1 import std/os
2 import std/sugar
3 import std/algorithm
4 import std/strformat
5 import std/strutils
6 import std/sequtils
7 import std/streams
8 import std/tables
9 import httpClient
10 import std/xmlparser
11 import std/xmltree
13 type
14 FileContent = seq[string]
16 const
17 TYPEMAP = {
18 "void": "void",
19 "char": "char",
20 "float": "float32",
21 "double": "float64",
22 "int8_t": "int8",
23 "uint8_t": "uint8",
24 "int16_t": "int16",
25 "uint16_t": "uint16",
26 "int32_t": "int32",
27 "uint32_t": "uint32",
28 "uint64_t": "uint64",
29 "int64_t": "int64",
30 "size_t": "csize_t",
31 "int": "cint",
32 "void*": "pointer",
33 "char*": "cstring",
34 "ptr char": "cstring",
35 "ptr void": "pointer",
36 "VK_DEFINE_HANDLE": "VkHandle",
37 "VK_DEFINE_NON_DISPATCHABLE_HANDLE": "VkNonDispatchableHandle",
38 }.toTable
40 "X11/Xlib.h": @["xlib", "xlib_xrandr"],
41 "X11/extensions/Xrandr.h": @["xlib_xrandr"],
42 "wayland-client.h": @["wayland"],
43 "windows.h": @["win32"],
44 "xcb/xcb.h": @["xcb"],
45 "directfb.h": @["directfb"],
46 "zircon/types.h": @["fuchsia"],
47 "ggp_c/vulkan_types.h": @["ggp"],
48 "screen/screen.h": @["screen"],
49 "nvscisync.h": @["sci"],
50 "nvscibuf.h": @["sci"],
51 "vk_video/vulkan_video_codec_h264std.h": @["provisional"],
52 "vk_video/vulkan_video_codec_h264std_decode.h": @["provisional"],
53 "vk_video/vulkan_video_codec_h264std_encode.h": @["provisional"],
54 "vk_video/vulkan_video_codec_h265std.h": @["provisional"],
55 "vk_video/vulkan_video_codec_h265std_decode.h": @["provisional"],
56 "vk_video/vulkan_video_codec_h265std_encode.h": @["provisional"],
57 }.toTable
59 "object": "theobject",
60 "type": "thetype",
61 }.toTable
63 "VK_NV_ray_tracing": "VK_KHR_ray_tracing_pipeline",
64 }.toTable
66 # helpers
67 func mapType(typename: string): auto =
68 TYPEMAP.getOrDefault(typename.strip(), typename.strip()).strip(chars={'_'})
69 func mapName(thename: string): auto =
70 MAP_KEYWORD.getOrDefault(thename.strip(), thename.strip()).strip(chars={'_'})
71 func smartParseInt(value: string): int =
72 if value.startsWith("0x"):
73 parseHexInt(value)
74 else:
75 parseInt(value)
76 func hasAttr(node: XmlNode, attr: string): bool = node.attr(attr) != ""
77 func tableSorted(table: Table[int, string]): seq[(int, string)] =
78 result = toSeq(table.pairs)
79 result.sort((a, b) => cmp(a[0], b[0]))
81 # serializers
82 func serializeEnum(node: XmlNode, root: XmlNode): seq[string] =
83 let name = node.attr("name")
84 if name == "":
85 return result
87 # find additional enum defintion in feature definitions
88 var values: Table[int, string]
89 for feature in root.findAll("feature"):
90 for require in feature.findAll("require"):
91 for theenum in require.findAll("enum"):
92 if theenum.attr("extends") == name:
93 if theenum.hasAttr("offset"):
94 let enumBase = 1000000000 + (smartParseInt(theenum.attr("extnumber")) - 1) * 1000
95 var value = smartParseInt(theenum.attr("offset")) + enumBase
96 if theenum.attr("dir") == "-":
97 value = -value
98 values[value] = theenum.attr("name")
99 elif theenum.hasAttr("value"):
100 var value = smartParseInt(theenum.attr("value"))
101 if theenum.attr("dir") == "-":
102 value = -value
103 values[value] = theenum.attr("name")
104 elif theenum.hasAttr("bitpos"):
105 var value = smartParseInt(theenum.attr("bitpos"))
106 if theenum.attr("dir") == "-":
107 value = -value
108 values[value] = theenum.attr("name")
109 elif theenum.hasAttr("alias"):
110 discard
111 else:
112 raise newException(Exception, &"Unknown extension value: {feature}\nvalue:{theenum}")
113 # find additional enum defintion in extension definitions
114 for extension in root.findAll("extension"):
115 let extensionNumber = parseInt(extension.attr("number"))
116 let enumBase = 1000000000 + (extensionNumber - 1) * 1000
117 for require in extension.findAll("require"):
118 for theenum in require.findAll("enum"):
119 if theenum.attr("extends") == name:
120 if theenum.hasAttr("offset"):
121 if theenum.hasAttr("extnumber"):
122 let otherBase = 1000000000 + (smartParseInt(theenum.attr("extnumber")) - 1) * 1000
123 var value = smartParseInt(theenum.attr("offset")) + otherBase
124 if theenum.attr("dir") == "-":
125 value = -value
126 values[value] = theenum.attr("name")
127 else:
128 var value = smartParseInt(theenum.attr("offset")) + enumBase
129 if theenum.attr("dir") == "-":
130 value = -value
131 values[value] = theenum.attr("name")
132 elif theenum.hasAttr("value"):
133 var value = smartParseInt(theenum.attr("value"))
134 if theenum.attr("dir") == "-":
135 value = -value
136 values[value] = theenum.attr("name")
137 elif theenum.hasAttr("bitpos"):
138 var value = smartParseInt(theenum.attr("bitpos"))
139 if theenum.attr("dir") == "-":
140 value = -value
141 values[value] = theenum.attr("name")
142 elif theenum.hasAttr("alias"):
143 discard
144 else:
145 raise newException(Exception, &"Unknown extension value: {extension}\nvalue:{theenum}")
147 # generate enums
148 if node.attr("type") == "enum":
149 for value in node.findAll("enum"):
150 if value.hasAttr("alias"):
151 continue
152 if value.attr("value").startsWith("0x"):
153 values[parseHexInt(value.attr("value"))] = value.attr("name")
154 else:
155 values[smartParseInt(value.attr("value"))] = value.attr("name")
156 if values.len > 0:
157 result.add " " & name & "* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum"
158 for (value, name) in tableSorted(values):
159 let enumEntry = &" {name} = {value}"
160 result.add enumEntry
162 # generate bitsets (normal enums in the C API, but bitfield-enums in Nim)
163 elif node.attr("type") == "bitmask":
164 for value in node.findAll("enum"):
165 if value.hasAttr("bitpos"):
166 values[smartParseInt(value.attr("bitpos"))] = value.attr("name")
167 elif node.attr("name") == "VkVideoEncodeRateControlModeFlagBitsKHR": # special exception, for some reason this has values instead of bitpos
168 values[smartParseInt(value.attr("value"))] = value.attr("name")
169 if values.len > 0:
170 if node.hasAttr("bitwidth"):
171 result.add " " & name & "* {.size: " & $(smartParseInt(node.attr("bitwidth")) div 8) & ".} = enum"
172 else:
173 result.add " " & name & "* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum"
174 for (bitpos, enumvalue) in tableSorted(values):
175 var value = "00000000000000000000000000000000"# makes the bit mask nicely visible
176 if node.hasAttr("bitwidth"): # assumes this is always 64
177 value = value & value
178 value[^(bitpos + 1)] = '1'
179 let enumEntry = &" {enumvalue} = 0b{value}"
180 if not (enumEntry in result): # the specs define duplicate entries for backwards compat
181 result.add enumEntry
182 let cApiName = name.replace("FlagBits", "Flags")
183 if node.hasAttr("bitwidth"): # assumes this is always 64
184 if values.len > 0:
185 result.add &"""converter BitsetToNumber*(flags: openArray[{name}]): {cApiName} =
186 for flag in flags:
187 result = {cApiName}(uint64(result) or uint(flag))"""
188 result.add "type"
189 else:
190 if values.len > 0:
191 result.add &"""converter BitsetToNumber*(flags: openArray[{name}]): {cApiName} =
192 for flag in flags:
193 result = {cApiName}(uint(result) or uint(flag))"""
194 result.add "type"
196 func serializeStruct(node: XmlNode, root: XmlNode): seq[string] =
197 let name = node.attr("name")
198 var union = ""
199 if node.attr("category") == "union":
200 union = "{.union.} "
201 result.add &" {name}* {union}= object"
202 for member in node.findAll("member"):
203 if not member.hasAttr("api") or member.attr("api") == "vulkan":
204 let fieldname = member.child("name")[0].text.strip(chars={'_'})
205 var fieldtype = member.child("type")[0].text.strip(chars={'_'})
206 if member[member.len - 2].kind == xnText and member[member.len - 2].text.strip() == "*":
207 fieldtype = &"ptr {mapType(fieldtype)}"
208 fieldtype = mapType(fieldtype)
209 result.add &" {mapName(fieldname)}*: {fieldtype}"
211 func serializeFunctiontypes(api: XmlNode): seq[string] =
212 for node in api.findAll("type"):
213 if node.attr("category") == "funcpointer":
214 let name = node[1][0]
215 let returntype = mapType(node[0].text[8 .. ^1].split('(', 1)[0])
216 var params: seq[string]
217 for i in countup(3, node.len - 1, 2):
218 var paramname = node[i + 1].text.split(',', 1)[0].split(')', 1)[0]
219 var paramtype = node[i][0].text
220 if paramname[0] == '*':
221 paramname = paramname.rsplit(" ", 1)[1]
222 paramtype = "ptr " & paramtype
223 paramname = mapName(paramname)
224 params.add &"{paramname}: {mapType(paramtype)}"
225 let paramsstr = params.join(", ")
226 result.add(&" {name}* = proc({paramsstr}): {returntype} {{.cdecl.}}")
228 func serializeType(node: XmlNode, headerTypes: Table[string, string]): Table[string, seq[string]] =
229 if node.attrsLen == 0:
230 return
231 if node.attr("requires") == "vk_platform" or node.attr("category") == "include":
232 return
233 result["basetypes"] = @[]
234 result["enums"] = @[]
236 # include-defined types (in platform headers)
237 if node.attr("name") in headerTypes:
238 for platform in PLATFORM_HEADER_MAP[node.attr("requires")]:
239 let platformfile = "platform/" & platform
240 if not result.hasKey(platformfile):
241 result[platformfile] = @[]
242 result[platformfile].add " " & node.attr("name").strip(chars={'_'}) & " {.header: \"" & node.attr("requires") & "\".} = object"
243 # generic base types
244 elif node.attr("category") == "basetype":
245 let typechild = node.child("type")
246 let namechild = node.child("name")
247 if typechild != nil and namechild != nil:
248 var typename = typechild[0].text
249 if node[2].kind == xnText and node[2].text.strip() == "*":
250 typename = &"ptr {typename}"
251 result["basetypes"].add &" {namechild[0].text}* = {mapType(typename)}"
252 elif namechild != nil:
253 result["basetypes"].add &" {namechild[0].text}* = object"
254 # function pointers need to be handled with structs
255 elif node.attr("category") == "funcpointer":
256 discard
257 # preprocessor defines, ignored
258 elif node.attr("category") == "define":
259 discard
260 # bitmask aliases
261 elif node.attr("category") == "bitmask":
262 if node.hasAttr("alias"):
263 let name = node.attr("name")
264 let alias = node.attr("alias")
265 result["enums"].add &" {name}* = {alias}"
266 # distinct resource ID types aka handles
267 elif node.attr("category") == "handle":
268 if not node.hasAttr("alias"):
269 let name = node.child("name")[0].text
270 var thetype = mapType(node.child("type")[0].text)
271 result["basetypes"].add &" {name}* = distinct {thetype}"
272 # enum aliases
273 elif node.attr("category") == "enum":
274 if node.hasAttr("alias"):
275 let name = node.attr("name")
276 let alias = node.attr("alias")
277 result["enums"].add &" {name}* = {alias}"
278 else:
279 discard
281 func serializeCommand(node: XmlNode): (string, string) =
282 let
283 proto = node.child("proto")
284 resulttype = mapType(proto.child("type")[0].text)
285 name = proto.child("name")[0].text
286 var params: seq[string]
287 for param in node:
288 if param.tag == "param" and param.attr("api") in ["", "vulkan"]:
289 let fieldname = param.child("name")[0].text.strip(chars={'_'})
290 var fieldtype = param.child("type")[0].text.strip(chars={'_'})
291 if param[param.len - 2].kind == xnText and param[param.len - 2].text.strip() == "*":
292 fieldtype = &"ptr {mapType(fieldtype)}"
293 fieldtype = mapType(fieldtype)
294 params.add &"{mapName(fieldname)}: {fieldtype}"
295 let allparams = params.join(", ")
296 return (name, &"proc({allparams}): {resulttype} {{.stdcall.}}")
299 proc update(a: var Table[string, seq[string]], b: Table[string, seq[string]]) =
300 for k, v in b.pairs:
301 if not a.hasKey(k):
302 a[k] = @[]
303 a[k].add v
306 proc main() =
307 if not os.fileExists("vk.xml"):
308 let client = newHttpClient()
309 let glUrl = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs/main/xml/vk.xml"
310 client.downloadFile(glUrl, "vk.xml")
312 let api = loadXml("vk.xml")
314 const outdir = "src/vulkan_api/output"
315 removeDir outdir
316 createDir outdir
317 createDir outdir / "platform"
319 # index all names that are only available on certain platforms
320 var platformTypes: Table[string, string]
321 for extension in api.findAll("extension"):
322 if extension.hasAttr("platform"):
323 for thetype in extension.findAll("type"):
324 platformTypes[thetype.attr("name")] = extension.attr("platform")
325 for command in extension.findAll("command"):
326 platformTypes[command.attr("name")] = extension.attr("platform")
327 elif extension.attr("name").startsWith("VK_KHR_video"):
328 for thetype in extension.findAll("type"):
329 platformTypes[thetype.attr("name")] = "provisional"
330 for command in extension.findAll("command"):
331 platformTypes[command.attr("name")] = "provisional"
333 var outputFiles = {
334 "basetypes": @[
335 "import std/dynlib",
336 "type",
337 " VkHandle* = distinct pointer",
338 " VkNonDispatchableHandle* = distinct pointer",
339 "when defined(linux):",
340 " let vulkanLib* = loadLib(\"libvulkan.so.1\")",
341 "when defined(windows):",
342 " let vulkanLib* = loadLib(\"vulkan-1.dll\")",
343 "if vulkanLib == nil:",
344 " raise newException(Exception, \"Unable to load vulkan library\")",
345 "type",
346 ],
347 "structs": @["type"],
348 "enums": @["type"],
349 "commands": @[],
350 }.toTable
352 # enums
353 for thetype in api.findAll("type"):
354 if thetype.attr("category") == "bitmask" and not thetype.hasAttr("alias") and (not thetype.hasAttr("api") or thetype.attr("api") == "vulkan"):
355 let name = thetype.child("name")[0].text
356 outputFiles["enums"].add &" {name}* = distinct VkFlags"
357 for theenum in api.findAll("enums"):
358 outputFiles["enums"].add serializeEnum(theenum, api)
360 # structs and function types need to be in same "type" block to avoid forward-declarations
361 outputFiles["structs"].add serializeFunctiontypes(api)
362 for thetype in api.findAll("type"):
363 if thetype.attr("category") == "struct" or thetype.attr("category") == "union":
364 var outfile = "structs"
365 if thetype.attr("name") in platformTypes:
366 outfile = "platform/" & platformTypes[thetype.attr("name")]
367 if not (outfile in outputFiles):
368 outputFiles[outfile] = @[]
369 outputFiles[outfile].add serializeStruct(thetype, api)
371 # types
372 var headerTypes: Table[string, string]
373 for types in api.findAll("types"):
374 for thetype in types.findAll("type"):
375 if thetype.attrsLen == 2 and thetype.hasAttr("requires") and thetype.hasAttr("name") and thetype.attr("requires") != "vk_platform":
376 let name = thetype.attr("name")
377 let incld = thetype.attr("requires")
378 headerTypes[name] = &"{name} {{.header: \"{incld}\".}} = object"
380 for typesgroup in api.findAll("types"):
381 for thetype in typesgroup.findAll("type"):
382 outputFiles.update serializeType(thetype, headerTypes)
384 # commands aka functions
385 var varDecls: Table[string, string]
386 var procLoads: Table[string, string] # procloads need to be packed into feature/extension loader procs
387 for commands in api.findAll("commands"):
388 for command in commands.findAll("command"):
389 if command.attr("api") != "vulkansc":
390 if command.hasAttr("alias"):
391 let name = command.attr("name")
392 let alias = command.attr("alias")
393 let thetype = varDecls[alias].split(":", 1)[1].strip()
394 varDecls[name] = &" {name}*: {thetype}"
395 procLoads[name] = &" {name} = {alias}"
396 else:
397 let (name, thetype) = serializeCommand(command)
398 varDecls[name] = &" {name}*: {thetype}"
399 procLoads[name] = &" {name} = cast[{thetype}](checkedSymAddr(vulkanLib, \"{name}\"))"
400 var declared: seq[string]
401 var featureloads: seq[string]
402 for feature in api.findAll("feature"):
403 if feature.attr("api") in ["vulkan", "vulkan,vulkansc"]:
404 let name = feature.attr("name")
405 outputFiles["commands"].add &"# feature {name}"
406 outputFiles["commands"].add "var"
407 for command in feature.findAll("command"):
408 if not (command.attr("name") in declared):
409 outputFiles["commands"].add varDecls[command.attr("name")]
410 declared.add command.attr("name")
411 featureloads.add &"load{name}"
412 outputFiles["commands"].add &"proc load{name}*() ="
413 for command in feature.findAll("command"):
414 outputFiles["commands"].add procLoads[command.attr("name")]
415 outputFiles["commands"].add ""
416 outputFiles["commands"].add ["proc loadAll*() ="]
417 for l in featureloads:
418 outputFiles["commands"].add [&" {l}()"]
419 outputFiles["commands"].add ""
421 # for promoted extensions, dependants need to call the load-function of the promoted feature/extension
422 # use table to store promotions
423 var promotions: Table[string, string]
424 for extensions in api.findAll("extensions"):
425 for extension in extensions.findAll("extension"):
426 if extension.hasAttr("promotedto"):
427 promotions[extension.attr("name")] = extension.attr("promotedto")
429 var extensionDependencies: Table[string, (seq[string], XmlNode)]
430 var features: seq[string]
431 for feature in api.findAll("feature"):
432 features.add feature.attr("name")
433 for extensions in api.findAll("extensions"):
434 for extension in extensions.findAll("extension"):
435 let name = extension.attr("name")
436 extensionDependencies[name] = (@[], extension)
437 if extension.hasAttr("depends"):
438 extensionDependencies[name] = (extension.attr("depends").split("+"), extension)
439 if extension.attr("depends").startsWith("("): # no need for full tree parser, only single place where we can use a feature
440 let dependencies = extension.attr("depends").rsplit({')'}, 1)[1][1 .. ^1].split("+")
441 extensionDependencies[name] = (dependencies, extension)
443 extensionDependencies[name][0].add SPECIAL_DEPENDENCIES[name]
445 var dependencyOrderedExtensions: OrderedTable[string, XmlNode]
446 while extensionDependencies.len > 0:
447 var delkeys: seq[string]
448 for extensionName, (dependencies, extension) in extensionDependencies.pairs:
449 var missingExtension = false
450 for dep in dependencies:
451 let realdep = promotions.getOrDefault(dep, dep)
452 if not (realdep in dependencyOrderedExtensions) and not (realdep in features):
453 missingExtension = true
454 break
455 if not missingExtension:
456 dependencyOrderedExtensions[extensionName] = extension
457 delkeys.add extensionName
458 for key in delkeys:
459 extensionDependencies.del key
461 for extension in dependencyOrderedExtensions.values:
462 if extension.hasAttr("promotedto"): # will be loaded in promoted place
463 continue
464 if extension.attr("supported") in ["", "vulkan", "vulkan,vulkansc"]:
465 var file = "commands"
466 if extension.attr("platform") != "":
467 file = "platform/" & extension.attr("platform")
468 elif extension.attr("name").startsWith("VK_KHR_video"): # hack since we do not include video headers by default
469 file = "platform/provisional"
470 let name = extension.attr("name")
471 if extension.findAll("command").len > 0:
472 outputFiles[file].add &"# extension {name}"
473 outputFiles[file].add "var"
474 for command in extension.findAll("command"):
475 if not (command.attr("name") in declared):
476 outputFiles[file].add varDecls[command.attr("name")]
477 declared.add command.attr("name")
478 outputFiles[file].add &"proc load{name}*() ="
479 var addedFunctionBody = false
480 if extension.hasAttr("depends"):
481 for dependency in extension.attr("depends").split("+"):
482 # need to check since some extensions have no commands and therefore no load-function
483 outputFiles[file].add &" load{promotions.getOrDefault(dependency, dependency)}()"
484 addedFunctionBody = true
485 for command in extension.findAll("command"):
486 outputFiles[file].add procLoads[command.attr("name")]
487 addedFunctionBody = true
488 if not addedFunctionBody:
489 outputFiles[file].add " discard"
490 outputFiles[file].add ""
492 var mainout: seq[string]
493 for section in ["basetypes", "enums", "structs", "commands"]:
494 mainout.add outputFiles[section]
495 writeFile outdir / &"types.nim", mainout.join("\n")
497 for filename, filecontent in outputFiles.pairs:
498 if filename.startsWith("platform/"):
499 writeFile outdir / &"{filename}.nim", (@[
500 "import std/dynlib",
501 "import ../types",
502 "type"
503 ] & filecontent).join("\n")
505 when isMainModule:
506 main()