1 import semicongine
3 type
4 Vertex = object
5 position: PositionAttribute[Vec2]
6 color: ColorAttribute[Vec3]
7 transform: ModelTransformAttribute
8 Uniforms = object
9 view: ViewProjectionTransform
11 const
12 barcolor = Vec3([1'f, 0'f, 0'f])
13 barSize = 0.1'f
14 barWidth = 0.01'f
15 ballcolor = Vec3([0'f, 0'f, 0'f])
16 levelRatio = 1
17 ballSize = 0.01'f
19 var
20 uniforms = Uniforms()
21 pipeline: RenderPipeline[Vertex, Uniforms]
22 level: Thing
23 ballVelocity = Vec2([1'f, 1'f]).normalized * 30'f
25 proc globalUpdate(engine: var Engine; t, dt: float32) =
26 var height = float32(engine.vulkan.frameSize.y) / float32(
27 engine.vulkan.frameSize.x)
28 var width = 1'f
29 uniforms.view.value = ortho[float32](
30 0'f, width,
31 0'f, height,
32 0'f, 1'f,
33 )
34 engine.vulkan.device.updateUniformData(pipeline, uniforms)
35 var player = level.firstWithName("player")
36 if Down in engine.input.keysDown and (player.transform.col(3).y + barSize/2) < height:
37 player.transform = player.transform * translate3d(0'f, 1'f * dt, 0'f)
38 if Up in engine.input.keysDown and (player.transform.col(3).y - barSize/2) > 0:
39 player.transform = player.transform * translate3d(0'f, -1'f * dt, 0'f)
41 var ball = level.firstWithName("ball")
42 ball.transform = ball.transform * translate3d(ballVelocity[0] * dt,
43 ballVelocity[1] * dt, 0'f)
45 # loose
46 if ball.transform.col(3).x - ballSize/2 <= 0:
47 ballVelocity = Vec2([1'f, 1'f]).normalized * 30'f
48 ball.transform[0, 3] = 0.5
49 ball.transform[1, 3] = 0.5
51 # bounce level
52 if ball.transform.col(3).x + ballSize/2 > width: ballVelocity[
53 0] = -ballVelocity[0]
54 if ball.transform.col(3).y - ballSize/2 <= 0: ballVelocity[1] = -ballVelocity[1]
55 if ball.transform.col(3).y + ballSize/2 > height: ballVelocity[
56 1] = -ballVelocity[1]
58 # bar
59 if ball.transform.col(3).x - ballSize/2 <= barWidth:
60 let
61 barTop = player.transform.col(3).y - barSize/2
62 barBottom = player.transform.col(3).y + barSize/2
63 ballTop = ball.transform.col(3).y - ballSize/2
64 ballBottom = ball.transform.col(3).y + ballSize/2
65 if ballTop >= barTop and ballBottom <= barBottom:
66 ballVelocity[0] = abs(ballVelocity[0])
69 when isMainModule:
70 var myengine = igniteEngine("Pong")
71 myengine.fps = 60
72 level = newThing("Level")
73 var playerbarmesh = quad[Vertex, Vec2, float32]()
74 playerbarmesh.vertexData.color.data = @[barcolor, barcolor, barcolor, barcolor]
75 playerbarmesh.vertexData.transform.data = @[Unit44]
76 var playerbar = newThing("playerbar", playerbarmesh)
77 playerbar.transform = scale3d(barWidth, barSize, 1'f) * translate3d(0.5'f,
78 0'f, 0'f)
79 var player = newThing("player", playerbar)
80 player.transform = translate3d(0'f, 0.3'f, 0'f)
81 level.add player
83 var ballmesh = circle[Vertex, Vec2, float32]()
84 ballmesh.vertexData.color.data = newSeq[Vec3](
85 ballmesh.vertexData.position.data.len)
86 for i in 0 ..< ballmesh.vertexData.color.data.len:
87 ballmesh.vertexData.color.data[i] = ballcolor
88 ballmesh.vertexData.transform.data = @[Unit44]
89 var ball = newThing("ball", ballmesh)
90 ball.transform = scale3d(ballSize, ballSize, 1'f) * translate3d(10'f, 10'f, 0'f)
91 level.add ball
93 # upload data, prepare shaders, etc
94 const vertexShader = generateVertexShaderCode[Vertex, Uniforms]()
95 const fragmentShader = generateFragmentShaderCode[Vertex]()
96 pipeline = setupPipeline[Vertex, Uniforms, uint16](
97 myengine,
98 level,
99 vertexShader,
100 fragmentShader
101 )
102 pipeline.clearColor = Vec4([1.0'f, 1.0'f, 1.0'f, 1.0'f])
103 # show something
104 myengine.run(pipeline, globalUpdate)
105 pipeline.trash()
106 myengine.trash()