1 {.emit: "#define STBTT_STATIC".}
3 {.emit: "#include \"" & currentSourcePath.parentDir() & "/stb_truetype.h\"".}
5 type stbtt_fontinfo {.importc, incompleteStruct.} = object
7 proc stbtt_InitFont(info: ptr stbtt_fontinfo, data: ptr char, offset: cint): cint {.importc, nodecl.}
8 proc stbtt_ScaleForPixelHeight(info: ptr stbtt_fontinfo, pixels: cfloat): cfloat {.importc, nodecl.}
10 proc stbtt_GetCodepointBitmap(info: ptr stbtt_fontinfo, scale_x: cfloat, scale_y: cfloat, codepoint: cint, width, height, xoff, yoff: ptr cint): cstring {.importc, nodecl.}
11 # proc stbtt_GetCodepointBitmapBox(info: ptr stbtt_fontinfo, codepoint: cint, scale_x, scale_y: cfloat, ix0, iy0, ix1, iy1: ptr cint) {.importc, nodecl.}
13 proc stbtt_GetCodepointHMetrics(info: ptr stbtt_fontinfo, codepoint: cint, advance, leftBearing: ptr cint) {.importc, nodecl.}
14 proc stbtt_GetCodepointKernAdvance(info: ptr stbtt_fontinfo, ch1, ch2: cint): cint {.importc, nodecl.}
15 proc stbtt_FindGlyphIndex(info: ptr stbtt_fontinfo, codepoint: cint): cint {.importc, nodecl.}
17 proc stbtt_GetFontVMetrics(info: ptr stbtt_fontinfo, ascent, descent, lineGap: ptr cint) {.importc, nodecl.}
19 proc ReadTrueType*(stream: Stream, name: string, codePoints: seq[Rune], lineHeightPixels: float32): Font =
20 var
21 indata = stream.readAll()
22 fontinfo: stbtt_fontinfo
23 if stbtt_InitFont(addr fontinfo, indata.ToCPointer, 0) == 0:
24 raise newException(Exception, "An error occured while loading font file")
26 result = Font(
27 name: name,
28 fontscale: float32(stbtt_ScaleForPixelHeight(addr fontinfo, cfloat(lineHeightPixels))),
29 )
31 var ascent, descent, lineGap: cint
32 stbtt_GetFontVMetrics(addr fontinfo, addr ascent, addr descent, addr lineGap)
34 result.lineHeight = float32(ascent - descent) * result.fontscale
35 result.lineAdvance = float32(ascent - descent + lineGap) * result.fontscale
37 # ensure all codepoints are available in the font
38 for codePoint in codePoints:
39 if stbtt_FindGlyphIndex(addr fontinfo, cint(codePoint)) == 0:
40 warn &"Loading font {name}: Codepoint '{codePoint}' ({cint(codePoint)}) has no glyph"
42 var
43 topOffsets: Table[Rune, int]
44 images: seq[Image[Gray]]
45 let empty_image = Image[Gray](width: 1, height: 1, data: @[[0'u8]])
47 for codePoint in codePoints:
48 var
49 width, height: cint
50 offX, offY: cint
51 let
52 data = stbtt_GetCodepointBitmap(
53 addr fontinfo,
54 result.fontscale,
55 result.fontscale,
56 cint(codePoint),
57 addr width, addr height,
58 addr offX, addr offY
59 )
60 topOffsets[codePoint] = offY
62 if char(codePoint) in UppercaseLetters:
63 result.capHeight = float32(height)
64 if codePoint == Rune('x'):
65 result.xHeight = float32(height)
67 if width > 0 and height > 0:
68 var bitmap = newSeq[Gray](width * height)
69 for i in 0 ..< width * height:
70 bitmap[i] = [data[i].uint8]
71 images.add Image[Gray](width: width.uint32, height: height.uint32, data: bitmap)
72 else:
73 images.add empty_image
75 nativeFree(data)
77 let packed = Pack(images)
79 result.fontAtlas = packed.atlas
81 let w = float32(packed.atlas.width)
82 let h = float32(packed.atlas.height)
83 for i in 0 ..< codePoints.len:
84 let
85 codePoint = codePoints[i]
86 image = images[i]
87 coord = (x: float32(packed.coords[i].x), y: float32(packed.coords[i].y))
88 iw = float32(image.width)
89 ih = float32(image.height)
90 # horizontal spaces:
91 var advance, leftBearing: cint
92 stbtt_GetCodepointHMetrics(addr fontinfo, cint(codePoint), addr advance, addr leftBearing)
94 result.glyphs[codePoint] = GlyphInfo(
95 dimension: NewVec2f(float32(image.width), float32(image.height)),
96 uvs: [
97 NewVec2f((coord.x + 0.5) / w, (coord.y + ih - 0.5) / h),
98 NewVec2f((coord.x + 0.5) / w, (coord.y + 0.5) / h),
99 NewVec2f((coord.x + iw - 0.5) / w, (coord.y + 0.5) / h),
100 NewVec2f((coord.x + iw - 0.5) / w, (coord.y + ih - 0.5) / h),
101 ],
102 topOffset: float32(topOffsets[codePoint]),
103 leftOffset: float32(leftBearing) * result.fontscale,
104 advance: float32(advance) * result.fontscale,
105 )
107 for codePointAfter in codePoints:
108 result.kerning[(codePoint, codePointAfter)] = float32(stbtt_GetCodepointKernAdvance(
109 addr fontinfo,
110 cint(codePoint),
111 cint(codePointAfter)
112 )) * result.fontscale
114 proc LoadFont*(
115 path: string,
116 name = "",
117 lineHeightPixels = 80'f32,
118 additional_codepoints: openArray[Rune] = [],
119 charset = ASCII_CHARSET,
120 package = DEFAULT_PACKAGE
121 ): Font =
122 var thename = name
123 if thename == "":
124 thename = path.splitFile().name
125 loadResource_intern(path, package = package).ReadTrueType(thename, charset & additional_codepoints.toSeq, lineHeightPixels)
127 func TextWidth*(text: seq[Rune], font: FontObj): float32 =
128 var currentWidth = 0'f32
129 var lineWidths: seq[float32]
130 for i in 0 ..< text.len:
131 if text[i] == NEWLINE:
132 lineWidths.add currentWidth
133 currentWidth = 0'f32
134 else:
135 if not (i == text.len - 1 and text[i].isWhiteSpace):
136 currentWidth += font.glyphs[text[i]].advance
137 if i < text.len - 1:
138 currentWidth += font.kerning[(text[i], text[i + 1])]
139 lineWidths.add currentWidth
140 return lineWidths.max
142 func WordWrapped*(text: seq[Rune], font: FontObj, maxWidth: float32): seq[Rune] =
143 var remaining: seq[seq[Rune]] = @[@[]]
144 for c in text:
145 if c == SPACE:
146 remaining.add newSeq[Rune]()
147 else:
148 remaining[^1].add c
149 remaining.reverse()
151 var currentLine: seq[Rune]
153 while remaining.len > 0:
154 var currentWord = remaining.pop()
155 assert not (SPACE in currentWord)
157 if currentWord.len == 0:
158 currentLine.add SPACE
159 else:
160 assert currentWord[^1] != SPACE
161 # if this is the first word of the line and it is too long we need to
162 # split by character
163 if currentLine.len == 0 and (SPACE & currentWord).TextWidth(font) > maxWidth:
164 var subWord = @[currentWord[0]]
165 for c in currentWord[1 .. ^1]:
166 if (subWord & c).TextWidth(font) > maxWidth:
167 break
168 subWord.add c
169 result.add subWord & NEWLINE
170 remaining.add currentWord[subWord.len .. ^1] # process rest of the word in next iteration
171 else:
172 if (currentLine & SPACE & currentWord).TextWidth(font) <= maxWidth:
173 if currentLine.len == 0:
174 currentLine = currentWord
175 else:
176 currentLine = currentLine & SPACE & currentWord
177 else:
178 result.add currentLine & NEWLINE
179 remaining.add currentWord
180 currentLine = @[]
181 if currentLine.len > 0 and currentLine != @[SPACE]:
182 result.add currentLine
184 return result