALETTE: return 1;
-    case LCT_GREY_ALPHA: return 2;
-    case LCT_RGBA: return 4;
-    case LCT_MAX_OCTET_VALUE: return 0; /* invalid color type */
-    default: return 0; /*invalid color type*/
-  }
-static unsigned lodepng_get_bpp_lct(LodePNGColorType colortype, unsigned bitdepth) {
-  /*bits per pixel is amount of channels * bits per channel*/
-  return getNumColorChannels(colortype) * bitdepth;
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-void lodepng_color_mode_init(LodePNGColorMode* info) {
-  info->key_defined = 0;
-  info->key_r = info->key_g = info->key_b = 0;
-  info->colortype = LCT_RGBA;
-  info->bitdepth = 8;
-  info->palette = 0;
-  info->palettesize = 0;
-/*allocates palette memory if needed, and initializes all colors to black*/
-static void lodepng_color_mode_alloc_palette(LodePNGColorMode* info) {
-  size_t i;
-  /*if the palette is already allocated, it will have size 1024 so no reallocation needed in that case*/
-  /*the palette must have room for up to 256 colors with 4 bytes each.*/
-  if(!info->palette) info->palette = (unsigned char*)lodepng_malloc(1024);
-  if(!info->palette) return; /*alloc fail*/
-  for(i = 0; i != 256; ++i) {
-    /*Initialize all unused colors with black, the value used for invalid palette indices.
-    This is an error according to the PNG spec, but common PNG decoders make it black instead.
-    That makes color conversion slightly faster due to no error handling needed.*/
-    info->palette[i * 4 + 0] = 0;
-    info->palette[i * 4 + 1] = 0;
-    info->palette[i * 4 + 2] = 0;
-    info->palette[i * 4 + 3] = 255;
-  }
-void lodepng_color_mode_cleanup(LodePNGColorMode* info) {
-  lodepng_palette_clear(info);
-unsigned lodepng_color_mode_copy(LodePNGColorMode* dest, const LodePNGColorMode* source) {
-  lodepng_color_mode_cleanup(dest);
-  lodepng_memcpy(dest, source, sizeof(LodePNGColorMode));
-  if(source->palette) {
-    dest->palette = (unsigned char*)lodepng_malloc(1024);
-    if(!dest->palette && source->palettesize) return 83; /*alloc fail*/
-    lodepng_memcpy(dest->palette, source->palette, source->palettesize * 4);
-  }
-  return 0;
-LodePNGColorMode lodepng_color_mode_make(LodePNGColorType colortype, unsigned bitdepth) {
-  LodePNGColorMode result;
-  lodepng_color_mode_init(&result);
-  result.colortype = colortype;
-  result.bitdepth = bitdepth;
-  return result;
-static int lodepng_color_mode_equal(const LodePNGColorMode* a, const LodePNGColorMode* b) {
-  size_t i;
-  if(a->colortype != b->colortype) return 0;
-  if(a->bitdepth != b->bitdepth) return 0;
-  if(a->key_defined != b->key_defined) return 0;
-  if(a->key_defined) {
-    if(a->key_r != b->key_r) return 0;
-    if(a->key_g != b->key_g) return 0;
-    if(a->key_b != b->key_b) return 0;
-  }
-  if(a->palettesize != b->palettesize) return 0;
-  for(i = 0; i != a->palettesize * 4; ++i) {
-    if(a->palette[i] != b->palette[i]) return 0;
-  }
-  return 1;
-void lodepng_palette_clear(LodePNGColorMode* info) {
-  if(info->palette) lodepng_free(info->palette);
-  info->palette = 0;
-  info->palettesize = 0;
-unsigned lodepng_palette_add(LodePNGColorMode* info,
-                             unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a) {
-  if(!info->palette) /*allocate palette if empty*/ {
-    lodepng_color_mode_alloc_palette(info);
-    if(!info->palette) return 83; /*alloc fail*/
-  }
-  if(info->palettesize >= 256) {
-    return 108; /*too many palette values*/
-  }
-  info->palette[4 * info->palettesize + 0] = r;
-  info->palette[4 * info->palettesize + 1] = g;
-  info->palette[4 * info->palettesize + 2] = b;
-  info->palette[4 * info->palettesize + 3] = a;
-  ++info->palettesize;
-  return 0;
-/*calculate bits per pixel out of colortype and bitdepth*/
-unsigned lodepng_get_bpp(const LodePNGColorMode* info) {
-  return lodepng_get_bpp_lct(info->colortype, info->bitdepth);
-unsigned lodepng_get_channels(const LodePNGColorMode* info) {
-  return getNumColorChannels(info->colortype);
-unsigned lodepng_is_greyscale_type(const LodePNGColorMode* info) {
-  return info->colortype == LCT_GREY || info->colortype == LCT_GREY_ALPHA;
-unsigned lodepng_is_alpha_type(const LodePNGColorMode* info) {
-  return (info->colortype & 4) != 0; /*4 or 6*/
-unsigned lodepng_is_palette_type(const LodePNGColorMode* info) {
-  return info->colortype == LCT_PALETTE;
-unsigned lodepng_has_palette_alpha(const LodePNGColorMode* info) {
-  size_t i;
-  for(i = 0; i != info->palettesize; ++i) {
-    if(info->palette[i * 4 + 3] < 255) return 1;
-  }
-  return 0;
-unsigned lodepng_can_have_alpha(const LodePNGColorMode* info) {
-  return info->key_defined
-      || lodepng_is_alpha_type(info)
-      || lodepng_has_palette_alpha(info);
-static size_t lodepng_get_raw_size_lct(unsigned w, unsigned h, LodePNGColorType colortype, unsigned bitdepth) {
-  size_t bpp = lodepng_get_bpp_lct(colortype, bitdepth);
-  size_t n = (size_t)w * (size_t)h;
-  return ((n / 8u) * bpp) + ((n & 7u) * bpp + 7u) / 8u;
-size_t lodepng_get_raw_size(unsigned w, unsigned h, const LodePNGColorMode* color) {
-  return lodepng_get_raw_size_lct(w, h, color->colortype, color->bitdepth);
-/*in an idat chunk, each scanline is a multiple of 8 bits, unlike the lodepng output buffer,
-and in addition has one extra byte per line: the filter byte. So this gives a larger
-result than lodepng_get_raw_size. Set h to 1 to get the size of 1 row including filter byte. */
-static size_t lodepng_get_raw_size_idat(unsigned w, unsigned h, unsigned bpp) {
-  /* + 1 for the filter byte, and possibly plus padding bits per line. */
-  /* Ignoring casts, the expression is equal to (w * bpp + 7) / 8 + 1, but avoids overflow of w * bpp */
-  size_t line = ((size_t)(w / 8u) * bpp) + 1u + ((w & 7u) * bpp + 7u) / 8u;
-  return (size_t)h * line;
-/*Safely checks whether size_t overflow can be caused due to amount of pixels.
-This check is overcautious rather than precise. If this check indicates no overflow,
-you can safely compute in a size_t (but not an unsigned):
--(size_t)w * (size_t)h * 8
--amount of bytes in IDAT (including filter, padding and Adam7 bytes)
--amount of bytes in raw color model
-Returns 1 if overflow possible, 0 if not.
-static int lodepng_pixel_overflow(unsigned w, unsigned h,
-                                  const LodePNGColorMode* pngcolor, const LodePNGColorMode* rawcolor) {
-  size_t bpp = LODEPNG_MAX(lodepng_get_bpp(pngcolor), lodepng_get_bpp(rawcolor));
-  size_t numpixels, total;
-  size_t line; /* bytes per line in worst case */
-  if(lodepng_mulofl((size_t)w, (size_t)h, &numpixels)) return 1;
-  if(lodepng_mulofl(numpixels, 8, &total)) return 1; /* bit pointer with 8-bit color, or 8 bytes per channel color */
-  /* Bytes per scanline with the expression "(w / 8u) * bpp) + ((w & 7u) * bpp + 7u) / 8u" */
-  if(lodepng_mulofl((size_t)(w / 8u), bpp, &line)) return 1;
-  if(lodepng_addofl(line, ((w & 7u) * bpp + 7u) / 8u, &line)) return 1;
-  if(lodepng_addofl(line, 5, &line)) return 1; /* 5 bytes overhead per line: 1 filterbyte, 4 for Adam7 worst case */
-  if(lodepng_mulofl(line, h, &total)) return 1; /* Total bytes in worst case */
-  return 0; /* no overflow */
-static void LodePNGUnknownChunks_init(LodePNGInfo* info) {
-  unsigned i;
-  for(i = 0; i != 3; ++i) info->unknown_chunks_data[i] = 0;
-  for(i = 0; i != 3; ++i) info->unknown_chunks_size[i] = 0;
-static void LodePNGUnknownChunks_cleanup(LodePNGInfo* info) {
-  unsigned i;
-  for(i = 0; i != 3; ++i) lodepng_free(info->unknown_chunks_data[i]);
-static unsigned LodePNGUnknownChunks_copy(LodePNGInfo* dest, const LodePNGInfo* src) {
-  unsigned i;
-  LodePNGUnknownChunks_cleanup(dest);
-  for(i = 0; i != 3; ++i) {
-    size_t j;
-    dest->unknown_chunks_size[i] = src->unknown_chunks_size[i];
-    dest->unknown_chunks_data[i] = (unsigned char*)lodepng_malloc(src->unknown_chunks_size[i]);
-    if(!dest->unknown_chunks_data[i] && dest->unknown_chunks_size[i]) return 83; /*alloc fail*/
-    for(j = 0; j < src->unknown_chunks_size[i]; ++j) {
-      dest->unknown_chunks_data[i][j] = src->unknown_chunks_data[i][j];
-    }
-  }
-  return 0;
-static void LodePNGText_init(LodePNGInfo* info) {
-  info->text_num = 0;
-  info->text_keys = NULL;
-  info->text_strings = NULL;
-static void LodePNGText_cleanup(LodePNGInfo* info) {
-  size_t i;
-  for(i = 0; i != info->text_num; ++i) {
-    string_cleanup(&info->text_keys[i]);
-    string_cleanup(&info->text_strings[i]);
-  }
-  lodepng_free(info->text_keys);
-  lodepng_free(info->text_strings);
-static unsigned LodePNGText_copy(LodePNGInfo* dest, const LodePNGInfo* source) {
-  size_t i = 0;
-  dest->text_keys = NULL;
-  dest->text_strings = NULL;
-  dest->text_num = 0;
-  for(i = 0; i != source->text_num; ++i) {
-    CERROR_TRY_RETURN(lodepng_add_text(dest, source->text_keys[i], source->text_strings[i]));
-  }
-  return 0;
-static unsigned lodepng_add_text_sized(LodePNGInfo* info, const char* key, const char* str, size_t size) {
-  char** new_keys = (char**)(lodepng_realloc(info->text_keys, sizeof(char*) * (info->text_num + 1)));
-  char** new_strings = (char**)(lodepng_realloc(info->text_strings, sizeof(char*) * (info->text_num + 1)));
-  if(new_keys) info->text_keys = new_keys;
-  if(new_strings) info->text_strings = new_strings;
-  if(!new_keys || !new_strings) return 83; /*alloc fail*/
-  ++info->text_num;
-  info->text_keys[info->text_num - 1] = alloc_string(key);
-  info->text_strings[info->text_num - 1] = alloc_string_sized(str, size);
-  if(!info->text_keys[info->text_num - 1] || !info->text_strings[info->text_num - 1]) return 83; /*alloc fail*/
-  return 0;
-unsigned lodepng_add_text(LodePNGInfo* info, const char* key, const char* str) {
-  return lodepng_add_text_sized(info, key, str, lodepng_strlen(str));
-void lodepng_clear_text(LodePNGInfo* info) {
-  LodePNGText_cleanup(info);
-static void LodePNGIText_init(LodePNGInfo* info) {
-  info->itext_num = 0;
-  info->itext_keys = NULL;
-  info->itext_langtags = NULL;
-  info->itext_transkeys = NULL;
-  info->itext_strings = NULL;
-static void LodePNGIText_cleanup(LodePNGInfo* info) {
-  size_t i;
-  for(i = 0; i != info->itext_num; ++i) {
-    string_cleanup(&info->itext_keys[i]);
-    string_cleanup(&info->itext_langtags[i]);
-    string_cleanup(&info->itext_transkeys[i]);
-    string_cleanup(&info->itext_strings[i]);
-  }
-  lodepng_free(info->itext_keys);
-  lodepng_free(info->itext_langtags);
-  lodepng_free(info->itext_transkeys);
-  lodepng_free(info->itext_strings);
-static unsigned LodePNGIText_copy(LodePNGInfo* dest, const LodePNGInfo* source) {
-  size_t i = 0;
-  dest->itext_keys = NULL;
-  dest->itext_langtags = NULL;
-  dest->itext_transkeys = NULL;
-  dest->itext_strings = NULL;
-  dest->itext_num = 0;
-  for(i = 0; i != source->itext_num; ++i) {
-    CERROR_TRY_RETURN(lodepng_add_itext(dest, source->itext_keys[i], source->itext_langtags[i],
-                                        source->itext_transkeys[i], source->itext_strings[i]));
-  }
-  return 0;
-void lodepng_clear_itext(LodePNGInfo* info) {
-  LodePNGIText_cleanup(info);
-static unsigned lodepng_add_itext_sized(LodePNGInfo* info, const char* key, const char* langtag,
-                                        const char* transkey, const char* str, size_t size) {
-  char** new_keys = (char**)(lodepng_realloc(info->itext_keys, sizeof(char*) * (info->itext_num + 1)));
-  char** new_langtags = (char**)(lodepng_realloc(info->itext_langtags, sizeof(char*) * (info->itext_num + 1)));
-  char** new_transkeys = (char**)(lodepng_realloc(info->itext_transkeys, sizeof(char*) * (info->itext_num + 1)));
-  char** new_strings = (char**)(lodepng_realloc(info->itext_strings, sizeof(char*) * (info->itext_num + 1)));
-  if(new_keys) info->itext_keys = new_keys;
-  if(new_langtags) info->itext_langtags = new_langtags;
-  if(new_transkeys) info->itext_transkeys = new_transkeys;
-  if(new_strings) info->itext_strings = new_strings;
-  if(!new_keys || !new_langtags || !new_transkeys || !new_strings) return 83; /*alloc fail*/
-  ++info->itext_num;
-  info->itext_keys[info->itext_num - 1] = alloc_string(key);
-  info->itext_langtags[info->itext_num - 1] = alloc_string(langtag);
-  info->itext_transkeys[info->itext_num - 1] = alloc_string(transkey);
-  info->itext_strings[info->itext_num - 1] = alloc_string_sized(str, size);
-  return 0;
-unsigned lodepng_add_itext(LodePNGInfo* info, const char* key, const char* langtag,
-                           const char* transkey, const char* str) {
-  return lodepng_add_itext_sized(info, key, langtag, transkey, str, lodepng_strlen(str));
-/* same as set but does not delete */
-static unsigned lodepng_assign_icc(LodePNGInfo* info, const char* name, const unsigned char* profile, unsigned profile_size) {
-  if(profile_size == 0) return 100; /*invalid ICC profile size*/
-  info->iccp_name = alloc_string(name);
-  info->iccp_profile = (unsigned char*)lodepng_malloc(profile_size);
-  if(!info->iccp_name || !info->iccp_profile) return 83; /*alloc fail*/
-  lodepng_memcpy(info->iccp_profile, profile, profile_size);
-  info->iccp_profile_size = profile_size;
-  return 0; /*ok*/
-unsigned lodepng_set_icc(LodePNGInfo* info, const char* name, const unsigned char* profile, unsigned profile_size) {
-  if(info->iccp_name) lodepng_clear_icc(info);
-  info->iccp_defined = 1;
-  return lodepng_assign_icc(info, name, profile, profile_size);
-void lodepng_clear_icc(LodePNGInfo* info) {
-  string_cleanup(&info->iccp_name);
-  lodepng_free(info->iccp_profile);
-  info->iccp_profile = NULL;
-  info->iccp_profile_size = 0;
-  info->iccp_defined = 0;
-void lodepng_info_init(LodePNGInfo* info) {
-  lodepng_color_mode_init(&info->color);
-  info->interlace_method = 0;
-  info->compression_method = 0;
-  info->filter_method = 0;
-  info->background_defined = 0;
-  info->background_r = info->background_g = info->background_b = 0;
-  LodePNGText_init(info);
-  LodePNGIText_init(info);
-  info->time_defined = 0;
-  info->phys_defined = 0;
-  info->gama_defined = 0;
-  info->chrm_defined = 0;
-  info->srgb_defined = 0;
-  info->iccp_defined = 0;
-  info->iccp_name = NULL;
-  info->iccp_profile = NULL;
-  info->sbit_defined = 0;
-  info->sbit_r = info->sbit_g = info->sbit_b = info->sbit_a = 0;
-  LodePNGUnknownChunks_init(info);
-void lodepng_info_cleanup(LodePNGInfo* info) {
-  lodepng_color_mode_cleanup(&info->color);
-  LodePNGText_cleanup(info);
-  LodePNGIText_cleanup(info);
-  lodepng_clear_icc(info);
-  LodePNGUnknownChunks_cleanup(info);
-unsigned lodepng_info_copy(LodePNGInfo* dest, const LodePNGInfo* source) {
-  lodepng_info_cleanup(dest);
-  lodepng_memcpy(dest, source, sizeof(LodePNGInfo));
-  lodepng_color_mode_init(&dest->color);
-  CERROR_TRY_RETURN(lodepng_color_mode_copy(&dest->color, &source->color));
-  CERROR_TRY_RETURN(LodePNGText_copy(dest, source));
-  CERROR_TRY_RETURN(LodePNGIText_copy(dest, source));
-  if(source->iccp_defined) {
-    CERROR_TRY_RETURN(lodepng_assign_icc(dest, source->iccp_name, source->iccp_profile, source->iccp_profile_size));
-  }
-  LodePNGUnknownChunks_init(dest);
-  CERROR_TRY_RETURN(LodePNGUnknownChunks_copy(dest, source));
-  return 0;
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/*index: bitgroup index, bits: bitgroup size(1, 2 or 4), in: bitgroup value, out: octet array to add bits to*/
-static void addColorBits(unsigned char* out, size_t index, unsigned bits, unsigned in) {
-  unsigned m = bits == 1 ? 7 : bits == 2 ? 3 : 1; /*8 / bits - 1*/
-  /*p = the partial index in the byte, e.g. with 4 palettebits it is 0 for first half or 1 for second half*/
-  unsigned p = index & m;
-  in &= (1u << bits) - 1u; /*filter out any other bits of the input value*/
-  in = in << (bits * (m - p));
-  if(p == 0) out[index * bits / 8u] = in;
-  else out[index * bits / 8u] |= in;
-typedef struct ColorTree ColorTree;
-One node of a color tree
-This is the data structure used to count the number of unique colors and to get a palette
-index for a color. It's like an octree, but because the alpha channel is used too, each
-node has 16 instead of 8 children.
-struct ColorTree {
-  ColorTree* children[16]; /*up to 16 pointers to ColorTree of next level*/
-  int index; /*the payload. Only has a meaningful value if this is in the last level*/
-static void color_tree_init(ColorTree* tree) {
-  lodepng_memset(tree->children, 0, 16 * sizeof(*tree->children));
-  tree->index = -1;
-static void color_tree_cleanup(ColorTree* tree) {
-  int i;
-  for(i = 0; i != 16; ++i) {
-    if(tree->children[i]) {
-      color_tree_cleanup(tree->children[i]);
-      lodepng_free(tree->children[i]);
-    }
-  }
-/*returns -1 if color not present, its index otherwise*/
-static int color_tree_get(ColorTree* tree, unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a) {
-  int bit = 0;
-  for(bit = 0; bit < 8; ++bit) {
-    int i = 8 * ((r >> bit) & 1) + 4 * ((g >> bit) & 1) + 2 * ((b >> bit) & 1) + 1 * ((a >> bit) & 1);
-    if(!tree->children[i]) return -1;
-    else tree = tree->children[i];
-  }
-  return tree ? tree->index : -1;
-static int color_tree_has(ColorTree* tree, unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a) {
-  return color_tree_get(tree, r, g, b, a) >= 0;
-/*color is not allowed to already exist.
-Index should be >= 0 (it's signed to be compatible with using -1 for "doesn't exist")
-Returns error code, or 0 if ok*/
-static unsigned color_tree_add(ColorTree* tree,
-                               unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a, unsigned index) {
-  int bit;
-  for(bit = 0; bit < 8; ++bit) {
-    int i = 8 * ((r >> bit) & 1) + 4 * ((g >> bit) & 1) + 2 * ((b >> bit) & 1) + 1 * ((a >> bit) & 1);
-    if(!tree->children[i]) {
-      tree->children[i] = (ColorTree*)lodepng_malloc(sizeof(ColorTree));
-      if(!tree->children[i]) return 83; /*alloc fail*/
-      color_tree_init(tree->children[i]);
-    }
-    tree = tree->children[i];
-  }
-  tree->index = (int)index;
-  return 0;
-/*put a pixel, given its RGBA color, into image of any color type*/
-static unsigned rgba8ToPixel(unsigned char* out, size_t i,
-                             const LodePNGColorMode* mode, ColorTree* tree /*for palette*/,
-                             unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a) {
-  if(mode->colortype == LCT_GREY) {
-    unsigned char gray = r; /*((unsigned short)r + g + b) / 3u;*/
-    if(mode->bitdepth == 8) out[i] = gray;
-    else if(mode->bitdepth == 16) out[i * 2 + 0] = out[i * 2 + 1] = gray;
-    else {
-      /*take the most significant bits of gray*/
-      gray = ((unsigned)gray >> (8u - mode->bitdepth)) & ((1u << mode->bitdepth) - 1u);
-      addColorBits(out, i, mode->bitdepth, gray);
-    }
-  } else if(mode->colortype == LCT_RGB) {
-    if(mode->bitdepth == 8) {
-      out[i * 3 + 0] = r;
-      out[i * 3 + 1] = g;
-      out[i * 3 + 2] = b;
-    } else {
-      out[i * 6 + 0] = out[i * 6 + 1] = r;
-      out[i * 6 + 2] = out[i * 6 + 3] = g;
-      out[i * 6 + 4] = out[i * 6 + 5] = b;
-    }
-  } else if(mode->colortype == LCT_PALETTE) {
-    int index = color_tree_get(tree, r, g, b, a);
-    if(index < 0) return 82; /*color not in palette*/
-    if(mode->bitdepth == 8) out[i] = index;
-    else addColorBits(out, i, mode->bitdepth, (unsigned)index);
-  } else if(mode->colortype == LCT_GREY_ALPHA) {
-    unsigned char gray = r; /*((unsigned short)r + g + b) / 3u;*/
-    if(mode->bitdepth == 8) {
-      out[i * 2 + 0] = gray;
-      out[i * 2 + 1] = a;
-    } else if(mode->bitdepth == 16) {
-      out[i * 4 + 0] = out[i * 4 + 1] = gray;
-      out[i * 4 + 2] = out[i * 4 + 3] = a;
-    }
-  } else if(mode->colortype == LCT_RGBA) {
-    if(mode->bitdepth == 8) {
-      out[i * 4 + 0] = r;
-      out[i * 4 + 1] = g;
-      out[i * 4 + 2] = b;
-      out[i * 4 + 3] = a;
-    } else {
-      out[i * 8 + 0] = out[i * 8 + 1] = r;
-      out[i * 8 + 2] = out[i * 8 + 3] = g;
-      out[i * 8 + 4] = out[i * 8 + 5] = b;
-      out[i * 8 + 6] = out[i * 8 + 7] = a;
-    }
-  }
-  return 0; /*no error*/
-/*put a pixel, given its RGBA16 color, into image of any color 16-bitdepth type*/
-static void rgba16ToPixel(unsigned char* out, size_t i,
-                         const LodePNGColorMode* mode,
-                         unsigned short r, unsigned short g, unsigned short b, unsigned short a) {
-  if(mode->colortype == LCT_GREY) {
-    unsigned short gray = r; /*((unsigned)r + g + b) / 3u;*/
-    out[i * 2 + 0] = (gray >> 8) & 255;
-    out[i * 2 + 1] = gray & 255;
-  } else if(mode->colortype == LCT_RGB) {
-    out[i * 6 + 0] = (r >> 8) & 255;
-    out[i * 6 + 1] = r & 255;
-    out[i * 6 + 2] = (g >> 8) & 255;
-    out[i * 6 + 3] = g & 255;
-    out[i * 6 + 4] = (b >> 8) & 255;
-    out[i * 6 + 5] = b & 255;
-  } else if(mode->colortype == LCT_GREY_ALPHA) {
-    unsigned short gray = r; /*((unsigned)r + g + b) / 3u;*/
-    out[i * 4 + 0] = (gray >> 8) & 255;
-    out[i * 4 + 1] = gray & 255;
-    out[i * 4 + 2] = (a >> 8) & 255;
-    out[i * 4 + 3] = a & 255;
-  } else if(mode->colortype == LCT_RGBA) {
-    out[i * 8 + 0] = (r >> 8) & 255;
-    out[i * 8 + 1] = r & 255;
-    out[i * 8 + 2] = (g >> 8) & 255;
-    out[i * 8 + 3] = g & 255;
-    out[i * 8 + 4] = (b >> 8) & 255;
-    out[i * 8 + 5] = b & 255;
-    out[i * 8 + 6] = (a >> 8) & 255;
-    out[i * 8 + 7] = a & 255;
-  }
-/*Get RGBA8 color of pixel with index i (y * width + x) from the raw image with given color type.*/
-static void getPixelColorRGBA8(unsigned char* r, unsigned char* g,
-                               unsigned char* b, unsigned char* a,
-                               const unsigned char* in, size_t i,
-                               const LodePNGColorMode* mode) {
-  if(mode->colortype == LCT_GREY) {
-    if(mode->bitdepth == 8) {
-      *r = *g = *b = in[i];
-      if(mode->key_defined && *r == mode->key_r) *a = 0;
-      else *a = 255;
-    } else if(mode->bitdepth == 16) {
-      *r = *g = *b = in[i * 2 + 0];
-      if(mode->key_defined && 256U * in[i * 2 + 0] + in[i * 2 + 1] == mode->key_r) *a = 0;
-      else *a = 255;
-    } else {
-      unsigned highest = ((1U << mode->bitdepth) - 1U); /*highest possible value for this bit depth*/
-      size_t j = i * mode->bitdepth;
-      unsigned value = readBitsFromReversedStream(&j, in, mode->bitdepth);
-      *r = *g = *b = (value * 255) / highest;
-      if(mode->key_defined && value == mode->key_r) *a = 0;
-      else *a = 255;
-    }
-  } else if(mode->colortype == LCT_RGB) {
-    if(mode->bitdepth == 8) {
-      *r = in[i * 3 + 0]; *g = in[i * 3 + 1]; *b = in[i * 3 + 2];
-      if(mode->key_defined && *r == mode->key_r && *g == mode->key_g && *b == mode->key_b) *a = 0;
-      else *a = 255;
-    } else {
-      *r = in[i * 6 + 0];
-      *g = in[i * 6 + 2];
-      *b = in[i * 6 + 4];
-      if(mode->key_defined && 256U * in[i * 6 + 0] + in[i * 6 + 1] == mode->key_r
-         && 256U * in[i * 6 + 2] + in[i * 6 + 3] == mode->key_g
-         && 256U * in[i * 6 + 4] + in[i * 6 + 5] == mode->key_b) *a = 0;
-      else *a = 255;
-    }
-  } else if(mode->colortype == LCT_PALETTE) {
-    unsigned index;
-    if(mode->bitdepth == 8) index = in[i];
-    else {
-      size_t j = i * mode->bitdepth;
-      index = readBitsFromReversedStream(&j, in, mode->bitdepth);
-    }
-    /*out of bounds of palette not checked: see lodepng_color_mode_alloc_palette.*/
-    *r = mode->palette[index * 4 + 0];
-    *g = mode->palette[index * 4 + 1];
-    *b = mode->palette[index * 4 + 2];
-    *a = mode->palette[index * 4 + 3];
-  } else if(mode->colortype == LCT_GREY_ALPHA) {
-    if(mode->bitdepth == 8) {
-      *r = *g = *b = in[i * 2 + 0];
-      *a = in[i * 2 + 1];
-    } else {
-      *r = *g = *b = in[i * 4 + 0];
-      *a = in[i * 4 + 2];
-    }
-  } else if(mode->colortype == LCT_RGBA) {
-    if(mode->bitdepth == 8) {
-      *r = in[i * 4 + 0];
-      *g = in[i * 4 + 1];
-      *b = in[i * 4 + 2];
-      *a = in[i * 4 + 3];
-    } else {
-      *r = in[i * 8 + 0];
-      *g = in[i * 8 + 2];
-      *b = in[i * 8 + 4];
-      *a = in[i * 8 + 6];
-    }
-  }
-/*Similar to getPixelColorRGBA8, but with all the for loops inside of the color
-mode test cases, optimized to convert the colors much faster, when converting
-to the common case of RGBA with 8 bit per channel. buffer must be RGBA with
-enough memory.*/
-static void getPixelColorsRGBA8(unsigned char* LODEPNG_RESTRICT buffer, size_t numpixels,
-                                const unsigned char* LODEPNG_RESTRICT in,
-                                const LodePNGColorMode* mode) {
-  unsigned num_channels = 4;
-  size_t i;
-  if(mode->colortype == LCT_GREY) {
-    if(mode->bitdepth == 8) {
-      for(i = 0; i != numpixels; ++i, buffer += num_channels) {
-        buffer[0] = buffer[1] = buffer[2] = in[i];
-        buffer[3] = 255;
-      }
-      if(mode->key_defined) {
-        buffer -= numpixels * num_channels;
-        for(i = 0; i != numpixels; ++i, buffer += num_channels) {
-          if(buffer[0] == mode->key_r) buffer[3] = 0;
-        }
-      }
-    } else if(mode->bitdepth == 16) {
-      for(i = 0; i != numpixels; ++i, buffer += num_channels) {
-        buffer[0] = buffer[1] = buffer[2] = in[i * 2];
-        buffer[3] = mode->key_defined && 256U * in[i * 2 + 0] + in[i * 2 + 1] == mode->key_r ? 0 : 255;
-      }
-    } else {
-      unsigned highest = ((1U << mode->bitdepth) - 1U); /*highest possible value for this bit depth*/
-      size_t j = 0;
-      for(i = 0; i != numpixels; ++i, buffer += num_channels) {
-        unsigned value = readBitsFromReversedStream(&j, in, mode->bitdepth);
-        buffer[0] = buffer[1] = buffer[2] = (value * 255) / highest;
-        buffer[3] = mode->key_defined && value == mode->key_r ? 0 : 255;
-      }
-    }
-  } else if(mode->colortype == LCT_RGB) {
-    if(mode->bitdepth == 8) {
-      for(i = 0; i != numpixels; ++i, buffer += num_channels) {
-        lodepng_memcpy(buffer, &in[i * 3], 3);
-        buffer[3] = 255;
-      }
-      if(mode->key_defined) {
-        buffer -= numpixels * num_channels;
-        for(i = 0; i != numpixels; ++i, buffer += num_channels) {
-          if(buffer[0] == mode->key_r && buffer[1]== mode->key_g && buffer[2] == mode->key_b) buffer[3] = 0;
-        }
-      }
-    } else {
-      for(i = 0; i != numpixels; ++i, buffer += num_channels) {
-        buffer[0] = in[i * 6 + 0];
-        buffer[1] = in[i * 6 + 2];
-        buffer[2] = in[i * 6 + 4];
-        buffer[3] = mode->key_defined
-           && 256U * in[i * 6 + 0] + in[i * 6 + 1] == mode->key_r
-           && 256U * in[i * 6 + 2] + in[i * 6 + 3] == mode->key_g
-           && 256U * in[i * 6 + 4] + in[i * 6 + 5] == mode->key_b ? 0 : 255;
-      }
-    }
-  } else if(mode->colortype == LCT_PALETTE) {
-    if(mode->bitdepth == 8) {
-      for(i = 0; i != numpixels; ++i, buffer += num_channels) {
-        unsigned index = in[i];
-        /*out of bounds of palette not checked: see lodepng_color_mode_alloc_palette.*/
-        lodepng_memcpy(buffer, &mode->palette[index * 4], 4);
-      }
-    } else {
-      size_t j = 0;
-      for(i = 0; i != numpixels; ++i, buffer += num_channels) {
-        unsigned index = readBitsFromReversedStream(&j, in, mode->bitdepth);
-        /*out of bounds of palette not checked: see lodepng_color_mode_alloc_palette.*/
-        lodepng_memcpy(buffer, &mode->palette[index * 4], 4);
-      }
-    }
-  } else if(mode->colortype == LCT_GREY_ALPHA) {
-    if(mode->bitdepth == 8) {
-      for(i = 0; i != numpixels; ++i, buffer += num_channels) {
-        buffer[0] = buffer[1] = buffer[2] = in[i * 2 + 0];
-        buffer[3] = in[i * 2 + 1];
-      }
-    } else {
-      for(i = 0; i != numpixels; ++i, buffer += num_channels) {
-        buffer[0] = buffer[1] = buffer[2] = in[i * 4 + 0];
-        buffer[3] = in[i * 4 + 2];
-      }
-    }
-  } else if(mode->colortype == LCT_RGBA) {
-    if(mode->bitdepth == 8) {
-      lodepng_memcpy(buffer, in, numpixels * 4);
-    } else {
-      for(i = 0; i != numpixels; ++i, buffer += num_channels) {
-        buffer[0] = in[i * 8 + 0];
-        buffer[1] = in[i * 8 + 2];
-        buffer[2] = in[i * 8 + 4];
-        buffer[3] = in[i * 8 + 6];
-      }
-    }
-  }
-/*Similar to getPixelColorsRGBA8, but with 3-channel RGB output.*/
-static void getPixelColorsRGB8(unsigned char* LODEPNG_RESTRICT buffer, size_t numpixels,
-                               const unsigned char* LODEPNG_RESTRICT in,
-                               const LodePNGColorMode* mode) {
-  const unsigned num_channels = 3;
-  size_t i;
-  if(mode->colortype == LCT_GREY) {
-    if(mode->bitdepth == 8) {
-      for(i = 0; i != numpixels; ++i, buffer += num_channels) {
-        buffer[0] = buffer[1] = buffer[2] = in[i];
-      }
-    } else if(mode->bitdepth == 16) {
-      for(i = 0; i != numpixels; ++i, buffer += num_channels) {
-        buffer[0] = buffer[1] = buffer[2] = in[i * 2];
-      }
-    } else {
-      unsigned highest = ((1U << mode->bitdepth) - 1U); /*highest possible value for this bit depth*/
-      size_t j = 0;
-      for(i = 0; i != numpixels; ++i, buffer += num_channels) {
-        unsigned value = readBitsFromReversedStream(&j, in, mode->bitdepth);
-        buffer[0] = buffer[1] = buffer[2] = (value * 255) / highest;
-      }
-    }
-  } else if(mode->colortype == LCT_RGB) {
-    if(mode->bitdepth == 8) {
-      lodepng_memcpy(buffer, in, numpixels * 3);
-    } else {
-      for(i = 0; i != numpixels; ++i, buffer += num_channels) {
-        buffer[0] = in[i * 6 + 0];
-        buffer[1] = in[i * 6 + 2];
-        buffer[2] = in[i * 6 + 4];
-      }
-    }
-  } else if(mode->colortype == LCT_PALETTE) {
-    if(mode->bitdepth == 8) {
-      for(i = 0; i != numpixels; ++i, buffer += num_channels) {
-        unsigned index = in[i];
-        /*out of bounds of palette not checked: see lodepng_color_mode_alloc_palette.*/
-        lodepng_memcpy(buffer, &mode->palette[index * 4], 3);
-      }
-    } else {
-      size_t j = 0;
-      for(i = 0; i != numpixels; ++i, buffer += num_channels) {
-        unsigned index = readBitsFromReversedStream(&j, in, mode->bitdepth);
-        /*out of bounds of palette not checked: see lodepng_color_mode_alloc_palette.*/
-        lodepng_memcpy(buffer, &mode->palette[index * 4], 3);
-      }
-    }
-  } else if(mode->colortype == LCT_GREY_ALPHA) {
-    if(mode->bitdepth == 8) {
-      for(i = 0; i != numpixels; ++i, buffer += num_channels) {
-        buffer[0] = buffer[1] = buffer[2] = in[i * 2 + 0];
-      }
-    } else {
-      for(i = 0; i != numpixels; ++i, buffer += num_channels) {
-        buffer[0] = buffer[1] = buffer[2] = in[i * 4 + 0];
-      }
-    }
-  } else if(mode->colortype == LCT_RGBA) {
-    if(mode->bitdepth == 8) {
-      for(i = 0; i != numpixels; ++i, buffer += num_channels) {
-        lodepng_memcpy(buffer, &in[i * 4], 3);
-      }
-    } else {
-      for(i = 0; i != numpixels; ++i, buffer += num_channels) {
-        buffer[0] = in[i * 8 + 0];
-        buffer[1] = in[i * 8 + 2];
-        buffer[2] = in[i * 8 + 4];
-      }
-    }
-  }
-/*Get RGBA16 color of pixel with index i (y * width + x) from the raw image with
-given color type, but the given color type must be 16-bit itself.*/
-static void getPixelColorRGBA16(unsigned short* r, unsigned short* g, unsigned short* b, unsigned short* a,
-                                const unsigned char* in, size_t i, const LodePNGColorMode* mode) {
-  if(mode->colortype == LCT_GREY) {
-    *r = *g = *b = 256 * in[i * 2 + 0] + in[i * 2 + 1];
-    if(mode->key_defined && 256U * in[i * 2 + 0] + in[i * 2 + 1] == mode->key_r) *a = 0;
-    else *a = 65535;
-  } else if(mode->colortype == LCT_RGB) {
-    *r = 256u * in[i * 6 + 0] + in[i * 6 + 1];
-    *g = 256u * in[i * 6 + 2] + in[i * 6 + 3];
-    *b = 256u * in[i * 6 + 4] + in[i * 6 + 5];
-    if(mode->key_defined
-       && 256u * in[i * 6 + 0] + in[i * 6 + 1] == mode->key_r
-       && 256u * in[i * 6 + 2] + in[i * 6 + 3] == mode->key_g
-       && 256u * in[i * 6 + 4] + in[i * 6 + 5] == mode->key_b) *a = 0;
-    else *a = 65535;
-  } else if(mode->colortype == LCT_GREY_ALPHA) {
-    *r = *g = *b = 256u * in[i * 4 + 0] + in[i * 4 + 1];
-    *a = 256u * in[i * 4 + 2] + in[i * 4 + 3];
-  } else if(mode->colortype == LCT_RGBA) {
-    *r = 256u * in[i * 8 + 0] + in[i * 8 + 1];
-    *g = 256u * in[i * 8 + 2] + in[i * 8 + 3];
-    *b = 256u * in[i * 8 + 4] + in[i * 8 + 5];
-    *a = 256u * in[i * 8 + 6] + in[i * 8 + 7];
-  }
-unsigned lodepng_convert(unsigned char* out, const unsigned char* in,
-                         const LodePNGColorMode* mode_out, const LodePNGColorMode* mode_in,
-                         unsigned w, unsigned h) {
-  size_t i;
-  ColorTree tree;
-  size_t numpixels = (size_t)w * (size_t)h;
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  if(mode_in->colortype == LCT_PALETTE && !mode_in->palette) {
-    return 107; /* error: must provide palette if input mode is palette */
-  }
-  if(lodepng_color_mode_equal(mode_out, mode_in)) {
-    size_t numbytes = lodepng_get_raw_size(w, h, mode_in);
-    lodepng_memcpy(out, in, numbytes);
-    return 0;
-  }
-  if(mode_out->colortype == LCT_PALETTE) {
-    size_t palettesize = mode_out->palettesize;
-    const unsigned char* palette = mode_out->palette;
-    size_t palsize = (size_t)1u << mode_out->bitdepth;
-    /*if the user specified output palette but did not give the values, assume
-    they want the values of the input color type (assuming that one is palette).
-    Note that we never create a new palette ourselves.*/
-    if(palettesize == 0) {
-      palettesize = mode_in->palettesize;
-      palette = mode_in->palette;
-      /*if the input was also palette with same bitdepth, then the color types are also
-      equal, so copy literally. This to preserve the exact indices that were in the PNG
-      even in case there are duplicate colors in the palette.*/
-      if(mode_in->colortype == LCT_PALETTE && mode_in->bitdepth == mode_out->bitdepth) {
-        size_t numbytes = lodepng_get_raw_size(w, h, mode_in);
-        lodepng_memcpy(out, in, numbytes);
-        return 0;
-      }
-    }
-    if(palettesize < palsize) palsize = palettesize;
-    color_tree_init(&tree);
-    for(i = 0; i != palsize; ++i) {
-      const unsigned char* p = &palette[i * 4];
-      error = color_tree_add(&tree, p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], (unsigned)i);
-      if(error) break;
-    }
-  }
-  if(!error) {
-    if(mode_in->bitdepth == 16 && mode_out->bitdepth == 16) {
-      for(i = 0; i != numpixels; ++i) {
-        unsigned short r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0;
-        getPixelColorRGBA16(&r, &g, &b, &a, in, i, mode_in);
-        rgba16ToPixel(out, i, mode_out, r, g, b, a);
-      }
-    } else if(mode_out->bitdepth == 8 && mode_out->colortype == LCT_RGBA) {
-      getPixelColorsRGBA8(out, numpixels, in, mode_in);
-    } else if(mode_out->bitdepth == 8 && mode_out->colortype == LCT_RGB) {
-      getPixelColorsRGB8(out, numpixels, in, mode_in);
-    } else {
-      unsigned char r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0;
-      for(i = 0; i != numpixels; ++i) {
-        getPixelColorRGBA8(&r, &g, &b, &a, in, i, mode_in);
-        error = rgba8ToPixel(out, i, mode_out, &tree, r, g, b, a);
-        if(error) break;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if(mode_out->colortype == LCT_PALETTE) {
-    color_tree_cleanup(&tree);
-  }
-  return error;
-/* Converts a single rgb color without alpha from one type to another, color bits truncated to
-their bitdepth. In case of single channel (gray or palette), only the r channel is used. Slow
-function, do not use to process all pixels of an image. Alpha channel not supported on purpose:
-this is for bKGD, supporting alpha may prevent it from finding a color in the palette, from the
-specification it looks like bKGD should ignore the alpha values of the palette since it can use
-any palette index but doesn't have an alpha channel. Idem with ignoring color key. */
-unsigned lodepng_convert_rgb(
-    unsigned* r_out, unsigned* g_out, unsigned* b_out,
-    unsigned r_in, unsigned g_in, unsigned b_in,
-    const LodePNGColorMode* mode_out, const LodePNGColorMode* mode_in) {
-  unsigned r = 0, g = 0, b = 0;
-  unsigned mul = 65535 / ((1u << mode_in->bitdepth) - 1u); /*65535, 21845, 4369, 257, 1*/
-  unsigned shift = 16 - mode_out->bitdepth;
-  if(mode_in->colortype == LCT_GREY || mode_in->colortype == LCT_GREY_ALPHA) {
-    r = g = b = r_in * mul;
-  } else if(mode_in->colortype == LCT_RGB || mode_in->colortype == LCT_RGBA) {
-    r = r_in * mul;
-    g = g_in * mul;
-    b = b_in * mul;
-  } else if(mode_in->colortype == LCT_PALETTE) {
-    if(r_in >= mode_in->palettesize) return 82;
-    r = mode_in->palette[r_in * 4 + 0] * 257u;
-    g = mode_in->palette[r_in * 4 + 1] * 257u;
-    b = mode_in->palette[r_in * 4 + 2] * 257u;
-  } else {
-    return 31;
-  }
-  /* now convert to output format */
-  if(mode_out->colortype == LCT_GREY || mode_out->colortype == LCT_GREY_ALPHA) {
-    *r_out = r >> shift ;
-  } else if(mode_out->colortype == LCT_RGB || mode_out->colortype == LCT_RGBA) {
-    *r_out = r >> shift ;
-    *g_out = g >> shift ;
-    *b_out = b >> shift ;
-  } else if(mode_out->colortype == LCT_PALETTE) {
-    unsigned i;
-    /* a 16-bit color cannot be in the palette */
-    if((r >> 8) != (r & 255) || (g >> 8) != (g & 255) || (b >> 8) != (b & 255)) return 82;
-    for(i = 0; i < mode_out->palettesize; i++) {
-      unsigned j = i * 4;
-      if((r >> 8) == mode_out->palette[j + 0] && (g >> 8) == mode_out->palette[j + 1] &&
-          (b >> 8) == mode_out->palette[j + 2]) {
-        *r_out = i;
-        return 0;
-      }
-    }
-    return 82;
-  } else {
-    return 31;
-  }
-  return 0;
-void lodepng_color_stats_init(LodePNGColorStats* stats) {
-  /*stats*/
-  stats->colored = 0;
-  stats->key = 0;
-  stats->key_r = stats->key_g = stats->key_b = 0;
-  stats->alpha = 0;
-  stats->numcolors = 0;
-  stats->bits = 1;
-  stats->numpixels = 0;
-  /*settings*/
-  stats->allow_palette = 1;
-  stats->allow_greyscale = 1;
-/*function used for debug purposes with C++*/
-/*void printColorStats(LodePNGColorStats* p) {
-  std::cout << "colored: " << (int)p->colored << ", ";
-  std::cout << "key: " << (int)p->key << ", ";
-  std::cout << "key_r: " << (int)p->key_r << ", ";
-  std::cout << "key_g: " << (int)p->key_g << ", ";
-  std::cout << "key_b: " << (int)p->key_b << ", ";
-  std::cout << "alpha: " << (int)p->alpha << ", ";
-  std::cout << "numcolors: " << (int)p->numcolors << ", ";
-  std::cout << "bits: " << (int)p->bits << std::endl;
-/*Returns how many bits needed to represent given value (max 8 bit)*/
-static unsigned getValueRequiredBits(unsigned char value) {
-  if(value == 0 || value == 255) return 1;
-  /*The scaling of 2-bit and 4-bit values uses multiples of 85 and 17*/
-  if(value % 17 == 0) return value % 85 == 0 ? 2 : 4;
-  return 8;
-/*stats must already have been inited. */
-unsigned lodepng_compute_color_stats(LodePNGColorStats* stats,
-                                     const unsigned char* in, unsigned w, unsigned h,
-                                     const LodePNGColorMode* mode_in) {
-  size_t i;
-  ColorTree tree;
-  size_t numpixels = (size_t)w * (size_t)h;
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  /* mark things as done already if it would be impossible to have a more expensive case */
-  unsigned colored_done = lodepng_is_greyscale_type(mode_in) ? 1 : 0;
-  unsigned alpha_done = lodepng_can_have_alpha(mode_in) ? 0 : 1;
-  unsigned numcolors_done = 0;
-  unsigned bpp = lodepng_get_bpp(mode_in);
-  unsigned bits_done = (stats->bits == 1 && bpp == 1) ? 1 : 0;
-  unsigned sixteen = 0; /* whether the input image is 16 bit */
-  unsigned maxnumcolors = 257;
-  if(bpp <= 8) maxnumcolors = LODEPNG_MIN(257, stats->numcolors + (1u << bpp));
-  stats->numpixels += numpixels;
-  /*if palette not allowed, no need to compute numcolors*/
-  if(!stats->allow_palette) numcolors_done = 1;
-  color_tree_init(&tree);
-  /*If the stats was already filled in from previous data, fill its palette in tree
-  and mark things as done already if we know they are the most expensive case already*/
-  if(stats->alpha) alpha_done = 1;
-  if(stats->colored) colored_done = 1;
-  if(stats->bits == 16) numcolors_done = 1;
-  if(stats->bits >= bpp) bits_done = 1;
-  if(stats->numcolors >= maxnumcolors) numcolors_done = 1;
-  if(!numcolors_done) {
-    for(i = 0; i < stats->numcolors; i++) {
-      const unsigned char* color = &stats->palette[i * 4];
-      error = color_tree_add(&tree, color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3], i);
-      if(error) goto cleanup;
-    }
-  }
-  /*Check if the 16-bit input is truly 16-bit*/
-  if(mode_in->bitdepth == 16 && !sixteen) {
-    unsigned short r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0;
-    for(i = 0; i != numpixels; ++i) {
-      getPixelColorRGBA16(&r, &g, &b, &a, in, i, mode_in);
-      if((r & 255) != ((r >> 8) & 255) || (g & 255) != ((g >> 8) & 255) ||
-         (b & 255) != ((b >> 8) & 255) || (a & 255) != ((a >> 8) & 255)) /*first and second byte differ*/ {
-        stats->bits = 16;
-        sixteen = 1;
-        bits_done = 1;
-        numcolors_done = 1; /*counting colors no longer useful, palette doesn't support 16-bit*/
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if(sixteen) {
-    unsigned short r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0;
-    for(i = 0; i != numpixels; ++i) {
-      getPixelColorRGBA16(&r, &g, &b, &a, in, i, mode_in);
-      if(!colored_done && (r != g || r != b)) {
-        stats->colored = 1;
-        colored_done = 1;
-      }
-      if(!alpha_done) {
-        unsigned matchkey = (r == stats->key_r && g == stats->key_g && b == stats->key_b);
-        if(a != 65535 && (a != 0 || (stats->key && !matchkey))) {
-          stats->alpha = 1;
-          stats->key = 0;
-          alpha_done = 1;
-        } else if(a == 0 && !stats->alpha && !stats->key) {
-          stats->key = 1;
-          stats->key_r = r;
-          stats->key_g = g;
-          stats->key_b = b;
-        } else if(a == 65535 && stats->key && matchkey) {
-          /* Color key cannot be used if an opaque pixel also has that RGB color. */
-          stats->alpha = 1;
-          stats->key = 0;
-          alpha_done = 1;
-        }
-      }
-      if(alpha_done && numcolors_done && colored_done && bits_done) break;
-    }
-    if(stats->key && !stats->alpha) {
-      for(i = 0; i != numpixels; ++i) {
-        getPixelColorRGBA16(&r, &g, &b, &a, in, i, mode_in);
-        if(a != 0 && r == stats->key_r && g == stats->key_g && b == stats->key_b) {
-          /* Color key cannot be used if an opaque pixel also has that RGB color. */
-          stats->alpha = 1;
-          stats->key = 0;
-          alpha_done = 1;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  } else /* < 16-bit */ {
-    unsigned char r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0;
-    for(i = 0; i != numpixels; ++i) {
-      getPixelColorRGBA8(&r, &g, &b, &a, in, i, mode_in);
-      if(!bits_done && stats->bits < 8) {
-        /*only r is checked, < 8 bits is only relevant for grayscale*/
-        unsigned bits = getValueRequiredBits(r);
-        if(bits > stats->bits) stats->bits = bits;
-      }
-      bits_done = (stats->bits >= bpp);
-      if(!colored_done && (r != g || r != b)) {
-        stats->colored = 1;
-        colored_done = 1;
-        if(stats->bits < 8) stats->bits = 8; /*PNG has no colored modes with less than 8-bit per channel*/
-      }
-      if(!alpha_done) {
-        unsigned matchkey = (r == stats->key_r && g == stats->key_g && b == stats->key_b);
-        if(a != 255 && (a != 0 || (stats->key && !matchkey))) {
-          stats->alpha = 1;
-          stats->key = 0;
-          alpha_done = 1;
-          if(stats->bits < 8) stats->bits = 8; /*PNG has no alphachannel modes with less than 8-bit per channel*/
-        } else if(a == 0 && !stats->alpha && !stats->key) {
-          stats->key = 1;
-          stats->key_r = r;
-          stats->key_g = g;
-          stats->key_b = b;
-        } else if(a == 255 && stats->key && matchkey) {
-          /* Color key cannot be used if an opaque pixel also has that RGB color. */
-          stats->alpha = 1;
-          stats->key = 0;
-          alpha_done = 1;
-          if(stats->bits < 8) stats->bits = 8; /*PNG has no alphachannel modes with less than 8-bit per channel*/
-        }
-      }
-      if(!numcolors_done) {
-        if(!color_tree_has(&tree, r, g, b, a)) {
-          error = color_tree_add(&tree, r, g, b, a, stats->numcolors);
-          if(error) goto cleanup;
-          if(stats->numcolors < 256) {
-            unsigned char* p = stats->palette;
-            unsigned n = stats->numcolors;
-            p[n * 4 + 0] = r;
-            p[n * 4 + 1] = g;
-            p[n * 4 + 2] = b;
-            p[n * 4 + 3] = a;
-          }
-          ++stats->numcolors;
-          numcolors_done = stats->numcolors >= maxnumcolors;
-        }
-      }
-      if(alpha_done && numcolors_done && colored_done && bits_done) break;
-    }
-    if(stats->key && !stats->alpha) {
-      for(i = 0; i != numpixels; ++i) {
-        getPixelColorRGBA8(&r, &g, &b, &a, in, i, mode_in);
-        if(a != 0 && r == stats->key_r && g == stats->key_g && b == stats->key_b) {
-          /* Color key cannot be used if an opaque pixel also has that RGB color. */
-          stats->alpha = 1;
-          stats->key = 0;
-          alpha_done = 1;
-          if(stats->bits < 8) stats->bits = 8; /*PNG has no alphachannel modes with less than 8-bit per channel*/
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    /*make the stats's key always 16-bit for consistency - repeat each byte twice*/
-    stats->key_r += (stats->key_r << 8);
-    stats->key_g += (stats->key_g << 8);
-    stats->key_b += (stats->key_b << 8);
-  }
-  color_tree_cleanup(&tree);
-  return error;
-/*Adds a single color to the color stats. The stats must already have been inited. The color must be given as 16-bit
-(with 2 bytes repeating for 8-bit and 65535 for opaque alpha channel). This function is expensive, do not call it for
-all pixels of an image but only for a few additional values. */
-static unsigned lodepng_color_stats_add(LodePNGColorStats* stats,
-                                        unsigned r, unsigned g, unsigned b, unsigned a) {
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  unsigned char image[8];
-  LodePNGColorMode mode;
-  lodepng_color_mode_init(&mode);
-  image[0] = r >> 8; image[1] = r; image[2] = g >> 8; image[3] = g;
-  image[4] = b >> 8; image[5] = b; image[6] = a >> 8; image[7] = a;
-  mode.bitdepth = 16;
-  mode.colortype = LCT_RGBA;
-  error = lodepng_compute_color_stats(stats, image, 1, 1, &mode);
-  lodepng_color_mode_cleanup(&mode);
-  return error;
-/*Computes a minimal PNG color model that can contain all colors as indicated by the stats.
-The stats should be computed with lodepng_compute_color_stats.
-mode_in is raw color profile of the image the stats were computed on, to copy palette order from when relevant.
-Minimal PNG color model means the color type and bit depth that gives smallest amount of bits in the output image,
-e.g. gray if only grayscale pixels, palette if less than 256 colors, color key if only single transparent color, ...
-This is used if auto_convert is enabled (it is by default).
-static unsigned auto_choose_color(LodePNGColorMode* mode_out,
-                                  const LodePNGColorMode* mode_in,
-                                  const LodePNGColorStats* stats) {
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  unsigned palettebits;
-  size_t i, n;
-  size_t numpixels = stats->numpixels;
-  unsigned palette_ok, gray_ok;
-  unsigned alpha = stats->alpha;
-  unsigned key = stats->key;
-  unsigned bits = stats->bits;
-  mode_out->key_defined = 0;
-  if(key && numpixels <= 16) {
-    alpha = 1; /*too few pixels to justify tRNS chunk overhead*/
-    key = 0;
-    if(bits < 8) bits = 8; /*PNG has no alphachannel modes with less than 8-bit per channel*/
-  }
-  gray_ok = !stats->colored;
-  if(!stats->allow_greyscale) gray_ok = 0;
-  if(!gray_ok && bits < 8) bits = 8;
-  n = stats->numcolors;
-  palettebits = n <= 2 ? 1 : (n <= 4 ? 2 : (n <= 16 ? 4 : 8));
-  palette_ok = n <= 256 && bits <= 8 && n != 0; /*n==0 means likely numcolors wasn't computed*/
-  if(numpixels < n * 2) palette_ok = 0; /*don't add palette overhead if image has only a few pixels*/
-  if(gray_ok && !alpha && bits <= palettebits) palette_ok = 0; /*gray is less overhead*/
-  if(!stats->allow_palette) palette_ok = 0;
-  if(palette_ok) {
-    const unsigned char* p = stats->palette;
-    lodepng_palette_clear(mode_out); /*remove potential earlier palette*/
-    for(i = 0; i != stats->numcolors; ++i) {
-      error = lodepng_palette_add(mode_out, p[i * 4 + 0], p[i * 4 + 1], p[i * 4 + 2], p[i * 4 + 3]);
-      if(error) break;
-    }
-    mode_out->colortype = LCT_PALETTE;
-    mode_out->bitdepth = palettebits;
-    if(mode_in->colortype == LCT_PALETTE && mode_in->palettesize >= mode_out->palettesize
-        && mode_in->bitdepth == mode_out->bitdepth) {
-      /*If input should have same palette colors, keep original to preserve its order and prevent conversion*/
-      lodepng_color_mode_cleanup(mode_out); /*clears palette, keeps the above set colortype and bitdepth fields as-is*/
-      lodepng_color_mode_copy(mode_out, mode_in);
-    }
-  } else /*8-bit or 16-bit per channel*/ {
-    mode_out->bitdepth = bits;
-    mode_out->colortype = alpha ? (gray_ok ? LCT_GREY_ALPHA : LCT_RGBA)
-                                : (gray_ok ? LCT_GREY : LCT_RGB);
-    if(key) {
-      unsigned mask = (1u << mode_out->bitdepth) - 1u; /*stats always uses 16-bit, mask converts it*/
-      mode_out->key_r = stats->key_r & mask;
-      mode_out->key_g = stats->key_g & mask;
-      mode_out->key_b = stats->key_b & mask;
-      mode_out->key_defined = 1;
-    }
-  }
-  return error;
-#endif /* #ifdef LODEPNG_COMPILE_ENCODER */
-/*Paeth predictor, used by PNG filter type 4*/
-static unsigned char paethPredictor(unsigned char a, unsigned char b, unsigned char c) {
-  /* the subtractions of unsigned char cast it to a signed type.
-  With gcc, short is faster than int, with clang int is as fast (as of april 2023)*/
-  short pa = (b - c) < 0 ? -(b - c) : (b - c);
-  short pb = (a - c) < 0 ? -(a - c) : (a - c);
-  /* writing it out like this compiles to something faster than introducing a temp variable*/
-  short pc = (a + b - c - c) < 0 ? -(a + b - c - c) : (a + b - c - c);
-  /* return input value associated with smallest of pa, pb, pc (with certain priority if equal) */
-  if(pb < pa) { a = b; pa = pb; }
-  return (pc < pa) ? c : a;
-/*shared values used by multiple Adam7 related functions*/
-static const unsigned ADAM7_IX[7] = { 0, 4, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0 }; /*x start values*/
-static const unsigned ADAM7_IY[7] = { 0, 0, 4, 0, 2, 0, 1 }; /*y start values*/
-static const unsigned ADAM7_DX[7] = { 8, 8, 4, 4, 2, 2, 1 }; /*x delta values*/
-static const unsigned ADAM7_DY[7] = { 8, 8, 8, 4, 4, 2, 2 }; /*y delta values*/
-Outputs various dimensions and positions in the image related to the Adam7 reduced images.
-passw: output containing the width of the 7 passes
-passh: output containing the height of the 7 passes
-filter_passstart: output containing the index of the start and end of each
- reduced image with filter bytes
-padded_passstart output containing the index of the start and end of each
- reduced image when without filter bytes but with padded scanlines
-passstart: output containing the index of the start and end of each reduced
- image without padding between scanlines, but still padding between the images
-w, h: width and height of non-interlaced image
-bpp: bits per pixel
-"padded" is only relevant if bpp is less than 8 and a scanline or image does not
- end at a full byte
-static void Adam7_getpassvalues(unsigned passw[7], unsigned passh[7], size_t filter_passstart[8],
-                                size_t padded_passstart[8], size_t passstart[8], unsigned w, unsigned h, unsigned bpp) {
-  /*the passstart values have 8 values: the 8th one indicates the byte after the end of the 7th (= last) pass*/
-  unsigned i;
-  /*calculate width and height in pixels of each pass*/
-  for(i = 0; i != 7; ++i) {
-    passw[i] = (w + ADAM7_DX[i] - ADAM7_IX[i] - 1) / ADAM7_DX[i];
-    passh[i] = (h + ADAM7_DY[i] - ADAM7_IY[i] - 1) / ADAM7_DY[i];
-    if(passw[i] == 0) passh[i] = 0;
-    if(passh[i] == 0) passw[i] = 0;
-  }
-  filter_passstart[0] = padded_passstart[0] = passstart[0] = 0;
-  for(i = 0; i != 7; ++i) {
-    /*if passw[i] is 0, it's 0 bytes, not 1 (no filtertype-byte)*/
-    filter_passstart[i + 1] = filter_passstart[i]
-                            + ((passw[i] && passh[i]) ? passh[i] * (1u + (passw[i] * bpp + 7u) / 8u) : 0);
-    /*bits padded if needed to fill full byte at end of each scanline*/
-    padded_passstart[i + 1] = padded_passstart[i] + passh[i] * ((passw[i] * bpp + 7u) / 8u);
-    /*only padded at end of reduced image*/
-    passstart[i + 1] = passstart[i] + (passh[i] * passw[i] * bpp + 7u) / 8u;
-  }
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* / PNG Decoder                                                            / */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/*read the information from the header and store it in the LodePNGInfo. return value is error*/
-unsigned lodepng_inspect(unsigned* w, unsigned* h, LodePNGState* state,
-                         const unsigned char* in, size_t insize) {
-  unsigned width, height;
-  LodePNGInfo* info = &state->info_png;
-  if(insize == 0 || in == 0) {
-    CERROR_RETURN_ERROR(state->error, 48); /*error: the given data is empty*/
-  }
-  if(insize < 33) {
-    CERROR_RETURN_ERROR(state->error, 27); /*error: the data length is smaller than the length of a PNG header*/
-  }
-  /*when decoding a new PNG image, make sure all parameters created after previous decoding are reset*/
-  /* TODO: remove this. One should use a new LodePNGState for new sessions */
-  lodepng_info_cleanup(info);
-  lodepng_info_init(info);
-  if(in[0] != 137 || in[1] != 80 || in[2] != 78 || in[3] != 71
-     || in[4] != 13 || in[5] != 10 || in[6] != 26 || in[7] != 10) {
-    CERROR_RETURN_ERROR(state->error, 28); /*error: the first 8 bytes are not the correct PNG signature*/
-  }
-  if(lodepng_chunk_length(in + 8) != 13) {
-    CERROR_RETURN_ERROR(state->error, 94); /*error: header size must be 13 bytes*/
-  }
-  if(!lodepng_chunk_type_equals(in + 8, "IHDR")) {
-    CERROR_RETURN_ERROR(state->error, 29); /*error: it doesn't start with a IHDR chunk!*/
-  }
-  /*read the values given in the header*/
-  width = lodepng_read32bitInt(&in[16]);
-  height = lodepng_read32bitInt(&in[20]);
-  /*TODO: remove the undocumented feature that allows to give null pointers to width or height*/
-  if(w) *w = width;
-  if(h) *h = height;
-  info->color.bitdepth = in[24];
-  info->color.colortype = (LodePNGColorType)in[25];
-  info->compression_method = in[26];
-  info->filter_method = in[27];
-  info->interlace_method = in[28];
-  /*errors returned only after the parsing so other values are still output*/
-  /*error: invalid image size*/
-  if(width == 0 || height == 0) CERROR_RETURN_ERROR(state->error, 93);
-  /*error: invalid colortype or bitdepth combination*/
-  state->error = checkColorValidity(info->color.colortype, info->color.bitdepth);
-  if(state->error) return state->error;
-  /*error: only compression method 0 is allowed in the specification*/
-  if(info->compression_method != 0) CERROR_RETURN_ERROR(state->error, 32);
-  /*error: only filter method 0 is allowed in the specification*/
-  if(info->filter_method != 0) CERROR_RETURN_ERROR(state->error, 33);
-  /*error: only interlace methods 0 and 1 exist in the specification*/
-  if(info->interlace_method > 1) CERROR_RETURN_ERROR(state->error, 34);
-  if(!state->decoder.ignore_crc) {
-    unsigned CRC = lodepng_read32bitInt(&in[29]);
-    unsigned checksum = lodepng_crc32(&in[12], 17);
-    if(CRC != checksum) {
-      CERROR_RETURN_ERROR(state->error, 57); /*invalid CRC*/
-    }
-  }
-  return state->error;
-static unsigned unfilterScanline(unsigned char* recon, const unsigned char* scanline, const unsigned char* precon,
-                                 size_t bytewidth, unsigned char filterType, size_t length) {
-  /*
-  For PNG filter method 0
-  unfilter a PNG image scanline by scanline. when the pixels are smaller than 1 byte,
-  the filter works byte per byte (bytewidth = 1)
-  precon is the previous unfiltered scanline, recon the result, scanline the current one
-  the incoming scanlines do NOT include the filtertype byte, that one is given in the parameter filterType instead
-  recon and scanline MAY be the same memory address! precon must be disjoint.
-  */
-  size_t i;
-  switch(filterType) {
-    case 0:
-      for(i = 0; i != length; ++i) recon[i] = scanline[i];
-      break;
-    case 1: {
-      size_t j = 0;
-      for(i = 0; i != bytewidth; ++i) recon[i] = scanline[i];
-      for(i = bytewidth; i != length; ++i, ++j) recon[i] = scanline[i] + recon[j];
-      break;
-    }
-    case 2:
-      if(precon) {
-        for(i = 0; i != length; ++i) recon[i] = scanline[i] + precon[i];
-      } else {
-        for(i = 0; i != length; ++i) recon[i] = scanline[i];
-      }
-      break;
-    case 3:
-      if(precon) {
-        size_t j = 0;
-        for(i = 0; i != bytewidth; ++i) recon[i] = scanline[i] + (precon[i] >> 1u);
-        /* Unroll independent paths of this predictor. A 6x and 8x version is also possible but that adds
-        too much code. Whether this speeds up anything depends on compiler and settings. */
-        if(bytewidth >= 4) {
-          for(; i + 3 < length; i += 4, j += 4) {
-            unsigned char s0 = scanline[i + 0], s1 = scanline[i + 1], s2 = scanline[i + 2], s3 = scanline[i + 3];
-            unsigned char r0 = recon[j + 0], r1 = recon[j + 1], r2 = recon[j + 2], r3 = recon[j + 3];
-            unsigned char p0 = precon[i + 0], p1 = precon[i + 1], p2 = precon[i + 2], p3 = precon[i + 3];
-            recon[i + 0] = s0 + ((r0 + p0) >> 1u);
-            recon[i + 1] = s1 + ((r1 + p1) >> 1u);
-            recon[i + 2] = s2 + ((r2 + p2) >> 1u);
-            recon[i + 3] = s3 + ((r3 + p3) >> 1u);
-          }
-        } else if(bytewidth >= 3) {
-          for(; i + 2 < length; i += 3, j += 3) {
-            unsigned char s0 = scanline[i + 0], s1 = scanline[i + 1], s2 = scanline[i + 2];
-            unsigned char r0 = recon[j + 0], r1 = recon[j + 1], r2 = recon[j + 2];
-            unsigned char p0 = precon[i + 0], p1 = precon[i + 1], p2 = precon[i + 2];
-            recon[i + 0] = s0 + ((r0 + p0) >> 1u);
-            recon[i + 1] = s1 + ((r1 + p1) >> 1u);
-            recon[i + 2] = s2 + ((r2 + p2) >> 1u);
-          }
-        } else if(bytewidth >= 2) {
-          for(; i + 1 < length; i += 2, j += 2) {
-            unsigned char s0 = scanline[i + 0], s1 = scanline[i + 1];
-            unsigned char r0 = recon[j + 0], r1 = recon[j + 1];
-            unsigned char p0 = precon[i + 0], p1 = precon[i + 1];
-            recon[i + 0] = s0 + ((r0 + p0) >> 1u);
-            recon[i + 1] = s1 + ((r1 + p1) >> 1u);
-          }
-        }
-        for(; i != length; ++i, ++j) recon[i] = scanline[i] + ((recon[j] + precon[i]) >> 1u);
-      } else {
-        size_t j = 0;
-        for(i = 0; i != bytewidth; ++i) recon[i] = scanline[i];
-        for(i = bytewidth; i != length; ++i, ++j) recon[i] = scanline[i] + (recon[j] >> 1u);
-      }
-      break;
-    case 4:
-      if(precon) {
-        /* Unroll independent paths of this predictor. Whether this speeds up
-        anything depends on compiler and settings. */
-        if(bytewidth == 8) {
-          unsigned char a0, b0 = 0, c0, d0 = 0, a1, b1 = 0, c1, d1 = 0;
-          unsigned char a2, b2 = 0, c2, d2 = 0, a3, b3 = 0, c3, d3 = 0;
-          unsigned char a4, b4 = 0, c4, d4 = 0, a5, b5 = 0, c5, d5 = 0;
-          unsigned char a6, b6 = 0, c6, d6 = 0, a7, b7 = 0, c7, d7 = 0;
-          for(i = 0; i + 7 < length; i += 8) {
-            c0 = b0; c1 = b1; c2 = b2; c3 = b3;
-            c4 = b4; c5 = b5; c6 = b6; c7 = b7;
-            b0 = precon[i + 0]; b1 = precon[i + 1]; b2 = precon[i + 2]; b3 = precon[i + 3];
-            b4 = precon[i + 4]; b5 = precon[i + 5]; b6 = precon[i + 6]; b7 = precon[i + 7];
-            a0 = d0; a1 = d1; a2 = d2; a3 = d3;
-            a4 = d4; a5 = d5; a6 = d6; a7 = d7;
-            d0 = scanline[i + 0] + paethPredictor(a0, b0, c0);
-            d1 = scanline[i + 1] + paethPredictor(a1, b1, c1);
-            d2 = scanline[i + 2] + paethPredictor(a2, b2, c2);
-            d3 = scanline[i + 3] + paethPredictor(a3, b3, c3);
-            d4 = scanline[i + 4] + paethPredictor(a4, b4, c4);
-            d5 = scanline[i + 5] + paethPredictor(a5, b5, c5);
-            d6 = scanline[i + 6] + paethPredictor(a6, b6, c6);
-            d7 = scanline[i + 7] + paethPredictor(a7, b7, c7);
-            recon[i + 0] = d0; recon[i + 1] = d1; recon[i + 2] = d2; recon[i + 3] = d3;
-            recon[i + 4] = d4; recon[i + 5] = d5; recon[i + 6] = d6; recon[i + 7] = d7;
-          }
-        } else if(bytewidth == 6) {
-          unsigned char a0, b0 = 0, c0, d0 = 0, a1, b1 = 0, c1, d1 = 0;
-          unsigned char a2, b2 = 0, c2, d2 = 0, a3, b3 = 0, c3, d3 = 0;
-          unsigned char a4, b4 = 0, c4, d4 = 0, a5, b5 = 0, c5, d5 = 0;
-          for(i = 0; i + 5 < length; i += 6) {
-            c0 = b0; c1 = b1; c2 = b2;
-            c3 = b3; c4 = b4; c5 = b5;
-            b0 = precon[i + 0]; b1 = precon[i + 1]; b2 = precon[i + 2];
-            b3 = precon[i + 3]; b4 = precon[i + 4]; b5 = precon[i + 5];
-            a0 = d0; a1 = d1; a2 = d2;
-            a3 = d3; a4 = d4; a5 = d5;
-            d0 = scanline[i + 0] + paethPredictor(a0, b0, c0);
-            d1 = scanline[i + 1] + paethPredictor(a1, b1, c1);
-            d2 = scanline[i + 2] + paethPredictor(a2, b2, c2);
-            d3 = scanline[i + 3] + paethPredictor(a3, b3, c3);
-            d4 = scanline[i + 4] + paethPredictor(a4, b4, c4);
-            d5 = scanline[i + 5] + paethPredictor(a5, b5, c5);
-            recon[i + 0] = d0; recon[i + 1] = d1; recon[i + 2] = d2;
-            recon[i + 3] = d3; recon[i + 4] = d4; recon[i + 5] = d5;
-          }
-        } else if(bytewidth == 4) {
-          unsigned char a0, b0 = 0, c0, d0 = 0, a1, b1 = 0, c1, d1 = 0;
-          unsigned char a2, b2 = 0, c2, d2 = 0, a3, b3 = 0, c3, d3 = 0;
-          for(i = 0; i + 3 < length; i += 4) {
-            c0 = b0; c1 = b1; c2 = b2; c3 = b3;
-            b0 = precon[i + 0]; b1 = precon[i + 1]; b2 = precon[i + 2]; b3 = precon[i + 3];
-            a0 = d0; a1 = d1; a2 = d2; a3 = d3;
-            d0 = scanline[i + 0] + paethPredictor(a0, b0, c0);
-            d1 = scanline[i + 1] + paethPredictor(a1, b1, c1);
-            d2 = scanline[i + 2] + paethPredictor(a2, b2, c2);
-            d3 = scanline[i + 3] + paethPredictor(a3, b3, c3);
-            recon[i + 0] = d0; recon[i + 1] = d1; recon[i + 2] = d2; recon[i + 3] = d3;
-          }
-        } else if(bytewidth == 3) {
-          unsigned char a0, b0 = 0, c0, d0 = 0;
-          unsigned char a1, b1 = 0, c1, d1 = 0;
-          unsigned char a2, b2 = 0, c2, d2 = 0;
-          for(i = 0; i + 2 < length; i += 3) {
-            c0 = b0; c1 = b1; c2 = b2;
-            b0 = precon[i + 0]; b1 = precon[i + 1]; b2 = precon[i + 2];
-            a0 = d0; a1 = d1; a2 = d2;
-            d0 = scanline[i + 0] + paethPredictor(a0, b0, c0);
-            d1 = scanline[i + 1] + paethPredictor(a1, b1, c1);
-            d2 = scanline[i + 2] + paethPredictor(a2, b2, c2);
-            recon[i + 0] = d0; recon[i + 1] = d1; recon[i + 2] = d2;
-          }
-        } else if(bytewidth == 2) {
-          unsigned char a0, b0 = 0, c0, d0 = 0;
-          unsigned char a1, b1 = 0, c1, d1 = 0;
-          for(i = 0; i + 1 < length; i += 2) {
-            c0 = b0; c1 = b1;
-            b0 = precon[i + 0];
-            b1 = precon[i + 1];
-            a0 = d0; a1 = d1;
-            d0 = scanline[i + 0] + paethPredictor(a0, b0, c0);
-            d1 = scanline[i + 1] + paethPredictor(a1, b1, c1);
-            recon[i + 0] = d0;
-            recon[i + 1] = d1;
-          }
-        } else if(bytewidth == 1) {
-          unsigned char a, b = 0, c, d = 0;
-          for(i = 0; i != length; ++i) {
-            c = b;
-            b = precon[i];
-            a = d;
-            d = scanline[i] + paethPredictor(a, b, c);
-            recon[i] = d;
-          }
-        } else {
-          /* Normally not a possible case, but this would handle it correctly */
-          for(i = 0; i != bytewidth; ++i) {
-            recon[i] = (scanline[i] + precon[i]); /*paethPredictor(0, precon[i], 0) is always precon[i]*/
-          }
-        }
-        /* finish any remaining bytes */
-        for(; i != length; ++i) {
-          recon[i] = (scanline[i] + paethPredictor(recon[i - bytewidth], precon[i], precon[i - bytewidth]));
-        }
-      } else {
-        size_t j = 0;
-        for(i = 0; i != bytewidth; ++i) {
-          recon[i] = scanline[i];
-        }
-        for(i = bytewidth; i != length; ++i, ++j) {
-          /*paethPredictor(recon[i - bytewidth], 0, 0) is always recon[i - bytewidth]*/
-          recon[i] = (scanline[i] + recon[j]);
-        }
-      }
-      break;
-    default: return 36; /*error: invalid filter type given*/
-  }
-  return 0;
-static unsigned unfilter(unsigned char* out, const unsigned char* in, unsigned w, unsigned h, unsigned bpp) {
-  /*
-  For PNG filter method 0
-  this function unfilters a single image (e.g. without interlacing this is called once, with Adam7 seven times)
-  out must have enough bytes allocated already, in must have the scanlines + 1 filtertype byte per scanline
-  w and h are image dimensions or dimensions of reduced image, bpp is bits per pixel
-  in and out are allowed to be the same memory address (but aren't the same size since in has the extra filter bytes)
-  */
-  unsigned y;
-  unsigned char* prevline = 0;
-  /*bytewidth is used for filtering, is 1 when bpp < 8, number of bytes per pixel otherwise*/
-  size_t bytewidth = (bpp + 7u) / 8u;
-  /*the width of a scanline in bytes, not including the filter type*/
-  size_t linebytes = lodepng_get_raw_size_idat(w, 1, bpp) - 1u;
-  for(y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
-    size_t outindex = linebytes * y;
-    size_t inindex = (1 + linebytes) * y; /*the extra filterbyte added to each row*/
-    unsigned char filterType = in[inindex];
-    CERROR_TRY_RETURN(unfilterScanline(&out[outindex], &in[inindex + 1], prevline, bytewidth, filterType, linebytes));
-    prevline = &out[outindex];
-  }
-  return 0;
-in: Adam7 interlaced image, with no padding bits between scanlines, but between
- reduced images so that each reduced image starts at a byte.
-out: the same pixels, but re-ordered so that they're now a non-interlaced image with size w*h
-bpp: bits per pixel
-out has the following size in bits: w * h * bpp.
-in is possibly bigger due to padding bits between reduced images.
-out must be big enough AND must be 0 everywhere if bpp < 8 in the current implementation
-(because that's likely a little bit faster)
-NOTE: comments about padding bits are only relevant if bpp < 8
-static void Adam7_deinterlace(unsigned char* out, const unsigned char* in, unsigned w, unsigned h, unsigned bpp) {
-  unsigned passw[7], passh[7];
-  size_t filter_passstart[8], padded_passstart[8], passstart[8];
-  unsigned i;
-  Adam7_getpassvalues(passw, passh, filter_passstart, padded_passstart, passstart, w, h, bpp);
-  if(bpp >= 8) {
-    for(i = 0; i != 7; ++i) {
-      unsigned x, y, b;
-      size_t bytewidth = bpp / 8u;
-      for(y = 0; y < passh[i]; ++y)
-      for(x = 0; x < passw[i]; ++x) {
-        size_t pixelinstart = passstart[i] + (y * passw[i] + x) * bytewidth;
-        size_t pixeloutstart = ((ADAM7_IY[i] + (size_t)y * ADAM7_DY[i]) * (size_t)w
-                             + ADAM7_IX[i] + (size_t)x * ADAM7_DX[i]) * bytewidth;
-        for(b = 0; b < bytewidth; ++b) {
-          out[pixeloutstart + b] = in[pixelinstart + b];
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  } else /*bpp < 8: Adam7 with pixels < 8 bit is a bit trickier: with bit pointers*/ {
-    for(i = 0; i != 7; ++i) {
-      unsigned x, y, b;
-      unsigned ilinebits = bpp * passw[i];
-      unsigned olinebits = bpp * w;
-      size_t obp, ibp; /*bit pointers (for out and in buffer)*/
-      for(y = 0; y < passh[i]; ++y)
-      for(x = 0; x < passw[i]; ++x) {
-        ibp = (8 * passstart[i]) + (y * ilinebits + x * bpp);
-        obp = (ADAM7_IY[i] + (size_t)y * ADAM7_DY[i]) * olinebits + (ADAM7_IX[i] + (size_t)x * ADAM7_DX[i]) * bpp;
-        for(b = 0; b < bpp; ++b) {
-          unsigned char bit = readBitFromReversedStream(&ibp, in);
-          setBitOfReversedStream(&obp, out, bit);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-static void removePaddingBits(unsigned char* out, const unsigned char* in,
-                              size_t olinebits, size_t ilinebits, unsigned h) {
-  /*
-  After filtering there are still padding bits if scanlines have non multiple of 8 bit amounts. They need
-  to be removed (except at last scanline of (Adam7-reduced) image) before working with pure image buffers
-  for the Adam7 code, the color convert code and the output to the user.
-  in and out are allowed to be the same buffer, in may also be higher but still overlapping; in must
-  have >= ilinebits*h bits, out must have >= olinebits*h bits, olinebits must be <= ilinebits
-  also used to move bits after earlier such operations happened, e.g. in a sequence of reduced images from Adam7
-  only useful if (ilinebits - olinebits) is a value in the range 1..7
-  */
-  unsigned y;
-  size_t diff = ilinebits - olinebits;
-  size_t ibp = 0, obp = 0; /*input and output bit pointers*/
-  for(y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
-    size_t x;
-    for(x = 0; x < olinebits; ++x) {
-      unsigned char bit = readBitFromReversedStream(&ibp, in);
-      setBitOfReversedStream(&obp, out, bit);
-    }
-    ibp += diff;
-  }
-/*out must be buffer big enough to contain full image, and in must contain the full decompressed data from
-the IDAT chunks (with filter index bytes and possible padding bits)
-return value is error*/
-static unsigned postProcessScanlines(unsigned char* out, unsigned char* in,
-                                     unsigned w, unsigned h, const LodePNGInfo* info_png) {
-  /*
-  This function converts the filtered-padded-interlaced data into pure 2D image buffer with the PNG's colortype.
-  Steps:
-  *) if no Adam7: 1) unfilter 2) remove padding bits (= possible extra bits per scanline if bpp < 8)
-  *) if adam7: 1) 7x unfilter 2) 7x remove padding bits 3) Adam7_deinterlace
-  NOTE: the in buffer will be overwritten with intermediate data!
-  */
-  unsigned bpp = lodepng_get_bpp(&info_png->color);
-  if(bpp == 0) return 31; /*error: invalid colortype*/
-  if(info_png->interlace_method == 0) {
-    if(bpp < 8 && w * bpp != ((w * bpp + 7u) / 8u) * 8u) {
-      CERROR_TRY_RETURN(unfilter(in, in, w, h, bpp));
-      removePaddingBits(out, in, w * bpp, ((w * bpp + 7u) / 8u) * 8u, h);
-    }
-    /*we can immediately filter into the out buffer, no other steps needed*/
-    else CERROR_TRY_RETURN(unfilter(out, in, w, h, bpp));
-  } else /*interlace_method is 1 (Adam7)*/ {
-    unsigned passw[7], passh[7]; size_t filter_passstart[8], padded_passstart[8], passstart[8];
-    unsigned i;
-    Adam7_getpassvalues(passw, passh, filter_passstart, padded_passstart, passstart, w, h, bpp);
-    for(i = 0; i != 7; ++i) {
-      CERROR_TRY_RETURN(unfilter(&in[padded_passstart[i]], &in[filter_passstart[i]], passw[i], passh[i], bpp));
-      /*TODO: possible efficiency improvement: if in this reduced image the bits fit nicely in 1 scanline,
-      move bytes instead of bits or move not at all*/
-      if(bpp < 8) {
-        /*remove padding bits in scanlines; after this there still may be padding
-        bits between the different reduced images: each reduced image still starts nicely at a byte*/
-        removePaddingBits(&in[passstart[i]], &in[padded_passstart[i]], passw[i] * bpp,
-                          ((passw[i] * bpp + 7u) / 8u) * 8u, passh[i]);
-      }
-    }
-    Adam7_deinterlace(out, in, w, h, bpp);
-  }
-  return 0;
-static unsigned readChunk_PLTE(LodePNGColorMode* color, const unsigned char* data, size_t chunkLength) {
-  unsigned pos = 0, i;
-  color->palettesize = chunkLength / 3u;
-  if(color->palettesize == 0 || color->palettesize > 256) return 38; /*error: palette too small or big*/
-  lodepng_color_mode_alloc_palette(color);
-  if(!color->palette && color->palettesize) {
-    color->palettesize = 0;
-    return 83; /*alloc fail*/
-  }
-  for(i = 0; i != color->palettesize; ++i) {
-    color->palette[4 * i + 0] = data[pos++]; /*R*/
-    color->palette[4 * i + 1] = data[pos++]; /*G*/
-    color->palette[4 * i + 2] = data[pos++]; /*B*/
-    color->palette[4 * i + 3] = 255; /*alpha*/
-  }
-  return 0; /* OK */
-static unsigned readChunk_tRNS(LodePNGColorMode* color, const unsigned char* data, size_t chunkLength) {
-  unsigned i;
-  if(color->colortype == LCT_PALETTE) {
-    /*error: more alpha values given than there are palette entries*/
-    if(chunkLength > color->palettesize) return 39;
-    for(i = 0; i != chunkLength; ++i) color->palette[4 * i + 3] = data[i];
-  } else if(color->colortype == LCT_GREY) {
-    /*error: this chunk must be 2 bytes for grayscale image*/
-    if(chunkLength != 2) return 30;
-    color->key_defined = 1;
-    color->key_r = color->key_g = color->key_b = 256u * data[0] + data[1];
-  } else if(color->colortype == LCT_RGB) {
-    /*error: this chunk must be 6 bytes for RGB image*/
-    if(chunkLength != 6) return 41;
-    color->key_defined = 1;
-    color->key_r = 256u * data[0] + data[1];
-    color->key_g = 256u * data[2] + data[3];
-    color->key_b = 256u * data[4] + data[5];
-  }
-  else return 42; /*error: tRNS chunk not allowed for other color models*/
-  return 0; /* OK */
-/*background color chunk (bKGD)*/
-static unsigned readChunk_bKGD(LodePNGInfo* info, const unsigned char* data, size_t chunkLength) {
-  if(info->color.colortype == LCT_PALETTE) {
-    /*error: this chunk must be 1 byte for indexed color image*/
-    if(chunkLength != 1) return 43;
-    /*error: invalid palette index, or maybe this chunk appeared before PLTE*/
-    if(data[0] >= info->color.palettesize) return 103;
-    info->background_defined = 1;
-    info->background_r = info->background_g = info->background_b = data[0];
-  } else if(info->color.colortype == LCT_GREY || info->color.colortype == LCT_GREY_ALPHA) {
-    /*error: this chunk must be 2 bytes for grayscale image*/
-    if(chunkLength != 2) return 44;
-    /*the values are truncated to bitdepth in the PNG file*/
-    info->background_defined = 1;
-    info->background_r = info->background_g = info->background_b = 256u * data[0] + data[1];
-  } else if(info->color.colortype == LCT_RGB || info->color.colortype == LCT_RGBA) {
-    /*error: this chunk must be 6 bytes for grayscale image*/
-    if(chunkLength != 6) return 45;
-    /*the values are truncated to bitdepth in the PNG file*/
-    info->background_defined = 1;
-    info->background_r = 256u * data[0] + data[1];
-    info->background_g = 256u * data[2] + data[3];
-    info->background_b = 256u * data[4] + data[5];
-  }
-  return 0; /* OK */
-/*text chunk (tEXt)*/
-static unsigned readChunk_tEXt(LodePNGInfo* info, const unsigned char* data, size_t chunkLength) {
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  char *key = 0, *str = 0;
-  while(!error) /*not really a while loop, only used to break on error*/ {
-    unsigned length, string2_begin;
-    length = 0;
-    while(length < chunkLength && data[length] != 0) ++length;
-    /*even though it's not allowed by the standard, no error is thrown if
-    there's no null termination char, if the text is empty*/
-    if(length < 1 || length > 79) CERROR_BREAK(error, 89); /*keyword too short or long*/
-    key = (char*)lodepng_malloc(length + 1);
-    if(!key) CERROR_BREAK(error, 83); /*alloc fail*/
-    lodepng_memcpy(key, data, length);
-    key[length] = 0;
-    string2_begin = length + 1; /*skip keyword null terminator*/
-    length = (unsigned)(chunkLength < string2_begin ? 0 : chunkLength - string2_begin);
-    str = (char*)lodepng_malloc(length + 1);
-    if(!str) CERROR_BREAK(error, 83); /*alloc fail*/
-    lodepng_memcpy(str, data + string2_begin, length);
-    str[length] = 0;
-    error = lodepng_add_text(info, key, str);
-    break;
-  }
-  lodepng_free(key);
-  lodepng_free(str);
-  return error;
-/*compressed text chunk (zTXt)*/
-static unsigned readChunk_zTXt(LodePNGInfo* info, const LodePNGDecoderSettings* decoder,
-                               const unsigned char* data, size_t chunkLength) {
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  /*copy the object to change parameters in it*/
-  LodePNGDecompressSettings zlibsettings = decoder->zlibsettings;
-  unsigned length, string2_begin;
-  char *key = 0;
-  unsigned char* str = 0;
-  size_t size = 0;
-  while(!error) /*not really a while loop, only used to break on error*/ {
-    for(length = 0; length < chunkLength && data[length] != 0; ++length) ;
-    if(length + 2 >= chunkLength) CERROR_BREAK(error, 75); /*no null termination, corrupt?*/
-    if(length < 1 || length > 79) CERROR_BREAK(error, 89); /*keyword too short or long*/
-    key = (char*)lodepng_malloc(length + 1);
-    if(!key) CERROR_BREAK(error, 83); /*alloc fail*/
-    lodepng_memcpy(key, data, length);
-    key[length] = 0;
-    if(data[length + 1] != 0) CERROR_BREAK(error, 72); /*the 0 byte indicating compression must be 0*/
-    string2_begin = length + 2;
-    if(string2_begin > chunkLength) CERROR_BREAK(error, 75); /*no null termination, corrupt?*/
-    length = (unsigned)chunkLength - string2_begin;
-    zlibsettings.max_output_size = decoder->max_text_size;
-    /*will fail if zlib error, e.g. if length is too small*/
-    error = zlib_decompress(&str, &size, 0, &data[string2_begin],
-                            length, &zlibsettings);
-    /*error: compressed text larger than  decoder->max_text_size*/
-    if(error && size > zlibsettings.max_output_size) error = 112;
-    if(error) break;
-    error = lodepng_add_text_sized(info, key, (char*)str, size);
-    break;
-  }
-  lodepng_free(key);
-  lodepng_free(str);
-  return error;
-/*international text chunk (iTXt)*/
-static unsigned readChunk_iTXt(LodePNGInfo* info, const LodePNGDecoderSettings* decoder,
-                               const unsigned char* data, size_t chunkLength) {
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  unsigned i;
-  /*copy the object to change parameters in it*/
-  LodePNGDecompressSettings zlibsettings = decoder->zlibsettings;
-  unsigned length, begin, compressed;
-  char *key = 0, *langtag = 0, *transkey = 0;
-  while(!error) /*not really a while loop, only used to break on error*/ {
-    /*Quick check if the chunk length isn't too small. Even without check
-    it'd still fail with other error checks below if it's too short. This just gives a different error code.*/
-    if(chunkLength < 5) CERROR_BREAK(error, 30); /*iTXt chunk too short*/
-    /*read the key*/
-    for(length = 0; length < chunkLength && data[length] != 0; ++length) ;
-    if(length + 3 >= chunkLength) CERROR_BREAK(error, 75); /*no null termination char, corrupt?*/
-    if(length < 1 || length > 79) CERROR_BREAK(error, 89); /*keyword too short or long*/
-    key = (char*)lodepng_malloc(length + 1);
-    if(!key) CERROR_BREAK(error, 83); /*alloc fail*/
-    lodepng_memcpy(key, data, length);
-    key[length] = 0;
-    /*read the compression method*/
-    compressed = data[length + 1];
-    if(data[length + 2] != 0) CERROR_BREAK(error, 72); /*the 0 byte indicating compression must be 0*/
-    /*even though it's not allowed by the standard, no error is thrown if
-    there's no null termination char, if the text is empty for the next 3 texts*/
-    /*read the langtag*/
-    begin = length + 3;
-    length = 0;
-    for(i = begin; i < chunkLength && data[i] != 0; ++i) ++length;
-    langtag = (char*)lodepng_malloc(length + 1);
-    if(!langtag) CERROR_BREAK(error, 83); /*alloc fail*/
-    lodepng_memcpy(langtag, data + begin, length);
-    langtag[length] = 0;
-    /*read the transkey*/
-    begin += length + 1;
-    length = 0;
-    for(i = begin; i < chunkLength && data[i] != 0; ++i) ++length;
-    transkey = (char*)lodepng_malloc(length + 1);
-    if(!transkey) CERROR_BREAK(error, 83); /*alloc fail*/
-    lodepng_memcpy(transkey, data + begin, length);
-    transkey[length] = 0;
-    /*read the actual text*/
-    begin += length + 1;
-    length = (unsigned)chunkLength < begin ? 0 : (unsigned)chunkLength - begin;
-    if(compressed) {
-      unsigned char* str = 0;
-      size_t size = 0;
-      zlibsettings.max_output_size = decoder->max_text_size;
-      /*will fail if zlib error, e.g. if length is too small*/
-      error = zlib_decompress(&str, &size, 0, &data[begin],
-                              length, &zlibsettings);
-      /*error: compressed text larger than  decoder->max_text_size*/
-      if(error && size > zlibsettings.max_output_size) error = 112;
-      if(!error) error = lodepng_add_itext_sized(info, key, langtag, transkey, (char*)str, size);
-      lodepng_free(str);
-    } else {
-      error = lodepng_add_itext_sized(info, key, langtag, transkey, (char*)(data + begin), length);
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  lodepng_free(key);
-  lodepng_free(langtag);
-  lodepng_free(transkey);
-  return error;
-static unsigned readChunk_tIME(LodePNGInfo* info, const unsigned char* data, size_t chunkLength) {
-  if(chunkLength != 7) return 73; /*invalid tIME chunk size*/
-  info->time_defined = 1;
-  info->time.year = 256u * data[0] + data[1];
-  info->time.month = data[2];
-  info-> = data[3];
-  info->time.hour = data[4];
-  info->time.minute = data[5];
-  info->time.second = data[6];
-  return 0; /* OK */
-static unsigned readChunk_pHYs(LodePNGInfo* info, const unsigned char* data, size_t chunkLength) {
-  if(chunkLength != 9) return 74; /*invalid pHYs chunk size*/
-  info->phys_defined = 1;
-  info->phys_x = 16777216u * data[0] + 65536u * data[1] + 256u * data[2] + data[3];
-  info->phys_y = 16777216u * data[4] + 65536u * data[5] + 256u * data[6] + data[7];
-  info->phys_unit = data[8];
-  return 0; /* OK */
-static unsigned readChunk_gAMA(LodePNGInfo* info, const unsigned char* data, size_t chunkLength) {
-  if(chunkLength != 4) return 96; /*invalid gAMA chunk size*/
-  info->gama_defined = 1;
-  info->gama_gamma = 16777216u * data[0] + 65536u * data[1] + 256u * data[2] + data[3];
-  return 0; /* OK */
-static unsigned readChunk_cHRM(LodePNGInfo* info, const unsigned char* data, size_t chunkLength) {
-  if(chunkLength != 32) return 97; /*invalid cHRM chunk size*/
-  info->chrm_defined = 1;
-  info->chrm_white_x = 16777216u * data[ 0] + 65536u * data[ 1] + 256u * data[ 2] + data[ 3];
-  info->chrm_white_y = 16777216u * data[ 4] + 65536u * data[ 5] + 256u * data[ 6] + data[ 7];
-  info->chrm_red_x   = 16777216u * data[ 8] + 65536u * data[ 9] + 256u * data[10] + data[11];
-  info->chrm_red_y   = 16777216u * data[12] + 65536u * data[13] + 256u * data[14] + data[15];
-  info->chrm_green_x = 16777216u * data[16] + 65536u * data[17] + 256u * data[18] + data[19];
-  info->chrm_green_y = 16777216u * data[20] + 65536u * data[21] + 256u * data[22] + data[23];
-  info->chrm_blue_x  = 16777216u * data[24] + 65536u * data[25] + 256u * data[26] + data[27];
-  info->chrm_blue_y  = 16777216u * data[28] + 65536u * data[29] + 256u * data[30] + data[31];
-  return 0; /* OK */
-static unsigned readChunk_sRGB(LodePNGInfo* info, const unsigned char* data, size_t chunkLength) {
-  if(chunkLength != 1) return 98; /*invalid sRGB chunk size (this one is never ignored)*/
-  info->srgb_defined = 1;
-  info->srgb_intent = data[0];
-  return 0; /* OK */
-static unsigned readChunk_iCCP(LodePNGInfo* info, const LodePNGDecoderSettings* decoder,
-                               const unsigned char* data, size_t chunkLength) {
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  unsigned i;
-  size_t size = 0;
-  /*copy the object to change parameters in it*/
-  LodePNGDecompressSettings zlibsettings = decoder->zlibsettings;
-  unsigned length, string2_begin;
-  info->iccp_defined = 1;
-  if(info->iccp_name) lodepng_clear_icc(info);
-  for(length = 0; length < chunkLength && data[length] != 0; ++length) ;
-  if(length + 2 >= chunkLength) return 75; /*no null termination, corrupt?*/
-  if(length < 1 || length > 79) return 89; /*keyword too short or long*/
-  info->iccp_name = (char*)lodepng_malloc(length + 1);
-  if(!info->iccp_name) return 83; /*alloc fail*/
-  info->iccp_name[length] = 0;
-  for(i = 0; i != length; ++i) info->iccp_name[i] = (char)data[i];
-  if(data[length + 1] != 0) return 72; /*the 0 byte indicating compression must be 0*/
-  string2_begin = length + 2;
-  if(string2_begin > chunkLength) return 75; /*no null termination, corrupt?*/
-  length = (unsigned)chunkLength - string2_begin;
-  zlibsettings.max_output_size = decoder->max_icc_size;
-  error = zlib_decompress(&info->iccp_profile, &size, 0,
-                          &data[string2_begin],
-                          length, &zlibsettings);
-  /*error: ICC profile larger than  decoder->max_icc_size*/
-  if(error && size > zlibsettings.max_output_size) error = 113;
-  info->iccp_profile_size = size;
-  if(!error && !info->iccp_profile_size) error = 100; /*invalid ICC profile size*/
-  return error;
-/*significant bits chunk (sBIT)*/
-static unsigned readChunk_sBIT(LodePNGInfo* info, const unsigned char* data, size_t chunkLength) {
-  unsigned bitdepth = (info->color.colortype == LCT_PALETTE) ? 8 : info->color.bitdepth;
-  if(info->color.colortype == LCT_GREY) {
-    /*error: this chunk must be 1 bytes for grayscale image*/
-    if(chunkLength != 1) return 114;
-    if(data[0] == 0 || data[0] > bitdepth) return 115;
-    info->sbit_defined = 1;
-    info->sbit_r = info->sbit_g = info->sbit_b = data[0]; /*setting g and b is not required, but sensible*/
-  } else if(info->color.colortype == LCT_RGB || info->color.colortype == LCT_PALETTE) {
-    /*error: this chunk must be 3 bytes for RGB and palette image*/
-    if(chunkLength != 3) return 114;
-    if(data[0] == 0 || data[1] == 0 || data[2] == 0) return 115;
-    if(data[0] > bitdepth || data[1] > bitdepth || data[2] > bitdepth) return 115;
-    info->sbit_defined = 1;
-    info->sbit_r = data[0];
-    info->sbit_g = data[1];
-    info->sbit_b = data[2];
-  } else if(info->color.colortype == LCT_GREY_ALPHA) {
-    /*error: this chunk must be 2 byte for grayscale with alpha image*/
-    if(chunkLength != 2) return 114;
-    if(data[0] == 0 || data[1] == 0) return 115;
-    if(data[0] > bitdepth || data[1] > bitdepth) return 115;
-    info->sbit_defined = 1;
-    info->sbit_r = info->sbit_g = info->sbit_b = data[0]; /*setting g and b is not required, but sensible*/
-    info->sbit_a = data[1];
-  } else if(info->color.colortype == LCT_RGBA) {
-    /*error: this chunk must be 4 bytes for grayscale image*/
-    if(chunkLength != 4) return 114;
-    if(data[0] == 0 || data[1] == 0 || data[2] == 0 || data[3] == 0) return 115;
-    if(data[0] > bitdepth || data[1] > bitdepth || data[2] > bitdepth || data[3] > bitdepth) return 115;
-    info->sbit_defined = 1;
-    info->sbit_r = data[0];
-    info->sbit_g = data[1];
-    info->sbit_b = data[2];
-    info->sbit_a = data[3];
-  }
-  return 0; /* OK */
-unsigned lodepng_inspect_chunk(LodePNGState* state, size_t pos,
-                               const unsigned char* in, size_t insize) {
-  const unsigned char* chunk = in + pos;
-  unsigned chunkLength;
-  const unsigned char* data;
-  unsigned unhandled = 0;
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  if(pos + 4 > insize) return 30;
-  chunkLength = lodepng_chunk_length(chunk);
-  if(chunkLength > 2147483647) return 63;
-  data = lodepng_chunk_data_const(chunk);
-  if(chunkLength + 12 > insize - pos) return 30;
-  if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "PLTE")) {
-    error = readChunk_PLTE(&state->info_png.color, data, chunkLength);
-  } else if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "tRNS")) {
-    error = readChunk_tRNS(&state->info_png.color, data, chunkLength);
-  } else if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "bKGD")) {
-    error = readChunk_bKGD(&state->info_png, data, chunkLength);
-  } else if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "tEXt")) {
-    error = readChunk_tEXt(&state->info_png, data, chunkLength);
-  } else if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "zTXt")) {
-    error = readChunk_zTXt(&state->info_png, &state->decoder, data, chunkLength);
-  } else if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "iTXt")) {
-    error = readChunk_iTXt(&state->info_png, &state->decoder, data, chunkLength);
-  } else if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "tIME")) {
-    error = readChunk_tIME(&state->info_png, data, chunkLength);
-  } else if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "pHYs")) {
-    error = readChunk_pHYs(&state->info_png, data, chunkLength);
-  } else if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "gAMA")) {
-    error = readChunk_gAMA(&state->info_png, data, chunkLength);
-  } else if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "cHRM")) {
-    error = readChunk_cHRM(&state->info_png, data, chunkLength);
-  } else if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "sRGB")) {
-    error = readChunk_sRGB(&state->info_png, data, chunkLength);
-  } else if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "iCCP")) {
-    error = readChunk_iCCP(&state->info_png, &state->decoder, data, chunkLength);
-  } else if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "sBIT")) {
-    error = readChunk_sBIT(&state->info_png, data, chunkLength);
-  } else {
-    /* unhandled chunk is ok (is not an error) */
-    unhandled = 1;
-  }
-  if(!error && !unhandled && !state->decoder.ignore_crc) {
-    if(lodepng_chunk_check_crc(chunk)) return 57; /*invalid CRC*/
-  }
-  return error;
-/*read a PNG, the result will be in the same color type as the PNG (hence "generic")*/
-static void decodeGeneric(unsigned char** out, unsigned* w, unsigned* h,
-                          LodePNGState* state,
-                          const unsigned char* in, size_t insize) {
-  unsigned char IEND = 0;
-  const unsigned char* chunk; /*points to beginning of next chunk*/
-  unsigned char* idat; /*the data from idat chunks, zlib compressed*/
-  size_t idatsize = 0;
-  unsigned char* scanlines = 0;
-  size_t scanlines_size = 0, expected_size = 0;
-  size_t outsize = 0;
-  /*for unknown chunk order*/
-  unsigned unknown = 0;
-  unsigned critical_pos = 1; /*1 = after IHDR, 2 = after PLTE, 3 = after IDAT*/
-  /* safe output values in case error happens */
-  *out = 0;
-  *w = *h = 0;
-  state->error = lodepng_inspect(w, h, state, in, insize); /*reads header and resets other parameters in state->info_png*/
-  if(state->error) return;
-  if(lodepng_pixel_overflow(*w, *h, &state->info_png.color, &state->info_raw)) {
-    CERROR_RETURN(state->error, 92); /*overflow possible due to amount of pixels*/
-  }
-  /*the input filesize is a safe upper bound for the sum of idat chunks size*/
-  idat = (unsigned char*)lodepng_malloc(insize);
-  if(!idat) CERROR_RETURN(state->error, 83); /*alloc fail*/
-  chunk = &in[33]; /*first byte of the first chunk after the header*/
-  /*loop through the chunks, ignoring unknown chunks and stopping at IEND chunk.
-  IDAT data is put at the start of the in buffer*/
-  while(!IEND && !state->error) {
-    unsigned chunkLength;
-    const unsigned char* data; /*the data in the chunk*/
-    size_t pos = (size_t)(chunk - in);
-    /*error: next chunk out of bounds of the in buffer*/
-    if(chunk < in || pos + 12 > insize) {
-      if(state->decoder.ignore_end) break; /*other errors may still happen though*/
-      CERROR_BREAK(state->error, 30);
-    }
-    /*length of the data of the chunk, excluding the 12 bytes for length, chunk type and CRC*/
-    chunkLength = lodepng_chunk_length(chunk);
-    /*error: chunk length larger than the max PNG chunk size*/
-    if(chunkLength > 2147483647) {
-      if(state->decoder.ignore_end) break; /*other errors may still happen though*/
-      CERROR_BREAK(state->error, 63);
-    }
-    if(pos + (size_t)chunkLength + 12 > insize || pos + (size_t)chunkLength + 12 < pos) {
-      CERROR_BREAK(state->error, 64); /*error: size of the in buffer too small to contain next chunk (or int overflow)*/
-    }
-    data = lodepng_chunk_data_const(chunk);
-    unknown = 0;
-    /*IDAT chunk, containing compressed image data*/
-    if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "IDAT")) {
-      size_t newsize;
-      if(lodepng_addofl(idatsize, chunkLength, &newsize)) CERROR_BREAK(state->error, 95);
-      if(newsize > insize) CERROR_BREAK(state->error, 95);
-      lodepng_memcpy(idat + idatsize, data, chunkLength);
-      idatsize += chunkLength;
-      critical_pos = 3;
-    } else if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "IEND")) {
-      /*IEND chunk*/
-      IEND = 1;
-    } else if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "PLTE")) {
-      /*palette chunk (PLTE)*/
-      state->error = readChunk_PLTE(&state->info_png.color, data, chunkLength);
-      if(state->error) break;
-      critical_pos = 2;
-    } else if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "tRNS")) {
-      /*palette transparency chunk (tRNS). Even though this one is an ancillary chunk , it is still compiled
-      in without 'LODEPNG_COMPILE_ANCILLARY_CHUNKS' because it contains essential color information that
-      affects the alpha channel of pixels. */
-      state->error = readChunk_tRNS(&state->info_png.color, data, chunkLength);
-      if(state->error) break;
-      /*background color chunk (bKGD)*/
-    } else if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "bKGD")) {
-      state->error = readChunk_bKGD(&state->info_png, data, chunkLength);
-      if(state->error) break;
-    } else if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "tEXt")) {
-      /*text chunk (tEXt)*/
-      if(state->decoder.read_text_chunks) {
-        state->error = readChunk_tEXt(&state->info_png, data, chunkLength);
-        if(state->error) break;
-      }
-    } else if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "zTXt")) {
-      /*compressed text chunk (zTXt)*/
-      if(state->decoder.read_text_chunks) {
-        state->error = readChunk_zTXt(&state->info_png, &state->decoder, data, chunkLength);
-        if(state->error) break;
-      }
-    } else if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "iTXt")) {
-      /*international text chunk (iTXt)*/
-      if(state->decoder.read_text_chunks) {
-        state->error = readChunk_iTXt(&state->info_png, &state->decoder, data, chunkLength);
-        if(state->error) break;
-      }
-    } else if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "tIME")) {
-      state->error = readChunk_tIME(&state->info_png, data, chunkLength);
-      if(state->error) break;
-    } else if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "pHYs")) {
-      state->error = readChunk_pHYs(&state->info_png, data, chunkLength);
-      if(state->error) break;
-    } else if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "gAMA")) {
-      state->error = readChunk_gAMA(&state->info_png, data, chunkLength);
-      if(state->error) break;
-    } else if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "cHRM")) {
-      state->error = readChunk_cHRM(&state->info_png, data, chunkLength);
-      if(state->error) break;
-    } else if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "sRGB")) {
-      state->error = readChunk_sRGB(&state->info_png, data, chunkLength);
-      if(state->error) break;
-    } else if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "iCCP")) {
-      state->error = readChunk_iCCP(&state->info_png, &state->decoder, data, chunkLength);
-      if(state->error) break;
-    } else if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "sBIT")) {
-      state->error = readChunk_sBIT(&state->info_png, data, chunkLength);
-      if(state->error) break;
-    } else /*it's not an implemented chunk type, so ignore it: skip over the data*/ {
-      /*error: unknown critical chunk (5th bit of first byte of chunk type is 0)*/
-      if(!state->decoder.ignore_critical && !lodepng_chunk_ancillary(chunk)) {
-        CERROR_BREAK(state->error, 69);
-      }
-      unknown = 1;
-      if(state->decoder.remember_unknown_chunks) {
-        state->error = lodepng_chunk_append(&state->info_png.unknown_chunks_data[critical_pos - 1],
-                                            &state->info_png.unknown_chunks_size[critical_pos - 1], chunk);
-        if(state->error) break;
-      }
-    }
-    if(!state->decoder.ignore_crc && !unknown) /*check CRC if wanted, only on known chunk types*/ {
-      if(lodepng_chunk_check_crc(chunk)) CERROR_BREAK(state->error, 57); /*invalid CRC*/
-    }
-    if(!IEND) chunk = lodepng_chunk_next_const(chunk, in + insize);
-  }
-  if(!state->error && state->info_png.color.colortype == LCT_PALETTE && !state->info_png.color.palette) {
-    state->error = 106; /* error: PNG file must have PLTE chunk if color type is palette */
-  }
-  if(!state->error) {
-    /*predict output size, to allocate exact size for output buffer to avoid more dynamic allocation.
-    If the decompressed size does not match the prediction, the image must be corrupt.*/
-    if(state->info_png.interlace_method == 0) {
-      size_t bpp = lodepng_get_bpp(&state->info_png.color);
-      expected_size = lodepng_get_raw_size_idat(*w, *h, bpp);
-    } else {
-      size_t bpp = lodepng_get_bpp(&state->info_png.color);
-      /*Adam-7 interlaced: expected size is the sum of the 7 sub-images sizes*/
-      expected_size = 0;
-      expected_size += lodepng_get_raw_size_idat((*w + 7) >> 3, (*h + 7) >> 3, bpp);
-      if(*w > 4) expected_size += lodepng_get_raw_size_idat((*w + 3) >> 3, (*h + 7) >> 3, bpp);
-      expected_size += lodepng_get_raw_size_idat((*w + 3) >> 2, (*h + 3) >> 3, bpp);
-      if(*w > 2) expected_size += lodepng_get_raw_size_idat((*w + 1) >> 2, (*h + 3) >> 2, bpp);
-      expected_size += lodepng_get_raw_size_idat((*w + 1) >> 1, (*h + 1) >> 2, bpp);
-      if(*w > 1) expected_size += lodepng_get_raw_size_idat((*w + 0) >> 1, (*h + 1) >> 1, bpp);
-      expected_size += lodepng_get_raw_size_idat((*w + 0), (*h + 0) >> 1, bpp);
-    }
-    state->error = zlib_decompress(&scanlines, &scanlines_size, expected_size, idat, idatsize, &state->decoder.zlibsettings);
-  }
-  if(!state->error && scanlines_size != expected_size) state->error = 91; /*decompressed size doesn't match prediction*/
-  lodepng_free(idat);
-  if(!state->error) {
-    outsize = lodepng_get_raw_size(*w, *h, &state->info_png.color);
-    *out = (unsigned char*)lodepng_malloc(outsize);
-    if(!*out) state->error = 83; /*alloc fail*/
-  }
-  if(!state->error) {
-    lodepng_memset(*out, 0, outsize);
-    state->error = postProcessScanlines(*out, scanlines, *w, *h, &state->info_png);
-  }
-  lodepng_free(scanlines);
-unsigned lodepng_decode(unsigned char** out, unsigned* w, unsigned* h,
-                        LodePNGState* state,
-                        const unsigned char* in, size_t insize) {
-  *out = 0;
-  decodeGeneric(out, w, h, state, in, insize);
-  if(state->error) return state->error;
-  if(!state->decoder.color_convert || lodepng_color_mode_equal(&state->info_raw, &state->info_png.color)) {
-    /*same color type, no copying or converting of data needed*/
-    /*store the info_png color settings on the info_raw so that the info_raw still reflects what colortype
-    the raw image has to the end user*/
-    if(!state->decoder.color_convert) {
-      state->error = lodepng_color_mode_copy(&state->info_raw, &state->info_png.color);
-      if(state->error) return state->error;
-    }
-  } else { /*color conversion needed*/
-    unsigned char* data = *out;
-    size_t outsize;
-    /*TODO: check if this works according to the statement in the documentation: "The converter can convert
-    from grayscale input color type, to 8-bit grayscale or grayscale with alpha"*/
-    if(!(state->info_raw.colortype == LCT_RGB || state->info_raw.colortype == LCT_RGBA)
-       && !(state->info_raw.bitdepth == 8)) {
-      return 56; /*unsupported color mode conversion*/
-    }
-    outsize = lodepng_get_raw_size(*w, *h, &state->info_raw);
-    *out = (unsigned char*)lodepng_malloc(outsize);
-    if(!(*out)) {
-      state->error = 83; /*alloc fail*/
-    }
-    else state->error = lodepng_convert(*out, data, &state->info_raw,
-                                        &state->info_png.color, *w, *h);
-    lodepng_free(data);
-  }
-  return state->error;
-unsigned lodepng_decode_memory(unsigned char** out, unsigned* w, unsigned* h, const unsigned char* in,
-                               size_t insize, LodePNGColorType colortype, unsigned bitdepth) {
-  unsigned error;
-  LodePNGState state;
-  lodepng_state_init(&state);
-  state.info_raw.colortype = colortype;
-  state.info_raw.bitdepth = bitdepth;
-  /*disable reading things that this function doesn't output*/
-  state.decoder.read_text_chunks = 0;
-  state.decoder.remember_unknown_chunks = 0;
-  error = lodepng_decode(out, w, h, &state, in, insize);
-  lodepng_state_cleanup(&state);
-  return error;
-unsigned lodepng_decode32(unsigned char** out, unsigned* w, unsigned* h, const unsigned char* in, size_t insize) {
-  return lodepng_decode_memory(out, w, h, in, insize, LCT_RGBA, 8);
-unsigned lodepng_decode24(unsigned char** out, unsigned* w, unsigned* h, const unsigned char* in, size_t insize) {
-  return lodepng_decode_memory(out, w, h, in, insize, LCT_RGB, 8);
-unsigned lodepng_decode_file(unsigned char** out, unsigned* w, unsigned* h, const char* filename,
-                             LodePNGColorType colortype, unsigned bitdepth) {
-  unsigned char* buffer = 0;
-  size_t buffersize;
-  unsigned error;
-  /* safe output values in case error happens */
-  *out = 0;
-  *w = *h = 0;
-  error = lodepng_load_file(&buffer, &buffersize, filename);
-  if(!error) error = lodepng_decode_memory(out, w, h, buffer, buffersize, colortype, bitdepth);
-  lodepng_free(buffer);
-  return error;
-unsigned lodepng_decode32_file(unsigned char** out, unsigned* w, unsigned* h, const char* filename) {
-  return lodepng_decode_file(out, w, h, filename, LCT_RGBA, 8);
-unsigned lodepng_decode24_file(unsigned char** out, unsigned* w, unsigned* h, const char* filename) {
-  return lodepng_decode_file(out, w, h, filename, LCT_RGB, 8);
-void lodepng_decoder_settings_init(LodePNGDecoderSettings* settings) {
-  settings->color_convert = 1;
-  settings->read_text_chunks = 1;
-  settings->remember_unknown_chunks = 0;
-  settings->max_text_size = 16777216;
-  settings->max_icc_size = 16777216; /* 16MB is much more than enough for any reasonable ICC profile */
-  settings->ignore_crc = 0;
-  settings->ignore_critical = 0;
-  settings->ignore_end = 0;
-  lodepng_decompress_settings_init(&settings->zlibsettings);
-void lodepng_state_init(LodePNGState* state) {
-  lodepng_decoder_settings_init(&state->decoder);
-  lodepng_encoder_settings_init(&state->encoder);
-  lodepng_color_mode_init(&state->info_raw);
-  lodepng_info_init(&state->info_png);
-  state->error = 1;
-void lodepng_state_cleanup(LodePNGState* state) {
-  lodepng_color_mode_cleanup(&state->info_raw);
-  lodepng_info_cleanup(&state->info_png);
-void lodepng_state_copy(LodePNGState* dest, const LodePNGState* source) {
-  lodepng_state_cleanup(dest);
-  *dest = *source;
-  lodepng_color_mode_init(&dest->info_raw);
-  lodepng_info_init(&dest->info_png);
-  dest->error = lodepng_color_mode_copy(&dest->info_raw, &source->info_raw); if(dest->error) return;
-  dest->error = lodepng_info_copy(&dest->info_png, &source->info_png); if(dest->error) return;
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* / PNG Encoder                                                            / */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-static unsigned writeSignature(ucvector* out) {
-  size_t pos = out->size;
-  const unsigned char signature[] = {137, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10};
-  /*8 bytes PNG signature, aka the magic bytes*/
-  if(!ucvector_resize(out, out->size + 8)) return 83; /*alloc fail*/
-  lodepng_memcpy(out->data + pos, signature, 8);
-  return 0;
-static unsigned addChunk_IHDR(ucvector* out, unsigned w, unsigned h,
-                              LodePNGColorType colortype, unsigned bitdepth, unsigned interlace_method) {
-  unsigned char *chunk, *data;
-  CERROR_TRY_RETURN(lodepng_chunk_init(&chunk, out, 13, "IHDR"));
-  data = chunk + 8;
-  lodepng_set32bitInt(data + 0, w); /*width*/
-  lodepng_set32bitInt(data + 4, h); /*height*/
-  data[8] = (unsigned char)bitdepth; /*bit depth*/
-  data[9] = (unsigned char)colortype; /*color type*/
-  data[10] = 0; /*compression method*/
-  data[11] = 0; /*filter method*/
-  data[12] = interlace_method; /*interlace method*/
-  lodepng_chunk_generate_crc(chunk);
-  return 0;
-/* only adds the chunk if needed (there is a key or palette with alpha) */
-static unsigned addChunk_PLTE(ucvector* out, const LodePNGColorMode* info) {
-  unsigned char* chunk;
-  size_t i, j = 8;
-  if(info->palettesize == 0 || info->palettesize > 256) {
-    return 68; /*invalid palette size, it is only allowed to be 1-256*/
-  }
-  CERROR_TRY_RETURN(lodepng_chunk_init(&chunk, out, info->palettesize * 3, "PLTE"));
-  for(i = 0; i != info->palettesize; ++i) {
-    /*add all channels except alpha channel*/
-    chunk[j++] = info->palette[i * 4 + 0];
-    chunk[j++] = info->palette[i * 4 + 1];
-    chunk[j++] = info->palette[i * 4 + 2];
-  }
-  lodepng_chunk_generate_crc(chunk);
-  return 0;
-static unsigned addChunk_tRNS(ucvector* out, const LodePNGColorMode* info) {
-  unsigned char* chunk = 0;
-  if(info->colortype == LCT_PALETTE) {
-    size_t i, amount = info->palettesize;
-    /*the tail of palette values that all have 255 as alpha, does not have to be encoded*/
-    for(i = info->palettesize; i != 0; --i) {
-      if(info->palette[4 * (i - 1) + 3] != 255) break;
-      --amount;
-    }
-    if(amount) {
-      CERROR_TRY_RETURN(lodepng_chunk_init(&chunk, out, amount, "tRNS"));
-      /*add the alpha channel values from the palette*/
-      for(i = 0; i != amount; ++i) chunk[8 + i] = info->palette[4 * i + 3];
-    }
-  } else if(info->colortype == LCT_GREY) {
-    if(info->key_defined) {
-      CERROR_TRY_RETURN(lodepng_chunk_init(&chunk, out, 2, "tRNS"));
-      chunk[8] = (unsigned char)(info->key_r >> 8);
-      chunk[9] = (unsigned char)(info->key_r & 255);
-    }
-  } else if(info->colortype == LCT_RGB) {
-    if(info->key_defined) {
-      CERROR_TRY_RETURN(lodepng_chunk_init(&chunk, out, 6, "tRNS"));
-      chunk[8] = (unsigned char)(info->key_r >> 8);
-      chunk[9] = (unsigned char)(info->key_r & 255);
-      chunk[10] = (unsigned char)(info->key_g >> 8);
-      chunk[11] = (unsigned char)(info->key_g & 255);
-      chunk[12] = (unsigned char)(info->key_b >> 8);
-      chunk[13] = (unsigned char)(info->key_b & 255);
-    }
-  }
-  if(chunk) lodepng_chunk_generate_crc(chunk);
-  return 0;
-static unsigned addChunk_IDAT(ucvector* out, const unsigned char* data, size_t datasize,
-                              LodePNGCompressSettings* zlibsettings) {
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  unsigned char* zlib = 0;
-  size_t zlibsize = 0;
-  error = zlib_compress(&zlib, &zlibsize, data, datasize, zlibsettings);
-  if(!error) {
-    error = lodepng_chunk_createv(out, zlibsize, "IDAT", zlib);
-  }
-  lodepng_free(zlib);
-  return error;
-static unsigned addChunk_IEND(ucvector* out) {
-  return lodepng_chunk_createv(out, 0, "IEND", 0);
-static unsigned addChunk_tEXt(ucvector* out, const char* keyword, const char* textstring) {
-  unsigned char* chunk = 0;
-  size_t keysize = lodepng_strlen(keyword), textsize = lodepng_strlen(textstring);
-  size_t size = keysize + 1 + textsize;
-  if(keysize < 1 || keysize > 79) return 89; /*error: invalid keyword size*/
-  CERROR_TRY_RETURN(lodepng_chunk_init(&chunk, out, size, "tEXt"));
-  lodepng_memcpy(chunk + 8, keyword, keysize);
-  chunk[8 + keysize] = 0; /*null termination char*/
-  lodepng_memcpy(chunk + 9 + keysize, textstring, textsize);
-  lodepng_chunk_generate_crc(chunk);
-  return 0;
-static unsigned addChunk_zTXt(ucvector* out, const char* keyword, const char* textstring,
-                              LodePNGCompressSettings* zlibsettings) {
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  unsigned char* chunk = 0;
-  unsigned char* compressed = 0;
-  size_t compressedsize = 0;
-  size_t textsize = lodepng_strlen(textstring);
-  size_t keysize = lodepng_strlen(keyword);
-  if(keysize < 1 || keysize > 79) return 89; /*error: invalid keyword size*/
-  error = zlib_compress(&compressed, &compressedsize,
-                        (const unsigned char*)textstring, textsize, zlibsettings);
-  if(!error) {
-    size_t size = keysize + 2 + compressedsize;
-    error = lodepng_chunk_init(&chunk, out, size, "zTXt");
-  }
-  if(!error) {
-    lodepng_memcpy(chunk + 8, keyword, keysize);
-    chunk[8 + keysize] = 0; /*null termination char*/
-    chunk[9 + keysize] = 0; /*compression method: 0*/
-    lodepng_memcpy(chunk + 10 + keysize, compressed, compressedsize);
-    lodepng_chunk_generate_crc(chunk);
-  }
-  lodepng_free(compressed);
-  return error;
-static unsigned addChunk_iTXt(ucvector* out, unsigned compress, const char* keyword, const char* langtag,
-                              const char* transkey, const char* textstring, LodePNGCompressSettings* zlibsettings) {
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  unsigned char* chunk = 0;
-  unsigned char* compressed = 0;
-  size_t compressedsize = 0;
-  size_t textsize = lodepng_strlen(textstring);
-  size_t keysize = lodepng_strlen(keyword), langsize = lodepng_strlen(langtag), transsize = lodepng_strlen(transkey);
-  if(keysize < 1 || keysize > 79) return 89; /*error: invalid keyword size*/
-  if(compress) {
-    error = zlib_compress(&compressed, &compressedsize,
-                          (const unsigned char*)textstring, textsize, zlibsettings);
-  }
-  if(!error) {
-    size_t size = keysize + 3 + langsize + 1 + transsize + 1 + (compress ? compressedsize : textsize);
-    error = lodepng_chunk_init(&chunk, out, size, "iTXt");
-  }
-  if(!error) {
-    size_t pos = 8;
-    lodepng_memcpy(chunk + pos, keyword, keysize);
-    pos += keysize;
-    chunk[pos++] = 0; /*null termination char*/
-    chunk[pos++] = (compress ? 1 : 0); /*compression flag*/
-    chunk[pos++] = 0; /*compression method: 0*/
-    lodepng_memcpy(chunk + pos, langtag, langsize);
-    pos += langsize;
-    chunk[pos++] = 0; /*null termination char*/
-    lodepng_memcpy(chunk + pos, transkey, transsize);
-    pos += transsize;
-    chunk[pos++] = 0; /*null termination char*/
-    if(compress) {
-      lodepng_memcpy(chunk + pos, compressed, compressedsize);
-    } else {
-      lodepng_memcpy(chunk + pos, textstring, textsize);
-    }
-    lodepng_chunk_generate_crc(chunk);
-  }
-  lodepng_free(compressed);
-  return error;
-static unsigned addChunk_bKGD(ucvector* out, const LodePNGInfo* info) {
-  unsigned char* chunk = 0;
-  if(info->color.colortype == LCT_GREY || info->color.colortype == LCT_GREY_ALPHA) {
-    CERROR_TRY_RETURN(lodepng_chunk_init(&chunk, out, 2, "bKGD"));
-    chunk[8] = (unsigned char)(info->background_r >> 8);
-    chunk[9] = (unsigned char)(info->background_r & 255);
-  } else if(info->color.colortype == LCT_RGB || info->color.colortype == LCT_RGBA) {
-    CERROR_TRY_RETURN(lodepng_chunk_init(&chunk, out, 6, "bKGD"));
-    chunk[8] = (unsigned char)(info->background_r >> 8);
-    chunk[9] = (unsigned char)(info->background_r & 255);
-    chunk[10] = (unsigned char)(info->background_g >> 8);
-    chunk[11] = (unsigned char)(info->background_g & 255);
-    chunk[12] = (unsigned char)(info->background_b >> 8);
-    chunk[13] = (unsigned char)(info->background_b & 255);
-  } else if(info->color.colortype == LCT_PALETTE) {
-    CERROR_TRY_RETURN(lodepng_chunk_init(&chunk, out, 1, "bKGD"));
-    chunk[8] = (unsigned char)(info->background_r & 255); /*palette index*/
-  }
-  if(chunk) lodepng_chunk_generate_crc(chunk);
-  return 0;
-static unsigned addChunk_tIME(ucvector* out, const LodePNGTime* time) {
-  unsigned char* chunk;
-  CERROR_TRY_RETURN(lodepng_chunk_init(&chunk, out, 7, "tIME"));
-  chunk[8] = (unsigned char)(time->year >> 8);
-  chunk[9] = (unsigned char)(time->year & 255);
-  chunk[10] = (unsigned char)time->month;
-  chunk[11] = (unsigned char)time->day;
-  chunk[12] = (unsigned char)time->hour;
-  chunk[13] = (unsigned char)time->minute;
-  chunk[14] = (unsigned char)time->second;
-  lodepng_chunk_generate_crc(chunk);
-  return 0;
-static unsigned addChunk_pHYs(ucvector* out, const LodePNGInfo* info) {
-  unsigned char* chunk;
-  CERROR_TRY_RETURN(lodepng_chunk_init(&chunk, out, 9, "pHYs"));
-  lodepng_set32bitInt(chunk + 8, info->phys_x);
-  lodepng_set32bitInt(chunk + 12, info->phys_y);
-  chunk[16] = info->phys_unit;
-  lodepng_chunk_generate_crc(chunk);
-  return 0;
-static unsigned addChunk_gAMA(ucvector* out, const LodePNGInfo* info) {
-  unsigned char* chunk;
-  CERROR_TRY_RETURN(lodepng_chunk_init(&chunk, out, 4, "gAMA"));
-  lodepng_set32bitInt(chunk + 8, info->gama_gamma);
-  lodepng_chunk_generate_crc(chunk);
-  return 0;
-static unsigned addChunk_cHRM(ucvector* out, const LodePNGInfo* info) {
-  unsigned char* chunk;
-  CERROR_TRY_RETURN(lodepng_chunk_init(&chunk, out, 32, "cHRM"));
-  lodepng_set32bitInt(chunk + 8, info->chrm_white_x);
-  lodepng_set32bitInt(chunk + 12, info->chrm_white_y);
-  lodepng_set32bitInt(chunk + 16, info->chrm_red_x);
-  lodepng_set32bitInt(chunk + 20, info->chrm_red_y);
-  lodepng_set32bitInt(chunk + 24, info->chrm_green_x);
-  lodepng_set32bitInt(chunk + 28, info->chrm_green_y);
-  lodepng_set32bitInt(chunk + 32, info->chrm_blue_x);
-  lodepng_set32bitInt(chunk + 36, info->chrm_blue_y);
-  lodepng_chunk_generate_crc(chunk);
-  return 0;
-static unsigned addChunk_sRGB(ucvector* out, const LodePNGInfo* info) {
-  unsigned char data = info->srgb_intent;
-  return lodepng_chunk_createv(out, 1, "sRGB", &data);
-static unsigned addChunk_iCCP(ucvector* out, const LodePNGInfo* info, LodePNGCompressSettings* zlibsettings) {
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  unsigned char* chunk = 0;
-  unsigned char* compressed = 0;
-  size_t compressedsize = 0;
-  size_t keysize = lodepng_strlen(info->iccp_name);
-  if(keysize < 1 || keysize > 79) return 89; /*error: invalid keyword size*/
-  error = zlib_compress(&compressed, &compressedsize,
-                        info->iccp_profile, info->iccp_profile_size, zlibsettings);
-  if(!error) {
-    size_t size = keysize + 2 + compressedsize;
-    error = lodepng_chunk_init(&chunk, out, size, "iCCP");
-  }
-  if(!error) {
-    lodepng_memcpy(chunk + 8, info->iccp_name, keysize);
-    chunk[8 + keysize] = 0; /*null termination char*/
-    chunk[9 + keysize] = 0; /*compression method: 0*/
-    lodepng_memcpy(chunk + 10 + keysize, compressed, compressedsize);
-    lodepng_chunk_generate_crc(chunk);
-  }
-  lodepng_free(compressed);
-  return error;
-static unsigned addChunk_sBIT(ucvector* out, const LodePNGInfo* info) {
-  unsigned bitdepth = (info->color.colortype == LCT_PALETTE) ? 8 : info->color.bitdepth;
-  unsigned char* chunk = 0;
-  if(info->color.colortype == LCT_GREY) {
-    if(info->sbit_r == 0 || info->sbit_r > bitdepth) return 115;
-    CERROR_TRY_RETURN(lodepng_chunk_init(&chunk, out, 1, "sBIT"));
-    chunk[8] = info->sbit_r;
-  } else if(info->color.colortype == LCT_RGB || info->color.colortype == LCT_PALETTE) {
-    if(info->sbit_r == 0 || info->sbit_g == 0 || info->sbit_b == 0) return 115;
-    if(info->sbit_r > bitdepth || info->sbit_g > bitdepth || info->sbit_b > bitdepth) return 115;
-    CERROR_TRY_RETURN(lodepng_chunk_init(&chunk, out, 3, "sBIT"));
-    chunk[8] = info->sbit_r;
-    chunk[9] = info->sbit_g;
-    chunk[10] = info->sbit_b;
-  } else if(info->color.colortype == LCT_GREY_ALPHA) {
-    if(info->sbit_r == 0 || info->sbit_a == 0) return 115;
-    if(info->sbit_r > bitdepth || info->sbit_a > bitdepth) return 115;
-    CERROR_TRY_RETURN(lodepng_chunk_init(&chunk, out, 2, "sBIT"));
-    chunk[8] = info->sbit_r;
-    chunk[9] = info->sbit_a;
-  } else if(info->color.colortype == LCT_RGBA) {
-    if(info->sbit_r == 0 || info->sbit_g == 0 || info->sbit_b == 0 || info->sbit_a == 0 ||
-       info->sbit_r > bitdepth || info->sbit_g > bitdepth ||
-       info->sbit_b > bitdepth || info->sbit_a > bitdepth) {
-      return 115;
-    }
-    CERROR_TRY_RETURN(lodepng_chunk_init(&chunk, out, 4, "sBIT"));
-    chunk[8] = info->sbit_r;
-    chunk[9] = info->sbit_g;
-    chunk[10] = info->sbit_b;
-    chunk[11] = info->sbit_a;
-  }
-  if(chunk) lodepng_chunk_generate_crc(chunk);
-  return 0;
-static void filterScanline(unsigned char* out, const unsigned char* scanline, const unsigned char* prevline,
-                           size_t length, size_t bytewidth, unsigned char filterType) {
-  size_t i;
-  switch(filterType) {
-    case 0: /*None*/
-      for(i = 0; i != length; ++i) out[i] = scanline[i];
-      break;
-    case 1: /*Sub*/
-      for(i = 0; i != bytewidth; ++i) out[i] = scanline[i];
-      for(i = bytewidth; i < length; ++i) out[i] = scanline[i] - scanline[i - bytewidth];
-      break;
-    case 2: /*Up*/
-      if(prevline) {
-        for(i = 0; i != length; ++i) out[i] = scanline[i] - prevline[i];
-      } else {
-        for(i = 0; i != length; ++i) out[i] = scanline[i];
-      }
-      break;
-    case 3: /*Average*/
-      if(prevline) {
-        for(i = 0; i != bytewidth; ++i) out[i] = scanline[i] - (prevline[i] >> 1);
-        for(i = bytewidth; i < length; ++i) out[i] = scanline[i] - ((scanline[i - bytewidth] + prevline[i]) >> 1);
-      } else {
-        for(i = 0; i != bytewidth; ++i) out[i] = scanline[i];
-        for(i = bytewidth; i < length; ++i) out[i] = scanline[i] - (scanline[i - bytewidth] >> 1);
-      }
-      break;
-    case 4: /*Paeth*/
-      if(prevline) {
-        /*paethPredictor(0, prevline[i], 0) is always prevline[i]*/
-        for(i = 0; i != bytewidth; ++i) out[i] = (scanline[i] - prevline[i]);
-        for(i = bytewidth; i < length; ++i) {
-          out[i] = (scanline[i] - paethPredictor(scanline[i - bytewidth], prevline[i], prevline[i - bytewidth]));
-        }
-      } else {
-        for(i = 0; i != bytewidth; ++i) out[i] = scanline[i];
-        /*paethPredictor(scanline[i - bytewidth], 0, 0) is always scanline[i - bytewidth]*/
-        for(i = bytewidth; i < length; ++i) out[i] = (scanline[i] - scanline[i - bytewidth]);
-      }
-      break;
-    default: return; /*invalid filter type given*/
-  }
-/* integer binary logarithm, max return value is 31 */
-static size_t ilog2(size_t i) {
-  size_t result = 0;
-  if(i >= 65536) { result += 16; i >>= 16; }
-  if(i >= 256) { result += 8; i >>= 8; }
-  if(i >= 16) { result += 4; i >>= 4; }
-  if(i >= 4) { result += 2; i >>= 2; }
-  if(i >= 2) { result += 1; /*i >>= 1;*/ }
-  return result;
-/* integer approximation for i * log2(i), helper function for LFS_ENTROPY */
-static size_t ilog2i(size_t i) {
-  size_t l;
-  if(i == 0) return 0;
-  l = ilog2(i);
-  /* approximate i*log2(i): l is integer logarithm, ((i - (1u << l)) << 1u)
-  linearly approximates the missing fractional part multiplied by i */
-  return i * l + ((i - (1u << l)) << 1u);
-static unsigned filter(unsigned char* out, const unsigned char* in, unsigned w, unsigned h,
-                       const LodePNGColorMode* color, const LodePNGEncoderSettings* settings) {
-  /*
-  For PNG filter method 0
-  out must be a buffer with as size: h + (w * h * bpp + 7u) / 8u, because there are
-  the scanlines with 1 extra byte per scanline
-  */
-  unsigned bpp = lodepng_get_bpp(color);
-  /*the width of a scanline in bytes, not including the filter type*/
-  size_t linebytes = lodepng_get_raw_size_idat(w, 1, bpp) - 1u;
-  /*bytewidth is used for filtering, is 1 when bpp < 8, number of bytes per pixel otherwise*/
-  size_t bytewidth = (bpp + 7u) / 8u;
-  const unsigned char* prevline = 0;
-  unsigned x, y;
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  LodePNGFilterStrategy strategy = settings->filter_strategy;
-  /*
-  There is a heuristic called the minimum sum of absolute differences heuristic, suggested by the PNG standard:
-   *  If the image type is Palette, or the bit depth is smaller than 8, then do not filter the image (i.e.
-      use fixed filtering, with the filter None).
-   * (The other case) If the image type is Grayscale or RGB (with or without Alpha), and the bit depth is
-     not smaller than 8, then use adaptive filtering heuristic as follows: independently for each row, apply
-     all five filters and select the filter that produces the smallest sum of absolute values per row.
-  This heuristic is used if filter strategy is LFS_MINSUM and filter_palette_zero is true.
-  If filter_palette_zero is true and filter_strategy is not LFS_MINSUM, the above heuristic is followed,
-  but for "the other case", whatever strategy filter_strategy is set to instead of the minimum sum
-  heuristic is used.
-  */
-  if(settings->filter_palette_zero &&
-     (color->colortype == LCT_PALETTE || color->bitdepth < 8)) strategy = LFS_ZERO;
-  if(bpp == 0) return 31; /*error: invalid color type*/
-  if(strategy >= LFS_ZERO && strategy <= LFS_FOUR) {
-    unsigned char type = (unsigned char)strategy;
-    for(y = 0; y != h; ++y) {
-      size_t outindex = (1 + linebytes) * y; /*the extra filterbyte added to each row*/
-      size_t inindex = linebytes * y;
-      out[outindex] = type; /*filter type byte*/
-      filterScanline(&out[outindex + 1], &in[inindex], prevline, linebytes, bytewidth, type);
-      prevline = &in[inindex];
-    }
-  } else if(strategy == LFS_MINSUM) {
-    /*adaptive filtering*/
-    unsigned char* attempt[5]; /*five filtering attempts, one for each filter type*/
-    size_t smallest = 0;
-    unsigned char type, bestType = 0;
-    for(type = 0; type != 5; ++type) {
-      attempt[type] = (unsigned char*)lodepng_malloc(linebytes);
-      if(!attempt[type]) error = 83; /*alloc fail*/
-    }
-    if(!error) {
-      for(y = 0; y != h; ++y) {
-        /*try the 5 filter types*/
-        for(type = 0; type != 5; ++type) {
-          size_t sum = 0;
-          filterScanline(attempt[type], &in[y * linebytes], prevline, linebytes, bytewidth, type);
-          /*calculate the sum of the result*/
-          if(type == 0) {
-            for(x = 0; x != linebytes; ++x) sum += (unsigned char)(attempt[type][x]);
-          } else {
-            for(x = 0; x != linebytes; ++x) {
-              /*For differences, each byte should be treated as signed, values above 127 are negative
-              (converted to signed char). Filtertype 0 isn't a difference though, so use unsigned there.
-              This means filtertype 0 is almost never chosen, but that is justified.*/
-              unsigned char s = attempt[type][x];
-              sum += s < 128 ? s : (255U - s);
-            }
-          }
-          /*check if this is smallest sum (or if type == 0 it's the first case so always store the values)*/
-          if(type == 0 || sum < smallest) {
-            bestType = type;
-            smallest = sum;
-          }
-        }
-        prevline = &in[y * linebytes];
-        /*now fill the out values*/
-        out[y * (linebytes + 1)] = bestType; /*the first byte of a scanline will be the filter type*/
-        for(x = 0; x != linebytes; ++x) out[y * (linebytes + 1) + 1 + x] = attempt[bestType][x];
-      }
-    }
-    for(type = 0; type != 5; ++type) lodepng_free(attempt[type]);
-  } else if(strategy == LFS_ENTROPY) {
-    unsigned char* attempt[5]; /*five filtering attempts, one for each filter type*/
-    size_t bestSum = 0;
-    unsigned type, bestType = 0;
-    unsigned count[256];
-    for(type = 0; type != 5; ++type) {
-      attempt[type] = (unsigned char*)lodepng_malloc(linebytes);
-      if(!attempt[type]) error = 83; /*alloc fail*/
-    }
-    if(!error) {
-      for(y = 0; y != h; ++y) {
-        /*try the 5 filter types*/
-        for(type = 0; type != 5; ++type) {
-          size_t sum = 0;
-          filterScanline(attempt[type], &in[y * linebytes], prevline, linebytes, bytewidth, type);
-          lodepng_memset(count, 0, 256 * sizeof(*count));
-          for(x = 0; x != linebytes; ++x) ++count[attempt[type][x]];
-          ++count[type]; /*the filter type itself is part of the scanline*/
-          for(x = 0; x != 256; ++x) {
-            sum += ilog2i(count[x]);
-          }
-          /*check if this is smallest sum (or if type == 0 it's the first case so always store the values)*/
-          if(type == 0 || sum > bestSum) {
-            bestType = type;
-            bestSum = sum;
-          }
-        }
-        prevline = &in[y * linebytes];
-        /*now fill the out values*/
-        out[y * (linebytes + 1)] = bestType; /*the first byte of a scanline will be the filter type*/
-        for(x = 0; x != linebytes; ++x) out[y * (linebytes + 1) + 1 + x] = attempt[bestType][x];
-      }
-    }
-    for(type = 0; type != 5; ++type) lodepng_free(attempt[type]);
-  } else if(strategy == LFS_PREDEFINED) {
-    for(y = 0; y != h; ++y) {
-      size_t outindex = (1 + linebytes) * y; /*the extra filterbyte added to each row*/
-      size_t inindex = linebytes * y;
-      unsigned char type = settings->predefined_filters[y];
-      out[outindex] = type; /*filter type byte*/
-      filterScanline(&out[outindex + 1], &in[inindex], prevline, linebytes, bytewidth, type);
-      prevline = &in[inindex];
-    }
-  } else if(strategy == LFS_BRUTE_FORCE) {
-    /*brute force filter chooser.
-    deflate the scanline after every filter attempt to see which one deflates best.
-    This is very slow and gives only slightly smaller, sometimes even larger, result*/
-    size_t size[5];
-    unsigned char* attempt[5]; /*five filtering attempts, one for each filter type*/
-    size_t smallest = 0;
-    unsigned type = 0, bestType = 0;
-    unsigned char* dummy;
-    LodePNGCompressSettings zlibsettings;
-    lodepng_memcpy(&zlibsettings, &settings->zlibsettings, sizeof(LodePNGCompressSettings));
-    /*use fixed tree on the attempts so that the tree is not adapted to the filtertype on purpose,
-    to simulate the true case where the tree is the same for the whole image. Sometimes it gives
-    better result with dynamic tree anyway. Using the fixed tree sometimes gives worse, but in rare
-    cases better compression. It does make this a bit less slow, so it's worth doing this.*/
-    zlibsettings.btype = 1;
-    /*a custom encoder likely doesn't read the btype setting and is optimized for complete PNG
-    images only, so disable it*/
-    zlibsettings.custom_zlib = 0;
-    zlibsettings.custom_deflate = 0;
-    for(type = 0; type != 5; ++type) {
-      attempt[type] = (unsigned char*)lodepng_malloc(linebytes);
-      if(!attempt[type]) error = 83; /*alloc fail*/
-    }
-    if(!error) {
-      for(y = 0; y != h; ++y) /*try the 5 filter types*/ {
-        for(type = 0; type != 5; ++type) {
-          unsigned testsize = (unsigned)linebytes;
-          /*if(testsize > 8) testsize /= 8;*/ /*it already works good enough by testing a part of the row*/
-          filterScanline(attempt[type], &in[y * linebytes], prevline, linebytes, bytewidth, type);
-          size[type] = 0;
-          dummy = 0;
-          zlib_compress(&dummy, &size[type], attempt[type], testsize, &zlibsettings);
-          lodepng_free(dummy);
-          /*check if this is smallest size (or if type == 0 it's the first case so always store the values)*/
-          if(type == 0 || size[type] < smallest) {
-            bestType = type;
-            smallest = size[type];
-          }
-        }
-        prevline = &in[y * linebytes];
-        out[y * (linebytes + 1)] = bestType; /*the first byte of a scanline will be the filter type*/
-        for(x = 0; x != linebytes; ++x) out[y * (linebytes + 1) + 1 + x] = attempt[bestType][x];
-      }
-    }
-    for(type = 0; type != 5; ++type) lodepng_free(attempt[type]);
-  }
-  else return 88; /* unknown filter strategy */
-  return error;
-static void addPaddingBits(unsigned char* out, const unsigned char* in,
-                           size_t olinebits, size_t ilinebits, unsigned h) {
-  /*The opposite of the removePaddingBits function
-  olinebits must be >= ilinebits*/
-  unsigned y;
-  size_t diff = olinebits - ilinebits;
-  size_t obp = 0, ibp = 0; /*bit pointers*/
-  for(y = 0; y != h; ++y) {
-    size_t x;
-    for(x = 0; x < ilinebits; ++x) {
-      unsigned char bit = readBitFromReversedStream(&ibp, in);
-      setBitOfReversedStream(&obp, out, bit);
-    }
-    /*obp += diff; --> no, fill in some value in the padding bits too, to avoid
-    "Use of uninitialised value of size ###" warning from valgrind*/
-    for(x = 0; x != diff; ++x) setBitOfReversedStream(&obp, out, 0);
-  }
-in: non-interlaced image with size w*h
-out: the same pixels, but re-ordered according to PNG's Adam7 interlacing, with
- no padding bits between scanlines, but between reduced images so that each
- reduced image starts at a byte.
-bpp: bits per pixel
-there are no padding bits, not between scanlines, not between reduced images
-in has the following size in bits: w * h * bpp.
-out is possibly bigger due to padding bits between reduced images
-NOTE: comments about padding bits are only relevant if bpp < 8
-static void Adam7_interlace(unsigned char* out, const unsigned char* in, unsigned w, unsigned h, unsigned bpp) {
-  unsigned passw[7], passh[7];
-  size_t filter_passstart[8], padded_passstart[8], passstart[8];
-  unsigned i;
-  Adam7_getpassvalues(passw, passh, filter_passstart, padded_passstart, passstart, w, h, bpp);
-  if(bpp >= 8) {
-    for(i = 0; i != 7; ++i) {
-      unsigned x, y, b;
-      size_t bytewidth = bpp / 8u;
-      for(y = 0; y < passh[i]; ++y)
-      for(x = 0; x < passw[i]; ++x) {
-        size_t pixelinstart = ((ADAM7_IY[i] + y * ADAM7_DY[i]) * w + ADAM7_IX[i] + x * ADAM7_DX[i]) * bytewidth;
-        size_t pixeloutstart = passstart[i] + (y * passw[i] + x) * bytewidth;
-        for(b = 0; b < bytewidth; ++b) {
-          out[pixeloutstart + b] = in[pixelinstart + b];
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  } else /*bpp < 8: Adam7 with pixels < 8 bit is a bit trickier: with bit pointers*/ {
-    for(i = 0; i != 7; ++i) {
-      unsigned x, y, b;
-      unsigned ilinebits = bpp * passw[i];
-      unsigned olinebits = bpp * w;
-      size_t obp, ibp; /*bit pointers (for out and in buffer)*/
-      for(y = 0; y < passh[i]; ++y)
-      for(x = 0; x < passw[i]; ++x) {
-        ibp = (ADAM7_IY[i] + y * ADAM7_DY[i]) * olinebits + (ADAM7_IX[i] + x * ADAM7_DX[i]) * bpp;
-        obp = (8 * passstart[i]) + (y * ilinebits + x * bpp);
-        for(b = 0; b < bpp; ++b) {
-          unsigned char bit = readBitFromReversedStream(&ibp, in);
-          setBitOfReversedStream(&obp, out, bit);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-/*out must be buffer big enough to contain uncompressed IDAT chunk data, and in must contain the full image.
-return value is error**/
-static unsigned preProcessScanlines(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize, const unsigned char* in,
-                                    unsigned w, unsigned h,
-                                    const LodePNGInfo* info_png, const LodePNGEncoderSettings* settings) {
-  /*
-  This function converts the pure 2D image with the PNG's colortype, into filtered-padded-interlaced data. Steps:
-  *) if no Adam7: 1) add padding bits (= possible extra bits per scanline if bpp < 8) 2) filter
-  *) if adam7: 1) Adam7_interlace 2) 7x add padding bits 3) 7x filter
-  */
-  unsigned bpp = lodepng_get_bpp(&info_png->color);
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  if(info_png->interlace_method == 0) {
-    *outsize = h + (h * ((w * bpp + 7u) / 8u)); /*image size plus an extra byte per scanline + possible padding bits*/
-    *out = (unsigned char*)lodepng_malloc(*outsize);
-    if(!(*out) && (*outsize)) error = 83; /*alloc fail*/
-    if(!error) {
-      /*non multiple of 8 bits per scanline, padding bits needed per scanline*/
-      if(bpp < 8 && w * bpp != ((w * bpp + 7u) / 8u) * 8u) {
-        unsigned char* padded = (unsigned char*)lodepng_malloc(h * ((w * bpp + 7u) / 8u));
-        if(!padded) error = 83; /*alloc fail*/
-        if(!error) {
-          addPaddingBits(padded, in, ((w * bpp + 7u) / 8u) * 8u, w * bpp, h);
-          error = filter(*out, padded, w, h, &info_png->color, settings);
-        }
-        lodepng_free(padded);
-      } else {
-        /*we can immediately filter into the out buffer, no other steps needed*/
-        error = filter(*out, in, w, h, &info_png->color, settings);
-      }
-    }
-  } else /*interlace_method is 1 (Adam7)*/ {
-    unsigned passw[7], passh[7];
-    size_t filter_passstart[8], padded_passstart[8], passstart[8];
-    unsigned char* adam7;
-    Adam7_getpassvalues(passw, passh, filter_passstart, padded_passstart, passstart, w, h, bpp);
-    *outsize = filter_passstart[7]; /*image size plus an extra byte per scanline + possible padding bits*/
-    *out = (unsigned char*)lodepng_malloc(*outsize);
-    if(!(*out)) error = 83; /*alloc fail*/
-    adam7 = (unsigned char*)lodepng_malloc(passstart[7]);
-    if(!adam7 && passstart[7]) error = 83; /*alloc fail*/
-    if(!error) {
-      unsigned i;
-      Adam7_interlace(adam7, in, w, h, bpp);
-      for(i = 0; i != 7; ++i) {
-        if(bpp < 8) {
-          unsigned char* padded = (unsigned char*)lodepng_malloc(padded_passstart[i + 1] - padded_passstart[i]);
-          if(!padded) ERROR_BREAK(83); /*alloc fail*/
-          addPaddingBits(padded, &adam7[passstart[i]],
-                         ((passw[i] * bpp + 7u) / 8u) * 8u, passw[i] * bpp, passh[i]);
-          error = filter(&(*out)[filter_passstart[i]], padded,
-                         passw[i], passh[i], &info_png->color, settings);
-          lodepng_free(padded);
-        } else {
-          error = filter(&(*out)[filter_passstart[i]], &adam7[padded_passstart[i]],
-                         passw[i], passh[i], &info_png->color, settings);
-        }
-        if(error) break;
-      }
-    }
-    lodepng_free(adam7);
-  }
-  return error;
-static unsigned addUnknownChunks(ucvector* out, unsigned char* data, size_t datasize) {
-  unsigned char* inchunk = data;
-  while((size_t)(inchunk - data) < datasize) {
-    CERROR_TRY_RETURN(lodepng_chunk_append(&out->data, &out->size, inchunk));
-    out->allocsize = out->size; /*fix the allocsize again*/
-    inchunk = lodepng_chunk_next(inchunk, data + datasize);
-  }
-  return 0;
-static unsigned isGrayICCProfile(const unsigned char* profile, unsigned size) {
-  /*
-  It is a gray profile if bytes 16-19 are "GRAY", rgb profile if bytes 16-19
-  are "RGB ". We do not perform any full parsing of the ICC profile here, other
-  than check those 4 bytes to grayscale profile. Other than that, validity of
-  the profile is not checked. This is needed only because the PNG specification
-  requires using a non-gray color model if there is an ICC profile with "RGB "
-  (sadly limiting compression opportunities if the input data is grayscale RGB
-  data), and requires using a gray color model if it is "GRAY".
-  */
-  if(size < 20) return 0;
-  return profile[16] == 'G' &&  profile[17] == 'R' &&  profile[18] == 'A' &&  profile[19] == 'Y';
-static unsigned isRGBICCProfile(const unsigned char* profile, unsigned size) {
-  /* See comment in isGrayICCProfile*/
-  if(size < 20) return 0;
-  return profile[16] == 'R' &&  profile[17] == 'G' &&  profile[18] == 'B' &&  profile[19] == ' ';
-unsigned lodepng_encode(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize,
-                        const unsigned char* image, unsigned w, unsigned h,
-                        LodePNGState* state) {
-  unsigned char* data = 0; /*uncompressed version of the IDAT chunk data*/
-  size_t datasize = 0;
-  ucvector outv = ucvector_init(NULL, 0);
-  LodePNGInfo info;
-  const LodePNGInfo* info_png = &state->info_png;
-  LodePNGColorMode auto_color;
-  lodepng_info_init(&info);
-  lodepng_color_mode_init(&auto_color);
-  /*provide some proper output values if error will happen*/
-  *out = 0;
-  *outsize = 0;
-  state->error = 0;
-  /*check input values validity*/
-  if((info_png->color.colortype == LCT_PALETTE || state->encoder.force_palette)
-      && (info_png->color.palettesize == 0 || info_png->color.palettesize > 256)) {
-    /*this error is returned even if auto_convert is enabled and thus encoder could
-    generate the palette by itself: while allowing this could be possible in theory,
-    it may complicate the code or edge cases, and always requiring to give a palette
-    when setting this color type is a simpler contract*/
-    state->error = 68; /*invalid palette size, it is only allowed to be 1-256*/
-    goto cleanup;
-  }
-  if(state->encoder.zlibsettings.btype > 2) {
-    state->error = 61; /*error: invalid btype*/
-    goto cleanup;
-  }
-  if(info_png->interlace_method > 1) {
-    state->error = 71; /*error: invalid interlace mode*/
-    goto cleanup;
-  }
-  state->error = checkColorValidity(info_png->color.colortype, info_png->color.bitdepth);
-  if(state->error) goto cleanup; /*error: invalid color type given*/
-  state->error = checkColorValidity(state->info_raw.colortype, state->info_raw.bitdepth);
-  if(state->error) goto cleanup; /*error: invalid color type given*/
-  /* color convert and compute scanline filter types */
-  lodepng_info_copy(&info, &state->info_png);
-  if(state->encoder.auto_convert) {
-    LodePNGColorStats stats;
-    unsigned allow_convert = 1;
-    lodepng_color_stats_init(&stats);
-    if(info_png->iccp_defined &&
-        isGrayICCProfile(info_png->iccp_profile, info_png->iccp_profile_size)) {
-      /*the PNG specification does not allow to use palette with a GRAY ICC profile, even
-      if the palette has only gray colors, so disallow it.*/
-      stats.allow_palette = 0;
-    }
-    if(info_png->iccp_defined &&
-        isRGBICCProfile(info_png->iccp_profile, info_png->iccp_profile_size)) {
-      /*the PNG specification does not allow to use grayscale color with RGB ICC profile, so disallow gray.*/
-      stats.allow_greyscale = 0;
-    }
-    state->error = lodepng_compute_color_stats(&stats, image, w, h, &state->info_raw);
-    if(state->error) goto cleanup;
-    if(info_png->background_defined) {
-      /*the background chunk's color must be taken into account as well*/
-      unsigned r = 0, g = 0, b = 0;
-      LodePNGColorMode mode16 = lodepng_color_mode_make(LCT_RGB, 16);
-      lodepng_convert_rgb(&r, &g, &b,
-          info_png->background_r, info_png->background_g, info_png->background_b, &mode16, &info_png->color);
-      state->error = lodepng_color_stats_add(&stats, r, g, b, 65535);
-      if(state->error) goto cleanup;
-    }
-    state->error = auto_choose_color(&auto_color, &state->info_raw, &stats);
-    if(state->error) goto cleanup;
-    if(info_png->sbit_defined) {
-      /*if sbit is defined, due to strict requirements of which sbit values can be present for which color modes,
-      auto_convert can't be done in many cases. However, do support a few cases here.
-      TODO: more conversions may be possible, and it may also be possible to get a more appropriate color type out of
-            auto_choose_color if knowledge about sbit is used beforehand
-      */
-      unsigned sbit_max = LODEPNG_MAX(LODEPNG_MAX(LODEPNG_MAX(info_png->sbit_r, info_png->sbit_g),
-                           info_png->sbit_b), info_png->sbit_a);
-      unsigned equal = (!info_png->sbit_g || info_png->sbit_g == info_png->sbit_r)
-                    && (!info_png->sbit_b || info_png->sbit_b == info_png->sbit_r)
-                    && (!info_png->sbit_a || info_png->sbit_a == info_png->sbit_r);
-      allow_convert = 0;
-      if(info.color.colortype == LCT_PALETTE &&
-         auto_color.colortype == LCT_PALETTE) {
-        /* input and output are palette, and in this case it may happen that palette data is
-        expected to be copied from info_raw into the info_png */
-        allow_convert = 1;
-      }
-      /*going from 8-bit RGB to palette (or 16-bit as long as sbit_max <= 8) is possible
-      since both are 8-bit RGB for sBIT's purposes*/
-      if(info.color.colortype == LCT_RGB &&
-         auto_color.colortype == LCT_PALETTE && sbit_max <= 8) {
-        allow_convert = 1;
-      }
-      /*going from 8-bit RGBA to palette is also ok but only if sbit_a is exactly 8*/
-      if(info.color.colortype == LCT_RGBA && auto_color.colortype == LCT_PALETTE &&
-         info_png->sbit_a == 8 && sbit_max <= 8) {
-        allow_convert = 1;
-      }
-      /*going from 16-bit RGB(A) to 8-bit RGB(A) is ok if all sbit values are <= 8*/
-      if((info.color.colortype == LCT_RGB || info.color.colortype == LCT_RGBA) && info.color.bitdepth == 16 &&
-         auto_color.colortype == info.color.colortype && auto_color.bitdepth == 8 &&
-         sbit_max <= 8) {
-        allow_convert = 1;
-      }
-      /*going to less channels is ok if all bit values are equal (all possible values in sbit,
-        as well as the chosen bitdepth of the result). Due to how auto_convert works,
-        we already know that auto_color.colortype has less than or equal amount of channels than
-        info.colortype. Palette is not used here. This conversion is not allowed if
-        info_png->sbit_r < auto_color.bitdepth, because specifically for alpha, non-presence of
-        an sbit value heavily implies that alpha's bit depth is equal to the PNG bit depth (rather
-        than the bit depths set in the r, g and b sbit values, by how the PNG specification describes
-        handling tRNS chunk case with sBIT), so be conservative here about ignoring user input.*/
-      if(info.color.colortype != LCT_PALETTE && auto_color.colortype != LCT_PALETTE &&
-         equal && info_png->sbit_r == auto_color.bitdepth) {
-        allow_convert = 1;
-      }
-    }
-    if(state->encoder.force_palette) {
-      if(info.color.colortype != LCT_GREY && info.color.colortype != LCT_GREY_ALPHA &&
-         (auto_color.colortype == LCT_GREY || auto_color.colortype == LCT_GREY_ALPHA)) {
-        /*user speficially forced a PLTE palette, so cannot convert to grayscale types because
-        the PNG specification only allows writing a suggested palette in PLTE for truecolor types*/
-        allow_convert = 0;
-      }
-    }
-    if(allow_convert) {
-      lodepng_color_mode_copy(&info.color, &auto_color);
-      /*also convert the background chunk*/
-      if(info_png->background_defined) {
-        if(lodepng_convert_rgb(&info.background_r, &info.background_g, &info.background_b,
-            info_png->background_r, info_png->background_g, info_png->background_b, &info.color, &info_png->color)) {
-          state->error = 104;
-          goto cleanup;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if(info_png->iccp_defined) {
-    unsigned gray_icc = isGrayICCProfile(info_png->iccp_profile, info_png->iccp_profile_size);
-    unsigned rgb_icc = isRGBICCProfile(info_png->iccp_profile, info_png->iccp_profile_size);
-    unsigned gray_png = info.color.colortype == LCT_GREY || info.color.colortype == LCT_GREY_ALPHA;
-    if(!gray_icc && !rgb_icc) {
-      state->error = 100; /* Disallowed profile color type for PNG */
-      goto cleanup;
-    }
-    if(gray_icc != gray_png) {
-      /*Not allowed to use RGB/RGBA/palette with GRAY ICC profile or vice versa,
-      or in case of auto_convert, it wasn't possible to find appropriate model*/
-      state->error = state->encoder.auto_convert ? 102 : 101;
-      goto cleanup;
-    }
-  }
-  if(!lodepng_color_mode_equal(&state->info_raw, &info.color)) {
-    unsigned char* converted;
-    size_t size = ((size_t)w * (size_t)h * (size_t)lodepng_get_bpp(&info.color) + 7u) / 8u;
-    converted = (unsigned char*)lodepng_malloc(size);
-    if(!converted && size) state->error = 83; /*alloc fail*/
-    if(!state->error) {
-      state->error = lodepng_convert(converted, image, &info.color, &state->info_raw, w, h);
-    }
-    if(!state->error) {
-      state->error = preProcessScanlines(&data, &datasize, converted, w, h, &info, &state->encoder);
-    }
-    lodepng_free(converted);
-    if(state->error) goto cleanup;
-  } else {
-    state->error = preProcessScanlines(&data, &datasize, image, w, h, &info, &state->encoder);
-    if(state->error) goto cleanup;
-  }
-  /* output all PNG chunks */ {
-    size_t i;
-    /*write signature and chunks*/
-    state->error = writeSignature(&outv);
-    if(state->error) goto cleanup;
-    /*IHDR*/
-    state->error = addChunk_IHDR(&outv, w, h, info.color.colortype, info.color.bitdepth, info.interlace_method);
-    if(state->error) goto cleanup;
-    /*unknown chunks between IHDR and PLTE*/
-    if(info.unknown_chunks_data[0]) {
-      state->error = addUnknownChunks(&outv, info.unknown_chunks_data[0], info.unknown_chunks_size[0]);
-      if(state->error) goto cleanup;
-    }
-    /*color profile chunks must come before PLTE */
-    if(info.iccp_defined) {
-      state->error = addChunk_iCCP(&outv, &info, &state->encoder.zlibsettings);
-      if(state->error) goto cleanup;
-    }
-    if(info.srgb_defined) {
-      state->error = addChunk_sRGB(&outv, &info);
-      if(state->error) goto cleanup;
-    }
-    if(info.gama_defined) {
-      state->error = addChunk_gAMA(&outv, &info);
-      if(state->error) goto cleanup;
-    }
-    if(info.chrm_defined) {
-      state->error = addChunk_cHRM(&outv, &info);
-      if(state->error) goto cleanup;
-    }
-    if(info_png->sbit_defined) {
-      state->error = addChunk_sBIT(&outv, &info);
-      if(state->error) goto cleanup;
-    }
-    /*PLTE*/
-    if(info.color.colortype == LCT_PALETTE) {
-      state->error = addChunk_PLTE(&outv, &info.color);
-      if(state->error) goto cleanup;
-    }
-    if(state->encoder.force_palette && (info.color.colortype == LCT_RGB || info.color.colortype == LCT_RGBA)) {
-      /*force_palette means: write suggested palette for truecolor in PLTE chunk*/
-      state->error = addChunk_PLTE(&outv, &info.color);
-      if(state->error) goto cleanup;
-    }
-    /*tRNS (this will only add if when necessary) */
-    state->error = addChunk_tRNS(&outv, &info.color);
-    if(state->error) goto cleanup;
-    /*bKGD (must come between PLTE and the IDAt chunks*/
-    if(info.background_defined) {
-      state->error = addChunk_bKGD(&outv, &info);
-      if(state->error) goto cleanup;
-    }
-    /*pHYs (must come before the IDAT chunks)*/
-    if(info.phys_defined) {
-      state->error = addChunk_pHYs(&outv, &info);
-      if(state->error) goto cleanup;
-    }
-    /*unknown chunks between PLTE and IDAT*/
-    if(info.unknown_chunks_data[1]) {
-      state->error = addUnknownChunks(&outv, info.unknown_chunks_data[1], info.unknown_chunks_size[1]);
-      if(state->error) goto cleanup;
-    }
-    /*IDAT (multiple IDAT chunks must be consecutive)*/
-    state->error = addChunk_IDAT(&outv, data, datasize, &state->encoder.zlibsettings);
-    if(state->error) goto cleanup;
-    /*tIME*/
-    if(info.time_defined) {
-      state->error = addChunk_tIME(&outv, &info.time);
-      if(state->error) goto cleanup;
-    }
-    /*tEXt and/or zTXt*/
-    for(i = 0; i != info.text_num; ++i) {
-      if(lodepng_strlen(info.text_keys[i]) > 79) {
-        state->error = 66; /*text chunk too large*/
-        goto cleanup;
-      }
-      if(lodepng_strlen(info.text_keys[i]) < 1) {
-        state->error = 67; /*text chunk too small*/
-        goto cleanup;
-      }
-      if(state->encoder.text_compression) {
-        state->error = addChunk_zTXt(&outv, info.text_keys[i], info.text_strings[i], &state->encoder.zlibsettings);
-        if(state->error) goto cleanup;
-      } else {
-        state->error = addChunk_tEXt(&outv, info.text_keys[i], info.text_strings[i]);
-        if(state->error) goto cleanup;
-      }
-    }
-    /*LodePNG version id in text chunk*/
-    if(state->encoder.add_id) {
-      unsigned already_added_id_text = 0;
-      for(i = 0; i != info.text_num; ++i) {
-        const char* k = info.text_keys[i];
-        /* Could use strcmp, but we're not calling or reimplementing this C library function for this use only */
-        if(k[0] == 'L' && k[1] == 'o' && k[2] == 'd' && k[3] == 'e' &&
-           k[4] == 'P' && k[5] == 'N' && k[6] == 'G' && k[7] == '\0') {
-          already_added_id_text = 1;
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      if(already_added_id_text == 0) {
-        state->error = addChunk_tEXt(&outv, "LodePNG", LODEPNG_VERSION_STRING); /*it's shorter as tEXt than as zTXt chunk*/
-        if(state->error) goto cleanup;
-      }
-    }
-    /*iTXt*/
-    for(i = 0; i != info.itext_num; ++i) {
-      if(lodepng_strlen(info.itext_keys[i]) > 79) {
-        state->error = 66; /*text chunk too large*/
-        goto cleanup;
-      }
-      if(lodepng_strlen(info.itext_keys[i]) < 1) {
-        state->error = 67; /*text chunk too small*/
-        goto cleanup;
-      }
-      state->error = addChunk_iTXt(
-          &outv, state->encoder.text_compression,
-          info.itext_keys[i], info.itext_langtags[i], info.itext_transkeys[i], info.itext_strings[i],
-          &state->encoder.zlibsettings);
-      if(state->error) goto cleanup;
-    }
-    /*unknown chunks between IDAT and IEND*/
-    if(info.unknown_chunks_data[2]) {
-      state->error = addUnknownChunks(&outv, info.unknown_chunks_data[2], info.unknown_chunks_size[2]);
-      if(state->error) goto cleanup;
-    }
-    state->error = addChunk_IEND(&outv);
-    if(state->error) goto cleanup;
-  }
-  lodepng_info_cleanup(&info);
-  lodepng_free(data);
-  lodepng_color_mode_cleanup(&auto_color);
-  /*instead of cleaning the vector up, give it to the output*/
-  *out =;
-  *outsize = outv.size;
-  return state->error;
-unsigned lodepng_encode_memory(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize, const unsigned char* image,
-                               unsigned w, unsigned h, LodePNGColorType colortype, unsigned bitdepth) {
-  unsigned error;
-  LodePNGState state;
-  lodepng_state_init(&state);
-  state.info_raw.colortype = colortype;
-  state.info_raw.bitdepth = bitdepth;
-  state.info_png.color.colortype = colortype;
-  state.info_png.color.bitdepth = bitdepth;
-  lodepng_encode(out, outsize, image, w, h, &state);
-  error = state.error;
-  lodepng_state_cleanup(&state);
-  return error;
-unsigned lodepng_encode32(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize, const unsigned char* image, unsigned w, unsigned h) {
-  return lodepng_encode_memory(out, outsize, image, w, h, LCT_RGBA, 8);
-unsigned lodepng_encode24(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize, const unsigned char* image, unsigned w, unsigned h) {
-  return lodepng_encode_memory(out, outsize, image, w, h, LCT_RGB, 8);
-unsigned lodepng_encode_file(const char* filename, const unsigned char* image, unsigned w, unsigned h,
-                             LodePNGColorType colortype, unsigned bitdepth) {
-  unsigned char* buffer;
-  size_t buffersize;
-  unsigned error = lodepng_encode_memory(&buffer, &buffersize, image, w, h, colortype, bitdepth);
-  if(!error) error = lodepng_save_file(buffer, buffersize, filename);
-  lodepng_free(buffer);
-  return error;
-unsigned lodepng_encode32_file(const char* filename, const unsigned char* image, unsigned w, unsigned h) {
-  return lodepng_encode_file(filename, image, w, h, LCT_RGBA, 8);
-unsigned lodepng_encode24_file(const char* filename, const unsigned char* image, unsigned w, unsigned h) {
-  return lodepng_encode_file(filename, image, w, h, LCT_RGB, 8);
-void lodepng_encoder_settings_init(LodePNGEncoderSettings* settings) {
-  lodepng_compress_settings_init(&settings->zlibsettings);
-  settings->filter_palette_zero = 1;
-  settings->filter_strategy = LFS_MINSUM;
-  settings->auto_convert = 1;
-  settings->force_palette = 0;
-  settings->predefined_filters = 0;
-  settings->add_id = 0;
-  settings->text_compression = 1;
-This returns the description of a numerical error code in English. This is also
-the documentation of all the error codes.
-const char* lodepng_error_text(unsigned code) {
-  switch(code) {
-    case 0: return "no error, everything went ok";
-    case 1: return "nothing done yet"; /*the Encoder/Decoder has done nothing yet, error checking makes no sense yet*/
-    case 10: return "end of input memory reached without huffman end code"; /*while huffman decoding*/
-    case 11: return "error in code tree made it jump outside of huffman tree"; /*while huffman decoding*/
-    case 13: return "problem while processing dynamic deflate block";
-    case 14: return "problem while processing dynamic deflate block";
-    case 15: return "problem while processing dynamic deflate block";
-    /*this error could happen if there are only 0 or 1 symbols present in the huffman code:*/
-    case 16: return "invalid code while processing dynamic deflate block";
-    case 17: return "end of out buffer memory reached while inflating";
-    case 18: return "invalid distance code while inflating";
-    case 19: return "end of out buffer memory reached while inflating";
-    case 20: return "invalid deflate block BTYPE encountered while decoding";
-    case 21: return "NLEN is not ones complement of LEN in a deflate block";
-    /*end of out buffer memory reached while inflating:
-    This can happen if the inflated deflate data is longer than the amount of bytes required to fill up
-    all the pixels of the image, given the color depth and image dimensions. Something that doesn't
-    happen in a normal, well encoded, PNG image.*/
-    case 22: return "end of out buffer memory reached while inflating";
-    case 23: return "end of in buffer memory reached while inflating";
-    case 24: return "invalid FCHECK in zlib header";
-    case 25: return "invalid compression method in zlib header";
-    case 26: return "FDICT encountered in zlib header while it's not used for PNG";
-    case 27: return "PNG file is smaller than a PNG header";
-    /*Checks the magic file header, the first 8 bytes of the PNG file*/
-    case 28: return "incorrect PNG signature, it's no PNG or corrupted";
-    case 29: return "first chunk is not the header chunk";
-    case 30: return "chunk length too large, chunk broken off at end of file";
-    case 31: return "illegal PNG color type or bpp";
-    case 32: return "illegal PNG compression method";
-    case 33: return "illegal PNG filter method";
-    case 34: return "illegal PNG interlace method";
-    case 35: return "chunk length of a chunk is too large or the chunk too small";
-    case 36: return "illegal PNG filter type encountered";
-    case 37: return "illegal bit depth for this color type given";
-    case 38: return "the palette is too small or too big"; /*0, or more than 256 colors*/
-    case 39: return "tRNS chunk before PLTE or has more entries than palette size";
-    case 40: return "tRNS chunk has wrong size for grayscale image";
-    case 41: return "tRNS chunk has wrong size for RGB image";
-    case 42: return "tRNS chunk appeared while it was not allowed for this color type";
-    case 43: return "bKGD chunk has wrong size for palette image";
-    case 44: return "bKGD chunk has wrong size for grayscale image";
-    case 45: return "bKGD chunk has wrong size for RGB image";
-    case 48: return "empty input buffer given to decoder. Maybe caused by non-existing file?";
-    case 49: return "jumped past memory while generating dynamic huffman tree";
-    case 50: return "jumped past memory while generating dynamic huffman tree";
-    case 51: return "jumped past memory while inflating huffman block";
-    case 52: return "jumped past memory while inflating";
-    case 53: return "size of zlib data too small";
-    case 54: return "repeat symbol in tree while there was no value symbol yet";
-    /*jumped past tree while generating huffman tree, this could be when the
-    tree will have more leaves than symbols after generating it out of the
-    given lengths. They call this an oversubscribed dynamic bit lengths tree in zlib.*/
-    case 55: return "jumped past tree while generating huffman tree";
-    case 56: return "given output image colortype or bitdepth not supported for color conversion";
-    case 57: return "invalid CRC encountered (checking CRC can be disabled)";
-    case 58: return "invalid ADLER32 encountered (checking ADLER32 can be disabled)";
-    case 59: return "requested color conversion not supported";
-    case 60: return "invalid window size given in the settings of the encoder (must be 0-32768)";
-    case 61: return "invalid BTYPE given in the settings of the encoder (only 0, 1 and 2 are allowed)";
-    /*LodePNG leaves the choice of RGB to grayscale conversion formula to the user.*/
-    case 62: return "conversion from color to grayscale not supported";
-    /*(2^31-1)*/
-    case 63: return "length of a chunk too long, max allowed for PNG is 2147483647 bytes per chunk";
-    /*this would result in the inability of a deflated block to ever contain an end code. It must be at least 1.*/
-    case 64: return "the length of the END symbol 256 in the Huffman tree is 0";
-    case 66: return "the length of a text chunk keyword given to the encoder is longer than the maximum of 79 bytes";
-    case 67: return "the length of a text chunk keyword given to the encoder is smaller than the minimum of 1 byte";
-    case 68: return "tried to encode a PLTE chunk with a palette that has less than 1 or more than 256 colors";
-    case 69: return "unknown chunk type with 'critical' flag encountered by the decoder";
-    case 71: return "invalid interlace mode given to encoder (must be 0 or 1)";
-    case 72: return "while decoding, invalid compression method encountering in zTXt or iTXt chunk (it must be 0)";
-    case 73: return "invalid tIME chunk size";
-    case 74: return "invalid pHYs chunk size";
-    /*length could be wrong, or data chopped off*/
-    case 75: return "no null termination char found while decoding text chunk";
-    case 76: return "iTXt chunk too short to contain required bytes";
-    case 77: return "integer overflow in buffer size";
-    case 78: return "failed to open file for reading"; /*file doesn't exist or couldn't be opened for reading*/
-    case 79: return "failed to open file for writing";
-    case 80: return "tried creating a tree of 0 symbols";
-    case 81: return "lazy matching at pos 0 is impossible";
-    case 82: return "color conversion to palette requested while a color isn't in palette, or index out of bounds";
-    case 83: return "memory allocation failed";
-    case 84: return "given image too small to contain all pixels to be encoded";
-    case 86: return "impossible offset in lz77 encoding (internal bug)";
-    case 87: return "must provide custom zlib function pointer if LODEPNG_COMPILE_ZLIB is not defined";
-    case 88: return "invalid filter strategy given for LodePNGEncoderSettings.filter_strategy";
-    case 89: return "text chunk keyword too short or long: must have size 1-79";
-    /*the windowsize in the LodePNGCompressSettings. Requiring POT(==> & instead of %) makes encoding 12% faster.*/
-    case 90: return "windowsize must be a power of two";
-    case 91: return "invalid decompressed idat size";
-    case 92: return "integer overflow due to too many pixels";
-    case 93: return "zero width or height is invalid";
-    case 94: return "header chunk must have a size of 13 bytes";
-    case 95: return "integer overflow with combined idat chunk size";
-    case 96: return "invalid gAMA chunk size";
-    case 97: return "invalid cHRM chunk size";
-    case 98: return "invalid sRGB chunk size";
-    case 99: return "invalid sRGB rendering intent";
-    case 100: return "invalid ICC profile color type, the PNG specification only allows RGB or GRAY";
-    case 101: return "PNG specification does not allow RGB ICC profile on gray color types and vice versa";
-    case 102: return "not allowed to set grayscale ICC profile with colored pixels by PNG specification";
-    case 103: return "invalid palette index in bKGD chunk. Maybe it came before PLTE chunk?";
-    case 104: return "invalid bKGD color while encoding (e.g. palette index out of range)";
-    case 105: return "integer overflow of bitsize";
-    case 106: return "PNG file must have PLTE chunk if color type is palette";
-    case 107: return "color convert from palette mode requested without setting the palette data in it";
-    case 108: return "tried to add more than 256 values to a palette";
-    /*this limit can be configured in LodePNGDecompressSettings*/
-    case 109: return "tried to decompress zlib or deflate data larger than desired max_output_size";
-    case 110: return "custom zlib or inflate decompression failed";
-    case 111: return "custom zlib or deflate compression failed";
-    /*max text size limit can be configured in LodePNGDecoderSettings. This error prevents
-    unreasonable memory consumption when decoding due to impossibly large text sizes.*/
-    case 112: return "compressed text unreasonably large";
-    /*max ICC size limit can be configured in LodePNGDecoderSettings. This error prevents
-    unreasonable memory consumption when decoding due to impossibly large ICC profile*/
-    case 113: return "ICC profile unreasonably large";
-    case 114: return "sBIT chunk has wrong size for the color type of the image";
-    case 115: return "sBIT value out of range";
-  }
-  return "unknown error code";
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* // C++ Wrapper                                                          // */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-namespace lodepng {
-unsigned load_file(std::vector<unsigned char>& buffer, const std::string& filename) {
-  long size = lodepng_filesize(filename.c_str());
-  if(size < 0) return 78;
-  buffer.resize((size_t)size);
-  return size == 0 ? 0 : lodepng_buffer_file(&buffer[0], (size_t)size, filename.c_str());
-/*write given buffer to the file, overwriting the file, it doesn't append to it.*/
-unsigned save_file(const std::vector<unsigned char>& buffer, const std::string& filename) {
-  return lodepng_save_file(buffer.empty() ? 0 : &buffer[0], buffer.size(), filename.c_str());
-unsigned decompress(std::vector<unsigned char>& out, const unsigned char* in, size_t insize,
-                    const LodePNGDecompressSettings& settings) {
-  unsigned char* buffer = 0;
-  size_t buffersize = 0;
-  unsigned error = zlib_decompress(&buffer, &buffersize, 0, in, insize, &settings);
-  if(buffer) {
-    out.insert(out.end(), buffer, &buffer[buffersize]);
-    lodepng_free(buffer);
-  }
-  return error;
-unsigned decompress(std::vector<unsigned char>& out, const std::vector<unsigned char>& in,
-                    const LodePNGDecompressSettings& settings) {
-  return decompress(out, in.empty() ? 0 : &in[0], in.size(), settings);
-unsigned compress(std::vector<unsigned char>& out, const unsigned char* in, size_t insize,
-                  const LodePNGCompressSettings& settings) {
-  unsigned char* buffer = 0;
-  size_t buffersize = 0;
-  unsigned error = zlib_compress(&buffer, &buffersize, in, insize, &settings);
-  if(buffer) {
-    out.insert(out.end(), buffer, &buffer[buffersize]);
-    lodepng_free(buffer);
-  }
-  return error;
-unsigned compress(std::vector<unsigned char>& out, const std::vector<unsigned char>& in,
-                  const LodePNGCompressSettings& settings) {
-  return compress(out, in.empty() ? 0 : &in[0], in.size(), settings);
-State::State() {
-  lodepng_state_init(this);
-State::State(const State& other) {
-  lodepng_state_init(this);
-  lodepng_state_copy(this, &other);
-State::~State() {
-  lodepng_state_cleanup(this);
-State& State::operator=(const State& other) {
-  lodepng_state_copy(this, &other);
-  return *this;
-unsigned decode(std::vector<unsigned char>& out, unsigned& w, unsigned& h, const unsigned char* in,
-                size_t insize, LodePNGColorType colortype, unsigned bitdepth) {
-  unsigned char* buffer = 0;
-  unsigned error = lodepng_decode_memory(&buffer, &w, &h, in, insize, colortype, bitdepth);
-  if(buffer && !error) {
-    State state;
-    state.info_raw.colortype = colortype;
-    state.info_raw.bitdepth = bitdepth;
-    size_t buffersize = lodepng_get_raw_size(w, h, &state.info_raw);
-    out.insert(out.end(), buffer, &buffer[buffersize]);
-  }
-  lodepng_free(buffer);
-  return error;
-unsigned decode(std::vector<unsigned char>& out, unsigned& w, unsigned& h,
-                const std::vector<unsigned char>& in, LodePNGColorType colortype, unsigned bitdepth) {
-  return decode(out, w, h, in.empty() ? 0 : &in[0], (unsigned)in.size(), colortype, bitdepth);
-unsigned decode(std::vector<unsigned char>& out, unsigned& w, unsigned& h,
-                State& state,
-                const unsigned char* in, size_t insize) {
-  unsigned char* buffer = NULL;
-  unsigned error = lodepng_decode(&buffer, &w, &h, &state, in, insize);
-  if(buffer && !error) {
-    size_t buffersize = lodepng_get_raw_size(w, h, &state.info_raw);
-    out.insert(out.end(), buffer, &buffer[buffersize]);
-  }
-  lodepng_free(buffer);
-  return error;
-unsigned decode(std::vector<unsigned char>& out, unsigned& w, unsigned& h,
-                State& state,
-                const std::vector<unsigned char>& in) {
-  return decode(out, w, h, state, in.empty() ? 0 : &in[0], in.size());
-unsigned decode(std::vector<unsigned char>& out, unsigned& w, unsigned& h, const std::string& filename,
-                LodePNGColorType colortype, unsigned bitdepth) {
-  std::vector<unsigned char> buffer;
-  /* safe output values in case error happens */
-  w = h = 0;
-  unsigned error = load_file(buffer, filename);
-  if(error) return error;
-  return decode(out, w, h, buffer, colortype, bitdepth);
-unsigned encode(std::vector<unsigned char>& out, const unsigned char* in, unsigned w, unsigned h,
-                LodePNGColorType colortype, unsigned bitdepth) {
-  unsigned char* buffer;
-  size_t buffersize;
-  unsigned error = lodepng_encode_memory(&buffer, &buffersize, in, w, h, colortype, bitdepth);
-  if(buffer) {
-    out.insert(out.end(), buffer, &buffer[buffersize]);
-    lodepng_free(buffer);
-  }
-  return error;
-unsigned encode(std::vector<unsigned char>& out,
-                const std::vector<unsigned char>& in, unsigned w, unsigned h,
-                LodePNGColorType colortype, unsigned bitdepth) {
-  if(lodepng_get_raw_size_lct(w, h, colortype, bitdepth) > in.size()) return 84;
-  return encode(out, in.empty() ? 0 : &in[0], w, h, colortype, bitdepth);
-unsigned encode(std::vector<unsigned char>& out,
-                const unsigned char* in, unsigned w, unsigned h,
-                State& state) {
-  unsigned char* buffer;
-  size_t buffersize;
-  unsigned error = lodepng_encode(&buffer, &buffersize, in, w, h, &state);
-  if(buffer) {
-    out.insert(out.end(), buffer, &buffer[buffersize]);
-    lodepng_free(buffer);
-  }
-  return error;
-unsigned encode(std::vector<unsigned char>& out,
-                const std::vector<unsigned char>& in, unsigned w, unsigned h,
-                State& state) {
-  if(lodepng_get_raw_size(w, h, &state.info_raw) > in.size()) return 84;
-  return encode(out, in.empty() ? 0 : &in[0], w, h, state);
-unsigned encode(const std::string& filename,
-                const unsigned char* in, unsigned w, unsigned h,
-                LodePNGColorType colortype, unsigned bitdepth) {
-  std::vector<unsigned char> buffer;
-  unsigned error = encode(buffer, in, w, h, colortype, bitdepth);
-  if(!error) error = save_file(buffer, filename);
-  return error;
-unsigned encode(const std::string& filename,
-                const std::vector<unsigned char>& in, unsigned w, unsigned h,
-                LodePNGColorType colortype, unsigned bitdepth) {
-  if(lodepng_get_raw_size_lct(w, h, colortype, bitdepth) > in.size()) return 84;
-  return encode(filename, in.empty() ? 0 : &in[0], w, h, colortype, bitdepth);
-} /* namespace lodepng */
--- a/semiconginev2/old/resources/lodepng.h	Mon Jul 22 15:53:32 2024 +0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,2089 +0,0 @@
-LodePNG version 20230410
-Copyright (c) 2005-2023 Lode Vandevenne
-This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
-warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
-arising from the use of this software.
-Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
-including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
-freely, subject to the following restrictions:
-    1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
-    claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
-    in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
-    appreciated but is not required.
-    2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
-    misrepresented as being the original software.
-    3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
-    distribution.
-#ifndef LODEPNG_H
-#define LODEPNG_H
-#include <string.h> /*for size_t*/
-extern const char* LODEPNG_VERSION_STRING;
-The following #defines are used to create code sections. They can be disabled
-to disable code sections, which can give faster compile time and smaller binary.
-The "NO_COMPILE" defines are designed to be used to pass as defines to the
-compiler command to disable them without modifying this header, e.g.
--DLODEPNG_NO_COMPILE_ZLIB for gcc or clang.
-/*deflate & zlib. If disabled, you must specify alternative zlib functions in
-the custom_zlib field of the compress and decompress settings*/
-/*pass -DLODEPNG_NO_COMPILE_ZLIB to the compiler to disable this, or comment out LODEPNG_COMPILE_ZLIB below*/
-/*png encoder and png decoder*/
-/*pass -DLODEPNG_NO_COMPILE_PNG to the compiler to disable this, or comment out LODEPNG_COMPILE_PNG below*/
-/*deflate&zlib decoder and png decoder*/
-/*pass -DLODEPNG_NO_COMPILE_DECODER to the compiler to disable this, or comment out LODEPNG_COMPILE_DECODER below*/
-/*deflate&zlib encoder and png encoder*/
-/*pass -DLODEPNG_NO_COMPILE_ENCODER to the compiler to disable this, or comment out LODEPNG_COMPILE_ENCODER below*/
-/*the optional built in harddisk file loading and saving functions*/
-/*pass -DLODEPNG_NO_COMPILE_DISK to the compiler to disable this, or comment out LODEPNG_COMPILE_DISK below*/
-/*support for chunks other than IHDR, IDAT, PLTE, tRNS, IEND: ancillary and unknown chunks*/
-/*pass -DLODEPNG_NO_COMPILE_ANCILLARY_CHUNKS to the compiler to disable this,
-/*ability to convert error numerical codes to English text string*/
-/*pass -DLODEPNG_NO_COMPILE_ERROR_TEXT to the compiler to disable this,
-or comment out LODEPNG_COMPILE_ERROR_TEXT below*/
-/*Compile the default allocators (C's free, malloc and realloc). If you disable this,
-you can define the functions lodepng_free, lodepng_malloc and lodepng_realloc in your
-source files with custom allocators.*/
-/*pass -DLODEPNG_NO_COMPILE_ALLOCATORS to the compiler to disable the built-in ones,
-or comment out LODEPNG_COMPILE_ALLOCATORS below*/
-/*Disable built-in CRC function, in that case a custom implementation of
-lodepng_crc32 must be defined externally so that it can be linked in.
-The default built-in CRC code comes with 8KB of lookup tables, so for memory constrained environment you may want it
-disabled and provide a much smaller implementation externally as said above. You can find such an example implementation
-in a comment in the lodepng.c(pp) file in the 'else' case of the searchable LODEPNG_COMPILE_CRC section.*/
-/*pass -DLODEPNG_NO_COMPILE_CRC to the compiler to disable the built-in one,
-or comment out LODEPNG_COMPILE_CRC below*/
-/*compile the C++ version (you can disable the C++ wrapper here even when compiling for C++)*/
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-/*pass -DLODEPNG_NO_COMPILE_CPP to the compiler to disable C++ (not needed if a C-only compiler),
-or comment out LODEPNG_COMPILE_CPP below*/
-#include <vector>
-#include <string>
-/*The PNG color types (also used for raw image).*/
-typedef enum LodePNGColorType {
-  LCT_GREY = 0, /*grayscale: 1,2,4,8,16 bit*/
-  LCT_RGB = 2, /*RGB: 8,16 bit*/
-  LCT_PALETTE = 3, /*palette: 1,2,4,8 bit*/
-  LCT_GREY_ALPHA = 4, /*grayscale with alpha: 8,16 bit*/
-  LCT_RGBA = 6, /*RGB with alpha: 8,16 bit*/
-  /*LCT_MAX_OCTET_VALUE lets the compiler allow this enum to represent any invalid
-  byte value from 0 to 255 that could be present in an invalid PNG file header. Do
-  not use, compare with or set the name LCT_MAX_OCTET_VALUE, instead either use
-  the valid color type names above, or numeric values like 1 or 7 when checking for
-  particular disallowed color type byte values, or cast to integer to print it.*/
-} LodePNGColorType;
-Converts PNG data in memory to raw pixel data.
-out: Output parameter. Pointer to buffer that will contain the raw pixel data.
-     After decoding, its size is w * h * (bytes per pixel) bytes larger than
-     initially. Bytes per pixel depends on colortype and bitdepth.
-     Must be freed after usage with free(*out).
-     Note: for 16-bit per channel colors, uses big endian format like PNG does.
-w: Output parameter. Pointer to width of pixel data.
-h: Output parameter. Pointer to height of pixel data.
-in: Memory buffer with the PNG file.
-insize: size of the in buffer.
-colortype: the desired color type for the raw output image. See explanation on PNG color types.
-bitdepth: the desired bit depth for the raw output image. See explanation on PNG color types.
-Return value: LodePNG error code (0 means no error).
-unsigned lodepng_decode_memory(unsigned char** out, unsigned* w, unsigned* h,
-                               const unsigned char* in, size_t insize,
-                               LodePNGColorType colortype, unsigned bitdepth);
-/*Same as lodepng_decode_memory, but always decodes to 32-bit RGBA raw image*/
-unsigned lodepng_decode32(unsigned char** out, unsigned* w, unsigned* h,
-                          const unsigned char* in, size_t insize);
-/*Same as lodepng_decode_memory, but always decodes to 24-bit RGB raw image*/
-unsigned lodepng_decode24(unsigned char** out, unsigned* w, unsigned* h,
-                          const unsigned char* in, size_t insize);
-Load PNG from disk, from file with given name.
-Same as the other decode functions, but instead takes a filename as input.
-NOTE: Wide-character filenames are not supported, you can use an external method
-to handle such files and decode in-memory.*/
-unsigned lodepng_decode_file(unsigned char** out, unsigned* w, unsigned* h,
-                             const char* filename,
-                             LodePNGColorType colortype, unsigned bitdepth);
-/*Same as lodepng_decode_file, but always decodes to 32-bit RGBA raw image.
-NOTE: Wide-character filenames are not supported, you can use an external method
-to handle such files and decode in-memory.*/
-unsigned lodepng_decode32_file(unsigned char** out, unsigned* w, unsigned* h,
-                               const char* filename);
-/*Same as lodepng_decode_file, but always decodes to 24-bit RGB raw image.
-NOTE: Wide-character filenames are not supported, you can use an external method
-to handle such files and decode in-memory.*/
-unsigned lodepng_decode24_file(unsigned char** out, unsigned* w, unsigned* h,
-                               const char* filename);
-Converts raw pixel data into a PNG image in memory. The colortype and bitdepth
-  of the output PNG image cannot be chosen, they are automatically determined
-  by the colortype, bitdepth and content of the input pixel data.
-  Note: for 16-bit per channel colors, needs big endian format like PNG does.
-out: Output parameter. Pointer to buffer that will contain the PNG image data.
-     Must be freed after usage with free(*out).
-outsize: Output parameter. Pointer to the size in bytes of the out buffer.
-image: The raw pixel data to encode. The size of this buffer should be
-       w * h * (bytes per pixel), bytes per pixel depends on colortype and bitdepth.
-w: width of the raw pixel data in pixels.
-h: height of the raw pixel data in pixels.
-colortype: the color type of the raw input image. See explanation on PNG color types.
-bitdepth: the bit depth of the raw input image. See explanation on PNG color types.
-Return value: LodePNG error code (0 means no error).
-unsigned lodepng_encode_memory(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize,
-                               const unsigned char* image, unsigned w, unsigned h,
-                               LodePNGColorType colortype, unsigned bitdepth);
-/*Same as lodepng_encode_memory, but always encodes from 32-bit RGBA raw image.*/
-unsigned lodepng_encode32(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize,
-                          const unsigned char* image, unsigned w, unsigned h);
-/*Same as lodepng_encode_memory, but always encodes from 24-bit RGB raw image.*/
-unsigned lodepng_encode24(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize,
-                          const unsigned char* image, unsigned w, unsigned h);
-Converts raw pixel data into a PNG file on disk.
-Same as the other encode functions, but instead takes a filename as output.
-NOTE: This overwrites existing files without warning!
-NOTE: Wide-character filenames are not supported, you can use an external method
-to handle such files and encode in-memory.*/
-unsigned lodepng_encode_file(const char* filename,
-                             const unsigned char* image, unsigned w, unsigned h,
-                             LodePNGColorType colortype, unsigned bitdepth);
-/*Same as lodepng_encode_file, but always encodes from 32-bit RGBA raw image.
-NOTE: Wide-character filenames are not supported, you can use an external method
-to handle such files and encode in-memory.*/
-unsigned lodepng_encode32_file(const char* filename,
-                               const unsigned char* image, unsigned w, unsigned h);
-/*Same as lodepng_encode_file, but always encodes from 24-bit RGB raw image.
-NOTE: Wide-character filenames are not supported, you can use an external method
-to handle such files and encode in-memory.*/
-unsigned lodepng_encode24_file(const char* filename,
-                               const unsigned char* image, unsigned w, unsigned h);
-namespace lodepng {
-/*Same as lodepng_decode_memory, but decodes to an std::vector. The colortype
-is the format to output the pixels to. Default is RGBA 8-bit per channel.*/
-unsigned decode(std::vector<unsigned char>& out, unsigned& w, unsigned& h,
-                const unsigned char* in, size_t insize,
-                LodePNGColorType colortype = LCT_RGBA, unsigned bitdepth = 8);
-unsigned decode(std::vector<unsigned char>& out, unsigned& w, unsigned& h,
-                const std::vector<unsigned char>& in,
-                LodePNGColorType colortype = LCT_RGBA, unsigned bitdepth = 8);
-Converts PNG file from disk to raw pixel data in memory.
-Same as the other decode functions, but instead takes a filename as input.
-NOTE: Wide-character filenames are not supported, you can use an external method
-to handle such files and decode in-memory.
-unsigned decode(std::vector<unsigned char>& out, unsigned& w, unsigned& h,
-                const std::string& filename,
-                LodePNGColorType colortype = LCT_RGBA, unsigned bitdepth = 8);
-/*Same as lodepng_encode_memory, but encodes to an std::vector. colortype
-is that of the raw input data. The output PNG color type will be auto chosen.*/
-unsigned encode(std::vector<unsigned char>& out,
-                const unsigned char* in, unsigned w, unsigned h,
-                LodePNGColorType colortype = LCT_RGBA, unsigned bitdepth = 8);
-unsigned encode(std::vector<unsigned char>& out,
-                const std::vector<unsigned char>& in, unsigned w, unsigned h,
-                LodePNGColorType colortype = LCT_RGBA, unsigned bitdepth = 8);
-Converts 32-bit RGBA raw pixel data into a PNG file on disk.
-Same as the other encode functions, but instead takes a filename as output.
-NOTE: This overwrites existing files without warning!
-NOTE: Wide-character filenames are not supported, you can use an external method
-to handle such files and decode in-memory.
-unsigned encode(const std::string& filename,
-                const unsigned char* in, unsigned w, unsigned h,
-                LodePNGColorType colortype = LCT_RGBA, unsigned bitdepth = 8);
-unsigned encode(const std::string& filename,
-                const std::vector<unsigned char>& in, unsigned w, unsigned h,
-                LodePNGColorType colortype = LCT_RGBA, unsigned bitdepth = 8);
-} /* namespace lodepng */
-/*Returns an English description of the numerical error code.*/
-const char* lodepng_error_text(unsigned code);
-/*Settings for zlib decompression*/
-typedef struct LodePNGDecompressSettings LodePNGDecompressSettings;
-struct LodePNGDecompressSettings {
-  /* Check LodePNGDecoderSettings for more ignorable errors such as ignore_crc */
-  unsigned ignore_adler32; /*if 1, continue and don't give an error message if the Adler32 checksum is corrupted*/
-  unsigned ignore_nlen; /*ignore complement of len checksum in uncompressed blocks*/
-  /*Maximum decompressed size, beyond this the decoder may (and is encouraged to) stop decoding,
-  return an error, output a data size > max_output_size and all the data up to that point. This is
-  not hard limit nor a guarantee, but can prevent excessive memory usage. This setting is
-  ignored by the PNG decoder, but is used by the deflate/zlib decoder and can be used by custom ones.
-  Set to 0 to impose no limit (the default).*/
-  size_t max_output_size;
-  /*use custom zlib decoder instead of built in one (default: null).
-  Should return 0 if success, any non-0 if error (numeric value not exposed).*/
-  unsigned (*custom_zlib)(unsigned char**, size_t*,
-                          const unsigned char*, size_t,
-                          const LodePNGDecompressSettings*);
-  /*use custom deflate decoder instead of built in one (default: null)
-  if custom_zlib is not null, custom_inflate is ignored (the zlib format uses deflate).
-  Should return 0 if success, any non-0 if error (numeric value not exposed).*/
-  unsigned (*custom_inflate)(unsigned char**, size_t*,
-                             const unsigned char*, size_t,
-                             const LodePNGDecompressSettings*);
-  const void* custom_context; /*optional custom settings for custom functions*/
-extern const LodePNGDecompressSettings lodepng_default_decompress_settings;
-void lodepng_decompress_settings_init(LodePNGDecompressSettings* settings);
-Settings for zlib compression. Tweaking these settings tweaks the balance
-between speed and compression ratio.
-typedef struct LodePNGCompressSettings LodePNGCompressSettings;
-struct LodePNGCompressSettings /*deflate = compress*/ {
-  /*LZ77 related settings*/
-  unsigned btype; /*the block type for LZ (0, 1, 2 or 3, see zlib standard). Should be 2 for proper compression.*/
-  unsigned use_lz77; /*whether or not to use LZ77. Should be 1 for proper compression.*/
-  unsigned windowsize; /*must be a power of two <= 32768. higher compresses more but is slower. Default value: 2048.*/
-  unsigned minmatch; /*minimum lz77 length. 3 is normally best, 6 can be better for some PNGs. Default: 0*/
-  unsigned nicematch; /*stop searching if >= this length found. Set to 258 for best compression. Default: 128*/
-  unsigned lazymatching; /*use lazy matching: better compression but a bit slower. Default: true*/
-  /*use custom zlib encoder instead of built in one (default: null)*/
-  unsigned (*custom_zlib)(unsigned char**, size_t*,
-                          const unsigned char*, size_t,
-                          const LodePNGCompressSettings*);
-  /*use custom deflate encoder instead of built in one (default: null)
-  if custom_zlib is used, custom_deflate is ignored since only the built in
-  zlib function will call custom_deflate*/
-  unsigned (*custom_deflate)(unsigned char**, size_t*,
-                             const unsigned char*, size_t,
-                             const LodePNGCompressSettings*);
-  const void* custom_context; /*optional custom settings for custom functions*/
-extern const LodePNGCompressSettings lodepng_default_compress_settings;
-void lodepng_compress_settings_init(LodePNGCompressSettings* settings);
-Color mode of an image. Contains all information required to decode the pixel
-bits to RGBA colors. This information is the same as used in the PNG file
-format, and is used both for PNG and raw image data in LodePNG.
-typedef struct LodePNGColorMode {
-  /*header (IHDR)*/
-  LodePNGColorType colortype; /*color type, see PNG standard or documentation further in this header file*/
-  unsigned bitdepth;  /*bits per sample, see PNG standard or documentation further in this header file*/
-  /*
-  palette (PLTE and tRNS)
-  Dynamically allocated with the colors of the palette, including alpha.
-  This field may not be allocated directly, use lodepng_color_mode_init first,
-  then lodepng_palette_add per color to correctly initialize it (to ensure size
-  of exactly 1024 bytes).
-  The alpha channels must be set as well, set them to 255 for opaque images.
-  When decoding, with the default settings you can ignore this palette, since
-  LodePNG already fills the palette colors in the pixels of the raw RGBA output,
-  but when decoding to the original PNG color mode it is needed to reconstruct
-  the colors.
-  The palette is only supported for color type 3.
-  */
-  unsigned char* palette; /*palette in RGBARGBA... order. Must be either 0, or when allocated must have 1024 bytes*/
-  size_t palettesize; /*palette size in number of colors (amount of used bytes is 4 * palettesize)*/
-  /*
-  transparent color key (tRNS)
-  This color uses the same bit depth as the bitdepth value in this struct, which can be 1-bit to 16-bit.
-  For grayscale PNGs, r, g and b will all 3 be set to the same.
-  When decoding, by default you can ignore this information, since LodePNG sets
-  pixels with this key to transparent already in the raw RGBA output.
-  The color key is only supported for color types 0 and 2.
-  */
-  unsigned key_defined; /*is a transparent color key given? 0 = false, 1 = true*/
-  unsigned key_r;       /*red/grayscale component of color key*/
-  unsigned key_g;       /*green component of color key*/
-  unsigned key_b;       /*blue component of color key*/
-} LodePNGColorMode;
-/*init, cleanup and copy functions to use with this struct*/
-void lodepng_color_mode_init(LodePNGColorMode* info);
-void lodepng_color_mode_cleanup(LodePNGColorMode* info);
-/*return value is error code (0 means no error)*/
-unsigned lodepng_color_mode_copy(LodePNGColorMode* dest, const LodePNGColorMode* source);
-/* Makes a temporary LodePNGColorMode that does not need cleanup (no palette) */
-LodePNGColorMode lodepng_color_mode_make(LodePNGColorType colortype, unsigned bitdepth);
-void lodepng_palette_clear(LodePNGColorMode* info);
-/*add 1 color to the palette*/
-unsigned lodepng_palette_add(LodePNGColorMode* info,
-                             unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a);
-/*get the total amount of bits per pixel, based on colortype and bitdepth in the struct*/
-unsigned lodepng_get_bpp(const LodePNGColorMode* info);
-/*get the amount of color channels used, based on colortype in the struct.
-If a palette is used, it counts as 1 channel.*/
-unsigned lodepng_get_channels(const LodePNGColorMode* info);
-/*is it a grayscale type? (only colortype 0 or 4)*/
-unsigned lodepng_is_greyscale_type(const LodePNGColorMode* info);
-/*has it got an alpha channel? (only colortype 2 or 6)*/
-unsigned lodepng_is_alpha_type(const LodePNGColorMode* info);
-/*has it got a palette? (only colortype 3)*/
-unsigned lodepng_is_palette_type(const LodePNGColorMode* info);
-/*only returns true if there is a palette and there is a value in the palette with alpha < 255.
-Loops through the palette to check this.*/
-unsigned lodepng_has_palette_alpha(const LodePNGColorMode* info);
-Check if the given color info indicates the possibility of having non-opaque pixels in the PNG image.
-Returns true if the image can have translucent or invisible pixels (it still be opaque if it doesn't use such pixels).
-Returns false if the image can only have opaque pixels.
-In detail, it returns true only if it's a color type with alpha, or has a palette with non-opaque values,
-or if "key_defined" is true.
-unsigned lodepng_can_have_alpha(const LodePNGColorMode* info);
-/*Returns the byte size of a raw image buffer with given width, height and color mode*/
-size_t lodepng_get_raw_size(unsigned w, unsigned h, const LodePNGColorMode* color);
-/*The information of a Time chunk in PNG.*/
-typedef struct LodePNGTime {
-  unsigned year;    /*2 bytes used (0-65535)*/
-  unsigned month;   /*1-12*/
-  unsigned day;     /*1-31*/
-  unsigned hour;    /*0-23*/
-  unsigned minute;  /*0-59*/
-  unsigned second;  /*0-60 (to allow for leap seconds)*/
-} LodePNGTime;
-/*Information about the PNG image, except pixels, width and height.*/
-typedef struct LodePNGInfo {
-  /*header (IHDR), palette (PLTE) and transparency (tRNS) chunks*/
-  unsigned compression_method;/*compression method of the original file. Always 0.*/
-  unsigned filter_method;     /*filter method of the original file*/
-  unsigned interlace_method;  /*interlace method of the original file: 0=none, 1=Adam7*/
-  LodePNGColorMode color;     /*color type and bits, palette and transparency of the PNG file*/
-  /*
-  Suggested background color chunk (bKGD)
-  This uses the same color mode and bit depth as the PNG (except no alpha channel),
-  with values truncated to the bit depth in the unsigned integer.
-  For grayscale and palette PNGs, the value is stored in background_r. The values
-  in background_g and background_b are then unused. The decoder will set them
-  equal to background_r, the encoder ignores them in this case.
-  When decoding, you may get these in a different color mode than the one you requested
-  for the raw pixels: the colortype and bitdepth defined by info_png.color, that is the
-  ones defined in the header of the PNG image, are used.
-  When encoding with auto_convert, you must use the color model defined in info_png.color for
-  these values. The encoder normally ignores info_png.color when auto_convert is on, but will
-  use it to interpret these values (and convert copies of them to its chosen color model).
-  When encoding, avoid setting this to an expensive color, such as a non-gray value
-  when the image is gray, or the compression will be worse since it will be forced to
-  write the PNG with a more expensive color mode (when auto_convert is on).
-  The decoder does not use this background color to edit the color of pixels. This is a
-  completely optional metadata feature.
-  */
-  unsigned background_defined; /*is a suggested background color given?*/
-  unsigned background_r;       /*red/gray/palette component of suggested background color*/
-  unsigned background_g;       /*green component of suggested background color*/
-  unsigned background_b;       /*blue component of suggested background color*/
-  /*
-  Non-international text chunks (tEXt and zTXt)
-  The char** arrays each contain num strings. The actual messages are in
-  text_strings, while text_keys are keywords that give a short description what
-  the actual text represents, e.g. Title, Author, Description, or anything else.
-  All the string fields below including strings, keys, names and language tags are null terminated.
-  The PNG specification uses null characters for the keys, names and tags, and forbids null
-  characters to appear in the main text which is why we can use null termination everywhere here.
-  A keyword is minimum 1 character and maximum 79 characters long (plus the
-  additional null terminator). It's discouraged to use a single line length
-  longer than 79 characters for texts.
-  Don't allocate these text buffers yourself. Use the init/cleanup functions
-  correctly and use lodepng_add_text and lodepng_clear_text.
-  Standard text chunk keywords and strings are encoded using Latin-1.
-  */
-  size_t text_num; /*the amount of texts in these char** buffers (there may be more texts in itext)*/
-  char** text_keys; /*the keyword of a text chunk (e.g. "Comment")*/
-  char** text_strings; /*the actual text*/
-  /*
-  International text chunks (iTXt)
-  Similar to the non-international text chunks, but with additional strings
-  "langtags" and "transkeys", and the following text encodings are used:
-  keys: Latin-1, langtags: ASCII, transkeys and strings: UTF-8.
-  keys must be 1-79 characters (plus the additional null terminator), the other
-  strings are any length.
-  */
-  size_t itext_num; /*the amount of international texts in this PNG*/
-  char** itext_keys; /*the English keyword of the text chunk (e.g. "Comment")*/
-  char** itext_langtags; /*language tag for this text's language, ISO/IEC 646 string, e.g. ISO 639 language tag*/
-  char** itext_transkeys; /*keyword translated to the international language - UTF-8 string*/
-  char** itext_strings; /*the actual international text - UTF-8 string*/
-  /*time chunk (tIME)*/
-  unsigned time_defined; /*set to 1 to make the encoder generate a tIME chunk*/
-  LodePNGTime time;
-  /*phys chunk (pHYs)*/
-  unsigned phys_defined; /*if 0, there is no pHYs chunk and the values below are undefined, if 1 else there is one*/
-  unsigned phys_x; /*pixels per unit in x direction*/
-  unsigned phys_y; /*pixels per unit in y direction*/
-  unsigned phys_unit; /*may be 0 (unknown unit) or 1 (metre)*/
-  /*
-  Color profile related chunks: gAMA, cHRM, sRGB, iCPP, sBIT
-  LodePNG does not apply any color conversions on pixels in the encoder or decoder and does not interpret these color
-  profile values. It merely passes on the information. If you wish to use color profiles and convert colors, please
-  use these values with a color management library.
-  See the PNG, ICC and sRGB specifications for more information about the meaning of these values.
-  */
-  /* gAMA chunk: optional, overridden by sRGB or iCCP if those are present. */
-  unsigned gama_defined; /* Whether a gAMA chunk is present (0 = not present, 1 = present). */
-  unsigned gama_gamma;   /* Gamma exponent times 100000 */
-  /* cHRM chunk: optional, overridden by sRGB or iCCP if those are present. */
-  unsigned chrm_defined; /* Whether a cHRM chunk is present (0 = not present, 1 = present). */
-  unsigned chrm_white_x; /* White Point x times 100000 */
-  unsigned chrm_white_y; /* White Point y times 100000 */
-  unsigned chrm_red_x;   /* Red x times 100000 */
-  unsigned chrm_red_y;   /* Red y times 100000 */
-  unsigned chrm_green_x; /* Green x times 100000 */
-  unsigned chrm_green_y; /* Green y times 100000 */
-  unsigned chrm_blue_x;  /* Blue x times 100000 */
-  unsigned chrm_blue_y;  /* Blue y times 100000 */
-  /*
-  sRGB chunk: optional. May not appear at the same time as iCCP.
-  If gAMA is also present gAMA must contain value 45455.
-  If cHRM is also present cHRM must contain respectively 31270,32900,64000,33000,30000,60000,15000,6000.
-  */
-  unsigned srgb_defined; /* Whether an sRGB chunk is present (0 = not present, 1 = present). */
-  unsigned srgb_intent;  /* Rendering intent: 0=perceptual, 1=rel. colorimetric, 2=saturation, 3=abs. colorimetric */
-  /*
-  iCCP chunk: optional. May not appear at the same time as sRGB.
-  LodePNG does not parse or use the ICC profile (except its color space header field for an edge case), a
-  separate library to handle the ICC data (not included in LodePNG) format is needed to use it for color
-  management and conversions.
-  For encoding, if iCCP is present, gAMA and cHRM are recommended to be added as well with values that match the ICC
-  profile as closely as possible, if you wish to do this you should provide the correct values for gAMA and cHRM and
-  enable their '_defined' flags since LodePNG will not automatically compute them from the ICC profile.
-  For encoding, the ICC profile is required by the PNG specification to be an "RGB" profile for non-gray
-  PNG color types and a "GRAY" profile for gray PNG color types. If you disable auto_convert, you must ensure
-  the ICC profile type matches your requested color type, else the encoder gives an error. If auto_convert is
-  enabled (the default), and the ICC profile is not a good match for the pixel data, this will result in an encoder
-  error if the pixel data has non-gray pixels for a GRAY profile, or a silent less-optimal compression of the pixel
-  data if the pixels could be encoded as grayscale but the ICC profile is RGB.
-  To avoid this do not set an ICC profile in the image unless there is a good reason for it, and when doing so
-  make sure you compute it carefully to avoid the above problems.
-  */
-  unsigned iccp_defined;      /* Whether an iCCP chunk is present (0 = not present, 1 = present). */
-  char* iccp_name;            /* Null terminated string with profile name, 1-79 bytes */
-  /*
-  The ICC profile in iccp_profile_size bytes.
-  Don't allocate this buffer yourself. Use the init/cleanup functions
-  correctly and use lodepng_set_icc and lodepng_clear_icc.
-  */
-  unsigned char* iccp_profile;
-  unsigned iccp_profile_size; /* The size of iccp_profile in bytes */
-  /*
-  sBIT chunk: significant bits. Optional metadata, only set this if needed.
-  If defined, these values give the bit depth of the original data. Since PNG only stores 1, 2, 4, 8 or 16-bit
-  per channel data, the significant bits value can be used to indicate the original encoded data has another
-  sample depth, such as 10 or 12.
-  Encoders using this value, when storing the pixel data, should use the most significant bits
-  of the data to store the original bits, and use a good sample depth scaling method such as
-  "left bit replication" to fill in the least significant bits, rather than fill zeroes.
-  Decoders using this value, if able to work with data that's e.g. 10-bit or 12-bit, should right
-  shift the data to go back to the original bit depth, but decoders are also allowed to ignore
-  sbit and work e.g. with the 8-bit or 16-bit data from the PNG directly, since thanks
-  to the encoder contract, the values encoded in PNG are in valid range for the PNG bit depth.
-  For grayscale images, sbit_g and sbit_b are not used, and for images that don't use color
-  type RGBA or grayscale+alpha, sbit_a is not used (it's not used even for palette images with
-  translucent palette values, or images with color key). The values that are used must be
-  greater than zero and smaller than or equal to the PNG bit depth.
-  The color type from the header in the PNG image defines these used and unused fields: if
-  decoding with a color mode conversion, such as always decoding to RGBA, this metadata still
-  only uses the color type of the original PNG, and may e.g. lack the alpha channel info
-  if the PNG was RGB. When encoding with auto_convert (as well as without), also always the
-  color model defined in info_png.color determines this.
-  NOTE: enabling sbit can hurt compression, because the encoder can then not always use
-  auto_convert to choose a more optimal color mode for the data, because the PNG format has
-  strict requirements for the allowed sbit values in combination with color modes.
-  For example, setting these fields to 10-bit will force the encoder to keep using a 16-bit per channel
-  color mode, even if the pixel data would in fact fit in a more efficient 8-bit mode.
-  */
-  unsigned sbit_defined; /*is significant bits given? if not, the values below are unused*/
-  unsigned sbit_r;       /*red or gray component of significant bits*/
-  unsigned sbit_g;       /*green component of significant bits*/
-  unsigned sbit_b;       /*blue component of significant bits*/
-  unsigned sbit_a;       /*alpha component of significant bits*/
-  /* End of color profile related chunks */
-  /*
-  unknown chunks: chunks not known by LodePNG, passed on byte for byte.
-  There are 3 buffers, one for each position in the PNG where unknown chunks can appear.
-  Each buffer contains all unknown chunks for that position consecutively.
-  The 3 positions are:
-  0: between IHDR and PLTE, 1: between PLTE and IDAT, 2: between IDAT and IEND.
-  For encoding, do not store critical chunks or known chunks that are enabled with a "_defined" flag
-  above in here, since the encoder will blindly follow this and could then encode an invalid PNG file
-  (such as one with two IHDR chunks or the disallowed combination of sRGB with iCCP). But do use
-  this if you wish to store an ancillary chunk that is not supported by LodePNG (such as sPLT or hIST),
-  or any non-standard PNG chunk.
-  Do not allocate or traverse this data yourself. Use the chunk traversing functions declared
-  later, such as lodepng_chunk_next and lodepng_chunk_append, to read/write this struct.
-  */
-  unsigned char* unknown_chunks_data[3];
-  size_t unknown_chunks_size[3]; /*size in bytes of the unknown chunks, given for protection*/
-} LodePNGInfo;
-/*init, cleanup and copy functions to use with this struct*/
-void lodepng_info_init(LodePNGInfo* info);
-void lodepng_info_cleanup(LodePNGInfo* info);
-/*return value is error code (0 means no error)*/
-unsigned lodepng_info_copy(LodePNGInfo* dest, const LodePNGInfo* source);
-unsigned lodepng_add_text(LodePNGInfo* info, const char* key, const char* str); /*push back both texts at once*/
-void lodepng_clear_text(LodePNGInfo* info); /*use this to clear the texts again after you filled them in*/
-unsigned lodepng_add_itext(LodePNGInfo* info, const char* key, const char* langtag,
-                           const char* transkey, const char* str); /*push back the 4 texts of 1 chunk at once*/
-void lodepng_clear_itext(LodePNGInfo* info); /*use this to clear the itexts again after you filled them in*/
-/*replaces if exists*/
-unsigned lodepng_set_icc(LodePNGInfo* info, const char* name, const unsigned char* profile, unsigned profile_size);
-void lodepng_clear_icc(LodePNGInfo* info); /*use this to clear the texts again after you filled them in*/
-Converts raw buffer from one color type to another color type, based on
-LodePNGColorMode structs to describe the input and output color type.
-See the reference manual at the end of this header file to see which color conversions are supported.
-return value = LodePNG error code (0 if all went ok, an error if the conversion isn't supported)
-The out buffer must have size (w * h * bpp + 7) / 8, where bpp is the bits per pixel
-of the output color type (lodepng_get_bpp).
-For < 8 bpp images, there should not be padding bits at the end of scanlines.
-For 16-bit per channel colors, uses big endian format like PNG does.
-Return value is LodePNG error code
-unsigned lodepng_convert(unsigned char* out, const unsigned char* in,
-                         const LodePNGColorMode* mode_out, const LodePNGColorMode* mode_in,
-                         unsigned w, unsigned h);
-Settings for the decoder. This contains settings for the PNG and the Zlib
-decoder, but not the Info settings from the Info structs.
-typedef struct LodePNGDecoderSettings {
-  LodePNGDecompressSettings zlibsettings; /*in here is the setting to ignore Adler32 checksums*/
-  /* Check LodePNGDecompressSettings for more ignorable errors such as ignore_adler32 */
-  unsigned ignore_crc; /*ignore CRC checksums*/
-  unsigned ignore_critical; /*ignore unknown critical chunks*/
-  unsigned ignore_end; /*ignore issues at end of file if possible (missing IEND chunk, too large chunk, ...)*/
-  /* TODO: make a system involving warnings with levels and a strict mode instead. Other potentially recoverable
-     errors: srgb rendering intent value, size of content of ancillary chunks, more than 79 characters for some
-     strings, placement/combination rules for ancillary chunks, crc of unknown chunks, allowed characters
-     in string keys, etc... */
-  unsigned color_convert; /*whether to convert the PNG to the color type you want. Default: yes*/
-  unsigned read_text_chunks; /*if false but remember_unknown_chunks is true, they're stored in the unknown chunks*/
-  /*store all bytes from unknown chunks in the LodePNGInfo (off by default, useful for a png editor)*/
-  unsigned remember_unknown_chunks;
-  /* maximum size for decompressed text chunks. If a text chunk's text is larger than this, an error is returned,
-  unless reading text chunks is disabled or this limit is set higher or disabled. Set to 0 to allow any size.
-  By default it is a value that prevents unreasonably large strings from hogging memory. */
-  size_t max_text_size;
-  /* maximum size for compressed ICC chunks. If the ICC profile is larger than this, an error will be returned. Set to
-  0 to allow any size. By default this is a value that prevents ICC profiles that would be much larger than any
-  legitimate profile could be to hog memory. */
-  size_t max_icc_size;
-} LodePNGDecoderSettings;
-void lodepng_decoder_settings_init(LodePNGDecoderSettings* settings);
-/*automatically use color type with less bits per pixel if losslessly possible. Default: AUTO*/
-typedef enum LodePNGFilterStrategy {
-  /*every filter at zero*/
-  LFS_ZERO = 0,
-  /*every filter at 1, 2, 3 or 4 (paeth), unlike LFS_ZERO not a good choice, but for testing*/
-  LFS_ONE = 1,
-  LFS_TWO = 2,
-  LFS_THREE = 3,
-  LFS_FOUR = 4,
-  /*Use filter that gives minimum sum, as described in the official PNG filter heuristic.*/
-  /*Use the filter type that gives smallest Shannon entropy for this scanline. Depending
-  on the image, this is better or worse than minsum.*/
-  /*
-  Brute-force-search PNG filters by compressing each filter for each scanline.
-  Experimental, very slow, and only rarely gives better compression than MINSUM.
-  */
-  /*use predefined_filters buffer: you specify the filter type for each scanline*/
-} LodePNGFilterStrategy;
-/*Gives characteristics about the integer RGBA colors of the image (count, alpha channel usage, bit depth, ...),
-which helps decide which color model to use for encoding.
-Used internally by default if "auto_convert" is enabled. Public because it's useful for custom algorithms.*/
-typedef struct LodePNGColorStats {
-  unsigned colored; /*not grayscale*/
-  unsigned key; /*image is not opaque and color key is possible instead of full alpha*/
-  unsigned short key_r; /*key values, always as 16-bit, in 8-bit case the byte is duplicated, e.g. 65535 means 255*/
-  unsigned short key_g;
-  unsigned short key_b;
-  unsigned alpha; /*image is not opaque and alpha channel or alpha palette required*/
-  unsigned numcolors; /*amount of colors, up to 257. Not valid if bits == 16 or allow_palette is disabled.*/
-  unsigned char palette[1024]; /*Remembers up to the first 256 RGBA colors, in no particular order, only valid when numcolors is valid*/
-  unsigned bits; /*bits per channel (not for palette). 1,2 or 4 for grayscale only. 16 if 16-bit per channel required.*/
-  size_t numpixels;
-  /*user settings for computing/using the stats*/
-  unsigned allow_palette; /*default 1. if 0, disallow choosing palette colortype in auto_choose_color, and don't count numcolors*/
-  unsigned allow_greyscale; /*default 1. if 0, choose RGB or RGBA even if the image only has gray colors*/
-} LodePNGColorStats;
-void lodepng_color_stats_init(LodePNGColorStats* stats);
-/*Get a LodePNGColorStats of the image. The stats must already have been inited.
-Returns error code (e.g. alloc fail) or 0 if ok.*/
-unsigned lodepng_compute_color_stats(LodePNGColorStats* stats,
-                                     const unsigned char* image, unsigned w, unsigned h,
-                                     const LodePNGColorMode* mode_in);
-/*Settings for the encoder.*/
-typedef struct LodePNGEncoderSettings {
-  LodePNGCompressSettings zlibsettings; /*settings for the zlib encoder, such as window size, ...*/
-  unsigned auto_convert; /*automatically choose output PNG color type. Default: true*/
-  /*If true, follows the official PNG heuristic: if the PNG uses a palette or lower than
-  8 bit depth, set all filters to zero. Otherwise use the filter_strategy. Note that to
-  completely follow the official PNG heuristic, filter_palette_zero must be true and
-  filter_strategy must be LFS_MINSUM*/
-  unsigned filter_palette_zero;
-  /*Which filter strategy to use when not using zeroes due to filter_palette_zero.
-  Set filter_palette_zero to 0 to ensure always using your chosen strategy. Default: LFS_MINSUM*/
-  LodePNGFilterStrategy filter_strategy;
-  /*used if filter_strategy is LFS_PREDEFINED. In that case, this must point to a buffer with
-  the same length as the amount of scanlines in the image, and each value must <= 5. You
-  have to cleanup this buffer, LodePNG will never free it. Don't forget that filter_palette_zero
-  must be set to 0 to ensure this is also used on palette or low bitdepth images.*/
-  const unsigned char* predefined_filters;
-  /*force creating a PLTE chunk if colortype is 2 or 6 (= a suggested palette).
-  If colortype is 3, PLTE is always created. If color type is explicitely set
-  to a grayscale type (1 or 4), this is not done and is ignored. If enabling this,
-  a palette must be present in the info_png.
-  NOTE: enabling this may worsen compression if auto_convert is used to choose
-  optimal color mode, because it cannot use grayscale color modes in this case*/
-  unsigned force_palette;
-  /*add LodePNG identifier and version as a text chunk, for debugging*/
-  unsigned add_id;
-  /*encode text chunks as zTXt chunks instead of tEXt chunks, and use compression in iTXt chunks*/
-  unsigned text_compression;
-} LodePNGEncoderSettings;
-void lodepng_encoder_settings_init(LodePNGEncoderSettings* settings);
-/*The settings, state and information for extended encoding and decoding.*/
-typedef struct LodePNGState {
-  LodePNGDecoderSettings decoder; /*the decoding settings*/
-  LodePNGEncoderSettings encoder; /*the encoding settings*/
-  LodePNGColorMode info_raw; /*specifies the format in which you would like to get the raw pixel buffer*/
-  LodePNGInfo info_png; /*info of the PNG image obtained after decoding*/
-  unsigned error;
-} LodePNGState;
-/*init, cleanup and copy functions to use with this struct*/
-void lodepng_state_init(LodePNGState* state);
-void lodepng_state_cleanup(LodePNGState* state);
-void lodepng_state_copy(LodePNGState* dest, const LodePNGState* source);
-Same as lodepng_decode_memory, but uses a LodePNGState to allow custom settings and
-getting much more information about the PNG image and color mode.
-unsigned lodepng_decode(unsigned char** out, unsigned* w, unsigned* h,
-                        LodePNGState* state,
-                        const unsigned char* in, size_t insize);
-Read the PNG header, but not the actual data. This returns only the information
-that is in the IHDR chunk of the PNG, such as width, height and color type. The
-information is placed in the info_png field of the LodePNGState.
-unsigned lodepng_inspect(unsigned* w, unsigned* h,
-                         LodePNGState* state,
-                         const unsigned char* in, size_t insize);
-Reads one metadata chunk (other than IHDR, which is handled by lodepng_inspect)
-of the PNG file and outputs what it read in the state. Returns error code on failure.
-Use lodepng_inspect first with a new state, then e.g. lodepng_chunk_find_const
-to find the desired chunk type, and if non null use lodepng_inspect_chunk (with
-chunk_pointer - start_of_file as pos).
-Supports most metadata chunks from the PNG standard (gAMA, bKGD, tEXt, ...).
-Ignores unsupported, unknown, non-metadata or IHDR chunks (without error).
-Requirements: &in[pos] must point to start of a chunk, must use regular
-lodepng_inspect first since format of most other chunks depends on IHDR, and if
-there is a PLTE chunk, that one must be inspected before tRNS or bKGD.
-unsigned lodepng_inspect_chunk(LodePNGState* state, size_t pos,
-                               const unsigned char* in, size_t insize);
-/*This function allocates the out buffer with standard malloc and stores the size in *outsize.*/
-unsigned lodepng_encode(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize,
-                        const unsigned char* image, unsigned w, unsigned h,
-                        LodePNGState* state);
-The lodepng_chunk functions are normally not needed, except to traverse the
-unknown chunks stored in the LodePNGInfo struct, or add new ones to it.
-It also allows traversing the chunks of an encoded PNG file yourself.
-The chunk pointer always points to the beginning of the chunk itself, that is
-the first byte of the 4 length bytes.
-In the PNG file format, chunks have the following format:
--4 bytes length: length of the data of the chunk in bytes (chunk itself is 12 bytes longer)
--4 bytes chunk type (ASCII a-z,A-Z only, see below)
--length bytes of data (may be 0 bytes if length was 0)
--4 bytes of CRC, computed on chunk name + data
-The first chunk starts at the 8th byte of the PNG file, the entire rest of the file
-exists out of concatenated chunks with the above format.
-PNG standard chunk ASCII naming conventions:
--First byte: uppercase = critical, lowercase = ancillary
--Second byte: uppercase = public, lowercase = private
--Third byte: must be uppercase
--Fourth byte: uppercase = unsafe to copy, lowercase = safe to copy
-Gets the length of the data of the chunk. Total chunk length has 12 bytes more.
-There must be at least 4 bytes to read from. If the result value is too large,
-it may be corrupt data.
-unsigned lodepng_chunk_length(const unsigned char* chunk);
-/*puts the 4-byte type in null terminated string*/
-void lodepng_chunk_type(char type[5], const unsigned char* chunk);
-/*check if the type is the given type*/
-unsigned char lodepng_chunk_type_equals(const unsigned char* chunk, const char* type);
-/*0: it's one of the critical chunk types, 1: it's an ancillary chunk (see PNG standard)*/
-unsigned char lodepng_chunk_ancillary(const unsigned char* chunk);
-/*0: public, 1: private (see PNG standard)*/
-unsigned char lodepng_chunk_private(const unsigned char* chunk);
-/*0: the chunk is unsafe to copy, 1: the chunk is safe to copy (see PNG standard)*/
-unsigned char lodepng_chunk_safetocopy(const unsigned char* chunk);
-/*get pointer to the data of the chunk, where the input points to the header of the chunk*/
-unsigned char* lodepng_chunk_data(unsigned char* chunk);
-const unsigned char* lodepng_chunk_data_const(const unsigned char* chunk);
-/*returns 0 if the crc is correct, 1 if it's incorrect (0 for OK as usual!)*/
-unsigned lodepng_chunk_check_crc(const unsigned char* chunk);
-/*generates the correct CRC from the data and puts it in the last 4 bytes of the chunk*/
-void lodepng_chunk_generate_crc(unsigned char* chunk);
-Iterate to next chunks, allows iterating through all chunks of the PNG file.
-Input must be at the beginning of a chunk (result of a previous lodepng_chunk_next call,
-or the 8th byte of a PNG file which always has the first chunk), or alternatively may
-point to the first byte of the PNG file (which is not a chunk but the magic header, the
-function will then skip over it and return the first real chunk).
-Will output pointer to the start of the next chunk, or at or beyond end of the file if there
-is no more chunk after this or possibly if the chunk is corrupt.
-Start this process at the 8th byte of the PNG file.
-In a non-corrupt PNG file, the last chunk should have name "IEND".
-unsigned char* lodepng_chunk_next(unsigned char* chunk, unsigned char* end);
-const unsigned char* lodepng_chunk_next_const(const unsigned char* chunk, const unsigned char* end);
-/*Finds the first chunk with the given type in the range [chunk, end), or returns NULL if not found.*/
-unsigned char* lodepng_chunk_find(unsigned char* chunk, unsigned char* end, const char type[5]);
-const unsigned char* lodepng_chunk_find_const(const unsigned char* chunk, const unsigned char* end, const char type[5]);
-Appends chunk to the data in out. The given chunk should already have its chunk header.
-The out variable and outsize are updated to reflect the new reallocated buffer.
-Returns error code (0 if it went ok)
-unsigned lodepng_chunk_append(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize, const unsigned char* chunk);
-Appends new chunk to out. The chunk to append is given by giving its length, type
-and data separately. The type is a 4-letter string.
-The out variable and outsize are updated to reflect the new reallocated buffer.
-Returne error code (0 if it went ok)
-unsigned lodepng_chunk_create(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize, unsigned length,
-                              const char* type, const unsigned char* data);
-/*Calculate CRC32 of buffer*/
-unsigned lodepng_crc32(const unsigned char* buf, size_t len);
-This zlib part can be used independently to zlib compress and decompress a
-buffer. It cannot be used to create gzip files however, and it only supports the
-part of zlib that is required for PNG, it does not support dictionaries.
-/*Inflate a buffer. Inflate is the decompression step of deflate. Out buffer must be freed after use.*/
-unsigned lodepng_inflate(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize,
-                         const unsigned char* in, size_t insize,
-                         const LodePNGDecompressSettings* settings);
-Decompresses Zlib data. Reallocates the out buffer and appends the data. The
-data must be according to the zlib specification.
-Either, *out must be NULL and *outsize must be 0, or, *out must be a valid
-buffer and *outsize its size in bytes. out must be freed by user after usage.
-unsigned lodepng_zlib_decompress(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize,
-                                 const unsigned char* in, size_t insize,
-                                 const LodePNGDecompressSettings* settings);
-Compresses data with Zlib. Reallocates the out buffer and appends the data.
-Zlib adds a small header and trailer around the deflate data.
-The data is output in the format of the zlib specification.
-Either, *out must be NULL and *outsize must be 0, or, *out must be a valid
-buffer and *outsize its size in bytes. out must be freed by user after usage.
-unsigned lodepng_zlib_compress(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize,
-                               const unsigned char* in, size_t insize,
-                               const LodePNGCompressSettings* settings);
-Find length-limited Huffman code for given frequencies. This function is in the
-public interface only for tests, it's used internally by lodepng_deflate.
-unsigned lodepng_huffman_code_lengths(unsigned* lengths, const unsigned* frequencies,
-                                      size_t numcodes, unsigned maxbitlen);
-/*Compress a buffer with deflate. See RFC 1951. Out buffer must be freed after use.*/
-unsigned lodepng_deflate(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize,
-                         const unsigned char* in, size_t insize,
-                         const LodePNGCompressSettings* settings);
-Load a file from disk into buffer. The function allocates the out buffer, and
-after usage you should free it.
-out: output parameter, contains pointer to loaded buffer.
-outsize: output parameter, size of the allocated out buffer
-filename: the path to the file to load
-return value: error code (0 means ok)
-NOTE: Wide-character filenames are not supported, you can use an external method
-to handle such files and decode in-memory.
-unsigned lodepng_load_file(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize, const char* filename);
-Save a file from buffer to disk. Warning, if it exists, this function overwrites
-the file without warning!
-buffer: the buffer to write
-buffersize: size of the buffer to write
-filename: the path to the file to save to
-return value: error code (0 means ok)
-NOTE: Wide-character filenames are not supported, you can use an external method
-to handle such files and encode in-memory
-unsigned lodepng_save_file(const unsigned char* buffer, size_t buffersize, const char* filename);
-/* The LodePNG C++ wrapper uses std::vectors instead of manually allocated memory buffers. */
-namespace lodepng {
-class State : public LodePNGState {
-  public:
-    State();
-    State(const State& other);
-    ~State();
-    State& operator=(const State& other);
-/* Same as other lodepng::decode, but using a State for more settings and information. */
-unsigned decode(std::vector<unsigned char>& out, unsigned& w, unsigned& h,
-                State& state,
-                const unsigned char* in, size_t insize);
-unsigned decode(std::vector<unsigned char>& out, unsigned& w, unsigned& h,
-                State& state,
-                const std::vector<unsigned char>& in);
-/* Same as other lodepng::encode, but using a State for more settings and information. */
-unsigned encode(std::vector<unsigned char>& out,
-                const unsigned char* in, unsigned w, unsigned h,
-                State& state);
-unsigned encode(std::vector<unsigned char>& out,
-                const std::vector<unsigned char>& in, unsigned w, unsigned h,
-                State& state);
-Load a file from disk into an std::vector.
-return value: error code (0 means ok)
-NOTE: Wide-character filenames are not supported, you can use an external method
-to handle such files and decode in-memory
-unsigned load_file(std::vector<unsigned char>& buffer, const std::string& filename);
-Save the binary data in an std::vector to a file on disk. The file is overwritten
-without warning.
-NOTE: Wide-character filenames are not supported, you can use an external method
-to handle such files and encode in-memory
-unsigned save_file(const std::vector<unsigned char>& buffer, const std::string& filename);
-/* Zlib-decompress an unsigned char buffer */
-unsigned decompress(std::vector<unsigned char>& out, const unsigned char* in, size_t insize,
-                    const LodePNGDecompressSettings& settings = lodepng_default_decompress_settings);
-/* Zlib-decompress an std::vector */
-unsigned decompress(std::vector<unsigned char>& out, const std::vector<unsigned char>& in,
-                    const LodePNGDecompressSettings& settings = lodepng_default_decompress_settings);
-/* Zlib-compress an unsigned char buffer */
-unsigned compress(std::vector<unsigned char>& out, const unsigned char* in, size_t insize,
-                  const LodePNGCompressSettings& settings = lodepng_default_compress_settings);
-/* Zlib-compress an std::vector */
-unsigned compress(std::vector<unsigned char>& out, const std::vector<unsigned char>& in,
-                  const LodePNGCompressSettings& settings = lodepng_default_compress_settings);
-} /* namespace lodepng */
-[.] test if there are no memory leaks or security exploits - done a lot but needs to be checked often
-[.] check compatibility with various compilers  - done but needs to be redone for every newer version
-[X] converting color to 16-bit per channel types
-[X] support color profile chunk types (but never let them touch RGB values by default)
-[ ] support all public PNG chunk types (almost done except sPLT and hIST)
-[ ] make sure encoder generates no chunks with size > (2^31)-1
-[ ] partial decoding (stream processing)
-[X] let the "isFullyOpaque" function check color keys and transparent palettes too
-[X] better name for the variables "codes", "codesD", "codelengthcodes", "clcl" and "lldl"
-[ ] allow treating some errors like warnings, when image is recoverable (e.g. 69, 57, 58)
-[ ] make warnings like: oob palette, checksum fail, data after iend, wrong/unknown crit chunk, no null terminator in text, ...
-[ ] error messages with line numbers (and version)
-[ ] errors in state instead of as return code?
-[ ] new errors/warnings like suspiciously big decompressed ztxt or iccp chunk
-[ ] let the C++ wrapper catch exceptions coming from the standard library and return LodePNG error codes
-[ ] allow user to provide custom color conversion functions, e.g. for premultiplied alpha, padding bits or not, ...
-[ ] allow user to give data (void*) to custom allocator
-[X] provide alternatives for C library functions not present on some platforms (memcpy, ...)
-#endif /*LODEPNG_H inclusion guard*/
-LodePNG Documentation
-0. table of contents
-  1. about
-   1.1. supported features
-   1.2. features not supported
-  2. C and C++ version
-  3. security
-  4. decoding
-  5. encoding
-  6. color conversions
-    6.1. PNG color types
-    6.2. color conversions
-    6.3. padding bits
-    6.4. A note about 16-bits per channel and endianness
-  7. error values
-  8. chunks and PNG editing
-  9. compiler support
-  10. examples
-   10.1. decoder C++ example
-   10.2. decoder C example
-  11. state settings reference
-  12. changes
-  13. contact information
-1. about
-PNG is a file format to store raster images losslessly with good compression,
-supporting different color types and alpha channel.
-LodePNG is a PNG codec according to the Portable Network Graphics (PNG)
-Specification (Second Edition) - W3C Recommendation 10 November 2003.
-The specifications used are:
-*) Portable Network Graphics (PNG) Specification (Second Edition):
-*) RFC 1950 ZLIB Compressed Data Format version 3.3:
-*) RFC 1951 DEFLATE Compressed Data Format Specification ver 1.3:
-The most recent version of LodePNG can currently be found at
-LodePNG works both in C (ISO C90) and C++, with a C++ wrapper that adds
-extra functionality.
-LodePNG exists out of two files:
--lodepng.h: the header file for both C and C++
--lodepng.c(pp): give it the name lodepng.c or lodepng.cpp (or .cc) depending on your usage
-If you want to start using LodePNG right away without reading this doc, get the
-examples from the LodePNG website to see how to use it in code, or check the
-smaller examples in chapter 13 here.
-LodePNG is simple but only supports the basic requirements. To achieve
-simplicity, the following design choices were made: There are no dependencies
-on any external library. There are functions to decode and encode a PNG with
-a single function call, and extended versions of these functions taking a
-LodePNGState struct allowing to specify or get more information. By default
-the colors of the raw image are always RGB or RGBA, no matter what color type
-the PNG file uses. To read and write files, there are simple functions to
-convert the files to/from buffers in memory.
-This all makes LodePNG suitable for loading textures in games, demos and small
-programs, ... It's less suitable for full fledged image editors, loading PNGs
-over network (it requires all the image data to be available before decoding can
-begin), life-critical systems, ...
-1.1. supported features
-The following features are supported by the decoder:
-*) decoding of PNGs with any color type, bit depth and interlace mode, to a 24- or 32-bit color raw image,
-   or the same color type as the PNG
-*) encoding of PNGs, from any raw image to 24- or 32-bit color, or the same color type as the raw image
-*) Adam7 interlace and deinterlace for any color type
-*) loading the image from harddisk or decoding it from a buffer from other sources than harddisk
-*) support for alpha channels, including RGBA color model, translucent palettes and color keying
-*) zlib decompression (inflate)
-*) zlib compression (deflate)
-*) CRC32 and ADLER32 checksums
-*) colorimetric color profile conversions: currently experimentally available in lodepng_util.cpp only,
-   plus alternatively ability to pass on chroma/gamma/ICC profile information to other color management system.
-*) handling of unknown chunks, allowing making a PNG editor that stores custom and unknown chunks.
-*) the following chunks are supported by both encoder and decoder:
-    IHDR: header information
-    PLTE: color palette
-    IDAT: pixel data
-    IEND: the final chunk
-    tRNS: transparency for palettized images
-    tEXt: textual information
-    zTXt: compressed textual information
-    iTXt: international textual information
-    bKGD: suggested background color
-    pHYs: physical dimensions
-    tIME: modification time
-    cHRM: RGB chromaticities
-    gAMA: RGB gamma correction
-    iCCP: ICC color profile
-    sRGB: rendering intent
-    sBIT: significant bits
-1.2. features not supported
-The following features are not (yet) supported:
-*) some features needed to make a conformant PNG-Editor might be still missing.
-*) partial loading/stream processing. All data must be available and is processed in one call.
-*) The hIST and sPLT public chunks are not (yet) supported but treated as unknown chunks
-2. C and C++ version
-The C version uses buffers allocated with alloc that you need to free()
-yourself. You need to use init and cleanup functions for each struct whenever
-using a struct from the C version to avoid exploits and memory leaks.
-The C++ version has extra functions with std::vectors in the interface and the
-lodepng::State class which is a LodePNGState with constructor and destructor.
-These files work without modification for both C and C++ compilers because all
-the additional C++ code is in "#ifdef __cplusplus" blocks that make C-compilers
-ignore it, and the C code is made to compile both with strict ISO C90 and C++.
-To use the C++ version, you need to rename the source file to lodepng.cpp
-(instead of lodepng.c), and compile it with a C++ compiler.
-To use the C version, you need to rename the source file to lodepng.c (instead
-of lodepng.cpp), and compile it with a C compiler.
-3. Security
-Even if carefully designed, it's always possible that LodePNG contains possible
-exploits. If you discover one, please let me know, and it will be fixed.
-When using LodePNG, care has to be taken with the C version of LodePNG, as well
-as the C-style structs when working with C++. The following conventions are used
-for all C-style structs:
--if a struct has a corresponding init function, always call the init function when making a new one
--if a struct has a corresponding cleanup function, call it before the struct disappears to avoid memory leaks
--if a struct has a corresponding copy function, use the copy function instead of "=".
- The destination must also be inited already.
-4. Decoding
-Decoding converts a PNG compressed image to a raw pixel buffer.
-Most documentation on using the decoder is at its declarations in the header
-above. For C, simple decoding can be done with functions such as
-lodepng_decode32, and more advanced decoding can be done with the struct
-LodePNGState and lodepng_decode. For C++, all decoding can be done with the
-various lodepng::decode functions, and lodepng::State can be used for advanced
-When using the LodePNGState, it uses the following fields for decoding:
-*) LodePNGInfo info_png: it stores extra information about the PNG (the input) in here
-*) LodePNGColorMode info_raw: here you can say what color mode of the raw image (the output) you want to get
-*) LodePNGDecoderSettings decoder: you can specify a few extra settings for the decoder to use
-LodePNGInfo info_png
-After decoding, this contains extra information of the PNG image, except the actual
-pixels, width and height because these are already gotten directly from the decoder
-It contains for example the original color type of the PNG image, text comments,
-suggested background color, etc... More details about the LodePNGInfo struct are
-at its declaration documentation.
-LodePNGColorMode info_raw
-When decoding, here you can specify which color type you want
-the resulting raw image to be. If this is different from the colortype of the
-PNG, then the decoder will automatically convert the result. This conversion
-always works, except if you want it to convert a color PNG to grayscale or to
-a palette with missing colors.
-By default, 32-bit color is used for the result.
-LodePNGDecoderSettings decoder
-The settings can be used to ignore the errors created by invalid CRC and Adler32
-chunks, and to disable the decoding of tEXt chunks.
-There's also a setting color_convert, true by default. If false, no conversion
-is done, the resulting data will be as it was in the PNG (after decompression)
-and you'll have to puzzle the colors of the pixels together yourself using the
-color type information in the LodePNGInfo.
-5. Encoding
-Encoding converts a raw pixel buffer to a PNG compressed image.
-Most documentation on using the encoder is at its declarations in the header
-above. For C, simple encoding can be done with functions such as
-lodepng_encode32, and more advanced decoding can be done with the struct
-LodePNGState and lodepng_encode. For C++, all encoding can be done with the
-various lodepng::encode functions, and lodepng::State can be used for advanced
-Like the decoder, the encoder can also give errors. However it gives less errors
-since the encoder input is trusted, the decoder input (a PNG image that could
-be forged by anyone) is not trusted.
-When using the LodePNGState, it uses the following fields for encoding:
-*) LodePNGInfo info_png: here you specify how you want the PNG (the output) to be.
-*) LodePNGColorMode info_raw: here you say what color type of the raw image (the input) has
-*) LodePNGEncoderSettings encoder: you can specify a few settings for the encoder to use
-LodePNGInfo info_png
-When encoding, you use this the opposite way as when decoding: for encoding,
-you fill in the values you want the PNG to have before encoding. By default it's
-not needed to specify a color type for the PNG since it's automatically chosen,
-but it's possible to choose it yourself given the right settings.
-The encoder will not always exactly match the LodePNGInfo struct you give,
-it tries as close as possible. Some things are ignored by the encoder. The
-encoder uses, for example, the following settings from it when applicable:
-colortype and bitdepth, text chunks, time chunk, the color key, the palette, the
-background color, the interlace method, unknown chunks, ...
-When encoding to a PNG with colortype 3, the encoder will generate a PLTE chunk.
-If the palette contains any colors for which the alpha channel is not 255 (so
-there are translucent colors in the palette), it'll add a tRNS chunk.
-LodePNGColorMode info_raw
-You specify the color type of the raw image that you give to the input here,
-including a possible transparent color key and palette you happen to be using in
-your raw image data.
-By default, 32-bit color is assumed, meaning your input has to be in RGBA
-format with 4 bytes (unsigned chars) per pixel.
-LodePNGEncoderSettings encoder
-The following settings are supported (some are in sub-structs):
-*) auto_convert: when this option is enabled, the encoder will
-automatically choose the smallest possible color mode (including color key) that
-can encode the colors of all pixels without information loss.
-*) btype: the block type for LZ77. 0 = uncompressed, 1 = fixed huffman tree,
-   2 = dynamic huffman tree (best compression). Should be 2 for proper
-   compression.
-*) use_lz77: whether or not to use LZ77 for compressed block types. Should be
-   true for proper compression.
-*) windowsize: the window size used by the LZ77 encoder (1 - 32768). Has value
-   2048 by default, but can be set to 32768 for better, but slow, compression.
-*) force_palette: if colortype is 2 or 6, you can make the encoder write a PLTE
-   chunk if force_palette is true. This can used as suggested palette to convert
-   to by viewers that don't support more than 256 colors (if those still exist)
-*) add_id: add text chunk "Encoder: LodePNG <version>" to the image.
-*) text_compression: default 1. If 1, it'll store texts as zTXt instead of tEXt chunks.
-  zTXt chunks use zlib compression on the text. This gives a smaller result on
-  large texts but a larger result on small texts (such as a single program name).
-  It's all tEXt or all zTXt though, there's no separate setting per text yet.
-6. color conversions
-An important thing to note about LodePNG, is that the color type of the PNG, and
-the color type of the raw image, are completely independent. By default, when
-you decode a PNG, you get the result as a raw image in the color type you want,
-no matter whether the PNG was encoded with a palette, grayscale or RGBA color.
-And if you encode an image, by default LodePNG will automatically choose the PNG
-color type that gives good compression based on the values of colors and amount
-of colors in the image. It can be configured to let you control it instead as
-well, though.
-To be able to do this, LodePNG does conversions from one color mode to another.
-It can convert from almost any color type to any other color type, except the
-following conversions: RGB to grayscale is not supported, and converting to a
-palette when the palette doesn't have a required color is not supported. This is
-not supported on purpose: this is information loss which requires a color
-reduction algorithm that is beyond the scope of a PNG encoder (yes, RGB to gray
-is easy, but there are multiple ways if you want to give some channels more
-By default, when decoding, you get the raw image in 32-bit RGBA or 24-bit RGB
-color, no matter what color type the PNG has. And by default when encoding,
-LodePNG automatically picks the best color model for the output PNG, and expects
-the input image to be 32-bit RGBA or 24-bit RGB. So, unless you want to control
-the color format of the images yourself, you can skip this chapter.
-6.1. PNG color types
-A PNG image can have many color types, ranging from 1-bit color to 64-bit color,
-as well as palettized color modes. After the zlib decompression and unfiltering
-in the PNG image is done, the raw pixel data will have that color type and thus
-a certain amount of bits per pixel. If you want the output raw image after
-decoding to have another color type, a conversion is done by LodePNG.
-The PNG specification gives the following color types:
-0: grayscale, bit depths 1, 2, 4, 8, 16
-2: RGB, bit depths 8 and 16
-3: palette, bit depths 1, 2, 4 and 8
-4: grayscale with alpha, bit depths 8 and 16
-6: RGBA, bit depths 8 and 16
-Bit depth is the amount of bits per pixel per color channel. So the total amount
-of bits per pixel is: amount of channels * bitdepth.
-6.2. color conversions
-As explained in the sections about the encoder and decoder, you can specify
-color types and bit depths in info_png and info_raw to change the default
-If, when decoding, you want the raw image to be something else than the default,
-you need to set the color type and bit depth you want in the LodePNGColorMode,
-or the parameters colortype and bitdepth of the simple decoding function.
-If, when encoding, you use another color type than the default in the raw input
-image, you need to specify its color type and bit depth in the LodePNGColorMode
-of the raw image, or use the parameters colortype and bitdepth of the simple
-encoding function.
-If, when encoding, you don't want LodePNG to choose the output PNG color type
-but control it yourself, you need to set auto_convert in the encoder settings
-to false, and specify the color type you want in the LodePNGInfo of the
-encoder (including palette: it can generate a palette if auto_convert is true,
-otherwise not).
-If the input and output color type differ (whether user chosen or auto chosen),
-LodePNG will do a color conversion, which follows the rules below, and may
-sometimes result in an error.
-To avoid some confusion:
--the decoder converts from PNG to raw image
--the encoder converts from raw image to PNG
--the colortype and bitdepth in LodePNGColorMode info_raw, are those of the raw image
--the colortype and bitdepth in the color field of LodePNGInfo info_png, are those of the PNG
--when encoding, the color type in LodePNGInfo is ignored if auto_convert
- is enabled, it is automatically generated instead
--when decoding, the color type in LodePNGInfo is set by the decoder to that of the original
- PNG image, but it can be ignored since the raw image has the color type you requested instead
--if the color type of the LodePNGColorMode and PNG image aren't the same, a conversion
- between the color types is done if the color types are supported. If it is not
- supported, an error is returned. If the types are the same, no conversion is done.
--even though some conversions aren't supported, LodePNG supports loading PNGs from any
- colortype and saving PNGs to any colortype, sometimes it just requires preparing
- the raw image correctly before encoding.
--both encoder and decoder use the same color converter.
-The function lodepng_convert does the color conversion. It is available in the
-interface but normally isn't needed since the encoder and decoder already call
-Non supported color conversions:
--color to grayscale when non-gray pixels are present: no error is thrown, but
-the result will look ugly because only the red channel is taken (it assumes all
-three channels are the same in this case so ignores green and blue). The reason
-no error is given is to allow converting from three-channel grayscale images to
-one-channel even if there are numerical imprecisions.
--anything to palette when the palette does not have an exact match for a from-color
-in it: in this case an error is thrown
-Supported color conversions:
--anything to 8-bit RGB, 8-bit RGBA, 16-bit RGB, 16-bit RGBA
--any gray or gray+alpha, to gray or gray+alpha
--anything to a palette, as long as the palette has the requested colors in it
--removing alpha channel
--higher to smaller bitdepth, and vice versa
-If you want no color conversion to be done (e.g. for speed or control):
--In the encoder, you can make it save a PNG with any color type by giving the
-raw color mode and LodePNGInfo the same color mode, and setting auto_convert to
--In the decoder, you can make it store the pixel data in the same color type
-as the PNG has, by setting the color_convert setting to false. Settings in
-info_raw are then ignored.
-6.3. padding bits
-In the PNG file format, if a less than 8-bit per pixel color type is used and the scanlines
-have a bit amount that isn't a multiple of 8, then padding bits are used so that each
-scanline starts at a fresh byte. But that is NOT true for the LodePNG raw input and output.
-The raw input image you give to the encoder, and the raw output image you get from the decoder
-will NOT have these padding bits, e.g. in the case of a 1-bit image with a width
-of 7 pixels, the first pixel of the second scanline will the 8th bit of the first byte,
-not the first bit of a new byte.
-6.4. A note about 16-bits per channel and endianness
-LodePNG uses unsigned char arrays for 16-bit per channel colors too, just like
-for any other color format. The 16-bit values are stored in big endian (most
-significant byte first) in these arrays. This is the opposite order of the
-little endian used by x86 CPU's.
-LodePNG always uses big endian because the PNG file format does so internally.
-Conversions to other formats than PNG uses internally are not supported by
-LodePNG on purpose, there are myriads of formats, including endianness of 16-bit
-colors, the order in which you store R, G, B and A, and so on. Supporting and
-converting to/from all that is outside the scope of LodePNG.
-This may mean that, depending on your use case, you may want to convert the big
-endian output of LodePNG to little endian with a for loop. This is certainly not
-always needed, many applications and libraries support big endian 16-bit colors
-anyway, but it means you cannot simply cast the unsigned char* buffer to an
-unsigned short* buffer on x86 CPUs.
-7. error values
-All functions in LodePNG that return an error code, return 0 if everything went
-OK, or a non-zero code if there was an error.
-The meaning of the LodePNG error values can be retrieved with the function
-lodepng_error_text: given the numerical error code, it returns a description
-of the error in English as a string.
-Check the implementation of lodepng_error_text to see the meaning of each code.
-It is not recommended to use the numerical values to programmatically make
-different decisions based on error types as the numbers are not guaranteed to
-stay backwards compatible. They are for human consumption only. Programmatically
-only 0 or non-0 matter.
-8. chunks and PNG editing
-If you want to add extra chunks to a PNG you encode, or use LodePNG for a PNG
-editor that should follow the rules about handling of unknown chunks, or if your
-program is able to read other types of chunks than the ones handled by LodePNG,
-then that's possible with the chunk functions of LodePNG.
-A PNG chunk has the following layout:
-4 bytes length
-4 bytes type name
-length bytes data
-4 bytes CRC
-8.1. iterating through chunks
-If you have a buffer containing the PNG image data, then the first chunk (the
-IHDR chunk) starts at byte number 8 of that buffer. The first 8 bytes are the
-signature of the PNG and are not part of a chunk. But if you start at byte 8
-then you have a chunk, and can check the following things of it.
-NOTE: none of these functions check for memory buffer boundaries. To avoid
-exploits, always make sure the buffer contains all the data of the chunks.
-When using lodepng_chunk_next, make sure the returned value is within the
-allocated memory.
-unsigned lodepng_chunk_length(const unsigned char* chunk):
-Get the length of the chunk's data. The total chunk length is this length + 12.
-void lodepng_chunk_type(char type[5], const unsigned char* chunk):
-unsigned char lodepng_chunk_type_equals(const unsigned char* chunk, const char* type):
-Get the type of the chunk or compare if it's a certain type
-unsigned char lodepng_chunk_critical(const unsigned char* chunk):
-unsigned char lodepng_chunk_private(const unsigned char* chunk):
-unsigned char lodepng_chunk_safetocopy(const unsigned char* chunk):
-Check if the chunk is critical in the PNG standard (only IHDR, PLTE, IDAT and IEND are).
-Check if the chunk is private (public chunks are part of the standard, private ones not).
-Check if the chunk is safe to copy. If it's not, then, when modifying data in a critical
-chunk, unsafe to copy chunks of the old image may NOT be saved in the new one if your
-program doesn't handle that type of unknown chunk.
-unsigned char* lodepng_chunk_data(unsigned char* chunk):
-const unsigned char* lodepng_chunk_data_const(const unsigned char* chunk):
-Get a pointer to the start of the data of the chunk.
-unsigned lodepng_chunk_check_crc(const unsigned char* chunk):
-void lodepng_chunk_generate_crc(unsigned char* chunk):
-Check if the crc is correct or generate a correct one.
-unsigned char* lodepng_chunk_next(unsigned char* chunk):
-const unsigned char* lodepng_chunk_next_const(const unsigned char* chunk):
-Iterate to the next chunk. This works if you have a buffer with consecutive chunks. Note that these
-functions do no boundary checking of the allocated data whatsoever, so make sure there is enough
-data available in the buffer to be able to go to the next chunk.
-unsigned lodepng_chunk_append(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize, const unsigned char* chunk):
-unsigned lodepng_chunk_create(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize, unsigned length,
-                              const char* type, const unsigned char* data):
-These functions are used to create new chunks that are appended to the data in *out that has
-length *outsize. The append function appends an existing chunk to the new data. The create
-function creates a new chunk with the given parameters and appends it. Type is the 4-letter
-name of the chunk.
-8.2. chunks in info_png
-The LodePNGInfo struct contains fields with the unknown chunk in it. It has 3
-buffers (each with size) to contain 3 types of unknown chunks:
-the ones that come before the PLTE chunk, the ones that come between the PLTE
-and the IDAT chunks, and the ones that come after the IDAT chunks.
-It's necessary to make the distinction between these 3 cases because the PNG
-standard forces to keep the ordering of unknown chunks compared to the critical
-chunks, but does not force any other ordering rules.
-info_png.unknown_chunks_data[0] is the chunks before PLTE
-info_png.unknown_chunks_data[1] is the chunks after PLTE, before IDAT
-info_png.unknown_chunks_data[2] is the chunks after IDAT
-The chunks in these 3 buffers can be iterated through and read by using the same
-way described in the previous subchapter.
-When using the decoder to decode a PNG, you can make it store all unknown chunks
-if you set the option settings.remember_unknown_chunks to 1. By default, this
-option is off (0).
-The encoder will always encode unknown chunks that are stored in the info_png.
-If you need it to add a particular chunk that isn't known by LodePNG, you can
-use lodepng_chunk_append or lodepng_chunk_create to the chunk data in
-Chunks that are known by LodePNG should not be added in that way. E.g. to make
-LodePNG add a bKGD chunk, set background_defined to true and add the correct
-parameters there instead.
-9. compiler support
-No libraries other than the current standard C library are needed to compile
-LodePNG. For the C++ version, only the standard C++ library is needed on top.
-Add the files lodepng.c(pp) and lodepng.h to your project, include
-lodepng.h where needed, and your program can read/write PNG files.
-It is compatible with C90 and up, and C++03 and up.
-If performance is important, use optimization when compiling! For both the
-encoder and decoder, this makes a large difference.
-Make sure that LodePNG is compiled with the same compiler of the same version
-and with the same settings as the rest of the program, or the interfaces with
-std::vectors and std::strings in C++ can be incompatible.
-CHAR_BITS must be 8 or higher, because LodePNG uses unsigned chars for octets.
-*) gcc and g++
-LodePNG is developed in gcc so this compiler is natively supported. It gives no
-warnings with compiler options "-Wall -Wextra -pedantic -ansi", with gcc and g++
-version 4.7.1 on Linux, 32-bit and 64-bit.
-*) Clang
-Fully supported and warning-free.
-*) Mingw
-The Mingw compiler (a port of gcc for Windows) should be fully supported by
-*) Visual Studio and Visual C++ Express Edition
-LodePNG should be warning-free with warning level W4. Two warnings were disabled
-with pragmas though: warning 4244 about implicit conversions, and warning 4996
-where it wants to use a non-standard function fopen_s instead of the standard C
-Visual Studio may want "stdafx.h" files to be included in each source file and
-give an error "unexpected end of file while looking for precompiled header".
-This is not standard C++ and will not be added to the stock LodePNG. You can
-disable it for lodepng.cpp only by right clicking it, Properties, C/C++,
-Precompiled Headers, and set it to Not Using Precompiled Headers there.
-NOTE: Modern versions of VS should be fully supported, but old versions, e.g.
-VS6, are not guaranteed to work.
-*) Compilers on Macintosh
-LodePNG has been reported to work both with gcc and LLVM for Macintosh, both for
-C and C++.
-*) Other Compilers
-If you encounter problems on any compilers, feel free to let me know and I may
-try to fix it if the compiler is modern and standards compliant.
-10. examples
-This decoder example shows the most basic usage of LodePNG. More complex
-examples can be found on the LodePNG website.
-NOTE: these examples do not support wide-character filenames, you can use an
-external method to handle such files and encode or decode in-memory
-10.1. decoder C++ example
-#include "lodepng.h"
-#include <iostream>
-int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
-  const char* filename = argc > 1 ? argv[1] : "test.png";
-  //load and decode
-  std::vector<unsigned char> image;
-  unsigned width, height;
-  unsigned error = lodepng::decode(image, width, height, filename);
-  //if there's an error, display it
-  if(error) std::cout << "decoder error " << error << ": " << lodepng_error_text(error) << std::endl;
-  //the pixels are now in the vector "image", 4 bytes per pixel, ordered RGBARGBA..., use it as texture, draw it, ...
-10.2. decoder C example
-#include "lodepng.h"
-int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
-  unsigned error;
-  unsigned char* image;
-  size_t width, height;
-  const char* filename = argc > 1 ? argv[1] : "test.png";
-  error = lodepng_decode32_file(&image, &width, &height, filename);
-  if(error) printf("decoder error %u: %s\n", error, lodepng_error_text(error));
-  / * use image here * /
-  free(image);
-  return 0;
-11. state settings reference
-A quick reference of some settings to set on the LodePNGState
-For decoding:
-state.decoder.zlibsettings.ignore_adler32: ignore ADLER32 checksums
-state.decoder.zlibsettings.custom_...: use custom inflate function
-state.decoder.ignore_crc: ignore CRC checksums
-state.decoder.ignore_critical: ignore unknown critical chunks
-state.decoder.ignore_end: ignore missing IEND chunk. May fail if this corruption causes other errors
-state.decoder.color_convert: convert internal PNG color to chosen one
-state.decoder.read_text_chunks: whether to read in text metadata chunks
-state.decoder.remember_unknown_chunks: whether to read in unknown chunks
-state.info_raw.colortype: desired color type for decoded image
-state.info_raw.bitdepth: desired bit depth for decoded image
-state.info_raw....: more color settings, see struct LodePNGColorMode
-state.info_png....: no settings for decoder but ouput, see struct LodePNGInfo
-For encoding:
-state.encoder.zlibsettings.btype: disable compression by setting it to 0
-state.encoder.zlibsettings.use_lz77: use LZ77 in compression
-state.encoder.zlibsettings.windowsize: tweak LZ77 windowsize
-state.encoder.zlibsettings.minmatch: tweak min LZ77 length to match
-state.encoder.zlibsettings.nicematch: tweak LZ77 match where to stop searching
-state.encoder.zlibsettings.lazymatching: try one more LZ77 matching
-state.encoder.zlibsettings.custom_...: use custom deflate function
-state.encoder.auto_convert: choose optimal PNG color type, if 0 uses info_png
-state.encoder.filter_palette_zero: PNG filter strategy for palette
-state.encoder.filter_strategy: PNG filter strategy to encode with
-state.encoder.force_palette: add palette even if not encoding to one
-state.encoder.add_id: add LodePNG identifier and version as a text chunk
-state.encoder.text_compression: use compressed text chunks for metadata
-state.info_raw.colortype: color type of raw input image you provide
-state.info_raw.bitdepth: bit depth of raw input image you provide
-state.info_raw: more color settings, see struct LodePNGColorMode
-state.info_png.color.colortype: desired color type if auto_convert is false
-state.info_png.color.bitdepth: desired bit depth if auto_convert is false
-state.info_png.color....: more color settings, see struct LodePNGColorMode
-state.info_png....: more PNG related settings, see struct LodePNGInfo
-12. changes
-The version number of LodePNG is the date of the change given in the format
-Some changes aren't backwards compatible. Those are indicated with a (!)
-Not all changes are listed here, the commit history in github lists more:
-*) 10 apr 2023: faster CRC32 implementation, but with larger lookup table.
-*) 13 jun 2022: added support for the sBIT chunk.
-*) 09 jan 2022: minor decoder speed improvements.
-*) 27 jun 2021: added warnings that file reading/writing functions don't support
-   wide-character filenames (support for this is not planned, opening files is
-   not the core part of PNG decoding/decoding and is platform dependent).
-*) 17 okt 2020: prevent decoding too large text/icc chunks by default.
-*) 06 mar 2020: simplified some of the dynamic memory allocations.
-*) 12 jan 2020: (!) added 'end' argument to lodepng_chunk_next to allow correct
-   overflow checks.
-*) 14 aug 2019: around 25% faster decoding thanks to huffman lookup tables.
-*) 15 jun 2019: (!) auto_choose_color API changed (for bugfix: don't use palette
-   if gray ICC profile) and non-ICC LodePNGColorProfile renamed to
-   LodePNGColorStats.
-*) 30 dec 2018: code style changes only: removed newlines before opening braces.
-*) 10 sep 2018: added way to inspect metadata chunks without full decoding.
-*) 19 aug 2018: (!) fixed color mode bKGD is encoded with and made it use
-   palette index in case of palette.
-*) 10 aug 2018: (!) added support for gAMA, cHRM, sRGB and iCCP chunks. This
-   change is backwards compatible unless you relied on unknown_chunks for those.
-*) 11 jun 2018: less restrictive check for pixel size integer overflow
-*) 14 jan 2018: allow optionally ignoring a few more recoverable errors
-*) 17 sep 2017: fix memory leak for some encoder input error cases
-*) 27 nov 2016: grey+alpha auto color model detection bugfix
-*) 18 apr 2016: Changed qsort to custom stable sort (for platforms w/o qsort).
-*) 09 apr 2016: Fixed colorkey usage detection, and better file loading (within
-   the limits of pure C90).
-*) 08 dec 2015: Made load_file function return error if file can't be opened.
-*) 24 okt 2015: Bugfix with decoding to palette output.
-*) 18 apr 2015: Boundary PM instead of just package-merge for faster encoding.
-*) 24 aug 2014: Moved to github
-*) 23 aug 2014: Reduced needless memory usage of decoder.
-*) 28 jun 2014: Removed fix_png setting, always support palette OOB for
-    simplicity. Made ColorProfile public.
-*) 09 jun 2014: Faster encoder by fixing hash bug and more zeros optimization.
-*) 22 dec 2013: Power of two windowsize required for optimization.
-*) 15 apr 2013: Fixed bug with LAC_ALPHA and color key.
-*) 25 mar 2013: Added an optional feature to ignore some PNG errors (fix_png).
-*) 11 mar 2013: (!) Bugfix with custom free. Changed from "my" to "lodepng_"
-    prefix for the custom allocators and made it possible with a new #define to
-    use custom ones in your project without needing to change lodepng's code.
-*) 28 jan 2013: Bugfix with color key.
-*) 27 okt 2012: Tweaks in text chunk keyword length error handling.
-*) 8 okt 2012: (!) Added new filter strategy (entropy) and new auto color mode.
-    (no palette). Better deflate tree encoding. New compression tweak settings.
-    Faster color conversions while decoding. Some internal cleanups.
-*) 23 sep 2012: Reduced warnings in Visual Studio a little bit.
-*) 1 sep 2012: (!) Removed #define's for giving custom (de)compression functions
-    and made it work with function pointers instead.
-*) 23 jun 2012: Added more filter strategies. Made it easier to use custom alloc
-    and free functions and toggle #defines from compiler flags. Small fixes.
-*) 6 may 2012: (!) Made plugging in custom zlib/deflate functions more flexible.
-*) 22 apr 2012: (!) Made interface more consistent, renaming a lot. Removed
-    redundant C++ codec classes. Reduced amount of structs. Everything changed,
-    but it is cleaner now imho and functionality remains the same. Also fixed
-    several bugs and shrunk the implementation code. Made new samples.
-*) 6 nov 2011: (!) By default, the encoder now automatically chooses the best
-    PNG color model and bit depth, based on the amount and type of colors of the
-    raw image. For this, autoLeaveOutAlphaChannel replaced by auto_choose_color.
-*) 9 okt 2011: simpler hash chain implementation for the encoder.
-*) 8 sep 2011: lz77 encoder lazy matching instead of greedy matching.
-*) 23 aug 2011: tweaked the zlib compression parameters after benchmarking.
-    A bug with the PNG filtertype heuristic was fixed, so that it chooses much
-    better ones (it's quite significant). A setting to do an experimental, slow,
-    brute force search for PNG filter types is added.
-*) 17 aug 2011: (!) changed some C zlib related function names.
-*) 16 aug 2011: made the code less wide (max 120 characters per line).
-*) 17 apr 2011: code cleanup. Bugfixes. Convert low to 16-bit per sample colors.
-*) 21 feb 2011: fixed compiling for C90. Fixed compiling with sections disabled.
-*) 11 dec 2010: encoding is made faster, based on suggestion by Peter Eastman
-    to optimize long sequences of zeros.
-*) 13 nov 2010: added LodePNG_InfoColor_hasPaletteAlpha and
-    LodePNG_InfoColor_canHaveAlpha functions for convenience.
-*) 7 nov 2010: added LodePNG_error_text function to get error code description.
-*) 30 okt 2010: made decoding slightly faster
-*) 26 okt 2010: (!) changed some C function and struct names (more consistent).
-     Reorganized the documentation and the declaration order in the header.
-*) 08 aug 2010: only changed some comments and external samples.
-*) 05 jul 2010: fixed bug thanks to warnings in the new gcc version.
-*) 14 mar 2010: fixed bug where too much memory was allocated for char buffers.
-*) 02 sep 2008: fixed bug where it could create empty tree that linux apps could
-    read by ignoring the problem but windows apps couldn't.
-*) 06 jun 2008: added more error checks for out of memory cases.
-*) 26 apr 2008: added a few more checks here and there to ensure more safety.
-*) 06 mar 2008: crash with encoding of strings fixed
-*) 02 feb 2008: support for international text chunks added (iTXt)
-*) 23 jan 2008: small cleanups, and #defines to divide code in sections
-*) 20 jan 2008: support for unknown chunks allowing using LodePNG for an editor.
-*) 18 jan 2008: support for tIME and pHYs chunks added to encoder and decoder.
-*) 17 jan 2008: ability to encode and decode compressed zTXt chunks added
-    Also various fixes, such as in the deflate and the padding bits code.
-*) 13 jan 2008: Added ability to encode Adam7-interlaced images. Improved
-    filtering code of encoder.
-*) 07 jan 2008: (!) changed LodePNG to use ISO C90 instead of C++. A
-    C++ wrapper around this provides an interface almost identical to before.
-    Having LodePNG be pure ISO C90 makes it more portable. The C and C++ code
-    are together in these files but it works both for C and C++ compilers.
-*) 29 dec 2007: (!) changed most integer types to unsigned int + other tweaks
-*) 30 aug 2007: bug fixed which makes this Borland C++ compatible
-*) 09 aug 2007: some VS2005 warnings removed again
-*) 21 jul 2007: deflate code placed in new namespace separate from zlib code
-*) 08 jun 2007: fixed bug with 2- and 4-bit color, and small interlaced images
-*) 04 jun 2007: improved support for Visual Studio 2005: crash with accessing
-    invalid std::vector element [0] fixed, and level 3 and 4 warnings removed
-*) 02 jun 2007: made the encoder add a tag with version by default
-*) 27 may 2007: zlib and png code separated (but still in the same file),
-    simple encoder/decoder functions added for more simple usage cases
-*) 19 may 2007: minor fixes, some code cleaning, new error added (error 69),
-    moved some examples from here to lodepng_examples.cpp
-*) 12 may 2007: palette decoding bug fixed
-*) 24 apr 2007: changed the license from BSD to the zlib license
-*) 11 mar 2007: very simple addition: ability to encode bKGD chunks.
-*) 04 mar 2007: (!) tEXt chunk related fixes, and support for encoding
-    palettized PNG images. Plus little interface change with palette and texts.
-*) 03 mar 2007: Made it encode dynamic Huffman shorter with repeat codes.
-    Fixed a bug where the end code of a block had length 0 in the Huffman tree.
-*) 26 feb 2007: Huffman compression with dynamic trees (BTYPE 2) now implemented
-    and supported by the encoder, resulting in smaller PNGs at the output.
-*) 27 jan 2007: Made the Adler-32 test faster so that a timewaste is gone.
-*) 24 jan 2007: gave encoder an error interface. Added color conversion from any
-    greyscale type to 8-bit greyscale with or without alpha.
-*) 21 jan 2007: (!) Totally changed the interface. It allows more color types
-    to convert to and is more uniform. See the manual for how it works now.
-*) 07 jan 2007: Some cleanup & fixes, and a few changes over the last days:
-    encode/decode custom tEXt chunks, separate classes for zlib & deflate, and
-    at last made the decoder give errors for incorrect Adler32 or Crc.
-*) 01 jan 2007: Fixed bug with encoding PNGs with less than 8 bits per channel.
-*) 29 dec 2006: Added support for encoding images without alpha channel, and
-    cleaned out code as well as making certain parts faster.
-*) 28 dec 2006: Added "Settings" to the encoder.
-*) 26 dec 2006: The encoder now does LZ77 encoding and produces much smaller files now.
-    Removed some code duplication in the decoder. Fixed little bug in an example.
-*) 09 dec 2006: (!) Placed output parameters of public functions as first parameter.
-    Fixed a bug of the decoder with 16-bit per color.
-*) 15 okt 2006: Changed documentation structure
-*) 09 okt 2006: Encoder class added. It encodes a valid PNG image from the
-    given image buffer, however for now it's not compressed.
-*) 08 sep 2006: (!) Changed to interface with a Decoder class
-*) 30 jul 2006: (!) LodePNG_InfoPng , width and height are now retrieved in different
-    way. Renamed decodePNG to decodePNGGeneric.
-*) 29 jul 2006: (!) Changed the interface: image info is now returned as a
-    struct of type LodePNG::LodePNG_Info, instead of a vector, which was a bit clumsy.
-*) 28 jul 2006: Cleaned the code and added new error checks.
-    Corrected terminology "deflate" into "inflate".
-*) 23 jun 2006: Added SDL example in the documentation in the header, this
-    example allows easy debugging by displaying the PNG and its transparency.
-*) 22 jun 2006: (!) Changed way to obtain error value. Added
-    loadFile function for convenience. Made decodePNG32 faster.
-*) 21 jun 2006: (!) Changed type of info vector to unsigned.
-    Changed position of palette in info vector. Fixed an important bug that
-    happened on PNGs with an uncompressed block.
-*) 16 jun 2006: Internally changed unsigned into unsigned where
-    needed, and performed some optimizations.
-*) 07 jun 2006: (!) Renamed functions to decodePNG and placed them
-    in LodePNG namespace. Changed the order of the parameters. Rewrote the
-    documentation in the header. Renamed files to lodepng.cpp and lodepng.h
-*) 22 apr 2006: Optimized and improved some code
-*) 07 sep 2005: (!) Changed to std::vector interface
-*) 12 aug 2005: Initial release (C++, decoder only)
-13. contact information
-Feel free to contact me with suggestions, problems, comments, ... concerning
-LodePNG. If you encounter a PNG image that doesn't work properly with this
-decoder, feel free to send it and I'll use it to find and fix the problem.
-My email address is (puzzle the account and domain together with an @ symbol):
-Domain: gmail dot com.
-Account: lode dot vandevenne.
-Copyright (c) 2005-2022 Lode Vandevenne
--- a/semiconginev2/old/resources/mesh.nim	Mon Jul 22 15:53:32 2024 +0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,372 +0,0 @@
-import std/strutils
-import std/json
-import std/logging
-import std/tables
-import std/strformat
-import std/streams
-import ../mesh
-import ../material
-import ../core
-import ./image
-  glTFHeader = object
-    magic: uint32
-    version: uint32
-    length: uint32
-  glTFData = object
-    structuredContent: JsonNode
-    binaryBufferData: seq[uint8]
-  JSON_CHUNK = 0x4E4F534A
-  BINARY_CHUNK = 0x004E4942
-    5120: Int8,
-    5121: UInt8,
-    5122: Int16,
-    5123: UInt16,
-    5125: UInt32,
-    5126: Float32,
-  }.toTable
-    9729: VK_FILTER_LINEAR,
-    9985: VK_FILTER_LINEAR,
-    9987: VK_FILTER_LINEAR,
-  }.toTable
-  }.toTable
-    "color": "baseColorFactor",
-    "emissiveColor": "emissiveFactor",
-    "metallic": "metallicFactor",
-    "roughness", "roughnessFactor",
-    "baseTexture": "baseColorTexture",
-    "metallicRoughnessTexture": "metallicRoughnessTexture",
-    "normalTexture": "normalTexture",
-    "occlusionTexture": "occlusionTexture",
-    "emissiveTexture": "emissiveTexture",
-  }.toTable
-proc getGPUType(accessor: JsonNode, attribute: string): DataType =
-  # TODO: no full support for all datatypes that glTF may provide
-  # semicongine/core/gpu_data should maybe generated with macros to allow for all combinations
-  let componentType = ACCESSOR_TYPE_MAP[accessor["componentType"].getInt()]
-  let theType = accessor["type"].getStr()
-  case theType
-  of "SCALAR":
-    return componentType
-  of "VEC2":
-    case componentType
-    of UInt32: return Vec2U32
-    of Float32: return Vec2F32
-    else: raise newException(Exception, &"Unsupported data type for attribute '{attribute}': {componentType} {theType}")
-  of "VEC3":
-    case componentType
-    of UInt32: return Vec3U32
-    of Float32: return Vec3F32
-    else: raise newException(Exception, &"Unsupported data type for attribute '{attribute}': {componentType} {theType}")
-  of "VEC4":
-    case componentType
-    of UInt32: return Vec4U32
-    of Float32: return Vec4F32
-    else: raise newException(Exception, &"Unsupported data type for attribute '{attribute}': {componentType} {theType}")
-  of "MAT2":
-    case componentType
-    of Float32: return Vec4F32
-    else: raise newException(Exception, &"Unsupported data type for attribute '{attribute}': {componentType} {theType}")
-  of "MAT3":
-    case componentType
-    of Float32: return Vec4F32
-    else: raise newException(Exception, &"Unsupported data type for attribute '{attribute}': {componentType} {theType}")
-  of "MAT4":
-    case componentType
-    of Float32: return Vec4F32
-    else: raise newException(Exception, &"Unsupported data type for attribute '{attribute}': {componentType} {theType}")
-proc getBufferViewData(bufferView: JsonNode, mainBuffer: seq[uint8], baseBufferOffset = 0): seq[uint8] =
-  assert bufferView["buffer"].getInt() == 0, "Currently no external buffers supported"
-  result = newSeq[uint8](bufferView["byteLength"].getInt())
-  let bufferOffset = bufferView["byteOffset"].getInt() + baseBufferOffset
-  var dstPointer = addr result[0]
-  if bufferView.hasKey("byteStride"):
-    raise newException(Exception, "Unsupported feature: byteStride in buffer view")
-  copyMem(dstPointer, addr mainBuffer[bufferOffset], result.len)
-proc getAccessorData(root: JsonNode, accessor: JsonNode, mainBuffer: seq[uint8]): DataList =
-  result = InitDataList(thetype = accessor.getGPUType("??"))
-  result.SetLen(accessor["count"].getInt())
-  let bufferView = root["bufferViews"][accessor["bufferView"].getInt()]
-  assert bufferView["buffer"].getInt() == 0, "Currently no external buffers supported"
-  if accessor.hasKey("sparse"):
-    raise newException(Exception, "Sparce accessors are currently not implemented")
-  let accessorOffset = if accessor.hasKey("byteOffset"): accessor["byteOffset"].getInt() else: 0
-  let length = bufferView["byteLength"].getInt()
-  let bufferOffset = bufferView["byteOffset"].getInt() + accessorOffset
-  var dstPointer = result.GetPointer()
-  if bufferView.hasKey("byteStride"):
-    warn "Congratulations, you try to test a feature (loading buffer data with stride attributes) that we have no idea where it is used and how it can be tested (need a coresponding *.glb file)."
-    # we don't support stride, have to convert stuff here... does this even work?
-    for i in 0 ..< int(result.len):
-      copyMem(dstPointer, addr mainBuffer[bufferOffset + i * bufferView["byteStride"].getInt()], int(result.thetype.Size))
-      dstPointer = cast[pointer](cast[uint](dstPointer) + result.thetype.Size)
-  else:
-    copyMem(dstPointer, addr mainBuffer[bufferOffset], length)
-proc loadImage(root: JsonNode, imageIndex: int, mainBuffer: seq[uint8]): Image[RGBAPixel] =
-  if root["images"][imageIndex].hasKey("uri"):
-    raise newException(Exception, "Unsupported feature: Load images from external files")
-  let bufferView = root["bufferViews"][root["images"][imageIndex]["bufferView"].getInt()]
-  let imgData = newStringStream(cast[string](getBufferViewData(bufferView, mainBuffer)))
-  let imageType = root["images"][imageIndex]["mimeType"].getStr()
-  case imageType
-  of "image/bmp":
-    result = ReadBMP(imgData)
-  of "image/png":
-    result = ReadPNG(imgData)
-  else:
-    raise newException(Exception, "Unsupported feature: Load image of type " & imageType)
-proc loadTexture(root: JsonNode, textureIndex: int, mainBuffer: seq[uint8]): Texture =
-  let textureNode = root["textures"][textureIndex]
-  result = Texture(isGrayscale: false)
-  result.colorImage = loadImage(root, textureNode["source"].getInt(), mainBuffer)
- = root["images"][textureNode["source"].getInt()]["name"].getStr()
-  if == "":
- = &"Texture{textureIndex}"
-  if textureNode.hasKey("sampler"):
-    let sampler = root["samplers"][textureNode["sampler"].getInt()]
-    if sampler.hasKey("magFilter"):
-      result.sampler.magnification = SAMPLER_FILTER_MODE_MAP[sampler["magFilter"].getInt()]
-    if sampler.hasKey("minFilter"):
-      result.sampler.minification = SAMPLER_FILTER_MODE_MAP[sampler["minFilter"].getInt()]
-    if sampler.hasKey("wrapS"):
-      result.sampler.wrapModeS = SAMPLER_WRAP_MODE_MAP[sampler["wrapS"].getInt()]
-    if sampler.hasKey("wrapT"):
-      result.sampler.wrapModeT = SAMPLER_WRAP_MODE_MAP[sampler["wrapS"].getInt()]
-proc loadMaterial(root: JsonNode, materialNode: JsonNode, defaultMaterial: MaterialType, mainBuffer: seq[uint8]): MaterialData =
-  let pbr = materialNode["pbrMetallicRoughness"]
-  var attributes: Table[string, DataList]
-  # color
-  if defaultMaterial.attributes.contains("color"):
-    attributes["color"] = InitDataList(thetype = Vec4F32)
-    if pbr.hasKey(GLTF_MATERIAL_MAPPING["color"]):
-      attributes["color"] = @[NewVec4f(
-        pbr[GLTF_MATERIAL_MAPPING["color"]][0].getFloat(),
-        pbr[GLTF_MATERIAL_MAPPING["color"]][1].getFloat(),
-        pbr[GLTF_MATERIAL_MAPPING["color"]][2].getFloat(),
-        pbr[GLTF_MATERIAL_MAPPING["color"]][3].getFloat(),
-      )]
-    else:
-      attributes["color"] = @[NewVec4f(1, 1, 1, 1)]
-    # pbr material values
-    for factor in ["metallic", "roughness"]:
-      if defaultMaterial.attributes.contains(factor):
-        attributes[factor] = InitDataList(thetype = Float32)
-        if pbr.hasKey(GLTF_MATERIAL_MAPPING[factor]):
-          attributes[factor] = @[float32(pbr[GLTF_MATERIAL_MAPPING[factor]].getFloat())]
-        else:
-          attributes[factor] = @[0.5'f32]
-  # pbr material textures
-  for texture in ["baseTexture", "metallicRoughnessTexture"]:
-    if defaultMaterial.attributes.contains(texture):
-      attributes[texture] = InitDataList(thetype = TextureType)
-      # attributes[texture & "Index"] = InitDataList(thetype=UInt8)
-      if pbr.hasKey(GLTF_MATERIAL_MAPPING[texture]):
-        attributes[texture] = @[loadTexture(root, pbr[GLTF_MATERIAL_MAPPING[texture]]["index"].getInt(), mainBuffer)]
-      else:
-        attributes[texture] = @[EMPTY_TEXTURE]
-  # generic material textures
-  for texture in ["normalTexture", "occlusionTexture", "emissiveTexture"]:
-    if defaultMaterial.attributes.contains(texture):
-      attributes[texture] = InitDataList(thetype = TextureType)
-      # attributes[texture & "Index"] = InitDataList(thetype=UInt8)
-      if materialNode.hasKey(GLTF_MATERIAL_MAPPING[texture]):
-        attributes[texture] = @[loadTexture(root, materialNode[texture]["index"].getInt(), mainBuffer)]
-      else:
-        attributes[texture] = @[EMPTY_TEXTURE]
-  # emissiv color
-  if defaultMaterial.attributes.contains("emissiveColor"):
-    attributes["emissiveColor"] = InitDataList(thetype = Vec3F32)
-    if materialNode.hasKey(GLTF_MATERIAL_MAPPING["emissiveColor"]):
-      attributes["emissiveColor"] = @[NewVec3f(
-        materialNode[GLTF_MATERIAL_MAPPING["emissiveColor"]][0].getFloat(),
-        materialNode[GLTF_MATERIAL_MAPPING["emissiveColor"]][1].getFloat(),
-        materialNode[GLTF_MATERIAL_MAPPING["emissiveColor"]][2].getFloat(),
-      )]
-    else:
-      attributes["emissiveColor"] = @[NewVec3f(1'f32, 1'f32, 1'f32)]
-  result = InitMaterialData(theType = defaultMaterial, name = materialNode["name"].getStr(), attributes = attributes)
-proc loadMesh(meshname: string, root: JsonNode, primitiveNode: JsonNode, materials: seq[MaterialData], mainBuffer: seq[uint8]): Mesh =
-  if primitiveNode.hasKey("mode") and primitiveNode["mode"].getInt() != 4:
-    raise newException(Exception, "Currently only TRIANGLE mode is supported for geometry mode")
-  var indexType = None
-  let indexed = primitiveNode.hasKey("indices")
-  if indexed:
-    # TODO: Tiny indices
-    var indexCount = root["accessors"][primitiveNode["indices"].getInt()]["count"].getInt()
-    if indexCount < int(high(uint16)):
-      indexType = Small
-    else:
-      indexType = Big
-  result = Mesh(
-    instanceTransforms: @[Unit4F32],
-    indexType: indexType,
-    name: meshname,
-    vertexCount: 0,
-  )
-  for attribute, accessor in primitiveNode["attributes"].pairs:
-    let data = root.getAccessorData(root["accessors"][accessor.getInt()], mainBuffer)
-    if result.vertexCount == 0:
-      result.vertexCount = data.len
-    assert data.len == result.vertexCount
-    result[].InitVertexAttribute(attribute.toLowerAscii, data)
-  if primitiveNode.hasKey("material"):
-    let materialId = primitiveNode["material"].getInt()
-    result[].material = materials[materialId]
-  else:
-    result[].material = EMPTY_MATERIAL.InitMaterialData()
-  if primitiveNode.hasKey("indices"):
-    assert result[].indexType != None
-    let data = root.getAccessorData(root["accessors"][primitiveNode["indices"].getInt()], mainBuffer)
-    var tri: seq[int]
-    case data.thetype
-      of UInt16:
-        for entry in data[uint16][]:
-          tri.add int(entry)
-          if tri.len == 3:
-            # FYI gltf uses counter-clockwise indexing
-            result[].AppendIndicesData(tri[0], tri[1], tri[2])
-            tri.setLen(0)
-      of UInt32:
-        for entry in data[uint32][]:
-          tri.add int(entry)
-          if tri.len == 3:
-            # FYI gltf uses counter-clockwise indexing
-            result[].AppendIndicesData(tri[0], tri[1], tri[2])
-            tri.setLen(0)
-      else:
-        raise newException(Exception, &"Unsupported index data type: {data.thetype}")
-  # TODO: getting from gltf to vulkan system is still messed up somehow, see other TODO
-  Transform[Vec3f](result[], "position", Scale(1, -1, 1))
-proc loadNode(root: JsonNode, node: JsonNode, materials: seq[MaterialData], mainBuffer: var seq[uint8]): MeshTree =
-  result = MeshTree()
-  # mesh
-  if node.hasKey("mesh"):
-    let mesh = root["meshes"][node["mesh"].getInt()]
-    for primitive in mesh["primitives"]:
-      result.children.add MeshTree(mesh: loadMesh(mesh["name"].getStr(), root, primitive, materials, mainBuffer))
-  # transformation
-  if node.hasKey("matrix"):
-    var mat: Mat4
-    for i in 0 ..< node["matrix"].len:
-      mat[i] = node["matrix"][i].getFloat()
-    result.transform = mat
-  else:
-    var (t, r, s) = (Unit4F32, Unit4F32, Unit4F32)
-    if node.hasKey("translation"):
-      t = Translate(
-        float32(node["translation"][0].getFloat()),
-        float32(node["translation"][1].getFloat()),
-        float32(node["translation"][2].getFloat())
-      )
-    if node.hasKey("rotation"):
-      t = Rotate(
-        float32(node["rotation"][3].getFloat()),
-        NewVec3f(
-          float32(node["rotation"][0].getFloat()),
-          float32(node["rotation"][1].getFloat()),
-          float32(node["rotation"][2].getFloat())
-        )
-      )
-    if node.hasKey("scale"):
-      t = Scale(
-        float32(node["scale"][0].getFloat()),
-        float32(node["scale"][1].getFloat()),
-        float32(node["scale"][2].getFloat())
-      )
-    result.transform = t * r * s
-  result.transform = Scale(1, -1, 1) * result.transform
-  # children
-  if node.hasKey("children"):
-    for childNode in node["children"]:
-      result.children.add loadNode(root, root["nodes"][childNode.getInt()], materials, mainBuffer)
-proc loadMeshTree(root: JsonNode, scenenode: JsonNode, materials: seq[MaterialData], mainBuffer: var seq[uint8]): MeshTree =
-  result = MeshTree()
-  for nodeId in scenenode["nodes"]:
-    result.children.add loadNode(root, root["nodes"][nodeId.getInt()], materials, mainBuffer)
-  # TODO: getting from gltf to vulkan system is still messed up somehow (i.e. not consistent for different files), see other TODO
-  # result.transform = Scale(1, -1, 1)
-  result.updateTransforms()
-proc ReadglTF*(stream: Stream, defaultMaterial: MaterialType): seq[MeshTree] =
-  var
-    header: glTFHeader
-    data: glTFData
-  for name, value in fieldPairs(header):
-  assert header.magic == 0x46546C67
-  assert header.version == 2
-  var chunkLength = stream.readUint32()
-  assert stream.readUint32() == JSON_CHUNK
-  data.structuredContent = parseJson(stream.readStr(int(chunkLength)))
-  chunkLength = stream.readUint32()
-  assert stream.readUint32() == BINARY_CHUNK
-  data.binaryBufferData.setLen(chunkLength)
-  assert stream.readData(addr data.binaryBufferData[0], int(chunkLength)) == int(chunkLength)
-  # check that the refered buffer is the same as the binary chunk
-  # external binary buffers are not supported
-  assert data.structuredContent["buffers"].len == 1
-  assert not data.structuredContent["buffers"][0].hasKey("uri")
-  let bufferLenDiff = int(chunkLength) - data.structuredContent["buffers"][0]["byteLength"].getInt()
-  assert 0 <= bufferLenDiff and bufferLenDiff <= 3 # binary buffer may be aligned to 4 bytes
-  debug "Loading mesh: ", data.structuredContent.pretty
-  var materials: seq[MaterialData]
-  for materialnode in data.structuredContent["materials"]:
-    materials.add data.structuredContent.loadMaterial(materialnode, defaultMaterial, data.binaryBufferData)
-  for scenedata in data.structuredContent["scenes"]:
-    result.add data.structuredContent.loadMeshTree(scenedata, materials, data.binaryBufferData)